Slate 4 Sweeps Election: SVHS in Pursuit of Principal

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February 2010 - Volume 19 - Issue 5 - Sonoma Valley High School

Spring Convention
Sports coverage
page 6 pages 4-5 Fuzzy room victimizes

Mr. Dragon
heats up Slate 4 sweeps election
stage By Kirsten Aguilar
By Hannah Horowitz
and Kirsten Aguilar Inside a transformed Golton
Hall, Sean Hammett, senior, qui-
In California, when a building eted the chattering audience and
shakes you might think it to be welcomed everyone to
an earthquake, but from the epi- Convention 2010.
center of SVHS’s Little Theatre After introducing the security,
on Thurs. Feb. 25 the tremors the Runners, the Fuzzy Room
weren’t caused by any geographic workers and the Dragon’s Court,
phenomenon, but by the footsteps the lights dimmed and Slate 1
of 6 potential “Mr. Dragons.” entered from the back, sporting
The contestants included seniors black masks, black shorts and
Peter Armstrong, Zach Adams, white shirts. “We want to make
Sean Hammett, David DeSmet, [next year] more fun for all of
Gabe Stein, and Cole Aviles. The you guys,” said Natalia Minatta,
group competed for the opportu- financial advisor.
nity to win two prom tickets. Next came Slate 2, wearing col-
The night was filled with laughs orful sunglasses. “We’re here to
as the contestants were escorted build a community,” said Maeve
into the theatre and performed a Greenburg, campaign manager.
rendition of Beyonce’s “Single “We’ll make it big, make it better.” Students stand for the national anthem.
Slate 3 sauntered in to “Changes” Photo by Joe Gilmore
Ladies” dance before breaking preliminary votes were revealed, Dragon’s Court questions, a lip After the next vote, which was
into the individual talent portion. by Tupac, wearing tall T’s and
showing Slate 4 in the lead with sync dance competition a scaven- decided by a slim 3 votes, Slate
Peter Armstrong began the on- baggy pants. Their speech was
41 percent of the votes, Slate 3 ger hunt, extreme telephone and a 3 went home and the competition
slaught with an a cappella per- short. “We’ll keep our minds and
with 26.4 percent, Slate 2 with game of ping pong, the first votes was narrowed down to Slate 1
formance from the musical Rent ears open to all of you guys, but
17 percent and Slate 1 with 15.6 were cast. and Slate 4.
and a monologue from Macbeth. most importantly, we’re here to
percent. While they were being count- Guest speaker and County Su-
Zach Adams busted up the stage win,” said Carrie Payne.
Each student voice was given ed, a dance was performed by pervisor Efren Carillo inspired
with his Taekwando. Cole Aviles Last came Slate 4, who, under
the opportunity to outline their SVHS’s own dance club with a the audience with a story of his
impressed the crowd with a their robes, wore suits. “Rumors
plan of action for next year, and guest appearance by ballerina childhood and how, through hard
monologue from Dr. Strangelove. don’t give these dudes justice,”
after, the Dragon’s Court put forth Sigrid Forsythe. work and determination, over-
David DeSmet played keyboard said Emma McGee, campaign
questions for the candidates. Jen- The first round of voting was came poverty to hold a seat of office.
and sang “You and Who’s Army” manager. “We are here to take
na Wirick was asked to answer revealed and it was excitedly an- Finally, with a drum roll, the
by Radiohead. Sean Hammett Initiative.”
her question in an interpretative nounced that the elimination was winner of Convention 2010 was
entered the stage dressed as Na- After the national anthem, sung
dance. decided by a single vote. announced as Slate 4, winning
poleon Dynamite and danced to by sophomore Olivia Donald
After a runway walk compe- Slate 2 was bade farewell and with a landslide 71 percent of the
“Canned Heat” by Jamiroquai. and junior Marissa Bragstad, the
tition, Slate Olympics, more made their way off the stage. vote.
Gabe Stein ended with a bang—a

SVHS in pursuit of principal

drum solo that elicited an eruption
of applause.
“My favorite part had to be Sean
Hammett’s Napoleon Dynamite
impersonation. He had it all, the By Danny Maggioncalda will take time, effort, and money, and EdJoin associations. They the ten, two were teachers, two
hair, the boots… it was hilarious!” three luxuries that are not neces- also conduct invaluable public parents, and the rest simply dis-
recounted Olivia Bolling, senior. The life of a public high school sarily abundant in the school district. surveys and, overall, reach out to trict associates and valued citi-
The contestants competed in a principal is far from glamorous. The board has turned to the a broader pool of candidates. zens of the community.
round of trivia, then karaoke. Yet Micaela Philpot and those experts at Hazard, Young, At- “I read in the Press Democrat These panels filtered the eight
David DeSmet, winner of the who preceded her gave the job tea & Associates, Ltd. for help. that the Santa Rosa school dis- candidates down to four, who were
pageant and two free prom tick- their undivided effort. For nearly a quarter of a century, trict is short three principals right ultimately sent to the SVUSD
ets says that the event started out With the impending retirement HYA has been the nation’s largest now,” comments Hansen. “They Board of Trustees, headed by
chaotically. “It in itself was a of Philpot, SVHS’s current princi- executive search firm, primarily still haven’t found any, so it’s district Superintendent Louann
process because it evolved as the pal, a great burden is thrust upon serving public school districts. clear that we need all the help we Carlomagno. The Board came to
event happened.” the administration. They have completed over 700 can get.” a decision, but soon after the top
“They should totally do this for “A qualified principal, espe- searches for executive leaders As of last month, HYA has per- applicant was informed, this fore-
other years and even have a Ms. cially for a high school, is be- since 1987. formed their hired duty, but to runner dropped out for personal
Dragon. It was by far the best fund coming a rare commodity,” stated The services of HYA were com- no avail. After months of adver- reasons. Thus the cycle of the
raising event of the year and the Ms. Hansen of the SVHS English missioned through private dona- tisement, a pile of 22 candidates system begins again, starting with
school could even charge more Dept. “It’s grueling work, not to tions of up to $15,000. The com- had been paper-screened down to interviews on March 24.
because I guarantee people would mention that someone is always pany has posted ads on their own eight. The eight were interviewed, The district plans to hire a prin-
come anyway,” advises Bolling. mad at you.” web site for the open position, as each by two separate panels con- cipal before the end of the school
“It was definitely the best event Finding a qualified replacement well as the websites for the EdCal sisting of ten local members. Of year.
Opinion - Editorial

