2010 Adoption Options - Article From Adoptive Families by Kay Marner

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fter makingthe deeplypersonal, and often difficult, reality check generally "comes as a shock to a generation of people

decision to adopt, parents must choose a path to lead who havenevernof been able to dowhattheywish."
them to their child. In zoo9, economic, political, and
Iegal changesaffected everythingfrom cost andtim- AStableHomefront
ing to long-standing notions about who can adopt As international adoption underwent drastic changes in the last five
whom from where. International adoption enperienced a downturn, years,domestic adoption has remained a stable option. In zooz (the
while domestic adoption is on the rise. most recentyear for which the National Council forAdoption has
Prospective adoptive parents may find their options limited, statistics), families adopted 33,o65infants through private agenry or
but, with a flexible mindset and carefirl research, they can find the attorney adoptions. Anecdotal evidence suggeststhat interest-and
right path. We spoke with experts and recent adoptive families across adoptions completed-continue to rise.
the country to do some of the legwork for you. Here we present an "I've absolutelyseenan increase[in interest]," saln Michele
overview ofrecent changes,data fromAf"s zoo8-zoo9 Cost and Zavos,a D.C.-areaattorney,who's focused on adoption for r5 years.
Timing ofAdoption Survey,what'sexpectedin zoro andbeyond, and "People who would have thought very seriously about international
up-to-the minute profiles of ro pathways to parenthood. adoption in the past are now turning to domestic adoption."
A-Freader Elizabeth Brown is one such person. "I think we held
2oo9:AYearof Change some misconceptions about domestic adoption," saysBrown. "But
After peaking at zz,99o intercountry adoptions to the U.S.,in zoo4 leamingabout the longwaits and changinglaws in intemational
numbers havefallen eachsucceedingyeartojust 12,753in zoo9. The adoption led us to look at domestic adoption more seriously." She
Joint Council on International Children's Services(JCICS) is pro- and her husband are current\ in the process to adopt within the U.S.
jecting a further decline in international adoptions in 2oro. The averagedomestic newborn adoption costs roughly
What accounts for this downturn? In shon, international adop- $ro,ooo less than an averageintemational adoption, sayA-Fsuwey
tion is costing more and taking longer, and the processis becoming respondents. The relatively lower cost is a factor for many families
more difficult. TYavelcosts are often an unknownvariable, and, in who are switching routes. Jo Laws, Domestic Adoption Supervisor
some countryprograms, these can nearlydouble the bottom line. for Love Basket, confirmedttris shift: "So manycountries are clos-
Many sending countries have re'irorked guidelines to meet require- ing, and domestic adoptions are expanding slightly as a result. I do
ments of the HagueConvention on IntercountryAdoption or to add think the economy is having an impact."
further protections against comrption. Such overhauls translate Efforts to recruit families forwaiting children in the U.S. are also
into slowed processingofadoptions, and, in some cases,program making headway in zoo8, the number of adoptions from the foster
closures.Somecountries have imposed more stringent applicant system grew to an all-time high of 55,ooo. For many, the low- to no-
requirements, ruling out manywould-be parents. Finally, many cost aspectincreasesits appeal.Otherfamilies considerthis route
sending countries are encouragingtheir citizens to adopt domesti- after gaining confidence in their parenting skills. Kris Peters,with the
cally. The youngest, healthiest children are being adopted first, so Gift ofAdoption Fund, adoptedher daughterfrom Kazakhstan. But
the profile of children available for intemational adoption is shifting now that this single mom is ready for a second child, she's hoping to
toward older children with specialneeds. adopt a school-agechildfromthe U.S."I'm older,hopefirllyabit
During zoo9, the recession forced many families to change or wiser, and at atime in mylifewhen Ifeel preparedto dealwittr any
delay adoption plans. Keeping your finances in order and working issuesthat might arise." As AdoptUsKids' recruitment slogan says,
with a reputable agenry are more important than ever. '.\Mehelp fam- 'You don't have to be perfect to be a perfect parent."
ilies run their financials early, to seewhether Zavos is heartened by the greater accept-
adoption is realistic. For an increasing num- The NextStepFindfulldetailsaboutthecountry ance ofsame-sexcouples,older parents, and
ber, it's not," saysJudy Stigger, Director of programs profiledhereandmanymoreroutesto people with health problems within the U.S. "I
Intemational Adoption for The Cradle. This parenthood attheadoptionguide,com. seemore appreciation for anyone who wants to

