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Republic of Iraq

Ministry of Higher Education

and Scientific Research

University of TechnologyElectromechanical



September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Safety Precautions
Experiment No. (1): Resistor Triggering Circuit
Experiment No. (2): Thyristor ( UJT ) firing circuit
Experiment No. (3): Single - phase Diode uncontrolled

Experiment No. (4): Single - phase Bridge uncontrolled


Experiment No. (5): Three - phase half-wave uncontrolled


Experiment No. (6): Single-phase full-wave controlled

mid-point rectifier

Experiment No. (7): Single-phase full- wave controlled

bridge rectifier

Experiment No. (8): Three-phase full- wave controlled

bridge rectifier

Experiment No. (9): Step-up chopper

Experiment No. (10): Single Phase PWM Inverter using

Page No.

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Attention and adherence to safety considerations is even more important in a

power electronics and electric drives laboratory than is required in any other
undergraduate electrical engineering laboratories. Power electronic circuits or
electric drives can involve voltages of several hundred volts and currents of
several tens of amperes. By comparison the voltages in many teaching
laboratories rarely exceed 20V and the currents hardly ever exceed a few
hundred milliamps. Therefore, all the students should obey the following
instructions when they are in the power electronics and electric drives Lab.
1) Be calm and relaxed, while working in Lab.
2) Keep the working area neat and clean.
3) No paper lying on table or nearby circuits.
4) Double check your wiring and circuit connections.
5) Do not powering the circuit without supervision of Lab staff member.
6) Avoid using long wires, that may get in your way while making adjustments
or changing leads.
7) When working with inductive circuits, reduce voltages or currents to near
zero before switching open the circuits.
8) No loose wires or metal pieces should be lying on table or near the circuit, to
cause shorts and sparking.
9) Keep high voltage parts and connections out of the way from accidental
touching and from any contacts to test equipment or any parts, connected to
other voltage levels.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

10) BE AWARE of bracelets, rings, metal watch bands, and loose necklace
(if you are wearing any of them), they conduct electricity and can cause
burns. Do not wear them near an energized circuit.
11) When working with energized circuits (while operating switches,
adjusting controls, adjusting test equipment), use only one hand while
keeping the rest of your body away from conducting surfaces.


Study of the resistor triggering circuit.

Apparatus required:

List of Equipments


Resistance 1K, 1/4W

Resistance 511E, 1/4W

Potentiometer 1M (on board)

SCR 2P4M (on board)

Diode 1N4007 (on board)

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

An SCR can be switched from off-state to on-state in several ways ; these are
forward voltage triggering,(dv/dt) triggering, temperature triggering, light
triggering and gate triggering. The most common for controlling the onset of
conduction in an SCR by means of gate voltage control. The gate control circuit is
also called firing or triggering circuit .A firing circuit ,in general, consist of the
components shown in Fig.(1.1).A regulated DC power supply is obtained from an
AC source . Pulse generator supplied from both AC and DC sources, gives out
voltage pulses which are then fed to pulse amplifier for their amplification .The
function of pulse transformer is to isolate the low voltage gate cathode circuit from
the high voltage anode-cathode circuit.

Fig.(1.1)Firing circuit scheme for SCRs (in general).


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

The firing (triggering) circuits schemes can be classified to the following :


Resistance(R) firing circuits.

Resistance- Capacitance(RC) firing circuits.
UJT firing circuits.
UJT oscillator firing circuits.
Synchronized UJT(Ramp) firing circuits.
Pulse transformer firing circuits.
TRIAC firing circuits.
Gate pulse amplifiers firing circuits.
Cosine firing circuits.

In this experiment we will study of the resistance( R) triggering circuit.

Resistance( R) Triggering Circuit:

Resistance ( R) triggering Circuit is not in commercial use these days, and is

the simplest and most economical .They however, suffer from a limited range of

firing angle control( 0 to 90 ),great dependence on temperature and deference and

performance between individual SCRs. Fig.(1.2) shows the most basic SCRs
resistance triggering circuit connection diagram.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Figure (1.2) Resistance Triggering Circuit


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(1.3) shows waveforms of (R ) firing circuit of a half-wave circuit with DC

load for various angles( ). (a)No triggering of SCR
(b) = 900
(c) <



September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Procedure :

Make circuit as shown in the figure (1.2) using patch cords

Rotate the potentiometer P1 fully in the CW (clockwise direction).
Switch On the power supply.
Connect the oscilloscope CHI across the load and observe the Phase angle
and voltage.
5. Now, connect the oscilloscope probe across the thyristor and observe the
6. Vary the potentiometer slowly; you can see the phase angle variation.
7. Repeat the experiment from step 5 for various angles and plot the
graphs by the formula :
T = ( X 10ms) / 180

Results and Calculations:

1. Plot the waveforms of

V s ,V

, V o , io

and VT vs Time( t) with

the help of Oscilloscope .

2. Measure and write down the readings of Load voltage (V) and Phase
Angle( ) .

Step NO.

Load voltage (V)


Phase Angle

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


1. Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly .

2. Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


1. Study of UJT- thyristor firing circuit.

2. UJT as relaxation oscillator.
3. Study of output pulses of relaxation oscillator on CRO.
4. Study of CRO triggering using relaxation oscillator.
5. Study of variable time delay ,to switch on the circuit.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Apparatus required:
List of Equipments
Fixed output dc regulator power supply of 12 volt/250 mA.
Circuit diagram is printed on the front panel with components mounted inside the


SCR(2P4M) is mounted on the front panel.

UJT (2N 2646) is mounted on the front panel.

Resistances(R)10k ,50k ,100 k,200k ,300k ,400k ,500k
Capacitors (C) 0.1f,o.47f, 1f,10f,100f,220f,470f are provided on the front
panel selectable through band switch to control the time delay.
LED is provided on the front panel to observe the output status.


Many techniques are used for triggering SCR . A low power source may
cause erratic SCR triggering whereas a high power source ensuring consistent
SCR turn on, may overheat and cause it to burn out. An ideal solution would
suggest triggering . The SCR with sharp, high powered pulses of short duration ,
whose peak and average power do not exceed the power capacities of the SCR
gate for which they are intended the injunction transistor (UJT) is frequently
employed as a trigger source, because it can generate the required pulses. The
UJT connected as a relaxation oscillator generates a voltage waveform across
B, which is applied as a triggering pulse to an SCR gate to turn on the SCR.
When power is applied to the circuit capacitor (C) starts charging
exponentially through R to the applied voltage . the voltage across ( C ) is the
voltage( VE) applied to the emitter of the UJT .When ( C ) is charged to the
peak point voltage of the UJT , the UJT is turned ON ,decreasing greatly the
effective resistance RB ,(internal).

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

NOTE: to take differing observations of time period , switch off

instruments once and select the combination of resistance & capacitor
through band switch.



Fig.(2.2) Thyristor( UJT ) (a) Connection diagram (b) voltage


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Procedure :
1. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig.(2.1.a) by connecting dotted lines
through patchcords i.e connect B1 of UJT to one end of (22 ) resistance
connected at the gate of SCR &connect the output to output indicator
2. Switch ON the instrument using ON/OFF toggle switch provided on the
front panel.
3. Select any value of R & C and observe the output status on LED when it
glows and compare it with calculate time period. i.e.
T = RC * ln (1/1- )
ln = Natural log.
for UJT = 0.27 from reverse calculation(in general it varies from
(0.51to 0.8).
Value of R is in ohm (to convert R to ohm multiple K

by 103 ).

Value of C is in farad (to convert C to farad multiple f by 10 6 ).

4. Change the value of R & C and not down different time observations.
5. To check the wave shape across C & RB1(56 ) resistance, connect CRO
across these points. And check wave shape (across resistance you will get
spikes after specified /observed time and across capacitor saw tooth wave).


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept



Resistance (k )




6. To check the output on CRO, connect CRO across output resistance(1 k ).

Set the mode of CRO to DC and repeat steps (1 to 4), when SCR turns on
DC level on CRO shifts .


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept



Resistance(k )





































Calculations Procedure:

R= 200(k ) =200*10

C=100(f) = 100*10


Formula used to calculate time period :

T= RC ln (1/1- )

(where ln=Natural log) ------------(i)



Solve the equation ln(1/ 1- )

= 2.3026 log10 (1/ 1- )

(ln= 2.3026 log10)

= 2.3026 log10 (1/1- 0.72) (because

=0.72, standard value for UJT)

=2.3026 log10 (3.57)


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

=2.3026*0.552 =1.27


log10 3.57=0.552)

Now put the value of ln(1/1- ) in eq.(i) and also put the value of R&C
so that :


T= 200*10*100*10*1.27



T=200* 100*1.27/1000 =20* 1.27 =25.4 sec
To calculate the time period for any value of R &C. But the value of
R&C in eq.(i) and value of ln(1/ 1- ) = 1.27.

1. Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly .
2. Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.
3. Compare between (R) and( UJT) firing circuits .


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1. To study the performance and waveforms of single phase half wave (diode)
uncontrolled rectifier with resistive load (R), inductive load (R-L) and
inductive load with freewheeling diode ( FWD) .
2. To Plot the waveforms of
3. To calculate

V s ,V

, i o and VD vs Time( t) .

Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Apparatus required:

List of Equipments


AC Power Supply 220 V

Single-phase Transformer 220/28 V

Diode rectifier ( D )

freewheeling diode (FWD)

Variable Resistive Load

Variable Inductive Load

DC Ammeter

DC Voltmeter



Rectification is the process of conversion of alternating input voltage to direct
output voltage i.e. a rectifier converts ac power to dc.
In diode based rectifiers, the output voltage cannot be controlled.
In a single phase half wave rectifier, for one cycle of supply voltage, there is one
half cycle of output, or load voltage.
The load on the output side of rectifier may be R, RL or RL with a freewheeling
diode .These are now discussed briefly.


Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

September 14 2014

The circuit diagram of a single half wave rectifier is shown in fig.(3.1-a). The
waveforms of V s , V o , i o and Vd are sketched in fig.(3.1-b). For a resistive
load, output current io has the same waveform as that of the output voltage Vo .
Diode voltage is zero when diode conducts.

