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Endocrinology - It is the study of endocrine system, this endocrine system is composed of glands in
different parts of the body as you can see on the picture above. The primary function of endocrine glands
is to release hormones, the function of this so called hormones is to control reproduction,
metabolism,growth and development in short to maintain homeostasis (normal body function).

So imagine life without hormones? let's just say for example you don't have any insulin hormone,when
insulin is absent, glucose in the blood is not taken up by body cells, glucose is a body sugar and having
too much of it the blood (diabetes) causes a lot of health problems in the eyes,nerves,kidneys which can
lead to blindness,dialysis, or even in much worst case scenario is amputation, ouch!.

Toxicology - Study of harmful toxic effects o substances/chemicals, also called as the science of
poisons.Toxicology has many aspects like food toxicology,environmental toxicology and clinical
toxicology.But eventhough it looks like politics that has many groups and divisions, it has only one
goal.That is to give proper information and understanding of how chemicals can bring adverse effects on
living organisms.

Drug Testing - Program created by the law to solve widespread problem of drug abuse and its
consequences.When you take in anything inside from the food that you eat, drinks and drugs. The body
will break down all of them into smaller particles and they will be digested and eventually go out of the
body, but not the drugs, its metabolites can remain in the body for long period of time.


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Clinical Chemistry Blog Notes 02B

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
CC3-Everyday Ok
I still got misty eyes when my air conditioning unit stopped. It was timed to do so at exactly 9:00 in the
morning. I headed to the bathroom to wash my face filled with bed sheet marks. As I was lathering soap
all over my face, I can feel some water dripping from my chin into my neck. After some vigorous
rubbing, I rinsed. Making sure that there wouldn’t be any trace of soap, I pat my whole face including my
neck. And as I was doing so I accidentally hit my adam’s apple which kind of hurt a little. Then I started
asking questions. Why do we have adam’s apple? What is its purpose? Why didn’t we have them as a
child? How does it develop? Could I get sick if I bump it often? And why is it even called that way? This
and many other questions about our human body could be answered through Endocrinology.

Hormones… hormones… hormones… That is what endocrinology is all about. It comes from two Greek
words “endo” meaning “inside” and “krino” meaning “to separate”. Endocrinology’s main concerns are
the organs of the Endocrine System. The Endocrine System is the collection of hormone-secreting organs
or glands that control different physiological functions of the body through the production of hormones
which are released into the blood in order to be transported to the different parts of the body. Many of the
processes that take place inside our body are controlled by these “internal secretions”. And so, the
dysfunction or abnormality in the hormones could greatly affect a person’s health. Therefore,
Endocrinology is a very important topic in the field of medicine because it explains to us how a disease
that is related to the production and secretion of hormones develops. Through this knowledge, diagnosis
and treatment of the endocrine system is possible.

Feeling energized and wakeful already, I went to the kitchen to grab a bowl of cereal. The carton of milk
was still cold when I poured it over my cereal. As I was munching my breakfast I felt bored because the
rest of my family already had breakfast like an hour ahead of me. I have this habit of reading anything
that is readable when I feel bored. And that time the only readable thing available is the back of the milk
carton I just poured into my bowl. I was about to pour it again when something I read stopped me. It says
“contain lead”. I was about to call my mom to tell her what I just found out when I took a second look at
it. I felt ridiculous when I saw that I skipped the “does not” part of the phrase. Then I told myself that it is
a good thing we have toxicologists to test the food we eat for harmful substances that may be present on
them like lead.

Toxicologist… a person who specializes on toxicology… from the word itself, toxicology is the study of
the different substances that may be harmful to our body. Also known as the “science of poison”,
toxicology explains to us the adverse effects of chemical on living organisms. It includes the mechanism
of these toxic substances which makes them harmful not only to humans but also to other forms of loving
things like plants.

Since it was still early to go out and take a walk I decided to watch TV. As I was zapping through the
channels police sirens started blasting out of the speakers. I felt curious and so I punched in the channel
where I think I saw it. It was the morning news. Like most teens my initial reaction would be to change it.
But then I decided to stay for a while to see what the police sirens are for. Apparently the police had a
raid on this apartment which was discovered to be a laboratory for substance of abuse like drugs. Then I
remembered one of our topics in CC3 which is drug testing.

Drug testing is basically testing for different body specimens like urine and blood in order to detect the
presence of drugs. When our body takes in anything, food, drink, or drugs they are broken down and
released into the body with urine, sweat, blood, etc. One product of the breaking down of these substances
is “metabolites”. Metabolites that are present in the specimens are what we use to detect if a person had
previous exposure or intake of a certain drug. But why do we have to test for drugs? As we all know
certain forms of drug may be harmful to our body. Some may cause dysfunction of the brain which may
cause a person to not act normally. This could be harmful not only to the person himself but also to other
people he or she maybe with. Through drug testing possible harm coming from these “drug abusers” may
be avoided.

