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Did you ever wake up with

a passion to feed your soul

and renew your spirit?
Follow it with all your heart. Explore the world. Study, live and teach abroad. Travel to places you have
always dreamed of. I will be forever grateful for this experience, adventure, and life abroad.
One day people are strangers and one day you wake up and realize they have become your family. May
everyone follow their heart and keep an open mind to possibilities. Do not be afraid of change, but be
excited for the new doors of opportunity and possibility. Always dream. BIG! Take a chance on life. I did
and I havent looked back since.

TEFL life is good

Lisa Angelini, graduate TtMadrid

Im Helen Finnegan, LETS Academic Program Manager and your advisor for TtMadrids TEFL Program.
Moving to Spain is a big step but with support and planning, you will walk into our
school knowing it was the right decision and I will be here to guide you through
each and every step.
For non-European passport holders who wish to live in Spain for up to a year to
really experience the culture, travel around Europe and learn Spanish, you need a
visa that allows you to live and study here. The LETS Group has all the pieces of
the puzzle through our Teaching Training School (TtMadrid) and our Spanish School
(LAE Madrid) to ensure you have the experience of a life time, studying, teaching, travelling and exploring
Spain and the rest of Europe!

The TEFL Course

Type of course: 1 year Spanish, Teaching and Cultural Immersion Program

Visa type: Student visa (1 year)
4-week intensive, accredited TEFL course at TtMadrid
36 weeks of Spanish (10 hours p/w), cultural activities and workshops (10h p/w) at our Instituto
Cervantes-accredited Spanish Academy, LAEMadrid, which is located on campus
Support throughout the year with legal appointments, professional advice, etc.
Pedagogical support pack - lesson planning guidance, use of the resources post-course
Job support to find teaching placements

Our TEFL Certificate is recognized worldwide!


Entry Requirements:
At least 21 years old, native or proficiency level of English with a university degree or equivalent. We do make exceptions to the
educational qualification based on work experience, personality and previous studies (this is done on a case by case basis).

Why do I need a Student Visa?

Whilst many citizens of non-European countries (such as the USA) have the right to come to Spain as
a tourist, the time limit is normally for around 3 months.
For stays of up to a year, you will need a more permanent visa. The LETS Program offers you a full
study program of Spanish classes, which entitiles you to get a Student Visa.
As with all students, you have the right to request permission to work for up to 20 hours a week to fit
around your studies. We can work with you and your employer to help you to obtain this.
There are many companies offering TEFL courses without a visa, and some that allow non-EU citizens
to come without the correct paperwork. This can be incredibly stressful and would prevent you from
traveling, working legally and generally enjoying your time living in Spain and what Europe has to offer.
Get in touch and we will answer all your questions on visas and what you will need to get your
visa sorted without any problems!

Need more details?


or should we
call it the TEFL

Whos waiting for you?

Natasha Mason

Laura Brunwin

Karmen Liovic

Helen Finnegan

(British) TtMadrid Founder

Come to me for: Some
honest & frank advice
(and Tetley tea in my top

(British) Director of Studies

Come to me for: Tears,
Tissues and Hugs.

(Croatian) School Manager

and UNL Trainer
Come to me for: Anything
and everything! I know a
lot and what I dont, Ill find
out fast!

(British) LETS Academic

Program Manager
Come to me for: Its
probably easier to ask
what not to come to me
for: Homework!


1. We train you and give you the tools you need to become a
successful English teacher
2. You put your new abilities into practice by having real teaching
practices and projects!
3. You go out into the real world and get paid to do what you love!

The moment you set foot in our

lovely school, your TEFL career/
race starts! For four weeks you
are expected to do your best and
cross the finish line feeling proud
of yourself and with a certificate
to show that you have met the
highest standards for Teaching
English as a Foreign Language.

Things you need to know:

A triathlon is always intensive
but very rewarding. So is our
TEFL course. You dont get to
slow down! But dont worry, well
provide plenty of coffee, tea and
fruit to make sure you keep your
strength until the very end. You
will be in the school from 9:30am
to 7:00pm each day and you will

also be required to complete

coursework and assignments in the
evenings and on weekends.

teaching skills in a real classroom

with real students but in the safety
of our school.

