P .Of P. Fasting

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Compiled by:
M.Hajji Ahmed Khaki

Index 2
Preface .... 3
Proper Fasting 5
Formal Preparation. 10
Happy Advent of Shahrullaah 12
Sahree and Iftaar... 15
Laylatul Qadr. 16
The Last Day..18
DUAAS AAMAAL NAMAAZ :Moon-Sighting Duaa..20
1st Night Duaas & Aamaal21
Duaas at Sahree. 25
!st Day Duaas & Aamaal. 27
Duaa at Iftaar. 28
Night of Beez Aamaal -13th, 14th, & 15th.. 31
15th Night Aamaal.32
15th Day Aamaal...33
17th Night Aamaal.36
Laylatul Qadr 19th Night Aamaal..37
Laylatul Qard - 21st Night Aamaal. 40
21st Day Aamaal & Ziyaarat 41
Laylatul Qadr 23rd Night Aamaal. 43
27th Night Aamaal46
The Last Friday Duaa.47
The Last Night Aamaal 48
Night of Eid-ul-Fitr.. 50
Daily Duaas & Namaaz 54
Namaaz To Be Prayed Every Night. 59
Duaa To Be Recited At Day Time.. 60
Salawaat To Be Recited At Day Time. 62
Duaa Before Tilaawat-e-Quraan. 65
Duaa After Tilaawat-e-Quraan... 65
Duaa for Memorizing Holy Quraan 66
Duaa at Khatm-e-Quraan66
Duaa-e-Widaa 67
Salawaat-e-Abil Hasan Dharraab... 69
Salawaat of Maah-e-Shaabaan.. 72
Aamaal For Tawba (repentance)... 73
Duaa-e-Tawba 76
Duaa & Salawaat Of Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. 80
Duaa-e-Qurbat... 83
Namaaz-e-Jaafar-e-Tayyaar A.S. .. 84
Ziyaarat Of Imaam Husain A.S. . 86
Radd-e-Madhaalim 88
Reference.. 90

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All Praises and Glory belong to the Most High Lord of the
universe Almighty Allaah S.W.T. Who is Most Kind, Most Wise
and All-Powerful; and His Most Gracious Blessings be showered
on His beloved Prophet Muhammad Mustafa S.A.W.W. and his
Holy Progeny, - Ahlul Bayt A.S.
This humble work is undertaken for the benefit of Muslim brothers
and sisters who faithfully try to follow rules and regulations laid
down by Shariah, and are enthusiastic in it. As the title of the book
so indicates, we shall discuss all about Fasting encompassing all its
The Duaas and Aamaal mentioned herein are only a few amongst
what are there in authentic books such as Mafaatihul Jinaan etc.
Other Duaas and Aamaal are written herewith because it is said
that any good deed performed in this Holy Month of Ramadhaan
outweighs the merit of its performance in other months.
A basic requirement to observe a Fast is patience, endurance and
tolerance, without having these qualities Fasting is a very distant
objective. Fortunate is the person who can, in its true sense,
successfully observe a Fast. Fasting in the Holy Month of
Ramadhaan is stated to be a shield against the dreadful and
horrible fire of Hell. In other words, this may be taken as a stern
warning that nothing can save us from the fire of Hell except
Therefore the institution of Fasting should never be taken lightly. It
is not only the name of remaining hungry and thirsty, there is much
more there in it. Fasting is one of the pillars of Islaam, and as such,
if we underestimate it then the structure of our faith cant even bear
the heat of Hell-fire. Therefore I have tried to the best extent of my

limited knowledge to explain in detail the underlying wisdom of
Fasting as well as its pre-requisites, so as to avoid having the zerosum-value though after long durations of thirst and hunger. May
Allaah S.W.T. give us all Tawfeeq to Fast properly as required by
Him. Aameen.
There is nothing which surpasses Fasting for building a strong
will-power in a person. A person in a Fasting state keeps away
from the lawful things also, so how can it be impossible for
him/her to keep away from unlawful things. Therefore a successful
Fasting person gains cent percent control over every limb of his
body, including the brain. A proper Fasting needs control over the
body as well as soul. If one observes a Fast by merely abstaining
from food and drink but not considering other factors required for
the Fast, then he/she shall not be benefited from Fasting except
resulting in a slight loss in body weight. Physical gain is
temporary, it cant remain for ever, but the spiritual gain is eternal,
and basically it is this objective that we have to pursue in Fasting.
So if one strives for spiritual benefit he/she shall get the physical
one also, as an added advantage, but if it is vice versa then the loss
is unimaginable.
A Prophetic tradition tells us that there are many who dont get
anything from Fasting except thirst and hunger; this points out to
those who are not fully aware of the laws and regulations of
Fasting, either due to ignorance or for the lack of care. Therefore, it
is necessary that we should be aware of all requirements and laws
of Fasting and stick to them so as to be benefited from it.
Actually it is not so hard to remain without food and drink for a
couple of hours. There are authentic records that show that people
have gone without food for weeks. The task is when it requires that
all our bodily organs, limbs and even the brain should faithfully
behave side by side with abstinence from food and drink. All our
actions, deeds and thoughts should be that which pleases our Lord.
This is the standard needed for observing a Fast. Otherwise
remaining hungry and thirsty for some hours can also be done by
small children, and actually it has been noticed that a child as old
as three small years has observed Fasting, although it is another
matter that was it done voluntarily or otherwise?
Anyhow, the Blessed Month of Ramadhaan is the Month of Allaah
S.W.T. It is called SHAHRULLAAH. He has promised that
whoever Fasts in this month shall be rewarded graciously and
abundantly. This is a Great Grace from our Lord that He has kept

open the gates of Paradise in this Holy Month, and observing
Fasts properly is the way to it.
May Allaah S.W.T. grant us all Tawfeeq, strength and will-power
to observe proper Fasting in this and all the coming Holy Months
of Ramadhaan. Aameen.
M.Hajji Ahmed Khaki,
P.O.Box 8310,
Dar es Salaam,
E-mail: maksvs@hotmail.com

Daily prayers are the best

medium to advance onself in
favour of the Lord.
Hajj is a Jihaad for every weak
person. *****
For every thing that you own
there is Zakaat, a tax paid to the
Lord, and the tax of your health
is that you keep Fast. *****
The best Jihaad of a woman
against man is to render his
congenial. *****
- Imaam Ali A.S.

The true essence of Fasting is to create drastic changes within
oneself to a considerable extent of perfection. Observing a Fast is
not the name of merely abstaining from food and drink. It has a
very wide dimension. The main purpose of making people Fast is
to make them pious and righteous (=Muttaqee). If we want our
Fasting to be a proper Fasting then we must follow the rules and
requirements for it. It is narrated that each and every part of our
body should Fast with us so as to get the full benefit of Fasting. If
we keep our limbs under control and well-behaved it is then that
our Fast can do good for us. Remaining thirsty and hungry can
only result in a sheer weight-reducing scheme, but the soul will
remain unaffected. If we want our souls also to be benefited
together with physical gains then we must adhere to the
requirements of proper Fasting. This is actually the goal of Fasting.
In other words, Fasting means abstaining from vain talks, vain
sounds, vain desires, and vain thoughts together with abstinence
from food and drink. It is a practice of abstinence from every evil,
a practice of self-determination, a practice of self-sacrifice, and a
practice of self-denial from even lawful items so that one does not
feel any difficulty to keep aloof from unlawful items when such
situation arise.
Fasting keeps our mind calm and stress-less, our bodies become
light and swift, our sense of perception is illuminated, and our
expenses are reduced. But it is an irony of fate mostly it is noticed
that when the Fasting month arrives our dining tables become fully
loaded with various types of colourful dishes which enhances overeating. Instead of reducing the burden we tend to increase it. Many
times it is noticed that a person gains weight in this month. Many
contradictory factors are observed as a result of not recognizing the
sanctity of this Holy Month. A fully filled up stomach can never
reach even to the boarders of piety and righteousness. One of the
main factors guiding a person to the right track is less-eating.
It is stated that in the Holy Month of Ramadhaan Allaah S.W.T.
spreads His banquet and invites the people to be benefited from it
as much as they wish. This invitation to the feast organized by
Allaah S.W.T. is not the feast of devouring as much food as our

belly can accommodate. This divine feast is to gain eternal benefit
and pleasures, not a short-lasting pleasure of tasty foods which
disappears as soon as it is gulped down the throat. Our Lord has
made us to be the best of His creation, and as such He wants to see
us to be of the highest standard in all angles of our life. This
achievement cant be got while one is filled up with food to the
brim. It is only a light stomach which cultivates angelic virtues.
Eating too much causes a sort of intoxication which results in
heaviness of mind and body, the power of perception thus
diminishes and one can not go beyond ones own self. While lesseating keeps the body and soul in all-alert position and the mind is
able to grasp quickly, he / she can cope up with problems with
great ease, can imagine, think, ponder and solve the problems
without complexity.
Allaah S.W.T. does not like a person with full-stomach. He has
spread His banquet for us to give rest to our stomach so that we
may be able to perform some constructive deeds so as to be
qualified to get eternal rewards.
In olden times once it so happened that three persons were once
traveling to a certain city. On their way they reached a small town
where they decided to spend the night and then proceed with their
journey the next morning. So they went to the Masjid and set to
rest there. Just after a few moments there came a person from that
town who knew one of the travelers and so he took him to be his
guest. After some time another man came and saw that there was
his friend among the travelers and he also took the second person
to his home. Remaining there was one person who had no any
associate in that town, so he spent the night in the Masjid, without
anything to eat or drink. The next morning when all the travelers
met again those two who were taken guests were boasting for the
hospitality they had received. Soon a mysterious voice came telling
them that the person they had left in the Masjid was not alone, he
was actually the guest of Allaah S.W.T. This was because he
remained in the Masjid with a hungry stomach and was thus
adorned to be the guest of Allaah. This is not surprising because in
olden times things used to be somehow different from what they
are today, in those times sinners were branded on the forehead or
on the gates of their houses, and some times even an instant
Adhaab would descend on the sinners.
Fasting is so much preferred by Allaah S.W.T. that He has said that
He shall reward the Fasting persons by His Ownself. It is really a
thought provoking appeal. How splendid, magnificent, glorious
and superb the reward would be when it is to be rewarded by

Allaah S.W.T. Himself! Therefore it is very essential that we must
be cautious in our Fasting that lest it go away waste. Ofcourse
keeping away from food and drink for the sake of pleasing Allaah
S.W.T. is certainly a virtue but when we are commanded to Fast in
the Holy Ramadhaan then it is incumbent upon us to adhere to
rules and regulations of Fasting together with abstinence from
food, water, and every other thing which invalidates the Fast;
moreover, each and every moment of the Holy Month should be
utilized for the gaining the pleasure of Allaah S.W.T. and then only
it can be said to have Fasted properly.
In the state of Fasting many are seen wasting the precious time in
many different ways; some resort to sports, some go for games,
some roam around the town aimlessly, and some go for other passtimes. Therefore it is said that sleeping in the state of Fasting is a
sort of worship, this is because when we are asleep we are safe
from committing any unlawful activity. But a virtuous Fastobserver is he /she who keeps the Fast, maintains the routine work
and duties, and have an insight far and wide concerning Fasting.
Thus he/she could not afford wasting the time in a meaningless
way but would always be after some constructive activity. A
person may sometime fumble on a sinful act during the seemingly
harmless act of pass-time. The Holy Month of Ramadhaan is such
a Blessed month that any good deed performed in this month
carries manifold reward then in other months.
Concerning this Blessed Month Imaam Ali A.S. said, Dont say
Ramadhaan, because you dont know what Ramadhaan is;
whoever says so must pay charity and must offer atonement Fast.
Instead of saying Ramadhaan say as Allaah S.W.T has called it, The Month of Ramadhaan." Allaah S.W.T. has spread the divine
banquet of His Invitation to the Fast-Observers so that people
should strive hard to reach the peak of perfection and thus become
lawful candidates for the limitless bounties and favours from
Almighty Allaah S.W.T. But this high status can only be obtained
by proper Fasting, that is, by passing successfully through the tests
of abstinence and endurance, and by full-time commitment of
oneself in the way of Allaah S.W.T.
When we are Fasting then we should have a slight idea of accepted
wisdom that Fasting also reduces the daily consumption of food.
But unfortunately it is noticed that at the time of completion of
Fast (Iftaar) people are excited to some extent that they tend to fill
the belly to the brim. Some try to compensate the hunger of the day
with one meal of breaking the Fast. While some gluttony persons
keep munching food for most of the night, till Adhaan is heard.

This manner of eating brings one to a harmful level because overeating is destructive; it causes intoxication, laziness, lethargy,
obesity and dullness of intellect in addition to various types of
diseases. Over-eating is contrary to what our Creator wants us to
do. Allaah wishes to see His creatures in full alert all the time,
physically as well as mentally. And this cant be achieved except
we are less-eaters.
Hunger is in one way a praiseworthy situation for human beings. It
is narrated that, Stop the path of satanic influence upon your self
through hunger. The Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, Whoever
keeps his stomach hungry his thinking culminates to the highest
level making his reflections stronger.
It is believed that abstinence from food and drink is foremost
among the prime requisites of Fasting, and this is viewed in a very
wide angle. It is also wrongly seen to this extent of degree that if
one backbites, or abuses someone, or steals, or slanders, or
commits any bad deed, yet it cant be accepted that the Fast has
become void, but if even a drop of water unknowingly slips down
in the mouth then people will atonce shout that the Fast has been
broken! This is a sheer ignorance of law. Fasting has its own
properly calculated laws as mentioned above which should be
taken into consideration.

Let us now examine the good sides of CONSUMING LESS
(1) Effects of less-eating are humility, hospitality, freedom from
arrogance and egotism, and a feeling of sympathy for the less
(2) It lowers the intensity of sensual passions and other evil
motivations which leads to sinning and deviation.
(3) Less-eaters are also less-sleepers. It is obvious that over
sleeping is a sort of wasting our age. A wise person always utilizes
his / her limited time of age utilizing it prudently so as to gain
eternal benefits at full extent.
(4) A less-eater is always at ease and comfort because he / she
have not to run around regarding preparation of various dishes. He
is free from purchasing many food items, cooking them,
consuming, relieving, and finally go for medical appointments and
incurring its expenses.
(5) It saves time and money thus prompting one to spend in
charity, benevolence, pilgrimage, and many other good causes.

This is only one aspect of Fasting, yet each aspect carries its
unmatchable virtues, such as it purifies the heart, sharpens the
mind, enhances power of conception, making a person attain the
required status of a Muttaqee. But if over-eating at the time of
Iftaar and Daakoo are not avoided then the whole concept of
Fasting gets ruined. It is worth noting that life should not be
devoted to sensual pleasures only, our goal must be aimed high.
We are not created only to produce and consume things that we
need. We are here in the world to cultivate our God-Given talents
so as to reach to the peak of mental perfection by learning the
lessons of humanity. A human being is a master piece of the
Creator therefore what is expected of him is something more then
angelic character. Therefore a wise persons perspective should be
a purposeful life of an honourable position.
So Fasting educates us all these invaluable objectives. Ramadhaan
Mubaarak is the month of practice. This is the month of selfrestraint against evil-whispering of the soul. This is the month of
sympathy, sympathizing with the less fortunate, poor, needy,
orphans, the sick, the aged and children. It teaches us the virtues to
carry on through out our lives. It teaches us to practice forbearance
and patience in every field, be it concerning food, drink, passions,
delights, hardships, relations, etc. We should cultivate these virtues
and apply to our everyday life up to the last breath. It should not be
confined to one month only that after Holy Ramadhaan lest we
turn the back and are at square one again. Successful is the one
who holds fast to the values of Fasting all the year around. This
should be the goal of a Fasting person. That is the reason why
Fasting is prescribed in lunar month because it rotates in all the
seasons of the year; sometimes Holy Ramadhaan comes in winter,
sometimes in summer, autumn or spring season, so a matured
person of 35years of age would pass through all the seasons in
Fasting state, he experiences the taste and hardship of Fasting
through all the seasons making him quite strong to bear the
hardships of all the seasons.
Even though the benefits of proper Fasting is salvation from Hell
fire and gaining Paradise but a true believer should not make this
to be his / her view point; the main perspective should be that we
should be worthy of being accepted by our Lord as His obedient
One of the obstacles which hinder the progress of a Fasting person
to obtain angelic values is OVER-EATING. The sole purpose of
Fasting is lost when our dining tables are laden with various
colourful and delicious dishes at the times of Iftaar and Sahree.

Even though all the food items be of lawful earnings, but they
promote indulgence in over-eating, which is a solid contradiction
of the values of Fasting. Our Creator wishes for us otherwise. He
wants us to remain proper human beings by eating less while we
become low ambitious miserly people and amuse ourselves with
something else then what Allaah wants. A true devotee is never to
be seen as a worshipper of his belly.
Perfect Fast observer is he whose level of consuming food and
drink are lawfully obtained and are permissible items, he does not
indulge in any wasteful activity or extravagancy, he does not fill up
his dining table with assorted food items, he does not indulge in
over-eating, he limits his self to consuming a single dish,, and he
abstains from eating for the sake of enjoyment; these type of peple
shall be rewarded with the best of rewards. Allaah S.W.T. shall
bless them with His infinite generosity and shall be rewarded with
unimaginable special rewards.
A true believer never under-estimates the values of this sacred
month of Ramadhaan. According to the tradition of the Holy
Prophet S.A.W.W. its days and nights are better then the days and
nights of any other month. Each moment of this blessed month
should be utilized properly and wisely. Wasting time in front of
useless TV shows, video, and various games can never be afforded
by a true believer. Worship, prayers, and skillfully planned
constructive activities are not in scarcity that we have to go finding
an activity to kill the time.

Many persons get nothing out of their

Fasts but hunger and thirst; many more
get nothing out of their night prayers but
exertions and sleepless nights. Wise and
sagacious persons are praiseworthy even if
they do not Fast and they sleep during the
Imaam Ali A.S.


Atleast a couple of weeks prior to the advent of the Holy Month of
Blessed Ramadhaan we should make preparations well in advance
to wellcome the Holy Ramadhaan. Pre-planning should be made
for the right schedule of works and worship during this month so
that much of our valuable time can be saved and set apart for
beneficial activities and prayers. There are numerous and very
useful prayers and Duaas prescribed for this Holy Month that
requires a great deal of time and devotion. A person has to fulfill
his duties during the day time, so our day and night routine should
be planned in such a way that when night falls we are not
exhausted and we may have strength to stand for Ibaadaat. If one
cant devout much of his / her time in the nights then it is far from
possible that all the beautiful and magnificent Duaas and prayers
can be accomplished.
Praying and beseeching in advance brings a sure result; so we
should request Allaah S.W.T. in our prayers that when he makes us
lucky enough to see the coming Holy Ramadhaan He should give
us enough strength and Tawfeeq to Fast, worship and perform good
deeds as much as possible. Our Duaa should be that Allaah S.W.T
may give us a determined resolution and strong will-power to
observe proper Fasting, to perform all obligatory and voluntary
Ibaadaat, to stay night-vigil for prayers, to bestow a broad heart so
as to spend more in His way, and the most important, - to bestow to
us the blessings of Laylatul Qadr.
The place of worship should be cleaned, purified and prepared in
such a way that there remains no object of hindrances when we
stand for the prayers.
All the debts and outstanding accounts such as Khums, Zakaat,
Trusts, etc. should be preferably cleared off so that when we stand

in front of our Lord there should not be any unwanted burden on
our backs.
If there are some Qadhaa Namaaz or Fasts they should also be paid
at the earliest.
Allaah S.W.T. is the Most Kind and Merciful, so we should also
beseech Him to forgive our past sins and mistakes before the
advent of Ramadhaan Mubaarak so that we may act afresh keeping
away from future wrong-doings. If we sincerely ask Him He shall
certainly forgive us.
But then remains the problem of those sins committed against
other human beings, Allaah will not forgive it because the sinner
must ask for pardon from the one to whom the sin was done. So we
have to go and beg pardon from the people whom we have
slandered, or done back-biting, or usurped their property, or done
anything wrong to them. This is called RADD-E-MADHAALIM,
i.e. we have obligations on our backs. If they willingly forgive us
then there is no objection from Allaah S.W.T. This should not be
ignored so that we may be clean of any obligation on our necks
from the very onset of Holy Ramadhaan. But if circumstances do
not allow for going to beg forgiveness from the culprit and all the
ways to it are closed, then there is a Dua and Namaaz for it which
is written in the final pages of this book.
It is stated that if anyone has not paid his dues of Khums or has
usurped the money or property of others then his prayers cant be
accepted. This is because it is one of the requirements of prayer
that the place of prayer, and the cloths that we wear while praying
must be lawfully obtained.
Concerning our workers, we should consider them benevolently
because after all they are also human beings as our own selves.
They have the families, needs, and necessities as we do have.
Specifically in this Holy Month we should be more compassionate
to them, it is a way of our Imaams, and they always forgave the
mistakes of their servants, so we must also follow on their
footsteps to acquire righteousness to some extent. If we wish that
on the Day of Judgment Allaah should forgive us then we should
here forgive the mistakes of others. In this Holy Month the burden
of workload should be reduced from our workers so as to give
them sufficient rest. One way of doing this is to employ few more
workers so as to distribute the work load. The Holy Prophet
S.A.W.W. said, A person who does not exercise strictness on his
workers will be saved from the strictness of Almighty Allaah on

the Day of Judgement, and a person who lessens the load of
workers Allaah S.W.T. shall take his / her account with leniency.
Finally, as it is said preparation to receive the Holy Month of
Ramadhaan is essential. And the pre-planning includes foremostly
the cleaning of our hearts, the heart should be purged off of any
bad elements such as arrogance, vengeance, rivalry, immorality
and every evil, our hearts should be pure and clean. The next thing
to be done is to do away with the habit of gossiping and backbiting, this is the thing which invalidates a Fast. And the most
important thing to do is that we should make a firm, solid and
unyielding resolution to follow faithfully all the requirements
needed for a proper Fast which can be acceptable by our Lord
Allaah S.W.T.

Almighty Allaah S.W.T. says:

Oh Musa! Indeed the servants act in this
world until death overpowers them. Then
they regret their past sins and wrong-doings,
they then seek to return to this world so they
can do good deeds. Our Lord, we have
seen and we have heard, therefore send us
back, we will do good, surely (now) we are
certain. (32:12). I swear by My Honour
and My Power, I will not send any one of
them back.

If your brother just smells your sin, he will

never sit beside you. Your sins are increasing
everyday and your life is decreasing. Dont
waste your life in falsehood and carelessness.
If you want more, then be in the company of
the generous. Seek refuge from the worldly
people and mix with the deprived.
* * * * * Oh Musa son of Imraan! Listen
carefully to what I say! One can never have
time to think about Allaah unless the people
feel secure from mischief. Mischief means
oppression, tricks, gossiping, backbiting,


injustice, jealousy, harm, internal (secret) and

external (appearance).