Faculty still divided over schedule

By Luther Cenci classes. English teachers can easi- With a block schedule, students
ly jump between reading, writing, would be exposed to foreign lan-
The SVHS faculty has long grammar, and literary criticism, guages as little as twice a week,
been divided over the issue of the whereas mathematics follow a too infrequently for classes which
schedule, one side protecting the continuity of ideas which cannot require reinforcement.
current ABC system, and the oth- easily be diversified without con- “Even in college, foreign lan-
er proposing a full block sched- fusing the student. guage is taught at the very least
ule. The ABC schedule consists In many classes, students’ at- four times a week,” continued
of a six-period C-Day on Monday, tention spans drop off before the Hawing. For classes which stress
followed by three-period A- and end of the block schedule period. practice, such as language, Band,
B-Days for the rest of the week. A When students are not paying at- or Drama, the loss of weekly class
block schedule would be limited tention, any learning gained as a time would be potentially quite
to alternating block days for the result of longer classes does not detrimental.
entire week. come into effect. The ABC schedule allows both
Once again, the science depart- In addition, the Foreign Lan- systems to coexist, without dis-
ment has dug up the still-bloody guage Department relies on ev- criminating against any specific
hatchet and unearthed the age-old Cartoon by Chelsea Rose Shiery eryday use of language to ensure subject matter. Coupled with the
debate by conducting an informal visions in the last four years, crease in teacher-student contact full retention. guaranteed headaches which will
student survey on the topic. and debate raging over the Tier that it affords. This assumption “We would want an everyday accompany a schedule change,
Out of the students surveyed, system, the school has become hinges on the critical ability for a schedule,” said Kathleen Hawing, this means that the current system
72.7 percent were in favor of a accustomed to fundamental struc- teacher to hold a class’s attention Spanish teacher. “Constant contact is the best for students and teach-
block schedule, with the other ture change. However, the current for an entire hour and a half. is the way you learn a language.” ers alike.
27.3 percent defending the status ABC schedule has been shown to While some subjects such as

At this velocity
quo. The results are unsurprising, both prevent attention loss and in- English inherently have a wide
given the sheer volume of teacher crease student-teacher contact. range of topics to hold the atten-
and student advocacy for a full The block schedule’s reputed tion of a student during a long
block schedule. benefits are centered around the block period, others, such as By Troy Cameron has darkened our skies, choked
With three major schedule re- math, are inherently single-track

Not measuring up
extended class length and the in- our breathing and stolen our land.
What does convenience mean While I cannot in good faith ad-
to you? Push a button, and boom, vocate the complete reversal of
there you have it. This sort of in- such advances, like most things,
By Sigrid Forsythe stant gratification is establishing it should be enjoyed in modera-
backwards to find clothes that fit cost twice as much at times. Ship-
itself as the societal norm in every tion. It is true that our lives have
my above average height. I am ping and handling add even more
The clothing industry thrives aspect of our culture, most often become more comfortable, but at
constantly having to pay extra to money to the total amount.
upon selling new trends to aver- with our utmost encouragement. what cost?
buy pants online that actually fit Extra length on dresses or pants,
age people. However, the aver- Yet there are things that simply I, for one, have some difficulty
my legs, because they don’t sell as well as hemming requires addi-
age size of clothes isn’t the only aren’t meant to be accelerated. accepting such selfishness. There
them in stores. tional costs. It can be quite upset-
size. Many people above or While this is not another hack- once was a time when a man
ting to have to pay more
below average weight and neyed “Slow Food” article, there could build his own house and
for being taller, shorter,
height have difficulty find- are certain correlating ideas. grow his own food, all with mini-
larger, or smaller than
ing clothes that fit, which Speed is not the only issue we mal impact upon his surround-
the average person.
makes shopping an inconve- face as an evolving society. The ings. Yet somehow that lifestyle
The exclusion of these
nient and tedious activity. fact of the matter is that we have was corrupted somewhere along
smaller and larger sizes
While there are many that experienced a massive cultural the technology superhighway.
may contribute to inse-
fit into the “average- sized” shift through the advent of tech- Our entire perception of life has
curity. Low self esteem
category, the rest struggle to nology. We must now learn to shifted to accommodate the ve-
could be a result. No one
find properly fitting clothes. reconcile such capabilities with locity at which things now move.
should have to pay extra
How would someone feel an honest life. I would even argue that some of
for being different, or
if the smallest shoe size they This is the era of dependence. the intimacy went out of human
had was still too big, or the No longer do we have the indi- interaction. That is to say that our
At H&M, a popular
largest shoe size too small? vidual resourcefulness to build communication today is briefer,
retail store that came
It is time that more stores a house, plow a field or survive disjointed and rather brusque.
to America from Swe-
carry a larger variety of pe- a week alone in the wilderness. People don’t take the time to sit
den, the mannequins are
tite, tall, plus size and more. Instead, we call up a contrac- and have an honest conversation
above average height and
Victoria Phelan, senior has tor, drive to the grocery store, or because they are too caught up
extremely below average
experienced this frustration watch Bear Grylls to accomplish in Tweeting the latest news to all
weight. The pants that
in shopping for clothes. This such tasks. their friends or ‘followers.’
they flaunt are much too
five foot eleven basket ball While some may argue that the While the ideas presented with-
short, so they just put leg
player has trouble “finding lack of necessity for such skills is in this article may seem jumbled
Cartoon by Danny Maggioncalda
warmers over the ankles
pants that aren’t like capris a sign of progress, it may also be and perhaps even non sequiturs,
so no one knows.
on accident.” viewed as the decline of human the focus is on uniting current
People who have experienced The fashion industry is display-
Online shopping for customized this extra hassle feel forgotten or ing this image of being irregular, ruggedness. For lack of a bet- technologies and societal prac-
clothing is often the only solution insignificant. ter word, we are becoming soft. tices with the independent and
yet the clothes produced are for
for uniquely sized shoppers, but There is no connection with the intentional lives of our forebears.
This issue is heightened when all the people who are standard
this costs more, and online sizing people have to pay extra for be- size. earth. Today’s world is defined There is more to life than sitting
can often be very misleading. by superfluity and waste. in front of a screen.
ing the way they are. Ordering Stores could be improved by
I, myself, have to bend over online for clothes that will fit can carrying a wider range of sizes While it would be foolish to As such, I bid you, students
advocate a regression to a purely of SVHS, to assume some man-
~Dragon’s Tale Staff~ to fit more people, having more
agricultural state, small-scale ner of independence from our
ADVISER - Alison Manchester in stock so that guessing a size
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF - Clarke Campion operations are extremely benefi- increasingly homogenized and
online won’t be an issue. There
COPY EDITOR - Troy Cameron cial. There is a certain honor in synthetic world.
should also be more sizes in be-
MANAGING EDITOR- Peter Armstrong working a piece of land and reap- Grow a beard, a field of beans
tween sizes because there are
LAYOUT EDITOR - Rachel Glago ing the benefits of a hard-earned and wander in a south-westerly
NEWS EDITORS - Kirsten Aguilar, Hannah Horrowitz, many people who are.
harvest; though few achieve this direction. Then you’ll be halfway
Danny Maggioncalda The fashion industry should be
sense of fulfillment anymore. to achieving Thoreau-nouveau.
OP/ED EDITOR - Alejandro Tinajero much more open and friendly to-
FEATURE EDITORS - Chelsea Rose Shiery, Caity Tremblay wards all different body types. As it stands, industrialization
~Editorial Policy~
PHOTO EDITOR - Joe Gilmore
SPORTS EDITORS - Matt Fraser, Ben Graff, Charles Watson The Dragon’s Tale is a public forum newspaper produced by the Sonoma Valley High School Newspaper
BUSINESS MANAGERS - Zachary Adams, Mackenzie Kelley, class. The newspaper attempts to inform its audience in a broad, fair and accurate manner on all subjects, and
Eva Lindstrom to encourage an exchange of ideas and opinions on issues of prominence to the readers.
REPORTERS - Zachary Adams, Kirsten Aguilar, Anthony Arjona, Troy The newspaper staff encourages letters for opinions and responses on the content of the publication. Only
Cameron, Luther Cenci, Sigrid Forsythe, Matt Fraser, Ben Graff, Anna Haley, signed letters will be considered for publication. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all letters for
Hannah Horowitz, Mackenzie Kelley, Eva Lindstrom, Danny Maggioncalda, content.
Shannon Murphy, Jesse U’Ren, Victor Vasquez Connor Vickers, Charles No material, opinionated or otherwise, will be printed which is libelous, irresponsible, advocates an illegal
Watson activity or which the editorial staff deems in poor taste.
PHOTOGRAPHERS - James Fanucchi, Joe Gilmore, Chelsea Rose Shiery, Editorials reflect the collective views of the staff and will not contain bylines. Other opinionated pieces will
Alejandro Tinajero, Caity Tremblay
include editor’s columns, feature columns, letters-to-the-editor, and entertainment reviews.
ART AND GRAPHICS - Daniel Maggioncalda, Chelsea Rose Shiery
If the staff discovers that a mistake has eluded the editors, a correction will be printed in the next issue.