Fig. (3.1) Single phase half wave diode rectifier with R load
(a) circuit diagram and (b) waveforms




When diode is forward biased ,it is therefore turned on

VD 0 (ideal)

Vs Vo

I mean Io

Vo Vm




September 14 2014


Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


Irms Io

Vor Vm
R 2R

Pomeam Vo I o
The efficiency of a rectifier

The form factor (FF), which is a measure of the shape of output voltage
FF =
The ripple factor (RF), which is a measure of the ripple content
RF =


A single phase half wave rectifier feeding RL load is shown in fig. (3- 2-a ).
Current continues to flow-even after source voltage v has become negative; this is
because of the presence of inductance L in the load circuit.

VR io R has the same wave shape as io . Inductor voltage VL VS VR

is also shown. The current

io flows till the two areas A and B are equal. Area A

represents the energy stored by L and area B the energy released by L. It must be
noted that mean value of voltage v across inductor L is zero.


Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

September 14 2014

Fig.(3-2) Single phase half wave diode rectifier with RL load

(a) Circuit diagram and (b) waveforms

Vmsin d
2 0




(1 cos )


tan 1

) ,


cos )

The transient component i can be obtained from equation



, A= Constant




, X

September 14 2014

= Z sin(

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

) sin e



RL- load with freewheeling diode

Performance of single phase half wave diode rectifier with RL load can be
improved by connecting a freewheeling diode across the load as shown in fig.(3.3a). The waveforms for the v , v , i , v , i and

i fD are drawn in fig.(3.3-b).

Fig.(3.3) Single phase half wave diode rectifier with RL load and
freewheeling diode (a) circuit diagram and (b) waveforms


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

The effects of using freewheeling diode are as under:

1. It prevents the output voltage from becoming negative.
2. As the energy stored in L is transferred to load R through FD, the system
efficiency is improved.
3. The load current waveform is more smooth, the load performance is
therefore improved.



Procedure :
1) Connect the circuit diagram of single phase half wave diode rectifier with
R- load as shown in Fig (3.4) .
2) Switch on the rectifier .
3) Connect the oscilloscope channel across the load terminals .
4) Vary a variable resistive load (R) in step-by-step gradually to obtain rated
5) For Inductive Load(RL) repeat steps 1,2,3&4 for the circuit shown in
6) For Inductive Load(RL) with (FWD) repeat steps 1,2,3&4 for the circuit
shown in Fig(3.6).


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Results and Calculations:

1. Plot the waveforms of

V s ,V

, io

and Vd vs Time( t) with the

help of Oscilloscope .
2. Measure and write down the readings of Ammeter and Voltmeter .


Vs (volt)

Vo (volt)


VD (volt)

Vm (volt)

R-L with

3. Calculate


Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF




R-L with



September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


1- Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly .

2- Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


1) To study the performance and waveforms of single phase full wave (bridge)
uncontrolled rectifier with resistive load (R), inductive load (R-L).
2) Plot the waveforms of
3) To calculate

V s ,V

, i o , VD1 and VD3 vs. Time( t) .

Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Apparatus required:

List of Equipments


AC Power Supply 220 V

Single-phase Transformer 220/28 V

Bridge rectifier (4-D )

Variable Resistive Load

Variable Inductive Load

DC Ammeter

DC Voltmeter



This layout is widely used in circuits, and in different forms. The load on the
output side of rectifier may be R, RL .
A single phase bridge rectifier employing diodes is shown in fig.(4-1-a) . When
point (a) is positive with respect to point (b) , diodes D1 , D2 conduct together so
that output voltage is v . Each of the diodes D3 and D4 is subjected to a reverse
voltage of v as shown in fig.(4-2-b), When point (b) is positive with respect to
point (a), diodes D3 , D4 conduct together and output voltage is v . Each of the
two diodes D1 and D2 experience a reverse voltage of v as shown.

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(4-1) Single phase bridge rectifier (a) circuit diagram and waveforms

Vo rms =


Pomeam Vo Io
The efficiency of a rectifier

The form factor (FF), which is a measure of the shape of output voltage
FF =
The ripple factor (RF), which is a measure of the ripple content

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

RF =
R L- load

Fig.(4.2) Single phase bridge diode rectifier with RL load

(a) Circuit diagram and (b) waveforms

When L is very high the change of current and the ripple can be assumed to be
zero. The load current can be assumed to be pure dc or the load current will be
approximately pure dc.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Procedure :
1- Connect the circuit diagram of single phase bridge rectifier with R- load as
shown in Fig(4.3) .
2- Switch on the rectifier .
3- Connect the oscilloscope channel across the load terminals .
4- Vary a variable resistive load(R) in step-by-step gradually to obtain rated
5- For Inductive Load(RL) repeat steps 1,2,3&4 for the circuit shown in


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Results and Calculations:

1- Plot the waveforms of V


, i o , VD1 and VD3 vs Time( t) with the

help of Oscilloscope .
2- Measure and write down the readings of Ammeter and Voltmeter .

Vs (volt)

Vo (volt)


VD1 (volt) VD3 (volt)

3- Calculate

Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF





1) Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly .
2) Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.
3) Compare between half & full wave uncontrolled rectifiers .


