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The Westminster Confession of Faith Harmonized

An Index for Reformed Confessions Harmonized

Chapter 1 — Of the Holy Scripture

1.1 Westminster Larger Catechism Question 2
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 2
Heidelberg Catechism Question 122
Canons of Dordt Head 3&4a6–7 1
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T 2: Revelation. Page 8

1.2, 1.4–10 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 2–3

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 3–5
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 3–5 & 7
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 19, 22, & 98
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 1.1–8 & 2
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a3, 2a5, 3&4a8&17, & 5a14
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: The Holy Scriptures. Page 10

1.3 Belgic Confession of Faith Article 6

Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 1.9
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: Apocrypha. Page 8

1.6 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapters 30–31

Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 30–32
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 82–85
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 14.5–6, 18, 22, 23, 24.1–3, 25, & 28
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: The Gov’t & Office-Bearers of the Church. Page 198

Chapter 2 — Of God, and of the Holy Trinity

2.1–2 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 4–5
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 6–8
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 1
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 94–95
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 3.1–2
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: Being & Attributes of God. Page 6

2.3 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 6

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 9–10
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 8–9
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 24–25
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 3.3–3.5
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: The Holy Trinity. Page 20

Chapter 3 — Of God's Eternal Decree

3.1–8 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 7–8
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 12–14
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 16
Heidelberg Catechism Question 54
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 10
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a6–18, 1r1–9, 2a8–9, 2r1, 2r7, 5r1, & Conclusion
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: God’s Decrees & Predestination. Page 28

1 In the Canons of Dordt references, an ‘a’ in the reference refers to ‘Article’ while an ‘r’ refers to ‘Rejection’.
2 In references to Reformed Confessions Harmonized: T Theology; A Anthropology; C Christology; S Soteriology; Ec Ecclesiology; Es Eschatology.
Chapter 4 — Of Creation
4.1–2 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 9–10
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 15–17
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 12
Heidelberg Catechism Question 6
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 7
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: Creation. Page 36

Chapter 5 — Of Providence
5.1–7 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 11
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 18–20
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 13
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 26–28 & 125
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 6
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: Providence. Page 40

Chapter 6 — Of the Fall of Man, of Sin, and of the Punishment Thereof

6.1–6 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 13–19
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 21–29
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 14–15
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 5 & 7–14
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 8
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a1, 2a1–2, 2r5, 3&4a1–4, & 3&4r1–4
Reformed Confessions Harmonized A: The Fall of Man, Original Sin, & Punishment. Page 46

Chapter 7 — Of God’s Covenant with Man

7.1–6 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 12 & 20
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 20 & 30–35
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 17
Canons of Dordt Head 2r2
Reformed Confessions Harmonized A: God’s Covenant with Man. Page 52
Chapter 8 — Of Christ the Mediator
8.1, 8.8 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 23–26
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 43–45
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 21 & 26
Heidelberg Catechism Question 31
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 11.16–17
Reformed Confessions Harmonized C: The Offices of Christ. Page 68

8.2–3, 8.7 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 21

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 36 & 38–39
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 19
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 15–17
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 11.6–8
Reformed Confessions Harmonized C: The Natures of Jesus Christ. Page 66

8.2 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 21

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 11, 36, 38, & 40
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 10
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 17–18 & 33
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 11.1–3
Canons of Dordt Head 2a4
Reformed Confessions Harmonized T: The Godhead of the Son. Page 24

8.3 Belgic Confession of Faith Article 17

Heidelberg Catechism Questions 12 & 18
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 5.2–5.3
Reformed Confessions Harmonized C: Christ the Mediator. Page 62

8.4 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 22 & 27–28

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 37 & 46–57
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 18
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 35–52
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 11.4–5, 11.9–15, & 11.18
Reformed Confessions Harmonized C: The States of Christ. Page 74

