Bài Tập Tiếng Anh P1

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Choose one word whose underlined part is pronounced differently:
C. emotion
D. encourage
C. without
D. threaten
C. garage
D. garbage
C. charity
D. achievement
C. concert
D. recycle
Choose the word with the different stress pattern:
C. enthusiasm
D. interest
C. floppy
D. embrace
C. successful
D. celebrate
C. overcome
D. donate
10. A.
C. campaign
D. ethnic
Choose from options A, B, C or D one best answer:
1. Reducing the gap between the rich and the poor is one of the main facing the government.
A. urgencies
B. challenges
C. policies
D. measures
2. If you want to get a good result in every work, you should have a
A. loyalty
B. sympathy
C. constancy
D. unselfishness
3. If someone has just moved into a new house, he or she will have a ..
A. ceremony
B. cerebration
C. party
D. house-warming
4. A situation in which people or organizations compete with each other to find out who is the best at
A. participation
B. competition
C. activity
D. performance
5. Connected with the natural head of rock deep in the ground.
A. geothermal
B. geological
C. natural gas
D. geographical
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the brackets.
6. A . is a person who climbs mountains as a sport or job. ( mountain )
7. At university, you have the .. to do what you want. ( free)
8. My parents have always . me in my choice of career. ( courage )
9. Electric devices help reduce fuel .and air pollution in gasoline enjines. ( consume)
10. The sun and all the nine planets and their moon, tens of thousands of asteroids and trillions of comets
around the sun are in the .. system. ( sun )
Put the suitable preposition(s) in each of the following blanks :
1. Were all very obliged you
2. Hes quite careless danger.
3. Shes very nervous the new boss.
4. Im faithful my principle.
5. Ive been so anxious you.
6. This service is free charge.
7. They went ahead contrary my advice.
8. He was married Sue for a day.
9. ................the devil and the deep blue sea.
10. Have a card................your sleeve
Choose the best options to complete the following passage. Write your answer in the answer sheet
It is the nature of athletic records that they are broken and their place is taken by (0) others. Yet many
in sports (1)., there is a mark which is not (2).. in itself, but which becomes a legend as
athletes (3) to break it. The most (4). of these is the attempt to run a mile in (5)
In 1945, the mile record was (6) .. to four minutes, 1.5 seconds. And there, for nine years, it stuck.

Then, in 1954, a medical student (7).. Roger Bannister decided to try and break the record. He had
been (8) .. for this day since running the mile in 4 minutes, 2 seconds the (9).year. Two
other runners set the pace for him and (10) 250 yards to go he burst ahead for the finish. He wrote
(11)..: My body had exhausted all its energy, but it (12) on running the same. Those (13)
. few seconds seemed never-ending. I could see the line of the fishing tape like a man making a
desperate attempt to save himself from danger. Bannisters time was three minutes, 59.4 seconds. (14)
. This record has been broken on many (15). since, Bannisters achievement will never be
1. A. happenings
B. events
C. games
2. A. central
B. major
C. significant
3. A. try
B. try on
C. try out
4. A. known
B. public
C .noticeable
5. A. smaller
B. less
C .lower
6. A. broken down
B. lessened
C .decreased
7. A. entitled
B. called
C nicknamed
8. A. trying
B. studying
C. running
9. A. early
B. previous
C. past
10. A. on
B. in
C .with
11. A. afterwards
B. then
C .next
12. A went
B. continue
C. ran
13. A large
B. late
C .latest
14. A But
B. In spite of
C .However
15. A times
B. opportunities
C .occasions
Read the text and answer the questions below
Air, water, and soil are necessary to the survival of all living things. Badly polluted air can cause
illness, and even death. Polluted water kills fish and other marine life. Pollution of the soil reduces the amount
of land that is available for growing food. The pollution problem is very complicated because much pollution
is caused by things that benefit people. For example, exhaust from automobiles causes a large percentage of
air pollution. But the automobiles provides transportation for millions of people. Factories discharge much of
the material that pollutes the air and water, but factories give employment to a large number of people. Thus,
to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit
them. Pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to
lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and
enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop, or to cut down on certain polluting activities.
1. What is necessary for the survival of all living things?
2. What can polluted water and soil cause?
3. What causes a large percentage of air pollution?
4. Who can work to find ways to end or to reduce pollution immediately?
5. How can governments control pollution?