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1- To study the performance and waveforms of three phase half wave
uncontrolled rectifier with highly inductive load (L) .
2- To Plot the waveforms of

V 1 ,V

,V 3 ,V

Time( t) .
3- To calculate

Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF


, iL

and i1, i2 ,,i3 vs

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Apparatus required:

List of Equipments
AC Power Supply
Three-phase Transformer


- 380/28V

Diodes ( D1, D2, D3 )

Variable Inductive Load

DC Ammeter

DC Voltmeter



Three phase rectifiers are used in applications for large power output(above 15Kw).
A three phase half wave rectifier feeding highly inductive load(L) is shown in fig.
(5- 1-a ) and the output waveforms are shown in fig. (5-1-b ) .
In this case only one D will be at any instant this diode is the one connected to the
branch having the highest voltage .When D1 is ON then when V2 become higher
than V1, D2 will be ON and commutates D1. For usual case the load is inductive
with L very high therefore it can be assumed to be continues level.


Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

September 14 2014

Fig. (5.1) Three phase half bridge rectifier (a) circuit diagram (b) waveform

I D rms

3 3
Vm ph
I mean

The expression of parameters

Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF

are the same as

used in Exp.(3).

Procedure :
1- Connect the circuit diagram of three phase half wave rectifier with inductive
load(L) as shown in Fig(5.2) .
2- Switch on the rectifier .
3- Connect the oscilloscope channel across the load terminals .
4- Vary a variable inductive load(L) in step-by-step gradually to obtain rated

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Results and Calculations:

1- Plot the waveforms of V


,V 3 ,V

, iL

and i1, i2 ,,i3 vs Time(

t) with the help of Oscilloscope .

2- Measure and write down the readings of Ammeter and Voltmeter .







I D1







3- Calculate

Pomeam , Porms , , FF , RF






inductive load(L)

1- Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly .
2- Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.
3- What are the advantages of a three-phase rectifier over a single-phase
rectifier .


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Study of the single-phase full wave controlled rectifier (mid-point configuration)
with resistive load, and with resistive-inductive load.

Apparatus required:
List of Equipments


1-SCR 2P4M (on board)

2-Resistance 1K, 10W (on board)

3-Resistance 270E, 5W (on board)

4-Inductor 68mH (on board)




September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

The circuit diagram of a single-phase full wave converter using a centertapped transformer is shown in Fig.(6.1.a).When terminal (a) is positive with
respect to (n),terminal (n) is positive with respect to (b) . Therefore,( van= vnb) or
(van= - vnb) as( n) is the mid-point of secondary winding. Equivalent circuit of this
arrangement is shown in Fig.(6.2.b).It is assumed here that load, or output, current
is continuous and turns ratio from primary to each secondary is unity.
Fig.(6.2.c)shows various voltage and current waveforms.
Thyristors T1 and T2 are forward biased during positive and negative half cycles
respectively, these are therefore triggered accordingly. Suppose T2 is already
conducting after ( wt=0) , (van) is positive ,T1 is therefore forward biased and
when triggered at daily angle( ) ,T1 gets turn- on. As this firing angle( ) ,supply
voltage (2Vm sin ) reveres biases T2 ,THIS SCR is turned off .Here T1 is called
the incoming thyristor and T2 the outgoing thyristor.
As the incoming thyristor is triggered, ac supply voltage applies reveres bias across
the outgoing thyristor and turns it off. Load current is also transferred from the
outgoing SCR to the incoming SCR.
This process of SCR turn off by natural reversal or ac supply voltage is called
natural or ac line commutation .


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(6.1)Single-phase full Wave mid-point controlled rectifier (a)circuit

diagram (b) equivalent circuit and (c) various voltage and current waveforms


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1- Connect the circuit of fully-controlled( mid-point) rectifier as shown
2- Rotate the firing control Potentiometer in full clockwise direction.
3- Switch On the power.
4- Measure the ac voltage (Vrms) by voltmeter between points ( 0V-18V) and
Calculate ( Em) by : Em =1.414 * Vrms.
5- Switch Off the power.
6- Switch On the power.
7- Connect the oscilloscope and voltmeter across the load.

Circuit diagram:
The circuit diagram of basic full wave controlled rectifier (mid- point
configuration) is shown in the below figure (6.1).

Fig.(6.2) Connection diagram of Full Wave mid-point Controlled Rectifier


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Results and Calculations:

1. Vary the firing control pot and set on 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 firing
angles using the formula:
T = ( X 10ms) / 180
2. Observe the output waveforms and note the readings of voltage across load
on different firing angle.
3. Connect the oscilloscope one by one across SCR1 and SCR2 and observe the
waveform when firing angle is 90.
4. Calculate the average load IDC current and power PDC from measured load
voltage Vo.
5. Plot the input signal, gate pulse, and drop signal across SCR and output
6. waveforms when firing angle is 90.

Observation Table:
Input AC

Average Output


Average Load
Current (IDC)

Average Output

Across Load



















Vo / RL


Vo X Io



September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(6.3) Waveform of Full Wave Rectifier (mid-point) with Resistive Load


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(6.4) Waveform of Full Wave Rectifier (mid-point) with ResistiveInductive Load.

1- Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.
2- Compare the single-phase fullwave controlled (mid-point) and uncontrolled
3- Compare the full controlled (mid-point) with the half controlled circuit
4- What is a natural or line commutation?
5- Does the input power factor of convertors depend on the load power factor?


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Study of the single-phase Fully Controlled Bridge Rectifier with Resistive Load, ,
and with Resistive-Inductive Load.

Apparatus required:
List of Equipments


1. SCR 2P4M (on board)

2. Resistance 1K, 10W (on board)

3. Resistance 270E, 5W (on board)

4. Inductor 68mH (on board)




September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Controlled rectifiers are basically AC to DC converters. The power
transferred to the load is controlled by controlling triggering angle of the devices.
Fig.(7.1) shows this operation.

Fig. (7.1) Principle of operation of a controlled rectifier

Fig.(7.2) illustrate the single-phase full wave controlled bridge rectifier and its
various voltage and current waveforms .
The triggering angle ( ) of the devices is controlled by control circuit.
The input to the controlled rectifier is normally AC mains. The output of the
controlled rectifier is adjustable DC voltage. Hence the power transferred across
the load is regulated. Use thyristors (or one of its family traic, power transistor) as
the main components.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(7.2)Single-phase full Wave controlled bridge rectifier (a)circuit diagram

(b) various voltage and current waveforms.

The induced voltage

in the inductance of the load keeps pairs of

thyristors (T1 & T2 or T3 & T4) ON after the zero crossing point.
Therefore negative parts appear at the load voltage. However for example, when
T1 and T2 are ON, then switching ON T3 will cause T1 to be reversed biased
(can be seen from the circuit diagram and its voltages distributions) and hence
switched off. The same can be said for T4 and T2.
The negative parts can be removed by adding freewheeling diode across the
load. Also these negative parts can be removed by changing T4 and T2 to diodes.
Using FD is preferred since it gives the required turn off time of the thyristors.

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Procedure :

Connect the circuit of fully-controlled bridge rectifier as shown Fig. (7.3).

Rotate the firing control Potentiometer in full clockwise direction.
Switch On the power.
Measure the ac voltage (Vrms) by voltmeter between point 0V-15V and
calculate Em by Em =1.414 X Vrms.
5. Switch Off the power.
6. Switch On the power.
7. Connect the oscilloscope and voltmeter across the load.

Circuit diagram :
The circuit diagram of basic fully controlled bridge rectifier is shown in the below

Fig.(7.3) Connection diagram of fully controlled bridge rectifier.


Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

September 14 2014

Results and Calculations:

1. Vary the firing control pot. and set on 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 firing
angles using the formula : T = ( X 10ms) / 180
2. Observe the output waveforms and note the readings of voltage across load
on different firing angle.
3. Connect the oscilloscope one by one across SCR1, SCR2, and SCR3 &
SCR4 and observe the waveforms when firing angle is 90 respectively.
4. Calculate the average load IDC current and power PDC from measured load
voltage Vo.
5. Plot the input signal, gate pulse, and drop signal across SCR and output
waveforms when firing angle is 90 with resistive and resistive-inductive

Observation Table:

Input AC


Average Output

Average Load
Current (IDC)

Average Output

Across Load















Vo / RL


Vo X Io







September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(7-4) Waveform of Full Wave Bridge Rectifier with

Resistive Load


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(7-5) Waveform of Full Wave Bridge Rectifier with Resistive - Inductive



Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly .

Compare the single-phase fullwave controlled and uncontrolled rectifiers.
What is a delay angle control of converter?
What is the principle of phase control?
Do the output ripple voltages of convertors depend on the delay angle?


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


1- To study the performance and waveforms of three-phase full- wave

(thyristors) controlled rectifier with resistive load (R), inductive load (RL) and inductive load with freewheeling diode (FWD).
2- To Plot the waveforms of gate pulses ( Vg1 Vg6 ), V o , i o , iT1 and is
Time( t) .
3- To Calculate Pomeam , Porms , , VAR rating , PF , FF .



September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Apparatus required:

List of Equipments


Three-phase Power Supply

Three-phase Transformer

Thyristors ( T1T6 )

freewheeling diode (FWD)

Variable Resistive Load

Variable Inductive Load

AC Ammeter

AC Voltmeter

DC Ammeter

DC Voltmeter



Rectification is the process of conversion of alternating input voltage to direct
output voltage i.e. a rectifier converts AC power to DC. In diode based rectifiers,
the output voltage cannot be controlled. In a three-phase full- wave controlled
rectifier, it is better to commence with the study of three-phase AC to DC
convertors using diodes . The load on the output side of rectifier may be R, RL or
RL with a freewheeling diode .These are now discussed briefly.
Figure (8.1.a) shows a three-phase full- wave controlled rectifier circuit with a
highly inductive load . the thyristors are fired at an interval of ( /3).The frequency
of output ripple voltage is (6fs) and the filtering requirements is less than that of
three-phase half- wave rectifiers.