Regarding the blessed arrival of the Holy Ramadhaan the Holy
Prophet of Islaam Hadhrat Muhammad Mustafa S.A.W.W. said,
A person who corrects his / her ways of lifestyle to better ways
shall pass with ease on the Bridge (Pool-e-Siraat) when feet will be
stumbling and loosing balance over it: a person who is kind and
honours the orphans Allaah shall also honour him on the Day of
Qayaamat; a person who is compassionate to his relatives Allaah
shall bestow His Grace on him but whoever shall behave cruelly to
his / her relatives and disgrace them shall be deprived of Allaahs
Mercy; a person who prays voluntary (Sunnat) Namaaz in this
month shall be given clemency on Qayaamat: a person who
observes all obligatory deeds will be rewarded seventy times then
that in other days and his / her scale of good deeds will be heavier
then that of the bad deeds; a person who recites Holy Quran in
this month will be rewarded the merit of reciting complete Holy
Quran; Shaytaan is made captive in this month so beg to Allaah
no to let him overpower you; doors of Paradise are wide open in
this month so beg Allaah not to close them for you; doors of Hell
are closed in this month so beg Allaah not to open them for you.
The Holy Prophet S.W.A.W. also said, O people, very soon a
month will be coming to you which is a month of great blessings,
mercy and forgiveness of sins by Almighty Allaah S.W.T. To Him
its nights, days and hours are better then all nights, days and hours.
This is a month whereby Almighty Allaah is your Host, wherein
your breath is considered as Tasbeeh and your sleep is Ibaadat, so
beg forgiveness from Allaah and beseech Him to give you Tawfeeq
to observe Fasting and recite Holy Quran. Whoever will be
deprived of Allaahs Mercy in this month is an unfortunate person.
When you Fast remember thirst and hunger of the Day of
Judgment. Give alms to the needy. Give due respect to your aged
ones. Be compassionate to your young ones, and be sympathetic to
your relatives. Abstain from that which is unlawful to see, hear or
speak. Be kind to orphans of others so others shall be kind to your
orphans. After repenting, pay full attention towards Allaah. Be
punctual in Namaaz, pray in its fixed time and raise your hands
towards heavens because the time of Namaaz is the best time when

Allaah looks most kindly towards His creatures and answers their
needs when they ask sincerely. Allaah has promised not to punish
those who perform prostration (Sajdah), and those who pray
Namaaz, therefore reduce your sins-overloaded backs by doing
Sajdah and Namaaz.
O people anyone who gives Iftaar (a meal for the time of breaking
the Fast) to a Fasting person shall get the reward of emancipating
one lakh slaves and his/ her past sins shall be forgiven, and it is not
a must that you give plenty of delicious food but you may offer as
much as you can afford to.
From the above mentioned Prophetic tradition it gives a very clear
representation of the significance of this great Holy Month of
Ramadhaan, which is also Shahrullaah, the month of Allaah.
Therefore it is essential for pre-planning and making a perfect time
table for all our schedules so that we could not be left disappointed
when the successful people are being rewarded. One should
consider himself a lucky person if he is blessed to be present in this
Holy Month. Recitation and contemplation of the Holy Quran,
various prayers, Sunnat Aamaal, Duaas, Namaaz-on-time, its
Naafila, and many other good deeds can only be done if there is
proper planning for it, otherwise the hours, days, weeks and the
month shall pass away like the blowing wind and we shall only rise
up from slumber when the opportunity would have already passed
away from our hands. Serving the creation of Allaah is one of the
most virtuous acts, so if possible we should arrange Iftaar for the
Fasting persons on daily basis, it carries great Sawaab.
Then there are some people around us who are in need of financial,
physical or moral assistance, so helping them is a great thing.
Helping and serving the creation of Allaah is the most preferred act
in the sight of Allaah S.W.T.
Doing Istighfaar is one of the foremost important deeds in this
Holy Month; nobody is sinless except the Maasoomeen A.S. and
the Prophets of Allaah S.W.T. So we should do sincere repentance
and beseech Allaah to forgive our sins, mistakes and short-comings
while earnestly promising Him not to revert again to them. There
are many Duaas, Namaaz and Aamaal for seeking repentance; we
should not ignore this because Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S said,
Whoever is not forgiven during this month then there is no any
hope for his / her salvation till the next Holy Ramadhaan, or that he
/ she should not miss going to the plains of Arafah and seek
repentance there.

It is narrated from Maasoomeen A.S. that we should recite the
Holy Quran and do Istighfaar as much as possible. Besides
recitation of the Holy Quran we must know the meaning of what
we recite and should ponder over the Aayaat. It is a living miracle
with us and as such we must go deep into its subjects and find out
more about it by thinking on various topics mentioned therein and
learn more from the scholars.
As for Istighfaar it is the month of repentance. Allaah S.W.T.
forgives numerous sinners in this Holy Month. Therefore we
should not miss this opportunity to ask for our forgiveness. As
mentioned earlier we are not sinless, so if one thinks of his / her
past there shall be found plenty of wrong doings; e.g. there might
be some Qadhaa Namaaz, or the Namaaz which was prayed late
then its time, or the Namaaz which was prayed carelessly or in a
hurry. There also might be some Fasts which were invalidated for
certain reasons, or left out; or there might be some violated rights
of our parents, children, relatives, teachers, workers, friends,
scholars, neighbors etc; or might be we had committed
extravagancy in some matter, which is Haraam; or might be we
had neglected to attend to the poor and needy; or might be we
committed injustice to some one or to our own selves; or might be
we had not performed Hajj and Ziyarat properly; or might be we
had done some mistakes or sins owing to our short sightedness or
because of the love of this transient world. These and many more
should be thought of.
In this Holy Month it is essential for a Fasting person to behave
with wisdom, insight and knowledge. For those who do not
consider the sanctity of Fasting it is advisable to note these words
from Imaam Ali A.S. He said for such people, His share in
Fasting is nothing but thirst and hunger. While some worshippers
share in reward is nothing but difficulty and hardship. This means
that in every deed Maarifat is necessary (wisdom, knowledge and
There are three stages of periods in this month. The first ten days
are of Barakah (Blessings). The next ten days are of Rahmah
(Compassion). And the last ten days are of Maghfirah
Almighty Allaah S.W.T. says:
Oh son of Adam! I did not create you for gathering
wealth for yourself and for others; but I created you
to worship Me humbly and thank Me a lot, and praise

My Glory day and night. Indeed, your sustenance is
determined. The greedy is deprived. The miser is
condemned. The jealous is sorrowful. The Examiner
is Ever-living and Eternal.


It is highly recommended that we should not abandon Sahree, i.e.
one should eat something at the pre-dawn time (Daakoo). Even
when one is not feeling hungry a little amount of food or drink
should be taken. At the time of Sahree Allaah S.W.T forgives the
sins of a person who does Istighfaar. One who recites Surah-eQadr at the time of Sahree and Iftaar gets the merits of a Martyr.
There are special Duaas also to be recited at the time of Sahree. We
should make the Intention (NIYYAT) for Fasting at this time. We
can also make Niyyat at any time of the night, or we can also make
Niyyat for the whole month at the onset of the month.
Regarding Iftaar, i.e. the time of completion of the Fast, it is
recommended that one should first pray Maghrib and Ishaa prayers
and then sit to break the Fast; but if there are people waiting for
you or if you have become too weak to withstand the pangs of
hunger any more then it is allowed to do Iftaar prior to Namaaz. At
this time also there are some Duaas to be recited, or you may recite
Surah-e-Qadr. It is recommended to break the fast by first
consuming some piece of Dates (Khajoor), or any sweetmeat item,
or hot water, because this is good for our health. Specifically for
the Dates it is mentioned that whoever breaks the Fast by eating
Khajoor gets the Sawaab of his Namaaz four hundred times more
then usual. Dates should not be just a piece or two but we should
eat some considerable amount of it. The philosophy behind this is
the fact that one who eats Dates does not then have much craving
for other junk food that are not good for our health, thus a habit of
over-eating is brought under control. Dates contain sufficient
amount of vitamins, protein, calcium, and other minerals so after
consuming it one feels satiated and there remains no need for more
food. As a result the stomach retains enough space inside which
does not hinder one to perform Ibaadaat and do some other useful
At the time of Iftaar it is highly emphasized to give Alms (Sadqa)
and also provide Iftaar to the Fasting people, this is a very
commendable deed.

The most worth mentioning thing is that we should not go beyond
the limits in eating, whether at the time of Iftaar or at Sahree.
Moderation is the best way of life; Less-eating will prompt us to do
more Ibaadaat and many positive activities.

There comes the most meritorious night in this Holy Month.
Specifically it is only one single night, but nobody can know
exactly on which date it falls. It is being kept secret by Allaah
S.W.T. It is hidden in three nights, the 19 th, the 21st, and the 23rd.
Therefore we should keep praying all these three nights so that we
may be benefited to receive the merits of Laylatul Qadr. This is the
night of power. Deeds of everyone are destined in this night.
Sustenance, pilgrimage to Hajj, health and everything is destined
in this night. So anyone doing good deeds and prayers in this night
can be highly favoured by Almighty Allaah S.W.T. Staying night
vigil in Laylatul Qadr is the most essential objective of this Holy
Month. To mould our destiny to a peaceful and comfortable life in
this world and in the Hereafter it is necessary to divert our full
attention towards this magnificent night.
The blessed Laylatul Qadr is better then thousand months. Our
Duaas and prayers are granted in this night because the gates of
heaven are kept open and Allaahs Mercy descends on the
believers, A tradition says that prayers from all people are granted
in this night except for the four types; they are : (a) a rebellious and
disobedient son / daughter who has angered and displeased their
parents; (b) a person who has cut off relations with his kith and
kin; (c) a person who nurtures vengeance and animosity to a
believer; and (d) a person who drinks alcohol. These four peoples
prayers are not accepted.
Laylatul Qadr is the majestic night which should not be missed at
any cost. We should take ample rest during the day so that it
becomes easy to keep awake in the night for prayers. It is stated
that if you want to keep awake for the whole night for performing
acts of worship then besides your determination, recite Surah-eNabaa (Ammaa YatasaaAloon., ch.30 of H.Q), it will help a lot
to keep awake without being tired or sleepy.
There are various Namaaz, Duaas and Aamaal to be performed in
this night. Doing Istighfaar, reciting Salawaat, asking Allaah for

good health, knowledge, insight, intellectual power, and all legal
Haajaat is recommended. Giving Sadaqah on this night is of high
value. Remembering Marhoomeen by Duaa and Namaaz etc. on
their behalf is also a praiseworthy act. Then we should devout a
portion of this blessed night for meditation remember all the
favours we have been awarded by Allaah S.W.T., His majestic
power working round the clock in this vast universe, and have a
heart-to-heart talk with our Most Kind Creator. Shed some tears
while you request for forgiveness; beseeching for our needs to
Allaah with tears in the eyes is an indication of acceptance. Ziyarat
of Imaam Husain A.S. is the most recommended act of this night.
Recitation of the Holy Quraan is also a meritorious and rewarding
deed. Especially it is emphasized to recite Surah-e-Dukhaan,
S.Anqaboot, and S.Room in this night, this results in making our
spoiled deeds to gain its validity of virtiues.
It is worth mentioning that only the fortunate ones get the
opportunity to get this blessed night of Power. Therefore a single
moment should not be wasted. At the end of the night we should
bid it farewell with heavy heart and resort to Maasoomeen A.S
pleading for their intersession. The following day of Qadr should
also be accorded due respect through Duaas and good deeds.
Oh son of Adam! Do not be pleased with your wealth; it wont
last for ever.
Do not become sad because of povery; it is neither a burdon
nor is it incumbent upon you.
Do not become hope-less because of calamities, indeed gold is
tested by melting it in fire; likewise a believer is tested
by calamities (Balaa).
Indeed the wealthy are respected in this world and humiliated
in the Hereafter; And the poor is humiliated in this
world and respected in the Hereafter.
Indeed, the Hereafter in prosperous and terenal.Oh son of
Adam! The wealth is Mine and you are My servant and
the guest is My Messenger. If you stop giving My wealth
to My messenger then do not desire My Heaven and My
Sustenance.Oh son of Adam! The wealth is Mine and
the rich are My representatives and the poor are My
dependents. The one who is mean towards My
rdependents, I will make him enter into Hell and I will
not care for him!
Oh son of dam! Be generous, indeed generosity is part of pure
certainty and certainty is part of faith and faith is from
Heaven.Oh son o0f Adam! Be careful to be a miser.
Indeed miserliness is from Kufr (disbelief) and Kufr is
from Hell.

Oh son of Adam1 Be careful of the curse from the oppressed,
because nothing prevents it from reaching Me. If I did
not love to forgive, I would not have tested Adam and
then sent him back to Heaven.
Oh son of Adam! If I did not love to forgive I would not test
My servants with sins.


On the eve of the last day of Ramadhaan Mubaarak there are some
recommended prayers to be recited. Dua-e-Widaa is the beautiful
Duaa which is to be recited while bidding farewell to this Holy
Month. Then there is also a special excellent gift from the Holy
Prophet to his Ummah in the form of a particular Namaaz which
has boundless rewards for the one who prays it. (These shall be
written in the ending pages).
On this night we should feel sorry that now only one precious night
is left with us because the blessed days and nights are going to
depart from us very soon, a true believer should feel a sense of
sadness and missing it and should be longing for the expansion of
this Holy Month. We should sincerely ask Allaah S.W.T to avail us
again the opportunity to get the next years Holy Ramadhaan. A
believer is in the dual state of fear and hope in the last night and on
the last day of this Holy Month because of thinking that perhaps all
his prayers and good deeds performed in this month might not be
worthy of acceptance, if so the final result would surely be a
dreadful one; while the hope is based on the fact that Allaah S.W.T.
is the Most Kind, Most Forgiving, and Most Beneficent, so He will
certainly accept our prayers and deeds through His Boundless
Grace and thus reward us with eternal blessings.

Oh son of Adam! Whatever

you say or do, whether it is
little or much, My Angels are


watching you every night and

day to write them.

The night of Eid-ul-Fitr is a very significant night for prayers. It is
stated that the merit of this night is not less then Shab-e-Qadr.
Therefore we should keep vigil for prayers and beseech Almighty
Allaah S.W.T to accept whatever Ibaadaat and good deeds we
performed in this month. There are some prescribed Aamaal for
this night which will be mentioned later.
The day of Eid is certainly a day of rejoicing but it should not be
by unlawful manner. We should consider the needy and poor by
providing them the means for it so that they also can enjoy this
occasion to some extent. In many parts of the world there are our
Muslim brothers who are not able to put on proper cloths or even
they cant manage to have one proper meal. There are innocent
Muslims who are being constantly oppressed and massacred. There
are also our brothers and sisters whose land has been grabbed by
the usurpers and they dont have legal right to live in their own
lands. We should take all these matters seriously into consideration
and do whatever we can to relieve the oppressed Muslim nation
from the clutches of the oppressors. We should also not forget
these less-fortunate ones in our Duaas.
There is Eid-Namaaz to be prayed today and some Duaas.
Exchange of gifts between relatives, neighbours and friends is also
a virtuous deed which strengthens the bond of brotherhood and
unity. Then there are workers; domestic workers should be
considered also, because they have also a family who wants to
enjoy this joyous day.


Oh son of Adam! Do not miss the morning prayers;

because all the things on which the sun shines will pray
for the one who performs the prayers


It is highly recommended to look out for the new-moon of the
Holy month of Ramadhaan. Some Ulamaa say that it is obligatory
to look for the new-moon. It is also stated that when you see the
crescent of the Holy Ramadhaan do not point to it with your finger.
It is recommended to raise the hands and recite the following Duaa
when the new moon is sighted:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Rabbee Wa Rabbukallaahu Rabbul Aalameen.
Allaahumma Ahillahoo Alayna Bil Amni Wal Imaani
Was-Salaamati Wal Islaami Wal Musaaraatee Ilaa
Maa Tuhibboo Wa Tardhaa. Allaahumma Baarik
Lanaa Fee Shahrinaa Haadhaa Warzuqnaa
Khayrahoo Wa Awnahoo Wasrif Annaa Dhurrahoo
Wa Sharrahoo Wa Balaaahoo Wa Fitnatahoo.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Another Duaa is that when the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. sighted the
new moon of Maah-e-Ramadhaan he used to turn towards Qibla
and recite the following Duaa:-

Allaahumma Ahillahoo Alayna Bil Amni Wal

Eemaani Was-Salaamati Wal Islaami Wal Aafiyatil
Mujallalati Wa Difaail Asqaami Wal Awni AlasSwalaati Was-Swiyaami Wal Qiyaami Wa Tilaawatil


Quraan, Allaahumma
Ramadhaan Wa Tasallamhu Minna Wa Sallimnaa
Feehi Hattaa Yanqadhiya Annaa Shahru Ramadhaan
Wa Qad Afawta Annaa Wa Ghafarta Lanaa Wa
*********** *


(1) Initially we should try to locate the crescent of the first night,
and when it is sighted recite the Duaa mentioned here above.
(2) It is recommended for Mujaamiat for the husband and wife.
This is particularly for this month only otherwise it is Makrooh on
any of the other months first night.
(3) Perform Ghusl its good effect will be that you shall not be
afflicted with itching/irritation diseases up to next year.
(4) Perform Ziyaarat of Imam Husain A.S. if one does so he /
she shall get the Sawaab of all those who performed Hajj and
Umrah in that year, and the sins shall be forgiven.
(5) Recite a two rakat Namaaz in which after S.Al-Hamd recite
S.Anaam in all the two rakats, then beseech Allaah S.W.T. to
protect you from every diseases that you fear of.
(6) Recite that Duaa which is recited on the last night of
Shaabaan. It starts with Allaahumma Inna Haadhaa Shahrul
Mubaarak (Refer Mafaatihul Jinaan in Arabic, page 171).
(7) Every night starting from today pray two rakat Namaaz every
night in which recite Surah Al-Fath (Innaa Fatahnaa Laka
Fatham-Mubeena.).Its effect will be that you shall be protected
from diseases, problems and tribulations for the whole year.
(8) Starting from the first night, it is stated to pray one thousand
rakats Namaaz distributing it in the following manner : Pray
twenty rakat everyday from today up to the twentieth, (eight
rakat after Maghrib and twelve rakat after Ishaa); then starting
from the twentieth up to the end of the month pray thirty rakat
daily, (eight rakat after Maghrib and twenty two rakat after
Ishaa); this will make seven hundred rakats up to now; then pray
one hundred rakat in each night of Laylatul Qadr, this will add to
be one thousand rakats.
(9) Imam Muhammad Taqee A.S said to recite the following Duaa,
raise your hands and recite this Duaa in an audible voice:-


Allaahumma Yaa Man Yamlikut-Tadbeer Wa Huwa
Alaa Kulli Shayin Qadeer, Yaa Man Yaalamu
Khaainatal Aayuni
Wamaa Tukhfis-Sudooru Wa
Tujinnudh-DhwameeruWa Huwal Latweeful Khabeer.
Allaahummajalna Mimman-Nawaa Fa Amila Walaa
Tajalna Mimman Shaqiya Fa Kasila Walaa Mimman
Huwa Alaa Ghayri Amalin Yattakilu. Allaahumma Swahhih Abdaananaa Minal Ilali Wa Ainnaa Ala Maftaradhta
Alayna Minal Amali Hattaa Yanqadhwiya Annaa
Shahruka Haadhaa Waqad Addayna Mafroodhaka Feehi
Alayna. Allaahumma Ainnaa Alaa Swiyaamihi Wa
Waffiqnaa Li Qiyaamihi Wa Nash-Shitnaa Feehi LisSwalaati Walaa Tahjubna Minal Qiraaati Wa Sah-hil
Lanaa Feehi Itaaaz-zakaati Allaahumma Laa Tusallit
Alayna Waswaban Walaa Taaban Walaa Atwaban.
Allahumarzuqnal Iftwaar Min Rizqikal Halaal.
Allaahuma Sah-hil Lanaa Feehi Maa Qasamtahu Min
Rizqika Wa Yassir Maa Qaddartahu Min Amrika
Wajalhu Halaalan Twayyiban Naqiyyan Minal Aasaami
Khaaliswan Minal Aaswaari Wal Ajraami. Allaahumma
Laa Tutimna Illaa Twayyiban Ghayra Khabeesin Walaa
Haraamin Wajal Rizqaka Lanaa Halaalan Laa
Yashoobuhu Danasun Walaa Asqaamun Yaa Man Ilmuhu
Bis-Sirri Kailmihi Bil Aalaani Yaa Mutafadh-dhilan
Alaa Ibaadihi Bil Ihsaani Yaa Man Huwa Alaa Kulli
Shayin Qadeer Wabi Kulli Shayin Aleemun Khabeerun
Alhimna Dhikraka Wa Jannibna Usraka Wa Anilna
Yusraka Wahdina Lirrashaadi Wa Waffiqna Lissadaadi
Waswimna Minal Balaaya Wa Swunna Minal Awzaari
Wal Khatwaaya Yaa Man Laa Yaghfiru AdhweemadhDhunoobi Ghayruhu Walaa Yakshifus-Sooa Illaa Huwa
Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen Wa Akramal Akrameen Salli
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Ahli Baytihit Twayyibeen Wajal
Swiyaamina Maqboolan Wa Bil Birri Taqwa
MawswoolanWakadhaalika Fajal Sayana Mashkooran
Wa Qiyaamanaa Mabrooran Wa Quraananaa Marfooan
Wa Duaaanaa Masmooan Wahdina Lil Husna Wa
Jannibnal Usra Wa Yassirna Lil Yusra Wa AaleenadDarajaati Wa Dhwaaif Lanal Hasanaati Waqbal Minas


Swawma Was Swalaata WasmaMinad Daawaati

Waghfirlanal Khatweeaati Wa Tajaawaz Anis Sayyiaati
Wajalna Minal Aamileenal Faaizeen Walaa Tajalna
Minal Maghdhoobi Alayhim Waladh Dhwaaalleen Hattaa
Yanqadhiya Shahru Ramadhaan Annaa Waqad Qabilta
Feehi Swiyaamana Wa Qiyaamana Wa Zakkayta Feehi
Aamaalana Wa Ghafarta Feehi Dhunoobana Wa Ajzalta
Feehi Min Kulli Khayrin Nasweebana Fa Innakal Ilaahul
Mujeebu War Rabbul Kareebu Wa Anta Bi Kulli Shayin
(10) It is narrated from Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. to recite this

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaan Munazzilal
Quraani Haadhaa Shahru Ramadhaanal-Ladhee Anzalta
Feehil Quraan Wa Anzalta Feehi Aayaatin Bayyinaatin
Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan. Allaahumar Zuqna
Swiyaamahu Wa Ainnaa Alaa Qiyaamihi. Allaahumma
Sallimhu Lanaa Wa Sallimna Feehi Wa Tasallamhu
Minna Fee Yusrin Minka Wa Muaafaatin Wajal Fee
Maa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal Amril Mahtoomi Wa
Feema Tafruqu Minal Amril Hakeem Fee Laylatil Qadri
Minal Qadhaail Ladhee Laa Yuraddu Walaa Yubaddalu
Antaktubanee Min Hujjaaji Baytikal Haraamil Mabrrori
Dhunoobu Humul Mukaffari Anhum Sayyiaatuhum
Wajal Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru An Tutweela Lee
Fee Umree Wa Tuwassia Alayya Minar Rizqil Halaal.

Recite Duaa # 44 from Saheefa-e-Sajjaadiyah (page 389).

Another Duaa for the first night is as follows:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Innahu Qad Dakhala Shahru
Ramadhaan-alladhee Anzalta Feehil Quraan Wa
Jaaltahu Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa Wal Furqaan,


Allaahumma Fa Baarik Lanaa Fee Shahri

Ramadhaan Wa Ainnaa Alaa Swiyaamihi Wa
Swalawaatihi Wa Taqabbalhu Minnaa.