Dragon’s Tale Page 2 March 2010

Films reel back into Sonoma ‘Locker’ hurts ‘Avatar’ By Connor Vickers becoming the first actress to be pro-
By Peter Armstrong claimed the best and worst actress
Forget every other award ceremo- in the same year. Bullock received
Lights, camera, action! The ny because this is the only red carpet the Razzie’s 2010’s Worst Actress
Sonoma International Film Fes- show that matters. of the year for her performance in
tival will return to local venues The 82nd Annual Academy “All About Steve.” She made a di-
for its 13th season this year from Awards were hosted by the energet- rect reference to the duplicity, stat-
April 15 to the 18. ic and satirically witty duo of Alec ing, “Did I really earn this or did I
Students in the SVHS Film Club Baldwin and Steve Martin. just wear y’all down?”
and Video Productions classes Ten films were nominated in hopes However, not everyone was happy
will have their films shown to the of winning Best Picture, raising the with Bullock’s Best Actress award.
public both on Fri. Apr. 16 and anxiety over who would take the “Granted she has been nominated
over the weekend. cake. In the end, it all came down to 16 times, Meryl Streep definitely
“We’ve been working on our the battle of the exes. should have won,” commented Tom
film since January,” said Kevin Best Director/Best Picture Conaway, senior. “She portrayed the
McCarthy, senior. “But some of The rival- image
the others in the class have been ry between “[Avatar] was basically ‘Fern of Julia
thinking about and planning their J a m e s
films all year long.” Cameron’s
Gully’ with way better graphics, Cperfect- hild

“To make a 12 minute short, ‘ Av a t a r ’ except ‘Fern Gully’ is better.” ly.”

it takes about 150 hours,” said and his ex- The
Peter Hansen, Film Club Advisor wife, Kath- B e s t
and teacher of Video Productions ryn Bigelow’s ‘The Hurt Locker’, Actor award goes to the coolest
at the high school. Photo from Google Images culminated in ‘The Hurt Locker’ dude around, Jeff Bridges. He has
Some of this year’s student Bruce Willis will return again for this year’s Sonoma International Film Festival bringing home six Oscars, includ- been nominated five times and his
films include a romantic com- Tom Conaway. and decided to go with the song ing the most notable awards of Best performance in ‘Crazy Heart’ was
edy called “Sikosis,” produced “I was trying to come up with ‘Ruler of a Fallen Kingdom.’” Director and Best Picture. top-notch acting (and singing) gold.
and directed by David De Smet an idea for a story-driven movie, The films, shorts, and celebri- “I think that the story was really He showed his excitement with his
and Kevin McCarthy, as well as and was talking with Kyle and ties at this year’s Film Fest have weak compared to how amazing the unique laugh on stage.
a music video of SVHS’s own Adam,” said Conaway. “I sud- not yet been announced, but will graphics were,” stated Karina Davis, Best Supporting Actress/Actor
band, The Jaywalkers, filmed by denly realized I could make a mu- be sure to please this year’s festi- senior. She added, “It was basically Mo’Nique’s powerful portrayal as
sic video with one of their songs, val-goers. Fern Gully with way better graph- the abusive mother of her pregnant

Going down the rabbit-hole

By Shannon Murphy ventures in Wonderland” and its dream, but all feelings, both phys-
ics, except Fern Gully is better.”

revolutionary movie with everything

teenage daughter in ‘Precious’ paid
“‘Avatar’ was awesome and it is a off with an Academy Award.
Christoph Waltz’s charisma wooed
sequel, “Through the Looking- ical and emotional, seem much they’ve done, but the story, editing the audience into love with his char-
“Beware the Jabberwock, my Glass,” have now been adapted too real. and the way ‘The Hurt Locker’ was acter as Hans Landa, an utterly
son!/ The jaws that bite, the claws into a visually satisfying and When her company, consisting shot definitely deserved best pic- menacing Nazi officer whose main
that catch!/ Beware the Jubjub mentally stimulating 3-D film. of the oddest of characters (name- ture,” noted Brad Nyberg, junior. duties include killing Jews, and kill-
bird, and shun/ the frumious Viewers look to witness the ly Johnny Depp as the Hatter), When it comes down to it, the rip- ing Jews only. He was heavily fa-
Bandersnatch!” unconventional story as it was seem to have been awaiting her roaring 3-D adventure is no match vored to win and he most certainly
The same director that brought originally envisioned by Lewis arrival, she finds herself amidst a for the powerful ‘Hurt Locker’ deserved the award.
us mind boggling and unusual Carroll, but what, if anything, is self-fulfilling prophecy where the which is as cutting edge as can be “Waltz’s G-Code performance
films such as “The Nightmare disappointing about the film is its survival of her companions in this and provides an anecdote for many was more than Oscar worthy,”
Before Christmas” and “James relative rationality, uncommon of fantasy relies heavily on her. of today’s soldiers. stated Jake Welty, senior. “His per-
and the Giant Peach,” Tim Bur- Burton’s previous work. Despite sacrificing much of the Best Actress/Actor formance of Hans Landa is timeless
ton, now twists two well known Many people attend cinematic original text, the film is undeni- Sandra Bullock made history by and speaks for itself.”
pieces of literature and meshes venues in order to escape from ably enjoyable, and whether its
them into a single major motion the problems of the real world, watched with the bothersome 3-D
picture. so it would be hard to not get lost glasses or on the traditional 2-D
19th century author Lewis Car- following the story of Alice who screen it reminds us of the most
roll’s most well known pieces escapes her own troubles by per- important reason to go to the the-
of abstract fiction, “Alice’s Ad- ceiving this newfound world as a aters; to enjoy ourselves.