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(8.1) Three phase bridge controlled rectifier (a)- circuit diagram (b)


Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

September 14 2014

At (wt= /6 + ) thyristor T6 is conducting and thyristor T1 is turned on. During

interval ( /6 + ) w t ( /2 + ) , thyristors T1and T6 conduct and line- to-line
voltage vab(=van-vbn) appears across the load . At (wt= /2 + ) thyristor T2 is
fired and thyristor T6 is reversed biased immediately. T6 is turned off due to
natural commutation. During interval ( /2 + ) w t (5 /6 + ) , thyristors T1and
T2 conduct and line- to-line voltage vac appears across the load. If the thyristors
are numbered as shown in Figure (8.1.a),the firing sequence is( 12, 23, 34, 45,56,
and 61). Figure (8.1.b) shows the waveforms for input voltage, output voltage,
input current, and currents through thyristors.
Fig.(8.1) shows the waveform for( = /3) .For ( > /3) ,the instantaneous output
voltage ( vo) has a negative part .Because the current through the thyristor cannot
be negative , the load current is always positive .Thus, with a resistive load , the
instantaneous load voltage cannot be negative , and full load convertor behaves as
semi converter .

Vs =phase voltage= VL

/ 3

, Vm =


The average output voltage is found from the equation :

Vdc =

3 3 Vm

cos = Vomeam

V dc
I dc =
= I omeam

(For R-load)

The maximum output voltage (normalized) for delay angle( = 0) , is :

Vn =

3 3 Vm

The rms-value of the output voltage is found from the equation :

V rms=

3Vm (

3 3 Vm

cos 2 )



September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

I rms =

V rms

(For R-load)

The average current of a thyristor (A) is found from:


I dc

The rms current of a thyristor (A) is found from:

I R = Irms


The rectification efficiency is:

Vdc Idc
Vrms Irms
The rms input line current is found from:
I s= I rms


The input VAR-Rating is found from:

VI=3 V s I s
The output power is found from the equation:


3 I 2 rms R

The power factor (PF) is found from the equation :

The form factor (FF) is found from the equation:


FF =


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1. Connect the circuit diagram of three-phase full- wave (thyristors) controlled
rectifier with resistive load (R) as shown in Fig (8.4).
2. Switch on the rectifier.
3. Connect the oscilloscope channel across the load terminals.
4. Vary a variable resistive load (R) in step-by-step gradually to obtain rated
5. Vary the firing control pot. and set on 30, 60, 90, 120 and 150 firing
angles using the formula : T = ( X 10ms) / 180 .
6. Observe the output waveforms and note the readings of voltage across load
on different firing angle.
7. Connect the oscilloscope one by one across SCR1, SCR2, SCR3 ,SCR4,
SCR5 & SCR6 and observe the waveforms when firing angle is 90
8. For Inductive Load (RL) repeat steps 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 &7 for the circuit shown in
Fig (8.5).
9. For Inductive Load (RL) with (FWD) repeat steps 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 &7 for the
circuit shown in Fig (8.6).


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Results and Calculations:

1. Measure and write down the readings of Ammeter and Voltmeter with
resistive and load.
Firing angles
Vs (volt)


In Time




is (A)

Vo (volt)

2. Plot the waveforms of gate pulses ( Vg1 Vg6), V o , i o , iT1 and


io (A)

vs Time(

t) when firing angle is 90 with resistive with the help of Oscilloscope .

3. Calculate


Pomeam , Porms , ,VAR rating , PF , FF .


(Vomeam I omeam ) ( I 2 rms R )

Vdc Idc VAR rating

Vrms Irms (3VsIs )


/ VI )

FF =

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1- Compare the waveforms taken by the experiment with theoretical one.
2- What are the advantages of three-phase full- wave 0ver three-phase halfwave (thyristors) controlled rectifiers.
3- What is the frequency of the lowest order harmonic in three-phase fullwave converter?
4- How is gate- turn-off thyristors turned on and off?
5- How is phase- control thyrisyors turned on and off?
6- What is a natural or line commutation?


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Study of the step-up chopper.

Apparatus required:
List of Equipments


1. One unregulated power supply of +20 v DC.

2. IC based regulated power supplies of +12 v DC, - 12vDC & +5vDC for the driving circuit.
3. OP-amp. (OP 07) and power transistor (2N6292) based driver circuit.



5. Frequency & duty cycle controls.

6. Brass lamp holder with lamp (230 volt/ 40 w) as load.
7. Circuit diagram printed on front panel for better understanding.


8. Dual Trace CRO 30 MHZ (Model No. ME 3030).


10. 3 3/4 Digit Digital Multimeter with frequency counters of 30 MHZ (Model no.VC97).