Choose the word which has pronounced differently.
1. a . write
b. who
c. watch

d. whose

2. a. furiuos
b. future
c. number
d. amuse
3. a. lonely
b. young
c. yes
d. lawyer
4. a. unit
b. stupid
c. study
d. student
5. a. called
b. flooded
c. suffered
d. issued
Vocabulary and structures:
6. The great ............. in my life is to become a successful actor.
a. ambition
b. goal
c. plan
d. intention
7. We often go to Florida .......... the winter.
a. during
b. while
c. before
d. until
8. The Rolling Stones have ........ pleasure to millions of fans for more than 40 years.
a. made
b. put
c. given
d. done
9. I thought he was small but in ....... hes rather tall, isnt he?
a. actual
b. fact
c. deed
d. particular
10. It took her ........ to find the building she was looking for.
a. time
b. while
c. money
d. ages
11. Mr. Peter is my new neighbor. He moved in a few weeks ago. His house is ..... to mine.
a. next door
b. behind
c. beside
d. to the left
12. Peter ..... second in the competition for the best short story.
a. got
b. took
c. came
d. did
13. Everybody found the talk...... Some students even fell asleep.
a. bore
b. boring
c. bored
d. to bore
14. Thanks for your helping me. Ill do the same for you in ...... sometime.
a. graceful
b. favor
c. return
d. appriciate
15. I ......... Casablanca for the first time last night. I ...... it before.
a. saw/ had never seen
b. have seen/ had never seen
c. see/ have never seen
d. was seeing/ has never seen
16. We work hard to raise our ......... of living.
a. standard
b. level
c. surface
d. mood
17. He was offered the job .... his qualifications were poor.
a. despite
b. in spite of
c. even though
d. whereas
18. He devoted most of his time ......... novels.
a. to have written
b. to write
c. to writing
d. to having written
19. Who suggested ....... here for a picnic?
a. come
b. came
c. to come
d. coming
20. Yesterday I ..... to a furniture store. I bought a new lamp there.
a. went
b. could go
c. could have gone
d. ought to have gone
21. ......... of the students in my class could solve the problem yesterday.
a. None
b. Neither
c. Either
d. Not much
22. Would you mind ........ me a hand with this bag?
a. give
b. giving
c. to give
d. to have given
23. He stops smoking.
a. He no longer smokes
b. He stops and smokes
c. He keeps on smoking
d. Smoking interests him
24. My father enjoyed ....... stories.
a. telling
b. to tell
c. have told
d. to be told
Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate answer from a, b, c or d:
Water is necessary for life. People can live only ..........(1) a few days without it. Yet nearly 25 million
people die ........(2) year .......(3) it. Both industrial nation and less developed countries are worried about the
quality and quantity of water in the world. .......(4) United Nations named the 1980s the World Water decade.
The UN hoped to provide ...... (5) water for everyone by 1990.
1. a. few
b. a few
c. many
d. little
2. a. each
b. a
c. the
d. #
3. a. because
b. with
c. for
d. because of
4. a. An
b. A
c. The
d. #
5. a. pure
b. clear
c. clean
d. dirty

Choose the underline part among a, b, c or d that needs correcting:

1. There is a big tree lie across the street.
c d
2. Tom apologized to being late for class.
b c
3. He didnt come to class for two days, and anyone knows where he is.
4. She said that she will be here the next day.
b c
5. She was busy decorate the house.
Read the following passage and choose the most appropriate answer from a,b,c or d to answer