(13) The Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. used to recite the following

Duaa on the first
night of Maahe Ramadhaan:

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Alhamdu Lillaahil Ladhee Akramana Bika AyyuhashShahrul Mubaaraku. Allaahumma Fa Qawwina Alaa
Swiyaamina Wa Qiyaamina Wa Thabbit Aqdaamana
Wansurna Alal Qawmil Kaafireen. Allaahuma Antal
Waahidu Falaa Walada Laka Wa Antas Swamadu Falaa
Shibha Laka Wa Antal Azeezu Falaa Yuizzuka Shayun
Wa Antal Ghaniyyu Wa Anal Faqeeru Wa Antal Mawla
Wa Anal Abdu Wa Antal Ghafooru Wa Anal Mudhnibu
Wa Antar Raheemu Wa Anal Mukhtwiu Wa Antal
Khaaliqu Wa Anal Makhlooqu Wa Antal Hayyu Wa Anal
Mayyitu. Asaluka Bi Rahmatika Antaghfiralee Wa
Tarhamanee Wa Tajaawaz Annee Innaka Alaa Kulli
Shayin Qadeer.
(14) It is Mustahab to recite Duaa e Jawshan e Kabeer.
(Refer Mafaatihul Jinaan Arabic Page # 86)
(15) Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. has said that starting from the
first night recite the following Duaa-e-Hajj everyday after

DUAA E HAJJ:Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Innee Bika Wa Minka Atlubu Haajatee Wa
Man Twalaba Haajatan Ilan-naasi Fa Innee Laa Atlubu
Haajatee Illaa Minka Wahdaka Laa Shareeka Laka. Wa
Asaluka Bi Fadhlika Wa Ridhwaanika Antuswalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Ahli Baytihi Wa An Tajala Lee Fee
Aami Haadhaa Ilaa Baytikal Haraami Sabeelan Hijjatan
Mabrooratan Mutaqabbalatan Zaakiyatan Khaaliswatan


Laka Taqarru Biha Aynee Wa Tarfau Bihaa Darajatee Wa

Tarzuqanee An Aghuzza Baswaree Wa An Ahfadhwa
Farjee Wa An Akuffa Bihaa An Jameei Mahaarimika
Hattaa Laa Yakoona Shayun Aathara Indee Min
Twaaatika Wa Khashyatika Wal Amali Bimaa Ahbabta
Wat Tarki Limaa Karihta Wa Nahaytu Anhu Wajal
Dhaalika Fee Yusrin Wa Yasaarin Wa Aafiyatin Wamaa
Anamta Bihee Alayya. Wa Asaluka An Tajala Wafaati
Qatlan Fee Sabeelika Tahta Raayati Nabiyyika Maa
Awliyaaika. Wa Asaluka An Taqtula Bee Aadaaika Wa
Aadaaa Rasoolika. Wa Asaluka Antukrimanee
Bihawaani Man Shiata Min Khalqika Walaa Tuhinnee
Bi Karaamati Ahadin-Min Awliyaaika. Allaahumaajal


Almighty Allaah
says: My
(Taqdeer) is
laughing at
your plans


At the time of Sahree (pre-dawn time / Daakoo) there are particular
excellent Duaas to be recited. There is also Duaa-e-Abu Hamzae-Thimali and other Duaas, if one finds them to be lengthy then
even daily reciting in pieces will benefit if it is read with
understanding its meaning.
Atleast one should recite Surah-e-Qadr.
One of the shortest Duaas of Sahree is as follows :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Yaa Mafzaee Inda Kurbatee Wa Yaa Ghawthee Inda
Shiddatee, Ilayka Faziatu Wa Bikas Taghastu Wa Bika
Ludhtu Laa Aloodhu Bi Siwaaka Walaa Atlubul Faraja
Illaa Minka Fa Aghithnee Wa Farrij Annee Yaa
Manyaqbalul Yaseer Wa Yaafu Anil Katheer Iqbal
Minnil Yaseer Waafu Annil Katheer, Innaka Antal
Ghafoorur Raheem. Allaahumma Innee Asaluka
Eemaanan Tubaashiru Bihi Qalbee Wa Yaqeenan Hattaa
Aalama Annahu Lanyusweebanee Illaa Maa Katabta
Lee Wa Radh-Dhinee Minal Ayshi Bimaa Qasamta Lee
Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen. Yaa Uddatee Fee Qurbatee Wa
Yaa Swaahibi Fee Shiddatee Wa Yaa Waliyyee Fee
Niamatee Wa Yaa Ghaayatee Fee Raghbatee Antas
Saatiru Awratee Wal Aaminu Rawatee Wal Muqeelu
Athratee Faghfirlee Khtweeatee Yaa Arhamar

Another Duaa of Sahree :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Subhaana Man Yaalamu Jawaahiral Quloobi. Subhaana
Man Yuhswee Addadadh-Dhunoobi, Subhaana Man
Laa Yakhfaa Alayhi Khaafiyatun Fis-Samaawaati Wal
Ardheena, Subhaanar-Rabbil Wadoodi, Subhaanal
Fardil Witri, Subhaanal Adhweemil Aadhwami,
Subhaana Man Laa Yaatadi Alaa Ahli Mamlikatihi,
Subhaana Man Laa Yuaakhidhu Ahlal Ardhi Bi Alwaanil
Adhaabi, Subhaanal Hannaanil Mannaani, SubhaanarRaoofir-Raheemi, Subhaanal Jabbaaril Jawaadi,
Subhaanal Kareeemil Haleemi, Subhaanal Basweeril
Aleemi, Subhaanal Basweeril Waasii, Subhaanallahi
Alaa Iqbaalin-Nahaari, Subhaanallaahi Alaa IdbaarinNahaari, Subhaanallaahi Alaa Idbaaril-Layli Wa
Iqbaalin-Nahaari, Subhaanallahi Alaa Iqbaalin-Nahaari
Wa Idbaaril-Layli, Subhaanallaahi Alaa IqbaalinNahaari Wa Iqbaalil-Layli, Walahul Hamdu Wal Majdu
Wal Adhwamatu Wal Kibriyaau Maa Kulli Nafsin Wa
Kulli Twarfati Aynin Wa Kulli Lamhatin Sabaqa Fee
Ilmihi, Subhaanaka Mila Maa Ahswaa Kitaabuka
Subhaanaka Zinata Arshika Subhaanaka Subhaanaka
******** ****
Almighty Allaah S.W.T. says:
Oh, son of Adam! Pray humbly to Me, otherwise I will feel
your heart with poverty, your hands with difficulties, your
body with afflictions, your chest with grief, I will not answer
your supplications and I will make your world difficult for you
and decrease your sustenance.

Oh son of Adam! No one is going to enter My Heaven

except: He who has humbled himself in front of My
Greatness, he who has spent his day in My
remembrance, he who has safeguarded his soul from
lust, for the sake of Allaah, he who shows
brotherhood towards a traveler, he who takes care of
the poor, he who is merciful towards the afflicted, and


he who respects the orphans and acts as a kind father

to them, and for the widows he is like a tender
husband. The one who has these qualities if he calls
Me I will answer him atonce and if he asks Me (for
anything) I will give him. Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.



Perform Sunnat Ghusl in flowing water and then pour thirty

handfuls of water over the head, this will secure safety for you
from every diseases for the whole coming year.
Sprinkle some rose-water on the face and head; this will keep all
problems and ailments away from you.
Perform Namaaz of the first day of the every month and give
Perform two rakat Namaaz in which recite Surah-e-Fatha in the
first rakat after Al-Hamd, and any other Surah in the second
rakat, this will keep all evils away from you and you will remain
in the protection of Allaah S.W.T.
After Subh-e-Saadiq of this first day recite this DUAA :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Qad Hadhwara Shahru Ramadhaan Wa
Qadif-taradhta Alaynaa Swiyaamahu Wa Anzalta
Feehil Quraan, Hudan-Linnaasi Wa BayyinaatimMinal Hudaa Wal Furqaan. Allaahumma Ainnaa Alaa
Swiyaamihi Wa Taqabbalhu Minnaa Wa Tasallaamhu
Minnaa Wa Sallimhu Lanaa Fee Yusrin Minka Wa
Aafiyatin Innaka Alaa Kulli Shay-in Qadeer.
Today recite that Duaa which was shown by Imaam Musa-eKaadhim A.S. If you recite it for the sole pleasure of Allaah S.W.T.
He will safeguard you from all problems that were decreed to
come to you. (Refer to Mafaatihul Jinaan Arabic Page # 221for
this Duaa, it starts with these word:

Allaahumma Innee
Daana Lahoo.




Be patient and humble, then I will elevate you- H.Qudsee

(1) Ameerul Mumineen Imaam Ali A.S. used to recite the following
Duaa at the time of Iftaar:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Bismillaahi Allaahumma Laka Swumna Wa Alaa
Af-twarna Fataqabbal
Minnaa Innaka Antas Sameeul Aleem.

Maasoomeen A.S said to recite this Duaa:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Laka Swumtu, Wa Alaa Rizqika Aftwartu, Wa Alayka Tawakkaltu.

Another Duaa: recite this while taking the first morsel:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Yaa Waasial Maghfirati Ighfir Lee.

It is also stated to recite Surah-e-Qadr at the time of Iftaar.

It is narrated that the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said to Imaam
Ali A.S. that the Archangel Jibraeel said that if anyone recites
Duaa-e-Ahad just before Iftaar his sins shall be forgiven, his
prayers and Fasting shall be accepted, Allaah shall grant his ten
requirements, his heart will be at ease, his problems shall be
solved, his griefs shall be removed, his deeds shall ascend upwards
with the deeds of Prophets and righteous people, and on the Day of
Qayaamat he shall be brought with a face illuminated like a bright
moon. The Duaa is as follows:-


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Allaahumma Rabban Nooril Adhweem. Wa Rabbal
Qursiyyir Rafeei Wa Rabbil Bahril Masjoor, Wa
Munzilat Tawraati Wal Injeeli Waz Zaboor, Wa
Rabbadh Dhilli Wal Haroor, Wa Munzilal Quraanil
Adhweem, Wa Rabbal Malaaikatil Muqarrabeen Wal
Ambiyaai Wal Mursaleen. Allaahumma Innee
Asaluka Bi Wajhikal Kareem, Wa Bi Noori Wajhikal
Muneer, Wa Mulkikal Qadeem, Yaa Hayyu Yaa
Qayyoom, Asaluka Bismikal Ladhee Ashrakat Bihis
Smaawaatu Wal Ardhoona Wa Bismikal Ladhee
Yaslahu Bihil Awwaloona Wal Aakhiroon, Yaa
Hayyan Qabla Kulli Hayyan Wa Yaa Hayyan Baada
Kulli Hayyin, Wa Yaa Hayyan Heena Laa Hayya, Yaa
Muhyiyal Mawta Wa Mumeetal Ahyaai Yaa Hayyu
Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta, Allahumma Balligh Mawlaanal
Imaamal Haadiyal Mahdiyyal Qaaima Bi Amrika
Swalawaatullaahi Alayhi Wa Alaa Aabaaihit
Twaahireen An Jammeil Mumineena Wal
Maghaaribihaa, Sahlihaa Wa Jabalihaa, Barrihaa Wa
Bahrihaa, Wa Annee Wa An Walidayya, Minas
Swalawaati Zinata Arshillaahi Wa Midaada
Kalimaatihi, Wamaa Ahswaahu Ilmuhu Wa Ahaatwa
Bihi Kitaabuhu, Allaahumma Innee Ujaddidu Lahoo
Fee Swabeehati Yawmi Haadha, Wamaa Ishtu Min
Ayyaami, Ahdan Wa Aqdan, Wa Bayatan Lahu Fee
Unuqee Laa Ahoolu Anhaa Walaa Azoolu Abadan.
Allaahumajalnee Min Answaarihi Wa Aawaanihi
Wadh Dhaabbeena Anhu, Wal Musaarieena Ilayhi


Fee Qadhaai Hawaaijihi Wal Mumtathileena Li

Awaamirihi Wal Muhaameena Anhu, Wassaabiqeena
Ilaa Iraadatihi Wal Mustashhadeena Bayna Yadayhi.
Allaahumma In Haala Bayni Wa Baynahul Mawtul
Maqdhiyyan, Fa Akhrijni Min Qabree Mutaziran,
Kafanee Shaahiran, Swayfee Mujarridan, Qanaatee
Mulabbiyan, Daawatad Daaii Fil Haadhiri Wal
Baadee. Allaahumma Arinit Twalatar Rasheedata,
Wal Ghurratal Hameedata, Waqhul Naadhiri Bi
Nadhratin Minnee Ilayhi, Wa Ajjil Farajahu, Wa
Sahhil Makhrajahu, Wa Awsia Manhajahu, Wa
Wamurillaahumma Bihi Bilaadaka Wa Ahyi Bihi
Ibaadaka, Fa Innaka Qulta Wa Qawlukal Haqqu,
Dhwahral Fasaadu Fil Barri Wal Bahri, Bimaa
Kasabat Aydinnaasi, Fa Azhirillaahumma Lanaa
Waliyyika Binti Nabiyyikal Musammaa, Bismi
Rasoolika, Hattaa Laa Yadhfara Bi Shayin Minal
Baatwili Illaa Mazzaqahu, Wa Yuhiqqal Haqqa, Wa
Yuhaqqiqahu Wajalhu. Allaahumma Mafzaan Li
Madhloomi Ibaadika Wa Naaswiran Liman Laa
Yajidu Lahu Naaswiran Ghayraka, Wa Mujaddidan
Lima Uttwila Min Ahkaami Kitaabika, Wa
Mushayyidan Limaa Warada Min Aalaami Deenika,
Wa Sunani Nabiyyika Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi
Wajalhu. Allaahumma Mimman Hasswantahu Min
Baasil Muatadeen. Allaahumma Wa Surra
Nabiyyika Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa
Aalihi, Bi Ruayatihi Waman Tabiahu Alaa
Haadhihil Ummati, Bi Hudhoorihi Wa Ajjil Lana
Dhuhoorahu, Innahum Yarawnahu Baeedan Wa
Naraahu Qareeban Bi Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar
Then say three times this while striking slowly your right hand on
the right thigh: Al-Ajal Al-Ajal Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa

Swaahibuz Zamaan.


Allahumma Swalli Ala Muhammadin Wa Aali

13TH, 14TH, & 15TH
These are called BEEZ nights of the month and they have got
special significance; there are some Aamaal to be done, they are:1. Perform Sunnat Ghusl,
2. Recite four rakat Namaaz in which recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas 25
times in each Rakat,
3. On 13th night recite 2 rakat Namaaz, in which, after Al-Hamd
recite Surah-e-Yaaseen, Surah-e-Mulk and Surah-e-Ikhlaas once in
each rakat; on 14th night pray 4 rakat with this method; and on
15th night pray 6 rakat with the same method, with the above
mentioned Surahs in every Rakat.
4. Recite Duaa-e-Mujeer for the forgiveness from Allaah S.W.T.
(Mafaatihul Jinaan Arabic. Page # 80)
The above Aamaal will eradicate the sins even if they are as much
as the rain-drops or the leaves of trees.

Oh sons of Adam ! Obey Me to the extent of
your needs towards Me. Disobey Me to the
extent of your ability to tolerate the fire of
Hell. Collect wealth in this world according
to the length of your stay here. Collect for
your Aakhirat (Hereafter) according to the
length of your stay there. Do not think that
your death is far and your bounties are
available, or your sins are hidden. - .


15th NIGHT
This is one of the praiseworthy nights; its Aamaal are as follows:1. Perform Sunnat Ghusl;
2. Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husain A.S. (this is in the back
3. Pray 6 rakat Namaaz which is explained hereabove;
4. Pray 100 rakat Namaaz in which recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas 10
times in every rakat (after Al-Hamd). It is narrated from Imaam
Ameerul Mumineen A.S. that whoever shall pray this Namaaz,
Allaah shall send ten Angels towards him to protect him from his
enemies, be it from humans or genies, and at the time of his death
thirty Angels shall protect him from Hell-fire.
5. Whoever is fortunate enough to be present in Karbala tonight
by the blessed grave of Imaam Husain A.S. should perform ten
rakat Namaaz consisting 10 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas in each rakat
(after Al-Hamd), and then beseech Allaah S.W.T. to save him from
Hell, InshaaAllaah he will be saved. He shall not die until he shall
see some Angels in his dream giving him good tidings of Paradise
and safety from Hell-fire.

Oh sons of Adam ! Call to mind My favours which I bestow on
you. Without a guide you can not find a way; similarly you can
not find the way to Jannat (Heaven) without knowledge. You can
not gether wealth without struggle; in the same way you can not
enter Heaven except with patience on My obedience. And you
can get closer to Me by practicing supererogatory acts. And seek
My pleasure by pleasing the poor. Indeed My pleasure never


separates from you even for a blink of an eye.- Hadeeth-eQudsee

15th DAY
This is an auspicious day of the birthday of Imaam Hasan A.S. our
second Imaaam. It is recommended to give alms and perform many
good deeds today. As it is the day when we remember Imaam
Hasan A.S. we should perform the Duaas and Aamaal related to
him. Here are few of them:

Recite Ziyaarat and Salawaat of the Imaam.

Namaaz of Imaam Hasan A.S. :- Pray 4 rakat

Namaaz, in each rakat recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas 25 times after AlHamd, then recite the following Dua:

Allaahumma Innee Ataqarrabu Ilayka Bi Joodika Wa

Karamika Wa Ataqarrabu Ilayka Bi Muhammadin
Abdika Wa Rasoolika Wa Ataqarrabu Ilayka Bi
Malaaikatikal Muqarrabeen Wa Ambiyaaika Wa
Rusulika, An Tuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Abdika Wa
Rasoolika Wa Alaa Aali Muhammadin Wa AnTuqeelanee Athrati Wa Tastura Alayya Dhunoobee
Wa Taghfirahaa Lee, Wa Taqdhiya Lee Hawaaijee,
Walaa Tuadh-dhibanee Bi Qabeehin Kana Minnee
Fa Inna Afwaka Wa Joodaka Yasaooni Innaka Alaa
Kulli Shayin Qadeer.

The time just after sunrise (before the redness of the horizon
disappears) is the time dedicated to Imaam Hasan A.S. So we
should recite the following Duaa everyday at that particular time,
the Duaa is :-


Allaahumma Labista Bahaaaka Fee Aadhwami

Qudratika Wa Swafaa Nooruka Fee Anvari Dhwawika,
Wa Faadha Ilmuka Hijaabaka Wa Khallasta Feehi Ahlaththiqati Bika Inda Joodika Fa Taaalayta Fee Kibriyaaika
Uluwwan Adhwumat Feehi Minnatuka Alaa Ahli
Twaaatika, Fa Baahayta Bihim Ahla Samaawaatika Bi
Minatik Alayhim. Allaahumma Fa Bihaqqil Hasani-bni
Aliyyin Alayka Asaluka Wa Bihee Astagheethu Ilayka
Wa Uqaddimuhu Bayna Yaday Hawaaiji Antuswallee
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An-Taf-Ala

Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Rasooli Rabbil Aalameen,

Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Ameeril Mumineen,
Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Habeeballaahi, Assalaamu Alayka
Yaa Swifatallaahi, Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Ameenallaahi,
Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Hujjatallaahi, Assalaamu Alayka
Yaa Noorallaahi, Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Swiraatallaahi,
Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Bayaana Hukmillaahi, Assalaamu
Alayka Yaa Naaswira Deenillaahi, Assalaamu Alayka
Ayyuhas-Sayyiduz-Zakiyyu, Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhal
Barrul Wafiyyu, Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhal Qaaimul
Ameenu, Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhal Aalimu BitTaaweeli, Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhal Haadil Mahdiyyu,
Assalaamu Alayka Ayyuhal Haqqul Haqeequ, Assalaamu
Alayka Ayyuhash-Shaheedus-Swiddeequ, Assalaamu
Alayka Yaa Abaa Muhammadin Al-Hasan-ibni Aliyyin
Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh.

SALAWAAT-e- Imaam Hasan & Imaam Husain A.S :-


Allaahuma Swalli Alal Hasani Wal Husayni Abdayka Wa

Waliy-yayka Wabnay Rasoolika Wa Sibtwayir-Rahmati,
Wa Sayyiday Shabaabi Ahlil Jannati, Afdhwala Maa
Swallayta Alaa Ahadin Min Awlaadin-Nabiyyeen Wal
Mursaleen. Allaahumma Swalli Alal Hasanibni Sayyidin
Nabiyyeen Wa Waswiyyi Ameeril Mumineen.
Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Assalaamu
Alayka Yabna Sayyidil Waswiyyeen, Ash-hadu Annaka
Yabna Ameeril Mumineen Ameenullaahi Wabnu
Ameenihi Ishta Madhlooman Wa Madhwayta Shaheedan,
Wa Ash-hadu Annakal Imaamuz Zakiyyul Haadil
Mahdiyyu. Allaahumma Swalli Alayhi Wa Balligh
Roohahu Wa Jasadahu Annee Fee Haadhihis Saaati
Afdhalat Tahiyyati Wassalaam. Allaahumma Swalli Alal
Husaynibni Aliyyinil Madhloomish-Shaheedi Qateelil
Kafarati Wa Twareehil Fajarati. Assalaamu Alayka Yaa
Abaa Abdillaah, Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Rasoolillaah,
Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Ameeril Mumineen, Ash-hadu
Mookinan Annaka Ameenullaahi Wabnu Ameenihi
Qutilta Madhlooman Wa Madhwayta Shaheedan Wa Ashhadu Annallaaha Taaalat-Twaalibu Bi Thaarika Wa
Munjizun Maa Waadaka Minan-Nasri Wat-Taayeedi Fee
Halaaki Aduwwika Wa Idh-haari Daawatika Wa Ashhadu Annaka Wafayta Bi Ahdillaahi Wa Jaahadta Fee
Sabeelillaahi Wa Abadtallaah Mukhliswan Hattaa
Ataakal Yaqeen. Laanallahu Ummatan Qatalatka, Wa
Laanallahu Ummatan Khadhalatka, Wa Laanallahu
Ummatan Alabbat Alayka Wa Abrau Ilallaahi Taaala
Mimman Akdhabak Wastakhaffa Bihaqqika Wastahalla
Damaka, Bi Abee Anta Wa Ummee Yaa Abaa Abdillaah,
Laanallaahu Qaatilaka Wa Laanallaahu Khaadhilaka
Wa Laanallaahu Man Samia Waaiyatak Falam Yujibka
Walam Yanswurka, Wa Laanallaahu Man Sabaa
Nisaaaka Anaa Ilallaahi Minhum Bareeun, Wa Mimman
Waalaahum Wamaa Laahum. Wa Aaanahum Alayhi, Wa
Ash-hadu Annaka Wal Aimmata Min Wuldika
Kalimatut-Taqwaa Wa Baabul Hudaa Wal Urwatul
Wuthqaa Wal Hujjatu Alaa Ahlid-Dunyaa Wa Ash-hadu
Annee Bikum Muminun Wa Bi Manzilatikum Mooqinun
Walakum Taabiun Bi Dhaati Nafsee Wa Sharaayii


Deenee Wa Khawaateemi Amalee Wa Munqalabee Fee

Dunyaaya Wa Aakhiratee.

17th NIGHT
17th Maah-e-Ramadhaan is the date on which the Battle of Bard
was fought, and the Muslim army, in spite of their small number,
came out victorious against the huge army of infidels. Following
are some Aamaal to be done tonight:

Perform Sunnat Ghusl;

Giving Sadaqah is Mustahab today;

Perform the prayers and Duaa for Shukr (thanks-giving);

Do as much Ibaadaat as you ca

Oh son of Adam ! Indeed the truth has been
revealed to you from your Lord. Whoever
wants to believe let him believe and whoever
wants to disbelieve let him be a disbeliever.
Indeed you are not good to a person unless he
is good to you. And you are not kind to your
relatives unless they are kind to you. And you
do not talk to a person unless he talks to you.
And you do not feed a person unless he feeds
you. And you are not just to a person unless
he is just to you. And you do not respect a
person unless he respects you No one is
superior to the other, indeed the believers are:
those who believe in Allaah and His
Messengers, good to those who are bad to
them, kind to those who break ties of
relationship with them, give to those who do
not give to them, just to those who are unjust


to them, talk to those who isolate themselves

from them, respectful to those who dont

If it were not for the Ruku (kneeling) of elders,

suckling babies, grazing animals, humble youths,
indeed I would have made the sky of steel, the
earth of copper, and the mud of pebbles. I would
not have sent a single drop of water from the sky
and grown a single grain from earth. I would have
poured on you My worst wrath.