Together with Endocrinology and Toxicology, Drug testing are the three topics which composes Clinical
Chemistry 3. Now, who says CC3 couldn't be applied on daily life? This blog note is an example that it
can be anywhere: on the news, on your breakfast table, and even on your own body. You just have to
wake up and wash that doubt and negativity about the subject off of your face.

Posted by Clinical Chemistry Blog Notes 02B at 5:38 PM 5 comments


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Endocrinology.Toxicology.Drug Test
As we all know, we have different systems in our body, one of which is the Endocrine System. It consist
of various glands, that deals in the secretion of the hormones directly from the blood.


• It is a branch of medicine that greatly concerns with the physiologic role of the hormones and
endocrine glands involving the human system. It also deals with with the related disorder or
diseases regarding the endocrine system.
• The study of toxic substances that may interfer in the circulation and its specific effect
particularly on the living system. Toxicology counteracts with the different fiels od studies, such
as Pharmacology, Pathology, Histology, Biochemistry and more other.
• Its main purpose is to identify and diagnose what specific substance causes the toxicity, and this
may help to detect an exact medication for its treatment.

Drug Test

• It is the determination for th presence or absence of a specified drugs or their metabolites in the
human body.
• Biological specimens for drug testing may include urine, blood, oral fluid or saliva.
• According to Mrs. Amalia Malonzo, RMT one of the drug test analyst of Bio Assay Diagnostic
Center, there are only two drugs that were tested here in the Philippines namely THC (delta-9-
tetrahydrocannabinol) anf MET (Methamphetamine), or commonly known as Marijuana and
Shabu. She also cited that most of the their patients request to avail this technical analysis for pre-
employment purposes, renewal of license others are for personal reasons.

Student Challenges...
"For every beginning is a new learning, take each step slowly but surely through God's wisdom and
words by heart..."
- ein (Save The Starter, 2010)

For the third time, us, Medical Technology students studying Clinical Chemistry, wouldn't end our
subject by just its course title and description. It's as if a book that brings newly made chapters that we
have to read and learn about. With this new path of knowledge, three topics were brought to begin the
journey in the deeper and more toxic world of Clinical Chemistry... ^_^

Many of the scientists believed that Endocrinology is a medical study that came from the Greek words
"endo" and "krino" which gave to its meaning - to separate within. It is a branch of medicine that is
dealing with the malfunctions of the Endocrine System and hormones, which are chemical secretions by
specialized cells such as glands.


Toxicology, as implied by its root word, toxic, is related to poisonous substances such as chemicals, that
affect the living and non living matter. From its etiology, Greek words "toxicos" and "logos" were used to
define it as the study of poisons, thus, it is concluded to be the discourse of the harmful effects of
chemicals on living organisms, as well as the symptoms, mechanisms, treatment and detection. ^_^


This test is primarily done using urine sample in order to detect the metabolites present in the body which
were excreted as wastes. Other body fluids such as sweat, saliva, blood and oral secretions may also be
used in testing. This test is performed to know whether the patient is using prohibited drugs or not. These
prohibited drugs are those drugs taken outside the Philippine Drug Formulary and are banned by the law.
Thus, any person caught positive, will be charged of penalty.
image-drug testing

I'm already done reading some of my books and surfing the net for my assignment in Clinical Chemistry
3 which includes Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug testing. At first I made, a rough draft at Ms-Word
to summarize all the things that I've read, I took a rest for a minute but after that I found myself sleeping
in the front of my desktop computer and it’s already 3 a.m in the morning. So here we go!

I. Endocrinology

It’s already 3 a.m and still I am figuring how to start a good introduction here at my blog. So basically, I
just told you guys that I got totally messed up because I found myself sleeping in the front of the
computer. Now that I mentioned SLEEPING (sorry for the all caps, basically I hate this when this is
happening to me), do you know that the hormone melatonin is the one responsible that help us to regulate
our sleeping patterns. So as all we know melatonin is a hormone wherein it has something to do with the
term Endocrinology. Let's start talking about Endocrinology!

Endocrinology is a branch of medicine dealing with disorder of the endocrine system and its specific
secretions called hormones. Endocrine system is an efficient means of controlling by the use of hormones,
it is the most important factor in the control of the basic processes of the individual, such as metabolism,
growth and reproduction.

Human Endocrinology is easily understood on how hormones are being secreted by different glands into
the blood and dispersed to cells within the body. Each of the hormone group is described in a separate
chapter, dealing with the factors affecting the hormones secretion.

Hormones are molecules that act as signals from one type of cells to another. Those secreted by the
endocrine glands travel primarily through the blood. The major endocrine glands are the thyroid, the two
adrenals, the four parathyroids, the pituitary, the pancreas, and the paired testes or ovaries. Hormones are
also produced by tissues or organs whose function is not primarily an endocrine one.

