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We acknowledge the
financial support of the
Government of Canada
through the
Canada Periodical Fund
of the Department of
Canadian Heritage.

Volume 134 Issue 13


Friday, June 10, 2016

New Clinic
Will Honour
Dr. Khandelwal

90 cents plus tax

Another Home Lost To Fire


charge of naming the
new primary care centre
has unanimously decided
to name the facility after
Dr. Khandelwal, who has
been practicing medicine
in the region for over 40
years. The offi cial name of
the new clinic will be Dr.
Ajai Khandelwal Primary
Care Centre.
Th e new primary
care centre, which will
be built directly west of
the current hospital and
will be equipped with
electronic record keepFile photo
ing, is an important step
towards combatting the difficulty rural communities
face in attracting medical practitioners. The new facility
will be able to accommodate fi ve doctors and will include 10 treatment rooms, as well as a procedure room.
Weve had a lot of involvement from our neighbouring municipalities, said Minnedosa Mayor Ray
Orr, so to come along and say lets name it Minnedosa Primary Care Centre, well that doesnt really recognize the contribution other groups have made.
So we were kind of searching around for something
other than Minnedosa... and one day I was thinking to
myself if there is something that has been a common denominator in all these areas for some period of time and
the first person that comes to mind is Dr. Khandelwal.
Mayor Orr said that he could think of no better way to
recognize the important role Dr. Khandelwal has played
in the region over the past decades, than by naming the
new facility after him. The committee in charge of the
project unanimously agreed.
But you cant do that without asking the guy, said
Mayor Orr, so one day I went and spoke to him and he
said that he would be humbled and honoured to have
that happen. So were happy to say that thats the way its
going and thats what it is going to be called.
Born in Dehli, India, and trained in England, Dr.
Khandelwal moved to Manitoba after a family vacation
with his wife and two young sons in 1972. He began his
medical practice in Gimli in 1973 and has been a pillar of
the community in the Minnedosa region since hired by
the board of trustees and administration of the Erickson
Medical Nursing Unit in 1974.

Continued on Page 3

Photos by Don Burgess


or the third time in a six

week period, another
local home has been destroyed by fire. Members of
the Minnedosa Fire Department received a page of a
structure fire at 2:55 p.m. on
Sunday, June 5th. Twelve
members responded to the
blaze at an older brick home
on 3rd Street N.E.
Firefi ghters were onsite for two hours and contained the blaze, however,
the home received extensive damage. The occupant
of the rental home was not
hurt in the fi re, nor were
his three pets, which were
trapped inside the home
at the time of the fire. After
firefighters had combatted

and knocked down the

fl ames, two members entered the home to search
for the occupants pets.
A large dog was located
cowering safely in the
bathtub while a smaller
dog was safely located in a
bedroom. Later, a cat was

located terrifi ed but unharmed under a chair inside the home.

At presstime, the
cause of Sundays house
fi re is unknown but is under investigation.
Th e day earlier, Saturday, June 4th, local

firefi ghters attended a

grassfi re near the corner
of Riverdale Road and
Highway #10 south of
Minnedosa. It is unknown
what started this fire but
the blaze was extinguished
before reaching any buildings.

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