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Meyn is the reliable and committed partner of

renowned poultry processing companies in over
90 countries worldwide. With people that have the
right professional skills to offer you both the flexibility
and innovation. With local presence in many places
around the globe. With relentless drive to help you to
improve your performance by offering intelligent and
situation-specific solutions. And with all the
knowledge, equipment, systems and services that are
critical for your success.

Dedicated to poultry processing

for more than

50 years

At Meyn, we focus on our customers ambition to

optimise their financial results while realising the
right number of products of specific quality. For this
purpose, Meyn presents an extensive range of
processing equipment and related systems. When
desired, equipment and systems can be combined
to form solutions that are more integrated in nature.
Meyn has been at the forefront of equipment design
and innovation for more than 50 years.

Setting the pace

The ongoing mechanisation of the evisceration department has a profound impact on
poultry processing. This formerly labour intensive activity with limited throughput
has rapidly evolved into a high capacity and virtually labour free process. As a result,
the evisceration department nowadays turns out unprecedented volumes of properly
eviscerated birds that - within the processing value chain - have the characteristics of a
commodity. The evisceration department generates the raw material for the second stage
in processing, where product value is increased by cut up and deboning. Meyn has always
played a leading role in these developments.

When Meyn introduced the first carousel machines

operations. The competitive landscape furthermore

in evisceration in 1972, it was soon recognised that

demands that the costs per unit processed are as low

this would alter the dynamics of processing, and the

as possible. This requires high processing capacities

concept became widely accepted. At the same time,

and a labour involvement that is reduced to the

consumer demands were shifting and the whole bird

absolute minimum. This can only be achieved with

slowly ceased to be the end product of processing.

systems that have the capability to properly process

This change in emphasis evidently impacted the

a wide range of birds at high speeds in a trouble free

performance requirements for evisceration

manner. This is precisely what Meyn evisceration

equipment. In short, the evisceration department has

systems have been doing all over the world for the

to produce A-grade, clean and well eviscerated birds

last decades.

that will yield maximum returns in the downstream

Meyn ECP, the

industry benchmark

Customers from around the world have opted for Meyn evisceration technology again
and again, making the Meyn evisceration system the most widely applied system in
poultry processing. This has allowed us to improve the performance of our evisceration
lines under a very wide range of operational conditions and over the years, the Meyn ECP
evisceration line has emerged as the industry benchmark. Continuous research and field
testing has pushed the performance to the top on all aspects that matter in processing,
such as yield, speed and product flexibility. At the same time, the ECP line is renowned
for its trouble free operations and the limited attention that is required for this part of the
processing line. Furthermore, all individual stations in the Meyn ECP line are based on the
same unique design, with features that lead to additional user benefits. The overall result
is a world class performance under a very wide range of operational conditions.

Closed curve drum

Stainless steel slide blocks

Ergonomic and exact

adjustment by means
of hydraulics

Torque sensor,
stops the line at first sign of jam

Integrated doors

Rotating wiper and receiving bin

Vent cutter

The Meyn vent cutter has several unique features that

Furthermore, a correct positioning of the bird

assure an optimal cut while processing a wide weight

virtually eliminates the risk of intestine damage due

range. Optimal positioning of the bird with regard to

to miss cuts. This of course is highly important as

the vent knife prior to and during drilling ensures a

otherwise the birds could be contaminated with

perfect bird handling and makes sure that the birds

faeces which unfavourably influences product

are positioned in the best possible way. This is highly

hygiene. As the Meyn vent cutter uses a mechanical

important in order to achieve the most optimal cut

vent clamping device, no vacuum or compressed air

independent of the weight ranges that are processed.

is required, increasing the machines reliability.

Opening machine

Meyns opening machine, with its patented scissors

The spring-loaded cutting mechanism protects

mechanism, can handle a wide weight range within

the scissors from overload damage. Combined

one machine setting. This is partly due to the fact that

with the knife design, this makes the scissors very

the processing unit is uniquely positioned against

reliable resulting in a highly uniform and consistent

the keel bone before cutting. This positively affects

performance. Moreover, the scissors are virtually

product quality as the breasts remain perfectly

maintenance free, further reducing the TCO of this

covered with skin. The typical design of the centring


bracket results in a very limited number of damaged


Fat retention machine

In plants processing at high speeds even the

several options are possible. The fat pads can be

smallest detail can make a huge difference and

harvested in the evisceration line and can be sold as

maximising yield is essential for each product.

