The Little Known Littles Law

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The Little Known Law

n physics, laws are a fundamental part of understanding how systems oper-
IDENTIFY A ate. E = mc2 is probably the most famous example. From these three sim-
PROCESS’S KEY ple letters, physicists have been able to improve their understanding of
how the universe works and make predictions about how things will behave
COMPONENTS TO under differing circumstances. It’s pretty powerful stuff.
Such laws also exist in the field of operations management. One stands out,
REDUCE CYCLE and managers should become much more familiar with it. It is called Little’s
TIME AND SAVE Law and is named after the man who first mathematically proved it, John D.C.
Little, former professor and chair of management science for the
MONEY. Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management.1
Little’s Law can be thought of as the master of cycle time because it defines
the critical relationships that dictate how long it will take, on average, to com-
plete the work tasks in any process. For example, it can determine how long
it takes to complete a manufactured good, process a customer order, serve a
patient in an emergency room or complete a construction project. And time,
especially cycle time, is money. By establishing the critical relations driving
By Robert Gerst, cycle time, Little provided the key to understanding process efficiency.
Converge A Look at the Law
Consulting Little’s Law states, “The average number of customers in a system over some
Group Inc. interval is equal to their average arrival rate, multiplied by their average time
in the system.”2 This can be represented as WIP = TH x CT, where:
• TH = throughput (arrival rate). This is the velocity or speed of production
and is calculated by determining how many items are produced and
dividing it by the length of time it took to produce them. It can, of course,
be computed from Little’s Law as TH = WIP/CT.
• CT = cycle time (average time in the system). This is the time it takes to
complete the production cycle or the average time it takes to produce
one unit. Generally, determining cycle time requires either direct meas-
urement or can be computed from Little’s Law as CT = WIP/TH.
• WIP = work in process (average number of units or customers in a sys-
tem). This is the number of items currently in production or being serv-
iced in some way. This figure must be measured (counted) directly or can
be computed from Little’s Law.
Little’s Law is now a fundamental part of queuing theory and has found
broad application in the design of computing systems, customer service func-
tions and logistics. But it has much broader application.
Even if you have never heard of Little’s Law, it may already be changing the
way you think about operations and production because organizations pursu-
ing lean production methods are pursuing an improvement strategy based on
the reality of the law. Lean assumes Little’s Law works.

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The Little Known Law

A Production Example completion time (CT) for all projects to increase. This
may explain why so many IT projects take longer than
So what are the law’s implications for managers? expected. New projects added to the department’s list
Considering a typical production situation of accept- of active projects immediately cause the time it takes to
ing new orders into a production process, let’s assume complete each individual project to increase.
we are running a process in which throughput (TH), The same holds true for construction firms taking
the number of units we produce, equals 25 units per on new or significantly larger projects or companies
day. Our work in process (WIP), the number of units increasing the number or scope of change initiatives,
in various stages of production, remains relatively con- such as those brought about by Six Sigma. In these
stant at 100. Given these conditions, our cycle time, cases, increasing the number of projects (WIP) would
the average time it takes to complete one unit, would immediately yield a decline in performance in the
be four days (CT = WIP/TH, CT = 100/25, CT = 4). form of increased cycle time.
This means we can accommodate new orders of 25 This causes a general slowdown in the delivery of all
units each day and the system will remain balanced. projects as resources become spread too thin and pro-
But suppose we receive an order for 60 units, 35 more duction or operational bottlenecks emerge, resulting
than the standard order of 25. The WIP would in a failure to meet delivery times, declining opera-
increase from 100 units to 135, and because TH would tional performance, overall project failures and can-
remain constant at 25 units per day, CT would imme- cellations.
diately increase from four days per unit to 5.4 days per
unit. The increase in orders (normally a good thing), Little’s Law Is Everywhere
immediately causes a decrease in production efficien-
cy (a bad thing). This is one of the strange but accu- Little’s Law applies to any system, not just manufac-
rate implications of Little’s Law: Significant levels of turing or project management applications. Once you
new orders cause production efficiency to decrease. become familiar with it, you will begin to look at every-
Adding to the confusion is the fact that delivery thing just a little differently.
promises made to customers at the time the orders are For example, a social services agency may run a suc-
taken are typically based on historical cycle times. In cessful counseling program that lasts five weeks (CT).
this case, the cycle time is four days, but the very act of At any time there are approximately 50 people
taking these new orders has increased the cycle time enrolled (WIP) in the program, which means the pro-
by 35%, making it impossible to meet the delivery gram is graduating about 10 people per week (TH).
times promised. This then, is the maximum number of new clients the
Beyond the obvious results of missed delivery dates agency can accept each week if it is to keep its pro-
and cancelled orders, these new orders may increase gram intact. If it decided to take on 15 clients in a spe-
interdepartmental squabbling. Marketing blames slow cific week, the cycle time would increase to five-and-a-
operations for the missed deliveries, and operations half weeks. Schedules would immediately become
blames marketing for overpromising on delivery dates problematic and the quality of the program would
to make sales. Both are victims of Little’s Law. If your decline for those enrolled. This explains, at least in
organization is confronted with sources of friction part, how so many successful programs become the
such as this, you may want to conduct some operations victims of their own success.
research to evaluate the extent to which Little’s Law is Here is another favorite example of mine. Consider
at work in your organization. Chances are you’ll find the new wave of million dollar enterprisewide
it is—with a vengeance. accounting and information processing systems some
organizations are purchasing today. The general man-
Implications for Project Management agement consensus is that these new systems will make
for faster, improved decision making by making avail-
Little’s Law applies to problems in project manage- able more information of better quality. Well, maybe.
ment in the same way, but instead of producing units, An argument can be made that such systems also
we are now concerned with completing projects. increase the amount of information (WIP) added to
For example, an IT department may take on addi- the decision making process. With this increase in
tional projects for client departments (increasing WIP) WIP, the time it takes to make decisions (CT) will
without realizing it immediately causes the project increase. By making more information available for

