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Nonlinear and adaptive control algorithms for

electrohydraulic system.

Amhmed M. AL AELA
Director: Professor. Jean-Pierre Kenn



Literature Review
Chart of Proposer
Time Line
List of references



Elecrohydraulic servo systems (EHSS) are known for their ability to deliver
fast, accurate, low construction, high power to weight ratio, long life, low
maintenance cost, and high power responses in several industrial
applications. The general applications of EHSS include industrial robots,
aerospace flight-control actuators, automobile active suspensions, as well as
a variety of automated manufacturing systems. There are two categories of the
EHSS, first one is an electrohydraulic servovalve, the other is an electrohydraulic

servopump or another names electrohydraulic controlled pump. The basic

components of electrohydraulic servovalve that is shown in the figure(1) are a

hydraulic pump, an accumulator, a relief valve, a servovalve and a hydraulic
actuator. The other parts are used for hydraulic control system such as
displacement, velocity and/or pressure sensors. The movement and the load
force are measured using sensors that return an electric signal. The control
law recovered electrical signal sensors, compared with that of the reference
and calculates a control signal. This control signal is used to correct the
tracking error by operating the hydraulic component that provides the
interface between the control part and the operative part. The basic parts of
electrohydraulic servopump are a variable displacement pump, the other parts are as
similar as electrohydraulic servovalve components except electrohydraulic servopump
without servovalve. Both systems have specific advantages and disadvantages.

Figure(1): Electrohydraulic servovalve connected with real time control

Source: Kaddissi, 2007, Indirect Adaptive Control of an Electro-Hydraulic Servovalve.
System Based on Nonlinear Backstepping.

Electrohydraulic servovalve has ability to eliminate a large amount of compressible fluid

compared to electrohydraulic servopump. Also, electrohydraulic servovalve has more
flexibility when we arrangement valves, or/and multiple action systems by one hydraulic
power supply compared to electrohydraulic servopump. On the other hand,
electrohydraulic servopump has more power efficiency, and less heat generation

compared to servovalve system specially when a valve on the standby position. The
actuators controlled by electrohydraulic servo valves provide extremely fast and accurate
response. Despite their low energy efficiency, this configuration is the most encountered
in the industry. In this work will be using electrohydraulic servo valve. The servo valve is
the main source of the effectiveness of EHSS ( Honorine ANGUE MINTSA, 2011,
DYNAMIQUE VARIABLE, PhD thesis). Single-stage servo valves and two-stage

servo-valves are two types of commonly encountered servovalves. Twostage electrohydraulic servo valves do not have the limitations in the static
and dynamic performance. These servo valves are robust and can handle
heavy loads requiring variable movements and efforts (Merritt, 1967). They
have very high bandwidths (Li, 2002). In addition, the two-stage servo
valves have an internal feedback mechanism. Movement or force on the
movable slide is measured by a sensor.

Opening section

electric signal
Law Control

liquid velocity Actuator

liquid pressure

Dynamics of
servo valve


actual movement
load dynamics
effective force


Figure(2): Block diagram describing the general dynamics of EHSS.



Figure 2 shows the dynamics block diagram of a EHSS in which the actuator
is controlled by a servo valve. The dynamics of the valve is governed by a
transfer function relating the control signal to the opening of the valve
section. Depending on the sign and the intensity of the electric signal, the
servo adjusts its opening area in order to modulate the flow rate and the
pressure at the terminals of the actuator. The outflow of the servo valve is
the product of the opening section and flow velocity of the fluid. The
dynamics of the actuator is described by the momentum equation. The flow
from the servo valve is divided into a useful flow to the load movement, a
flow lost in leaks and in another speed lost in the compressibility of EHSS
components. The flow and pressure received by the actuator becomes a
movement and a mechanical force transmitted to the load respectively. The
dynamic load is represented by applying Newton's second law. Depending
on resistant forces, the load moves through effort and effective movement.
That is why EHSS are known as highly nonlinear of the dynamic behavior
with models. The expression for the fluid flow across the servovalve, as well
as static and dynamic friction terms for the hydraulic actuator are
responsible for some of the complexity of these systems. In addition,