II. Toxicology

I went to the kitchen to find some foods at the refrigerator but suddenly I noticed there were ants at the
dishes left at the sink that attracts them (maybe my brother was the one responsible for this mess). After
noticing that incident, something came up on my mind. I remember the story that one of my friends told
me, it’s about that a woman who was very upset because her little girl caught eating Fire ants / Red ants
called him via phone. My friend quickly reassured her that ants are not harmful and there would be no
need to bring her daughter into the hospital.

So, upon hearing his story I quickly get my laptop and start surfing the net if there are really poisonous
ants. Some tells that ”Yes!” they are really poisonous ants, because they do have venom. That will cause
you to itch. If bitten several times by numerous ants, this will cause any type of severe allergic reaction.
Some said “No!”, they are not poisonous unless you eat them in cupfuls you should be fine unless.
Enough of this Ant’s thing and let’s just move on to the next topic. The reason I wrote it is because they
have something to do with toxicology, their venom.

According to Concise Pocket Medical Dictionary 2nd edition, 2009, U.N Panda. Toxicology, is a branch
of science dealing with toxic substances, their detection, pharmacological action, selection of suitable
antidotes, treatment and prevention of their symptoms.

Toxicology is typically divided between mechanistic studies, which understand and explain the basis for
such effects and the second is observational studies, looking at what effects result from exposure to a
particular substance. Clinical toxicology involves the application of toxicological principles within a
diagnostic setting.

Casarett & Doull's Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons (Casarett & Doull Toxicology), 2001

III. Drug Testing

After returning from the kitchen, I noticed my driver's license. My license has about to expire this year.
So basically, I will need to renew it before it's expiration date and the bad thing is it is too expensive
because you will need to pay for the medical examination which includes the drug testing and I need to
get a medical certificate. Basically, the drug testing for me is just a quite weird for me. Because what is
basically their point? An addicted to a certain illegal drugs like shabu, marijuana, cocaine and ecstasy can
stop for a while taking drugs to renew his/her license. Weird! Anyways let's move to our next topic Drug

According to our friendly neighborhood Wikipedia, Drug testing is a technical analysis of a biological
specimen - for example urine, hair, blood, sweat, or oral fluid / saliva - to determine the presence or
absence of specified parent drugs or their metabolites. I know before reading this, you guys exactly know
what is drug testing all about.

As mentioned above there are different types on how to conduct a drug testing. As a future medical
laboratory scientist, Urine drug testing is the most common test we do and not only by us, but also other
federally mandated drug testing programs. Oral drug testing or the saliva testing is non-invasive and easy
to collect specimen while sweat drug testing is very easy to collect the specimen and no comfort room
needed to collect the specimen, these drug tests are relatively tamper proof since they are hard to
manipulate. A laboratory is not required for analysis.

A glimpse on Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug testing
A Glimpse on Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing


The Endocrine system is another essential system of the body which consists of ductless glands mainly
the adrenal, hypothalamus, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, islets of Langerhans in the pancreas,
ovaries and testes which secretes the hormones directly in the blood, that are necessary and significant to
the body development, processes and growth. They go to the different organd in the body and maintain
the balance and equilibrium for normal processes to take place.

For a deeper learning and understanding on the said topic above, please view this:

Endocrinology, on the other hand, is a study and branch of medicine dealing with these hormones along
with their specific functions, development, physiological roles and significance in the body. It explains
and discusses the endocrine glands further and their secretions which affects the body processes in
different ways which sometimes lead to disorders. That's why it is also a branch of Science which aids in
the diagnosis and treatment of the disorders that may arise.

One of the important hormones is the TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) which enables the thyroid
glands to produce or secrete more hormones. Along with these are the adrenaline, calcitonin, Parathyroid
hormone, Triiodothyronine (T3) and many more wherein all are secreted by different glands and has
specific and different functions. They bind to specific receptors in the organ as their target.


As to the meaning of the word, toxic is an adjective that describes a dangerous, bad and sometimes deadly
product or anything that may cause adverse and harmful effect. This also applies to another branch of
Science called the Toxicology wherein it tells of the different chemicals and drugs that may poison,
destroy and greatly affect living organisms. As to knowing the speicific chemicals that have these effects,
it also aims to determine and study their nature, the main cause, their content, and the treatment.

To understand food safety and toxicology, link to this site:

Toxicology is a broad field which is used to describe the cellular and biochemical effects of the toxins,
testing animals so as to know the effects it will have on humans and to define toxin exposure and its
levels. The dose and effects of the chemical plays a very important role in determining the level of
exposure of a person. Potentially dangerous chemical contaminants that affects humans may be found
from pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables, metals in seafoods, plastic container contaminants,
methanol and some in drugs.

As it is commonly taught in the laboratory, there are various chemicals that may be poisonous in the body
that's why careful handling is strictly advised to students so as to avoid accidents. Exposure to toxins
through accidents is commonly encountered as compared to other causes which may be suicide, or abuse
and addiction. The victim may be exposed through inhalation, ingestion or transdermally.

