Kashmir Solidarity Day

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Tomorrow we celebrate Kashmir Solidarity Day. Asia Andrabi has released a video
message for this day. Lets tell her that she is the Daughter of Pakistan and Pakistan
owns her like we own every other Kashmiri. Also lets reassert the fact, as stated by
COAS, that "Kashmir is an unfinished agenda of partition".
Content Creators:
Make good, enticing posters, 4 each (2 English, 2 Urdu). Find your names below
against punch lines. You can find images for your posters here:
(http://tinyurl.com/jh84t7y )
Punch lines:

Kashmir Solidarity Day is a day dedicated to show Pakistan's support and unity
with the people of Indian-occupied Kashmir, their ongoing freedom struggle, and
to pay homage to Kashmiri martyrs who lost their lives fighting for Kashmir's

freedom. (Farah Vaseem)

The UNSC Resolution of 21 April 1948--one of the principal UN resolutions on
Kashmirstated that both India and Pakistan desire that the question of the
accession of Jammu and Kashmir to India or Pakistan should be decided through
the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite. (Faraan Khan)

The basic points about the UN resolution are that:

The complaint relating to Kashmir was initiated by India in the Security
Council (we did not go to UN, India did); (Ali Imran)
The Council explicitly and by implications, rejected India's claim that
Kashmir is legally Indian territory; (Abeer Hashim)
The resolutions established self-determination as the governing principal
for the settlement of the Kashmir dispute. This is the world body's
commitment to the people of Kashmir; (Ghazanfar Khan)

The resolutions endorsed a binding agreement between India and

Pakistan reached through the mediation of UNCIP, that a plebiscite would
be held, under agreed and specified conditions. (Atif Aslam)

The Security Council has rejected the Indian contention that the people of
Kashmir have exercised their right of self-determination by participating in the
"election" which India has from time to time organized in the Held Kashmir. The
0.2% turn out during the 1989 "elections" was the most clear repudiation of the

Indian claim. (Waheed Gul)

Make one poster each for cases 24-27. Click this link (http://tinyurl.com/hqx7o74)
and open page 194. We MUST remind the world on this day about the human

rights violations India is committing in Kashmir. (Zarar Khan)

Watch this video released by Asia Andrabi ( http://tinyurl.com/z6odf54 )and make
4 good posters from it. (Syed Munim)

Tag all foreign journalists and ask them to speak on the UN Resolution of 21 April, 1948.
Also tag Syed Ali Geelani and show immense support to him and Kashmiris. Do positive
tweets for Asia Andrabi and give this message that she is not only the Daughter of
Kashmir, she is the Daughter of entire Pakistan.
Hash Tag: #DaughterOfPakistan
Time: 1000hrs on 05-02-2016


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