Oscar’s gone ‘Wilde’ in local play

Confusion and hilarity ensue
when both young men claim to be
Earnest, a fictional brother of Jack,
in pursuit of their respective lovers.
Other standouts included Lane,
the butler, played by Rich Thomp-
son, whose melodramatic style
complimented Sheets and the oth-
ers quite well.
Emily Hawkins’ practice showed
through, her lines flowed and her
mannerism was just right for the ar-
Photo by James Fanucchi
Zoey Rank and Cory Sheets dramatically acting in ‘The Importance of Being Earnest”
rogant Gwendolyn.
Throughout the entire play, Wil-
By Gabe Bassett try, to avoid some of the pressures
de’s brilliance shines, revealing the
of Victorian life in London.
social absurdities of the society.
It was a Wilde night at the Se- Leading these double lives, or
Although there were slip ups
bastiani Theatre as the crowd gath- “bunburying” as Algernon calls it,
throughout the play, it didn’t detract
ered to watch the classic play “The leads to a slough of troubles when
from the entertainment.
Importance of Being Earnest” put Algernon develops a romantic in-
Many a time, when lines were for-
on by Kate Kennedy’s acting group, terest in Jack’s ward, Cecily (Zoey
gotten, Sheets would step up to save
the Avalon Players. Rank) and Jack falls in love with
the scene, including many allusions
As the social event of the eve- Algernon’s cousin, Gwendolyn
to major sponsor Murphy’s Irish
ning, the theater was bustling with (Emily Hawkins).
Pub. Audience member Lauren
old friends meeting, all prepared Kennedy plays the stuck up moth-
Pena, senior, commented “He was
to watch Irish Victorian era author, er of Gwendolyn, Lady Bracknell,
absolutely entertaining, his improv
Oscar Wilde’s final play, a spoof of completely obsessed with the trivi-
skills are amazing.”
British high class society, full of wit alities of any man who will marry
The play concluded with a raffle
and humour. her daughter.
with prizes including wine, and vari-
The story revolves around two Wilde uses Bracknell to demon-
ous gift certificates. There was also
wealthy young men Jack, (Peter strate the exclusivity that the rich
an auction of a Lisa Kristine pho-
Armstrong) and Algernon, (Cory feel when she states,” Never speak
tograph, and two VIP passes to the
Sheets) who both lead double lives; disrespectfully of society, it is only
Sonoma International Film Festival.
one in London, and one in the coun- those who cannot get in that do so.”

Dragon’s Tale Page 3 March 2010


was your Fantastic four for the win
By Chelsea Rose Shiery
A plethora of pleasantries
By Jesse U’Ren The guest speaker
this year, Efren

An unnatural Carillo, leads an im-
From the earliest votes of hush blanketed the portant role in poli-
Convention, Slate 4 was slated to corridors of SVHS tics around Sonoma

part of
win. Luther Cenci, Alex Moore, on Friday, March County.
Emma McGee, and Jeremiah 19. Golton Hall, Carrillo holds the
Zelaya all plan to strengthen the on the other hand, fifth seat on the “I got a theme this

school by refining the schedule and was a cacophony Board of Supervisors year.”
reorganizing finances. of sound. for Sonoma County,
For many years, which manages the -Steven McGunagle,
As Convention progressed, Slate
4 proved their dedication through Convention has county’s 1.3 billion
discussions with Philpot, argu- provided an up- dollar budget.
ments, and participation in the beat, fun atmo- Ambition and sacri-
various games and dances at sphere for student fice were main points
Convention. As the crowd cheered activities. in Carillo’s inspira-
Photo by Joe Gilmore Photo by Joe Gilmore
for their new Slate, it marked the This year was no tional and motivat-
JFK raps to the crowd. Yahya Muslim breakdances.
start of Slate 4’s journey to better exception, featur- ductions even prepared “good bye” ing speech. “If you’re
the school. ing dancing and singing, along with and “victory” videos for the Slates. not at the table making decisions,
McGee, campaign manager, had a speech from the County Supervi- Several of SVHS’ students dem- you’re on the menu.”
high hopes for her team but knew sor. Slates used popular music for onstrated their musical, lyrical tal- At the end of Carrillo’s speech
that they might not achieve their their introductions, instilling them ents. However, music was not the an air of admiration and respect lin-
goal. with hip, stylized themes only form of entertainment exhib- gered as the final Slate’s votes were
“I think we all wanted to believe Along with the speeches and cam- ited at Convention; genres varied counted. More music, dancing, “The decorations
“Having lipstick we were going to win,” admitted paigning that the Slates did, they from raps to dance offs, even in- games, and fun wrapped up another brought out my
also showed the Convention videos cluding a ballet versus break-dance successful and extremely enjoyable
everywhere, and McGee. “We came into it knowing
to convey their beliefs. Video pro- competition. SVHS Convention. eyes.”
that whatever happened would be
watching other
Behind the scenes
best for the student body.” -Keith Mendez, junior

people get fuzzied!” As Slate 1 and 4 waited for the
results, energy was high; butterflies
-Amber Rose, 8th grader fluttered in the stomachs of all the By Chelsea Rose Shiery and
Caity Tremblay
commitee jived to Britney Spears
and Eminem as they assembled the
Diligent leadership students

at Altimira candidates.
“Ecstatic!” Zelaya, Student various decorations for the Fuzzy worked to transform Golton Hall
Activities Director said with smile. Wild cheers, loud music, stu- Room, a plethora of streamers and into a Convention arena. Banners,
dents who look like they have had chiffon strung stylishly across the flags, and seating for the delegates