One of the most prevalent cause of crime and illegal actions since then is the use of prohibited drugs.
Addiction is the main cause of the abuse due to the relieving effect it gives the person upon intake which
makes him/ her ask for more and more. However, any drugs that are mistakenly handled and used gives a
bad effect and can be so harmful to the user. It may affect his mental behaviors and moreso, his physical
health and his decision making abilities. It damages the body parts and organs by and by, little by little.

This is the reason why usage of the drugs and prohibition of illegal drugs is highly stressed and
emphasized. Along with this, drug test was made so as to detect and find those who are in the influence of
these dangerous and deadly drugs. Drug test is an analysis of different specimens such as urine, saliva,
blood, sweat, etc. which aids in determining the presence of any drug metabolites. Urinalyis is the most
commonly used test type on drug testing.

Each of the drugs have different detection periods. Some can be easily obtained after 24 hours with the
use of urine as the specimen like ecstasy and alcohol. Some takes longer times and period to be detected
depending on the specimen used. In performing drug test, the employer must follow a procedure and steps
from the collection on to the delivery of the result.


Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing...

Personally, I was challenged when I knew that our Clinical Chemistry 3 is almost all about blogging
regarding different topics on this subject. I was challenged because doing blogs and writing such as this is
not my field of interest. Yes, I must simply say that I’m not good at blogging at all..But for the sake of
having a good grade and as a requirement in our subject, I’ll start to learn and love :)

For our first task, that is to define the three sub-topics of Clinical Chemistry 3 namely: Endocrinology,
Toxicology and Drug Testing...


As far as I am concerned, endocrinology deals with different hormones in the body as a part of human
developmental stages. Such hormones have their own function in which they regulate so many of the
biochemical processes in the human body. Also, it is a great help in our today’s predicament because
through endocrinology, its easier for us to know or to detect a certain disease or problem within our
system. Hormonal change is an example that could lead to several mental illnesses.

In our very modern world, many hormonal kits are now being utilized for easier, accurate and faster
results. Pregnancy kit is an example using immunoassay procedure just to name a few. Endocrinology
really has a big role and much significance.


Toxic. A very popular term and expression almost always being heard to med tech students like us.

Toxic because you are bombarded with many homeworks, projects, quizzes every now and then and of
course the never-ending manuals to finish. Well, that's the way it should be. You just have to embrace and
accept it with all your heart. Because if there's no toxicity, there's no thrill being a med tech.
um, actually that's the way i define toxicology. Knowing the real definition, it has something to do with
poisons. Poisonous materials that could dangerously affect our whole body and could lead us to death..
But on the positive aspect, different treatments are being studied and developed to escape from these

Drug Testing

From the word itself "drug testing", it is the process of determining a certain drug in the person's body. In
here, biological specimens such as hair, urine, blood, saliva and sweat are helpful tools to detect drugs. It
is applicable or required to take this test for pre-employment purposes. Another use of this test is for
diagnostics and even in post-incident cases.

That's it... Pagpasensyahan nyo nlang po if may mga wrong grammars ako..hehe..
I'll try my best to improve..

Anyway, I think this will be my training background.. =) GodbLess.


Similar to movies and bestseller books, Clinical Chemistry is a TRILOGY subject. CC 01 is all about
Routine Clinical Chemistry; CC 02 is about Special Chemistry; and lastly, CC 03 is about Endocrinology,
Toxicology and Drug Testing. As they always say, the LAST part is the BEST but the BLOODIEST.

This blog is all about Clinical Chemistry 3. And for a jump start, lets define the aforementioned terms that
are included in the subject.


When people hear the word endocrinologist, they simply say that they are doctors which specialize with
hormonal imbalances. Endocrinology is basically the study endocrine system, which is composed of
glands that secretes hormones. It includes processes of production, their functions, and also their
correlated diseases. Hormones are the principal area under discussion of this field of science.


Our generation is now surrounded by chemicals which can be either helpful or harmful. Chemicals are
always associated with health threats. That’s why chemical hazard sign is labelled with a skull signifying
danger or death. Toxicology is simply the study of the chemicals which have adverse effects to human
beings. This field of science measures the risks and circumstances of these harmful chemical ranging
from short to long term results.


Cocaine, marijuana and heroin – these are some of the abused substances that had gain many issues and
law-related violations in our generation. These had caused many individuals to lose their track in life,
destroyed many families, and even brought disarray to our community. Usually, drug testing is very
helpful to combat drug usage. Drug testing is a way to determine people who had taken specified drugs or
substances. It can even quantify the amount of taken substances. This test usually includes many
biological specimens like blood, urine, saliva, sweat and even hair.