28 adoptivefamilies.com
Average time from preparation of
portfolio to match with birthmother
(includes time spent in false starts):
3 monthsor l ess. ..........33%
6 monthsor less ..........49%
'I2 monthsor less...........................................8%

/ru ,cr\ Time from birthmother match to

birth of child:
l monthorl ess...
3 monthsor l ess.
matchedafter birth .......................................2O%

Time between birth and legal

3 monthsor l ess. ...........17o/o
6 monthsor less. ..........58o/o

"fi5* *
12 monthsor l ess ........93o/"

#, SOURCE: AdoptlveFamlr?t2oo8-2o09Costand
Timingof Adoption

Alexa,3 mos., U.S.

be a parent, and a broader definition of who will make a good one. As by families and agencies,"saysMaryAnn Curran, Vice President of
many countries are becoming more restrictive, the U.S.is moving in SocialServicesand U.S.Adoption for the World Association for
the oppositedirection." Children and Parents (WACAP). SarahMraz, Director of Programs
for Wide Horizons for Children, cites Rwandaand the Democratic
Nelv Horizons Republicof Congo as small, "emerging" programs.
Although the balancebetween domestic and intemational adoPtion Given the climate ofcontinual change,experts caution parents
is shifting, international adoption is by no meansa thing of the past. to vet their agencycarefully. "Find out about the staff, how long the
Somecountries, such as Bulgaria,that had slowdowns while working agencyhasbeen in service,what kind ofexperience their staffhas
toward Haguecompliance,are graduallymaking comebacks.Others, had," saysDenieseDillon, Director and Co-founder of Dillon
like Nepal, that closedwhile instiruting reforms, are once again International. "And be swe to askwhat they offer in post-placement
accepting applications. services.You need to think about the long-term, about being home
At the sametime, professionalsalso expect new adoption pro- with your child." Awelcome piece of advicefor any hopeful parent, if
grams to open. "Many countries in Africa arejust being 'discovered' we ever heard one.

l0 Programsfor 2OlO
encesin the two approaches, mother choosesa family, but identified adoption hasbeen
U.S.Newborn andvariationsin states'laws,a1l some agenciesmake matches. commonplace for years.With
You maybe surprisedto learn domestic adoptions involve the Matching usually happensdur- adequatepreparation, families
that approximately3o,ooo new- samebasic steps.After selecting ing the binhmother's pregnan- learn that opennessis not to be
borns are adopted domestically an agencyor attorney, all par- cy,but zo percentofdomestic feared. On the contrary most
eachyear.About halfofthese ents-to-becompletea home- adopterswho respondedto AF s embracethe opportunity to stay
adoptions are facilitated by study. Couplesor singlesthen, surveywere matched after the connectedto their children's
adoption agencies.The other typically, create a profile, which babywas born. first families. Studieshave con-
half are completedwiththe presentsinformation about Families adopting in the sistently shown that openness
assistanceof adoption attorneys. themselvesto prospectivebirth- U.S.shouldbe open to some benefitsadoptedchildren. "It is
AJthoughthere are differ- mothers. In most cases,a birth- birthparent contact, because best for a child to know the real-

