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Universitatea Petre Andrei din Iai

Facultatea de tiine Politice i Administrative


Corruption in the political system

Titular Disciplina
Asist. univ.drd. Sorina Postolea

Student: Dutcec Adrian

Anul de

studiu :II

Corruption is a serious development challenge. In the political field, undermines

democracy and good governance by flouting or even corrupting formal processes. Corruption in
elections and in legislative bodies reduces accountability and distorts representation in
policymaking; corruption in the judiciary compromises the rule of law and corruption in public
administration results in inefficient service delivery. This violates a basic principle of
republicanism in terms of the centrality of civic virtue. More generally, corruption erodes
institutional capacity of government as procedures are considered, resources are diverted, and
public offices are bought and sold. At the same time, corruption undermines the legitimacy of the
government and democratic values as trust and tolerance.
Corruption facilitates environmental destruction. Corrupt countries may formally
legislation to protect the environment, it can not be enforced if officials can be easily bribed. The
same applies to social protection of workers rights, preventing unionization, and child labor.
Violations of these rights law allows countries to get a corrupt economic unfair advantage in
international market.
The phenomenon of corruption has a number of features and distinctive characteristics
that are dependent on the nature of the political regime, the historical evolution of social,
economic and cultural, legal system and moral or spiritual condition of each company.
All companies, regardless of the nature of the economic system or political, consider the
phenomenon of corruption as an indicator of the moral state of the nation and as a consequence
of the lack of social control of the most important state institutions or even the involvement of
these institutions in a sphere private illicit. For much of sociologists and criminologists
contemporary phenomenon of corruption is a real "disease" of the social body, a condition
endemic eroding the foundations of civil society and the rule of law, the more harmful the more
hijacks important funds of the company and orients finalities economic process in the private
interests of individuals or groups of people.
Political corruption erodes trust in public institutions and in democracy, favoring tax
evasion and undermine the national economy, foreign investment and helps prevent organized
crime groups to gain access to the political leadership of the state, endangering its safety.

Political corruption and petty corruption remains a significant problem in Romania, even
if there were some positive results in terms of high-level corruption cases. 25 percent of
Romanians they maintain that they were asked, explicitly or tacitly, to pay a bribe in the last year,
this is the second (after the Lithuanians, with 29 percent) the highest percentage in the EU. The
highest perception of corruption in Romania, 67 percent recorded in the following areas: police,
customs and health, the opposite being, 15 percent, financial institutions and banking and 16
percent, private companies .
Because DNA surveys, nearly half of large cities in Romania, mayors no longer in office.
21 municipalities of the 48 largest local institutions - capital cities and sectors (41 counties and
seven municipalities of Bucharest) are issued by mayors, suspended for corruption. These
mayors, elected in June 2012 have various criminal matters: convicted, in custody or judicial
control, are indicted, prosecuted or declared incompatible. "The mayor's mandate is suspended
by law only if it has been taken into custody" by order of the prefect, provides local government
law. If the mayor is suspended, his duties are taken over by one of the deputy mayors, chosen by
a secret ballot of local councilors. With few exceptions, 2015 was the year that most arrests
occurred among mayors Romania.
Between 1990-March 2016 they were convicted for corruption eight mayors of major
cities (listed above) and 6 of Bucharest district mayor and 61 high-ranking politicians (MPs or
members of government).
The political situation in Romania affects the stability of the economic environment for
Romania's population paid through higher taxes and lower wages and make it difficult to attract
foreign investors. Romania, the second lowest in the EU at the political, economic and social
Stability and military security are not sufficient prerequisites for economic growth and
development of the business community. Legislative and political stability are decisive for
People are unhappy with the corrupt political system,the politicians steal alot,insted of
doing something for this country.For example,the lack of highways in Romania, if it would be
raised all the money stolen from them, our country now would have had many more kilometers
of highways.
After the tragedy that took place in Colectiv,where a lot of people were killed,others

seriously injured,people took to the streets to protest against the corruption from the system,they
want all of this to end,it's not easy,but also not impossible,if they will be united.
All the corruprion from the political sistem It severely affects the political stability of our
country,the living standards of all, perception of other countries against our country and so on.
The corrupt sistem must come down if we want a better future,a better development.

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