hydraulic parameters may vary due to temperature changes and effects such
as an entrapment of air in the hydraulic fluid. Also, EHSS also suffers from a
large extent of model uncertainties. The uncertainties can be classified into
two main groups which are parametric uncertainties and uncertain
nonlinearities. Example of parametric uncertainties is large changes in load
and the large variations in hydraulic parameter such as bulk modulus due to
component wear or temperature change. Meanwhile, external disturbance,
leakage and friction are called uncertain nonlinearities. These uncertainties
can cause hydraulic actuator system controller to be unstable or to have
degradation in its performance. Finally, external disturbances and noise
effects result in challenges to ensure precise control of EHSS (H. Mintsa, R.
Venugopal, and J.-P. Kenn, 2012).
The modeling of a dynamic system is used to study the interactions between
the control variables (entries of the system) and the state variables (system
outputs). The operation of a dynamic system and predicting its behavior in
response to a control law are analyzed from a simulation model. The
mathematical model describing the dynamics of a system is found using the
laws of physics.
There are many kinds of control techniques that use to control EHSS. PID
control is used extensively to control EHSS, but the closed-loop

performance is limited using this approach, due to the nonlinear

dynamics that characterize these systems. A control law is defined as a
mathematical formula used by the controller to determine the output u that is
sent to EHSS. Adaptive controller is a dynamic system with on-line
parameter estimation. Also, Adaptive control is superior to robust control in
dealing with uncertainties in constant or slow-varying parameters. Next
figure is shown the operation signals of adaptive control.

Figure(3): operation signals of adaptive control.

Source: E. Lavretsky, Adaptive Control: Introduction, Overview, and Applications.

Reference model specifies the ideal (desired) response ym to the external
command r.
Controller is parameterized and provides tracking.
Adaptation is used to adjust parameters in the control law.
Plant has a known structure but the parameters are unknown.

In literature review will be explain more details.

Electrohydraulic servo systems (EHSS) are applied for many engineering
applications. EHSS characterizes as high power, high power to weight ratio,
fast and smooth response, high stiffness, and high load capability. However,
their closed-loop performance is limited by using a classical controllers,
because EHSS are highly nonlinear system and also a large extent of
uncertainties. In this study will be focused on supply pressure variations in a
rotational electrohydraulic drive, uncertainties bidirectional friction, external
disturbances, and noise on the experimental measurements. The aim of the
thesis is a comparative study between different control laws, and show that
the performance can be further improved using the recommended control

Electrohydraulic servo systems( EHSS) are used for several engineering
applications. Load simulator is a crucial equipment in the hardware in the
loop experiments widely used in industrial applications. The main objectives

of this thesis is to address the nonlinear dynamics of EHSS and to propose

an adaptive controller based on the variations of the parameters of the
system. the specific objectives of this study are:
1. Determine a nonlinear mathematical model describing the essential
dynamics of EHSS structure, and control laws that compensates the
uncertainties of the operating pressure using the previously developed
2. Development of a control law that compensates uncertainties
bidirectional friction, external disturbances and hydraulic parameters
using the previously developed model.
3. Numerical performance evaluation of control laws with integration of the
change in hydraulic parameters, disturbances and comparative study
between them, and experimental evaluation of performance of the
control laws in a presence of noise on the measurements of saturation in
the servo valve, friction and variations in mechanical load.

EHSS are essential components in a wide range of modern machinery, due to
their high power-to-weight ratio, as well as their fast and accurate response.
Some commonly encountered industrial applications of EHSS include


industrial robots, aerospace flight-control actuators, automobile active

suspensions, as well as a variety of automated manufacturing systems.In
this thesis, we will develop an adaptive controller for EHSS control law
which considers the external load disturbances and friction effects separately
for a bidirecttional hydraulic motor.