“I was so happy when we won,
and that the anticipation was over Photo by James Fanucchi a makeover in Oz: though Conven- walls and ceiling. were all elaborately arranged in
with.” Slate 1 celebrates with Slate 4 on a victory well-deserved. tion may seem like a spontaneous As well as working for the whole preparation for the function.
The members of Slate 4 are all event, an enormous amount of school day prior to Convention, Delegates vote on what slate they
Although it is just another year of by the administration. They want sports are not cut. opinions, Slate 4 hopes to reach out
excited to apply their ideas, begin- high school, Slate 4 wants to bring to keep Tier, but move it to Friday. work goes into the production of students arrived at five in the morn- want. The slate with the lowest By Caity Tremblay
“We want to protect electives to the majority of students.
ning the 2010-2011 school year a “realistic approach” as they feel Slate 4 also supports students be- this occasion. ing on the day of Convention to number of votes is eliminated; this
above anything else because they Moore, Student Voice, feels the
with a bang. “It takes two months [of prepara- continue setting up. process continues until only one Kids go in, exotic works of art
they represent the entire student ing allowed to move during Tier to are the draw to the school,” re- determined foursome will prove
tion] for this one event that happens “I’m in leadership so I spend all slate, the winner, remains. come out. The Fuzzy Room is
“The unibrow.” Along with bringing back talent body. They also intend to broach receive academic assistance.
shows and music, Slate 4 prepares issues which reoccur every year.
marked Cenci. that the student body has made the
for only half a day,” stated Eden day today [Thursday] setting up “I think the electing is impor- famous at SVHS for its feathery,
“ We a l s o w a n t l a s t y e a r ’s The 2010-2011 Slate is attentive best choice.
- Courtney Struthers, for the hard work of planning for “I am financial advisor,” stated Mondays back, where each class is to involving the student body. They “We are in store for a good year,
and I go to Convention all day to- sparkly creations.
morrow,” said Jessic Hyde, junior. Students being fuzzied are picked
freshman college early. Cenci, “And I believe that there is fifty minutes with homeroom. This want students to have a say in what folks!” he declared.
Following the tradition of T-shirts at random, but the “Fuzzies,” the
“We want to get freshmen inter- money being unused that can be di- is a better system for Senior is happening to their school. Slate 4 will also have the chal-
ested in college. Maybe pass out rected towards the school.” being distributed at Convention, students who bedeck their peers, go
Project,” commented Cenci. By using methods such as lenge of getting acquainted with the
flyers and talk to them through artist Jason Davis, senior, made through an application process.
Slate 4 hopes that their plan for Slate 4 are also advocates for Facebook, e-mail, homeroom, and new principal and integrating ideas
Link Crew,” McGee disclosed. and sold the 2010 T-shirts. These students are asked numer-
a different schedule is recognized saving electives and making sure asking incoming 8th graders their to provide the best for SVHS. “I got [recruited] to ti-dye the ous questions to identify their po-

Bridging the great school divide

T-shirts,” explained Jason Davis. tential as artists with the human
“Karinna Davis made the design medium, the most important of
and then we made the shirts.” which was “what can you contrib-
By Anna Haley the Valley to participate. However, “I remember it was a little weird ing themselves” recollected former As Paige Giomi, Altimira, con-
Video productions students also ute to the Fuzzy Family?” Chosen
only Altimira and Adele have ever to walk down the halls and not Adele student body secretary fessed, “I think Convention is im-
added their technical expertise to applicants have to attend all meet-
Red, white, and blue decked sent delegates. know anyone” laughed Young. Riley O’Donnell, freshman. “It portant, but it seems a little strange
the event. ings, then work for all of Conven-
Golton Hall as the patriotic stage “I think it’s important for eighth As long as Convention has ex- gives people a chance to show who to have all these students out of Photo by Caity Tremblay
“Having Mike was set for over one hundred of graders to attend Convention be- isted there has been the invitation they are and make a difference.” class for nothing all that serious.”
Photo by Caity Tremblay
Leadership boys move a massive speaker
“I volunteered. I always wanted Mrs. Rivara, leadership teacher, super- tion.
to see Convention without having vises decoration of the Fuzzy Room. Favorite materials of the Fuzzy
Benson write ‘He’s SVHS’s most spirited students. cause they should have a say as for middle school delegates. “I just liked to be a part of it,” Haley Glasner, Altimira, agreed. off the stage to help set up for Conven-
tion. to sneak in,” admitted David Room include: balloons, lipstick,
Mixed in with the crowd of excit- future students at the high school,” Former Adele President Raquel explained Vinny Albano, Adele, “it “Convention is fun, but I wouldn’t tant because students get to vote,”
my daddy’ on my ed high school delegates were ten stated Scott Young, senior. Rios-Gomez, freshman, recalled, gave me a chance to see what I’m be sad if I couldn’t go.” Anuskewicz, senior and supervisor Cole, junior.
Anuskewicz rermarked.
glitter, and other vibrant props.
of the decorations and the Cameras situated strategically The following photos are a gal-
younger faces, nervous and enthu- “It gives them a feel for the elec- “Convention was great. I went last going to be a part of. It gave every- “But,” Giomi added, “I think Notes passed between delegates
face!” siastic, ready to have a voice. toral process and it gives them year. It was new, overwhelming.” one a chance to be a representative we’ve all learned a lot. I know my Fuzzy Room. throughout the hall captured the
assists in the voting process.
lery of students who have been
-Chandelor Kelly, “I was elected because I did it last event from various angles. These festooned in rainbow feathers and
These students were different ideas for activities they can do at “Middle school is all about being and choose a form of president.” group has a lot of ideas for some “Runners are the note passers
year as a junior,” observed Anuske- shots were then broadcast through- dipped into a vat of sparkles.
sophomore from the rest of the assembly in one their own schools.” quiet,” she added, “but at Conven- This year, the eighth grade dele- rallies at our school.” at Convention,” explained Amber
wicz. This year she ordered all the out the school. Enjoy!
simple way: they were eighth grad- As an avid member of leadership tion you got to be loud and voice gates represented the states of Ala- The middle school students who Daily, senior, in charge of the run-
materials for decorating on a bud- “I was here from 7am to 10pm
ers, currently enrolled in Altimira and having attended Convention your opinion. It was the student bama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, attend Convention were chosen by ners. The notes allow for inner-
get of 600 dollars. Favorite mate- setting up,” commented camera-
or Adele Middle Schools. himself as an eighth grader, Young voices, what the students wanted, California, and Colorado. their respective leadership teachers. delegate communication.
rials of the Fuzzy Room: balloons, man monitor Daniel Martinez, se-
Every year leadership asks assisted in situating the middle not the faculty.” Despite the festive atmosphere, However, guaranteed attendance Leadership students also had to
lipstick, and other vibrant props. nior. “It’s a lot of work,” he added,
Altimira and Adele as well as pri- school students onto the high “There were a lot of people, lots feelings about Convention were was extended to middle school stu- clean up Golton Hall after Conven-
Girls on Anuskewicz’s decorating gesturing at the expanse of Golton
vate and charter schools around school’s campus. of spirit, no one was afraid of be- somewhat mixed. dent officers. tion, leaving around five o’clock.

