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Traffic Operation and Accident Investigation

Traffic - may consist of pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, street cars and other co
Traffic laws - laws which govern traffic and regulate vehicles.

Traffic signs/road signs - are signs erected at the side of the roads to provide information to ro

Rules of the road - are the laws and the informal rules that may have developed overtime to f

Right of way - is a strip of land that is granted, through an easement or other mechanism for tr
- the legal right, established by usage or grant, to pass along a specific route throu
Traffic signal/Traffic light - a visual signal to control the flow of traffic at intersections.
Highway - any public road. A main road especially one connecting major town or cities.

Speed limit - define the maximum, minimum or no speed limit and are normally indicated using

Hit and run - is the act of causing a traffic accident and failing to stop and identify oneself after

Traffic accident - occurs when a vehicle collides with another vehicle, pedestrian, animal, road

Mary Ward - worlds first road traffic death including a motor vehicle, is alleged to have occurre
Causes of traffic accidents

Human factors - ex. driver behavior, visual and auditory acuity, intoxication, decision ma

2. Motor vehicle speed.

3. Driver impairment - factors that prevent the driver at their normal level of skill. Common i
4. Road design
5. Vehicle design and maintenance

seat belts - wearing seat belts reduces the risk of death by two thirds.

maintenance - a well designed and maintained vehicle with good breaks, tires and well ad

center of gravity - roll overs have become common due to increased popularity of taller S

motorcycles - have little protection.

Skid mark - is the mark a tire makes when a vehicle wheel stops rolling and slides or spins on t

skid marks are caused by rubbers deposited on the road.

one form of trace evidence, when their size and shape can reveal much about the vehicle

the length of the skid mark is closely related to the vehicle speed at the instant of breakin

Locard exchange principle - was postulated by Edmong Locard in the 20th century which s

Skid mark are divided into:

1. acceleration marks - created on acceleration if the engine provides more power that the
2. braking marks - if the brakes "lock-up" and cause the tire to slide.
3. yaw marks - if the tire slide sideways.
RA 4136 - Land Transportation and Traffic code of the Philippines.

Coefficient of Friction - is a dimensionless scalar value which describes the ratio of the force o
Rail Adhesion - grip wheels of a train have on the rails.
Split Friction - dangerous condition arising due to varying friction on either side of a car.
Road Texture - affects the interaction of tires and the driving surface.
Profilograph - devised used to measure pavement surface roughness.
Tribometer - an instrument that measures friction on a surface.

Traffic Waves - "stop waves" "traffic Shocks" - are traveling disturbances in the distribution of c

Traffic Flow - the total number of vehicles passing a given point in a given time. Traffic flow is e

Traffic Congestion - "traffic jam" - is a condition on roads, streets or highways that occurs as u
Characteristics of Traffic Congestion
1. Slow speed of vehicles
2. Longer travel time
3. Increased vehicle queuing
Classical Theories of Traffic Flow
1. Free flow
2. Congested traffic

Three-Phase Traffic Theory - is an alternative theory of traffic flow developed by Boris Kerner
1. Free flow
2. Synchronized flow
3. Wide moving jam

Pedestrian - is a person traveling on foot whether walking or running.

Gridlock - a traffic jam so bad that no movement is possible.

China - (Beijing-Zhangjiakou province) - is considered the worlds worst traffic jam ever as traffic

Brazil - (Sao Paolo) - has the worlds worst daily traffic jams.
France - (A6 Auto-route) - between Paris and Lyon was considered the worlds longest traffic jam

Traffic Operation And Accident Investigation Reviewer 1

1. In arresting the traffic violator or when it involved arrest due to
traffic violation, the following procedures are followed except:
A. bring the suspended person before the court
B. detention of the arrested person may take place
C. arrest can be effected even without a warrant
D. impose the probable penalty that might be imposed
2. A person can escape from the scene of the accident on
one of the following ground:
A. offense committed is serious
B. bringing the person to your custody
C. bring the suspect before the court to answer a charge of
D. if the person is under the imminent danger
3. In the examination of the scene of accident, which of the
following evidence will show how the accident happened?
A. hole on the road pavement
B. the driver under the influence of liquor
C. point of impact
D. vehicle has break failure
4. The basic principle behind selective enforcement in traffic control is
A. selection of geographical areas for strict enforcement
B. concentration of enforcement activities at peak traffic hours
C. a shifting emphasis on different types of violations
D. a warning rather than a citation will act as preventive
measure for future violation
5. The general principle of traffic accident investigation is to
A. consider road conditions as limiting conditions rather than
as causes KVB
B. consider violation as primary causes and any other factors
as secondary causes

