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Running Head: Week 2 Literature Review for Domain F

Week 2 Literature Review Domain F

Ian Frasier
National University
In partial fulfillment for the requirements for TED 690
Professor Clifton Johnson
June 10, 2016

Week 2 Literature Review for Domain F

This is a literature review relating to the first four chapters of the book titled Teaching Students
with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings by Polloway, Patton & Dowdy. This review also
includes portions from an article titled Collaboration: A Must for Teachers in Inclusive

Education by Lea H. This review is intended to focus on four main aspects pertaining to
the reading. These aspects include what I have learned about teaching and planning, what
I have learned about myself as a future teacher, what I need to focus on in order to
improve, and what areas I may need help in or be confused with.

Week 2 Literature Review for Domain F

These chapters specifically dealt with information regarding inclusive education,

collaboration in the school and home settings, identification and programming of students with
learning disabilities, as well as management and differentiation of classrooms. Furthermore, I
also viewed websites dealing with collaboration, and students with nonverbal disabilities. The
material provided within the text and the supplementary reading was very informative and
helpful when dealing with the education of students with disabilities, as well as students without.
1. What I have learned about teaching and planning
When it comes to teaching and planning, chapters two and four, along with the
collaboration website provided the most useful information that will benefit my future teaching.
Chapter four focused heavily on differentiating instruction, and outlined a five-step process to
help effectively incorporate this tool into the educational setting. These five steps include
determining the overall need for differentiation, identifying the specific areas of need,
implementation of numerous differentiation practices beginning with the least intrusive method
first, monitoring of student progress, and lastly evaluation of these styles so modification can be
done if necessary. Additionally, I also learned that differentiation could take place within the
classroom setting, for example, classroom and seating arrangements, and the accessibility of
classroom materials. Lastly, differentiation can occur within the instructional content and
materials of the classroom, which includes, specific learning strategies, and promotion of
beneficial social and life skills. As for the materials of the classroom, differentiation in this sense
includes textual materials such as audiotapes, books, graphics and other aids to help students
gain knowledge of material presented in the lessons.
Collaboration was also a major aspect of this week, and was presented in the second
chapter of the text. Collaboration can be helpful in both the teaching and planning aspects. The

Week 2 Literature Review for Domain F

second chapter covers six ways of collaborative teaching that can be very affective when dealing
with both disabled and non-disabled students. These six styles include one teach/one observe,
team teaching, alternative teaching, parallel teaching, station teaching, and on teach/one drift
(Smith, Polloway, Patton & Dowdy. 2012, p. 37). Collaboration also plays a major role in the
educational planning for teachers of students with disabilities. Chapter two states, through
collaboration with one another, general education and special education teachers can bring more
ideas and experiences to help students achieve success (Smith, Polloway, Patton & Dowdy.
2012, p. 33). Furthermore, when it comes to co-teaching between general and special educators,
collaboration is a key ingredient to the success of any program.
Another aspect I learned about the planning process is the fact that collaborative planning
involves essential communication skills to be effective. Some of these skills needed include
developing effective strategies for listening, using collaborative language; that is, ask
questions that encourage others to speak, and being able to address a disagreement with a
colleague as soon as possible and in a straightforward manner (Lea H. 2017). Practicing these
skills, among others, will greatly improve teachers collaboration skills.
2. What I have learned about myself as a future teacher
Throughout reading this material I discovered to things about myself. The first realization
was that I currently posses some of the communication skills seen as beneficial to the success of
quality collaboration. Another realization I gained from this material is how important it is to use
differentiated learning styles within a classroom, and I was also able to find some methods I can
use to implement these styles when I have my own classroom in the future.

Week 2 Literature Review for Domain F

3. What do I need to focus on and perhaps improve?

After reading the assigned material I also found many aspects of general and special
education teaching that I will and can improve upon as I progress into my future career. One of
the main aspects of the reading I found that I need to improve on are the skills needed to
establish successful collaboration. For instance, recognizing shared problem solving begins with
the understanding that there are many right answers for addressing learning behavior (Lea H.
2007). Another skill I need to improve on is my ability to center my interactions on information
that can be observed. I believe me currently being a substitute teacher will greatly benefit me in
the betterment of these useful skills.
Lastly, I also found I need to focus more attention on gaining the skills and knowledge
necessary to educate those students who face learning disabilities on a daily basis. Gaining this
knowledge will definitely come from furthering my education, and experience with placing
myself in these specific situations.
4. What areas am I confused or need additional help with?
The information presented in the reading was very thorough and specific so there was not
much I found myself confused with. However, chapter three dealt with the identification and
programming for students who experience learning disabilities, and this is where I find myself a
little lost. The material presented within the chapter was on a subject I am very unfamiliar with,
which made it hard to soak everything up while I read the chapter. Knowing this is an area I am
uncomfortable with will lead me to perform more research to gain knowledge on this subject.

Week 2 Literature Review for Domain F


Smith T.C., Polloway E.A., Patton J.R., & Dowdy C.A., (2012). Teaching Students with Special
Needs in Inclusive Settings. Prentice Hall.

Lea H. (2007) Collaboration: A Must for Teachers in Inclusive Education

Settings. (2007). Retrieved April 11, 2014 from National University

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