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Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838

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Identication of sport talents using a web-oriented expert system

with a fuzzy module
Vladan Papic a,*, Nenad Rogulj b, Vladimir Pletina a

Department of Polytechnics, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Split, Teslina 12, 21000 Split, Croatia
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Split, Teslina 12, 21000 Split, Croatia

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Expert system
Sport talents identication
Web application
Fuzzy logic

a b s t r a c t
This paper presents a fuzzy expert system for scouting and evaluation of young sport talents. Based on
the knowledge of several human sport experts, various motoric skills tests, morphologic characteristics
measurements and functional tests are quantized according to their importance for a chosen set of sports.
Obtained values are entered into the knowledge database along with the grades of the measured results
for each test. Fuzzy logic is implemented in order to make the system more exible and robust. The whole
system is web-oriented, i.e. developed ASP.NET application is available to the internet users with a proper
login and password. The developed expert system gives acceptability prediction and proposal of the most
suitable sports for the person being tested. The output results of the system were evaluated by 4 experts,
using real data collected during several years.
Comparison is done between the sport proposed by our expert system and the actual outcome of the
persons sports career. Also, the comparison of the expert system output and the human expert suggestions were done. All tests showed high reliability and accuracy of the developed system. Strengths, possibilities and future plans of the Sport Talent expert system are also discussed.
2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
Numerous sport clubs, parents and sportsmen are permanently
seeking the answer to the question: how to recognize a talented
child and which sport is the most appropriate for him or her?
The correct answer is not trivial at all because it demands adequate
input information about the observed person, as well as the knowledge of what this information should include. In other words, expert knowledge is needed in order to predict the sport with the
highest expectation rate for the observed individual, based on
available data.
Similar methodology and knowledge can be implemented and
used in order to predict future results of adult sportsmen, but a distinction should be made because a reliable prediction for children
is much more difcult. Changes during puberty can signicantly
inuence the prospects of a future sportsman. However, extensive
research that has been done in order to test, analyze and compare
athletes of various sports (MacDougall, Wenger, & Green, 1991;
Stergiou, 2004) brings precious information and knowledge that
can be used for the sport talents identication, also.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +385 21 385 499; fax: +385 21 385 431.
E-mail address: (V. Papic).
URL: (V. Papic).
0957-4174/$ - see front matter 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Comparison of children aged 816 can be done on the basis of

normative test values (Findak, Metiko, Mrakovic, & Neljak,
1996). As one would expect, importance contribution of each test
is not the same. Also, importance of each test varies according to
the sport chosen. Implicitly, this statement is conrmed by Norton
and Olds (2001) in their study of morphological evolution of athletes of various sports during the last century. Additionally, the
study conducted by Norton and Olds brings important data regarding morphological trends that can be used for updating some normative values presented by Findak et al. (1996). Based on the set of
tests that are already present in elementary and secondary schools,
previous research by the authors suggested that the problems
solution should be based on expert and scientic knowledge of relevant motoric skills tests, morphologic characteristics measurements and functional tests (Rogulj, Papic, & Pletina, 2006).
During our search for the right or satisfying solution of sports
talent recognition, we should overcome two main problems. The
rst one is a very difcult task of nding an expert in this eld,
since the domain of specic knowledge is separated into various
sports and, generally, experts have in-depth knowledge of the relevant factors for a specic sport and more supercial for other
sports. The second problem is that the knowledge and the results
obtained by the systems output should be widely available, independent of the time of day and the conditions (outdoor, indoor). All
these facts lead to the decision of developing a computer based