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The Little Known Law

processing, these new systems will ensure decision The Law Is the Law
making takes longer, and the quality of decisions
made will decline.3 Most organizations and managers are unaware of
Other examples abound. What are the implications Little’s Law, and those that are aware of it tend not to
of increasing classroom size in public schools, the believe it. The implications are, at times, just too coun-
impact of growth on corporate resource departments terintuitive. But the law is the law, and Little’s Law is
such as human resources and finance or the impact of one you ignore at significant potential cost.
adding additional product lines or pricing schemes on An increase in work, be it in the form of new or big-
order processing? Plugging the numbers into Little’s ger projects, orders or customers, will tend to increase
Law often yields interesting and surprising results. cycle time for all items currently in the system, causing a
decline in system performance across the
board assuming throughput stays con-
stant. You cannot escape it.
To improve cycle time, only two
How Long Does It Take? options are available:
1. Increase throughput. This may re-
It is surprising how many people, including man- quire process improvement or a signifi-
cant investment to increase the scale of
agers, executives and others involved in perform-
the system to better handle the increase
ance or process improvement initiatives, confuse
of WIP. This is fine when considering
throughput (TH) with cycle time (CT). How many longer-term system capacity. It is imprac-
times have we heard someone ask, “How long does tical, however, when addressing relative-
it take us to process a customer’s order, serve a ly short-term variations in demand.
customer, move components from inventory to a
2. Reduce WIP. Only this option can be
manufacturing station, process a payment or com- used to effectively address these short-
plete a task?” term demand variations. Reducing WIP
Any process owner should know the answers to may require some counterintuitive
these common, essential questions as they all actions, such as temporarily pulling
demand a response in terms of CT. However, the projects or orders out of the workflow
answer provided is often a variation of TH. This and setting them aside. With the result-
occurs when the answer is calculated by taking TH ing decline in WIP, cycle time drops and
(say 100 units a day) and dividing by the available the remaining projects get done better
time (eight hours in a day) to provide an answer of and faster, so much so that projects orig-
12.5 units per hour or one unit every 21 minutes inally pulled out of the workflow can
then be reinserted and completed on or
(100 units divided by eight hours).
before the original target date. In other
This answer gives the impression it takes 21 min-
words, by stopping work on a project, it
utes to produce an item from start to finish, but this gets done faster. Now that is counterin-
isn’t the CT at all. It’s takt time or the inverse of TH. tuitive!
In fact, given the data presented, we have no idea If you don’t believe it, consider this
what the CT is. example from Boeing concerning the
To find the CT we would have to physically time production of the C-17 Globemaster.4 In
units from the time they entered the production the early years, production of the C-17
cycle to when they left the production cycle. Or we was fraught with problems. There were
could use Little’s Law. To do so, we would just need quality issues, significant cost overruns
to know the level of work in process (WIP). If the WIP and aircraft were constantly delivered
was 800 units, the cycle time would be eight days late to the customer, in this case, the
(CT = WIP/TH, CT = 800 units/100 units per day, CT U.S. Air Force.
= eight days). This is a far cry from 21 minutes. Figure 1 shows the delivery times rela-
tive to the schedule for every C-17 deliv-
ered to the Air Force from 1992 through