Lots of training will be required!

You will participate in workshops
on lesson planning, teaching
techniques, materials, the four
skills (reading, writing, speaking
and listening), grammar and
phonetics. Look at it as the warm
up before going into the classroom!

You will get international

recognition. Our TEFL program is
moderated and accredited by the
International Association of TESOL
Qualifying Organisations, which
means that a globally recognized
independent body ensures we
keep up our standards and that our
certificate is recognized worldwide!
Australia? USA? Japan? Germany?
Brazil? Peru? Take your pick!

People will be tracking your

performance every step of the
way. Thats right! During the
course you will have 6 observed
teaching practices. You will teach
students from five different levels
and while you do so, one of our
trainers will be taking notes to give
you feedback afterwards so you
can continuously improve. These
classes enable you to practice your

You will succeed and cross the

finish line... the jobs are waiting.
100% successful job placements
and a team that wont rest to make
sure of this, gives us the right
to brag about the fact that our
students always come out as the

Valentina Ponasova

Nicole Keepers

Monica Bixby

(Russian) Assistant
Director of Studies
Come to me for: A kick in
the butt & structure.

(American) Trainer and

Come to me for: help
with organization and
phonetics support.

(American) Trainer and

Come to me for: When you
are missing home.

For a sneak peek, turn the page!

A typical day at TtMadrid

9.15am Trainees begin to arrive at our beautiful
school. Getting in a little early allows them time to
grab a coffee and get ready for the day. Most help
themselves to some fruit which is always around the

for an energetic input, Grammar Tenses II with our

resident grammar guru, Nicole!

9.30am Monica begins the first session by jumping

right into grammar with Definite and Indefinite


1.00pm LUNCH! Many students choose to bring

lunch and leave it in the fridge in order to save a few
euros. While most students will get together and eat in
our Chill Out Room, others often go to the park (thats
just a block away!) in the warmer months.

10.00am She then takes the class to a more

2.00pm - 3.30pm Trainees head back to the

pedagogical level by exploring the best ways to

structure an individual class. The students work
together to decide on logistics, activities and how to
best adapt teaching techniques for just one student.

11.15am - 11.30am Break. Just enough time

to get a cup of coffee or tea from the kitchen or head
downstairs for a quick walk around the block and
enjoy the sun!

11.30am Students head back to the training room

training room to learn how to help their students

progress in Error & Correction I with Valentina.

3.40pm - 6.00pm Excitement and exhilaration

fill the school as the trainees head to their FIRST
teaching practices. Once they finish they have a
feedback session with the trainer to ensure they make
progress for the next class.

Classes are
in your

Hola! Buenos das!,

Un caf, por favor?
What better way to travel and live abroad than to
improve your Spanish and immerse yourself in the
Spanish culture?
LAE Madrid is an Insituto Cervantes-accredited
Spanish school and offers a comprehensive
schedule of Spanish classes within our program
to ensure that your Spanish comes on leaps and
bounds. As soon as you start your classes with us,
you will see how fast you progress.

We have Spanish classes for all levels.

Your program includes 36 weeks of semi-intensive Spanish classes, with three cultural activities and
two confidence-building workshops per week.

What we offer:

Small classes - maximum 8 in the semi intensive courses.

Central location - Our school is located in one of the citys wealthiest and most fashionable neighborhoods
but it still feels very local and Spanish!
Professional teachers - all the teachers are native speakers, educated to degree level and qualified
instructors of Spanish as a Foreign Language. We ensure they fit with our dynamic learning ethos.
Cater for all ability levels - from complete beginners to fluent speakers.

How will I communicate?

Finding work while you study

There are few important things to know:
There is a constant and ever increasing demand for English classes.
We are the masters at helping you find work and we dont rest until you
are all set up.
We work with immigration lawyers to ensure both you and your employers
have all the necessary paperwork in place.