V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838

expert system (Hopgood, 2003; Rajeev, 1996). The attempt to bring

expert knowledge closer to the users in the eld requires use of
new technology and possibilities that it brings. As a natural solution, the development of such a system should include accessibility
through Internet.
Expert systems methodologies may be classied into eleven
categories: rule-based systems, knowledge-based systems, neural
networks, fuzzy expert systems, object-oriented methodology,
case-based reasoning (CBR), system architecture development,
intelligent agent (IA) systems, modeling, ontology, and database
methodology together with their applications for different research and problem domains (Liao, 2005). Knowledge acquisition
from the experts can be done using several approaches with different levels of automatization (Tecuci, 1991) and determination procedures of the factors weights (Hessami & Hunter, 2002).
Generally, knowledge acquisition techniques that are most frequently used today require an enormous amount of time and effort
on the part of both the knowledge engineer and the domain expert.
They also require the knowledge engineer to have an unusually
wide variety of interviewing and knowledge representation skills
in order to be successful (Wagner, Chung, & Najdawi, 2003). As a
result, inclusion of the experts with the knowledge from both
worlds, in the development of the expert system is a pre-request
that should be satised if possible.
The World Wide Web is emerging as an increasingly important
platform that can reduce technological barriers and make it easier
for users in different geographical locations to access the decision
support models and tools (Bhargava, Power, & Sun, 2007; Shim
et al., 2002). Existing stand-alone applications can be converted
to the java-based web applications (Alpert, Singley, & Fairweather,
1999), but there are also other web-based ITS architectures that
can be used. Internet based expert systems can have different
architectures, such as centralized, replicated or distributed (Bardina & Thirumalainambi, 2005). This categorization is done according to the place where the code is executed (imic & Devedzic,
2003). Another, similar categorization (Kim, Song, & Hong, 2005)
of the existing methodologies is into two categories, the serverside and the client-side, depending on the location of the inference
engine of a Web-enabled, rule-based system. The server-side category can be further divided into three more detailed categories, the
CGI program, the server-side script, and the Web server embedded
module, depending on the types of inference engine implemented.
The client-side category may be classied into two sub-categories,
the external viewer and the Java applet.
Applications of the Web-enabled expert systems based upon
clientserver architecture for planning (Li, 2005) and decisionmaking using a multi-agent approach (Li, 2007; Shaalan, El-Badry,
& Rafea, 2004) are becoming more and more popular. Although
most of the Web-enabled, rule-based systems have been developed using CGI technology, less burden to Web servers is present
when the ASP as the server-side script approach (Wang, 2005) is
Expert system applications development is a problem-oriented
domain. Very generally speaking, our interest can be described as
the evaluation of a particular subject according to some demands
or rules (Drigas, Kouremenos, Vrettos, Vrettaros, & Kouremenos,
2004; Hinkemeyer, Januszewski, & Julstrom, 2006). Vagueness of
expert knowledge, grades and some other data needed for the solution of our problem resulted in the necessity of fuzzy logic implementation (Siler & Buckley, 2005; Zadeh, 1965) and the approach
that can, in some aspects of fuzzy logic implementation, be compared to the solution proposed by Weon and Kim (2001) or the system developed by Bai and Chen (2008) for the evaluation of
students learning achievement.
The use of the expert systems for the assessment of sports talent in children have been reported in the past (Leskoek, Bohanec,


Rajkovic, & turm, 1992). Some results obtained by this research

were used for the development of a more specic expert system
for the basketball performance prediction and assessment (Dezman, Trninic, & Dizdar, 2001a,b). Neither of these systems has used
web technologies and, as a consequence, has some limitations that
can now be overridden. An expert system should be adaptive to
constant changes of new standard values and measures as well
as open to insertion of new knowledge. Bases of the approach proposed by the authors are described and presented in (Rogulj et al.,
2006) but further development and evaluation of the system
showed that there are many questions left unanswered. Also, lots
of possible improvements regarding methodology, technology
and a scope of a possible application can be done. One of the most
important improvements concerning reliability of acquired expert
knowledge and the desired system exibility is the introduction of
fuzzy logic. More on fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets will be explained in
the following section. System adjustments are done after an evaluation of the expert system that was made possible after extensive
eld research that resulted in collecting a large set of reliable test
Our software based solution has the following characteristics:
ability of forming a referent measurement database with the records of all potential and active sportsmen, diagnostics of their
anthropological characteristics, sports talent recognition, advising
and guiding amateurs into the sports activities suitable for their
potential. Also, a comparison of the test results for the same person
and for overall achievement monitoring through a longer time period is possible.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the
elements and basic methodologies of our expert system are reviewed. In Section 3, the system architecture is described and explained. Section 4 deals with the systems implementation and
evaluation issues and, nally, Section 5 concludes the paper.