Literature review
Electrohydraulic servosystem is one of the major drives in industrial section
and engineering activities due to its circumlocution(high power density , fast
and smooth response, high stiffness and good positioning capability) in some
applications, on the other hand, EHSS is high both nonlinear and uncertain
control systems. Many of control algorithms that were published have been
proposed in order to overcome its nonlinear dynamic behavior. Most of
publishers worked on linear actuators. There are different EHSS algorithms
techniques that were published according to EHSS modeling, and/or EHSS
controller design. First, system modeling can be based on system physical
laws, or system identification method ( black box identification). A
researcher who wants to use a system physical law must has expert
knowledge and able to analyze the system behavior. However, most of the
researchers assumed the hydraulic parameters that are not in the linear form


are to be known and constant. For example, pressure parameter and leakage
parameters are assumed known and constant. The system identification is
easier because it only requires a set of stimulus response data and no prior
knowledge about the system in order to construct the model. Thus, many of
researchers use this technique to make the EHSS modeling. In contrast, this
technique might be built based on assumptions and/or boundary conditions
that may make a limitation of the system. Second, Electrohydraulic
servosystem controller design are used in all published papers to improve the
tracking control law trajectories. Many types of controllers are introduced by
researchers such as, linear control technique, nonlinear control technique,
hybrid control technique, and adaptive control approach. Linear control
techniques are proposed in most previous published papers i.e. classical
Proportional- Integral-Differential controller (PID), and classical feedback
linearization,..etc. Recent studies shows that the closed-loop performance is
limited by using the PID control approach (H. Mintsa, R. Venugopal, and J.P. Kenn, 2012)., a classical feedback linearization performance is limited
that may degrade some important dynamic information (J. Seo, R.
Venugopal, J.P. Kenne, 2007), but the results were shown an improved
performance compared with PID controller. On the other hand, a lot of
researchers have been proposed advanced control strategies to improve


tracking trajectories of the electrohydraulic performance. The first technique

is implemented Nelder-Mead optimization to turne the PID parameters for a
given constrains of desired step response(M. Tajjudin and others, 2012), the
other technique is hybrid control system, it has more than one control
approach technique because every control technique has specific advantages
and disadvantages. For example, Fuzzy with PID or FPID, and adaptive PID
control (S. Sallah and others, 2015). Adaptive control is used to adjust
parameters in the control law. In (Cheng Guan and Shuangxia Pan, 2008) a
nonlinear adaptive control method of electrohydraulic systems was applied
to compensate for a class of uncertain nonlinear parameters instead of
uncertain linear parameters that had been applied before, because the
previous study before it had assumed the original control volume between
servo valve and actuator are certain and known. Indirect adaptive controller
is widely chosen because it is able to identify the real system (Claude
Kaddissi, Jean-Pierre Kenne, and Maarouf Saad, 2011). another excellent
adaptive control systems that are proposed, High-Performance Robust
Motion Control of Machine Tools(B. Yao, and others, 1997), this approach
makes to handle the uncertain nonlinear parameters and robust motion
control for hydraulic system.
Chart of Proposer

Literature review
Find problematic and choice of methodology
Mathematical modeling of the EHSS and developed
study of classical control laws

Development of a control law

compensating for the uncertainty of
operating pressure.
Publishing of the article(1).
Development of a control law
compensating for the uncertainty of
friction, disturbances and hydraulic

Publishing of the article(2).

Study of performance by simulation and numerical analysis

Implementation of a real-time control law

with Xpc target

Publishing of the article(3).

Conclusion and recommendation.

Starting of writhing the thesis.

This study will be through the following sequence:
1. Literature review for problematic and choice of methodology.
2. Mathematical modeling of the EHSS and developed study of classical


control laws.
2.1 The dynamics described by mathematical model that will be
obtained by physical laws of EHSS encompasses the
essential dynamic of EHSS.
2.2 State space representations equations.
3. Development of a control law compensating for the uncertainty of
operating pressure.
4. Development of a control law compensating for the uncertainty of
friction, disturbances and hydraulic parameters.
5. Implementation of a real-time control law with Xpc target


Time line.
The research will be done as planned below


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