UHS JCL Constitution

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University High School Junior Classical League Constitution

We, the members of the University High School Junior Classical League, in order to promote cooperation
within this organization, establish a basis for order, and unite the members of this organization, do hereby
establish this Constitution for the University High School Junior Classical League.
Article I: Name and Affiliation
The name of this organization shall be University High School Junior Classical League, and may
be abbreviated as UHS JCL.
UHS JCL shall submit itself to the administration of University High School (UHS) in Irvine, CA.
UHS JCL shall be a chapter member of both the California Junior Classical League (CJCL) and
the National Junior Classical League (NJCL).
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of UHS JCL shall be to promote a more thorough knowledge of Classical life, history, and
literature; to impart a better understanding of the practical and cultural value of the Classics; to interest
other students in the Classical languages, literature, government, laws, and arts; to always strive to
promote friendship and fellowship among students of the Classics; to facilitate registration of its own
members as members of CJCL and/or NJCL, pursuant both to those members expressed interest in
such registration and the registration requirements of those organizations; and to enforce whatever
policies it deems necessary and proper for the foregoing functions.
Article III: Parliamentary Procedure
Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised shall be the accepted parliamentary authority for UHS JCL, except in
cases that conflict with this Constitution or the Bylaws of UHS JCL. In such cases, precedence will be
established by this Constitution or the Bylaws, according to its interpretations by the Executive Board.
Article IV: Membership
Section 1: Structure
A. There shall be two tiers of membership within UHS JCL:
1. Non-Voting Members: Any current student of UHS may register as a Non-Voting
2. Voting Members: Any Non-Voting Member who furthermore has previously or is
currently enrolled in a Classical language course at UHS may register as a Voting Member,
which shall confer upon him or her enhanced privileges in UHS JCL, including but not
necessarily limited to the ability to vote in matters of UHS JCL.

Section 2: Good Standing

Only members in good standing, as determined by the Sponsor(s), shall be permitted to:
A. Run for one of UHS JCLs offices;

B. Register as members of CJCL or NJCL and redeem associated privileges such as the opportunity to
vote in one of those organizations elections or to run for one of those organizations offices.
Section 3: Sponsor(s)
UHS JCL shall retain one or more adult Sponsors; unless with specific consent of the Executive Board, any
Sponsor must be a Classics teacher at UHS. Any Sponsor must be a member of the American Classical
League (ACL).
Article V: Officers
Section 1: Offices
A. Elected Officers: The Elected Officers of UHS JCL shall consist of two Consuls, one Secretary, one
Parliamentarian, two Publicity Chairs, and two Publicae Editors.
B. Appointed Officers: The Appointed Officers of UHS JCL shall consist of two Treasurers, two
Historians, Activities Commissioners, Academic Commissioners, Artistic Commissioners, and
Technology Commissioners.
1. Each set of Commissioners shall, once appointed, elect from within its ranks either one or
two Officers to serve as Head Commissioner(s).
C. Special Officers: The Special Officers of UHS JCL shall consist of the Censor, Tribunes, and
Proconsul, as well as any CJCL or NJCL officers belonging to UHS JCL.
Section 2: Qualifications
Each officer shall be an individual member of UHS JCL who:
A. Is a Voting Member in good standing;
B. Will be enrolled in a Classical language course for his or her entire term of office;
C. Has approval from the Sponsor(s);
D. Holds no other UHS JCL Office.
Section 3: Selection of Officers
A. Elected Officers (election procedure):
1. Each candidate may run for only a single elected office.
2. Each candidate running for elected office shall be allowed a one-and-a-half minute
campaign video which will be presented to each Classics class. The Consuls shall verify
that these videos remain within the time limit and are school-appropriate.
a. Although running on a ticket does not ensure that candidates will be elected
together and the official ballot will be constructed without regard to tickets,
candidates who are running together on a ticket may choose to submit a single
video for which they shall be allowed one minute and fifteen seconds per
candidate on the ticket.
3. The officers shall be elected by secret ballot in each Classics class. A plurality of all votes
cast shall be necessary for election.
B. Appointed Officers (interview procedure):
The newly-elected Executive Board will convene interviews to select Appointed Officers.
1. The Treasurers will be selected first, after which they, too, shall sit on the selection
2. Meeting minutes will be taken during Board Interviews.
3. Interview questions shall remain reasonably uniform for candidates for the same position,
but the Executive Board may ask any additional questions they deem necessary.
C. Special Officers:

1. Censor: The Censor shall be appointed by the club adviser and approved by the elected
a. The official name of the position of Censor shall be the name of the previous
years Censor, but to maintain clarity, this Constitution shall refer to the position
as Censor only.
2. Tribunes: Up to two Tribunes shall be elected from and by each Classics class based on
need as determined by the Sponsor(s). A Tribune may be elected only by a plurality of
votes of members of his or her class (a second Tribune from a class shall be elected by a
plurality of such votes not cast for the candidate who won the overall plurality).
3. Proconsul(s): The Proconsul shall be appointed by the club advisers and approved by the
elected officers. The Proconsul position is open to those who have previously served a full
term as Consul.
4. Ad Hoc Positions: These positions shall be created on a year by year basis; the formation,
duties, and appointment of this position are dependent on the Consuls and Executive
Boards decision.
Section 4: Terms of Office
The term of office for a UHS JCL officer shall be one year, beginning at his or her inauguration at the
Banquet preceding the year of his or her service and concluding with the inauguration of new officers at
the following Banquet.
Section 5: Duties of Officers
All Board members must attend every weekly Board meeting, barring illness. Should a member be unable
to attend a meeting because of a conflict with another activity, he or she must notify either the Consuls or
the Sponsor(s) before the meeting. The Board members are also strongly encouraged to be present at all
bonding events, CJCL SCRAM, and CJCL State Convention.
A. Elected Officers:
1. Consuls (2): The duties of the Consuls are to:
a. Serve as Co-Presidents of UHS JCL;
b. Facilitate administration and registration for UHS JCL;
c. Chair interviews for Appointed Officers and determine ad hoc positions;
d. Preside at Board and General meetings and create meeting agendas;
e. Lead UHS JCL delegates at CJCL SCRAM and CJCL State Convention.
2. Secretary: The duties of the Secretary are to:
a. Maintain a sorted roster of all members of UHS JCL;
b. Keep a record of all meetings of UHS JCL, including the Board Interviews;
c. Call to order and record the results of any motions or votes;
d. Send all meeting minutes to the appropriate UHS body before the assigned
e. Make available copies of meeting minutes to the Sponsor(s) and the members of
f. Track attendance at all Board meetings.
3. Parliamentarian: The duties of the Parliamentarian are to:
a. Advise the Consuls on questions of parliamentary procedure;
b. Regularly review the Constitution to ensure that it remains concurrent with the
needs of UHS JCL and draft any proposed amendments;
c. Run elections at the end of each year for the next years Elected Officers;
d. Organize chapter registration for CJCL and NJCL;
e. Take over the Secretarys duties if ever the Secretary is absent or unable to
complete them.
4. Publicity Chairs (2): The duties of the Publicity Chairs are to:

a. Manage the public image of UHS JCL;

b. Create posters to advertise UHS JCL events;
c. Publicize UHS JCL through middle-school recruitment and/or UHS video ads
5. Publicae Editors (2): The duty of the Publicae Editors is to:
a. Be responsible for the regular publication and distribution of the Publicae.
B. Appointed Officers
1. Treasurers (2): The duties of the Treasurers are to:
a. Keep a record of all monies of UHS JCL;
b. Present a Treasurers Report at every weekly Board meeting;
c. Communicate with the appropriate UHS body for any reimbursements, deposits,
d. Ensure that the estimated budget from the beginning of the year is consistent with
the actual budget at the end of the year.
2. Historians (2): The duties of the Historians are to:
a. Be present at all JCL events to take pictures and/or shoot video;
b. Create a scrapbook of the years events, as well as posters for individual events to
be placed inside the Classics classrooms;
c. Take the yearly Board and General UHS JCL Pictures.
3. Activities Commissioners: The duties of the Activities Commissioners are to:
a. Coordinate both Board and organization-wide bonding activities;
b. Organize and lead the spirit competition at the CJCL State Convention;
c. Organize community service opportunities for the chapter.
4. Academic Commissioners: The duties of the Academics Commissioners are to:
a. Organize and train a lower-level Certamen team to compete at CJCL CARCER
and the CJCL State Convention, and be present at all weekly practices for that
Be present at a Classics classroom during Office Hours to assist those who need
b. Classics tutoring.
5. Artistic Commissioners: The duties of the Artistic Commissioners are to:
a. Create banners, decorations, posters, and any other necessary art-related materials
for UHS JCL;
b. Assist in the creation of the UHS JCL T-shirt and Board paraphernalia.
6. Technology Commissioners: The duties of the Technology Commissioners are to:
a. Manage UHS JCL web-page(s);
i. These web-pages shall not utilize any paid hosting services, but rather make
optimal use of free solutions such as Facebook or Weebly.
b. Assist the Parliamentarian in running elections by compiling apposite videos and
any other media to be broadcast in every Classics class.
C. Special Officers
1. Censor: The duties of the Censor are to:
a. Advise the Consuls on business and facilitate communication with Sponsor(s);
b. Serve as Consul pro tempore should one or both be unable to attend a meeting.
2. Tribunes: The duties of the Tribunes are to:
a. Relay information about JCL, upcoming events, and Board business to their
respective Classics classes.
3. CJCL and NJCL Officers: The duties of the CJCL and NJCL officers are to:
a. Relay CJCL and NJCL news, respectively, to the Board and to assist the Board in it
duties as requested.
4. Proconsul(s): The duties of the Proconsul are to:
a. Advise the Consuls on consular duties and provide guidance to the current
b. Serve in conjunction with the Censor as Consul pro tempore should one or both
be unable to attend a meeting.
5. Ad Hoc Positions: The duties of the Ad Hoc Positions are determined by that years
Consuls and Executive Board.