This is the first night of Shab-e-Qadr. The Aamaal are as

1. After sunset one should perform Ghusl so as to pray

Maghribain and do Aamaal of Laylatul Qadr.

2. Recite 2 rakat Namaaz in which recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas 7

times in each rakat after Al-Hamd;

3. Recite 70 times Astaghfirullaaha Wa Atoobu

4. Recite 100 times Astaghfirullaah Rabbee Wa
Atoobu Ilayh.


5. Recite 100 times Allaahummalan Qatalata

Ameerul Mumineen.
6. Then open the Holy Quran in front of you and look into it
reciting this Duaa :

Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Kitaabikal Munzali

Wamaa Feehi Wa Fee Hismukal Akbaru Wa
Asmaaukal Husnaa Wamaa Yukhaafu Wa Yurjaa An
Tajalanee Min Utaqaaika Minan-Naar..(Haajat)
7. Then close the Holy Quraan and place it on the head, and say:Allaahumma Bihaqqi Haadhal Quraani Wa Bihaqqi
Man Arsaltahu Bihee Wa Bihaqqi Kulli Muminin
Madahtahu Feehi Wa Bihaqqika Alayhim Falaa
Ahada Aarafu Bihaqqika Minka,
and then recite 10 times each of these Holy names of
Maasoomeen A.S.:-

Bika Yaa Allaahu Bi Muhammadin Bi Aliyyin Bi

Faatwimata Bil Hasani Bil Husayni Bi Aliyyibnil
Husayni Bi Muhammadibni Aliyyin Bi Jaafaribni
Muhammadin Bi Moosabni Jaafarin Bi Aliyyibni
Moosa Bi Muhammadibni Aliyyin Bi Aliyyibni
Muhammadin Bil Hasanibni Aliyyin Bil Hujjatil
8. Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husain A.S. (This specific
Ziyaarat is given in the final pages of this book)

9. Stay awake for the whole night; it is narrated that whoever

keeps night vigil for Ibaadaat is forgiven of all sins even if they be
as much as the stars in the sky or as heavy as the weight of waters
of the seas. And certainly Allaah S.W.T. is very pleased when His
servant sincerely repents and requests Him to pardon his sins. So
we must recite Istighfaar as much as possible and perform other
Aamaal for the forgiveness of sins.

10. Pray 100 rakat Namaaz. It is better to recite 10 times Surahe-Ikhlaas in every rakat.

11. Recite this Duaa from Imaam Zaynul Aabideen A.S.:Allaahumma Innee Amsaytu Laka Abdan Daakhiran
Laa Amliku Li Nafsee Nafan Walaa Dharran Walaa


Asrifu Anhaa Sooan Ashhadu Bi Dhaalika Alaa Nafsee

Wa Aatarifu Laka Bi Dhwaafee Quwwatee Wa Qillatee
Fa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin, Wa Anjiz Lee Maa Waadtanee Wa
Jameeal Mumineena Wal Muminaati Minal Maghfirati
Fee Haadhihil Laylati Wa Atmim Alayya Maa Aataytanee
Fa Innee Abdukal Miskeenul Mustakeenudh Dhaeeful
Faqeerul Maheenu. Allaahumma Laa Tajalnee Naasiyan
Li Dhikrika Fee Maa Awlaytanee Walaa Ghaafilan Li
Ihsaanika Fee Maa Aatwaytanee Walaa Aayisan Min
Ijaabatika Wain Abtwa-at Annee Fee Sarraaa Aw
Dharraaa Aw Shiddatin Aw Rakhaain Aw Aafiyatin Aw
Balaain Aw Buasin Aw Naamaaa Innaka Sameeud
12. Recite Salawaat as much as possible.

Recite Duaa e - Jawshan-e-Kabeer.


Recite this Duaa :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumajal Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal
Amril Mahtoomi Wa Feemaa Tafruqu Minal Amril
Hakeem Fee Laylatil Qadri Wa Fil Qadhaail-Ladhee
Laa Yuraddoo Walaa Yubaddalu An Taktubanee Min
Hujjaaji Baytikal Haraamil Mabrrori Hajjuhumul
Mashkoori Saayuhumul Maghfoori Dhunoobu
Humul Mukaffiri Anhum Sayyiaatuhum Wajal
Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru An Tutweela Umree
Wa Tuwassia Alayya Fee Rizqee Wa Tafala Bee
In our Duaas we should remember and pray for our parents,
relatives, teachers, Ulamaa, neighbours and all Muslim brothers
and sisters. Reciting a Tasbeeh of Istighfaar and Salawaat for
them is beneficial, and also pray Namaaz for their Sawaab.
The Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said to ask from Allaah S.W.T.
in this night for sound health.

17. Some scholars say that keeping awake for the whole night
while discussing religious matters and Masalaas is a better deed


--- 21 NIGHT

Significance of 21st night is much more then the 19th night.

All the Aamaal which are mentioned in 19th night are similarly
to be performed on this night also, such as Ghusl, Namaaz,
Ziyaarat, putting Holy Quraan on the head, keeping awake the
whole night for Ibaadaat, hundred rakat Namaaz, Jawshan-eKabeer, etc. all are the same as they are for the 19th night.
In this night it is emphasized to recite abundant Salawaat on
Muhammad S.A.W.W. and Aali Muhammad A.S. and send
Laanat on their enemies.


Oh sons of Dinaars and

Dirhams! (Dollars and Cents) I
did not create Dinaar or
Dirham but for you to eat your
food, wear your cloths, and
give alms in My way -------Hadeeth-e-Qudsee




Together with being the day of Laylatul Qadr today it is the day of
commemoration of Martyrdom of Ameerul Mumineen Imaam Ali
A.S. Give due regard to the sanctity of Laylatul Qadr by Ibaadaat.
1. Recite Salawaat in abundance.
2. Send abundant curses (Laanat) on the enemies of the Holy
Prophet and on the enemies of his Holy Descendents .
Specifically send as many Laanats as possible on the accursed
Ibne Muljim and his wretched associates.
3. Recite the following

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Rahimakallaahu Yaa Abal Hasani Kunta Awwalal
Qawmi Islaaman Wa Akhlaswahum Eemaanan Wa
Ashaddahum Yaqeenan Wa Akhwafahum Azza Wa Jalla
Lillaahi Wa Aadhwamahum Anaaan Wa Ahwatwahum
Alaa Rasoolillaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihee Wa
Aamanahum Alaa Ashaabihi Wa Afdhwalahum
Manaakiba Wa Akramahum Thawaabika Wa Arfaahum
Darajatan Wa Aqrabahum Min Rasoolillaahi Wa
Ashabbahum Bihee Hadyan Wa Khulqan Wa Sumtan Wa
Fialan Wa Ashrafahum Manzilatan Wa Akramahum
Alayhi Fa Jazaakallaahu Anil Islaami Wa An
Rasoolillaahi Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Anil
Muslimeena Khayran Qawayta Heena Dhwaufa
Ashaabuhoo Wa Barazta Heena-stakaanoo Wa Nahadhta
Heena Wa Haanoo Wa Lazimta Minhaaji Rasoolillaahi
Swallallaahu Alayhi a Aalihee Idh Hammaa Ashaabuhoo
Kunta Khaleefatahu Haqqan Lam Tunaazaa Wa Lam
Tadhraa Bi Raghmil Mukhaalifeen Wa Ghaydhil
Kaafireen Wa Kurhil Haasideen Wa Dhwighnil Faasiqeen
Fa Kunta Bil Amri Heena Fashiloo Wa Natwaqta Heena


Tataataoo Wa Madhayta Bi Noorillaahi Idh Waqafoo

Fat-Tabiooka Fahadaw Wa Kunta Akhfadhahum
Swawtan Wa Aalaahum Qadaman Wa Aqallahum
Kalaaman Wa Aswabahum Nitqan Wa Akbarahum
Daaban Wa Ashjaahum Qalban Wa Ashaddahum
Yaqeenan Wa Ahsanahum Amalan Wa Aarafahum Bil
Umoori Kunta Wallaahi Yaasooban Lid-Deeni Awaalan
Wa Aakhiran Al Awwalu Heena Tafarraqan-Naasu Wal
Aakhiru Heena Fashaaloo Kunta Lil Muamineena Abna
Raheeman Idh Swaaroo Alayka Ayaalan Fa Hamalta
Athqaalan Maa Anhu Dhwaafoo Wa Hafadhta Maa
Adhaaoo Wa Raayta Maa Ahmaloo Wa Shammarta
Idhaa Ijtamaoo Wa Alavta Idh Halaoo Wa Swabarta Idh
Jazaoo Wa Adrakta Idh Takhallafoo Awtaara Maa
Twalaboo Wa Naaloo Bika Maalan Yahtaswiboo Kunta
Alal Kaafireena Adhaaban Swabban Wa Nahyan Walil
Muaminneena Ghaythan Khisban Fatwarat Wallaahi Bi
Ghimaaihima Wabi Inaaniha Wa Fuzta Bi Hibaaihaa Wa
Ahrazta Sawaabiqaha Wa Dhahabta Bi Fadhaailiha Lam
Tuflal Hujjatuka Walam Yazigh Qalbuka Wal TajbunNafsuka Walam Tadhuf Basweeratuka Walam Takhunnu
Kunta Kal Jabali Laa Yuharrikuhul Awaaswifu Walaa
Tanzeehul Qawaaswifu Wa Kunta Kamaa Qaala Alayhis
Salaamu Aamanan-Naasu Fee Suhbatika Wa Dhaati
Yadika Wa Kunta Kamaa Qaala Alayhis Salaamu
Zaeefan Fee Badanika Qawiyyan Fee Amrillaahi
Mutawwadhian Fee Nafsika Adhweeman Indallaahi
Kabeeran Fil Ardhi Jaleelan Indal Muamineena Lam
Yakun Li Ahadin Feeka Mahmazun Walaa Li Qaailin
Feeka Maghmadhun Walaa Li Ahadin Feeka Matmaun
Walaa Li Ahadin Indaka Hawaadatun WadhDhwaeefudh-Dhaleelu Indaka Qawiyyun Azeezun
Hattaa Taakhudha Lahoo Bi Haqqihi Wal Qawiyyul
Azeezu Indaka Dhaeefun Dhaleelun Hattaa Taakhudha
Minhul Haqqa Wal Qareebu Wal Baeedu Indaka Fee
Dhaalika Sawaaun Shaanukal Haqqu Was-Swidqu WarRifqu Wa Qawluka Hukmun Wa Hatmun Wa Amruka
Hilmun Wa Hazmun Wa Raayuka Ilmun Wa Adhmun
Fee Maa Faalta Wa Qad Nahaja Bikas-Sabeelu Wa
Sahila Bikal Aseeru Wa Atfaat Bikan-Neeraan Wa


Aatadal Bi Qad-Deenu Wa Qawiya Bikal Islaamu Wal

Eemaanu Wa Sabaqat Wusbatan Bika Baeedan Wa
Atabta Mim Baadika Taaban Shadeedan Fa Jalilta
Anil Buqaai Wa Adhwamta Radhiyyataka Fis-Samaai
Haddata Musweebatakal Anaaa Fa Innaa Lillaahi Wa
Innaa Ilayhi Raajioon Radheena Anillaah Qadhaaahu Wa
Sallaamnaa Lillaahi Amruhu Fawallaahi Lan Yuswaabal
Muslimoon Bi Mithlika Abadan Kunta Lil Muamineena
Kahfan Wa Hisnan Waqinatan Waasiyan Wa Alal
Kaafireena Ghildhwatan Wa Ghaydhwan Fa AlhaqaKallaahu Bi Nabiyyihi Walaa Ahramnaa Ajraka Walaa
Adhwallanaa Baadaka.

If you had desire of Heaven as

you have the desire this world, I
would have showered My
Blessings upon you in this world
as well as Hereafter. Dont make
your heart dead because of the
love of this world. Indeed this
world is going to bring an end to
you very soon. The one who
struggles (Jihad) is struggliung
for his own soul. Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.



This is said to be more meritorious night of Laylatul Qadr then the
previous two nights of Shab-e-Qadr.

Perform all common Aamaal which were prescribed for

the 19 and 21st nights;


Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. said that the reciter of theses two
Surahs is from the inhabitants of Paradise.


Recite 1000 times SURAH-E-QADR.

Recite Duaa-e-MAKAARIMUL AKHLAAQ, Duaa-eTAWBA, Duaa-e-QUMAYL. Etc. (for the Duaas and Aamaal for
Tawbah see the ending pages of this book)

Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. said that we should have high

hopes of tonight to be the night of Laylatul Qadr and pray 100
RAKAT NAMAAZ with Surah-e-Ikhlaas 10 times in every
rakat; this is so much stressed that the Imaam said that if one is
unable to pray standing then he or she should pray sitting, and if
this is also difficult then one should pray it lying down.

Recite the following DUAA many times and at many

First recite PRAISES FOR ALLAAH S.W.T., and then recite

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Kun Li Waliyyikal Hujjatibnil Hasan
Swalawatuka Alayhi Wa Alaa Aabaaihee Fee
Haadhihis-Saaatin Waliyyan Wa Haafidhan Wa
Qaaidan Wa Naaswiran Wa Daleelan Wa Aynan


Feehaa Twaweela.
Bismillaahi Rahmaanir Raheem. Yaa Mudabbiral
Umoor, Yaa Baaitha Man Fil Kuboor, Yaa Mujriyal
Buhoor, Yaa Mulayyinal Hadeedi Li Daawooda Swalli

Recite this DUAA :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahum-Mamdud Lee Fi Umree Wa Awsia Lee Fee
Rizqee Wa Aswihha Lee Jismee Wa Ballighnee Amalee
Wa Inkuntu Minal Ashqiyaai Famhunee Minal Ashqiyaai
Waktubnee Minas-Suadaai Fa Innaka Qulta Fee
Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Aalihi Yamhullaahu Maa
Yashaau Wa Yuthbitu Wa Indahu Ummul Kitaab.
Then recite this DUAA :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumajal Fee Maa Taqdhee Wa Fee Maa Tuqaddiru
Minal Amril Mahtoomi Wa Fee Maa Tafruqu Minal
Amril Hakeem Fee LaylatilQadri Minal Qadhaail-ladhee
Laa Yuraddu Walaa Yubaddalu An Taktubanee Min
Hujjaaji Baytikal Harram Fee Aami Haadhal Mabroori
Hajju-humul Mashkoori Saayuhumul Maghfoori
Dhunoobu-humul Mukaffari. Anhum Sayyiaatuhum
Wajal Fee Maa Taqdhee Wa Yuqaddiru An Tutweela
Umree Wa Tuwassia Lee Fee Rizqee.

Then recite this DUAA:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Yaa Baatwinan Fee Dhwuhoorihi Wa Yaa
Dhwaahiran Fee Butwoonihi, Wa Yaa Baatwinan Laysa
Yakhfaa, Wa Yaa Dhwaahiran Laysa Yuraa, Yaa
Laa Yablughu Bi
Mawswoofun, Walaa Haddun Mahdoodun, Wa Yaa
Ghaaiban Ghayri Mafqoodin, Wa Yaa Shaahida Ghayri
Mashhoodin, Yutlabu Fa Yuswaabu Walam Yakhlu
Minhus-Samaawaatu Wal Ardhu Wamaa Baynahumaa


Twarfata Aynin
Laa Yudraku Bi Kayfin, Walaa
Yuayyanu Bi Aynin ,Walaa Bi Haythin Anta NoorunNoori, Wa Rabbul Arbaabi, Ahatwat Bi Jameeil Umoori,
Subhaana Man Laysa Kamithlihi Shayun, WahuwasSameeul Basweer. Subhaana Man Huwa Haakadhaa
Walaa Haakadhaa Ghayruhu..(Haajat).
Recite HOLY QURAAN as much as possible.


Pray Namaaz-e-Jaafar-e-Tayyaar in Shab-e-Qadr, it has

got tremendous benefits for the one who performs it. (Its method
of praying has been given in the ending pages of this book.)

Remember our present Imaam, Hazrat Hujjat Inbnil Hasan

Muhammad Mehdi Swaahibuz-Zamaan (A.F) as
much as possible by performing the Duaas and Ziyaaraat related
to him (A.S). (Some of these are also written in the ending pages
of this book.)

You eat My provision and still
disobey Me; but when you call Me, I
still answer you. From Me good
bounties descend upon you and from
you sinful deeds come up to Me. How
good a master I am and how bad a
servent you are! I give whatever you
ask Me, but still you go on sinning. I
hide these sins, one after another, one
evil deed after another. I am ashamed
of you but you are not ashamed of Me?
You forget Me. But I remember you. You
are afraid of people and you are
careless to Me. You fear enmity of
people, but do no fear My wrath. Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.


.27th NIGHT

It is stated to perform GHUSL in this night.

Recite the following DUAA many times from evening till

morning, this is the Duaa which was recited by Imaam Zaynul
Aabideen A.S.:-

Allaahumr-Zuqneet-Tajaafiya An Daaril Ghuroori
Wal Inaabata Ilaa Daaril Khuloodi Wal Istiadaada
Lil Mawti Qabla Huloolil Fawti.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali

If you had a fear of the fire of Hell
just like you fear poverty, I would
have made you wealthy to such an
extent that nobody could be able to

Oh son of Adam! The earth always

says, You walk on me, but in the
end you will be within me. I am a
dwelling where you will have to

stay alone. I am a dwelling which
is full of ferocious things as well as
serpents and scorpions. So, oh son
of Adam! Do good deeds and
thereafter enter me; only then
would you be happy and without
hardships. Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.



Recite the following DUAA :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Allaahuma Laa Tajalhu Aakhiral Ahadi Min
Swiyaamina Iyyaahu Fa In Jaaltahu Fajalnee
Marhooman Walaa Tajalnee Mahrooma.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
The Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said that whoever recites the
above-mentioned Duaa on the last Friday of Maah-e-Ramadhaan
shall achieve one of the two things, either he / she shall be
fortunate to see the next Ramadhaan Mubaarak or in case if death
is destined before it he / she shall be granted unlimited bounties
and Mercy from Allaah S.W.T.
BARAAY-E-KAFFAAR-E-NAMAAZ-EQADHAA : As it is well known this Namaaz is atonement of
Qadhaa Namaaz. This is from the book MANHAJ DAAWAT in
which it is quoted from Imaam Ali A.S. that whoevers Namaaz
have elapsed excessively then this Namaaz should be prayed on the
last Friday of Maah-e-Ramadhaan as an atonement. Its method is:
Four rakat Namaaz 2 Namaaz of 2 rakat each in every
rakat after Al-Hamd recite 25 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas, once Aayatul
Kursee, and 15 times Surah Al-Kawthar. After the Namaaz recite
this Duaa:-


Allaahumma Yaa Saabiqal Fawti Yaa SaamiasSawti Yaa Muhyial Idhwaami Baadal Mawti Swalli
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad. Wajallee
Farajan Wa Makhrajan Mimmaa Anaa Feehi Innaka
Taalamu Walaa Aalamu Wa Naqdiru Walaa Aqdiru
Wa Anta Allaamal Ghuyoobi Yaa Waahibal Atwaaya
Wa Yaa Ghaafiral Khatwaaya Yaa Saatiral Uyoobi,
Subboohun Quddoosun Rabbul Malaaikati WarRoohu, Waghfirlee Warham Yaa Rabbee.


You eat My provision and still disobey

Me; but when you call Me, I still
answer you. From Me good bounties
descend upon you and from you sinful
deeds come up to Me. How good a
master I am and how bad a servent
you are! I give whatever you ask Me,
but still you go on sinning. I hide
these sins, one after another, one evil
deed after another. I am ashamed of
you but you are not ashamed of Me?
You forget Me. But I remember you.
You are afraid of people and you are
careless to Me. You fear enmity of
people, but do no fear My wrath. Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.


This is also a very meritorious night. Its Aamaal are as follows:

Perform Ghusl;

Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husain A.S.;

Recite Surah-e-Anaam, Surah-e-Qahaf and Surah-eYaaseen;

Recite 100 times




Recite this Duaa from Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Haadha Shahru Ramadhaanal-Ladhee
Anzalta Feehil Quraan Wa Qad Taswarrama, Wa
Aoodhu Bi Wajhikal Karrem, Yaa Rabbi An Yatlual
Fajru Min Laylati Haadhihi Aw Yataswarrama
Shahru Ramadhaan Wa Laka Qibalee Tabiatun Aw
Dhanbun Tureedu An Tuadh-dhibunee Bihee Yawma
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali

First recite Allaahumma Kun Li Waliyyikakal

Hujjatibnil Hasanupto the end. Then recite this Duaa :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Yaa Mudabbiral Ummori Yaa Baaitha Man Fil
Quboori Yaa Mujriyal Buhoori Yaa Mulayyinal
Hadeedi Li Daawooda Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa
Aali Muhammad Wafal Bee.. (Haajat) Al-Laylata

Recite Duaa-e-Widaa to bid farewell to the Holy

Ramdhaan. ( Refer to last pages of this book ).

Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. said that whoever recites the

following Duaa in the last night then Allaah S.W.T. shall forgive

him / her before the sunrise of the next day, the Duaa is as

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahuma Laa Tajalhu Aakhiral Ahadi Min Swiyaami
Li Shahri Ramadhaan Wa Aoodhu Bika An Yatlua Fajru
Haadhihil-Laylati Illaa Wa Qad Ghafarta Lee.

We should not miss to perform the following Aamaal

because this is a marvelous gift to us shown by the Holy Prophet
S.A.W.W. He said that whoever performs this Aamaal, before he /
she raises the head from the last Sajdah, all the sins shall be
forgiven and all the good deeds shall be accepted by the Merciful
Allaah S.W.T.:Pray 10 rakat Namaaz in sets of two, in each rakat after AlHamd recite 10 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas, in every Rukoo and every
Sajdah recite 10 times Tasbihaat-e-Arbaaa (Subhaanallaahi

Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Walaailaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu

after completing the Namaaz recite 1000 times Astaghfirullaaha
Wa Atoobu Ilayhi;
then go in Sajdah and recite :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Yaa Hayyu Yaa

Qayyoom Yaa Dhal Jalaali Wal Ikraam Yaa
Rahmaanad-Dunyaa Wal Aakhirati Wa Rahimhumaa
Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen Yaa Ilaahal Awwaleen Wal
Aakhireen Ighfirlanaa Dhunoobanaa Wa Taqabbal
Minnaa Swalaatanaa Wa Swiyaamanaa Wa
Recite the Salawaat which is in the Aamal of Fridays. It is a
Salawaat taught by Imaam Hujjaat Inbil Hasan A.F. to Abil
Hasan Dharraab Asbahaani. This is a very virtuous and outstanding
Salawaat. This Salawaat is written in the ending pages of this book
by the heading Salawaat-e-Abil Hasan Dharraab.

Recite the Salawaat of 15th Shaabaan Night, which is recited

everyday in Shaaabaan in the afternoons. This Salawaat is also
given in the ending pages of this book by the heading




You eat My provision and still

disobey Me; but when you call Me, I
still answer you. From Me good
bounties descend upon you and from
you sinful deeds come up to Me.
How good a master I am and how
bad a servent you are! I give
whatever you ask Me, but still you
go on sinning. I hide these sins, one
after another, one evil deed after
another. I am ashamed of you but
you are not ashamed of Me? You
forget Me. But I remember you. You
are afraid of people and you are
careless to Me. You fear enmity of
people, but do no fear My wrath. Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.


