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Lesson 1
Greeting, meeting, introducing people
"Good morning, teacher!" - "Bun dimineaa, doamn profesoar!"
"Good morning, children!" - "Bun dimineaa, copii!"
"What's your name?" - "Care este numele tu?"
"My name is..." - "Numele meu este..."
"Nice to meet you!" - "ncntat de cunotin!"
"Good bye!" - "La revedere!"
Game: two children meet and say: "Good morning!"...
Lesson 2
Poem: "Good morning, dear teacher!
Good morning, how are you?
We all are very happy
To say "Hello!" to you."
Revision: greeting, meeting, introducing people
Lesson 3
Stand up!
Sit down!
Come here!
Clap your hands!
Game:"Stand up! Look around!
Shake your hands and turn around.
Stamp your feet on the ground.
Clap your hands and then sit down!"
Revision: Poem: Good morning, dear teacher!
Lesson 4
Fruit: apple - mr; pear - par; grape - strugure; quince - gutuie; plum prun; orange portocal
Lesson 5
Poem: "Orange is an orange,
Yellow is a pear,
Green is the grass,
Brown is a bear."
Revision: fruit.
Lesson 6
Vegetables: tomato - roie; carrot - morcov; eggplant - vnt; cabbage - varz ;
onion - ceap; pepper - ardei.
Revision: Poem: "Orange is an orange"

Lesson 7
Revision: "fruit" and "vegetables".
Game: It is a tomato?
Yes , it is./No it isn`t.
Lesson 8
Numbers: one - unu; two - doi, three - trei, four - patru; five - cinci.
Poem: "One, two, look at my shoe!
Three, four, look at the door!
Five, six, pick up sticks!
Nine, ten, a big fat hen."
Lesson 9
Revision: "fruit" , "vegetables" and poems
Song: "Jingle bells."
Lesson 10
Revision: numbers
Game: I have two oranges?
Yes, you have./No, you haven`t.
Lesson 11
Final Revision. Contest: "Who is the best?". Three teams:
"The Orange Team" (they will recite the poem: "Orange is an orange");
"The Plum Team" (they will name the fruit);
"The Tomato Team" (they will name the vegetables).
Lesson 1
My family: mother - mama; father - tata; grandmother - bunica; grandfather - bunic;
brother - frate; sister - sora.
Lesson 2
Poem: "Sleep, little baby,
Mother is with you.
Sleep, little baby,
Mother loves you."
Revision: "My family" (words)
Lesson 3
Game with toys: I am mother
I have a doll
I am father
I have a ball.
I am brother
I have a bear
I am sister
I have a cat
Revision - poem: "Sleep little baby"
Lesson 4
Revision: words, poems

Game: Two teams: "Mothers Team" for girls (they will say the poem: "Sleep, little
baby"); " Fathers Team" for boys (they will say the words: "mother", "father"...)
Lesson 5
The Human Body: body - corp; head - cap; neck - gt; arm - bra; leg - picior; feet tlpi;
Lesson 6
The parts of the head: nose nas; eyes ochi; mouth gur; ears urechi; hair- pr;
tongue - limb
Poem: "I've got ten little fingers,
I've got two eyes,
I've got ten little toes,
I've got two ears
And just one little nose".
Lesson 7
Revision - poem: "I've got ten little fingers." and words at the human body
Lesson 8
Revision: words, poems
Game: "What's this?"
Teacher: "What's this?"
Child: "This is my head"...
Game: Show me your head;nose;tongue;eyes;neck ..
Lesson 9
Poem: Rain, rain, go away,
Come again another day.
Little Mary wants to play.
Revision: words at the human body,poem
Lesson 10
Seasons: spring - primvar; summer - var; autumn - toamn; winter - iarn.
Revision: poem: Rain, rain, go away,..
Lesson 11
Poem: "Spring is green,
Summer is bright,
Autumn is yellow,
Winter is white".
Revision: words, poems
Lesson 12
Colours: red - rou; yellow - galben; blue - albastru; green - verde; orange- portocaliu;
brown maron;white alb; black - negru
Revision - poem: "Seasons"
Lesson 13
- Go to the door!
- Open the door!
- Shut the door!
- Go to the window!
- Open the window!
- Shut the window!
Revision : colours and poems
Lesson 14
Domestic Animals: cat - pisic; dog - cine; horse - cal; cow - vac; pig - purcel;
sheep - oaie.

Revision: "Colours" and orders

Lesson 15
Poem: "Nick has a funny dog
Such a little fellow.
But the dog is made of silk
And is white like milk".
Revision: words.
Lesson 16
Song: "The farmer in the dell"
The Farmer in the dell
Hei, oh , the Dario
The farmers has a dog
The dog has a cat
The cat has a mouse
Revision: poem, words.
Lesson 17
Revision: words, poems, songs.
Game: Two teams: "The Colours' Team" (the children will name the colours and will
recite the poem: "Seasons"); "The Animals' Team" (the children will name the animals
and will recite the poem: "Nick has a funny dog"). Everybody will sing the song: "The
farmer in the dell".
Lesson 18
Wild Animals: fox - vulpe; cat - pisica; wolf - lup; bear - urs; rabbit - iepure; tiger tigru; lion - leu.
Revision - Song: "The farmer in the dell"
Lesson 19
Poem: "Teddy bear, teddy bear
Turn around, touch the ground,
Switch off the light and say: "Good night!"
Lesson 20
Song: For he is a jolly good fellow
For he is a jolly good fellow
For he is a jolly good fellow
And so say all of as
And so say all of as
And so say all of as.
Revision - poem: "Teddy bear".
Lesson 21
Final Revision. Contest: "Who is the best?". Six teams: ,,Mothers'Team"; "The Spring
Fairy"; "The Summer Fairy"; "The Bear Team"; "The Horse Team"; "The Fox Team".
Each team will recite a poem, will sing a song, will say some words.

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