11. Powered cord (mains cord).

12. Instruction manual (Doc 798).


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

The bipolar junction transistors are current controlled devices. Field effect
transistor on the other hand does not normally require any input current and a un
polar devices. They involve a signal conducting channel, which can be either N or
P type material. The FET advantages in switching service since they do not suffer
the delays associated with minority carrier storage .
Because they also demand no input current they are easier to drive. They are also
less temperature and less susceptible to second break down in high power
applications. All JFETS are operated with reverse bias on their gates leads to
prevent gate current. However a large input signal may momentarily overcome the
reverse bias and turn on gate diodes appreciable current from the channel with a
thin layer of silicon dioxide (Metallic Oxide). Those FETS that use this technique
are known as metallic oxide semiconductor Field effect transistor or MOSFET, s.
MOSFET,s are operated in depletion mode as do JFET,s with negative voltage on
gate terminal for N channel device depletion mode operated devices are normally
in ON condition. The MOSFET may also operate in the enhancement mode. In the
mode the devices is normally in OFF condition and sufficiently large positive
voltage on the gate terminal can turn on the device. Generally power enhancement
MOSFET,s are used in power electronic circuits its structure with normal biasing
of N channel enhancement MOSFET as shown in Fig(1) with the circuit symbol a
metallic gate is deposited on the thin layer of metal oxide (insulator) which is
deposited on the channel opposite to the substrate . due to insulated gate negligible
gate current flows. The power enhancement MOSFET has an anti parallel fast turn
on diode which permits reverse current of the same magnitude as that of main
MOSFET so that drain substrate junction will not be damaged when drain and
source has reverse biasing.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig. (9.1) Driver circuit to step-up chopper

The enhancement MOSFET is used as switch in power electronics by keeping
sufficient gate to source voltage (Vgs) so that it conducts in constant resistance
region. The conduction lost of the MOSFET is due to large value of device
resistance in the on state the MOSFET can be triggered directly
from the CMOS or other gates due to high impedance. Switching times (turn on &
turn of) are very low and hence switching loss is almost nil. The gate drive power is
also negligible. They have large gains and simple and cheaper triggering circuit. It
has only one disadvantage i.e. higher conclusion drop generally five times more
than the power transistor of the same rating.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Description of the step-up:

A power transformer steps down the input line voltage from (230) volt a.c. to
15 VAC. Then AC voltage is rectified, filtered and converted to a variable DC
voltage up to a maximum of around 180 volts DC driving a( 40) watt (230) volt
lamp. The frequency of the chopping is also controlled.
The points A&B may be used to observe waveform on CRO for the output voltage
which is attenuated. A small step down transformer is used to gat regulated power
supplies of (+12,-12) volts for the operation of control circuit.
This circuit which is a voltage controlled oscillator is used to get a variable
frequency control signal. The triangular output of this circuit is compared against a
DC potential to get a variable on time control. The potentiometer P1 is used to give
a variable frequency output. The potentiometer P2 is used to change the on time of
the control signal thereby changing the magnitude of the output voltage. This
potentiometer P2 works as the control for the output voltage for a given frequency
of the control signal only is not useful in changing the magnitude of the chopper. A
(20) volts zener diode (3z20) is used for limiting the gate to source voltage (VGS)
of the MOSFET. A small resistance of (180) ohms (2) watts is used in the gate
circuit for quick discharge of the input stray capacitance of the device. Zener diode
offers protection for the MOSFET and ensures gate voltage below the safe limits.
Refer Fig.(1)&(2) for the detailed circuit diagram and typical waveform at various


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(9.2) Waveforms at different points of the circuit i.e. Tp1,Tp2 & Tp3 with
respect to ground

Principle of step-up chopper (Boost chopper):

The basic step up chopper is shown in Fig.(9.2). The energy stored in the
inductor in the (ON) period of the switch (Sc). The current flows in the inductor (L)
through the switch during (ton) period and the voltage (eL) across the inductor is
equal to V.When switch (Sc) is opened, the stored energy in the inductance is
discharged into capacitor C and the load. During (toff) period, the inductor voltage
is (eL=Vc-V). Under steady state operation, the voltage across the capacitor is
assumed constant due to the large value of capacitors.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


Fig. (9.2) Basic step up chopper circuit.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

And also for steady operation, there must be zero average voltage across L during
the time period:
T= ton + toff
Vc= V (ton + toff)/ toff= V*T/toff
& duty cycle
So we get

= 1- toff/T
Vc = V/(1-

If duty cycle approaches zero, then we have.

Vc = V if delta approaches unity, we have Vc = V/0 = infinity
Thus theoretically the output voltage can be varied from V to infinity as delta is
changed from zero to one (in practice delta is varied from ( 0 to 0.7).
The wave form across different components are shown in Fig.(9.3). In the chopper
circuit, diode D2 protects the MOSFET against the negative surge voltage and the
capacitor C protects it against a positive voltage surge. Thus no additional
protection circuit is required for operating MOSFET as a switch in the step up
chopper. Note that the chopper is operated at the highest possible frequency in
order to minimize the size of the filter.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig. (9.3) Steady state waveform of the circuit.

Note: Ignore the humming noise on switching on the apparatus and on

rotation of pot,s P1&P2 as it due to inductance L .