Traditions have been recorded regarding this night to be a very
meritorious night which should not be under-estimated but we
should know that this night is not less then Shab-e-Qadr. We
should keep night vigil and perform acts of worship during this
majestic night. Some of the Aamaal are as follows :-

Do Ghusl before sunset;

Keep awake in Masjid for Namaaz, Duaas, Istighfaar, and

beseeching Allaah S.W.T.;

Recite these Takbeeraat after Namaaz-e-Maghrib, Ishaa,

Subh, and Eid Namaaz: Allaahu Akbar Allaahu Akbar,

Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akbar, Allaahu

Akbar, Walil-laahil Hamd, Alhamdu-lillaahi Alaa
Maa Hadaanaa Walahush-shukru Alaa Maa

After Namaaz-e-Maghrib and its Naafilah raise your hands

towards the sky and recite this Duaa :-

Yaa Dhal Manni Wat-Twawli Yaa Dhal Joodi Yaa

Mustwafiya Muhammadin Wa Naaswirahu Swalli
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad , Waghfirlee
Kulla Dhanbin Ahswaytahu Wa Huwa Indaka Fee
Then go into Sajdah And recite 100 times Atoobu Ilallaah.
Then besech your Haajat, Inshaa-Allaah it will be fulfilled.

great merits.

Recite Ziyaarat of Imaam Husain A.S. it has got

Recite this Duaa 10 times:-

Yaa Daaimal Fadhli Alaal Bariyyah, Yaa Baaswital

Yadayni Bil Atwiyyah, Yaa Swaahibal MawaahibisSaniyyah,
Swali Alaa Muhamamdin Wa Aalihi
Khayril Waraa Sajiyyah Waghfir Lanaa Yaa Dhal
Ulaa Fee Haadhihil Ashiyyah.

Pray 10 rakat Namaaz which is mentioned in the

Aamaal of the last night of Maah-e-Ramadhaan.


Pray 2 rakat Namaaz, in the first rakat after AlHamd recite 1000 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas and in the next only once.
(In some traditions it is stated to recite 100 times in first rakat.)
After praying this Namaaz go into Sajdah and recite 100 times
Atoobu Ilallaah and this Duaa:-

Yaa Dhal Manni Wal Joodi Yaa Dhal Manni Wat-Twawli

Yaa Mustwafiya Muhammadin Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa
Aalihi Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Wafal
Then recite this Duaa :-

Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa

Allaahu Yaa Raheemu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Maliku Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Quddoosu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Salaamu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Muaminu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Muhayminu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Azeezu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Jabbaaru Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Mutakabbiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Khaaliqu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Baariu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Muswawwiru Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Aalimu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Adhweemu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Aleemu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Kareemu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Haleemu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Hakeemu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Sameeu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Basweeru Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Qareebu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mujeebu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Jawaadu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Maajidu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Maliyyu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Wafiyyu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Mawlaa Yaa Allaahu Yaa Qaadhee Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Sareeu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Shadeedu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Raoofu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Raqeebu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Majeedu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Hafeedhu Yaa
Allahu Yaa Muheetwu Yaa Allaahu Yaa SayyidasSaadaati Yaa Allaahu Yaa Awwalu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Aakhiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Dhwaahiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Baatwinu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Faakhiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Qaahiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Wadoodu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Nooru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Raafiu
Yaa Allaahu Yaa Maaniu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Daafiu Yaa
Allaahu Yaa Faatihu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Naafiu Yaa Allaahu
Yaa Jaleelu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Jameelu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Shaheedu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Shaahidu Yaa Allaahu Yaa


Mugheethu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Habeebu Yaa Allaahu Yaa

Faatwiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mutwahhiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Maliku Yaa Allaahu Yaa Muqtadiru Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Qaabidhu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Baaswitu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Muhyee Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mumeetu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Baaithu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Waarithu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Muatwee Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mufdhwilu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Munimu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Haqqu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Mubeenu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Twayyibu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Muhsinu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mujmilu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Mubdiu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mueedu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Mueedu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Baariu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Badeeu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Haadee Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Kaafee Yaa Allaahu Yaa Shaafee Yaa Allaahu Yaa Aliyyu
Yaa Allahu Yaa Adhweemu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Hannaanu
Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mannaanu Yaa Allaahu Yaa DhatTwawli Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mutaaali Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Adlu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Dhal-Maaariji Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Swaadiqu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Swadooqu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Dayyaanu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Baaqee Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Waaqee Yaa Allaahu Yaa Dhal Jalaali Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Dhal Ikaraami Yaa Allaahu Yaa Mahmoodu Yaa Alllaahu
Yaa Maaboodu Yaa Alllaahu Yaa Swaaniu Yaa Allaahu
Yaa Mueenu Yaa Allaahu Yaa MuqawwinuYaa Allaahu
Yaa Faaaalu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Latweefu Yaa Allaahu
Yaa Ghafooru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Jaleelu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Shakooru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Nooru Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Qadeeru Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa
Rabbaahu Yaa Allaahu Asaluka An Tuswallee Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa Tamunna Alayya
Bi Ridhaaka Wa Taafuwa Annee Bi Hilmika Wa
Tuwassia Alayya Min Rizqikal Halaalit-Twayyibi Wa
Min Haythu Ahtasibu Wa Min Haythu Laa Ahtasibu Fa
Innee Abduka Laysa Lee Ahadun Siwaaka Walaa Ahadun
Asaluhu Ghayruka Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen, MaashaaAllaahu Laa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil Adhweem.


Then go into Sajdah and recite this Duaa :-

Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Allaahu Yaa Rabbu Yaa

Rabbu Yaa Rabbu Yaa Munzilal Barakaati Bika Tunzalu
Kullu Haajatin Asaluka Bi Kulli Ismin Fee Makhzoonil
Ghaybi Indaka Wal Asmaail Mashhooraati Indakal
Maktoobati Alaa Suraadiqi Arshika An Tuswalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An Taqbala
Minnee Shahra Ramadhaan Wa Taktubanee Minal
Waafideena Ila Baytikal Haraami Wa Tasfaha Lee AnidhDhunoobil Idhwaami Wa Tastakhrija Lee Yaa Rabbee
Kunoozaka Yaa Rahmaan.

Pray 14 rakat Namaaz, in every rakat ahter AlHamd recite Aayatul Kursee once and Surah-e-Ikhlaas three times.
The Sawaab for this is fourty years worshp and as much as of
those who prayed and Fasted in this month.

Perform Ghusl at the end of the night.


If you understand the Majesty of

the Lord then you will not attach
any importance to the universe
and its marvels.
Imaam Ali A.S.



Following are some of the precious Duaas shown by Maasoomeen
A.S. to be recited in this Holy Month; some are to be recited after
every Namaaz, while some are for the nights, and some are to be
recited during the day.

(Consider reciting Salawaat and Bismillaah..

before starting a Duaa and Salawaat at the end)
Duaa After Every Waajib Namaaz :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumar-Zuqnee Hajja Baytikal Haraam Fee Aami
Haadha Wa Fee Kulli Aamin Maa Abqaytanee Fee Yusrin
Minka Wa Aafiyatin Wa Saati Rizqin Walaa Tukhilnee
Min Tilkil Mawaaqifil Kareemati Wal Mashaahidish
Shareefati Wa Ziyaarati Qabri Nabiyyika Swalawaatuka
Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wa Fee Jameei Hawaaijid Dunya Wal
Aakhirati Fa Kun Lee. Allaahumma Innee Asaluka
Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal Amril Mahtoomi
Fee Laylatil Qadri Minal Qadhaail Ladhee Laa Yuraddu
Walaa Yubaddalu An Taktubanee Min Hujjaaji Baytikal
Haraamil Mabroori Hajjuhumul Mashkoori Saayuhumul
Maghfoori Dhunoobu Humul Mukaffir Anhum
Sayyiaatuhum Wajal Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru An
Tutweela Umree Fee Twaaatika Wa Tuwassia Alayya
Rizqee Wa Tuaddiya Annee Amaanatee Wa Daynee
Aameen Rabbal Aalameen.
Duaa After Every Waajib Namaaz:

Yaa Aliyyu Yaa Adhweem, Yaa Ghafooru Yaa Raheem,

Antar-Rabbul Adhweemul-Ladhee Laysa Kamithlihi
Shayun Wahuwas-Sameeul Basweer. Wa Haadha
Shahrun Adh-dhwamtahu Wa Karramtahu Wa
Sharraftahu Wa Fadh-dhaltahu Alash-Shuhoor, Wa Huwa
Shahrul Ladhee Faradhta Swiyaamahu Alayya, Wa
Huwa Shahru Ramadhaan, Alladhee Anzalta Feehil
Quraan, Hudan Linnaasi Wa Bayyinaatin Minal Hudaa
Wal Furqaan, Wa Jaalta Feehi Laylatal Qadri Wa


Jaaltahaa Khayran-Min Alfi Shahrin Fa Yaa Dhal Manni

Walaa Yumannu Alayka Munna Alayya Bi Fikaaki
Raqabati Minan-Naari Fee Man Tamunnu Alayhi Wa
Adkhilnil Jannata Bi Rahmatika Yaa ArhamarRaahimeen.
Duaa After Every Waajib Namaaz ;

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Adkhil Alaa Ahlil Qubooris Suroor,
Allahumma Aghni Kulli Faqeer, Allaahumma Ashbia
Allaahummaqdhi Dayna Kulli Madeenin, Allaahumma
Farrij An Kulla Makroob, Allaahumma Rudda Kulla
Ghareeb, Allaahumma Fukka Kulla Aseer, Allaahumma
Aslih Kulla Faasidin Min Umooril Muslimeen,
Allaahummashfi Kulla Mareedh, Allaahumma Sudda
Faqranaa Bighinaak, Allaahumma Ghayyir Sooa Haalina
Bi Husni Haalik, Allaahumaqdhi Annad Dayn Wa
Aghninaa Minal Faqri, Innaka Alaa Kulli Shayin
Duaa To Be Recited After Two Rakats Of Every Sunnat
Namaaz :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

AllaahumajAl Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal
Amril Mahtoom Wa Feemaa Tafruqu Minal Amril
Hakeem Fee Laylatil Qadri An Tajalanee Min
Hujjaaji Baytikal Harramil Mabrrori Hajju Humul
Mashkoori Saayu Humul Maghfoori Dhunoobuhum,
Wa Asaluka An Tutweela Umree Fee Twaaatika, Wa
Tuwassia Lee Fee Rizqee, Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.
Duaas To Be Recited At Nights :


Duaa-e-Iftitaah. (Refer Mafaatihul Jinaan Arabic Page #

Duaa To Be Recited At Nights :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaanal Ladhee Anzalta
Feehil Quraan Waftaradhta Alaa Ibaadika Feehis
Swiyaam, Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Warzuqnee Hajja Baytikal Haraami Fee
Aami Haadha Wafee Kulli Aam, Waghfirlee TilkadhDhunoobal Idhwaam, Fa Innahu Laa Yaghfiruhaa
Ghayruka Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Allaam.
Duaa To Be Recited At Nights :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Bi Rahmatika Fis-Swaaliheena Fa
Adkhilnaa Wafee Illeeyyeena Farfaanaa, Wa Bi KaasinMin Maeenin Min Aynin Salsabeelin Fasqinaa, Wa Minal
Hooril -Eeni Bi Rahmatika Fa Zawwijnaa, Wa Minal
Wildaanil Mukhlladeena Ka Annahum Lualuun
Maknoonun Fa Akhdimnaa, Wamin Thimaaril Jannati Wa
Luhoomit Twayri Fa Atimnaa, Wa Min Thiyaabis
Sundusi Wal Hareeri Wal Istabraki Fa Albisnaa, Wa
Laylatal Qadri Wa Hajja Baytikal Haraami Wa Qatlan
Fee Sabeelika Fa Waffiq Lanaa,Wa Swaalihad Duaai Wal
Masalati Fastajib Lanaa, Yaa Khaaliqa Nasmaa
Wastajib Lanaa Wa Idhaa Jamaatal Awwaleena Wal
Yawmal Qiyaamati Farhamnaa, Wa
Baraaatin Minan Naari Faktub Lanaa, Wa Fee
Jahannama Falaa Taghullana, Wa Fee Adhaabika Wa
Hawaanika Falaa Tabtalinaa, Waminaz Zaqqoomi Wadh
Dhareei Falaa Tutimnaa, Wa Maash Shayaatweeni
Falaa Tajalnaa Wafinnaari Alaa Wujoohinaa Falaa
Takbubnaa Wa Min Thiyaabin Naari Wa Saraabeelil


Qatwiraani Falaa Tulbisnaa, Wamin Kulli Sooin Yaa Laa

Ilaaha Illaa Anta Bihaqqi Laa Ilaaha Illaa Anta Fa
Duaa To Be Recited At Nights :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Innee Asaluka An Tajala Feemaa
Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru Minal Amril Mahtoomi Fil
Amril Hakeem Minal Qadhaail-Ladhee Laa Yuraddu
Walaa Yubaddalu An-Taktubanee Min Hujjaaji
Mashkoori Saayu-humul Maghfoori Dhunoobuhumul Mukaffari Anhum Sayyiaati-him Wa An
Tajala Feemaa Taqdhee Wa Tuqaddiru An Tutweela
Umree Fee Khayrin Wa Aafiyatin Wa Tuwassia Fee
Rizqee Wa Tajalanee Mimman Tan-taswiru Bihee Li
Deenika Wala Tastabdil Bee Ghayree.
Duaa To Be Recited At Nights :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Aoodhu Bi Jalaali Wajhikal Kareem, An-Yanqadhiya
Annee Shahru Ramadhaan, Aw Yatlual Fajru Min
Laylati Haadhihi, Wa Laka Qibalee Tabiatun, Aw
Dhanbun Tuadh-dhibunee Alayhi.
Duaa To Be Recited In Days And Nights :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Yaa Dhal-Ladhee Kaana Qabla Kuli Shay-in,
Thumma Khalaqa Kulla Shay-in, Thumma Yabqaa
Wa Yafnaa Kullu Shay-in, Yaa Dhal-Ladhee Laysa
Kamithlihi Shay-un, Wa Yaa Dhal-Ladhee Laysa FisSamaawaatil Ulaa Walaa Fil Ardheenas-Suflaa Walaa
Fawqa Hunna Walaa Tahta Hunna Walaa Bayna


Hunna Ilaahun-Yuabadu Ghayruhu, Lakal Hamdu

Hamdan Laa Yaqwaa Alaa Ihswaaihi Illaa Anta, Fa
Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad,
Swalaatan Laa Yaqwaa Alaa Ihswaaihaa Illaa Anta.
Duaa To Be Recited Everyday :

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Rabba Shahri Ramadhaanal-ladhee
Anzalta Feehil Quraan, Waf-taradhta Alaa Ibaadika
Feehis-Swiyaamar-zuqnee Baytikal Haraam, Fee
Haadhal Aami Wa Fee Kulli Aamin Waghfir LiyadhDhunoobal Idhwaama Fa Innahu Laa Yagh-firuhaa
Ghayruka Yaa Dhal Jalaali Wal Ikraam.

Every thing is persishable but Me. If you

would have the fear of the fire of Hell
as you have the fear of poverty, surely
I would have made you free by giving
you the countless boumties.


For Every Night :


Pray two rakat Namaaz in which after Al-Hamd recite Surah-eIkhlaas three times in every rakat. After finishing that recites

Subhaana Man Huwa Hafeedhun Laa Yaghfulu,

Subhaana Man Huwa Raheemun Laa Yaajalu,
Subhaana Man Huwa Qaaimun Laa Yashoo,
Subhaana Man Huwa Daaimun Laa Yalhoo.
Then recite Tasbihaat-e-Arbaaa seven times:-

Subhaanallaahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa Laa Ilaaha

Illaallaahu Wallaahu Akbar.
Then recite this Duaa:-

Adhweemu Ighfir-liyadh-dhanbal Adhweem.


Then recite Salawaat ten times:-

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali

Another Namaaz
For Every Night:Pray Two Rakat Namaaz every night in which recite Surahe-Fatha in the first rakat (after Al-Hamd) and any Surah in the
second rakat.
It is narrated that anyone who recites in every night, Surah-eFatha in a Mustabab Namaaz, in this Holy Month, shall be
protected from problems, tribulations and diseases in that year.

Duaa To Be Ricited In The Day-Time:


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Min Fadhlika Bi Afdhalihi
Wa Kullu Fadhlika Faadhilun, Allaahummaa Innee
Asaluka Bi Fadhlika Kullihi. Allaahumma Innee
Asaluka Min Rizqika Bi Aammihi Wa Kullu Rizqika
Aammoon, Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Rizqika
Kullihi. Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Min Atwaaika Bi
Ahnaaihi Wa Kullu Atwaaika Haneean, Allaahumma
Innee Asaluka Bi Atwaaika Kullihi. Allaahumma Innee
Asaluka Min Khayraka Bi Aalajihi Wa Kullu Khayrika
Aajilun Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Khayrika Kullihi.
Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Min Ihsaanika Bi Ihsanihi
Wa Kullu Ihsaanika Hasanun, Allaahuma Innee Asaluka
Bi Ihsaanika Kullihi. Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bimaa
Tujeebunee Bihee Heena Asaluka Fa Ajibnee, Yaa
Allaahu, Wa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Abdikal
Murtadhaa Wa Rasoolikal Mustwafa Wa Ameenika Wa
Najiyyika Doona Khalqika Wa Najeebika Min Ibaadika
Wa Nabiyyika Bis-Swidqi Wa Habeebika Wa Swalli Alaa
Rasoolika Wa Khiyaratika Minal Aalaminal BasheeranNadheeras Siraajil Muneer, Wa Alaa Ahli BaytihitTwaahireena
MalaaikatikalLadheenasTakhlastahum Li Nafsika Wa Hajabtahum An
Khalqika Wa Alaa Ambiyaakal-Ladheena Yunbioona
Bis-Sidqi Wa Alaa
Khaswastahum Bi Wahyika Wa Fadh-dhwaltahum Alal
Aalameen Bi Risaalaatika Wa Alaa IbaadikasSwaaliheenal-Ladheena Adkhaltahum Fee Rahmatikal
Aimmatil Muhtadeenar-Raashideena Wa Awliyaaikal
Mutwahhireen Wa Alaa Jabraeel Wa Meekaaeel Wa
Israafeel Wa Malikil Mawti Wa Alaa Ridhwaana
Khaazinil Jinaani Wa Alaa Maalikin Khaazinin-Naari Wa
Roohil Qudusi War-Roohil Ameeni Wa Hamalati
Haafidhwayni Alayya Bis-Swalaatil-Latee Tuhibbu AnyYuswallee Bihaa Alayhim Ahlus-Samaawaati Wa Ahlul
Mubaarakatan Zaakiyatan Naamiyatan Dhwaahiratan
Baatwinatan Shareefatan Faadhilatan Tubayyinu Biha


Fadhlahum Alaal Awwaleena Wa Aakhireena.

Allaahumaa Aatwi Muhammadanil Waseelata WashSharafa Wal Fadheelata Wajzihi Khayra Maa Jazayta
Nabiyyan An Ummatihi. Allaahumma Wa Aatwi
Muhammadan Swallalaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Maa Kulli
Zulfatin Zulfatan Wa Maa Kulli Waseelatin Waseelatan
Wa Maa Kulli Fadheelatin Fadheelatan Wa Maa Kulli
Sharafin Sharafan Tuatwee Muhammadan Wa Aalahu
Yawmal Qiyaamati Afdhala Maa Aatwayta Ahadan
Minal Awwaleena Wal Aakhireen. Allaahuma Wajal
Muhammadan Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Adnal
Mursaleena Minka Majlisan Wa Afswahahum Fil Jannati
Indaka Manzilan Wa Aqrabahum Ilayka Waseelatan
Wajalhu Awwala Shaafiin Wa Awwala Mushaffain Wa
Awwala Qaailin Wa Anjaha Saailin Wabathhul
Maqqamal Mahmoodal-Ladhee Yaghbituhu Bihil
Awwaloona Wal Aahkhiroon, Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen,
Wa Asaluka An Tuswalley Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Wa An Tasmaa Swawtee Wa Tujeeba
Daawatee Wa Tajaawaz An Khtweeatee a Taswfah An
Dhulmee Wa Tunjih Twalibatee Wa Taqdhwiya Haajatee
Wa Tunjiza Lee Maa Waadtanee Wa Tuqeela Athratee
Wa Taghfir Dhunoobee Wa Taafuwa An Jurmee Wa
Tuqbila Alayya Walaa Tuaridha Annee Wa Tarhamanee
Walaa Tuadh-dhibanee Wa Tuaafiyanee Walaa
Tabtaliyanee Wa Tarzuqanee Minar Rizqi Atyabahu Wa
Awsaahu Walaa Tahrimanee Yaa Rabbi Waqdhi Annee
Daynee Wadhaa Annee Wizree Walaa Tuhammilnee
Maalaa Twaaqata Lee Bihee Yaa Mawlaaya Wa
Fee Kulli Khayrin Adkhalta Feehi
Muhammadan Wa Aala Muhammadin Wa Akhrijnee Min
Kulli Sooin Akhrajta Minhu Muhammadan Wa Aala
Muhammadin Swalawatuka Alayhi Wa Alayhim WasSalaamu Alayhi Wa Alayhim Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa
Then recite three times:-

Allaahumma Innee Adooka Kamaa Amartanee Fastajib

Lee Kamaa Waadtanee.


Then recite :-

Allaahumaa Innee Asaluka Qaleelan Min Katheerin

Maa Haajatin Bii Ilayhi Adhweematin Wa Ghinaaka
Anhu Qadeemun Wa Huwa Indee Katheerun Wa Huwa
Alayka Sahlun Yaseerun Famnun Alayya Bihee Innaka
Alaa Kulli Shayin Qadeerun Aameen Rabbal Aalameen.