a by-product. Furthermore, it can be left in the griller

During evisceration, a considerable amount of fat is

and sold as whole bird or it can be processed in the

often removed from the carcass together with the

cut up line. The fat retention machine is a unique

viscera pack. With the Meyn fat retention machine,

processing step in the evisceration department which

the majority of the leaf fat remains attached to the

efficiently maximises yield.

carcass after removal of the viscera. After this,

Maestro eviscerator

The Meyn Maestro eviscerator is, by far, the best

damage to the liver. The back plate adjustment and

sold and most applied eviscerator in the world. The

long stroke result in an optimal performance and

Meyn Maestro eviscerator can handle the widest

the ability to process a very wide weight range. At

weight ranges within one flock and setting as well

the outlet of the machine, the birds pass through a

as over different flocks. With the Maestro, unrivalled

compact yet effective washing station in order to

evisceration performances can be obtained at

reduce the risk of faecal contamination. Furthermore,

the lowest possible downtime and running costs

the Meyn Maestro can handle virtually all types


of evisceration lines and shackles and can also

successfully be incorporated into competitor lines.

The spring-loaded spoon mechanism assures a

constant superior evisceration result without any

Cropping machine

Unique feature in Meyns cropping machine is the

the neck skin intact, as damages to the neck skin can

patented neck support block. This neck support block

cause weight loss or the downgrading of the griller.

assures that the neck is kept in a uniform position as

the cropper drill removes crop rests, the oesophagus

Furthermore, the drill drive mechanism reduces

and trachea. The extended stroke and the increased

mechanical wear and assures an extended spindle life

number of revolutions allow for a thorough cleaning

cycle allowing for decreased maintenance intervals

of the neck skin. Highly important factor is to keep

and costs.


Neck breaker

The Meyn neck breaker removes necks to the

The necks fall directly in the receiving bin without

highest accuracy and consistency. The possibility

touching the units or birds. This reduces the risk of

to adjust the neck length depending on end product

cross contamination and keeps the machine clean

requirements makes it possible to optimise yield.

allowing it to run without human interference. By

Even very short neck stumps (between the shoulders)

simply changing the cam insert, the machine can also

are possible. The sideways clamping device avoids

be used as a neck breaker that leaves the neck in the

unnecessary neck skin damage and combined with

neck skin attached to the bird.

the shoulder supports, wing damage is completely



Final inspection machine

Meyns final inspection machine features a

performance is further improved by the automatic

double stroke action for improved results. The

disabling of the suction function should an empty

full processing cycle is dedicated to cleaning the

shackle pass the unit. Cleaning of the vacuum system

abdominal cavity of the bird allowing lungs and

is easy; by operating only two valves, all suction

other small parts to be removed effectively. The

channels are thoroughly rinsed.


bird washer

Meyn can supply a range of inside/outside bird

results in thoroughly cleaned birds and an extremely

washers suitable for different applications and every

low water consumption due to the efficient use

market requirement. The models feature unique

of water. All washers have a double stroke action

technologies for cleaning such as medium pressure

for improved washing results. Furthermore, some

loosening of dirt followed by low pressure rinsing,

models are prepared for the use of decontamination

leave fat lifting cams and spinning nozzles. This



Giblet harvesting

Meyn can supply a complete range of giblet

deliver the Meyn Magic giblet harvester. This single

harvesting solutions suitable for different

and very compact machine can easily be integrated

applications and every market requirement.

with the Meyn Maestro eviscerator.

When requiring perfect quality and excellent yield,

For the additional processing of hearts, livers,

the combination of the Meyn Maestro eviscerator

gizzards, etc. Meyn offers various solutions, such

and the Meyn Sematic giblet harvester is the best

as washers, peelers and inspection tables. Meyns

solution. This semi-automatic giblet harvester is very

specialists can provide highly efficient logistical

compact, easy to operate and suitable for a wide

concepts focussing on operation, throughput, floor

range of applications.

space and labour savings. Whatever requirements

you may have regarding giblet harvesting, Meyn can

For an entirely handsfree operation in combination

offer a wide range of proven concepts that perfectly

with an optimal yield and product quality, Meyn can

match your demands.



Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V.

P.O. Box 16, 1510 AA Oostzaan
The Netherlands
T: +31 (0) 75 - 684 3355
F: +31 (0) 75 - 684 4150

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