Lesson Plan 1: Photostory

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Lesson Planning

Waynesburg University

Writing the lesson plan:

Translating thoughts into a plan of action
Pennsylvania Academic Standard(s) addressed during this lesson:
(Provide Standard number and statement)

R8.A.1.3.2: Cite evidence from text to support generalizations

R6.A.2.6.1: Identify the author’s intended purpose of text

R8.A.2.6.2: Explain, describe, and/or analyze examples of text that support the author’s intended purpose.

1.4.6.B: Write multi-paragraph informational pieces (e.g., letters, descriptions, reports, instructions, essays, articles, interviews).

• Use relevant graphics (e.g., maps, charts, graphs, tables, illustrations, photographs).
• Use sources, as appropriate, to task.

Lesson Objective(s)
(Stated in observable and measurable terms)
Students will:
*examine the lyrics to songs and describe how the music and words relate to their life stories.
*organize their thoughts and express their stories/hobbies by using Photostory.
*improve technical skills by familiarizing themselves with Photostory.
*evaluate their own work.

Assessment Plan
(What will be done to determine if lesson objectives have been met?)
Students will present the Photostory that they have created to students in the classroom and explain the required elements. If the
teacher has created a model Photostory, he/she can use it to present the concept to the students before hand. Students will be
graded based on a Rubric that has been created by the teacher which includes the following elements:
1. Students will select a hobby that symbolizes something important to them or relevant to their life.
2. Students may use recordings from the radio or their personal music collections to include with the Photostory.
3. Students will follow guidelines of fair use of copyrighted images and music.
4. Students will present their Photostorys in class. Each Photostory must be at least 2 minutes in length.
5. Students will respond to their peers’ presentations in writing.
6. Students will reflect on their Photostory by completing a Hobby Photostory Assessment.
7. Teacher will assess students’ Photostory projects using the Hobby Photostory Rubric.

*CD Player
*Teacher-made - “Hobby Photostory Rubric”
*Teacher-made-“Hobby Photostory Assessment”
*Demo: Add music to a presentation
*Photostory tutorial-Youtube.com
*A Teacher’s Guide to Fair Use Guidelines for School Projects
*Copyright Infringement or Not? The Debate over Downloading Music
*Finding Your Focus: The Writing Process
Inclusion Techniques for Students with Special Needs:
Students with Special Needs will be provided additional assistance by a special education teacher. The student s with special
needs will be permitted additional time as needed. The students with special needs will be allowed frequent breaks as needed as
well. When completing the peer responses, the students will be permitted to give their responses verbally. They will also be
permitted to present to a smaller group of students if needed when presenting their Photostory.

Enrichment Techniques:
The students will post their Photostory to Youtube after setting up a Youtube account. The students will also post their
Photostorys to a class website that the teacher has created.

Lesson Differentiation (What modifications/accommodations will be made to ensure that ALL students have access to and are able
to participate in the lesson):
Students with special needs may require additional support when completing this assignment. A special education teacher or peer
may be assigned to these students to assist with finding pictures, music and other media. The teacher may make a rough copy of
the Photostory on paper for the students to refer to when putting it on the computer. They may then assist with uploading this
media to Photostory. The special education or general education teacher will have a Youtube account already in place for these
students. The students may require additional time on task.

Lesson Presentation
Introduction/Motivational Activities/Anticipatory Set:
The teacher will present the Photostory assignment to the students and explain the required elements. The teacher will also
present the concept to the students by showing a model presentation of a Photostory.

Detailed Teaching Sequence:

(Provide sufficient detail that would enable a substitute to effectively present this lesson. Bulleted statements are preferred)
*Students will be shown an example of Photostory that the teacher has created.
*The students will explain to the teacher what they like and do not like about the model Photostory.
*The teacher will then hand out a typed rubric of what is expected for this assignment. The students will practice completing the
rubric for the Photostory that the teacher has created.
*The project Rubric will be discussed and any questions will be addressed at this time.
*The teacher will show a video tutorial of how to use Photostory.
*The student will then be directed to the website and login. The special education students will already have accounts created for
them, whereas the regular education students should do this on their own.
*The students will then begin collecting pictures, media, videos, music, etc to upload to their Photostory that relate to their
hobbies and interests.
*The students will brainstorm ideas that they can use with their Photostory in regards to their hobbies.
*Explain that in this stage of the writing process, students should write down all of their ideas. If they are discussing their ideas
with peers, there should be ground rules that encourage cooperation but discourage students from critiquing their peers’
responses during this brainstorming stage. Explain that students will have the opportunity to evaluate their lists and select the
hobbies and interests that they want to include in their autobiographies in later sessions.
*Have students view the Photostory presentation that the teacher has create once more and then discuss the stages of the writing
process-including drafting, revising, and editing-and explain that students will go through each of these stages as they work on
their autobiographies. The final stage will be the actual publishing of their autobiographies using a multimodal approach. The
Photostory will be a part of this presentation.
*Student will have to select 8-10 slides from their Photostory and write a brief paragraph summary for each one.
*Have students set aside these summaries to use in a later session. If necessary, have students complete this activity for
Guided Practice/Independent Practice/Assessment Activities
The students will have to select 8-10 slides from their Photostory and write a brief paragraph summary for each one.
The students should then set aside these summaries to use in a later session. If necessary, have students complete this activity
for homework. This activity will be graded.

Students will present their Photostory to the class. They should use the teacher’s presentation as a guideline for how to do this
effectively. They need to state their topic (hobby), why they chose this topic(s) and how it relates to their lives. They should also
talk about what went smoothly with this lesson and what was difficult as a means of reflection.

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