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June 2016


Narnia Adventure
All-Church Camp-Out at Monrovia
Canyon Park

Fri.-Sun., June 24-26, 2016

This year's camp-out features fun outdoor adventures. Our adventure takes us through an
ordinary wardrobe into the magical kingdom of Narnia. Camp is for singles, couples, families of
all ages. Register for the whole weekend with tent camping, or just one day and sleep at home.
Cost is $40/family per weekend or $20/family for Sat. onlyor $20/per person for the weekend
and $10 per person for Sat. only.
Space is limited- register today! For more information contact Vikki Randall at (Note: there will be no Sunday School on Sunday, June 26th)
You may have noticed a large amount of oranges, yellows, reds, and blues in the
front of the sanctuary. So what is all that about anyway?
This art installment titled "Baptism(s) 2:38" (which originally we thought we
would put up for Pentecost Sunday) we wanted to represent the idea of our dual
baptisms. One in which we are baptized in water, one in which we are baptized
in fire (the Holy Spirit). We know some believe that these baptisms are a
separate thing happening at different times, for those that idea is represented
by a definite line of where the water ends and fire begins. For some these baptisms are believed to
occur at the same time, for those that idea is represented by how the fire and water is interconnected to form one single continuous chain. There are a little
over 10,000 paper links to make up this installment, all
stapled lovingly by our team of 8. This installment took those
8 people a little less than a week to complete, with multiple
long 10 hour days for many of us. So if you see Joanne Doyle,
Mel Ahlgren, Deb Hale, Savannah Smith, Nate Smith, Eva
Webb, Christianna Ray please thank them!

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Adult Class, hosted by Couriers: 9am Sundays

Come to the Bible Class, in the Fireside Room, at 9am. Evan Bassett will be leading until June. He is
a Fuller grad in Ancient Near Eastern Studies who will be going to Emory for his PhD in the Fall.

Sunday Morning Adult Group

Come and join us for an adult group, on Sunday morning at 9am in the Corner House. We will be
reading and praying and growing together through Ruth Haley Barton's newest book, Life Together in
Christ: Experiencing Transformation in Community. We will meet through June 19th and all are
welcome. For more information, contact Anita Sorenson at

Sunday Morning Womens Group

A womens group is meeting at 9am in the Santa Barbara room. We are going through the book
Prayer: Finding the Hearts True Home, by Richard Foster and exploring different forms of prayer
together. All women are welcome to join at any time. If you have any questions please contact Eva
Webb or Lisa Thackwell!

Young Families Potluck Playdate: June 17th

Young Families Playdate & Potluck dinner will be on Friday, June 17th from 4-7pm at the home of
Blair Melissa Heuer (230 N Grand Avenue, Pasadena 91103). The main course is provided by the
Heuers, so please bring side dishes or desserts. Its an open house style: come when you can, stay for
however long you can. No is RSVP required, but an email/text to Melissa would be helpful in
planning ( or 650-274-3123).


At the end of the worship service we will say thank you to Tim and Elaine Dally for their faithful service to our congregation these past six years. We plan to present them with a gift and pray over them.

Congregational Meeting - Sunday, June 19th

We will have a short congregational meeting at the end of the service to vote on changing the Fiscal
Year to begin on July 1. Absentee ballots will be provided for those who cant attend. We will also
provide a preliminary summary of the 2016-2017 fiscal year expense budget proposal. Final income
and expense numbers will not be available until early July so we will not vote on the budget proposal
until July.

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Urban Ministries Team

The Urban Ministries Team Meeting will
meet on Monday, June 13th, in the Santa
Barbara Room at 6:45pm. Newcomers are
always welcome to attend, learn, and give
their input. For more info, contact Vikki
Randall at

Womens Book Club

The Pasadena Covenant Women's Book
Club will not meet in June, July, or August.
For more information, please contact
Jennifer at

Sarah Circle will not meet in June, July, or

August. For more info, contact Julie Maljian
at (818) 790-5911.