Clinical Chemistry 3 : Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing

Basically speaking, ENDOCRINOLOGY is the study of hormones. Hormones are chemicals produced
by a cell and are transported to other cells. The said hormones carry specific messages or signals that
would initiate a biological effect on other parts of the body. Hormones are originated in all forms of life
with more than one cell, and so they are found in both animals and plants. They control a wide range of
physiological activities, such as growth, development, puberty etc.
TOXICOLOGY is the science of poisons. It is also the study of the active relations of chemicals with
living systems. It includes the identification of toxic substances, their properties, as well as their biologic
effects and even the treatment of disease conditions that they cause. And when we say toxic substances,
these are not solely used for killing, this substances contributes to the health and safety humankind and to
the advancement of biological sciences including medicine in many different ways.
And DRUG TESTING is the scientific examination of a biological sample from the known specimen
from the patient to determine the occurrence or absence of the alleged abused drug. One major factor to
consider in this process is the approximate period of time to follow before testing the patient’s sample.
With technical analysis, any form of drug abuse can be eliminated.

Endocrinology, Toxicology, and Drug testing


When I heard the word endocrinology first thing came up to my mind are hormones.

Endocrinology is concerned with the study of the chemistry, and physiological function of hormones and
with the cells of the endocrine glands and tissues that secrete them that work together with the nervous
system to coordinate functions of all the body system.

When we say hormones basically, hormones are your body's chemical messengers. They travel in your
bloodstream to tissues or organs. They work slowly, over time, and affect many different processes.

Functions of Hormones

1. Help Regulate:
• chemical composition & volume of internal environment
• metabolism and energy balance
• contraction of smooth and cardiac muscle fibers
• glandular secretions
• some immune system activities
2. Control growth and development

3. Regulate operation of reproductive system


The study of the adverse effects of a toxicant on living organisms meaning to say the effects of the
poisons, these poisonous substances is produced by plants, animals or bacteria.

The household products implicated most poisonings are cleaning solutions, fuels, medicines, and other
material such as cosmetics and paints.

Toxicologists is the person who work to develop a mechanistic understanding of how chemicals affect
living systems.

Swiss physician Paracelsus (1493-1541) "The Father of Modern Toxicology. He said "all substances are
poisons: there is none which is not a poison. the right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy."

Drug testing

Drug testing is being done for many purposes its a major requirements like when you are seeking for an
employment, those you are athletics etc.

There are many different procedures to analyze and perform the drug test. drug testing is process of
anlysing biological specimen in order for use to determine the absence or presence of a certain
metabolites that is not supposed to be taken which are considered illegal that affect our health. examples
are cocaine, ectasy, and shabu.

These biological specimens have different specific time seen in the fluid being tested. Examples are
saliva, urine, sweat, hair and blood.



When I've first heard of the word endocrinology, the first thing that pops out of my mind are hormones.

Thereby, we can briefly define that endocrinology is one of the field of clinical chemistry wherein the
types, characteristic, and functions of hormones are studied, analyzed, and interpreted to be used for
clinical application or intervention.

First, Lets talk about hormones. Basically, hormones are chemicals that were released by an organ such as
the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, in the blood that will travel to its target cell and binds to its
receptor and thereby accomplish its function in it.

According to Bidy Kulkarni They are currently divided in three types which are protein hormones,
aromatic amines, and the steroid hormones.
Growth, metabolism, and reproduction are some of the job of that hormones facilitate. They can be up-
regulated or down-regulated depending on the need of the body.

Like in the blood, homeostasis in the production of hormones is also a big factor among them and it is a
must to be.

For better understanding, a presentation was linked below for you.

The Endocrine System: How it works? uploaded by: mrbpointscom


Mainly, a person is said to be poisoned or toxicated when he has ingested a poisonous substance like
chemicals, or hazardous elements. But as we tackle the concept of toxicology, our minds will be more
broaden as we discuss the toxicity of this matter.

Parcelsus is the one who started the field of toxicology in the sixteenth century and also credited as "The
Father of Toxicology.

According to Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, Correlation by Lawrence A. Kaplan and Amadeo
Pesce, toxicology is concerned with the physical and chemical properties of posion, their physiologcial
and behavioral effects on living organism, and treatment.

photo by:Dutchy131

Toxicology is broad practice wherein it was divided now to three subfields, which is industrial
toxicology, clinical toxicology, and forensic toxicology.

Just as Parcelsus said that all things are toxic, we can now refer that there are levels of toxicity that a
person might encounter upon ingesting a particular toxic substance.

Toxicity are depend to certain factors such as time, amount or concentration, route of administration.
These factors may give us information what will be the further condition of a person will be experiencing
and how long it also may take.

Drug Testing

Nowadays, drug testing is done rumphantly in the world everywhere for many kinds of purpose. Some are
used in licensure, in athletics, and others for crime investigations.

Drug testing is the examination of certain body fluids that may contain a specific metabolite that is
pursued to be specifically obtained.