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1. Study the step up. Locate the circuit diagram and try to identify various
circuit elements.
2. Ensured the frequency potentiometers marked as "Frequency control" and
"Duty cycle control" is fully in the extremely anticlockwise position (i.e.
minimum position).
3. Turn on the main supply. The mains LED will glow. Ensure 230volt, 40
watt lamp holder.
4. By controlling the duty cycle control knob, observe that the lamp
intensity can be controlled i.e. with increase in duty cycle the output
voltage increase.
5. The pulse input to the gate of MOSFET can be observed across TP3 &
ground and also observe the change in duty cycle.
6. We can change the frequency by varying potentiometer P1 & see the
change in frequency on CRO.
7. Observe the waveforms at TP1, TP2, TP3, with respect to ground, as
shown in Fig.(9.2).
8. You may observe the waveforms across the choke carefully and see the
effect of changing Ton and Toff periods of the MOSFET at a particular
9. The output voltage across the lamp can be observed through a millimeter
across the terminal TP6 & TP7.(while measuring through millimeter
keep the selector switch in DC mode)
10. The output waveforms across the load can be seen across the test points

1. Do not short test points.
2. Do not rotate the pots P1 & P2 very fast. Operate them in a gentle
3. Limit the duty cycle to a maximum of( 90%).Total drawn from the power
supply must be monitored and should be within current rating of the
power supply (i.e. 5 amps).


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1- Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly.
2- What are the performance parameters of a dc chopper?
3- What are the differences between step-up and step-down dc chopper?
4- What is PWM (pulse width modulation) control of a converter?
5- What is frequency modulation control of a converter?
6- What is the algorithm for generating the duty cycle of a dc chopper?


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Study of the Single Phase PWM Inverter using MOSFET and IGBT.

Apparatus required:

List of Equipments




3. Resistance 1K, 1/4W

4. Tiny toggle switch 1P-2W

5.DC Ammeter

6.DC Voltmeter




September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

A device that converts DC power into AC power at desired output voltage
and frequency is called an inverter. Fig.(10.1) shows block diagram of

DC input


AC output

Fig.(10.1) Block diagram of inverter(general)

Some industrial applications of inverters are for adjustable-speed AC drives,

induction heating, stand by aircraft power supplies, UPS (uninterruptable power
supplies), HVDC transmission linesetc. The output voltage waveforms of ideal
inverters should be sinusoidal. However; the waveforms of practical inverters are
no sinusoidal and contain certain harmonics. With the availability of high-speed
power semiconductor devices, the harmonic contents of output voltage can be
minimized or reduced significantly by switching techniques.
The inversion is carried out by switching devices such as standard thyristor, GTO,
power transistors; power MOSFET, IGBIT, MCT, and SIT. Self-commutation with
base or gate drive signals is employed for their controlled turn-on and turn-off.
Inverters generally use PWM control signals for producing an ac output voltage.
Inverters can be classified into two types:
a- Single- phase inverters.
b- Three-phase inverters.
The object of this experiment is to study of the single phase PWM Inverter using
MOSFET s and IGBT s as shown in Fig.(10.2) respectively .

September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


Figure (10.2) Single Phase PWM Inverter (a) Using MOSFET (b) Using IGBT


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Principle of operation:
A single phase bridge voltage source inverter (VSI) is shown in Fig.(10.2.a)
for ( MOSFETs ) and Fig.(10.2.b) for (IGBIT s ) .It consist of four choppers.
When Q1 and Q2 are turned on simultaneously , the input DC voltage (Vs) appears
across the load. If transistors Q3 and Q4 are turned on at the same time, the voltage
across the load is reversed and is (-Vs).

Fig.(10.3) Waveform of PWM Inverter.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Voltage control of single-phase inverters:

In many industrial applications to control of the voltage of inverters is often
necessary to cope with the various of dc input voltage, regulate voltage of inverters,
and satisfy the constant volts and frequency control requirements. There are various
techniques to vary the inverter gain. The most efficient method of controlling the
gain (and output voltage) is to incorporate PWM control within the inverters .The
commonly used techniques are:

Single pulse width modulation.

Multiple pulse width modulation.
Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
Modified Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.
Phase displacement control.

The following figures show the corresponding techniques:

Fig.(10.4) Single pulse width modulation


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(10.5) Multiple pulse width modulation.

Fig.(10.6) Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Fig.(10.7) Modified Sinusoidal pulse width modulation.

Fig.(10.8) Phase displacement control.


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

1. Make the circuit shown in the Fig.(10.2.a) .
2. Rotate the frequency potentiometer in fully anticlockwise direction and
PWM pot. in fully clockwise direction.
3. Switch On the power supply.
4. Vary the frequency pot and observe waveform across load on oscilloscope.
5. Set the maximum frequency by frequency pot.
6. Vary PWM potentiometer and observe output waveform across load and note
the readings of pulse width and corresponding output AC (rms) voltage
across load.
7. Switch off the power supply.
8. Make a circuit as shown in the Fig.(10.2.b) . And repeat from step 2.

Results and Calculations:

1- Sketch the waveforms of gate pulse and output pulse across the load vs. Time
( t) with the help of Oscilloscope.
2- Write down the readings of the following table


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept

Observation table:

S. No.

Pulse width (ms)

AC output voltage

AC output voltage

across load
(MOSFET) (volts)

across load (IGBT)


1- Explain each waveform part by part clearly and briefly.
2- What are the performance parameters of inverters?
3- What are the differences between half-bridge and full-bridge inverters?
4- What is Sinusoidal pulse width modulation?
5- What is Phase displacement control?
6- What is third- harmonic PWM?


September 14 2014

Lab. of Electronic Power Electromechanical Eng. Dept


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