The Pansy Press: Delta Tri Until I Die

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The Pansy Press


V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 7 5 / 1 7 / 2 0 1 0 S P R I N G , W E E K 8
 In a lifetime, an average
person walks the equiva-
lent of 5 equators Delta Tri Until I Die
 If you keep a goldfish in
the dark, it will eventu- Basketball Softball
ally turn white
AXO has some amazing basketball players, So we didn’t win. That
 12 newborn children will
be given to the wrong but that didn’t stop Tri Delta from winning 45 doesn’t mean that our
parents daily to 31 this past Tuesday (May 11th). girls didn’t put there all
into that game. Cathy
 Before writing The Hob-
bit and The Lord of the proved herself yet again
Rings, author J.R.R.
Tolkien worked for the
to be a fearful force in
Oxford English Dictionary softball. Every time either she or Cameryn
with a focus on words
came up to bat you could
beginning with W.
hear Gamma Phi Beta’s
 Apple seeds contain coaches yelling at their
trace amounts of cya-
nide. girls to back up- “She’s a
hitter ladies!”
 The three best-known
western names in Maureen made a catch
China: Jesus Christ,
Richard Nixon, and El- Tri Delta should be proud of it’s players. Pass- that made jaws drop;
vis Presley ing was impeccable, aside GPhiB even ap-
from a few minor flying plauded after-
jumps from AXO’s player ward.
21, and shots you didn’t
Deltas M.I.A. 2 All in all, we did
think were possible glid- great. We have
ing effortlessly into the room to im-
Delta of the 2
Week basket. Personally, I must prove, but you
say the highlight of the
Seniors 3 always do in sports. The spirit is there, both
game was Melissa losing her contact due to a
on the field and off- seeing as the players had
minor fall. Sad, yes,
Seniors 4 quite a following of Deltas applauding them
but also inspiring
since she finished
Greek 6
the game, during
which she made
Calendar 7
multiple free throw
UCI events 7
We have a team of
champions for bas-
ketball this season.

Deltas M.I.A.
Kasie Hipp Best Moment abroad:
A message to Tri Delta : To be hon-
Top three memories-
Roma, Italia est, for the last three years I have
Major: International Studies 1) when Lily accidentally mocked been extremely critical of the Greek
the airport official with her fake system. Before leaving to go abroad I
What made you decide to go: When I Italian accent, continuously sold the standard ex-
2) 2) enjoying delicious foods in planation of why I love my chapter
both Rome and Lyon with the and how the Greek community has
amazing Jordan Gomez, and “changed my life for the better,”
blah blah blah. Everyone says it-but
3) 3)Lily and I’s nightly run past the
how much is truth and how much is
Coliseum while listening to the
simple repetition?
newest Glee songs.
Sadly, it took me switching conti-
nents and throwing myself into a
Would you recommend studying completely different lifestyle to truly
abroad? WITHOUT A DOUBT. appreciate the sisterhood I’ve always
Are you excited to come home? I am heard (and talked) about- but at
excited to have one last year to wrap least I found it. I now feel like one of
up my college experience before those die-hard girls you want to
left for college, I may not have
moving back to Europe. Plus, I miss punch during recruitment; Tri Delta
known my major, the clubs I would
my lil sis. really has changed my life and I will
join, or what friends I would make,
always share some of my fondest
but I did know two things- that I
memories with girls who I can
wanted to study abroad and that I What did you learn from your adven-
(cornily enough) call my sisters.
wanted to be an RA (…yes, I am ture abroad? To take life one step at
aware of how geeky I am lol) a time because there is only so much
you can control.

Delta of the Week: Kate Hughes

Hometown: Anaheim Hills, CA Morning or Night Person? Night What did you want to be when you
Major: Biology, but soon to be Poli owl, guilty grew up? Honestly, Secretary Gen-
Sci, Thank God! What are you afraid of: Tomatoes eral of the United Nations. It’s the
closest thing to Queen of the
Quote to Live By: Carpe Diem What was your first word: “Yight” - World… I may have had some is-
Favorite Animal: Little Lambs/ Baby which loosely translated means light sues.
Red Pandas Most attractive feature of the oppo- Three random facts:
If you could meet any famous celeb- site sex: Arms... Yum
1. I absolutely love cheese
rity, who would it be? Kathy Griffin Favorite Store: Free People
2. I don’t eat condiments… no
Favorite Movie/Book: Phantom of How long does it take you to get ketchup ever!
the Opera ready: 1 hr. Have you seen how
thick my hair is? I think God blessed 3. I can belly dance with my
Hottest Disney Character: Prince tongue
Eric from The Little Mermaid me with four people’s hair.