Example of this drugs are barbiturates, cocaine, marijuana, and etc. These drugs are tested for their
specific metabolites, which has also specific time wherein they will be currently present in the fluid to
being analyzed.

There are a lots of procedure in performing the drug testing. It can be done using urine, saliva, blood and
even sweat.

Endocrinology... from the word itself you can already grasp what the word means. Endocrine and logy--
logy which means to study and endocrine which is an organ system in our body. I thought this subject
would focus on our endocrine system and true to my thoughts after reading from books and of course the
ever so easy to access, the internet!

I came to learn that Endocrinology focuses on the hormones that the endocrine glands produces. These
hormones which are very important so that our body would function normally, such as metabolism and

The Endocrine system is composed of glands that are located in our body and these glands are...

• Pineal gland
• Pituitary gland
• Thyroid gland
• Thymus
• Adrenal gland
• Pancreas
• The gonads

by chebella7604

Toxicology... Have you ever experienced accidentally touching a chemical inside the laboratory? or
accidentally splashing some chemicals??? those people especially students in the medical field does this
incidents sounds familiar? yep me too I already experienced freaking out and being paranoid thinking
what would happen...

by Lance Upperkut
When I first saw toxicology from my registration form I thought wow! interesting.

Eventually after reading the definition of toxicology from different sources I learned that this subject
studies the effect of different chemicals into our body. How does this poisonous chemicals interact inside
the living creatures body.

Personally I think studying toxicology would help us medical technologies to be more careful from
handling these chemicals because we already know the effects it will cause to us.
Drug Testing...from what I know drug testing is a test that is performed to detect the presence of a
certain drug in the urine. But after reading the definition of this test from different sources I came to learn
that drug testing can also be performed using different specimens like sweat or hair

But because of the cost of these tests the most common biological specimen used is the urine, that's why it
is the most famous among the other tests.

Different drugs have different approximate values of detection. For example heroin, it can only be
detected in urine after 3-4 days. For reference of different approximate time of detection of each drug go

By: Princess

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Clinical Chemistry Blog Notes 18B


About Me

εїз loves singing and acting, but barely believe she can pull it all off.
Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing
Goodbye Clinical Chemistry 2, Hello Clinical Chemistry 3!

Earlier this day, we had our first meeting for our CC3 class. This subject is all about Endocrinology,
Toxicology and Drug Testing. In order for us to fully understand the subject, we need to have a quick
review of what these topics are all about.

Endocrinology, based from what I have learned, is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of
hormones. It primarily deals with the endocrine system and the disorders and diseases that are associated
with it. In the field of medical technology, Endocrinology is frequently linked with the study of diabetes
and metabolism.
Toxicology, on the other hand, is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of poisons. It is often
referred to as "science of potions". Studying Toxicology helps us understand the nature, the adverse
effects of poison in the body, most specifically in humans and the treatment of poisoning.

And finally, Drug Testing, also known as "drug screening". This deals with the testing of the presence of
different drugs in the human body. A drug test is an examination done in a biological specimen, e.g.:
urine (which is the most common), blood may also be used, hair, saliva and even sweat to detect the
presence of specific drugs and determine how long the drug has been in the body of the patient.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Endocrinology, Toxicology, and Drug Testing

Endocrinology is a study that deals with the endocrine system and its specializede glands which secretes
chemical substances called hormones. It also includes the study of the chemistry functions of hormones of
the specialized glands and tissues.These glands which transfers information from one set of cells to
another enables the organism to adjust various activities of the body to the changing demands of the
external and internal environment.


Toxicology is the study of poisons, their effects, and antidrotes. Toxicity is the ability of a substance to
produce injury upon reaching a susceptible site in or on the body.

The dosage period and the period of time over which the dosage occurs determine the effect of a
substance on an organism. Normally even safe substances can cause illness or death if consumed
insufficient amounts or too much intake.

Toxiclogy has branched into specialized areas depending on how organisms can be exposed to these
substances by various routes. These specialized areas would include:

• Economic toxicology- concerned with chemicals used in drugs, food additives, pesticides, and

• Forensic toxicology- involving the medical and legal aspects of poisonous materials when death or
severe injury is the result of their use.

• Industrial toxicology- in which the effects of pollutants in the working environment are evaluated.

• Environmental toxicollogy- which is the evaluation of the synergistic effects of chemicals in the

Drug Testing

Drug testing or drug screening is performed to detect small amounts of any number of metabolites of
commonly used drugs. Drug screens are available for a variety of substances including amphetamines,
barbiturates, benzodiazepines, cocaine, methamphetamine, opiates (morphine and herioine), cannabinoids
(marijuana), phenycyclidine, and propoxyphene.
Not only is drug testing helpful in identifying users but it also acts as a deterrent.

