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Course Code : AEE 1136

Register No. :


Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam

Affiliated to JNT University K, Kakinada

B. Tech. I-Semester Regular Examinations, Dec/Jan 2011-12

Basic Electrical Engineering
(Computer Science Engineering)
Date : 19/12/2011
Time : 3 Hours
1. Question No. 1 is Compulsory.
2. Answer any FOUR from questions 2 to 8.
3. All parts of a Question must be answered in one place to get valued.

Max. Marks : 60

Answer the following in 4 or 5 sentences.

a) Define Ohms Law.
b) State Nortons theorm.
c) Obtain the equivalent Y of a given delta circuit with equal resistance R in all branches.
d) State Faradays Law of Electromagetism
e) Define R.M.S. Value
f) Explain what do you mean by an Ideal transformer.
g) List out the types of DC machines.
h) What are the different torques in electrical Instruments.

2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks


a) State and explain Krichoffs current law and Krichoffs voltage law.
b) Calculate the magnitude and direction of current in the 10 resistor of the circuit shown in
fig. 1.

6 Marks
5 Marks


a) State and explain Thevenins theorem.

b) Determine the current following through 3 resistor in the network shown in fig.2 using
superposition theorem.

5 Marks
6 Marks

Course Code : AEE 1136

Register No. :


a) State and explain Faradays Laws of electromagnetic induction.

b) Two circuits with impedances of Z 1= 3+j6 and Z 2= 3+j6 respectively are connected
in parallel. If the total current supplied is 10A find each branch current and their phase
angle with respect to the total current.

5 Marks
6 Marks


a) Explain the operation of single phase transformer with its constructional features.
b) An ideal 25 KVA transformer has 500 turns on the primary winding and 40 turns on the
secondary winding. The primary is connected to 3000 V, 50 HZ supply. Calculate.
(i) Primary and secondary currents on fall-load.
(ii) Secondary emf.

5 Marks
6 Marks


a) Deduce the expression for induced emf of DC Genarator.

b) A 6-pole machine has an armature with 90 slots and 8 conductors/ slot and runs at 1000
r.p.m, the flux per pole is 0.05 wb. Determine the induced emf if the winding is lap

6 Marks


a) Explain the principle of operation of three phase Induction motor.

b) A three phase Induction motor has 2 poles and is connected to a 400 V, 50 HZ supply.
Calculate the actual speed and rotar frequency when the slips 4%

7 Marks
4 Marks


a) Explain the various basic classification of electrical measuring Instruments.

b) With the help of neat diagram, explain the principal of moving Iron Instrument.

5 Marks
6 Marks

* * *

5 Marks

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