8.5 Belgic Confession of Faith Article 20

Heidelberg Catechism Question 11
Canons of Dordt Head 2a2
Reformed Confessions Harmonized C: God’s Just Mercy in Christ. Page 82

8.6 Heidelberg Catechism Question 19

Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 13.1–2
Canons of Dordt Head 2a5
Reformed Confessions Harmonized C: The Promises of the Gospel. Page 82

Chapter 9 — Of Free Will

9.1–5 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 82
Westminster Larger Catechism Question 149
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 14
Heidelberg Catechism Question 8
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 9
Canons of Dordt Head 2r3 & 2r6
Reformed Confessions Harmonized A: Free Will and Inability. Page 56
Chapter 10 — Of Effectual Calling
10.1–3 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 29–32
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 58–59 & 66–67
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 14
Canons of Dordt Head 3&4a6, 3&4a10–13, 3&4a15-16, & 3&4r6–9
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Effectual Calling & Regeneration. Page 90

10.4 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 16.7

Belgic Confession of Faith Article 14
Canons of Dordt Head 3&4a8–9 & 3&4r5
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 60 & 68
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Common Grace & External Calling. Page 88

Chapter 11 — Of Justification
11.1–6 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 33
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 69–71
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 23
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 1, 37–39, 45, 56, 59–61, 84, & 126
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 15
Canons of Dordt Head 2a3, & 2r4
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Justification. Page 98

11.2 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 14

Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 85–86
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 72–73 & 153
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 22
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 20–23, 53, & 61
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 16.1–2
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a2–6, 2a6–7, & 3&4a13–14
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Saving Faith. Page 94

11.5 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 17

Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 36
Westminster Larger Catechism Question 79
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 1, 46–47, 51, 53–54, & 127
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a11, 1r6, 2a9, & 5
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Perseverance. Page 118

Chapter 12 — Of Adoption
12.1 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 34
Westminster Larger Catechism Question 74
Heidelberg Catechism Question 33
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Adoption. Page 106

Chapter 13 — Of Sanctification
13.1–3 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 35
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 75 & 77–78
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 24
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 32, 43, 76, 86, 115, 122, & 124
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a13 & 5a13
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Sanctification. Page 104
Chapter 14 — Of Saving Faith
14.1–3 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 11.2
Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 85–86
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 72–73 & 153
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 22
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 20–23, 53, & 61
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 16.1–2
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a2–6, 2a6–7, & 3&4a13–14
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Saving Faith. Page 94

14.3 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 18

Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 36
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 80–81
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 1, 79, 86, & 129
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a12, 1r8, 5a9–11, 5a13, & 5r5–6
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Assurance. Page 126

Chapter 15 — Of Repentance unto Life

15.1–6 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 87
Westminster Larger Catechism Question 76
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 2, 81, 87–90, & 114
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 14.1–4 & 14.7
Canons of Dordt Head 5a7
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Repentance & Conversion. Page 108

Chapter 16 — Of Good Works

16.1–7 Westminster Larger Catechism Question 78
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 24
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 62–64, 86, & 91
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 16.2–7
Canons of Dordt Head 5a12
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Good Works. Page 114

16.7 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 10.4

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 60 & 68
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 14
Canons of Dordt Head 3&4a8–9 & 3&4r5
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Common Grace & External Calling. Page 88

Chapter 17 — Of the Perseverance of the Saints

17.1–3 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 11.5
Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 36
Westminster Larger Catechism Question 79
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 1, 46–47, 51, 53–54, & 127
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a11, 1r6, 2a9, & 5
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Perseverance. Page 118

Chapter 18 — Of the Assurance of Grace and Salvation

18.1–4 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 14.3
Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 36
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 80–81
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 1, 79, 86, & 129
Canons of Dordt Heads 1a12, 1r8, 5a9–11, 5a13, & 5r5–6
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Assurance. Page 126
Chapter 19 — Of the Law of God
19.1–7 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 39–44
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 91–102 & 122
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 25
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 3–4 & 92–93
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 12
Canons of Dordt Head 3&4a5
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: The Law of God. Page 130

