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Megan Peake

In his play Twelfth Night what do you think Shakespeare might be saying or asking
about 'madness'? The other title should be.. Shakespeare shows the all the characters
are all capable of being mad is this true? Whatever title you choose, make sure it
includes the title of the play (Twelfth Night)

Start with a snappier opening. This will capture the reader’s attention and is an A grade quality. Try
a quote or a confident short statement.
The way Shakespeare writes Twelfth Night sums up how people used to see madness in
Shakespearian times. ‘Nowadays’ is all one word Nowadays when we talk about madness we
usually think of someone being unwell. Shakespeare sees this very differently as he thinks that
everyone can be mad, you don't just have to be unwell to be 'mad'. Good! Try to use longer words
like you have used ‘reflects’ here.  Twelfth Night also reflects how 'mad' people were never given
the chance to be heard and once they were labelled as mad they could never prove themselves sane.
Malvolio is one of the main characters in Twelfth night and he reflects what Shakespeare
Shakespeare is now dead! Past tense when referring to him.  thinks- NO! thought- YES! about
madness. Twelfth Night is set twelve days after check all grammar. Christmas – a time when
'madness' or fun was allowed.

After supposedly being given a letter by Olivia that asks him to wear bright yellow stockings, Maria
describes Malvolio as being 'strange'. “He's coming madam, but in a very strange manner.” The
word strange can mean that you are “is kind of like your”- too slangy. different from normality,
which again reflects what Shakespeare thought of madness in those days. “He is, sure, possessed,
madam.” Possessed is a strong word again used for someone who is different from normality which
implies that someone has been taken over by the devil or an evil spirit. In the film, this scene is
extremely AMUSING ”funny”- try to use bigger words! for us because the dramatic irony builds
humour. Shakespeare is saying that being in love makes you mad and things that are out of
character. Okay, he IS saying that. But WHY is he saying it, and how could the actors act it to make
it seem this way? Also, how will the audience react?  Further analysis is required for you to get
higher marks.

The audience is shocked when Malvolio appears and tries to calm the revellers LIKING THE BIG
WORD.. My masters, are you mad? Have ye no wit, manners, nor honesty, but to gabble like
tinkers at this time of night.” Malvolio only sees there their behaviour as madness, he thinks that
what they are doing is socially unacceptable and out of control. Sir Toby and Sir Andrew's life
consists Not life consists but ‘lives consist’ of eating and drinking, they are very loud and have a lot
of time on their hands, which they just seem to just spend drinking. However, Malvolio does not
approve of eating and drinking. While the revellers have been having fun, Malvolio spoils this and
asks them to stop. He is presented as a “puritan”, the audience sympathizes with the revellers when
they refuse to take him seriously and waits for Maria to take her revenge. Referring to the audience
here! Goood!  The audience start to laugh at Sir Toby and Sir Andrew starting to feel that maybe
Malvolio deserves to be fooled. Sir Toby and Sir Andrew know that Malvolio thinks very highly of
himself and uses this knowledge to exploit his weakness. Sir Toby later on does remind him of his
low status and resorts to being a tell tale. “That it is his grounds of faith that all that look on him
love him.”

Good  Malvolio comes across very puritanical, but the readers know he can be very hypocritical.
The revellers behaviour is just not normal to him, and he doesn't understand what it's like to have
fun. Again there is Referred to stage technique! Bon. dramatic irony because we know Olivia
doesn't love him, we also start to sympathize with the revellers because all they want to do is have
fun and Malvolio just doesn't seem to understand the word fun. Malvolio makes out that he loves
Olivia, but a bit later on in the play we realize he just wants that higher status that comes with her
and their 'future' together. He also comes across very arrogant because he actually believes that
Olivia truly does love him.

Malvolio challenges Feste by accusing him of having very little intelligence and being a fool. The
word fool has bad connotations of that with madness and stupidity. What Shakespeare is saying that
looks can be deceiving and although he's a fool and a paid entertainer, he's actually very clever.
Whatever Malvolio says Feste quickly twists it to make it seem like Malvolio is mad. As soon as
Feste visits Malvolio he says “Alas, sir, how fell you besides your five wits.” This is ironic because
earlier on Malvolio accused the other of having no wit. At the end of the scene Feste says “I'll ne'er
believe a madman” this references  ‘refers to’ is better the identification of madness within mad
people; they were never given the chance to prove themselves sane.

Okay Megan,
I’ve changed the grammar and put some tips blah blah.
The important thing is that you are smart you just need to spend a bit of time making sure that your
language sounds professional- so when you’ve written the essay, look over it and play with the way
you use words or the actual words themselves. Use to look for synonyms.
Also, I’ve highlighted some parts where you displayed high grade analysis but make sure in ALL
your points that you fully explore what has happened, by saying why and talking about the audience
To get higher marks- in your conclusion/essay, explain WHY Shakespeare chose to make
madness a theme at all, and refer to madness in one of his other plays- try looking up ‘king lear
madness theme’ or ‘hamlet madness theme’ on youtube and look for common similarities or
differences in the types of madness between the plays, then explain them.
If you spend a good amount of time on this it could be A grade 

Thank you so much Isaac i really do appreciate this  I LOVE YOU MORE THAN PAOLO

My essay is GREAT btw xx I LOVE YOU TOO BUBBLE ;)

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