Dragon’s Tale Page 4 & 5 March 2010


Charlie Swing and a miss

and By Matt Fraser

The Dragons started off

2 runs to bring the score to 3-2
Eureka. Thus far the Dragons’
record is 3-5.

the their season with high spirits,

winning their first game of the
season against Washington 6-0
According to Brooks, the
team is not doing its best with-
out standout pitchers seniors

Tiger and then coming out of there

second game against Maria Car-
rillo with a 5-3 triumph.
Ben Graff, and Nate Swanson,
who are both still out due to
injuries. Graff, a University of
The victory was not carried on San Francisco recruit, was in-
to their third game however and jured in Basketball earlier this
Vintage left Arnold Field with year while Swanson sustained
the win. The Dragons struggled a shoulder injury from football
at the plate and on the mound, and is still not strong enough to
letting Vintage obtain a 9-2 vic- pitch deep into games.
tory. The 2010 varsity teamis
After a rained out game, the rounded out by seniors Mar-
By Charles Watson cus Amantite, Jimmy DeMar-
Dragons rescheduled and faced
off against Montgomery on tini, and Nick Woodle; juniors
The affair that has obsessed the Anthony Albano, Sam Alton,
Mar. 8. Even with Tyler Rose’s
sports community will finally Alec Berthoud, and Dylan Pri-
3-run home run and Stephen
come to an end, as Tiger Woods tel; along with Sam Morgan, the
Brooks’ multiple hits, the wild Photo by James Fanucchi
has publicly announced his re- lone sophomore.
pitches gave up the game and Dylan Pritel, junior, turns a double play against Eureka.
turn to golf. The Dragons start off their
Monty left with a 7-5 win. Watson’s, senior, solid 5 in- Eureka which once again ended
The Masters, scheduled to be- league games with two home
The next game against Santa nings on the mound. in a loss. The game was not
gin Apr. 5, will be the return of games, against the visiting Casa
Rosa was more successful. The Following Santa Rosa, the completely negative, however,
golf’s greatest star. For the past Grande Gauchos on Tuesday,
game, taking place on Mar. 9, Dragons played both Dublin and Watson pitched 6 innings with
five months the sports world has Mar. 23, followed by a Friday
was headlined by Brooks’ 3-run Northgate, which both resulted a total of 12 strikeouts. Kris
been consumed by Tiger Woods night game Mar. 26 against the
home run in the bottom of the in losses. The following Friday, Partick, senior, had 2 hits and 2
and the fallout of his extramari- Windsor Jaguars.
third combined with Charles the Dragons went up against RBIs with Kevin Deely scoring
tal affair, primarily focusing on
whether he should return to golf
or not.
Some argue that he should retire
Te a m C a l i f o r n i a f o r M u r d e n
USA wrestling, inviting them to ed his high school senior year Winslow’s coaching career,
from the game forever, claiming By Rachel Glago
that he is a fraud, a cheat, and a be a part of Team California for with 8 tournament wins, includ- which he had assumed had ended
liar, but . After returning from the CIF their annual dual meet against Or- ing 2 MVPs. after returning home from state.
Tiger’s return after surgery in state championships at Robobank egon. Reflecting on his wrestling His successful career consisted
2009 was possibly the greatest Arena in Bakersfield, seniors Jor- Since a few of this years state career, Murden notes, “I got to of nine league titles, one sectional
anticipated comeback in golf dan Winslow and Steven Mur- medalists in his weight class de- wrestle with a lot of really good dual crown, producing 13 state
history, and his debut at the den thought both of their seasons clined the opportunity due to prior kids in high school. It was awe- qualifiers, and sending one to
Masters will be more watched were over. commitments, Murden was asked some. Not to mention, I had a wrestle with Team California.
than Yahya Mulsim doing back For Winslow this was true as to join the team. Of course, with good coach who was able to help With Deets leaving SVHS, Mur-
flips. he ended an outstanding season enthusiasm he instantly accepted. me achieve my goals.” dens says, “The wrestling team
Golf history will be made at the with an NCS second place finish, “At first I was pessimistic, be- Murden’s exceptional season fi- just lost a key asset to their pro-
Masters this year, weather Tiger a berth in the state tournament. cause they wanted me to wrestle nally finished with a top-16 finish gram, but I have no doubt SVHS
is well liked or not. The sports However, for Murden, this 125 pounds and I weighed 145, at state after winning both the SCL will still remain one of the best.”
world has been overreacting and sparked yet another opportunity. but they said it was a 9 pound and NCS titles at 127 pounds, and As the Dragon’s wrestling
broadcasting his affair too often, Murden and head coach Deets weight allowance, so it was an opportunity to wrestle on Team season came to an end, the fu-
which is one reason why his re- Winslow believed both their high 134’s. Besides that, I was really California. In the future, Murden ture looks bright for prospective
turn is so anticipated. school wrestling days were over, excited,” stated Murden. hopes to wrestle at Cuesta Col- high school wrestlers as assistant
Tiger made a mistake, but since Deets Winslow talked about Traveling to Southern Oregon lege in San Luis Obispo. coaches Kyle Baird and Glen
it was a minor one at that, and retiring after 20 years of coach- University in Ashland, on Satur- Murden’s honor also led to an Geesman plan to begin their lega-
should not be emphasized as ing. But, they received a call from day, March 13, Murden conclud- unexpected extension to Deets cies, just as Winslow did.

Spring Into Sports

much as it has been. Critics have
blown the event out of propor-
They act as if he betrayed the By Victor Vasquez team captain Liz Lawlor and
golf community by cheating, fellow senior, Emily Hawing.
or throwing a tournament. The Spring sports are in full swing
truth is that Tiger only receives and with all the excitement over BOYS’ GOLF
so much criticism because he baseball and track it’s easy to for-
has been the highest paid athlete get secondary sports like swim- On the greens the boys hope
in the world for many years. In ming, tennis and golf, but they to have a good season. With
2009 he earned over $100 mil- need the school’s support too. few returning senior the Drag-
lion, nearly twice as much as any on golfers will have a tough
other player. What this has done BOYS’ SWIMMING time competing for a SCL
is cast a spotlight on Tiger’s life, title but hopes are high for in-
causing critics and writers to The boys’ swim team is look- dividual success. This years
overanalyze his actions. ing to rebuild this year. “We’re boys’ golfers are led by se-
Tiger should not have cheated not a very big team with some niors Trevor Dwelly and Joe
on his wife, but the repercus- pretty weak facilities,” says se- Gilmore, A.J. Vitorelo, junior,
sions of his affairs should not nior team captain Dominic Am- and Alex Connor, sophomore.
include quitting golf forever, or ara, “We’ll be decent this year.”
losing all his endorsements. Al- The team is lead by senior Peter BOYS’ TENNIS Photo by Joe Gilmore
though Tiger is looked up to by Armstrong, who Amara says “is Alex Connor, sophomore, tees off at a recent match.
thousands of kids, and placed on by far the best swimmer on the On the court the boys’ tennis
a pedestal in the golf world, his team.” The Sea Dragons will Dragons are young and hungry
mistakes should not destroy his face tough competiton against to compete this year in the SCL. Hey Shona,
career. SCL rival Analy who is a leading Sweeping El Molino and nearly
Although Tiger’s image has contender for the league title. upsetting longtime SCL rival I hope this isn’t too awkward, but
been tainted since the affair, he Petaluma, the Dragon netters
have high hopes for the season.
is still vital to the world of golf. GIRLS’ SWIMMING
Without a doubt, Tiger Woods The team will face tough com-
is the greatest attraction to the The Lady Sea Dragons hope petition against SCL teams such Yours truly,
game, and without him its popu- to have a similar season. Small as Casa Grande and Analy. The Sean
larity has and will diminish sig- but strong, like the boys’ team, Dragon netters are led by se-
nificantly. Hate him or love him, and also without good facilities, niors Conner Jeffress and Zach
golf needs Tiger Woods. the ladies are led by senior and Adams, and freshman Sean Hall.