Substance abuse testing has used urine exclusively as the sample of choice which is generally
inexpensive, easily obtained, plentiful and contains large amount of drugs and metabolites.

for example: urine can identify drug usage for 7 to 14 days after the last usage, whereas blood testing
reflects drug usage only during the past few hours. Saliva, breath, hair and sweat are becoming
increasingly important and accurate specimens for specific drug testing however they are expensive.
Drug testing are test or set of test which determines the presence of substances that are abused if the
patient is suspected of taking illegal drugs or prohibited drugs. Urine, hair and blood are the
specimens commonly collected in this type of test.
Toxicology is the study of the effects of chemicals in the body. It deals with the composition,
symptoms,, and treatment of this harmful chemicals or toxins.
Endocrinology is the study of the production, composition, storage, and function of hormones in the
body. These hormones are present in organs called glands and are found in different parts of the body.
Commonly hormones are released in small amount and transported through the blood to its specific
organ of function.
Toxicology, Endocrinology & Drug Testing
Come bitter pilot, now at once run on
The dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark!
Here’s to my love! O true apothecary!
Thy drugs are quick. Thus with a kiss I die.
- Shakespeare (Romeo & Juliet-Act5)

You see ever since Romeo & Juliet was written, poisons have already been existing.In fact, philosopher
Socrates died of it, unfortunately.Poisons are found to be in different colors, chemical properties and
possesses different stages of lethality. That is why there is a thing called toxicology...

TOXICOLOGY is the study of adverse effects of toxins and/or poisons present in the body. Biologic
agents such as these should be given proper precautions, but of course, awareness should be first. Seeing
that trademark "skull bone" logo would already give you an idea.


Drug testing played an important role to determine if there is a drug present and what is the drug present
in the body of a certain person. This can be done by collecting samples of any biological specimen like
urine and blood although there are cases in which the other specimen is much preferable than the other
specimen. Moreover, each of the sample specimen has its own advantage/disadvantage over another. In
relation with toxicology, drug testing is used to determine drug toxicity and drug dependency.


The study of how the Endocrine System works and helps in tissue function by producing many different
hormones. Since it involves endocrine glands like adrenal,pancreas,parathyroid,pituitary and thyroid
gland, it influences most of our body system (majority of our body organs are rule by it).The study also
involves disorders pertaining to all endocrine glands.
It's 7 o'clock in the morning, my cellphone alarmed which is my wake up call. My head aches and i'm still
sleepy so I decided to stay in my bed for 30 minutes. While in my bed I was thinking about what just
happened yesterday. And then, I just remember that we have given an assingment to our Clinical
Chemistry subject. Instead of staying in my bed or 30 minutes, I decided to get up and finish my
assingment. Without even washing my face, I rush to my auntie's house which is about 20 steps away to
my house, and ask where is my nephew so I can borrow his laptop. I didn't notice that he was just behind
me and he heard me. Without even asking me any reason why am i borrowing his laptop, hi ran to his
room, get his laptop and gave it to me. As i started my assingment, I first search for the meaning of
"Endocrinology". Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that deals with the disorders of the endocrine
system and its secreted hormones. Hormone are the one that are responsible for the humans growth and
development, metabolism, reproduction, respiration and other. The endocrine system is made up of
ductless glands, these glands are the pituitary, adrenal and the thyroid gland. These glands are
responsibles for the secretions of the hormones. The next is "toxicology",.. Toxicology came from the
greek word toxicos which means, "poisonous". Toxicology is a study about the adverse effect of the drug
in the human body, it is also a study of the symptom, mechanism, treatment and detection of the
poisoming. The last is, "Drug Testing", the srug test is an analysis of an specimen like urine, sweat, blood
or oral fluids to detect the absence or presence of the drug.
Enocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing.. These are the three topics that was given yesterday. With
their definitions, who can say that Clinical chemistry 3 will be a boring subject.. The truth is, I think this
sibject will be a tough one.
It took me several minutes before I finally had the urge to write in this empty white box. :D And the
reason is: this is the first time I'll write a blog with personal touch and thoughts :D.

Summer vacation is finally over. Goodbye summer wave and hello lectures+experiments+assignments.
And as for our first assignment in CC03: Define Endocrinology, Toxicology and Drug Testing.

Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine gland and substance they secrete which hormones. Hormones
is a chemical substance produced in the body that controls and regulates the activity of certain cells or
organs. Through this topic we'll able to answer our questions regarding hormonal imbalances,
menstruation, adam's apple, growth and several more because this is more likely related to some of our
body changes.

Toxicology is the study of poisonous materials and their effects on living organisms with emphasis on
classification, action, regulations on dispensing and use, precautions, general purification, isolation and
quantitative estimation in biological specimens which is important for us medical technologists.