M AR c H /APR T L 2o1o 29
ities of his birthmotJrer's situa-
tion, so she won't be either
romanticized or demonized,"
says Stigger.
Becausefamilies are cho- Average tlme from completion of
senby, and matchedwith, a dossler to refernl:*
18monthsor less ........49%
birthmother, rather than a
25to 36months. ..........31%
child, parents generally cant 36monthsor 1onger............................
*hmilies who completed theiradoptions in 2oo8 and 2oo9
specif gender. The wait may be
shorter for parents open to any
fimefrom referral until child
race. "our fl exibility nlbant ttrat camehome:
our profile was shown to many 3 monthsor less. ..........54%
birthmothers, which resulted in 6 monthsor less. ..........95%
a shortwait," sa;n Heidi Total l€ngth oftftne spent In chlna:
MacVey, who waited less than 3 week or less... ...........95%
three months for a match.
SOURCE:Adoptftle Familiel 2oo8-2oo9 Cost and
Timing of Adoption Survey
I Who can adopt marriedcouples
andsingle womenandmen;birthpar-
ent preferencesandagencyguide-
r Pro'fileof children: infants; sidy."Althoughfiguresfor r Waltfrom placementto country,"saysDeniseSchoborg
parentstypicallycannotspeciry 2oo9will notbe availableuntil adopion: varieswidely ChinaProgramDirectorfor
gender;approximately 5o% I Averagetotal cosft $o-$rqooo;
mid-zoro,Ledesmasees"indi- Dillon International.
Caucasian,5o%AfricanAmerican, 89%receiveongoingsubsidies
Hispanic,or multiracial
cationsthat adoptionsfrom Chinaofferstnvocharurels:
I Averat€ tlme frame: 6 months foster caremayeither staylwel its u?ditional program,for
to zyears(varieswidely) or increasein zoogandzoro." China healttryinfants,andthe waiting-
I AveragEtotal cost: $z7ooo- The experienceof adopt- Chinaregainedits statusasthe child prograrn,for olderchil-
$35poo(varieswidely) ing from the foster system drenandthosewith special
top sendingcountryin zoo9,
variesgreatly,dependingon with 3,oor children adoptedby needs.In zoo9,half of adoptions
whetheryou areadoptinga U.S.families.Yetthat number from Chinawent throughthe
U.S.Foster child whoseparentalrights is a far cry from the 5,ooo to waiting-childprogram.'\lVeVe
The latest figuresreleasedby havebeenterminatedor are Tooo adoptedannuallyfrom hadfamiliesmatchedwith a
the U.S.Departmentof Health fosteringa child in hopeof Chinaearlierin the decade. special-needs childwitlin
andHumanServices showa adoptingwhenhe'slegallyfr ee. Severalfactorsare months-or days,"saysCurran.
surgein adoptionsfromthe Amber Bakerandher husband believedto accountfor this Ifyour dossieris already
public system.The number arein the latter group,fostering change.ltre processingof adop- loggedin, '"theprocessof
held steadyaround5r,ooofrom two children."Lifehas not tions bythe ChinaCenterof switchingis simple,but the
zoozto zoo7,then shot up to beeneasy-we haveweeHyvis- AdoptionAffairs (CCAA)has decisionto adopta childwitfi a
55,oooin zoo8. itationwith the biologicalpar- slowedsignificandy,leadingto special-carecondition is deeply
"The dramaticandcontin- ents-butwe lovethesechil- waits of sixyears-and climb- personal,"cautionsSchoborg.
uing declinein international dren asour own,andhopethat, ing-for healthyinfants.(At Specialneedsrangefromminor
adoptionsmayhavea positive somedaysoon,we'll be ableto presstime, CCAAwasmatching problems,correctablewith sur-
impact on adoptionsfrom U.S. legallycall them ours." dossiersreceivedin April geryto seriousconditionsthat
foster care,"saysKathy zoo6.)Requirements for requirelong-termcare,
Ledesm4ProjectDirectorfor >> FASTFACTS prospectiveparentsweretight- Somefamiliespursue
The Collaborationto U.S,FOSTERADOPTION enedsignificandyinzoo7.And China'sprogramandother
AdoptUsKids."The economy I Who can adopft marriedcou- expertsbeliwe that domestic avenuessimultaneously.A
mayalsobe a factor,sinceit ples,unmarried couples,single
men adoptionisonthe risein China" recentrwiewbyDillon
costslittle ornothingto adopt andwomen;guidelines varybystate; While the wait is hardfor fami- Internationalfound that dmost
mustobtainfoster-Darent license a third ofwaiting familieshad
a childfrom foster care,and lieshopingtoadopt,'tt is heart-
r Profll€ of chlldren:average age
manychildren adoptedfrom eningto know that manyof adoptedttrough anotJrerroute
foster carequali$for an ongo- groups,equal numberofboysand thesechildrenwill find their or werein the processof doing
ing monthly governmentsub- girls;wideraciafethnic
distribution foreverfamiliesin their birth so.Other familiesin the radi-

30 adoptlvefamllles.com
tional program just staythe ETHIOPIAADOPTION
course-and new families are
Averagetime from completion of
still signing on. "Despite the
long wait, we continue to
receiveapplications forthe tra- 6 monthsor less ..........54%
ditional program," saysDillon. tz monthsor less ......-...89"/o