Senior Week: Leaving Behind a Legend

Diana Yu Melissa Ann Tom Elizbeth McDuffee

Major: Social Ecology
Major: Criminology, Law and Soci- Pledge Class: Beta Delta
ety, Management Minor What are you doing after gradua- Major: Art History and Interna-
tion? Currently working as a Behav- tional Studies
Pledge Class: Beta Delta ior Technician for children with Au-
tism; hoping to one day to go back
to school for a graduate degree. Pledge Class: Beta Zeta
After graduation: Working for 2-3
years then eventually going back One of your favorite DDD memo-
to school ries: I have made so many amazing
After Graduation: Internship and
memories over the last four years
traveling before grad school in fall
that it is too difficult to choose just
Favorite DDD Memories: Too 2011.
one, but I can say that living in the
many to name....just the overall
love and support I have received house is an experience I will never
from my sisters these past four forget. DDD memories: Crush party this
Words of Wisdom? The college winter - amazing!!!
years go by like the blink of an eye,
so never pass on any opportunities
Words of Wisdom: Get involve-
and live up every moment. Wisdom: Get to know all your sis-
what you put in is what you will
Final Thoughts? My college experi- ters. There is a reason that all of
get out.
ence would not have been the us were picked to be Tri Deltas,
same without Delta Delta Delta. I and give your sisters a
Live in the house- it is a great way am so grateful for all the amazing chance. These girls will become
to become closer to your sisters young women I have met and the your closest friends, and you don't
and so much fun! Get to know timeless memories I have made. I want to find that out the last few
everyone in the chapter- even if wish the best of luck to all my fel- months of senior year. Get to
you are older, or younger, don't be low graduating sisters; Congratula- know your sisters early on and
scared to talk to people outside tions Class of 2010! have a blast
your pledge
with them
class or class
ALL of your

Final thoughts:
I love Tri Delta
and I am so sad
to be leaving it.



Senior Week cont.

Cathy Teoh cheer on as many Tri
What are you doing after Delta Sports as possible!
A.K.A. Mama Teoh, or
graduation? Traveling Final Thoughts? Spend as
through Europe, then sub- much time with your
stitute teach in LA sisters as possible, be-
cause college flies by in
Major: Sociology with a the wink on a Sarah Ida
One of your favorite DDD
minor in Educational Stud- Shaw eye!!!
memories: Making pancakes
in the bathrooms the first
year we did DHOP! Haha
Pledge Class: Beta Delta
Words of Wisdom? Play/

ters have always been my favorite. best of your ability. You may not be
Kimsa Truong able to fully understand someone or
Words of Wisdom? Don't forget Tri
something or walk in a persons
Delta's purpose! It's lengthy and diffi-
Major: Art History shoes, but the effort you put forth to
cult to remember, but it's what a lot
Pledge Class: Beta get to know someone and love them
of women aim for when they go to
Zeta with all your heart makes a huge
college (a stronger more womanly
difference. Love is something you've
character not, democratic leadership
What are you doing known since always, in your dreams.
abilities, healthy friendships and a
after graduation? broader and more intellectual and
SPOP, LSAT Class moral life). We are on this campus
and finding a grown and top house for a reason and I
up job (let me know if you of anyone truly believe that it's because every-
hiring). thing we do is a reflection of our pur-
One of your favorite DDD memories: pose.
I don't know which one to choose. Final Thoughts? Try your best to
Every moment I've had with my sis- love everything and everyone to the

Chloe Brown One of your favorite DDD memories: away from the college experience.
My favorite DDD memory was my
Major: International Studies first retreat in Palm Springs during Final
fireside. It was a time when the chap- Thoughts? I
ter became very close and I felt like Iam glad to
Pledge Class: BETA ZETA
really got to know my sisters. Per- have been
sonal thoughts were shared and feel- apart of
What are you doing after ing safe to share anything is some- this chapter
graduation? Working in Culver thing I cherish. and grate-
City at an art
ful to have
Words of Wisdom? I hope the rest of made many
gallery. Assistant to an art con- the girls make the most of their years lifelong
sultant and keeping showroom at UCI. Time flies and making lasting friends.
organized. memories are the best things to take