The Cross-Cultural Ministry will meet on

Monday, June 27th at 7pm.
For more information and the location of the
meeting, please contact Bruce Wear at

Annual Meeting
Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, July 17th,
where the 2016-2017 Fiscal Year Budget will be
voted upon. Absentee ballot will be available to
those who cant attend upon request.

The Men's Book Club will meet at the

Corner House at 7pm on Thursday, June
9th. We will discuss KIDNAPPED BY THE
TALIBAN, by Dilip Joseph, MD. Dr. Joseph,
who has roots in Pasadena, relates his
harrowing experience, along with some
unexpected turns. First-timers always
welcome. For more info, contact Rich Doyle

The next Koinonia Prayer and Praise Potluck

will be on Sunday, June 5th, at 5:30pm at the
home of Art and Dorothy Patzia. To
coordinate your potluck item sign up at or contact Judy Tautrim
at (818) 522-7979.

Come to the Community Potluck Dinner on

Tuesday, June 14th in our own courtyard. It's
a time to come, relax, eat and fellowship together. Arrive any time after 6:00pm to spend
time with others who come. This is a potluck
dinner, so bring something delicious to share.

Trustee Meeting
Tuesday, June 7th
7pm in the Corner House

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2016 Fiscal Update



Monthly Income

Actual Year to
Date Income

Year to Date

YTD Actual minus

YTD Budgeted
+ 2,206


Our Income target for our six month budget is $281,000. We need to average $46,118 in both May
and June to make that goal. Thank you for your generosity.
Our daily and yearly rhythms shape our affections and
attentions. The liturgical calendar itself can be a way of
communicating to ourselves and to our families that we find
our greatest meaning in the context of Jesus redeeming
work on the cross. The time between Pentecost and the
beginning of Advent is known as Ordinary Time. Its called
ordinary because these are counted weeks (think of
ordinal numbersthat word comes from the same Latin root), but I still like the association with
the more common definition of ordinary. These are the weeks to take all of the things we've learned
in the Sacred seasons and work them out in our everyday lives and as a community of believers.
These periods of liturgical Ordinary Time are to remind us that it is in and through our ordinary
days that we live out the mystery of our salvation. Most of us live ordinary lives with ordinary days in
which we know our best and our worst self and everything in-between. We have our days when, with
a bounce in our step, we are able to bring joy, patience, and gratitude to others, and days when we
need hope, trust, and a forgiving heart to put one foot in front of the other. It is in these ordinary
days that the extraordinary mystery of Gods faithful love builds His Kingdom in and through us.
We will be focusing on the theme of Ordinary Time over these next few months, from the pulpit
with our guest preachers, and in our prayers as a community. Welcome to Ordinary Time.

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Cross-Cultural Ministry Funds Available

Are you or a family member interested in expanding your vision and participation in Gods work around the
world this year? If so, the Cross-Cultural Ministry Team would like to help. We have set aside funds for
individuals interested in a short term mission project. Here is the grant application process.

Process for Short Term Project

#1 Contact Steve Stuckey ( or Paul Fletcher (

immediately to get a copy of the application.

#2 Complete the application and mail it to Paul Fletcher by June 1, 2016.

#3 The Cross-Cultural Ministry team will process all applications and respond by June 20. (note: Full time
missionaries supported by the church will also participate in a similar grant process but with a different

Lunch to Learn about Ministries in Zambia

Sun., June 5th 12-2 pm Corner House
You are invited to lunch in the Corner House after the service on June
5 to hear Rory and Vikki Randall share about their involvement with
ministries in Zambia. He and a couple of friends have formed a
nonprofit, Africa Ministry Partners, to work with indigenous pastors
who both preach the gospel and minster alongside the poor.
For more information, you can visit

Interested in local urban ministries & social justice?