2. System elements and methodology

2.1. Knowledge acquisition and input data
The problem with knowledge acquisition is, simply stated, how
to efciently acquire the specic knowledge for a well-dened
problem domain from one or more experts, and represent it in
the appropriate computer format.
Knowing the purpose of this expert system and having the
intention to apply the system in outdoor and indoor situations,
an already existing set of eleven tests for childrens evaluation
has been chosen. These tests can be divided into three groups:
motorical, functional and morphological tests. Conduction of the
tests is mandatory for all children age 618 during every school
year. Thus, having the scope of possible inputs well-dened, a
questionnaire was prepared. Two main, yet correlated, questions
were the basis of the questionnaire. The rst one is how do the particular expert estimates importance for each of the three main test
groups, in order to determine the subjects potential in a particular
sport. The second question is similar, but focused on each individual test and its importance to the subjects potential in a particular
The questionnaire was handed out to 97 kinesiology experts.
There were two groups of experts: general knowledge experts
(kinesiology teachers in high and elementary schools) and experts
in a particular sport (trainers and university professors). Because of
different scopes and depths of their knowledge, extensive data processing and adaptation of acquired knowledge was done after the
answers to the questionnaire were given. An expert in the particular sport had to rate the importance of each test evaluating only the
sport of his/her expertise while general knowledge experts evalu-

V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838


ated test importance for all the sports. Test importance evaluation
scale minimum was 0 (test has no importance at all) and maximum value was 10 (extremely important test).
Of course, test weight factors obtained by 45 experts for particular
sport (at least 3 experts for each sport) have signicantly more
importance than test weight factors obtained by the other 52 general
knowledge experts, but the latter groups results were used as a correction factor because their accumulated knowledge provided more
clear big picture than only partial image brought by the rst group.
The rst question estimation of the importance of each of the
three main test groups should be redundant because this information should be visible from partial test weights but as it turned out,
some discrepancies occurred in a certain number of lled questionnaires. So this information was used as an corrective in the nal
adjustment of all the obtained weights and as the reliability factor
of certain expert answers.
Assume that there is a series of sports S1, S2,..., Sp in sports domain S,

S S1 ; S2 ; . . . ; Sp

where SK denotes the k-th sport in S and 1 6 K 6 p.

Now, lets assume that there is a series of test groups G1, G2,...,
Gn in test group domain G,

G G1 ; G2 ; . . . ; Gn

where Gi denotes the i-th test group in G and 1 6 i 6 n.

Assume that test group Gi consists of m tests Ti1, Ti2,..., Tim. We
can dene the input vector with the elements representing the
measurement result Rij for each conducted test Tij of the observed

R R11





   Rmn T

Next, the contribution of the test group Gi for the evaluation of a

persons tness for a particular sport (SK) is dened as:



C SK T ij
lij  wij SK



where lij denotes the membership grade of the test Tij, wij SK deP
notes weight factor of the test Tij for a particular sport SK,
the algebraic sum and  denotes the algebraic product. If the value
of the membership grade is 0 (lij 0), then the test Tij result was
poor, and maximal membership grade value (lij 1) means that
the test Tij result was excellent.
Total tness index (TFI) for sport SK is calculated as the algebraic
sum of test group contributions:




IFtest T ij ; gender X; age kTHENcl;min n1 ; cl;max n2

where cl,min and cl,max are the lower and upper boundary of the normative class l, respectively. Normative classes boundaries are directly associated with discrete membership grade values (Fig. 1).
For the measured result (Rij) of the test (Tij), membership grade
can be calculated using the equation


lk;l1  lk;l
ck;l1  ck;l

 Rij  ck;l lk;l

; Rij 2 ck;l ; ck;l1 

where k is age of the tested person (integer value), ck;l is the lower
boundary of the normative class which includes measured value,
and lk;l is a membership grade for the normative class lower boundary value; ck;l1 is the upper boundary of normative class which includes measured value, and lk;l1 is membership grade for the
normative class upper boundary value.
Because the age of the tested person (j) is generally not an integer number (in years), an interpolation of normative classes and
corresponding grades is done. In fact, two rules are red one with
the nearest lower age in the antecendent part of the rule and another with the nearest upper age in the antecendent part of the
rule. Final membership grade value can be calculated using the following equations:

cl ck;l j  k  ck1;l  ck;l

cl1 ck;l1 j  k  ck1;l1  ck;l1

Membership grade indexes for particular age value can be simplied: lk;l lk1;l ll ; lk;l1 lk1;l1 ll1 :


ll1  ll
cl1  cl

 Rij  cl ll

2.2. Fuzzy module

In the previous text we have stated that Rij represents measured
result of the particular test Tij. This is not completely true. An issue
that has arisen in the development of the expert system induced
the necessity of introduction of an indirect result instead of a measured result for two specic tests. To be more precise, for the calculation of Eq. (3), we have substituted membership grade
calculation of two tests using the results obtained for two measurements with only one membership grade obtained using the
fuzzy logic. Instead of two tests and their membership grades,
we have introduced only one indirect test and its corresponding
membership grade. Importance factor of the indirect test equals


As it can be noticed, in order to compare TFI for different sports,

normalization of weight factors has to be done. Normalisation assumes that the maximum tness index (MFI) that can be obtained
for each sport is equal which means that the following condition
must be satised



M SK Gi 1;

8 SK 2 S


where maximum possible contribution of ith test group for sport SK

is given by equation:



wij SK


Membership grade lij of the test Tij needed for the Eq. (3) is calculated using the available test normative data for a particular gender and age. Each normative class (cl) is dened by its minimal (n1)
and maximal value (n2) and it can be expressed with the rule in the
following form:

Fig. 1. Membership grade lij of the test Tij as a function of test normative classes for
particular age (and gender).

V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838


set membership. Fuzzy sets are actually functions that map a value
that might be a member of the set to a number between zero and
one indicating its actual degree of membership. A degree of zero
means that the value is not in the set and a degree of one means
that the value is completely representative of the set. Fuzzy logic
incorporates a simple, rule-based approach to make a system to
yield a decision rather than attempting to model a system mathematically. The vagueness of human thoughts and expressions make
the fuzzy approach a natural choice in solution-seeking.
For our particular problem, values obtained by the measurement of a persons height and weight are used as input values in
fuzzy module. Athletic body of a person is represented by two variables: height and body mass index (BMI). For the calculation of
BMI, height and weight of a person are needed:
Fig. 2. Membership functions of the fuzzy sets short, medium and tall used
for the calculation of fuzzy. Membership grade for height.




where w is weight and h is height of a person.

After the analysis of the results from the lled and returned
questionnaires and also with the comparison of the available national teams anthropometric data, models of the ideal height
and BMI were included into the expert system database. Fuzzication of the measured height and calculated BMI has been done
according to the fuzzy sets presented in Figs. 2 and 3. Fuzzy grade
vector for height (FH) can be presented as follows:








where FH1, FH2, FH3 denote the fuzzy terms short, medium and
tall, respectively, whereas lhi denote the membership value of the
height belonging to the linguistic term FHi, lhi 2 0; 1; 1 6 i 6 3.
Fuzzy grade vector for BMI (FB) can be presented as follows:
Fig. 3. Membership functions of the fuzzy sets very low, low, semi-low,
semi-high, high and very high used for the calculation of fuzzy membership
grade for BMI.

sum of their individual weights. Other tests membership grades

are directly used for the calculation of the Eq. (3).
These two tests are height and weight measurements. It can be
seen that there is no direct correlation between their measured
values and their membership grades. We cant generally say Tall
is good or Heavy is bad for every sport. The answer to the question Is the measured result good? is sport specic and, in fact, it
depends both on the observed test measured value (height of the
person) as well as on the measured value of the other test (weight
of the person) and vice versa. In kinesiology, this is an issue known
as athletic body model that is specic for a particular sport. Evaluation of the tested persons body tness for the particular sport is
calculated using the rules with implemented fuzzy logic.
Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic have been introduced by Lot A. Zadeh (1965). Fuzzy logic was rst invented as a representation
scheme and calculus for uncertain or vague notions. It is basically
a multi-valued logic. As opposite to the traditional logic and sets
where set membership value of an object can have only two possible results (true or false), fuzzy logic and fuzzy sets allow partial