Time from referral until child

f_f_FAST FACTS camehome:
C HIN AADOPTION 3 monthsor less. ............3t')/o
(informationin parentheses
refers 6 monthsor less ..........8f/"
to waiting-child Total length of time spent in Ethiopia:
r Who canadop$ married couples
z weeks or less.... ..........9o/o
only,ages29.5-49; strictcriteria
regarding mentalandphysical health,
SOURCE: Adopfive Farn,'/ieJ20o8-2oo9 Cost and
noarrests or alcohol-related incidents Timingof Adoption Survey
inprevious royears; bothparents high the reasonis simple: "The rules revisions to policy
schoolgraduates or equivalent (age becamemore complicated." In guidelines,we don't
limitsextended to 30-55; otherexcep-
many regions,parents' physical foreseemajor changesin the Ethiopia
tionsmadeonacase-by-case basis)
r Profile of children: 8-24months; and mental health are now near future," saysIrina Adoptions from Ethiopia have
parents mayspecifyage andgende6 being screenedby specialistsin- Shytova,RussiaProgram Case risen dramatically, from 41" in
moregirls, butboysareavailable (all country. Russiarequires two Manager for Dillon Internat- 2OO5, lO L,254in 2OO7,tO 2,277
ages withmildto significant special trips to adopt,but a lo-daywait- ional. With a realistic outlook,
needs; healthychildren in zoo9. As numbers increased,
5andolder; ing period, following the coun
moreboysthangirls) "Russiais a viable option for wait time has lengthened
I Averagewait from dossier date during the second trip, families."
slightly, but the program
to referral: 6yearsandincreasing means a lengthy stay or a third remains attractive to prospec-
(o-5months);fromreferralto round-trip. Either scenarioadds >> FA-STl_4CT9,
tive adoptive parents for many
travel: 6-roweeks$-6 months) substantialtravel costs. RUSSIA
ADOPTION reasons,including the relative-
I Thveli 1-2weeks in-country;travel
With domestic adoption lylow cost and undemanding
ingroups I Who can adopt: marriedcou-
r Average total cost: $z9poo increasingin Russia,Russian ples,nomorethan45yearsbetween paperwork. In addition, repons
(withoutcost-saving grouptravel, children eligible for intercoun- youngest parent andchild;single of quality orphanage care, with
costmaybeslightlyhigher) try adoption tend to be older womenz5andolder; strictguidelines
support from U.S.agencies,
and/or have specialneeds. for physicalandmentalhealth
I Profile of children:ro months-r6 appealto families, as do
There isn't a separatewaiting-
years;moreboysthan girls Ethiopia's progressiveviews on
Russia child program; families indicate I Averagewait from dossier openness.when in-country
Adoptions from Russiapeaked the agerangeand degreeofspe- to referral: r-rzmonths,shorter some parents have the oppor-
at 5,862children in zoo4 and cial needsthefre preparedto for boys;from referral to travel:
tunityto meet their child's
havebeen declining since.In parent, and shou-ldbeaware l week-1month
r T?avel:firsttrip:5-7daysin-coun- birth relatives. "Most families
2oo9, r,S85Russianchildren that requests for younger,
try;secondtrip (r monthlater):3-4 see it as an advantage that they
found forever homes in the U.S. healthier children will lengthen weeksin-country or thirdtrip afterthe didn't expect to find overseas,"
Alla Lakov, Executive Director theirwait. 1o-daywaiting period says Curran.
ror srorK Aoopuon ASency,says "Althoughthere maybe I Averagetotal cost: $5o,ooo+
Ethiopia's historically
flexible guidelines have become
slightly more restrictive in
RUSSIAADOPTION recentyeafs, asthe country
Average time from completion of imposed quotas on single par-
dossier to referral: ents. Singleswill probablybe
l monthorless... ..........23%
ruled out entirely in the near
3 monthsor less. ..........51%
I2 monthsor less ........91Vo
future. Accordingly, many
agenciesdo not accept applica-
Timefrom referral until child tions from single women.
came home:
3 monthsor less. ..........41%
l,l F_AS_I_lAGrS
6 monthsor less. ..........79o/o
Total length oftime spent in Russia:
3 weeksor less..... ..........40o/o I who can adoPt: marriedcou-
4 weeksor less.... ..........70Vo ples,
nomorethan4oyears olderthan
6 weeksor less.... ........1OO% child; stillaccepting

SOURCE:Adoptive FamilieJ2oo8-2oo9Costand
Timingof AdoptionSuruey
applications from singles
I Profile of children: allages;
r Average wa:t from dossier to
referral: 6-ro months;from refer-
ral to travel:4-6 months
r Tiavel: 7 daysin-country;escort
allowed,but agenciesencouragepar-
t Average total cost $z5poo