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The Little Known Law

2000. The negative numbers in 1992 and 1993 indi- tasks at one station were not completed, aircraft were
cate late deliveries (slow cycle times). The improve- moved to the next station where personnel played
ments in 1993 and early 1994 gave program managers catch-up in assembly. Boeing believed it had to keep
at Boeing some hope. They thought they were making the planes moving to meet the schedule.
progress and deliveries would soon be on schedule. What Kozlowski did was make quality king by
But when it became apparent plane 12 was going to dethroning the schedule as the critical driver of pro-
be significantly behind schedule, Don Kozlowski, gen- duction. He decided no plane would move forward in
eral manager of the C-17 program, realized that to the production cycle until all tasks associated with that
have any hope of meeting the delivery schedule, station were completed and completed well. This
things were going to have to be done differently. What meant there were times when an assembly team had
he did was revolutionary. He temporarily took air- nothing to do while it waited for the station ahead to
planes out of the workflow (reducing WIP) so the complete its tasks. These planes in waiting were essen-
cycle times improved. In other words, Kozlowski tially taken out of the workflow (temporarily reducing
reduced the time it took to assemble a C-17 by stop- WIP) while work progressed on the plane holding up
ping work on selected C-17s in production. production. Once the plane holding up production
At the time, aircraft moved through various stations was capable of moving ahead to the next station, all
on the assembly line with a specific set of tasks con- planes in the workflow moved forward and work on
ducted at each station. Keeping the aircraft moving them proceeded.
through the stations was paramount. Even if all the The success of this approach is evident in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Delivery Time Relative to Schedule

1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

<= Days early =>



Delivery relative to commitments



That’s it, hold the aircraft.


<= Days late =>



P1 P5 P9 P13 P17 P21 P25 P29 P33 P37 P41 P45 P49 P53 P57 P61

P = plane number

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The Little Known Law




While plane 12 was late, the plane behind it, number why so much of lean thinking is also counterintuitive.
13, was delivered to the Air Force slightly ahead of Traditional management thinking argues for large
schedule, and the program has never looked back production volumes to gain economies of scale. To do
since. Cycle time to budget subsequently skyrocketed, so, companies produce large volumes of parts that are
as did quality, with C-17s being delivered to the Air later assembled in large volumes into finished prod-
Force in advance of schedule by as much as 170 days. ucts. The economics of this is obvious—make lots of a
By stopping work on aircraft in production, Kozlowski specific item, and you can make it cheaply.
and his eventual replacement, David Spong, assured It’s not so obvious to those familiar with Little’s Law,
they were completed not only better, but faster. however. Lean thinking argues that these traditional
Neither Kozlowski nor Spong thought of Little’s management practices also yield large levels of WIP.
Law when they made the decisions they did. But aware With the increasing WIP comes increasing cycle times
of it or not, both took advantage of its fundamental and falling levels of system performance and efficien-
principles. cy. This means large production volumes look eco-
nomical only when measuring the relatively narrow
Taking Advantage of Little’s Law cost of production for each individual part. When
looking at the larger system, including the cost associ-
So how can you take advantage of Little’s Law? ated with holding inventories, the total cost of pro-
1. Accept it. Managers who are aware of Little’s Law duction tends to rise with large production volumes.
tend not to believe it. Like the law of gravity, how- That is why lean thinking pursues methods such as
ever, Little’s Law is not influenced by whether you single piece flow, pull systems, kanban, takt time pro-
believe in it. You can refuse to accept it and watch duction targets and complexity reduction. These
your production efficiency fall like a stone. Or, approaches are all designed to produce low levels of
you can accept it, using it to balance system WIP and, in keeping with Little’s Law, improve cycle
capacity with new arrivals and thereby maximize times.
the short-term efficiency of the system.
Seeking Further Opportunities for Improvement
2. Determine cycle time. Unfortunately, cycle time is
often difficult to measure. With Little’s Law, how- Some comfort can be taken in the fact that, if you or
ever, you don’t need to measure cycle time directly. your organization is pursuing lean methods, you are
If you know how many units (orders, people and already taking advantage of Little’s Law. Knowing
projects) are in the system (WIP) and how many of what is behind many of the lean methods makes it eas-
these are completed during some specified time ier to see new opportunities for applying lean con-
period (TH), cycle time (CT) can easily be com- cepts. A good place to start looking for these oppor-
puted. Little’s Law provides an easy and accurate tunities is wherever there is some form of system that
way of answering the question, how long does it must respond to changes in input volume, such as
take? (See sidebar “How Long Does It Take?” p. 20) arrival rates, new order rates or new projects.
Some years ago, I was contracted to assist some
Little’s Law and Lean process improvement teams in their attempt to
enhance the efficiency of a large scale natural gas pro-
Many organizations today are pursuing improve- cessing plant in southern Alberta. This included help-
ment strategies based on lean methods or lean think- ing teams properly analyze and interpret plant data
ing. Few realize, however, that lean methods are con- using statistical process control.
structed on the foundation of Little’s Law. That may be A major issue for this plant concerned the number