Scholarships available to CCDA conference Aug. 31-Sept. 3 Westin Bonadventure Hotel
The Nat'l Conference of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) is held
annually with outstanding workshops. CCDA is an organization which seeks to "inspire, train, and
connect Christians who seek to bear witness to the Kingdom of God by reclaiming and restoring
under-resourced neighborhoods. Their goal is to see holistically restored communities with
Christians fully engaged in the process of transformation." This year, the conference is local-- at the
Westin Bonadventure Hotel in Los Angeles, Aug. 31st-Sept. 3rd. Cost is normally $279 (Students
$159 & Volunteers $59) but our Urban Ministries team is hoping to gather enough attendees for
a group rate ($209) which we will underwrite with half scholarships (or full if needed) to a cost of
just $100. For more info go to the CCDA website at To take
advantage of this reduced rate to register please contact: Vikki Randall or Brenda Thomas before August 1st.

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Journey IN the Promised Land: Were here!!!

God's Big Welcome Sunday Mornings at 10:30am
This year our kids are on a journey IN the promised land as they learn about what it means to be
a part of God's Kingdom. In June we will focus on Jesus' teachings.

Mighty Memorizers
Mighty Memorizers encourages kids to learn one memory verse per month, related to their
Sunday lessons. The June verse is: Jesus said to her, I am the resurrection and the life. He who
believes in me will live, even though he dies John 11:25. Challenge the whole family to learn
this important message together. Kids can recite their verse to any of their Sunday School group
leaders any time throughout the month. The deadline to recite verses to your group leader is
Sunday, June 12th. All the Mighty Memorizers will be honored at the awards ceremony on June
12th at 9:15am in Logosland. They will recite verses in church on June 19th.
There will be no Sunday School on Sunday, June 24th due to the All-Church Camp Out.

Join our Kids' Ministry Team!

Volunteers needed for summer & fall particularly for our adorable 2 & 3 year olds!
More than 50 kids are a part of our ministry every Sundaygrowing, learning, and responding to
the truth of God's love. We have an amazing team that is blessed to watch them grow, hear their
often profound questions, and see how God is at work in these young lives. We need volunteers
to join our team with all ages, but particularly for the 2 and 3 year old class. A great way to
sample this ministry and see what it's all about is with summer Sunday Schoolno planning or
prep is needed, just come alongside to serve as mentor and friend to our kids. This summer we'll
be meeting together on the courtyard for "stories by the sea"experiencing Jesus' parablesled by
Colleen Thaxton and Vikki Randall. You can volunteer 2, 3 or more Sundaysjust contact Vikki

Summer Sundays Stories by the Sea July 3-Sep. 4

This summer all the kids will be meeting together on the courtyard for "stories by the sea"
experiencing Jesus' parablesled by Colleen Thaxton & Vikki Randall.

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For times, locations or other information about these events, please contact Dave Rinker at

Pasadena Covenant Church

539 North Lake Avenue
Pasadena, California, 91101-1217
Return Service Requested

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June 2016
1 Wednesday
2 Thursday
3 Friday
4 Saturday
5 Sunday
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality
12:00pm Lunch to Learn about Ministries in
6:00pm Koinonia Prayer & Praise potluck
6 Monday
7 Tuesday
7:00pm Trustee Meeting
8 Wednesday
9 Thursday
7:00pm Mens Book Club
10 Friday
PCSM Beach & Bond Fire
11 Saturday
12 Sunday - Pastor Tims Farewell
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality
13 Monday
6:45pm Urban Ministries Meeting

14 Tuesday
6:00pm Community Dinner
15 Wednesday
PCSM Pool Qs & Pizza
16 Thursday
17 Friday
4:00pm Young Families Potluck Playdate
18 Saturday
19 Sunday
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality
12:00pm Congregational Meeting
20 Monday
21 Tuesday
7:00pm Womens Book Club
22 Wednesday
PCSM Last Years Wannabes
23 Thursday
24 Friday
Everyone Church Camp - Monrovia Canyon
25 Saturday
Everyone Church Camp - Monrovia Canyon
26 Sunday
Everyone Church Camp - Monrovia Canyon
9:00am Classes
10:30am Worship Service
11:45am Hospitality

27 Monday
7:00pm Cross-Cultural Ministry Meeting
28 Tuesday
29 Wednesday
PCSM Film & Food
30 Thursday

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