Dragon’s Tale Page 6 March 2010


Spri n ti ng wi t h c a use
By Charles Watson Nick Spector, Ellen Everidge, and led the pack in the 300 low-hurdles and hope to be a threat for the
By Rachel Glago

sophomore Sarah Summers, all and 100 high-hurdles. league title. Off the court, student athletes
Nothing signals the beginning coming away with first place fin- Although inexperienced, the Drag- Although league meets do not jump into action and discuss
of spring like the start to the track ishes. ons played tough, placing high in begin until April, the Dragons have their current season.
and field season. After weeks of Leading the boys were Hammett, many events, with one of the more meets a Cardinal Newman, Cot-
practice, the Dragons have finally who won first in both the 400-meter exciting races of the day coming in tonwood, and Berkeley. SCL finals
begun their meets, with the most and pole-vault, with a time of 53.5 the boy’s 400-meter, where Sono- will be held May 13, with NCS be-
recent being the South County In- seconds and height of 11 feet, Har- ma took second. Comprising the ing a week later at Redwood. The
vite in Rohnert Park. gitt who placed first in high jump, relay team was Joey Casias, Troy first home meet will be held Apr.
The four-team meet was held at second in 110 high-hurdles, and Cameron, Danny Maggioncalda, 28, when Analy comes to visit.
Rancho Cotate High School, where fourth in 300 intermediate-hurdles, and Yahya Muslim. Leading the Dragons is long
the team played competed strongly, and Spector’s first in the two mile With more than half of the team time coach Sherman Harris, who is
finishing first and second in mul- with a time of 10:03. having no prior experience, many aided by Butch Alexander, Stephan
tiple races and events. As for the Lady Dragons, Ellen would expect the season be merely Fitzpatrick, Andy Gibosn, John
Pacing the Dragons were seniors Everidge won first in the 400 with a rebuilding period, however the Litzenberg, Linda Patterson, and
Sean Hammett, Nathanael Hargitt, a time of 63.8, and Sarah Summers Dragons have high expectations Bernadette Weissmann.