C. regard any unfavorable factor existing immediately prior to

the accident as a cause
D. look for the "key event" that cause the accident
6. It is customary for the police to keep records of lost or stolen
automobile license plates. The best reason for this practice is to
A. permit the promote issuance of new plate
B. prevent cars from being stolen
C. keep record of all outstanding license plate in use
D. detain any person found using or attempting to use any of
these plates.
7. One of the following statements that best indicates the main
purpose of traffic law enforcement is
A. reduce traffic by punishing violators of traffic rules
B. keep traffic moving at a steady rate to avoid bottlenecks
C. control the speed limited in densely populated areas
D. prevent traffic accidents and expedite the flow of traffic
8. The traffic accident investigator is chiefly concerned with
accidents that involves one or both of the elements namely
A. motor vehicles and traffic way
B. motor vehicle and victim
C. victim and traffic way
D. victim and traffic unit
9. With respect to minor traffic violations, the traffic police officers
should be guided foremost by the consideration that
A. some traffic violation are intended
B. the aim is to discourage violations
C. some traffic violations are caused by negligence
D. violations must be punished
10. A number representing the resistance to sliding of two surfaces
in contract is known as:
A. coefficient of friction
B. traffic jam
C. attribute
D. contract damage
11. The first action taken by a traffic unit to escape from collision
course or otherwise avoid a hazard
A. state of evasive action
B. point of possible perception
C. point of no escape
D. final position
12. Any motor vehicle accident that result in injuries other than fatal

to one or more persons.

A. non-fatal injury accident
B. fatal accident
C. traffic law enforcer
D. property damage accident
13. Which of the following types of accident is most decreased
by the installation of traffic light?
A. Cross traffic accidents
B. Misunderstanding between motorist and traffic officers
C. Accidents of confusion
D. Accidents of decision of right of way
14. A certain intersection, for several reasons, has more traffic
accidents than any other part in the area. The Police unit
assignment to the area should.
A. Park near the intersection, in plain view, and wait for violators.
B. Park your motorcycle at the center of intersection to
caution motorist
C. Park near the intersection, more or less hidden from view
D. Cruise all the assigned area but give extra attention to
the intersection
15. Every device which is self-propelled and every vehicle which
is propelled by electric power obtained from overhead trolley
wires, but not operated upon rails.
A. Skating
B. Bicycle
C. Tricycle
D. Motor vehicles
16. The main reason why both traffic officers and signal lights
are used on some intersection is that
A. motorist are discourage from "jumping signals"
B. traffic can be kept moving at a faster rate
C. greater safety to pedestrians and motorist is effected
D. an officer can stop and start as necessity demands
17. All lines, patterns, words, colors or other gadgets EXCEPT
signs set into the surface or applied upon or attached to the
pavement or curbing officially place for the purpose of regulating
traffic is called _____
A. warning signs
B. traffic management
C. traffic engineering
D. pavement marking

18. Prohibitive traffic signs and restrictive traffic signs shall have
A. blue background and white symbols
B. a red background and white symbols and black border
C. white background with black symbols and red border
D. green background with white and black symbols
19. Motor vehicle propelled by an internal combustion engine
shall be equipped with a ____ as said motor vehicle passes
through a street of any city, municipality or thickly populated
district or barrio.
A. wiper
B. light
C. muffler
D. windshield
20. A traffic police officer stationed the route of a parade has been
ordered by his superior to allow no cars to cross the route.
While the parade is in progress, an ambulance driver on an
emergency run attempts to drive his ambulance across the
route while the parade is passing. Under these circumstances
the traffic police officer should.
A. ask the driver to wait until the traffic police officer contact
his superior and obtains decisions
B. stop the parade long enough to permit the ambulance to
cross the street
C. hold up the ambulance in accordance with the superior's order
D. direct the ambulance driver to the shortest detour which
will add at least then minutes to run
Answers:Traffic Operation and Accident Investigation




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