Medical Informatics ConflictResolutionPlan

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Reddy Harika

Under guidance of Prof. Simon Cleveland

A conflict in a project management is potential in information systems as it involves different
kind of people from different backgrounds to complete a complex task. A cause of conflict in a
team might be due to differences in attitudes, values and personalities of people involved in the
project. Resolving of conflicts is a skill required to manage the teams and it is very important for
a project manager to have proper skills to resolve the conflicts in the team.
Team Dynamics:
The project management team play a crucial role in an IT Industry as it is the only team which
manages the roles and responsibilities of the teams involved in project development. The role of
a Project Manager is very complex and challenging and often misunderstood. His
responsibility is to ensure that the project is delivered on time, defines the budget and to define
the specifications of the project. Proper structuring and defining of roles and responsibilities of
the team members would help the team members to work efficiently and the productivity of the
team will increase.
The Roles and Responsibilities of the project management team are very important for the
growth of the organization because the project management team is responsible for the strategies
and marketing of the product of the company and if something goes wrong in the assessments it
brings huge loss to the company. The members involved in the team are The Project Manager,
The Project Management team members say project planner, project marketer, sales engineer and
the marketing communications manager, System developers, System administrator, User
Interface Experts and the Testing Team Members.

The Project Team Members are responsible for executing various tasks and accomplishing
project deliverables. The Systems Developers are responsible for developing the code required
to run the software which involves the database team also. The System Administrator is
responsible for providing the support required by the teams in developing the project. The User
Interface Experts are responsible in providing the design for the project. The Testing Team
Members tests the developed code and gives report on bugs/errors found in the software and
they are the performs who decide the working condition of the project. All the team members
have to report to the project manager every two weeks and mail their activity every week stating
the progress of the project.
The conflicts in the team are the performance of one of the project module is slow due
inappropriate coding done by developers as they dont have knowledge about the new
programming language. The development team attended classes to learn the new MS visual
studio programming language which they have to use to develop the project. There are many
bugs in the project which may lead the system to crash at least once a week. There are numerous
changes suggested by the users for the enhancements in the product. The main conflict is the
issue between the project architect and the database administrators on how the database supports
the vendor reports. As these two areas are not working together to resolve the issue the project is
getting delayed. There is also loss of a defined testing strategy, which has cropped concerns with
development and user acceptance. There is no existing method of capturing reported issues, or
how to handle changes. Management is unhappy about the project and there is no established
communications method to inform them about the project status The module has not been tested
yet. There is no communications plan, no risk plan, no systems implementation plan (to define
how system implementation testing is handled), and no total cost of ownership (TCO) fee

schedule. There is a conflict within the project team as the team members have conflicting roles,
or experience time pressure as a result of working in two positions within the organization
simultaneously as the project manager John left the company due to personal reasons.

Conflict Resolution Leadership:

In order to resolve the conflicts in the team, appropriate leadership strategies need to be played.
Leadership is not a popularity contest, it is a responsibility of a manager or any leader to guide
and develop the potential of people involved in the team. For present condition of the team the
structuring and directing leadership styles need to be implemented to maintain good work
environment for the team members. The team members need to be given some standards and
operational works like weekly submissions of the reports to set expectations for everyone in the
team. As the team is having sufficient knowledge and experience in the project it can perform
accordingly in a structured manner only if proper directions are given. The manager need to
build teams in such a way that the members of the team feel connected to each other. The team
members need to be encouraged and bring collaboration between the teams to help them work
together to achieve the goals and objectives.
To resolve the present conflict, the Compromising is very much required by the teams
confronting as the time is not sufficient to make them understand the problem and collaborate.
The stakes are also moderate and if no action is taken soon there might be heavy loss. If the
teams do not compromise and make a decision soon the organization will have to lose the project
as they cannot deliver the project on time which costs them more. Relationship with the parties is

most important as the future of the company say the projects and reputation of the company is
important for the growth of the company in IT industry.
Motivation and Confidence:
Employees of the company are the important source for the companys development and success.
To keep the employees motivated and encourage the ideas of the employees some strategies are
highly essential. The following strategies will allow you to develop a cohesive information
technology team that will deliver high-performance results and add business value.
Encourage Employee Creativity: Leading a team does not mean that you need to allows control
the team. It is giving the people an opportunity to think out of box and challenging them to think
out of box to solve a problem in their own unique way.
Encourage every individual: Employees require little encouragement from the managers to
believe in themselves and realize that they have greater potential to work. Identifying the unique
abilities of the employee and their potential brings out great productivity.
Giving Challenging Tasks: Employees get bored and does not feel like working if they are
always given the same task to do, so giving challenging tasks will make them learn new things
and often feel energized in doing work.
Appreciate work done: Appreciating an individual is often treated greater than money by the
employee. Showing gratitude for the unique contribution of the employee makes the organization
excel always.

Share organization vision with every employee: If everyone is aware about the organization
vision it helps the employees to equally contribute in the companys success with more
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