A person who
another which has
befallen upon him
is as if he has
complained about

To Be Recited In The Day Time :-


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Innallaaha Wa Malaaikatahoo Yuswalloona Alan-Nabiyyi
Yaa Ayyuhal-ladheena Aamanoo Swalloo Alayhi Wa
Sallimoo Tasleema, Labbayka Yaa Rabbi Wa Saadayka
Wa Subhaanaka Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin
Wa Aali Muhammadin Wa Baarik Alaa Muhammadin Wa
Aali Muhammadin Kamaa Swallayta Wa Baarakta Alaa
Ibraaheema Wa Aali Ibraaheema Innaka HameedunMajeed.
Allaahummar-ham Muhammadan Wa Aali Muhammadin
Kamaa Rahimta Ibraaheema Wa Aala Ebraaheema,
Innaka Hameedun-Majeed.
Allaahumma Sallim Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Kamaa Sallaamta Alaa Noohin Fil
Allaahumam-nun Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Kamaa Mananta Alaa Moosa Wa
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Kamaa Sharraftanaa Bihee.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Kamaa Hadaytanaa Bibee.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Wabath-hoo Maqaaman-Mahmoodan
Yaghbituhoo Bihil Awwaloona Wal Aakhiroona Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aalihis-Salaamu Kullamaa Twalaat
Shamsun Aw Gharabat Alaa Muhammadin Wa AalihisSalaamu, Kullama Twarafaat Aynun Aw Barakat Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aalihis-Salaamu, Kullama Dhukiras
Salaamu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihis-Salaamu,
Kullamaa Sabbahallaaha Malakun Aw Qaddasahus
Salaamu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Fil Awwaleena
Was-Salaamu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Fil
Aakhireena, Wassalaamu Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi
Fid Dunyaa Wal Aakhirati.
Allaahumma Rabbal Baladil Haraami, Wa Rabbar Rukni
Wal Maqqami, Wa Rabbal Hilli Wal Harrami, Abligh
Muhammadan Nabiyyaka Annas Salaam.
Allaahumma Aatwee Muhammadan Minal Bahaai Wan
Nadhrati Was Suroori Wal Karaamati Wal Ghibtwati Wal


Waseelati Wal Manzilati Wal Maqaami Wash-Sharafi

War-Rifati Wash-Shafaaati Indaka Yawmil Qiyaamati
Afdhala Maa Tuatwee Ahadan Min Khalqika Wa
Aatwee Muhammadan Fawqa Maa Tuatwil Khalaaiqa
Minal Khayri Adhaafan Katheeratan Laa Yuhsweeha
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammadin Atyaba Wa Athara Wa Azkaa Wa Anmaa
Wa Afdhwala Maa Swallayta Alaa Ahadin Minal
Awwaleena Wa Aakhireen, Wa Alaa Ahadin Min
Khalqika Ya Arhamar Raahimeen.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Aliyyin Ameeril Muamineen
Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi Man Aadaahu Wa
Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man Shareeka Fee Damihee.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Faatwimata Binti Nabiyyika
Muhammadin Alayhi Wa Aalihis Salaamu, Wa Waali
Man Waalaahaa Wa Aadi Man Aadaahaa Wa Dhwaaifil
Adhaaba Alaa Man Dhwalamahaa Walan Man Aadhaa
Nabiyyika Feehaa.
Allaahumma Swalli Alal Hasani Wal Husayni
Imaamayal Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahuma Wa
Aadi Man Aadaahuma Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man
Sharika Fee Dimaaihima.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Aliy-yibnil Hasayni Imaamil
Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi Man
Aadaahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammad-ibni Aliyyin
Imaamil Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi
Man Aadaahu
Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man
Alaahumma Swalli Alaa Jaafar-ibni Muhammadin
Imaamil Muslimeena Wa Wali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi
Man Aadaahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Moosa-bni Jaafarin Imaamil
Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi Man
Aadaahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man Sharika Fee


Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Aliy-yibni Moosa Imaamil

Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi Man
Aadaahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man Sharika Fee
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammad-ibni Aliyyin
Imaamil Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi
Man Aadahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Aliy-yibni Muhammadin
Imaamil Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi
Man Aaddahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba Alaa Man
Allaahumma Swalli Alal Hasan-ibni Aliyyin Imaamil
Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalahu Wa Aadi Man
Aadaahu Wa Dhwaaifil Adhaaba
Alaa Man
Allaahumma Swalli Alal Khalafi MinBaadihee Imaamil
Muslimeena Wa Waali Man Waalaahu Wa Aadi Man
Aadaahu Wa Ajjil Farajahu.
Allaahumma Swalli Alal Qaasimi Wat-Twaahiri Ibnay
Nibiyyika. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Ruqayyata Binti
Nabiyyika Walan Man Aadhaa Nabiyyika Feehaa.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Ummi Kulthoom Binti
Nabiyyika Walan Man Aadhaa Nabiyyika Feeha.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Durriyyati Nabiyyika.
Allaahummakhluf Nabiyyaka Fee Ahli Baytihee.
Allaahumma Makkin Lahum Fil Ardhi. Allaahumajalnaa
Min Adadihim Wa Madadihim Wa Answaarihim Alal
Haqqi Fis-Sirri Wal Alaaniyati. Allaahummatlub Bi
Dhahlihim Wa Witrihim Wa Dimaaihim Wa Kuffa Annaa
Wa Anhum Wa An Kulli Muaminin Wa Muaminatin
Baasa Kulli Baaghin Wa Twaaghin Wa Kulli Daabatin
Anta Aakhidhun Bi Naaswiatiha, Innaka Ashaddu
Baasan Wa Ashaddu Tankeela.
Yaa Uddatee Fee Kurbatee Wa Yaa Saahibee Fee
Shiddatee Wa Yaa Waliyyee Fee Niamatee Wa Yaa
Ghaayatee Fee Raghbatee Antas-Saatiru Awratee Wal
Muaminu Rawatee Wal Muqeelu Athratee Faghfir Lee
Khatweeatee Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen.


Allaahumma Innee Adooka Li Hammin Laa

Yufarrijuhoo Ghayruka Wa Li Rahmatin Laa Tunaalu
Illaa Bika Wa Li Karbin Laa Yakshifuhoo Illaa Anta Wa
Li Raghbatin Laa Tublaghu Illa Bika Wa Li Haajatin Laa
Yaqdheeha Illaa Anta. Allaahumma Fa Kamaa Kaana
Min Shanika Maa Adhinta Lee Bihee Min Masalatika
Wa Rahimtanee Bihee Min Dhikrika Fal Yakun Min
Shaanika Sayyidil Ijaabatu Lee Feemaa Daawtuka Wa
Awaaidul Ifdhaali Feema Rajawtuka Wan-Najaatu
Mimmaa Faziatu Ilayka Feehi Fainlam Akun Ahlan An
Ablugha Fa Inna Rahmataka Ahlun An Tablughanee Wa
Tasaanee Wa In Lam Akun Lil Ijaabatee Ahlan Fa Anta
Ahlul Fadhli Wa Rahmatuka Wasiat Kulla Shayin Fal
Tasanee Rahmatuka Yaa Ilaahee Yaa Karremu Asaluka
Bi Wajhikal Kareemi, An Tuswalli Alaa Muhammadin
Wa Ahli Baytihee Wa An Tufarrija Hammee Wa Takshifa
Karbee Wa Ghammee Wa Tarhamanee Bi Rahmatika Wa
Tarzuqanee Min Fadhlika
Innaka Sameeud-Duaai
Qareebun Mujeeb.


Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Alaahumma Swalli


Allaahumma Innee Ash-hadu Anna Haadha

Kitaabukal Munzalu Min Indika Alaa Rasoolika
Muhammadibni Abdillaahi Swallalaahu Alayhi Wa
Qalaamukan-Naatwiqu Alaa Lisaani
Nabiyyika Jaaltahoo Haadiyan Minka Illaa Khalqika
Wa Hablan Muttaswilan Fee Maa Baynaka Wa
Bayna Ibaadika, Allaahumma Innee
Ahdaka Wa Kitaabika. Allaahuma Fajal Nadhwaree
Feehi Ibaadatan Qiraaatee Feehi Fikran Wa Fikree
Feehi Iatibaaran Wajalnee Mimman Ittaadhwa Bi
Maaswiyika Walaa Tatbaa Inda Qiraaatee Alaa
Samee Walaa Tajal Alaa Baswaree Ghishaawatan
Walaa Tajal Qiraaatee Qiraaatan Laa Tadabbura
Feehaa Balijalnee Atadabbaru Aayatihee Wa
Ahkaamahu Aakhidhan Bi Sharaayii Deenika Walaa
Tajal Nadhwaree Feehi Ghaflatan Walaa Qiraaatee
Hadharan Innaka Antar-Raoofur-Raheem.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Allaahumma Swalli
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad.
Allaahumma Innee Qad Qaratu Maa Qadhwayta
Min Kitaabikal-Ladhee Anzaltahoo Alaa NabiyyikasSwaadiqi Swallalaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Falakal
Hamdu Rabbanaa, Allaahummajalnee Mimman
Yuhillu Halaalahu Wa Yuharrimu Haraamahu Wa
Yuminu Bi Muhkamihee Wa Mutashaabihi
Wajalhoo Lee Unsan Fee Qabree Wa Unsan Fee
Hashree Wajalnee Mimman Turqeehi Bi Kulli
Aayatin Qaraahaa Darajatan Fee Aalaa Illiyyeen,
Aameen Rabbal Aalameen.



Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem. Allaahumma Swalli

Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad.
Allahummar-Hamnee Bi Tarqil Maaasweeka Abadan
Maa Abqaytanee Farhamnee Min Takallufi Maa Laa
Yuneeni, Warzuqnee Husnal Mandhari Fee Maa
Yardhweeka Annee, Walzim Qalbee Hifdha Kitaabika
Kamaa Allamtanee, Warzuqnee Atloohu Alan-NahvilLadhee Yurdheeka Annee. Allaahumma Navvir
Baswaree, Washrah Bihee Swadree, Wa Farrij Bihee
Qalbee, Wa Atliq Bihee Lisaanee, Wastaamil Bihee
Badanee, Wa Qawwinee Alaa Dhaalika, Wa Ainnee
Alayhi, Innahoo Laa Mueena Alayhi Illaa Anta Laa
Ilaaha Illaa Anta.

At the time when Imaam alMahdi A.F. will make an

appearance in the world,
Almighty Allaah will put His
Blessed Hand over the heads
of the people of that time
through which the Reason of
the people will be completely
brought to perfection.
- Al-Kaafi.


On completion of the recitation of the Holy Quraan the
following Duaa should be recited, it is shown by Imaam Ali

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumashrah Bil Quraani Swadree Wastamil
Bil Quraani Badanee Wa Nawwir Bil Quraani
Baswaree Wa Atliq Bil Quraani Lisaanee Wa
Ainnee Alayhi Maa Abqaytanee Fa Innahoo Laa
Hawla Wala Quwwata Illaa Bika.
And this is another Duaa for Khatme Quraan:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Mukhbiteen, wa Ikhlaaswal Mookineena, a
Muraafakatal Abraari Wa Istihqaaqa Haqaaiqil
Eemaani Wal Ghaneemata Min Kulli Birrin Was
Salaamata Min Kulli Ithmin Wa Wujooba
Rahmatika a Adhwaaima Maghfiratika Wal Fawza
Bil Jannati Wa Najaatan Minan Naar.

A person who does not care about what

he eats (Halaal or Haraam), I will
not care from which door I will
- Hadeeth-e-Qudsee.





Bimillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Allaahumma Innaka Qulta Fee Kitaabikal Munzali
Shahru Ramadhaanal-ladhee Unzila Feehil Quraanu, Wa
Haadhaa Shahru Ramadhaan Waqad Taswarrama Fa
Asaluka Bi Wajhikal Kareemi Wa KalimaatikatTaammati In Kaana Baqiya Alayya Dhanbun Lam
Taghfirhu Lee AwTureedu An Tuadh-dhibanee Alayhi
Aw Tuqaayisanee Bihee An Yatlua Fajru HaadhihilLaylati Aw Taswarrama Haadhash-Shahru Illaa Wa Qad
Ghafartahoo Lee Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen. Allaahuma
Lakal Hamdu Bi Mahaamidika Kulliha Awwaluha Wa
Aakhirihaa Maa Qulta Li Nafsika Minhaa Wamaa Qaalal
Khalaaiqul Haamidoonal Mujtahidoonal Maadoodoonal
Muwaffiroona Dhikraka Wash-Shukra Lakal-Ladheena
Aantahum Alaa Adaai Haqqika Min Asnnafi Khalqika
Minal Malaaikatil Muqarrabeena Wan-nabiyyeena Wal
Mursaleena Wa Asnaafin Naatiqeena Wal Musabbiheena
Laka Min Jameeil Aalameena Alaa Annaka Ballaghtanaa
Shahra Ramadhaan Wa Alynaa Min Niamika Wa Indanaa
Min Qisamika Wa Ihsaanika Wa Tadhwaahirim Tiaanika
Wa Bi Dhaalika Laka Muntahal Hamdil Khaalidid
Daaimir Raakidil Mukhalladis Sarmadil-Ladhee Laa
Yanfadu Twoolal Abadi Jalla Thanaauka Aantanaa
Alayhi Hatta Qadhwayta Annaa Swiyaamahu Wa
Qiyaamahu Min Swalaatin Wamaa Kana Minnaa Feehi
Min Birrin Aw Shukrin Aw Dhikrin. Allaahumma Fa
Taqabbalhu Minnaa Bi Ahsani Qaboolika Wa
Tajaawuzika Wa Afwika Wa Swafhika Wa Ghufraanika
Wa Hakeekati Ridhwaanika Hattaa Tudhwaffirana Feehi
Bi Kulli Khayrin Matloobin Wa Jazeeli Atwaain
Mawhoobin Wa Tooqiyanaa Feehi Min Kulli Marhoobin
Aw Balaain Majloobin Aw Dhanbin Maksoobin.
Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Adhweemi Maa Saalaka
Bihee Ahadun Min Khalqika Min Kareemi Asmaaika Wa
Jameeli Thanaaika Wa Khaas-swati Duaaika, An Tu
Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Wa An
Tajala Shahranaa Haadha Aadhwama Shahri


Ramadhaan Marra Alaynaa Mundhu Anzaltanaa IladDunyaa Barakatan Fee Ismati Deenee Wa Khalaaswi
Nafsee Wa Qadhaai Hawaaijee Wa Tushaffianee Fee
Masaaili Wa Tamaamin-Niamati Alayya Wa SwarfisSooi Annee Wa Libaasil Afiyati Lee Feehi Wa An
Tajalanee Bi Rahmatika
Mimman Khirta Lahoo
Laylatal Qadri Wa Jaaltahaa Lahoo Khayran Min Alfi
Shahrin Fee Aadhwamil Ajri Wa Karaaimidh-Dhukhri
Wa Husnish-Shukri Wa Twoolil Umri Wa Dawaamil
Yusri. Allaahumma Wa Asaluka Bi Rahmatika Wa
Tawlika Wa Afwika Wa Naamaaika Wa Jalaalika Wa
Qadeemi Ihsaanika Wamtinaanika An Laa Tajalahoo
Aakhiral Ahadi Minnaa Li Shahri Ramadhaan Hattaa
Tuballighnaahu Min Qaabilin Alaa Ahsani Haalin Wa
Tuarrifanee Hilaalahu Maan-Naadhireena Ilayhi Wal
Mutarifeena Lahoo Fee Aafaa Aafiyatika Wa Anami
Niamaika Wa Awsai Rahmatika Wa Ajzali Qisamika Yaa
Rabbiyal-Ladhee Laysa Lee Rabbun Ghayruhoo Laa
Yakoonu Haadhal Wadaau Minnee Lahoo Wadaaa
Fanaain Walaa Aakhiral Ahadi Minnee Li Liqaain Hattaa
Turiyanee Min Qaabilin Fee Awsain Niami Wa AfdhalirRajaai Wa Anaa Laka Alaa Ahsanil Wafaai Innaka
Sameeud-Duaai. Allaahumasmaa Duaaee Warham
Tadharruee Wa Tadhalluli Laka Was-Tikaanati a
Tawakkuli Alayka Wa Anaa Laka Musallimun Laa Arjoo
Najaahan Walaa Muaafaatan Walaa Tashreefan Wala
Tableeghan Illaa Bika Wa Minka Wamnun Alayya Jalla
Thanaauka Wa Taqaddasa Asmaauka Bi Tableeghee
Shahra Ramadhaan Wa Anaa Muaafan Min Kulli
Makroohin Wa Mahdhoorin Wa Min Jameeil Bawaaiqi,
Alhamdu Lillaahil Ladhee Aaananaa Alaa Swiyaami
Haadhash-Shahri Wa Qiyaamihi Hattaa Ballaaghanee
Aakhira Laylatin Minhu.



Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Sayyidil
Mursaleen, Wa Khaatamin-Nabiyyeen, Wa Hujjati
Rabbil Aalameenal Muntajabi Fil Meethaaqil
Mustwafaa, Fidh-Dhwilaalil Mutwahhari Min Kulli
Aafatin, Al Bareei Min Kulli Aybil Muammali LinNajaatil Murtajaa, Lish-Shafaaatil Mufawwadhi
Ilayhi Deenullaahi. Allaahumma Sharrif Bunyaanahu
Wa Adh-dhwim Burhaanahu, Wa Aflij Hujjatahu
WarFaa Darajatahu Wa Adhwia Noorahu Wa
Bayyidh Wajhahu Wa Aatwihil Fadhla Wal
Fadheelata Wal Manzilata Wal Waseelata WadDarajatar-Rafeeata
MaqamanMahmoodan Yaghbituhu Bihil Awwaloon Wal
Wa Swalli Alaa Ameeril Muamineena Wa Waarithil
Mursaleen, Wa Qaaidil Ghurril Muhajjaleen Wa
Sayyidil Waswiyyeen Wa Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen,
Wa Swalli Alal Hasanibni Aliyyeen, Imaamil
Mumineen Wa Waarithil Mursaleen, Wa Hujjati
Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli Alal Husaynibni Aliyyin
Imaamil Muamineen Wa Waarithil Mursaleen Wa
Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli Alaa Aliyyibnil
Husayni Imaamil Muamineen Wa Waarithil
Mursaleen Wa Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli
Alaa Muhammadibni Aliyyin Imaamil Muamineen
Wa Waarithil Mursaleen Wa Hujjati Rabbil
Aalameen, Wa Swalli Alaa Jaafar-ibni Muhammadin
Imaamil Muamineen Wa Waarithil Mursaleen Wa
Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli Alaa Moosa-bni
Jaafarin Imaamil Muamineen
Wa Waarithil
Mursaleen Wa Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli
Alaa Aliyyibni Moosa Imaamil Mumineen Wa
Waarithil Mursaleen Wa Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen,
Wa Swalli Alaa Muhammad-ibni Aliyyin Imaamil
Mumineen Wa Waarithil Mursaleen Wa Hujjati
Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli Alaa Aliyyibni


Muhammadin Imaamil Muamineen Wa Waarithil

Mursaleen Wa Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen, Wa Swalli
Alal Hasanibni Aliyyin Imaamil Muamineen Wa
Waarithil Mursaleena Wa Hujjati Rabbil Aalameen,
Wa Swalli Alal Khalafil Haadil Mahdiyyi, Imaamil
Muamineen Wa Waarithil Mursaleen Wa Hujjati
Rabbil Aalameen.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Ahli
Baytihil Aimmatil Haadinal Ulamaais-Swaadiqeenal
Abraaril Muttaqeen Daaaimi Deenika Wa Arkaani
Tawheedika Wa Taraajimati Wahyika, Wa Hujajika
Alaa Khalqika, Wa Khulafaaika Fee Ardhikal-Ladhee
Nakhtartahum Li Nafsika Wastwafaytahum Alaa
Ibaadika , War-Tadhwaytahum Li Deenika Wa
Khaswastahum Bi Maarifatika, Wa Jallaltahum Bi
Karaamatika, Wa Ghash-shaytahum Bi Rahmatika,
Wa Rabbaytahum Bi Niamatika, Wa Ghadhdhaytahum Bi Hikmatika Wa Albastahum Nooraka,
Wa Rafaatahum Fee Malakootika Wa Hafaftahum
Bi Malaaikatika, Wa Sharraftahum Bi Nabiyyika
Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Aalihi.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Alayhim
Swalaatan Zaakiyatan Naamiyatan Katheeratan
Daaimatan Twayyibatan, Laa Yuheetwu Biha Illaa
Anta Walaa Yasauhaa Illaa Ilmuka, Walaa Yuhsweehaa Ahadun Ghayruka. Allaahumma Swalli Alaa
Waliyyikal Muhyee Sunnatakal Qaaimi Bi AmrikadDaaee Ilaykad-Daleeli Alayka Hujjatika Alaa
Khalqika, Wa Khaleefatika Fee Ardhika , Wa
Shaahidika Alaa Ibaadika. Allaahumma Aizza
Naswrahu, Wa Mudda Fee Umrihi, Wa Zayyinil
Ardha Bi Twooli Baqaaihi,
Allaahumak-fihee Baghyal Haasideen Wa Aizhu Min
Sharril Kaaideen Wazjur Anhu IraadatadhDhwaalimeen Wa Khallishu Min Aydil Jabbaareen,
Allaahumma Aatwihee Fee Nafsihee Wa Dhurriyyatihee Wa Sheeatihee Wa Raeeyatihee Wa Khaa-


swatihee Wa Aam-matihee Wa Aduwwihi Wa Jameei

Ahlid-Dunya, Maa Tuqirru Bihee Aynahoo Wa
Tasurru Bihee Nafsahu, Wa Ballighhu Afdhala Maa
Ammalahu Fid-Dunya Wal Aakhirati, Innaka Alaa
Kulli Shayin Qadeer.
Allaahumma Jaddid Bihee Mamtahaa Min Deenika
Wa Ahyi Bihee Maa Buddila Min Kitaabika Wa
Adhhir Bihee Maa Ghuyyira Min Hukmika Hattaa
Yaooda, Deenuka Bihee Wa Alaa Yadayhi Ghadhdhwan Jadeedan Khaaliswan Laa Shakka Feehi
Walaa Shubhata Maahu Walaa Baatwila Indahu
Walaa Bidata Ladayhi,
Allaahumma Navvir Bi Noorihi, Kulla Dhulmatin Wa
Hudda Bi Ruknihi Kulla Bidatin Wahdim Bi Izzihi,
Kulla Dhwalaalatin Waqsim Bihee, Kulla Jabbaarin
Wa Akhmid Bi Sayfihi Kulla Naarin Wa Ahlik Bi
Adlihi Jawra Kulli Jaairin, Wa Ajir Hukmahu Alaa
Kulli Hukmin, Wa Adhilla Bi Sultwaanihi Kulla
Allaahumma Adhilla Kulla Man Naawaahu, Wa Ahlik
Kulla Man Aadaahu, Wamkur Biman Kaadahu
Wastaasil Man Jahadahu Haqqahu Wasta-haana Bi
Amrihee Wa Saaa Fee Itfaai Noorihi Wa Araada
Ikhmaada Dhikrihi.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadinil Mustwafaa
Wa Aliyyinil Murtadhwaa Wa Faatwimataz-Zahraai
Wal Hasanir-Ridhaa Wal Husaynil Muswaffaa Wa
Jameeil Awswiyaai, Maswaa-beehid-dujaa, Wa
Aalaamil Hudaa Wa Manaarit-Tuqaa Wal Urwatil
Wuthqaa, Wal Hablil Mateeni, Was-Swiraatil
Mustaqeemi Wa Swalli Alaa Waliyyika Wa Wulaati
Ahdika Wal Aimmati Min Wuldihee Wa Mudda Fee
Aamaarihim Wa Zid Fee Aajaalihim Wa Balligh-hum
Aqswa Aamaalihim Deenan Wa Dunya Wa
Aakhiratan, Innaka Alaa Kulli Shayin Qadeer.


Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali



A person who is
not happy with My orders,
not patient with My afflictions,
not thankful for My bounties,
not content with My gifts,
then he should look for
another lord other then Me and
he should get out of My universe.

(To Be Recited In The Last Night Of Holy Ramadhaan And On Every
Friday After Asr Namaaz)

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammad, Shajaratin-Nubuwwati a Maw-idhwirRisaalati Wa Mukh-talifil Malaaikati Wa Maadinil
Ilmi Wa Ahli Baytil Wahyi.Allaahumma Swalli Alaa


Muhammadi Wa Aali Mhammadinil Fulkil Jaariyati

Fil-Lujajil Ghaamirati Yaamanu Man Rakibahaa Wa
Yaghraqu Man Tarakahal Mutaqaddimu Lahum
Maariqun Wal Muta-Akh-Khiru Anhum Zaahiqun
Wal-Laazimu Lahum Laahiqun. Allaahumma Swalli
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Al Kahfil
Hasweeni Wa Ghiyaathil Mudhwtwarril Mustakeeni
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhaammadin Swalaatan
Katheeratan Takkonu Lahum Ridhwan Wa Lihaqqi
Muhammadin a Aali Muhammad Adaaan Wa
Kadhwaaan Bi Hawlin Minka Wa Quwwatin Yaa
AtTwayyibeenal Abraaril Akhyaaril-Ladheena Awjabta
Huqooqa-hum Wa Faradhwta Twaaata-hum Wa
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin Wamur
Qalbee Bi Twaaatika Walaa Tukhzinee Bi
Maasweeyatika Warzuqnee Muwaasaata Man
Qattarta Alayhi Min Rizqika Bimaa Wassaata
Alayya Min Fadhlika Wa Nasharta Alayya Min
Adlika Wa Ahyaytanee Tahta Dhwillika Wa Haadhaa
Shahru Nabiiyika Sayyidi Rusulika ShaabaanulLadhee
Hafaftahu Minka Bir-Rahmati WarRidhwaanil-Ladhee
Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi Wasallaama Yadabu
Fee Swiyaamihee Wa Qiyaamihee Fee Layaaleehi Wa
Ayyaamihi Nujooan Laka Fee Ikraamihee Wa
Allaahumma Fa Ainnaa Alal Istinaani Bi Sunnatihee
Feehi Wa Naylish-Shafaaati Ladayhi, Allaahumma
Wajalhu Lee Shafeean Mushaffaan Wa Twareeqan
Ilayka Maheean Wajalnee Lahoo Muttabian Hattaa
Alqqaka Yawmal Qiyaamati Annee Raadhiyan Wa An
Dhunoobee Ghaadhwiyan Qad Awjabta Lee MinkarRahmata War-Ridhwaana Wa Anzaltanee Daaral
Qaraari Wa Mahallil Akhyaar.Allaahumma Swalli
Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad.