South Korea
South Koreawas one ofthe first
countries to establish a system
enabling its children to be
arrests;both parentshighschool
adopted intemationally. Its
graduatesor equivalent; applicantsof Love Cradle Mission, "no one reports the Gladney Center
numbers have held steady,from Judeo-Christian laithsencouraged
can sayif there willbe a quota for Adoption's Intercountry
r,o65 children in 2oo8 to l,o8o r Profile of children:8-rz months,
for zoto." Social ServicesManager
in zoo9, but there's a chance both genders;toddlersandolder
childrenwith specialneeds WendyStanley.
that change is on the way.
I Average wait from dossier to Stanley summarized the
The Koreangovernment
referral: 3-ro months;from refer- Nepal program as follows:
announced its intention to pro- ral to travel:4 months
"One ofthe biggest advantages
mote domestic adoption and I Ti-avel: one trip of about r week; I who can adopt: marriedcouples
is the fl exibiliry regarding
eliminate the need for interna- escortsallowed,but agenciesrecom- only;no morethan 45yearsbetween
mend (or require)that parentstravel child and oldestparenqboth parents adoptive parent requirements.
tional adoptions by zorz. While
r Average total cost: $33,ooo in good physicaland mentalhealth;no The challenges are the instabil-
this is an admirable goal, some
criminalhistory;no historyof sub- ity and the unknowns as the
predict the deadlinewill come $anceaDuse
and go with little change. I Profi le of children: officialssay
childrenare4and olderbut,in practicg
Namyi Min, Korean Program Ukraine childrenmaybeasyoungas18months >> FASTFACTS
Coordinator for Spence- With 6ro adoptions completed,
Chapin Adoption Services,
(boys)to z4 monthsGirls);maystate N#il;oprioN
Ukraine was sixth on the list of preferencefor ageandgender
says,"Realistically, Korean offi- I Who can adopt: married cou-
sending countries in zoo9. I Average wait from dossier to
cials don't havethe resources plesages3o-55;singlewomen 35-55;
Ukraine uses a "blind" referral referraftravel: z-6 months;one
longtrip (4-8weeks)ortwo short at least30 yearsolderthan child
orthe structure in place forthis system. Rather than referring a r Profile of ch:ldren: both boys
trips (7-1odayseach)
to happen within two years." If specific child prior to travel, andgirls;adoptedchildmust be
I Averagetotal cost $3opoo
Korea enforces the zorz dead- youngerthanand oppositegenderof
ProspectiveParentsreceive a
line, experts worry about the childalreadyin the home
referral in-country and then
prospects for harder-to-place I Average wait from dossier to
meet the child. If they have rea-
referral: unknown,Gladney'sfirst
older children and children son to decline the child, they Nepal familyreceivedreferralin 7 months; f,
with special needs. may rePeatthe processtwice Nepal re-opened for interna- from referral to travel: unknown I
Families often chooseto more. The more open the par- tional adoption onJanuary t, I Ti-avel: one trip of z-4 weeks;one o
adopt from South Korea forthe parent required to travel, but both
ents are to gender and age,the zoo9, after closingfor nearly F

quality ofcare children receive. parentsencouragedto do so )o

more likely they are to receive two years for system reform.
I Average total cost: $z8,5oo
Min cites anotherbenefit: "Due Approved agenciesmay process p
an acceptablereferral.
to the longhistory ofinterna- Ukrainian officials can refuse a ro adoptions peryear. No indi- I

tional adoptions from Korea, dossier if they determine there cation has been given asto I
post-adoption programs, such are no eligible children to meet whether orwhen Nepal will Bulgaria
as homeland tours and formal afamily's criteria. raise orliftthat quota. After a four-year slowdown

mentoring programs, are Like several other coun- Althoughthe U.S.State while becoming Hague-compli-
alreadyin place." tries profiled, Ukraine is pro- Deparrment warned that pro- ant, Bulgaria is making a strong
moting domestic adoption, ceduresmay remain unpre- comeback as a sending country
?>-_F_As_rFAgfs and, for a time, placed a quota dictable,'"tle regulations have for international adoption. Kay o
KOREAADOPTION on the number of dossiers not been difficult to under- Montes, International Program
acceptedperyear. There was no stand, andwe have not received Coordinator for Ttee oflife
I Who can adopt: marriedcouples
quota during zoo9, but, accord- negative feedback about our Adoption Center, saysthat her o
only;agesz5-44stringentph)sical F
andmentalhealthrequirements;no ing to Iryna Yagilnicky, families' dossiersso far." agenryhas 47 families in-