where FB1, FB2, FB3 FB4, FB5 and FB6 denote the fuzzy terms very
low, low, semi-low, semi-high, high and very high,
respectively, whereas lBMIi denote the membership value of the
BMI belonging to the linguistic term FBi, lBMIi 2 0; 1; 1 6 i 6 6
An example of a fuzzy rule matrix to infer the body model adequacy is presented in Table 1. Each sport has different rule matrix.
Based on the fuzzy grade vectors FH, FB and fuzzy rules which
are partially shown in Table 1 (only for swimming), fuzzy reasoning is performed in order to evaluate the athletic body adequacy
for each sport.
IF the sport is swimming and the height is tall and BMI is semilow THEN model is matched.
IF the sport is swimming and the height is medium and BMI is
semi-low THEN model is semi-matched.
IF the sport is swimming and the height is tall and BMI is low
THEN model is semi-matched.
IF the sport is swimming and the height is tall and BMI is semihigh THEN model is semi-matched.
IF the sport is swimming and the height is medium and BMI is
semi-low THEN model is semi-matched.

Table 1
Fuzzy rule matrix for swimming.

Body mass index (BMI)

Very low





Very high








V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838


IF the sport is swimming and the height is short and BMI is

semi-low THEN model is unmatched.

Domain knowledge

Generally, we can write a fuzzy rule as follows:



IF the sport is Sk and the height is FHi and BMI is FBj THEN
model is Ml
where Ml can have three linguistic values: M1 = unmatched,
M2 = semi-matched and M3 = matched.
The triggering of each rule as a result gives the model membership grade. Linguistic value (Ml) in the consequent part of the rule
determines which linguistic variable the membership grade relates
to. Result of each rule is calculated as follows:

l00M Ml wH Sk  lHi wBMI Sk  lBMIj


where wH SK and wBMI SK denotes weight factor of the height and

BMI test for a particular sport SK, and Ml is the linguistic value in the
consequent part of the rule. Other linguistic variables Mj ; jl are not
affected on the rule and their membership grades are zero. Because
of the simplicity, in the Eq. (10), sport verication is left out from
the antecedent part of the rule. In fact, in the expert system database, rules are grouped by sports and only rules related to the particular sport will be red.
Model matrix (M) used for calculation of body model membership lM for each sport (S1,..., Sp) is obtained after the triggering of
all the fuzzy rules and the aggregation of their output for each linguistic value M1, M2 and M3 by using the Max() function. Matrix
elements l011 ; l012 ; . . . ; l0p3 are fuzzy values obtained by evaluation
of fuzzy rules.

Each element

l0ij is calculated according to fuzzy rules as

l0ij Maxfl00M;1 Mj ; l00M;2 Mj ; . . . l00M;N Mj g


where N is a total number of rules that as an output have membership grade of the linguistic value Mj.
Finally, the athletic body membership grade of the observed
individual for particular sport is calculated as follows:

lM Sk Max0:5  l0k2 ; l0k3 :


As it is expected, the nal body model membership value is different for each sport which distinct this membership value from
others in Eq. (3). As a consequence, Eq. (3) should be corrected as



C SK T ij


For our case,

lij SK  wij SK



lM l11 .

3. Expert system architecture

3.1. ES modules
Main modules of the system are presented in Fig. 4. Date of
measurement and measured values of the chosen set of tests are



Measured values

Sports adequacy

Fig. 4. Sport Talent expert system: main modules.