Daily prayers are the best medium to

advance onself in favour of the Lord.
Hajj is a Jihaad for every weak person.
For every thing that you own there is
Zakaat, a tax paid to the Lord, and the
tax of your health is that you keep Fast.
The best Jihaad of a woman against
man is to render his home-life pleasing
and congenial.
- Imaam Ali A.S.


As it is mentioned earlier it is very essential to beg forgiveness and
seek repentance from Almighty Allaah S.W.T., specifically in this
Holy Month. Allaah is very pleased when we do sincere Tawba.
Initial step towards Tawba is that we should be sorry at heart for
the misdeeds or sins; Allaah S.W.T. is the Most Forgiving so we

should seek His forgiveness for our sins which may have been
committed knowingly or otherwise. No one in the world is sinless
or infallible except the Prophets and Maasoomeen A.S. Therefore
seeking forgiveness should be the most essential part of our life not
limited to this holy month only but during all our lives. Then we
should seek forgiveness or repay and compensate to the persons we
have wronged, if he / she is dead then we should seek forgiveness
from the heirs and pay the dues to them, or we should perform
some good deeds on behalf of the wronged-ones. Repentance
should be so much that the wronged one is absolutely pleased with
us and we owe nothing to him/her. And if God-forbid, we have
consumed unlawful food then we must Fast so many days as to
dissolve the accumulated fats and flash in our body that was
because of that Haraam earnings. Some hardships should be
undertaken so as to realize the gravity of sins. The important factor
in this is to make firm determination no to repeat the past sins and
keep away from all sins in the remaining future.
As it was said that we are human beings so nobody is sinless
except The Holy Infallibles so if one calmly ponders over it then it
might perhaps come to the mind some Qazaa Namaaz, or Namaaz
prayed late then its proper time or prayed hastily, or there might be
some Roza we had made Baatil unknowingly or carelessly, or there
might be remaining on our necks some rights of our parents,
children, relatives, neighbours, our teachers, scholars, and the
needy, or might it be that we have earned some unlawful earnings,
or might be that we have not paid Khums, Zakaat or any other
dues, or it might be that we have not performed Hajj, and even if
we had performed it might be full of mistakes, or might be in our
young age we committed some mistakes or sins because of
improper understanding, or might it be that we have not
propogated the religion as it should be done. All these factors and
others should be considered seriously and beg pardon and
forgiveness from the Almighty Allaah S.W.T.
Some ways to seek forgiveness are mentioned hereunder:1. Namaaz-e-Afw :- Pray two rakat Namaz. In each rakat after
Al-Hamd recite Surah-e-Qadr, recite Rabbee Afwaka 15
times before going in Rukoo, then in Rukoo, after its dhikr,
recite Rabbee Afwaka 10 times, then Sameeallaah. And
recite Rabbee Afwaka 10 times and go into Sajdah, in the
Sajdah, after its dhikr, again recite Rabbee Afwaka 10 times,
then when you sit recite again 10 times Rabbee Afwaka, then
in the next Sajdah also 10 times Rabbee Afwaka, then before

standing for the next rakat again say Rabbee Afwaka 10
times. In the second rakat do the same as the previous rakat.
2. Recite Astaghfirullaaha Rabbee Wa Aoobu Ilayh as many
times as possible, but sincerely and repentantly.
3. Pray Namaaz-e-Tahajjud (Shab) regularly. This is a sure way
to get forgiveness.
4. It is stated that this Aamal is specially to beg forgiveness from
Allaah, so any one who performs it his/her sins shall be
pardoned:- Perform Sunnat Ghusl, recite Ziyaarat of Bibi
Faatima Zehra S.A. then do Istighfaar, recite any Duaa for
5. It is stated that if one recites these Holy Surahs of the Holy
Quraan his/her sins shall be forgiven, they are, Surah-eYaaseen, S.Tahreem, S.Waaqiah, S.Kaafiroon.
6. Reciting Ziyaarat of Imaam Ali Radhaa A.S. is also a means
of forgiveness.
7. Reciting these magnanimous Duaas can also wipe out sins:
Duaa-e-Kumayl, Duaa-e-Jawshan-eKabbeer, Duaa-e-Mujeer, Duaa-e-Asharaat, Duaa-eYastasheer, Duaa-e-Kanzul Arsh, Duaa-e-Tawassul, etc.
8. Namaaz-e-Rasoolullaah (s.a.w.w) Refer Mafaatihul Jinaan for
its method. (p.38)
9. Namaaz-e-Ameerul Muamineen (a.s) Refer Mafaatihul
Jinaan. (p.39)
10. Namaaz-e-Wasiyyat : Between Maghrib and Ishaa pray two
rakat Namaaz, in each rakat after Al-Hamd recite 13 times
Surah-e-Zilzaal and 15 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas.
11. Reciting SALAWAAT abundantly is also a sure way to
12. This Amal is aslso effective for forgiveness: - Offer 4 rakat
Namaaz, in each rakat after Al-Hamd recite 3 times Surah-eIkhlaas, once Surah-e-Al-Falak and once Surah-e-An-Naas.
After finishing the Namaaz recite 70 times Astaghfirullaaha
Rabbee Wa Atoobu Ilayhi. Then recite the following Duaa :
Laa Hawla Walaa Quwwata Illaa Billaahil Aliyyil
Adhweem, Yaa Azeezu Yaa Ghaffaaru, Ighfirlee Dhunoobee
Wa Dhunoobi Jameeil Muamineena Wal Muaminaat, Fa
Innahoo Laa Yaghfirudh-Dhunnoba Illaa Anta.
13. Recite Surah-e-Sajdah on Friday-night.
14. Recite Surah-e-Dukhaan in Waajib and Sunnat Namaaz.
15. Pray 2 raka Namaaz, in each rakat after Al-Hamd recite 60
times Surah-e-Ikhlaas.
16. Namaaz-e-Ghufayla. Pray this Namaaz in between Maghrib
and Ishaa prayers,
17. In Sajdah recite this Duaa of Hazrat Ilyaas A.S.:- Ataraak
Muazzabi Wa Qad Adhmaatu Laka Hawaajiri, Ataraak

Muazzabi Wa Qad Affartu Laka Fit-Turaabi Wajhee,
Ataarak Muazzabi Wa Qad Ijtanabtu Lakal Maaaswee,
Ataraak Muazzabi Wa Qad Asharu Laka Laylee. (=O
Allaah Shall You The Most Merciful, be happy to see me
burning in fire and in great torments although I have been
observing Fasts in hot weather and endured acute thirst, and I
have restrained from sins to please You only; Will You be
happy to see me burning while I have kept night vigils for Your
worship ?.)
18. In the last Sajdah of the Naafilah of Ishaa recite 7 times:Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Wajhikal Kareem, Wa Bi
Ismikal Adhweem, Antuswalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Muhammad, Wa An Taghfiralee Dhanbiyal Adhweem.
19. After praying Namaaz always recite the following Duaa:-

Astaghfirullahl-ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwa

Aalimul Ghaybi Wash-Shahaadatil Azeezul
Hakeemul Ghaffoorur-Raheemu Dhul Jalaali
Wal Ikraami Wa Atoobu Ilayhi.

These Duaas also are for seeking forgiveness:-

(a)Yaa Man Afaa Annee Wa Ammaa Khalawtu

Bihee Minas-Sawaati Fee Baytee Wa Ghayri
Bayee. Yaa Man Lam Yuaakhidhnee Birtikaabil
Maaaswee. Afwaka Afwaka Yaa Kareemu
(b)Allaahummagh-Firlee Maa Anta Aalamu
Bihee Minnee. Fain Udtu Fa Udlee Bil
Waadta Min Nafsee, Walam Tajid Lahoo
Ramazaatil Alhaadhwi, Wa Saqatwaatil
Alfaadhwi, Wa Sahawaatil Jinaani, Wa
Hafawaatil Lisaan.
Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Anna Lakal
Hamdu Laa Ilaaha Illaa Antal Mannaanu,
Badeeus-Samaawaati Wal Ardhwi, Dhul Jalaali
Wal Ikraami, Innee Saailun Faqeerun, Wa
Mustaghfirun, Allaahumma Swalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammadin, Wagh-


Firlee Dhunoobee Kullahaa Qadeemahaa Wa

Hadeethahaa, Wa Kulla Dhanbin Adhnabtuhu,
Allaahumma Laa Tajhadu Balaaee, Walaa
Tushmit Bee Aadaaee, Fa Innaahu Laa Daafia
Walaa Maania Illaa Anta.
(For Duaa-e-Tawba see further pages)


A person who practices

according to his knowledge, I
will increase his knowledge

If this magnificent Duaa is recited for beseeching forgiveness from
Allaah one should rest assured that he/she shall be forgiven. It is
because there are the names of fourteen Maasoomeen A.S. in it
through whose intercession we seek from Allaah. It is said that if it

is recited sincerely for a Haajat, it will be granted very soon. The
Duaa is:-

Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Wa Atawajjahu Ilayka

Bi Nabiyyika Nibiyyir-Rahmati Muhammadin
Swallallaahu Alayhi Wa Aalihi, Yaa Abal Qaasimi,
Yaa Rasoolallaahi, Yaa Imaamar-Rahmati, Yaa
Sayyidinaa Wa Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahna
Wastashfaanaa Wa Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa
Qaddamnaak Bayna Yaday Haajaatinaa,
-Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abal Hasani Yaa Ameeral Muamineen, Yaa Ali
Yabna Abee Taalibin Yaa Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi,
Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa
Wastashfaanaa Wa Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa
Qaddamnaak Bayna Yaday Haajaatinaa, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahiIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Faatwimatuz-Zahraai Yaa Binta Muhammadin
(S), Yaa Qurrata Aynir Rasooli, Yaa Sayyidatanaa Wa
Mawlaatanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa
Wa Tawassalnaa Biki Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaaki
Bayna Yaday Haajaatinaa, Yaa Wajeehatan IndallaahIshfaee Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abaa Muhammadin Yaa Hasanabna Aliyyin,
Ayyuhal Mujtabaa, Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa
Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Ya Sayyidanaa Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna
Yaday Haajaatina, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abaa Abdillaahi Yaa Husaynabna Aliyyin,
Ayyuhash-Shaheedu Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa
Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidana Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaaka Bayna
Yaday Haajaatinaa, -


Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.

Yaa Abal Hasani Yaa Ali Yabnal Husayn, Yaa Zaynal
Aabideen Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa Hujjatallaahi Alaa
Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa Mawlaanaa, Innaa
Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa Tawassalnaa Bika
Ilallaahi Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna Yaday Haajaatina, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abaa Jaafarin Yaa Muhammadabna Aliyyin,
Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna
Yaday Haajaatinaa, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abaa Abdillaah Yaa Jaafarabna Muhammadin,
Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qadaamnaak Bayna
Yaday Haajaatinaa, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abal Hasani Yaa Moosabni Jaafar, Ayyuhal
Kaadhwimu Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa Hujjatallaahi
Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa Mawlaanaa,
Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa Tawassalnaa
Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna Yaday
Haajaatina, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abal Hasani Yaa Ali Yabna Moosa, AyyuharRidhaa Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa Hujjatallaahi Alaa
Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa Mawlaanaa, Innaa
Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa Tawassalnaa Bika
Haajaatinaa, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.


Yaa Abaa Jaafarin Yaa Muhammadabna Aliyyin,

Ayyuhat-Taqiyyul Jawaadu Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa
Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahna Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna
Yaday Haajaatina, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abal Hasani Ya Ali Yabna Muhammadin,
Ayyuhal Haadin-Naqiyyu Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Yaa
Hujjatallahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahna Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawassalnaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna
Yaday Haajaatinaa, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Abaa Muhammadin Ya Hasanabna Aliyyin,
Ayyuhaz-Zakiyyul Askariyyu Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Ya
Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa Sayyidanaa Wa
Mawlaanaa, Innaa Tawajjahnaa Wastashfaanaa Wa
Tawasslanaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa Qaddamnaak Bayna
Yaday Haajaatina, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.
Yaa Wasweeyal Hasani Wal Khalafal Hujjata,
Ayyuhal Qaaimul Muntadhwarul Mahdiyyu Yabna
Rasoolillaahi, Yaa Hujjatallaahi Alaa Khalqihi, Yaa
Sayyidanaa Wa Mawlaana, Innaa Tawajjahnaa
Wastashfaanaa Wa Tawasslanaa Bika Ilallaahi, Wa
Qaddamnaak Bayna Yaday Haajaatina, Yaa Wajeehan IndallaahIshfaa Lanaa Indallaah.



Yaa Saadatee Wa Mawaaleeya, Innee Tawajjahtu

Bikum Aimmatee Wa Uddatee Li Yawmi Faqree Wa
Haajatee Ilallaahi, Wa Tawasslatu Bikum Ilallaahi,
Indallaahi, Wastanqidhoonee Min Dhunoobee


Indallaahi, Fa Innakum Waseelatee Ilallaahi, Wa Bi

Hubbikum, Wa Bi Qurbikum, Arjoo Najaatan
Minallaahi, Fa Koonoo Indallaahi Rajaaee, Yaa
Saadatee Yaa AwliyaaAllaahi, Swallallaahu Alayhim
Dhwaalimeehim Minal Awwaleen Wal Aakhireen.
Aameen, Rabbal Aalameen.

S.W.T. says:


Oh Musa! Indeed the servants act in

this world until death overpowers
them. Then they regret their past sins
and wrong-doings, they then seek to
return to this world so they can do
good deeds. Our Lord, we have seen
and we have heard, therefore send us
back, we will do good, surely (now)
we are certain. (32:12). I swear by
My Honour and My Power, I will not
send any one of them back.

This is one of the best Duaas to seek repentance :-

Allaahumma Yaa Man Laa Yaswifuhu Naatul

Waaswifeen, Wa Yaa Man Laa Yujaawizuhu RajaaurRaajeen, Wa Yaa Man Laa Yadhweeu Ladayhil Ajral


Muhsineen, Wa Yaa Man Huwa Muntahaa Khawfil

Aabideen, Wa Yaa Man Huwa Ghaayatu Khashyatil
Muttaqqen, Haadhaa Maqaamu Man Tadaalawathu
Aydidh-Dhunoobi Wa Qaadathu Azimmatul Khatwaaya
Was-tahwaz Alayhish-shaytwanu Fa Qasswara Ammaa
Amarta Bihee Tafreetwan Wa Taaatwaa Maa Nahayta
Anhu Taazeeran Kaljaahili Bi Qudratika Alayhi Awkal
Munkiri Fadhla Ihsaanika Ilayhi Hattaa Idhan Fataha
Lahoo Baswarul Hudaa Wa Taqash-shaat Anhu
Sahaaibul Amaa Ahswaa Maa Dhwalama Bihee Nafsahu
Wa Kaffara Fee Maa Khaalafa Bihee Rabbahu Faraaa
Mukhaalafatihee Jaleelan Fa Aqbala Nahwaka
Muammilan Laka Mustahyiyan Minka Wa Wajjaha
Raghbatahu Ilayka Thiqatan Bika Fa Ammaka Bi
Twamaihee Yaqeenan Wa Qaswadaka Bi Khawfihee
Ikhlaaswan Qad Khalaa Twamauhoo
Min Kulli
Matmooin Feehi Ghayrika Wa Afrakha Rawuhoo Min
Kulli Mahdhoorin Minhu Siwaaka Fa Mathala Bayna
Yadayka Mutadharrian Wa Ghammadha Baswarahu Ilal
Ardhi Mutakhash-shian Wa Twaatwaa Raasahu Li
Izzatika Mutadhallilan Wa Abath-thaka Min Sirrihi Maa
Anta Aalamu Bihee Minhu Khudhooan Wa Addada Min
Dhunoobihee Maa Anta Ahswaa Lahaa Khushooan
Wastaghaasa Bika Min Adhweemi Maa Waqaa Bihee
Fee Ilmika Wa Qabeehi Maa Fadhwahahoo Fee Hukmika
Min Dhunoobin Adbarta Ladh-dhaatuhaa Fa Dhahabat
Wa Aqaamat Tabiaatihaa Fa Ladhimat Laa Yunkiru Yaa
Ilaahee Adlaka In Aaqabtahoo Walaa Yas-taadhwimu
Afwaka In Afawta Anhoo Wa Rahimtahu Li Annakar
Ghufrandh-Dhanbil Adhweemi. Allaahumma Fa Haa
Anaadhaa Qad Jiatuka Mutweean Li Amrika Fee Maa
Amarta Bihee Minad Duaai Mutanajjizan Waadaka Fee
Maa Waadta Bihee Minal Ijaabati Idh Taqoolu Udoonee
Astajib Lakum.
Allaahumma Fa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi
Walqinee Bi Maghfiratika Kamaa Laqeetuka Bi Iqraaree
Wadhaatu Laka Nafsee Wasturnee Bi Sitrika Kama


Taannaytanee Anil Intiqaami Minnee. Allaahumma Wa

Thabbit Fee Twaaatika Niyyatee Wa Ahkim Fee
Ibaadatika Basweeratee Wa Waffiqnee Minal Aamaalee
Limaa Taghsilu Bihee Danasal Khatwaayaa Annee Wa
Alaa Millatika Wa Millati Nabiyyika
Muhammadin Alayhis Salaamu Idhaa Tawaffaytanee.
Allaahumma Innee Atoobu Ilayka Fee Maqami Haadhaa
Min Kabaairi Dhunoobee Wa Swaghaairihaa
Bawaatwini Sayyiaatee Wa Dhawaahiriha Wa Swaalifi
Dhallaatee Wa Hawaadisihaa Tawbata Man Laa
Yuhaddithu Nafsahu Bi Maaswiyatin Walaa Yudhmiru
An Yaooda Fee Khatweeatin Wa Qad Qulta Yaa Ilaahee
Fee Muhkami Kitaabika Innaka Taqbalut Tawbata An
Ibaadika Wa Taafoo Anis Sayyiaati Wa Tuhibbut
Tawwaabeena Fa Aqbal Tawbatee Kamaa Waadta
Waafu An Sayyiaatee Kamaa Dhwaminta Wa Awjib Lee
Mahabbataka Kamaa Sharatta Wa Laka Yaa Rabbee
Shartwee Allaa Aooda Fee Makroohika Wa Dhamaanee
Allaa Arjia Fee Madhmoomika Wa Ahdee An Ahjura
Jameei Maaasweeka.
Allaahumma Innaka Aalamu Bimaa Amiltu Faghfir Lee
Maa Alimta Wasrifnee Bi Qudratika Ilaa Maa Ahbabta.
Allaahumma Wa Alayya Tabiaatun Qad Hafidhtuhunna
Wa Tabiaatun Qad Naseetuhunna Wa Kulluhunna Bi
Aynikal-latee Laa Tanaamu Wa Ilmikal-ladhee Laa
Yansaa Fa Awwidh Minhaa Ahlahaa Wahtwut Annee
Wizrahaa Wa Khaffif Annee Thiqlahaa Waswimnee Min
An Uqaarifa Mithlahaa. Allaahumma Wa Innahu La
Wafaaa Lee Bit Tawbatee Illaa Bi Ismatika Walastimsaaka Bee Anil Khatwaaya Illaa An Quwwatika Fa
Qawwinee Bi Quwwatin Kaafiyatin Wa Tawallanee Bi
Ismatin Maaniatin. Allaahumma Ayyumaa Abdin Taaba
Ilayka Wahuwa Fee Ilmil Ghaybi Indaka Faasikhun Li
Wa Aaidun Fee Dhanbihee Wa
Khatweeatihee Fa Innee Aoodhu Bika An Akoona
Kadhaalika Fajal Tawbatee Haadhihi Tawbatan Laa
Ahtaaju Baadahaa Ilaa Tawbatin Tawbatan Moojibatan
Li Mahwi Maa Salafa Was Salaamati Fee Maa Baqiya.
Allaahumma Innee Aatadhiru Ilayka Min Jahlee Wa
Astawhibuka Sooa Fialee Fadhmumnee Ilaa Kanafi


Rahmatika Tatwawwulan Wasturnee Bi Sitri Aafiyatika

Tafadh-dhulan. Allaahumma Wa Innee Atoobu Ilayka
Min Kulli Maa Khalafa Iraadatak Aw Zaala An
Mahabbatika Min Khataraati Qalbee Wa Lahadhaati
Aynee Wa Hikaayaati Lisaanee Tawbatan Taslamu Bihaa
Kullu Jaarihatin Alaa Hiyaalihaa Min Tabiaatika Wa
Taamanu Mimmaa Yakhaaful Muatadoona Min Aleemi
Allaahumma Farham Wahdatee
Bayna Yadayka a
Habeeba Qalbee Min Khashyatika
Arkaanee Min Haybatika Fa Qad Aqamatnee Yaa Rabbee
Dhunoobee Maqamal Khizyi Bi Finaaika Fa In Sakattu
Lam Yantwiq Annee Ahadun Wa In Shafaatu Fa Lastu
Bi Ahlish-Shafaaati.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Wa
Shaffia Fee Khatwaayaay Karamak Wa Ud Alaa
Sayyiatee Bi Afwika Walaa Tajzinee Jazaaee Min
Uqoobatika Wabsut Alayya Twalaka Wa Jallilnee Bi
Sitrika Wafal Bee Fiala Azeezin Tadhwarraa Ilayhi
Abdun Dhaleelun
Fa Rahimahoo Aw Ghaniyyin
Taarradha Lahoo Abdun Faqeerun Fa Naashahoo.
Allaahumma Laa Khafeera Lee Minka Fal Yakhfurnee
Izzuka Walaa Shafeea Lee Ilayka Fal Yashfaalee
Wa Qad Awjalatni Khatwaayaay Fal
Yuaminnee Afwuka, Famaa Kullumaa Natwaqtu Bihee
An Jahlin Minnee Bi Sooin Atharee Walaa Nisyaanin
Limaa Sabaqa Min Dhameemi Fialee Laakin Li Tasmaa
Samaauka Wa Man Feehaa Wa Ardhuka Wa Man Alayha
Maa Adhhartu Laka Minan Nadami Wa Lajaatu Ilayka
Feehi Minat Tawbati Fa Laalla Baadhahum Bi
Rahmatika Yarhamunee Bi Sooi Mawqifi Aw Tudrikuhur
Riqqatu Alayya Li Sooi Haalee Fa Yanaalanee Minhu Bi
Daawatin Hiya Asmau Ladayka Min Duaaee Aw
Shafaaatin Awkadu Indaka Min Shafaaatee Takoonu
Bihaa Najaatee Min Ghadhabika Wa Fawzatee Bi
Allaahumma In Yakunin-Nadamu Tawbatan Ilayka Fa
Anaa Andamun Nadimeen Wa In Yakunit-Tarku Li
Maaswiyatika Inaabatan Fa Anaa Awwalul Muneebeen,
Wa In Yakunil Istighfaaru Hitwatan Lidh-dhunoobi Fa


Innee Laka Minal Mustaghfireen. Allaahumma Fa

Kamaa Amarta Bit-Tawbati Wa Dhwamintal Qaboola
Wa Hatha-thta Alad-Duaai Wa Waadtal Ijaabata Fa
Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Waqbal
Tawbatee Walaa Tarjianee Marjial Khaybatee Min
Rahmatika, Innaka Antat-Tawwaabu Alal Mudhnibeen,
War-Raheemu Lil Khaatwieenal Munibeen.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihi
Kamaa Hadaytanaa Bihee, Wa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin
Wa Aalihi Kamas-Tanqadh-tanaa Bihee, Wa Swalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Swalaatan Tashfau Lanaa
Yawmal Qiyaamati Wa Yawmal Faaqati Ilayka Innaka
Alaa Kulli Shayin Qadeerun Wa Huwa Alayka Yaseer.
Remember there are three kinds of people,
one kind is of those learned people who are highly
versed in the ethics of truth and philosophy of
religion; second is the kind of those who are
acquiring knowledge; and the third is that class of
people who are uneducated, they follow every
pretender and accept every slogan, they have neither
acquired any knowledge nor have they secured the
support of firm and rational convictions.
- Imaam Ali A.S.