British politeness
Do you, learners of English, ever wonder whether repeating and trying to remember various everyday
expressions, such as Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest taxi rank is? has any value other than in
exams? Well, I must admit that such thing didnt cross my mind until last February when I got a letter from
the British Council, saying that I had won a language course in England.
The polite question mentioned was the one I had to ask on arrival in Parkston, a picturesque part of
Poole with lot of semi-detached houses on either side of each street. What struck me most was the kindness of
an old lady, who happened to leave Safeways just after my getting off the coach. Not only did she show me
where to phone for a taxi, but she also gave me a hand with the luggage. I was really surprised, too, when the
taxi driver got out of the car and helped me put the bags into the boot. I immediately thought of Polish taxi
drivers who usually do not make the slightest effort to help you, apart from pressing the right button and
waiting for the boot to open.
In spite of the stereotypes about reluctance towards foreigners, the English turn out to be an extreme
polite and open nation.
1. According to the passage, where does the author come from?
a. England
b. Poland
c. Parkton
d. Poole
2. How did the old lady help the author?
a. showed her where to phone for a taxi
b. gave her a hand with the luggage in the boot
c. put her luggage in the boot.
d. both a and b are correct
3. What does the author think of the English ?
a. they are very polite and open
b. they are always reluctant towards foreigners
c. they are kind hearted
d. they care a lot about others business
4. What did the author see when arriving in Parkston?
a. the picturesque part of Poole
b. the semi-detached houses
c. the British Council building
d. the coach
5. What is NOT true according to the passage?
a. the author won a language course in England
b. the author met a kind lady when she first arrived in Parkston
c. the author was surprised by the enthusiastic help of the British driver
d. the author thinks that everyday English expressions have no practical values

Choose the word whose bold printed part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group:
1. A. sources
B. places
C. colours
D. witches
2. A. page
B. heritage
C. age
D. stage
Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others
1. A. challengeB. suggest
C. design
D. construct
2. A. television
B. exhibition
C. optimism
D. criticism
Choose the most suitable answer to complete each of the following sentence:
1. I received two letters this morning. _________ of them was from my parents.

A. All
B. Both
C. Either
D. Neither
2. As he opened the door, an _________ blast of wind swept through the room.
A. All
B. Both
C. Either
D. Neither
3.I received two letters this morning. _________ of them was from my parents.
A. All
B. Both
C. Either
D. Neither
4. This restaurant is _________ for its friendly atmosphere.
A. good-known
B. well-known
C. well-know
D. good-know
5. Do both of you major in economics.
A. No, neither of us do
B. No, neither of us does
C. Yes, neither of us do
D. Yes, neither of us does
6. What is the length of the earths _________ around the sun?
A. orbit
B. way
C. road
D. line

Read the following text carefully then do the exercises below

In 1920, after some thirty-nine years of problems of disease, high costs, and politics, the Panama
Canal was officially opened, finally linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans by allowing ships to pass through
the fifty-mile canal zone instead of traveling some seven thousand miles around Cape horn. It takes a ship
approximately eight hours to complete the trip through the canal and costs an average of fifteen thousand
dollars, one-tenth of what it could cost an average ship to round the Horn. More than fifteen thousand ships
pass through its lock each year.
The French initiated the project but sold their rights to the United States. The latter would control it
until the end of the twentieth century when Panama took over its duties.
1. Decide whether each statement below true (T) or false (F):
a. France controls the Panama Canal at present.
d. It takes a ship seven thousand miles to pass through the canal.
c. The Panama Canal link the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
b. The Panama Canal was not opened until the year of 1920.
2. Answer the following questions :
a. How much does it cost a ship to travel around Cape Horn?
b. In what year was the construction probably begun on the canal?
c. Which country does the phrase the latter in paragraph 2 mention to?

Choose the underlined part that needs correcting.
1). There are a lot of work to do here.
2). I couldn't make my car to start this morning.
3). My boss doesn't allow me using the telephone for private calls.
4). I'm sure he is capable in running a mile in for minutes.
5). Good friendship should be basing on mutual understanding.
6). I'm delighted hearing that you have made much progress in your study recently.
7). She said the letter was personal and wouldn't let me to reach it.
8). It's impossible for me being there before 8.00 p.m.
9). I saw a man to jump through the window 5 minutes ago, but I couldn't remember his face.