used as an input to the inference engine module. Also, these values

are stored into the measurements database along with personal
data of the tested individual such as name, surname, date of birth
and gender. Records stored into the measurements database can be
recalled later for new sports adequacy calculations in case when
domain knowledge data has been modied and new inference output is expected. Inference module uses test weights stored for each
sport and test normative values data to calculate sports adequacy
of the observed individual. Fuzzy module is used as the separate
module that exchanges needed data with the inference engine.
Also, it uses rules and normative values stored into the modules
that are part of the domain knowledge.
Dashed arrow connecting measurements database and normative values module in Fig. 4 accents the possibility of updating normative values for tests according to the stored measurements of
large number of individuals and obtained distribution of measured
test values.
3.2. Web-based approach
Maybe the biggest benet of the web-based approach is the
measurement database that grows with each new measurement
and, as an outcome, produces new data and knowledge of various
anthropometric, locomotional and functional capabilities of new
generations. Presented approach can bring us complete, up to date
database that is ready for further analysis.
Due to expected maximum number of simultaneous logins, a
centralized approach was implemented in the design of the application. Web version of Sport Talent is built on a Microsoft ASP.NET
platform with Borland Delphi 2005 as ASP.NET application. Application database is Microsoft SQL server 2000 which is connected
with Sport Talent application using SQL Connection component
(Fig. 5).
An application consists of les with aspx extension made available via http using the Internet Information Service as web server.
These les are containing a mix of HTML and a server-side code
which is written in object pascal. This HTML and server-side code
combine to create the nal output of the page consisting of HTML
markup that is sent to the client browser. User controls i.e. fully
programmable objects (both code and presentation layer) of the (.ascx) web page were also done to provide full functionality of the application.
Client is a user with a unique user name and password dened
in database. After the user is authenticated, he is able to input, read
or congure data on his authentication level. User rights are lim-

V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838


data. This approach with limited number of users that can modify
important data and rules helps in preserving consistency of database. Structure of the web application is presented in Fig. 6.

Expert system sport talent

4. Implementation and evaluation

- measurements
- expert


Sport Talent
Web application


User computer
with Web browser

User computer
with Web browser

User computer
with Web browser

Fig. 5. Web server with application and user connection.

ited so they can only read mutual data but not congure it. The
user is only able to input data regarding his measurement.
The connection between the web server with application and
the user can be divided into seven steps:
Step 1: User is sending request for Sport Talent web application
over internet.
Step 2: Web server receive request from user.
Step 3: Web server request user name and password.
Step 4: User receive inquiry.
Step 5: User is sending user name and password.
Step 6: Web server receive user name and password and compare it with data in the database.
Step 7: If user name and password exist in database, user is
authenticated and he is connected with Sport Talent web application, otherwise user receive error message and he can not
enter application.
User with administrator rights is called the superuser. He can
see all other users, read all data and he is able to change mutual


Sport Talent expert system was in the testing phase as a standalone application for about 12 months while it has been used by 3
kinesiology experts. Since beginning of 2008, web version of the
system along with the fuzzy module has been mounted on the
web server (Fig. 7). Chosen group of experts and school teachers
has used the application since then and the database is growing
Results of the total tness calculation are presented for each of
14 sports that are currently in the database (Fig. 8). Also, user can
receive grades for each test and, separately, athletic model grade
for each sport. To improve usability of the expert system by new
users, a 15 min video with audio comments of each test has been
supplied with the help module.
Although there are different verication and validation components such as competency, completeness, consistency, correctness,
testability, relevance, usability and reliability (Vermesan, 1997),
the focus of our interest was mainly on the last mentioned component. There are different verication and validation techniques that
can be applied at different stages of development process. At the
implementation stage, techniques that can be applied are inspection, static verication, testing and cross-reference verication
(Preece, 2001). Logical anomalies in the knowledge base are the
object of static verication and therefore, due to the described
methods used for the calculation of TFI, such anomalies are
avoided. Cross-reference verication would not be performed and
commented here because we will be dealing only with the implemented expert system here. It means that inspection and testing
are the techniques used for evaluation of our system. Three checkouts were conducted.
4.1. Checkout #1
A test group of 46 students (21 male and 25 female) age 1118
was chosen from the available records stored in the database.
Every chosen student was active in some of the 14 sports which
have importance factors assigned, i.e. the output domain of the expert system included all the sports which the tested students were
active in. Measurement results for all the tests Tij for a particular
student (along with her/his age and gender) were presented to four
kinesiology experts working at the university. Normative-based
grades obtained from the achieved results of each test were also
presented to the experts. Each expert was asked to make a list of
the most probable sports that the observed student is active in. If
the actual sport of the student was among top three proposed
sports, output was considered correct, otherwise it was incorrect.