It is highly recommended to remember Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. in
this Holy Month and specifically in the nights of Laylatul Qadr.
Here below are mentioned some of the Duaas and Namaaz for this
purpose:(For every Duaa start with Bismillaah... with Salawaat, and recite
Salawaat at the end)


Duaa :Allaahumma Kun Li Waliyyikal Hujjatibnil Hasan,

Swalawaatuka Alayhi Wa Alaa Aabaaihee,
Haadhihis-Saaati Wa Fee Kulli Saaatin, Waliyyan
Wa Haafidhwan , Wa Qaaidan Wa Naaswiran , Wa
Daleelan Wa Aynan , Hattaa Tuskinahoo Ardhwaka
Twawan , Wa Tumattiahoo Feehaa Twaweela.

Duaa :Allaahumma Arrifnee Nafsaka Fa Innaka Inlam

Tuarrifnee Nafsaka Lam Aarif Nabiyyaka,
Allaahumma Arrifnee Rasoolaka Fa Innaka Inlam
Tuarrifnee Rasoolaka Lam Aarif Hujjataka ,
Allaahumma Arrifnee Hujjataka Fa Innaka Inlam
Tuarrifnee Hujjataka Dhwalamtu An Deenee.

Salawaat for Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. :-

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Waliyyika Wabni

Awliyaaika-Ladheena Faradhta Twaaatahum Wa
Awjabta Haqqahum Wa Adhhabta Anhumur-Rijsa
Wa Twahharta-hum Tatwheera. Allaahuman-Swurhu
Wantaswir Bihee Li Deenika Wanswur Bihee
Awliyaaika Wa Awliyaaahu Wa Sheeatahu Wa
Asnswaarahu Wajalnaa Minhum. Allaahumma
Aidhhu Min Sharri Kulli Baaghin Wa Twaaghin Wa
Min Sharri Jameei Khalqika Wahfadhhu Mimbayni Yadayhi Wa Min Khalfihi Wa An Shimaalihi
Wahrushu Wamnaahu An Yooswala Alayhi Bi Sooin
Wahfadh Feehi Rasoolaka Wa Aala Rasoolaka Wa
Adhhir Bihil Adla Wa Ayyidhu Bin Naswri
Wanswur Naaswireehi Wakhdhul Khaadhileehi
Waqswim Bihee Jabaabiratal Kufri Waqtul Bihil


Kuffaar Wal Munaafiqeena Wa Jameeil Mulhideena

Haythu Kaanoo Min Mashaariqil Ardhi a
Maghaaribihaa Wa Barrihaa Wa Bahrihaa Wamlaa
Bihil Ardhaa Adlan Wa Adhhir Bihee Deena
Nabiyyika Alayhi Wa Aalihis-Salaamu Wajalnee.
Allaahumma Min Answaarihee Wa Aawaanihee Wa
Atbaaihee Wa Sheeatihee Wa Arinee Fee Aali
Muhammadin Maa Yaamuloona Wa Fee Aduwwihim
Maa Yahdharoona Ilaahal Haqqi Aameen.
Another Salawaat of Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. :-

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Ahli

Baytihee Wa Swalli Alaa Waliyyil Hasani Wa
Waswiyyihee, Wa Waarithihil Qaaimi Bi Amrika,
Wal Ghaaibi Fee Khalqika, Wal Muntadhwiri Li
Idhnika. Allaahumma Swalli Alayhi Wa Qarrib
Buadahu, Wa Anjiz Waadahu,Wa Awfi Ahdahu,
Wakshif An Baasihi Hijaabal Ghaybati, Wa Adhhir
Bi Dhwuhoorihi Swahaaifal Mihnati, Wa Qaddim
Amaamahur Ruaba, Wa Thabbit Bihil Qalba, Wa
Aqim Bihil Harba, Wa Ayyidhu Bi Jundin Minal
Malaaikati Musawwimeen, Wa Sallit-hu Ala Aadaai
Deenika Ajmaeen, Wa Ahlimhu An Laa Yadaa
Minhum Ruknan Illaa Hadahu, Walaa Haaman Illaa
Qaddahu, Walaa Kaydan Illaa Raddahu, Wala
Faasiqan Illaa Haddahu, Walaa Firawna Illaa
Ahlakahu, Walaa Sitran Illaa Hatakahu, Walaa
Alaman Illaa Naqkasahu, Walaa Sultwaanan Illaa
Kasabahu, Walaa Rumhan Illaa Qaswafahu, Walaa
Mitradan Illaa Kharaqahu, Walaa Jundan Illaa
Farraqahu, Walaa Mimbaran Illaa Ahraqahu, Walaa
Sayfan Illaa Kasarahu, Walaa Swanaman Illaa Radhdhwahu, Walaa Daman Illaa Araaqahu, Walaa
Illaa Abaadahu, Wa;aa Hiswnan Illaa
Hadamahu, Walaa Baaban Illaa Radamahu, Walaa
Qasran Illaa Kharrabahu, Wala Maskanan Illaa
Fattashahu, Walaa Sahlan Illaa Awtwaahu, Walaa
Jabalan Illaa Swaidahu,
Walaa Kanzan Illaa
Akhrajahu, Bi Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar-Raahimeen.

Following Duaa-e-Faraj is the Duaa of Imaame-e-Zamaana A.F.
for which Shaykh Abbaas Qummi has said we should recite it
often, in Sardaab and at other places:-

Allaahumma Adhwunmal Ballaau, Wa Barihal

Khafaau, Wan Kashafal Ghitwaau, Wa Dhwaaqatil
Ardhu Wa Manaatis Samaau, Wa Ilayka Yaa Rabbil
Mushtaqaa. Wa Alaykal Muawwalu Fish-shidatti
Muhammadin Wa Aalihil-Ladheena Faradhta Alayna
Manzilatahum Farrij Annaa Bi Haqqihim Farajan
Aajilan Kalamhil Baswari Aw Huwa Aqrabu Min
Dhaalika Yaa Muhaammadu Yaa Aliyyu Yaa Aliyyu
Yaa Muhammadu Unswuraanee Fa Innakuma
Naswiraay Wakfiyaanee Fa Innakuma Kaafiyaay Yaa
Mawlaaya Yaa Swaahibaz-Zamaanil Ghawthal
Ghawthal Ghawth Adriknee Adriknee Adriknee.
This Duaa is also from Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F.:-

Bismillaahir-Rahmaanir Raheem.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Buadal Maasweeyati, Wa Swidqan Niyyati, Wa
Irfaanal Hurmati, Wa Akrimnal Hudaa Wal
Istiqaamati, Wa Saddid Alsinatina Bis-Swawaabi Wal
Hikmati, Wamlaa Quloobanaa Bil Ilmi Wal
Maarifati, Wa Twahhir Butwoonanaa Minal
Haraami Wash-Shubhati, Wakfuf Aydiyana AnidhDhulmi Was-Sirqati, Wagh-dhudh Abswaarana Anil
Fujoori Wal Khiyaanati, Wasdud Asmaaanaa Anil
Laghwi Wal Gheebati, Watafadh-dhal Alaa
Ulamaaina Biz-Zuhdi Wan Nasweehati, Wa Alal
MutaAllimeena Bil Juhdi War-Raghbati, Wa Alal
Mustamieena Bil Ittibaai Wal Mawidhwati, Wa Alaa
Mardhwal Muslimeena Bish-Shifaai War-Raahati,
Wa Alaa Mawtaahum Bir-Raafati War-Rahmati, Wa


Alaa Mashaayikhanaa Bil Waqaari Was-Sakeenati,

Wa Alaash-Shabaabi Bil Inaabati Wat-Tawbati, Wa
Alan-Nisaai Bil Hayaai Wal Iffati, Wa Alal Aghniyaai
Bit-Tawaadhui Was-Saati, Wa Alal Fuqaraai BisSwabri Wal Qanaaati, Wa Alal Ghuzaati Bin-Nasri
Wal Ghalabati, Wa Alal Usaraai Bil Khalaaswi WarRaahati Wa Alaal Umaraai Bil Adli Wash-Shafaqati,
Wa Alar-Raiyyati Bil Insaafi Wa Husnis-Seerati, Wa
Baarik Lil Hujjaaji Waz-Zuwwaari Fizzaadi WanNafaqati, Waqdhi Maa Awjabta Alayhim Minal Hajji
Wal Umrati Bi Fadhlika Wa Rahmatika Yaa Arhamar
This also is Duaa-e-Hazrat Hujjat A.F.:-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Ilaahee Bihaqqi Man Naajaaka Wa Bihaqqi Man
Daaaka Fil Barri Wal Bahri
Swalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aalihi, Tafadh-dhal Alaa Fuqaraail
Muamineena Wal Muaminaati Bil Ghanaai
Wassarwati, Wa Alaa Mardhal Muamineena Wal
Muaminaati Bish-Shiffaai Was-Swihhati, Wa Alaa
Ahyaail Muamineena Wal Muaminaati Bil-Lutfi
Wal Karami, Wa Alaa Amwaatil Muamineena Wal
Muaminaati Bil Maghfirati War-Rahmati, Wa Alaa
Ghurabaail Muamineena Wal Muaminaati BirRaddi Ilaa Awtwaanihim Saalimeen Ghaanimeen Bi
Muhammadin Wa Aalihi Ajmaeen.
There are also other Duaas, Ziyaaraat and Aamaal relating to
Imaam-e-Zamaana A.F. which should be referred to the relevant


If you want to pray to

the Lord for better
means of subsistence
something in charity.
Imaam Ali A.S.

All the deeds that we perfom in this Holy month are meant to
please and get nearness to Almighty Allaah S.W.T. Following is
one of the Duaas for the same purpose:-

Bimillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Allaahumma Innahu Lam Yumsi Ahadun Min
Khalqika Anta Ilayhi Ahsani Swaneean, Walaa Lahu
Adwamu Karaamatan, Walaa Alayhi Abyanu


Fadhlan, Walaa Bihee Ashaddu Taraffuqan, Walaa

Alayhi Ashaddu Hayaatatan, Walaa Alayhi Ashaddu
Taattwufan Minka Alayya, Wa In Kaana Jameeul
Makhlooqeen Yuadddoona Min Dhaalika Mithla
Taadeedee Fashhad Yaa Kaafiyash-Shahaadati Bi
Annee Ushhiduka Bi Niyyati Swidqin Bi Anna Lakal
Fadhla Wat-Twawla Fee Inaamika Alayya Maa
Qillati Shukree Laka Feehaa, Yaa Faaila Kulli
Iraadatin Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee Wa
Twa-wwiqnee Amaanan Min Huloolis Sakhatwi Li
Qillatish-Shukri Wa Awjib Lee Ziyaadatan Min
Itmaamin Niamati Bi Saatil Maghfirati Amtwirnee
Khayraka Fa Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aalihee
Walaa Tuqaayisnee Bi Sooi Sareerati Wamtahin
Qalbee Li Ridhaaka Wajal Maa Taqarrabtu Bihee
Ilayka Fee Deenika Laka Khaaliswan Walaa Tajalhu
Li Luzoomi Shubhatin, Aw Fakhrin, Aw Riyaain, Yaa

It is written that to perform this Namaz in Laylatul Qadr is very
beneficial. This Namaaz is very meritorious and effective. There
are many traditions which tell us about its high significance. Many
major sins are forgiven through this Namaaz-e-Jaafar-e-Tayyaar.
Its method is as follows:Pray 4 Rakats Namaaz in a set of 2 Rakats each.

In the 1st rakat after Al-Hamd recite Surah-e-Zilzaal (Idhaa

Zulzilatil Ardhu Zilzaalhaa..) and in the 2nd rakat after Al-Hamd
recite Surah-e-Wal Aadiyaat (Wal Aadiyaati Dhabhan.);


In the second Namaaz of another two rakats recite Surah

Al-Nasr (Idhaa Jaaa Nasrullaahi Fath.) in the 1st rakat after
Al Hamd and Surah-e-Ikhlaas in the 2nd rakat after Al Hamd.

In every rakat after Al-Hamd and the Surah recite 15 times

Tasbihaat-e-Arbaaa (=Subhaanallaahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Wa
Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu Wallaahu Akber);

In all Rukoos, all Sujoods, and all stations recite Tasbihaate-Arbaaa 10 times; that is. In Rukoo, before Sijdah, in Sijdah,
before second Sijdah, after it, and before Tashahhud. (This will
totally make up to 300 times Tasbihaat-e-Arbaaa);

Imaam Jaafer Saadiq A.S. said after the 2nd Sajdah of the
4th rakat recite this Duaa:-

Subhaana Man Labisal Izza Wal Waqaar, Subhaana

Man Taattwafa Bil Majdi Wa Takarrama Bihee
Subhaana Man Laa Yambaghit-Tasbeehu Illaa
Lahoo, Subhaana Man Ahswaa Kulla Shayin
Ilmuhu, Subhaana Dhil Manni Wan-Niame,
Subhaana Dhil Qudrati Wal Karami, Allaahumma
Innee Asaluka Bi Maaqidil Izzi Min Arshika Wa
Muntahar-Rahmati Min Kitaabika Wasmikal
Aadhwami Wa Kalimaatikat- Taammatil-Latee
Tammat Swidqan Wa Adlan Swalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Ahli Baytihi Wafal Bee.(Haajat).

Then raise your hands and say :

Yaa Rabbi Yaa Rabbi,

to the breathe lasts;

Yaa Rabbaahu Yaa Rabbaahu; up to the

breathe lasts,

up to the breathe lasts,

Yaa Hayyu Yaa Hayyu Yaa Raheemu Yaa

Raheemu up to the breathe lasts,


Yaa Rahmaanu Yaa Rahmaanu

Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen;

say 7


Then recite this:

Alaahumma Innee Aftatihul Qawla Bi Hamdika Wa

Antwiqu Bith-thanaai Alayka Wa Umajjiduka Walaa
Ghaayata Li Mad-hika Wa Uthni Alayka Wa AnYablughu Ghaayata Thanaaika Wa Amada Majdika
Wa Anaa Li Khaleeqatika Kunhu Maarifati Majdika
Wa Ayya Zamanin Lam Takun Mamdoohan Bi
Fadhlika Mawsoofan Bi Majdika Awwaadan Alal
Mudhnibeena Bi Hilmika Takhallafa Sukkaanu
Ardhaka An Twaaatika Fa Kunta Alayhim Atwoofan
Bi Joodika Jawaadan Bi Fadhlika Awwaadan Bi
Karamika Yaa Laa Ilaaha Illaa Antal Mannaanu
Dhul Jalaali Wal Ikrami.




Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Rasoolillaahi,

Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Swiddeeqatit-Twaahirati
Faatwimata Sayyidati Nisaail Aalameen,
Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Mawlaaya Yaa Abaa
Abdillaahi Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu,


Ashhadu Annaka Qad Aqamtas Swalaata Wa

Aataytaz Zakaata Wa Amara Bil Maaroofi Wa
Nahayta Anil Munkari Wa Talawtal Kitaaba Haqqa
Tilaawatihi Wa Jaahadta Fillaahi Haqqa Jihaadihi
Wa Swabarta Alal Adhaa Fee Janbihi Muhtasiban
Hattaa Ataakal Yaqeen. Ashhadu Annal Ladheena
Wa Haarabooka Walladheena
Khadhalooka Walladheena Qatalooka Maloonun
Alaa Lisaanin Nabiyyil Ummiyyi Wa Qad Khaaba
Maniftaraa Laanallaahudh-dhwaalimeena Lakum
Minal Awwaleena Wal Aakhireena Wa Dhwaaafa
Alayhimul Adhaabal Aleema Ataytuka Yaa
Mawlaaya Yabna Rasoolillaahi, Zaairan Aarifan
Bihaqqiqa Muwaaliyan Li Awliyaaika, Muaadiyan
Li Aadaaika, Mustqabswiran Bil Hudal Ladhee
Anta Alayhi Aarifan Bi Dhalaalati Man Khaalafaka
Fashfaa Lee Inda Rabbika.
Assalaamu Alayka Yaa Hujjatallahi Fee Ardhihee
Wa Samaaihee Swallallaahu Alaa RoohikatTwayyibi
Wa Jasadikat-Twaahiri Wa Alaykas
Salaamu Yaa Mawlaaya Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa

Then recite Ziyaarat of Ali Ibnal Husain A.S. :-

Assalaamu Alayka Ya Mawlaaya Vabna Mawlaaya

Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu, Laanallaahu
Man Dhwalamaka, Wa Laanallaahu Man
Qatalaka, Wa Dhwaaafa Alayhimul Adhaabal
Then recite Zuyaarat of Shuhadaai Karbalaa :-

Assalaamu Alaykum Ayyuhas Swiddeeqoona,

Ayyuhash-ShuhaddausSwaabiroona, Ashhadu Annakum Jaahadtum Fee
Sabeelillaahi Wa Swabartum Alal Adhaa Fee
Janbillaahi Wa Naswahtum Lillaahi Wa Li


Rasoolihi Hattaa Ataakumul Yaqeenu, Ashhadu

Annakum Ahyaaun Inda Rabbikum Turzaqoon, Fa
Jazaakumullaahu Anil Islaami Wa Ahlihi Afdhala
Jazaail Muhsineen, Wa Jamaa Baynanaa Wa
Baynakum Fee Mahallin Naeemi.
Then recite Ziyaarat of Hazrat Abbaas Ibni Ameeril
Muamineen A.S. :-

Assalaamu Alayka Yabna Ameeril Muamineen,

Asalaamu Alayka Ayyuhal Abdus-Swaalihul
Mutweeu Lillaahi Wa Li Rasoolihi. Ashhadu
Annaka Qad Jaahadta Wa Naswahta Wa Swabarta
Laanallaahudhdhwaalimeena Lakum Minal Awwaleena Wal
Aakhireena Wa Alhaqahum Bi Darkil Jaheem.

If at all we have done something wrong to any human being,
treated badly, abused, back-bited or usurped his / her right and
there remains no way to go to beg for forgiveness and repay the
dues to the aggrieved person then there is only one way left, and
that is to seek pardon from Almighty Allaah S.W.T. Who has the
authority to forgive us on behalf of the person whom we have
annoyed, persecuted, looted, abused, maltreated, harassed or
wronged in any way. For that purpose there is an Amaal as
follows :Pray 4 Rakat Namaaz in set of 2 Rakats.
In the 1st rakat after Al-Hamd recite 25 times Surah-e-Ikhlaas, in
the 2nd rakat recite 50 times, in the 3rd rakat 75 times and in the

4th rakat recite 100 times (S.Ikhlaas). After completing the
Namaaz recite this Duaa :-

Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem.

Allaahuma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Yaa Nooras Samawaati Wal Ardhi Wa Yaa
Mustjeereena, Antal Munzalu Bika Kullu Haajatin,
Astaghfiru Wa Atoobu Ilayka Mim Madhaalimi
Katheeratin Li Ibaadika Qablee. Allaahumma Fa
Ayyumaa Abdim Min Ibaadika Aw Amatin Min
Imaaika Kaanat Lahoo Qablee Madhlimatun
Dhwalamtuhaa Ayyaahu Fee Nafsihee Aw Fee
Ardhihee Aw Fee Maalihee Aw Fee Ahlihee Wa
Waladihee Aw Gheebatun Ightabtahoo Bihaa Aw
Tahammulin Alayhi Bimaylin Aw Hawan Aw
Anfatin Aw Hamiyyatin Aw Riyaain Aw
Aswabiyyatin Ghiyaaban Kaana Aw Shaahidan Wa
Hayyan Kaana Aw Mayyitan Fa Qaswurat Yadee
Wa Dhwaaqa Wusee Aw Ruddahaa Ilayhi Wat
Tahalluli Minhu. Fa Asaluka Yaa Man Yamlikul
Haajata Wa Hiya Mustajeebatun Li Mashiyyatihee
Wa Musriatun Ilaa Iraadatihee , An Tuswalli Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad, Wa An
Turdhwiyahoo Aniyy Bimaa Shiata Min Khazaaini
Rahmatika Thumma Tahaba Lee Min Ladunka
Rahmatan, Innahoo Laa Tanqusukal Maghfiratu
Walaa Tadhurrukal Moohibatu, Rabbi Akrimnee Bi
Rahmatika Walaa Tukhzinee Bi Dhunoobee, Innaka
Waasiul Maghfirati, Yaa Arhamar Raahimeen.
Allaahumma Swalli Alaa Muhammadin Wa Aali
Recite Surah-e-Ikhlaas 12 times
Then recite the following Duaa :-


Allaahumma Innee Asaluka Bi Asmaaikal

Makhzoonil Maknoonit-Twaahiril Mutwahhiril
Mubaaraki, Wa Asaluka Bismikal Adhweemi Wa
Sultwanikal Qadeemi Yaa Waahibal Atwaayaa Wa
Yaa Mutliqal Usaaraa Wa Yaa Fukkakar Riqaabi
Minan Naari, Asaluka An Tuswalliy Alaa
Muhammadin Wa Aali Muhammad Wa An
Minad Dunyaa Saalimin Wa
Tudkhilanil Jannata Aaminan Wa An Tutwliqa
Raqabati Minan Naari Wa An Tajala Duaaee
Awwalahu Falaahan Wa Awsatwahu Najaahan Wa
Aakhirahu Swalaahan Innaka Anta Allaamul


He who wishes to be the most

needless, should put his full
trust in Allaah S.W.T.

Imaam Ali Ridhaa A.S.

IMPORTANT :N.B. For the accomplishment of Duaa dont





MUHAMMAD at the beginning of the Duaa
MUHAMMAD at the end.

Mafaatihul Jinaan - by Shaykh Abbaas Qummi
Duaas by P.E.T. Publications.
Salook-e-Aarifaan by Haj Mirza Agha Maliki
Tabrizi (R.A)

Wassalaamun Alaa Manit-Tabiul Hudaa

Imaam Jaafar Saadiq A.S. said, It is written in

Hikmat-e- Aal-e-Daawood that traveling should be
undertaken for three purposes only:- (1) To gain the
Hereafter, (2) To gain sustenance, and (3) for the
lawful pleasure.
Travel so that you become healthy, do Jihaad so that
you get the bounties of the world and of the
Dont stay in such a country where you cant
perform religious rituals and thus miss the religion.


Travel on Tuesdays; this will solve your problems
because it was on this day that Allaah S.W.T. softened
the iron for Prophet Daawood A.S. And travel on
Saturdays for the sure return to your home

It is Makrooh to travel or to strive hard for worldly

gains on the morning of Fridays. After the Jummah
Prayer it is blissful for every lawful work


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