Drug Testing
This is the one that I am more familiar with. Drug test is a technical analysis of a biological specimen.
Sample specimens may be urine, hair, blood etc. When I am applying for my driver's license I am obliged
to attend drug testing. This is to determine whether I was taking up prohibited drugs. As far as I
remember, the test was specific for Methamphetamine and others which i already forgot lol. :D

This semester, I am hoping to know a lot more regarding Endocrinolgy, Toxicology and Drug Testing. So
that I'll be able to add more informations to share. :D

Endocrinology, as i understand its definition, is the study of the body's hormones and their disorders in
the body as they produce signals and help in regulation. This study involves and deals with the glands
responsible for secreting certain hormones to be released in the circulatory system of the blood. The study
deals with the explanation of the glands responsible in producing hormones in the endocrine system.
These physicians studying this type of science are called Endocrinologists.

During our brief discussion in our first day of class in Clinical Chemistry 3, Toxicology is the study of
certain chemicals which are poisonous or dangerous to the human body. These chemicals may bring harm
to the body and may lead to death. Toxicology deals with different types of chemicals, reagents, solutions
which may put a human's life in danger. It involves knowledge with different types of hazardous
chemicals we may encounter, not only in the laboratory but may be encountered anywhere.

Drug testing, as the name implies, it deals with the testing of different types of drugs. This involves the
study of chemicals present in these drugs which gives different effects to the body. In drug testing, we
find out how the drug may react once taken, whether the body may benefit from the drug or if it may be
toxic to the body instead. In the study of drug testing, it provides explanations on whether the drug shows
therapeutic reactions or not.

The study of Hormones:

• receptors
• intracellular signalling pathways they invoke
• diseases and conditions

If you are having unusual hormonal conditions the physician for you is a medical endocrinologist.
They have background training in different medical fields such as pediatrics, oncology and internal

*The nervous and endocrine systems often act together to regulate the physiologic processess of the
human body and those intimate interactions constitute neuroendocrinology.


○ The study of the effects of poison in the human body and how to diagnosis and treat
○ These poisons can be chemical or physical agents on living organisms.

Factors affecting toxic effect of a chemical:

 Dose
 Route of exposure
 Fate of the chemical after the organism is exposed
 Time course of the exposure


It is the detection of certain drugs prior of drug use. Drug examination use biological material such
as urine, hair, saliva or sweat. Drug screening is use in different occupations that require them and
in athletic competitions.
Endocrinology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of hormones, a specific secretion of the
endocrine system and tissues. This field of medicine also studies the receptors, intracellular pathway and
diseases associated with hormones. Examples of the main endocrine glands include pineal gland, pituitary
gland, thyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovary, and testes. In short, endocrinology deals
with everything that has to do with hormones.
Posted by Clinical Chemistry Blog Notes 31 B at 4:59 AM 2 comments
Toxicology is a branch of medicine that deals with the study of poison, its typical characteristics, adverse
effects and conditions they can cause to the body, ways on how to detect its presence, and treatment of
poisoning. Examples of this poison include Lead and Cadmium. In short, toxicology is the science of
poisons since it deals with everything that has to do with poisons.

----This is an important field of medicine which will be covered in Clinical Chemistry 3. As we all know,
poisons are hazardous especially if not enough education is given to those who are exposed or handling
these chemicals or poison, that is why studying toxicology will surely widened our knowledge about their
potential risks and harmful effects, and will let us practice at all times the safety precautions in the
Posted by Clinical Chemistry Blog Notes 31 B at 4:59 AM 0 comments
drug testing
Drug test or “drug screen” is a procedure done to examine biologic materials such as urine, hair, saliva or
sweat. These specimens are used to detect the presence of illegal drugs or determine prior use of drugs as
such marijuana, cocaine, opiates, methamphetamine, amphetamines, etc. Drug testing is usually requested
by almost all companies, schools, establishments and employers since this is a good indication to assure
that a person is free from any illegal drugs.

-----Being knowledgeable about drug testing may help not only us but other people that we may educate
such as our family and friends to avoid using illegal drugs. Drug testing is important because this is a
reflection of a person and its identity.

- - -Endocrinology is the answer, because it's specialty is dealing with disorders in endocrine system and
it's specific secretion hormones known as to be hormones. Glands are also belong to endocrinology.

^deseases associated with endocrine are called hormonal imbalance or in medical term was said to be

^hormones have different Chemical Classes

>amines - derived from single amino acid.
> peptide and protein - consist of 2 to more than 200 amino acids.
> steroid - converted from cholesterol.

TOXIC . . . this term was not only used by Med tech. student.. :)

but also use in toxicololgy, toxic is from the Greek word toicos which means "poisonous".
Toxicology study about the adverse effect of chemical on living organism specially in humans... it also
study the nature, symptoms, treatments, mechanism and detection of poisoning in the living organisms...

^ most known Chemical which are poisonous

- lead
- mercury
- chlorine
*the greater the dose, the more response will be.

Drug testing it is a technical analysis of a biological specimen 'can be in urine, sweat, blood, hair and
other oral fluid'...
it determine the presence or absence of some drugs and their metabolites...
commonly use specimen urine..

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