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Energy Vampires: How To Recognize Them

and Protect Your Self

Have you ever experienced being around someone who left you feeling absolutely
drained and exhausted? Some people drain you of energy by constantly involving
you in their drama, stories, confusion, hostility, self-pity, stress, sadness and so on.
These beings can be referred to as Energy Vampires, or Psychic Vampires.
This article will help you to recognize the traits of an Energy Vampire and EmPower
you to protect yourself and disarm them.
How To Recognize an Energy Vampire
Everyone knows at least one person who has an endless appetite for attention.
Below are some of the characteristics of the energy vampire. Narcissists (those
with Narcissistic Personality Disorder) fall heavily into the energy vampire category
and can display either all or some of these traits.
Constant Advice Seekers

One version of the Energy Vampire syndrome is the being who constantly seeks
advice from others but never acts on any of it. They may seem sweet and kindhearted, but they wear you out through being firmly entrenched in their own selfcentered Universe. The Impeccable Warrior of Light is able to discern this person
as a bottomless pit of neediness by observing the situation through their Wisdom

The Silent Type

Another syndrome is the person who does not verbalize their pent up feelings, and
by keeping their thoughts to themselves, engages you energetically. Their silence
is shouting at us, evoking attention from us. Through their silence they draw
everyone into expending immense amounts of energy to draw them out, to make
them feel included.

The Vortex of Scattered Energy

These beings are whirlwinds of fragmented energy. They dash about in a frantic
manner, constantly leaving you waiting while they attempt to juggle many things at
once. This type of vampire does not have good time management skills and is
therefore constantly late for appointments. They do not respect time boundaries

and continuously create disruption through their self-centered actions. They cannot
grasp how they are generating negative energy through their unconscious actions
and further siphon your Golden Energy and Time with their weak excuses.

The Dramatics
This vampire is a torrent of drama, exploding with emotion over the constant flood
of dramatic occurrences in their Life. They take a small matter and make it into a
Life or death scenario. They will involve you by calling you or emailing to tell you all
the countless details. The dark force attached to them gorges on your Golden
Energy every time the drama king-queen repeats their stories to you and anyone
else they can trap into listening.

The Storehouse of Self-Pity

This person has a sad story about their sad Life and they believe themselves to be
victims. You will feel moved to help them but they cannot hear you, because their
belief in their victimhood is too thick for you to pierce. There is no end to their belief
that they are too ill, too weak, too poor, too unworthy, too un-intelligent, too untalented, too un-attractive, etc, to live a Happy, Balanced Life.

The Constant Communicators

These beings talk non-stop, either to you or to others. When you take a break from
them, the hungry vampire will immediately call someone else, so they can drain
them! They have a need to hear themselves speak and do not know how to be
silent. Their mind is a runaway train and it keeps them thinking at a furious pace, of
the constant stream of comments to make. They have not cultivated enough
discipline over their mind and mouth to be able to discern when to speak and when
not to. They have no control over their mouth and will wear you down with their
constant torrent of words!

The Loud and Shouting Ones

These are beings who absorb energy through blasting your senses. They bombard
your energetic field by speaking in a loud way which disturbs the atmosphere. They
have no recognition of a proper volume and bellow at you. They shout their
conversations at others. Having no recognition of how to communicate without
shouting, they shout at their partners, children, co-workers and anyone else they

The Space Invaders

These beings invade your personal space. They do not respect any boundaries, be
it the space around your body or your home space. To speak with you, they stand
in your energetic circle, right up against your face and body. If you take a step back
to create some space between you, they will callously move forward, encroaching
on your personal space once again. In your home space, they will pick up items,
look over your mail, open drawers and check out your closets without asking for
permission. They will wear you out by forcing you to repeat yourself and in the end,
no matter how often you requested them be Respect-full, they wont be because
their actions are all controlled by the hungry Energy Vampire and all they can hear
is its hypnotic voice commanding them to cross barriers.

The Hostile Vampires

Violence, either physical or verbal, is the way this Energy Vampire drains those
around them. These beings are explosive and easily triggered. They often have a
slime demon attached that causes them to unleash foul language on others,
polluting the air with their foul vibration. They have anger demons attached to them
that are fed by every hostile vibration they create.

The Sulker Vampire

This can be a friend, co-worker, child, parent or partner who sulks and pouts
anytime their whims are not met. Wherever they go, be it a restaurant, a gathering
any type of outing they are sure to end up sulking about something. They are
hard to please and all types of little details and occurrences set them off, since the
negative force attached to them pushes them to constantly be in a sour mood in
order to control and pollute the atmosphere with their negativity.
Energy Vampires and Negative Forces

Some people are Energy Vampires without realizing it, while others are absolutely
aware of how they are sucking energy from others. The ones who do this knowingly
have powers they have accumulated from past lives and are experts at zapping
people, cording and draining them.
Whether or not someone is conscious of being an energy vampire, they are still
possessed and being utilized by a negative force to steal your energy so that the
demon they are carrying is constantly fed.

How to Disarm Energy Vampires and Protect Yourself

It is your Sacred Duty to protect your Golden Energy by learning how to disarm
draining forces. Here are some techniques to use:
Implement the basic Violet Light technique, where you

immediately call forth a shield of purple Light all around you. Simply invoke the
Violet Flame to protect you against all negative forces. As you envision it
continuously blazing all around, you can use the declaration, I AM BLESSED and
PROTECTED Perfectly by the Violet Light!
Energy Vampires draw on your Energy by cording you

with energetic lines. When you feel someone has hooked you with energetic cords,
you can cut those cords with the assistance of the techniques given in my book,
Another technique for defense is to visualize reaching

out and seizing your Energy that has been stolen, bringing it back into the area it
was stolen from. For example, if you feel it was taken from your Heart, reach out
and grab it bring it back to your Heart, depositing it there. You can do the same
with the solar plexus. You will know if energy has been stolen from there by the
sensations you will register in your stomach area.The same is true about your
sexual areasyou will know when any person or malevolent spirit is manipulating
your sexual Energy to EmPower themselves. With this technique of taking back
your Power, you can either imagine the actions, or actually perform the physical
action of reaching out in front of you to take back your Power, then bringing it back
to the area under attack.
Reach out to the left if it is a memory you are tapping

intowhere your Power was stolen from you in the past.

If you are experiencing flashes of someone stealing

your Power in some future scenario, you can reach to the right for the future.
Worrying about the future, as well as any other fear-related visions, are signs you
have given your Power away. I recommend that every time you catch yourself
relinquishing your Power through future-related worries, immediately reach into the
future and grab that Energy that you just gave up and re-claim it, bringing it back
into your Present.

If you are able to, you can also use the other techniques
shown in the How To Cut Cords section in The Impeccable Warrior of Light, such
as snapping your finger three times or using your Sword of Light to cut those
energetic lines.
Regardless of what technique you implement, do it with TotalCommitment and let
the Energy Vampires know you are serious, ordering them with full force to get their
slimy hands off your Luminous Soul! Otherwise you are an unwitting accomplice in
the theft of your own Energy.
Re-member: An Impeccable Warrior guards their Golden Energy as they would the
most priceless jewel. Do the Sacred Work and your investment of your Golden
Energy in Protecting your SELF will reward you with WHOLENESS
I look forward to hearing of your many Victories in protecting your Luminous

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