Add student


View student


New measurement

Saved measurements


View tests



(teacher/trainer )


Fig. 6. Structure of the Sport Talent web application.


V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838

Fig. 7. Login screen of the Sport Talent application.

Fig. 8. Part of the results obtained after input of the measurement results for a student.

V. Papic et al. / Expert Systems with Applications 36 (2009) 88308838

Table 2
Comparison of the kinesiology experts and ES results for checkout #1.



Kinesiology expert
Sport Talent ES
Kinesiology expert
Kinesiology expert
Kinesiology expert


Correct answers

Incorrect answers



Table 3
Human expert comments on the Sport Talent ES output results (N = 36).


Completely agree
Mainly agree
Mainly disagree
Strongly disagree


Output results obtained by experts and developed expert system

are presented in Table 2.
As it can be noticed, the rate of correct answers was quite low,
but here it should be mentioned that, although the students could
be treated as active sportsmen, we did not know how successful or
talented they were as well as for how long (few months or several
years) they were practicing the particular sport up to at the time
when they were chosen for the test group.
4.2. Checkout #2
The best ranked human expert was asked to comment on the
output results of our ES for the new group of 38 students. A human
expert could give ve possible comments: completely agree,
mainly agree, uncertain, mainly disagree and strongly disagree. Results are given in Table 3.
4.3. Checkout #3
The last test group consisted of seven students which have
achieved top level results in sport. They are members of the national team, national champions or medalists at the international
level competition. For each of them, we obtained results of the
tests measured 5 years before they reached top level performance. We compared results of the expert system prediction with
the actual outcome. An average ratio between the TFI (Total Fitness
Index) of an actual sport that the student will have success eventually and the sport with the highest TFI at the time of the measurement, for all seven students was calculated. The ratio equals 0.97
(max. is 1). Information that the actual sport was among top three
suggested sports for only ve out of seven students may be a bit
misleading in this case. It has been conrmed that exceptional talents usually have potential to succeed in more than one sport.
Actually, tests are showing optimistic predictions in 45 sports
which are the case in this investigation, also. Because of the mentioned characteristics of exceptional talents, for two unrecognized students, actual sports also showed very good prediction
with the maximal difference with the rst suggested sport being
lower than 2.5%.
5. Conclusion
In this paper we have presented a novel expert system for the
selection and identication of an optimal sport for a child. To the
best of our knowledge, this is the rst web-based expert system


of this type. Expert knowledge stored in the knowledge base is

the result of the extensive eld research with the large number
of 97 experts. System evaluation results showed high reliability
and high correlation with top experts in the eld. The implementation of fuzzy logic introduced a new quality to the system regarding robustness and exibility. Web-based approach made expertise
available to the users with different level of expert knowledge
within milliseconds. Further growth of the measurements database
would surely make possible to update normative data of the expected test results and modify the school grades for currently active tests. As the consequence of using this system, the
possibility of wrong selection and losing several years in training
of an inappropriate sport should be signicantly reduced. Other
benets are: proper use of the anthropometric potential of a
sportsman, fewer frustrations due to poor performance, achievement of the top results in sport and improved efciency of spending nances.
At the moment, the system stores normative data and weight
factors information on 14 chosen sports and we expect the number
of sports to further expand, although currently available sports are
indeed the most popular ones in Croatia. Also, some sports such as
basketball and athletics should be separated into new entities
according to players position (basketball) or specialization (athletics). Modular approach and the present conguration of the system
make it possible to implement these modications as well as other
possible modications swiftly, i.e. without the need to make some
structural changes that could take time and would make the expert
system unavailable for a longer period. In our opinion, the main
goal of this research is to achieve that using this system becomes
mandatory to all school teachers in our country. That way, the benets of the system would be available to them as well as to the
sport trainers that can obtain information about talents in a particular sport from the referent database.
This work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic Croatia under Projects: 177-02320061662 and 177-0000000-1811.

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