10. He offered to share the cost between me.

II. Choose the best answer that best completes each sentence.
11).At school she __ close friendships with several other girls.
A). shaped
B). formed
C). built
D). created
12). The children seem to be totally__ of working quietly by themselves.
A). not able
B). incapable
C). unable
D). impossible
13). John refused to__ his children go to the concert.
A). allow
B). enable
C). permit
D). let
14). The dentist told him__ his mouth wide.
A). open
B). to open
C). to opening
D). opening
15). His parents never allowed him__.
A). a smoking
B). to smoke
C). smoking
D). some smoke
16). Do you __ my turning the television on now?
A). want
B). object
C). mind
D). disapproved
17). He __ me to buy my air ticket immediately or it would be too late.
A). suggested
B). advised
C). convinced
D). insisted
18). I __ my friend to lend me his caravan for my trip to the country.
A). suggested
B). offered
C). persuaded
D). proposed
19). They would__ go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A). better
B). prefer
C). rather
D). always
20). Her guest apologized for causing her so much___.
A). trouble
B). problem
C). complication
D). obstacle
21). You eat the olives, everybody __ them.
A). is hating
B). hate
C). hates
D). are hating
22). Her latest documentary is primarily__ with youth unemployment.
A). involved
B). engaged
C). concerned
D). related
23). I can't see the ___ of sitting on the beach all day.
A). attractive
B). attract
C). attractively
D). attraction
24). He is always loyal __ his principles whatever happens.
A). on
B). to
C). with
D). about
25). You should inform the police if you see anything___.
A). afraid
B). unbelievable
C). uncertain
D). suspicious
26). It was difficult to___ a date which was convenient of everyone.
A). arrange
B). reach
C). schedule
D). prepare
27). She was__ to warn her mother that she would be late because the telephone was out of order.
A). incapable
B). unlikeable
C). impossible
D). unable
28). Their professional relationship developed into lasting___.
A). friend
B). friendship
C). friendliness
D). friendly
29). Tom always pays for everyone when we go out. He's so___.
A). careful
B). mean
C). greedy
D). generous
30). It's lovely___ you again.
A). of seeing
B). for seeing
C). seeing
D). to see
Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the others
31).A). number
B). affair
C). friendship
D). special
32).A). believe
B). ready
C). easy
D). feeling
33).A). sympathy
B). interest
C). capable
D). acquaintance
34).A). sincerely
B). mutual
C). discussion
D). impossible
35).A). honest
B). eager
C). admire
D). patient
Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
36).A). church
B). children
C). machine
D). change
37).A). residential
B). natural
C). culture
D). mutual
38).A). passenger
B). village
C). generous
D). guitarist
39).A). person
B). certain
C). starter
D). perfect
40).A). constancy
B). possible
C). long
D). other
Reading the passage and decide which answer that best fits each gap.

Pablo was a friend to many people, but he and I(1) especially well. If
I(2).. a problem, I knew that I could always go to him to talk it over. Just talking to him
would(3). me up. Once he helped me get over my disappointed(4)
I didn't make the football team. Another time, he stuck up for a friend(5)
was falsely accused of(6). in an exam. I sometimes wondered how
he(7). me because sometimes I wasn't so nice to (8)
people. But Pablo would never(9).. a friend down. After high school, we both
moved away to go to college, but we have stayed(10)
1).A). got along
B). got ahead
C). got away
D). got out
2).A). made
B). took
C). had
D). ran
3).A). cheer
B). wake
C). bring
D). warm
4).A). in case
B). while
C). when
D). if
5).A). which
B). who
C). whom
D). he
6).A). cheating
B). pretending
C). tricking
D). deceiving
7).A). catch up with
B). keep up with
C). put up with
D). keep pace with
8).A). another
B). other
C). else
D). others
9).A). hold
B). put
C). make
D). let
10).A). of touch
B). out of touch
C). in touch
D). with touch

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