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St Chad’s Notices

16 May 2010

Joe’s Ordination

Saturday 19 June, 5pm

Joe will be ordained as Priest at

Chester Cathedral on Saturday
19 June at 5pm. The service will
last approximately one and
three quarter hours.

Please do pray for Joe, Cat and

Reuben and if you can go along
to support them, please do!

Leadership Huddle-
change of dates
To try and accommodate as
many people as possible we
have revised the remaining
dates of Leadership Huddle to:
14 June and 12 July (we will
not meet in May).

The Huddle will continue to

meet at the Lifecentre between
7.30pm- 9.30pm. If you are on
the PCC, or the leader of any
ministry team or small group,
Guywood Opening Celebrations
please come along to be Saturday 12 June
refreshed, encouraged and
equipped. We will be celebrating the re-opening of the Guywood Centre on Saturday 12
June. This is our opportunity to come together to celebrate the work
undertaken, the years of blessing the Guywood has given, and those that are
Fully Charged to come!
Holiday Club
From 10-12midday there will be a brunch with sausage butties and pastries,
Thank you to all those made toys and a bouncy castle for the children, and newspapers and the chance to
donations to enable us to offer chat for the adults.
subsidized places this year.
From 1-4pm we will host an afternoon tea with scones, tea and coffee.
Please continue to support this
The day will be open and free for everyone from Romiley and beyond! Please
ministry and join with us in
put it in your diaries!
prayer. We have prayer cards
at the back of church that you We will be producing invitations, available in the next couple of weeks, so you
can take away with you. You can invite your neighbours and friends.
can also sign up for more info
about our Fully Charged prayer If you would like to help on the day – even just for an hour – please let Jill
time – sheet at the back of Hookway know on 07899 656206 or
Issue #: [Date] Dolor Sit Amet

The week
Monday 17
3.30pm Fireworks in Guywood
Berrycroft Service Retrak Prayer
Tuesday 18
10.00am Little Lights
7.00pm Pulse Café
St Chad’s have been asked to Retrak quarterly prayer
7.45pm Ytime in Lifecentre
conduct a service at Berrycroft meeting: for anyone with a
Nursing Home in Romiley on heart to see God transform the
nd Wednesday 19
the 2 Sunday of each month lives of street children.
10.00am Sparklers
at 11am.
11.00am Holy Communion
Thurs 27 May 7.30-8.30 @ Ivy
The service will be very short Manchester, Didsbury
and very simple, consisting of Thursday 20
a few hymns, a few readings, a 10.00am Stars
Interactive prayer for children
few prayers and possibly a 7.30pm Pulse Small Groups
and families (including prayer for
very short talk. N-Gage with Christie Spurling).
Sunday 23
It will last approximately 20 9.15am Parish Communion
Drinks at The Woodstock pub
minutes. 10.30am Children drop off at
If you would like to help with 10:45am Worship Together
Get in touch for more info
this service on an occasional 6.30pm N Counter followed by
basis, any offers of help would social time
be very much appreciated.
Please contact Ann Russell
494 8907. Women’s Group

For women recovering from

Share your Story the effects of Childhood Sexual
Abuse. Church Office
1-5 Stockport Road
Every week we would love to Join us at: Romiley, Stockport
print good news from the church The Town House SK6 4BN
family about what God has done Hope Terrace
in you or through you. Stockport Sk3 9DU
phone (0161) 430 4652
We all need encouragement Tuesdays email
and would love to print 10.30-12.00am web
testimonies of breakthrough,
people being healed or set free. There will be an informal
gathering to meet with Office Hours
We don’t promise to use every facilitators before the next Mon - Thurs 9 - 5pm
story, but we will endeavour to planned series of meetings.
use as many as possible. You
can also ask to be anonymous if You’re welcome to bring
required. someone with you.

Email: For more information ring 0161 428 7388 or just come along

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