32 adoptivefamities.com
process."I anticipate that more both are encouragedto do so r9, and are completingthe ofcourse, shewouldn't trade
families will commit asmore I Average total cost: $z5,ooo; adoption processin the U.S. having Frankie home for any-
$zr,oooforspecialneedsprogram Dave and Kim Rhodes, thing.'lMe're not so naive that
families complete," she adds.
Montes,who's adopted from Greenville. South we don't expect some hurdles
three children from Bulgaria Carolina, are one such family. down the road, but we'll take
herself, speakswell ofthe Haiti Kim visited Haiti during high them as theycome."
oppornrnities to bond offered Economic conditions in Haiti, school, andthe experience The transition has been
bythe system.To supplement one ofthe least-developedand changedher life. "Since that smoother than they anticipat-
orphanagecare,parents can poorest countries in the world, trip, my heart has always been ed. "It's almost as if Frankie's
hire a "grandmother," or had created an enonnous num- drawn to Haiti," she says.The always been here," saysthe new
"Babba," to playwith their chil- ber oforphaned children even couple was about ro months mom of three. "I think it has a
dren at the orphanage. before the January12earth- into the processofadopting, lot to do with the waywe
Bulgaria has both a tradi- quake dealt the country a dev-
tional program and a "Referral astatingblow.
by Request" program for chil- Americans immediately
drenwith special needs.As began contacting U.S.adoption
with most programs, families agenciesin droves,but, as in
open to adopting children with the caseofanynanrral disaster,
special-careconditions will new adoptions from Haiti halt-
receive a referral more quickly. ed for an undetermined length
Montes cites the brevity and of time. A Januaryr4 State
easeofthe two requiredtrips as Department notice explained:
an advantageofBulgaria's pro- "It can be extremely difficult in
gram, aswell as its transparent such circumstancesto deter-
process."That is very reassw- mine whether children who
ing, not onlyforus, as an appear to be orphans truly are and had receivedtheir referral involved our daughters in the
agenry, but for our families," eligible for adoption. Children for the little boy they had process.There hasn't been a
she says. may be temporarily separated alreadynamed Frankie,when daysince we've known about
from their parents or other the earthquake hit. Amazingly, Frankie that we haven't prayed
>? FASIIACTS family members." At press they knew within zo minutes forhim ortalked about him.
time, most agencieswere not that Frankie was OK-an The onlydifference is that now
accepting new applications and employee at the orphanage, he'shere."
I Who can adopt: marriedcouples As this issuewent to press,
were advising families wishing Heartline Ministries, updated
z5andolder,no morethan45years
to adopt from Haiti to wait and his Facebook status-but wor- the Haitian govemment had
ityfor parentsadoptingolderchildren seehowthings develop. ried that their processwould be imposed new requirements for
or childrenwith specialneeds;no Due in large part to advo- stalled for years.Kim j oined children leaving ttre country
medicalor criminalissues with the families and organiza- under humanitarian parole,
cacy on the part ofJCICS, how-
r Profile of children: averageage which added time to the
ever,the U.S.grantedhumani- tions pushing for humanitarian
4-5;r8 months atyoungest;more boys
tarian parole to Haitian chil- parole, and, u daysafterthe process."Our storyhas ahappy
I Average waitfrom dossierto dren who were in the adoption earthquake, the Rhodes were ending," saysRhodes,"but we're
referral: o-r8 months;significantly processor had been identified able to bring Frankie home. very aware of the many families
shorter for older boys;from referral 'nV'ethoughtwehad who are still inlimbo." 0
as orphans at the time of the
totravel:r month
earthquake. Families with anotheryear in the process,so
r Travel: first trip: t week;second KAYN,lARNER isaf reelancewriter.A mother
referrals beganwelcoming there are a lot ofbooks we by birth andadoption,sheliveswithherfami-
trip (about4 months later):t week;
one parent requiredto travel,but their children home on January haven't read," saysRhodes.But, lvinAmes,lowa

U.S.Newborn U.S.Newborn U.S.Foster China Russia Ethiopia South

(nsency) (Attorney) Korea

$2,437 $3.172 $1,800 $3,356 95,394 $3,613 s2,688

$27,3.23 $17,665 $3,562 $12,589 $28,455 $1?,617 $24'8/e2

$s;t43 $4300 12,964 $10"586 fl9,853 $7,747 ,7'820

$35,503 $27,137 s8,326 926,531 $s?,702 $24pr| $35,400

SOURCE:AdoptiveFamiired2o08-2oo9 Cost and TimingofAdoption Survey

M AR C H /APR T L 20r 0 33

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