You wont become a millionaire teaching English in Spain but the

quality of life is fantastic!
You will earn enough to travel Europe, enjoy the excessively long vacation days, live in a nice apartment with friends
and enjoy a lovely glass of wine on the sun-bleached terraces of Madrid.
Lots of our graduates go on to teach business professionals in large companies, including Fortune 500 companies,
like Microsoft, Boeing, Johnson & Johnson, Disney and Coca-Cola, as well as law firms, hospitals and government
offices. Teachers give classes in the offices of these companies, often helping employees to design business plans
and prepare for international meetings, among many other things!
Other graduates choose to teach the future generations by becoming Young Learner Specialists, teaching in
schools, academies and with families around Madrid.
The majority of our graduates choose to do both, mixing the networking opportunities of business with the fun and
finger painting opportunities of childrens classes. Life is all about balance after all, as long as your face is paintfree for your class with the big cheese at KPMG!

There are various options for finding accommodation and we are always on hand to advise you. The
easiest option is for us to introduce you to an accommodation agency in Madrid. These guys will set you
up with somewhere for your first two months here, which means you arent tying yourself into anything
long term. If you love the place, at the end of the two months you can stay, and if you have fallen in love
with another area of Madrid or if you want to move in with your new friends, then you can do it hasslefree. Our grads find it very convenient!
We also have a Facebook page TtMadrid Housing Options where our grads post rooms available in
their apartments. This is a great way to move in with someone who can help you with your homework
and show you around town.
Finally, if you want to book yourself into a hostel and find your own place, we can recommend websites
and give advice on price and location.

How will I thrive?

Making friends!
Doing homework, grabbing lunch, going for caas (beers), having some wine, or just
having a great time everythings nicer with good company, isnt it? Because we know
how important it is to have people to rely on when starting a new life in a new country, we
make sure you have the network to make that happen. For that reason
Making friends is extremely easy in this program! We dont mean people you just
hang out with every now and again, but truly life-changing friendships that will dene
your time here. You will meet your classmates, graduates who are always around the
school and the locals, of course. Spanish people are friendly, open and accepting.
Facebook has become a very easy way for us to communicate with you both pre and post
course. We have groups for new students that can offer advice and support for the visa
process, accommodation options, teaching ideas and lots more. Email Helen and she will
add you to our groups so that you start chatting with people with the same interests as
you before you even arrive!
The friends you will make during your TEFL triathlon will probably become the ones who
will run alongside you during life, pick you up when you fall and celebrate when you

Enjoy the life-long race! :)

Once you have decided to participate in the
course, the process is as follows:

1 Email Helen at and notify us that you wish

to submit an application.

will be sent a link so that you can complete the application

2 You
form and submit it.
we receive that, you will be contacted by to have an
3 Once
interview via Skype. This is an opportunity for us to find out more
about you and for you to ask any questions you may have.
are accepted, you will receive an email from us asking you
4 Iftoyou
confirm which month you want to enroll.

5 You pay the deposit (800).*

We will issue you a letter of acceptance, accommodation letter

6 and assistance you may need in order to apply for your student
the paperwork and the other documentation indicated, you
7 With
need to submit your application to your corresponding Spanish

consulate (just type Spanish consulate and your city and it

should take you to the nearest one to you).
your friends and family and receive lots of inappropriate gifts
8 Tell
that wont fit into a suitcase and hear lots of stories about why
you shouldnt go to Madrid from people who have never been

9 Get on your flight and start your new adventure with us!
* Fully refundable in the unlikely event that your visa application is not successful.

Want a second opinion?


The concept of moving to

another country can be scary.
Fortunately, the staff at Tt
make it easy with their constant
support and their practical
learning structures. Their help
begins before you arrive to
Madrid and never ends. For that
Im forever grateful.

The program surpassed my

expectations and offered me
something new and exciting.
TtMadrid offers a diverse set
of friends and mentors which I
could not have anticipated.
- Theresa Bowman

- Evan Samuel

The four-week TEFL course

was very challenging but so
rewarding! Not only was I
given the proper tools to be a
successful teacher, but I met
some amazing people from all
over the world!
- Sabah Saeed

Mob: (+1) 609 315 2632

Tel: (+1) 917 267 8957

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