Ray to Mid America Nazarene there,” commented Ray. softball during basketball sea- along with friend and club soft-
Luke Salmas
Boys Varsity Golf
Ray, a three-year varsity start- son, but I miss basketball once ball teammate Lynsey Keith, a
er, holds the SVHS records for softball starts. I will also defi- senior at Maria Carrillo High 1. Uniform: “We wear slacks
batting average, hits, on base nitely miss playing basketball,” School in Santa Rosa. and a polo.”
percentage, and stolen bases. reflected Ray. “I have been playing with 2. Favorite Athlete: “Ben Sheets
“It feels great to any records Although she may have had Lynsey since 7th grade,” ex- because he’s going to take the
at all, let alone multiple ones. basketball options after high plained Ray, “We always told A’s to the World Series.”
It is really exciting for me, I school, Ray plans to attend each other we would go to the 3. Pregame Meal: “Definitely
wasn’t even aware our school Mid America Nazarene Uni- same college to play, and when a burrito from Gourmet Taco
By Ben Graff Shop. I actually eat that right
kept track of anything like versity in Kansas on an athletic MNU saw us both last summer,
this,” said a jubilant Ray. scholarship this fall, and will that enabled that dream to be- after.”
Hit, get on base, steal, score. 4. Pregame Song: “Cudder is
Not only is Ray a standout be playing softball for the Pio- come reality.”
All of these are objectives in back by Kid Cudi.”
softball player, but she was neers next spring. While one might think that
the game of softball, and all are
also the Lady Dragon basket- “While I am nervous to go to being such good friends with an
things Keeley Ray, senior, does
ball teams’ leading scorer and school so far away from home, opponent might make it tough
on a regular basis for the Lady
a first team all-league selection I look forward to playing at to stay competitive, Ray has no
during the winter season. Nazarene. It is going to be a re- trouble with playing Carrillo.
“I like to play aggressively
“I don’t think I have a favor- ally great experience,” stated “I hate playing against them,”
and competitively. I just try
ite sport; it usually depends on Ray. said Ray, ”They know all of my
to put my bat on the ball and
the season. I look forward to Ray will be heading to MNU tendencies.”
hope good things happen from
Students crazed with Bright start for softball
March madness By Matt Fraser Carrillo with a 7-4 loss.
Joe Alexander- Matt Breen, Sonoma’s was lead by Megan
Short, Senior Junior Now that the rain has finally McNeilly’s , sophomore, dou-
Team to beat: Team to beat: subsided, the Lady Dragons ble and 2 RBIs, seniors Emma
West Virginia Kansas have been able to begin their McNeilly’s and Nonnie Cobb’s Ghitta Ferrara
2010 season. single and run apiece, Mia Stor- Girls Varsity Swimming
The Lady Dragons opened their netta’s, junior, 2 runs, and se-
season against Ursuline Tues. niors Julianna Broadbent’s and 1. Uniform: “We have one piece
March 9th. Facing the North Lizette Ramirez’s RBI each. swim suits that say Dragons on
Nick Woodle, Adam Kohut, Bay powerhouse, the Lady Drag- The team, which consists of the front.”
Senior Junior ons had an remarkable 4-1 win, consists of Brittany Boisson, Ju- 2. Favorite Athlete: “The USA
Team to beat: Team to beat: led by senior standout Emma lianna Broadbent, Nonie Cobb, National water polo team be-
Duke Arkansas- Pine McNeilly’s 2 hit, 11 strikeout Riley Ellis-Reis, Juliana Guti- cause they are all really cool.”
Bluff game. errez, Heather Kracke, Amanda 3. Pregame Meal: “Anything
By Ben Graff composed of Jon Scheyer, Kyle Following the impressive vic- Lanning, Emma McNeilly, Me- with carbs, like pasta, so I have
Singler, and Nolan Smith, if an tory over Ursuline, the Lady gan McNeilly, Nicole Melbreg, energy.”
The madness that is the NCAA opponent stops two of the three, Dragons played Maria Carrillo Keeley Ray, Lizette Ramirez, 4. Pregame Song: “Your Gonna
Men’s Basketball Tournament the Blue Devils are probably the on Sat. 13, only to be down 4-1 and Mia Stornetta, looks to have Go Far Kid by the Offsrping.”
has been as chaotic as any sea- weakest of the one seeds. in the fifth. Despite their rally a successful season, and expects
son before. Syracuse has been a surprise to close the gap, they were only to do well in league starting with
“This is my favorite time of this year, after starting the sea- able to rack up 3 runs leaving Petaluma on Mar. 25.
year,” quipped Matt Breen, ju- son unranked. Coach Jim Boe-
nior, “The tournament is just heim has used his stifling 2-3
something I can’t get enough zone to lead the Orangemen to
of.” a number one seed and has them
With a field that features a poised for a deep tournament
weaker at large pool than in re- run.
cent years, the tourney looks to The two seeds are Ohio State
be extremely top heavy. in the Midwest, West Virginia in
The top overall seed is Kansas the East, Villanova in the South,
in the Midwest region, but was and Kansas State in the West.
upset by ninth seed Northern All four of these teams have Kyle Milner
Iowa in the second round. a great shot at a big run in the Boys Varsity Tennis
The other three number one bracket with Ohio State be-
seeds are Kentucky in the East ing led by Evan Turner, WVU 1. Uniform: “Green uniforms
Region, Duke in the South, and by Da’Sean Butler, and Kansas that are pretty cute.”
Syracuse in the West. State by Jacob Pullen. 2. Favorite Athlete: “Roger
Kentucky has an explosive Villanova was knocked off in Frederer is pretty cool.”
team led by freshmen John Wall the second round by local St. 3. Pregame Meal: “Broadway
and DeMarcus Cousins, but may Mary’s of Moraga, a 10 seed. Market Sandwiches are really
be susceptible to an early upset It looks to be an exciting tour- good.”
due to their lack of experience. nament, with many upsets, over- 4. Pregame Song: “I don’t
It was a surprise to many that times, and incredible comebacks know. I like a lot of songs.”
Duke was not sent out west as along the way, but one thing is
the final number one seed, and for sure, SVHS students will al-
although they have the big three ways be watching.
Dragon’s Tale Page 7 March 2010
Sophomores learn pain of racism-
Melba Beals tells tales from her past
By Rachel Glago of the dirty unkempt bathroom in of the minister began to beat the ma ‘cause she always said, ‘God ism, The nine didn’t want to give
the far back, reserved for African white man with a book bag until is as close as your skin, you can up and tried to return to the high
Discrimination, abuse, anddeep- Americans. they were free to run home. always pray.’ As I ran, I prayed school of terror. President Eisen-
ly rooted prejudice have haunted Talking about the incident re- Although Beals never really aloud and sang the 23 Psalms.” hower sent the National Guard to
Dr.. Melba Beals’ during her life minds her of what her father said talked to the girl before that and After the incident of the first at- escort them through school.
as she took a stand against racism when he found out, “You could be thought she was “kind of weird,” tempt at Central High, they decid- As they heard chants of “2, 4,
in the deep south, Arkansas. hanged for less than this, be care- she realized, “we are all born ed to go back on what was known 6, 8, we ain’t gonna integrate,”
Beals told SVHS students of her ful.” equal.” as “Mob Monday.” Police sur- Ernest Green, the oldest of the
struggles with racism, a corrupt At age 13, she was angry with From then on, Beals decided rounded the school; therefore, the nine, quietly replied with his own
law, and other barriers in the fight the discrimination and the ha- to “read the newspaper everyday nine black students went through rhyme, “4, 6, 8, 10, I guess we’re
for freedom in the little Theatere tred; she had already seen a black ‘cause I wanna know what’s go- the side doors to meet with the in.”
on March 10th. She spoke of her man hung from the rafters of her ing on in the world.” principal and teachers. The de- Even though the National Guard
experiences as part of the Little church and still remembered the Next Beals shared her first day at cision was that all nine of them was there to protect the students,
Rock Nine and of its peaceful screaming. Central High School. would be separated. they were not allowed in the ladies
mission. “I just thought why can’t we do “I remember about 500 white Beals was assigned to room 313 rest room or in the classrooms.
As Beals walked in with her something about this?” continued people lined up on the sidewalks. on the third floor recalling that she “That’s where the real taunting
walker, spectacles, and a big Beals. Then my mom and I saw our a had to climb the stairs everyday. was,” recalled Beals.
smile, she began to tell a story, She remembered the day of friend, Elizabeth, being taunted “With white students screaming “One time, I was gonna drink
about the feeling excluded. She Brown vs. the Board of Educa- on the street” at you, and you not being allowed some water from a cup, the sol-
recalled, at the age of 5, being tion, recalling that the nine stu- As soon as the whites noticed to shout or hit back; it’s a little bit dier grabbed my head and forced
arrested for entering the white dents were let out early because Beals and her mother, they began scary. A white mother even spit me to drink from the faucet. The
women’s bathroom, only because the KKK was going to arrive later. to chase them until they made it on me.” cup I was gonna drink from had
she wanted to see what was be- Walking home that day, she was to the car. Despite that their first day acid in it as a prank. That soldier
hind the decorated door instead almost raped, but the daughter “As I ran, I thought of my grand- was filled with violence and rac- saved my life.”
She remembered Martin Luther
King Jr. speaking to her school.
“He said to me, ‘don’t be selfish
Melba, this is for generations to
come.’ From then on, I always
said ‘thank you.’”
That next year, Arkansas closed
all schools to prevent blacks from
integration. “You know, not all
whites behaved that way, but any-
one who got caught helping us
would be beat up,” Beals added
before answering questions.
When asked if she had any white
friends, she replied with a smile,
“I did. A guy was trying to cut me
with a knife, and his friends where
throwing snow and bricks at me.
Some other white guy threw me
his keys to his car and told me to
drive. He picked his car up later.
He became an ally.”
After she left Central High, she
had to leave town due to threats
from the KKK. She moved to the
near and familiar town of Santa
Rosa. “I was sent to a white fami-
ly, George McKay’s family, at the
age of 15 and then grew up with
him as a father. He founded Sono-
ma State. She then went to the
Santa Rosa J.C.. and eventually
San Francisco State, becoming a
doctor at Dominican University.
“I deal with racism all the time,
but look in me, if you don’t know
me, you are missing out. You
lose,” states Beals when asked
how she deals with racism in the
21st century. “If you don’t wanna
be my friend, I don’t wanna be
yours. But I wont let someone de-
prive me of something, like edu-
Regarding those she encounters
that are racist today, she says, “I
mostly laugh. Usually what you
say out of your mouth is what
you think of yourself; therefore, I
laugh at them.”
As she concluded her extraor-
dinary stories, she stated, “Do not
have animosity. Animosity is like
a bitter pill or chewing on lem-
Beals has written a book called
Warriors Don’t Cry about her
experiences with discrimination.
The book is inspiring to all, releas-
ing the reality in which so many
American’s once lived. Thanking
her audience for listening, she
adds, “You can only oppress me if
I allow you to.”
Dragon’s Tale Page 8 March 2010

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