Danielle Page CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!!! lake

mead, Havasu, Power hour....
Major: Social Ecology TOO many to count

Pledge Class: Beta Eta Words of Wisdom? college goes

by wayyyy too fast. Dont take
any of it for granted and dont
What are you doing after
waste your time on drama. Live
graduation? Moving to San
it up. No regrets.
Diego with my sister and be
closer to my chargers of
courseeeee! Final Thoughts? Tri Delt was the
best thing that could have pos-
sibly happened to me. DELTA
One of your favorite DDD

Vikkee Fisher Words of Wisdom? Do things that

Major: History make yourself happy.
Pledge Class: Beta delta - woooop Final Thought: Enjoy every
wooop minute of Tri Delta. It will
What are you doing after gradua- be gone before you know
tion? Traveling it!
One of your favorite DDD memories:
SITB and the many ridiculous memo-
ries that came from that wild bunch.

We Love you
Seniors 2010


MAY 2010

 Jamacan Me Crazy @ AV
Lawn from 5:30pm-7:30pm

 Basketball Game @ 8:30pm Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Thursday: Songfest
 Date Responsibility Forms
9 10 Apple 11 Bas- 12 Soft- 13 14 Song- 15
Due Polishing ketball @ ball @ 8 fest Exec
Friday: 8pm Apps Due
16 Sen- 17 Open 18 Jamai- 19 20 Date 21Senior 22
 Senior Fireside @ the Beach
ior Week can Me Forms Fireside
Meeting CPR
Saturday: Crazy Due at Beach

 CPR training 23 OC 24 For- 25 Man- 26 Man- 27 28 29

mal datory 6- datory 6-
Monday: Meeting 8pm 8pm

 Social Hour and Formal 30 31

Meeting @ 6pm

Disclaimer: All times and dates and subject to change.

What’s Happening Around Campus? By Stephanie Wong

May is Kindness Month at UCI! Other events:
liveKIND Events that you can attend 5/18 Interview Practice and Feedback; 3 Want to enhance your leadership
this week: pm Career Center skills and knowledge?
 5/18, 5/19 & 5/20: UCI Health Edu- 5/19 Wellness and Safety Fair; 10:30am 5/23 Spring Leadership Conference,
cation Center’s Be The Match Marrow – 1:30 pm at the ARC presented by Campus Organizations;
Registry Ring Road by UCI Bookstore, 3  If you walk to the fair, you get a FREE 10 am -5pm SSLH
p.m. UC Walks t-shirt! OR if you live too Register at
far, then catch a UCI shuttle and get rsvp/
5/18: Write greeting messages to
children and patients in our clinic off at a stop 10 min away from the
in El Testerazo, Mexico. ARC and walk. Who wants to win money for our
5/19: Create card quilts for the FREE food samples and giveaways, chapter?!
Kids Who Care Foundation prizes, demonstrations, screenings, Center for Service in Action is holding
5/20: Image Management Awareness 108 vendors
their Game Night 2 event next Tuesday
Growth and Education (I.M.A.G.E.) ALL participants receive a FREE bag
5/19 ASUCI’s FREE showing of Valen- May 25th 7-9 pm.
5/21: One Million Ways; Entertain- tine’s Day at 7pm in HIB100.  $100 for 1st place, $75 for 2nd place,
ment including scenes from 5/20 Global Medicine Masters Program $50 for 3rd place
Shakespeare, silly clowns and free Info Session; 1:30-2:30 pm in Career
 We can submit ONE team of 6
5/22: UCI Super Dodgebowl 2010 at Center Training Room people (5 players and 1 substitute), and
the ARC 11 am Learn about the new masters program have to register by this Friday 5/21.
Be part of setting a new Guinness at the Keck School of Medicine of USC If any girls want to form a team, go to
World’s Record for the World’s 5/20 Resume Writing; 3pm Career Cen-
Largest Dodgeball Game! ter
devotion to moral and democratic principles,
the highest responsibilities of college women.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

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