Chapter 20 — Of Christian Liberty, and Liberty of Conscience

20.1–4 Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 27
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Christian Liberty. Page 170

Chapter 21 — Of Religious Worship, and the Sabbath Day

21.1–6 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 49–52
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 107–109
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 96–98
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 4, 5.1–2, & 5.4–6
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: The Second Commandment. Page 140

21.3–4 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 98

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 178–185
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 116–117
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 23.1–23.3 & 24.4–8
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: Prayer & Fasting. Page 140

21.7–8 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 57–62

Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 115–121
Heidelberg Catechism Question 103
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: The Fourth Commandment. Page 148

Chapter 22 — Of Lawful Oaths and Vows

22.1–7 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 53–56
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 111–114
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 99–102
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 5.7
Reformed Confessions Harmonized S: The Third Commandment. Page 144

Chapter 23 — Of the Civil Magistrate

23.1–4 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 31.2 & 31.5
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 36
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 101 & 104–105
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 30
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: Civil Authorities. Page 230

Chapter 24 — Of Marriage and Divorce

24.1–6 Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 29
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: Celibacy, Marriage, Divorce, & Family Life. Page 234
Chapter 25 — Of the Church
25.1–6 Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 61–64
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 27–29
Heidelberg Catechism Question 54
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 17
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: The Doctrine of the Church. Page 188

Chapter 26 — Of the Communion of the Saints

26.1–3 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 37–38
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 65–66, 82–83, 86, & 90
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 32, 52, 55, & 57–58
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: Union with Christ & Communion of the Saints. Page 196

Chapter 27 — Of the Sacraments

27.1–5 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 85 & 88–93
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 153–164 & 176–177
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 33
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 65–68
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 13.3–5 & 19
Canons of Dordt Heads 3&4a17 & 5a14
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: The Means of Grace: Word & Sacrament. Page 208

Chapter 28 — Of Baptism
28.1–7 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 94–95
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 165–167
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 34
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 69–74
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 20
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: Holy Baptism. Page 216

Chapter 29 — Of the Lord’s Supper

29.1–8 Westminster Shorter Catechism Questions 96–97
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 168–175
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 35
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 75–82
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 21
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: The Lord’s Supper. Page 220

Chapter 30 — Of Church Censures

30.1–4 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapters 1.6 & 31
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 30–32
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 82–85
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 14.5–6, 18, 22, 23, 24.1–3, 25, & 28
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: The Gov’t & Office-Bearers of the Church. Page 198
Chapter 31 — Of Synods and Councils
31.1–5 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapters 1.6 & 30
Belgic Confession of Faith Articles 30–32
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 82–85
Second Helvetic Confession Chapters 14.5–6, 18, 22, 23, 24.1–3, 25, & 28
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: The Gov’t & Office-Bearers of the Church. Page 198

31.2 3, 31.5 Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 23

Belgic Confession of Faith Article 36
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 101 & 104–105
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 30
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Ec: Civil Authorities. Page 230

Chapter 32 — Of the State of Men After Death, and of the Resurrection of the Dead
32.1–3 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 37
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 84–87
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 37
Heidelberg Catechism Question 57
Second Helvetic Confession Chapter 26
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Es: Resurrection from the Dead. Page 240

Chapter 33 — Of the Last Judgment

33.1–3 Westminster Shorter Catechism Question 38
Westminster Larger Catechism Questions 88–90
Belgic Confession of Faith Article 37
Heidelberg Catechism Questions 58 & 123
Reformed Confessions Harmonized Es: The Last Judgment & Eternity. Page 242

3 The American Revision of the Westminster Confession of Faith omits Paragraph 2, incorporating rewritten material into Paragraph 1 and
renumbering the other Paragraphs accordingly.

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