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The Little Known Law

of shut-ins. A shut-in occurs when the gas being pro- nies impacted by a sudden increase in the num-
duced is of insufficient quality and is denied access to ber or scope of construction projects? Little’s Law
the outgoing pipeline distribution network, thus infers estimation processes based on individual
being “shut-in” the plant. Without the usual outlet and project costs would not be able to assess the
with the gas having to go somewhere, the plant is impact of having multiple projects in process.
forced to flare the gas—a nice way of saying they burn Thus, the ability to effectively estimate required
it. Thus, thousands of dollars worth of production lit- project resources should decline with the increas-
erally goes up in smoke. ing scale or number of projects in process.
In reviewing a few basic control charts, one process • What is the impact of a company’s sales ordering
improvement team noticed shut-ins occurred shortly processes on its ability to deliver the products or
after any sudden increase in the volume of raw, services sold? Do its scheduling or ordering sys-
unprocessed gas flowing into the plant. These increas- tems specifically take Little’s Law into considera-
es in input volumes were driven by customer demand. tion? If not, the company is likely sacrificing pro-
When sufficient new orders for gas came in, field staff duction efficiency and customer satisfaction.
were directed to open the taps of field wells that led to
Little’s Law was originally formulated to address sys-
the plant. This increase in volume would then drive
tem performance in the context of customer service—
the plant to a shut-in position even when the change
specifically the ability of a system to serve a customer
was well within the plant’s operating capacity. It wasn’t
given changes in arrival rates. However, the law can be
the volume of input gas that was creating the problem,
applied to any production system that is dependent on
it was the short-term variation in input.
input volume, including patient scheduling, gas plant
We quickly recognized this as just another dimen-
operations, project management, call center manage-
sion of Little’s Law. Even though some of the assump-
ment, and manufacturing and production planning.
tions of Little’s Law were arguably violated in this case,
Clearly, Little’s Law deserves even wider recognition
the system represented by the gas plant was still oper-
and application. Managers and those concerned with
ating in accordance with the law’s fundamentals.
efficient operations should heed the law’s inescapable
Specifically, a change in input volume (short-term vari-
ation) slowed the processing cycle and drove efficiency
down to a point where the plant was essentially crash-
ing. The solution was simple: Limit the amount of new
input gas that could be turned on within a 24 hour 1. John D.C. Little, “A Proof for the Queuing Formula: L = λ W,”
period. A simple protocol reflecting the new rules was Operations Research, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1961, pp. 383-387.
developed that day and communicated to field staff. 2. Ibid.

Plant shut-ins fell from several a year to zero. 3. The full process of management decision making is considerably more
complex than I have described here, and in that context, enterprisewide sys-
tems may yield considerable advantages over older systems. My point is that
Other Systems such systems present the real opportunity of yielding precisely the opposite
results of what they are designed to do, and these possibilities are rarely
What other systems might benefit from considera- 4. I am grateful to David Spong, president of Boeing Military Aerospace
tion of Little’s Law? Here are a few questions to get Support, for giving me permission to use this example from Boeing’s C-17
those creative juices flowing:
• What is the impact on hospital or medical system
efficiency given changes in arrival or referral rates?
To what degree are cycle times within a hospital or
emergency department impacted by differences in
arrival rates? What are the implications for medical
service design? In the context of Little’s Law, many WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS ARTICLE? Please share
of the initiatives designed to improve hospital effi- your comments and thoughts with the editor by e-mailing
ciency seem destined to do just the opposite.
• How are engineering and construction compa-

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