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System and Measurement System


Mechatronics (06-92-412)

General Background
Each electromechanical system responds differently to

different types of input signals

Different systems respond to a given input signal differently
A particular system may not be suitable for measuring
certain signals

General Background

Electromechanical Actuator: DC Motor:


Electrical system

La Ia Ra I a Kb ein (t )

J b Km I a TL

Mechanical system
Complete DC motor model
3rd-order, coupled linear system

Dynamic Characteristics of System

A measurement system can be expressed as Ordinary

Differentiate Equations (ODE):

d n 1 y
an n an1 n1 a1 ao y bx
n = order of the system,
x = input,
y = output,
t = time,
as = constant coefficients
which depend on the characteristics of the measurement system.

A more general form (when subjected to a general forcing function F(t)) is

d n 1 y
an n ann1 n1 ...a1
ao y F t

Zero-order Systems
Zero order system is independent of time, i.e., n = 0
Output responds instantaneously with any input change
d n 1 y
an n ann1 n1 ...a1
ao y F t

ao y = F(t)
y = (1/ao) F(t)
Output = Constant x Input

Zero-order Systems
Example #1
Linear potentiometer

Eo = (l/L) Ei

Zero-order Systems
Responds instantaneously with respect to any changes in the

Independent of time
Mostly used for static measurements
Example #2
A tire pressure gage with negligible inertia or piston mass.

First order systems

Measurement systems that do not respond instantaneously to

changes in input and contains a storage elements

Example: Bulb-thermometer: The temperature of the bulb
does not increase instantaneously. First the bulb exchange
energy with its environment until it goes to equilibrium
System with storage or dissipative behavior but no inertial
forces can be modeled
d n 1 y
an n ann1 n1 ...a1
ao y F t

First order systems

d n 1 y
an n ann1 n1 ...a1
ao y F t
a1 y + ao y = F(t),
where y signifies dy/dt, y is

Dividing by ao

y + y = K F(t)
where is called the time constant = a1/ao

First order systems: Examples

Simple R-C (resistance-capacitance) circuits.
Temperature sensors which works by using thermal capacitance

and resistance.
Mechanical systems that have friction and springs, but with
negligible inertial effects of mass

R1 R2 CeC eC R2 Iin (t )

First order systems

a1 y + ao y = F(t)
Dividing by ao
[a1 / ao] y + y = [1 / ao] F(t)
y + y = Kx
= a1/ao, and K = 1/ao

Where, time constant

Time constant shows how quickly a first order system will
response with change in input

First order systems

First-order System: Step Input

Consider step input is given.

Step function, AU(t) is expressed as

AU(t) = 0

when t 0-,
when t 0+.

First-order System: Step Input

General governing equation
y + y = K F(t)

Setting F(t) = AU(t)

y + y = K AU(t)
Solving the above first order differential equation
Boundary condition y(0)=y0

Solving for t>0+

Y(t) = KA + (y0 - kA) e-t/

Y(t) = C e-t/ + KA

First-order System: Step Input

Y(t) = KA + (y0 - kA) e-t/
Time response

Steady response

Transient response

The solution of y(t) gives the time response of the system to

a step change in input

The value y(t) is the output value indicated by the display
stage of the measurement system

First-order System: Step Input

Time response of first order system to a step input function

First-order System: Step Input

Y(t) = KA + (y0 - kA) e-t/
At t = , Y()= KA

Error fraction of the output signal

(t) = [y(t) y] / [y0 y] = e (-t/)

First-order System: Step Input

Time constant shows how quickly a first order

system will response with change in input

Time is the time required for a first order system
to achieve 63.2% of the step change magnitude

First-order System: Periodic Function

Recall periodic function: example: sine wave
Consider in a first-order measuring system a input of

periodic signal in the form of F(t) = A sin t is applied

y + y = K F(t)

y + y = K A sin t

First-order System: Periodic Function

This could be alternatively written as

y(t) = C e-t/ + B() sin ( t + )

where B() = K A / [1 + ()2]1/2
() = - tan-1() (phase shift)

Magnitude ratio,

M() = B/(KA) = 1/[1 + ()2]1/2

Amplitude lag

First-order System:
Periodic Function Input
Phase lag



First-order System: Periodic Function


Magnitude ratio

Phase shift


process of attenuating unwanted components of a

measurand while permitting the desired components to
The two basic classes of filters are:

1) active - uses powered components, commonly

configured of op amps.
2) passive - made up of some form of RLC

Filters Types
Passive filters are circuits made up of resistors, capacitors,

and inductors.
Active filters incorporate operational amplifiers.
The sharp cut off of an ideal filter can not be realized.
Roll off designated in decibels per decade
Phase shift between input and output
Filter design is based on its cut off frequency, which is the
frequency where the signal power is reduced to , which is
equivalent to m(w) = 0.707
Decibels; db = 20 log m(w) = 20 log (0.707) = -3 db

Filters Types

Butterworth Low Pass Filter

A simple passive low-pass filter can be constructed by using the

resistor and capacitor (RC) circuit.


block low-frequency currents and pass high-frequency

short-circuit the high-frequency components of the input

Filters Types

High-Pass RC Filter
We can interchange the resistor and capacitor to convert

from low-pass to high-pass RC filter.

Signal Conditioning: Filtering

L = Inductance

Filter example
Design a one-stage Butterworth RC low-pass filter with a

cutoff frequency of 100 Hz at 3 dB if the source and load

impedances are 50 . Calculate the expected dynamic error
and attenuation at 192 Hz in the realized filter.


A single-stage low-pass Butterworth RC filter circuit is just a

first-order system with time constant = RC. With the

relation to = 2f, and the magnitude ratio given by

Second order system

d n 1 y
an n ann1 n1 ...a1
ao y F t
Second order systems are modeled by second order

differential equations.
a2 d2y/dt2 + a1 dy/dt + ao y = F(t)
Divide by ao
(a2/ao) d2y/dt2 + (a1/ao) dy/dt + y = (1/ao) F(t)

Second order system

(a2/ao) d2y/dt2 + (a1/ao) dy/dt + y = (1/ao) F(t)

1 d 2 y 2 dy

y KxF(t)
n dt
n dt
the undamped natural frequency, n = (ao/a2),
the damping ratio, = a1 / [2(ao a2)]

Second order system

Consider the characteristics equation

The roots of the quadratic equation

And depending on the value for three forms of

homogenous solutions are possible

2nd order electrical system

CeC I L 0

LIL RI L eC ein (t )

Second order system- spring mass


Newtons 2nd law, F = m (d2y/dt2),

m d2y/dt2 + c dy/dt + ky = F(t).

Second order system

Comparing with the governing equation

1 d y 2 dy

y Kx
n dt
n dt

m d2y/dt2 + c dy/dt + ky = F(t).

K = 1/k,
n = (k/m),
= c / 2(km).

Second order system- step function

2nd order system

1 d y 2 dy

y Kx
n dt
n dt

Where, K = 1/k,
n = (k/m),
= c / 2(km).

Second order system

>1 (over-damped)

=1 (critically damped)

<1 (under-damped)

Second-order Systems: Step Response

For a step input

>1 (over-damped)

=1 (critically damped)

<1 (under-damped)

Second-order Systems: Step Response

Second-order Systems: Step Response

For under damped system the transient system is oscillatory

about the steady state value

Ringing period
Ringing frequency

Optimum settling time

can be obtained at
Practical use

Second-order Systems: Periodic Input

Simple periodic function input


The response is given by

Frequency dependent phase shift

Steady state response for sinusoidal input

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