Section 6: Removal from Office

A. Grounds for Impeachment: Serious neglect in completing any or all of an officers duties
enumerated in the Constitution constitutes grounds for impeachment. Furthermore, any actions
not befitting a UHS JCL officer may also constitute grounds for impeachment.
B. Method of Impeachment:
1. Petition for Impeachment: A petition for impeachment must be submitted to the Board,
and contain the name of the officer in question and the duties/actions for which he/she is
liable for impeachment.
2. Emergency Meeting: The Board shall review the petition for impeachment and determine
if grounds for impeachment exist. A simple majority in favor shall be necessary for
Section 7: Vacancy in Office
Should a vacancy occur among the officers, the Executive Board shall appoint a Voting Member in good
standing to serve the remainder of the term.
Article VI: The Executive and General Board
Section 1: Membership of the Executive Board
A. The Executive Board shall consist of the Elected Officers, the Treasurers, the Censor, the Proconsul,
and any CJCL or NCJL officers.
B. The Consuls shall chair the Executive Board.
C. The Executive Board shall conduct the interviews for appointed positions.
Section 2: Membership of the General Board
A. The General Board shall consist of all Officers of UHS JCL. The General Board may also be
referred to as simply the Board.
B. The Consuls shall chair the General Board.
C. The General Board shall act as an agent through which business is transacted at weekly meetings.
D. The quorum necessary to transact business shall be two-thirds of the General Board.
E. A plurality of those voting shall be necessary to authorize the transaction of such business.
Article VII: Ratification and Amendment
Section 1: Ratification
A new Constitution may be ratified by the Voting Members of UHS JCL.
A. One copy of the proposed Constitution shall be sent to the Voting Members before the ratification
vote for study.
B. The Constitution shall be voted on by secret ballot on the day of Officer Elections. A two-thirds
majority of votes cast shall be necessary for ratification.
Section 2: Amendment
Amendments to the Constitution may be voted on by the Voting Members of UHS JCL.
A. An amendment is a change or addition to this document causing procedural changes for any officer
and/or UHS JCL.
B. Suggested amendments must be submitted to the Parliamentarian before the amendments are voted
upon at Officer Elections.

C. Copies of the proposed amendments shall be sent to each Voting Member before the amendment
vote for study.
D. The amendments shall be voted on by secret ballot on the day of Officer Elections. A two-thirds
majority shall be necessary for adoption.
Article VIII: Events of UHS JCL
While their administration may vary from year to year, the regular annual events of UHS JCL shall consist

Journey to the Underworld, the freshman initiation

Bowling Night, an organization-wide bonding opportunity
Winter Board Bonding
CJCL State Convention
NJCL National Convention (optional)
Weenie Roast, an organization-wide bonding opportunity

Article IX: By-Laws

Section 1: Finance
A. Fiscal Year
1. The fiscal year of UHS JCL shall be from the date of inauguration of the new Board to the
date before the inauguration of the next years new Board.
B. Dues
1. Member dues shall be determined by Board, at the beginning of its term.
C. Expenditures
1. Expenditures under $50 may be made with the approval of the Sponsor(s) and/or the
2. Expenditures over $50 may be made only with the approval of the Board. A simple
majority vote is necessary for approval.
D. Scholarship
1. Any member in need of a scholarship to attend CJCL SCRAM and/or the CJCL State
Convention shall receive a scholarship to either partially or completely cover his or her
fees, at the discretion of the Sponsor(s).
Section 2: Publication
A newspaper named Publicae shall be published on a regular schedule (after every major UHS JCL event
at the least), distributed in all Classics classes, and posted on UHS JCL web-page(s).

Section 3: The UHS Winter Formal Dance

If in any year UHS JCL decides to host the UHS Winter Formal Dance, the Consuls shall be charged with
collaborating with the Sponsor(s) to administrate and publicize it; the Parliamentarian shall organize the

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