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ents een LARIMER, COUNTY LARIMER COUNTY OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. HUMAN RESOURCES POLICY AND PROCEDURE 3314G SUBJECT: CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT. DATE: (this jon DRAFT: March 8, 2016; more revisions coming) "FECTIVE PERIOD: Uniil Superseded REVIEW SCHEDULE: Annual; or as needed CANCELLATION: Human Resources Policy and Procedure 331.48, October 14, 2013 ENCLOSURE(S): 1 Juation form — LCHR-17 (08/06) 2. Acknowledgment of the Substance Abuse Prevention Policy form —LCHR-81 (05/11) 3. Reasonable Suspicion Authorization for Treatment 4. Larimer County A 5. Supervis Reasor 6. SipensorsReambl Sisson Piya Assent Chscls-LCHR 127 (108) 7. Teleworkers Suitability Checklist, LCHR-26 (10/10) 8. Telework Employee Acknowledgment, LCHR=10 (09/10) 9, Exaluation of the Telework Program, LCHR-27 (10/10) REFERENCE(S): ‘A. Human Resources Policy and Procedure 331.8, Corrective and Adverse Actions, Grievance Procedure and Problem Solving Process B. Human Resources Policy and Procedure 331.5, Wages and Salaries C. Administrative Policy and Procedure 390.15, Larimer County Department Of Transportation - (DOT) Regulatory Procedures; and Administrative Policy and Procedure 390.15,1, Larimer County Department of Transportation — (DOT) Regulatory Procedures (in compliance with FTA Regulations) D. Colorado Open Records Act E. Administrative Policy ard Procedure 340.1, 340.2 and 340.3, Wireless Communication Policy, Electronic Mail Policy and Webcontent and internet Usage F. Gove % 5 ection G. Larimer County Policy HCC Pi 5A ~ Sheriffs Deparment Personnel Policies H, Fair Labor Standards Ac 1 Administrative Policy And Procedure 380.1, Emergency Closing of County Offices J. Drug Free Workplace Act K. Colorado Constitution, Article XIX, Section 3- Officials’ and Employees” Ethies Act, Gift Ban section L. Administrative Policy and Procedure 100.13, County Owned Vehicles M, Administrative Policy ard Procedure 390.2, Worker's Compensation epitope 01 XVI A B, D. HICAL STANDARDS, GIFTS, CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND U PROPERTY E OF COUNTY Holding public offic: or employment is public trust. In order to ensure thatthe confidence of the public in Larimer County is not harmed by the perception that official decisions are inappropriately influenced by gifts or compensation from organizations and individuals with which the County dees business or serves, County officials and employees must comply with these policy provisiens (reference K), Ethical Standards; 1. A.County offical or employee will not acquire or hold an interest in any business or undertaking that he or she has reason to believe may be directly and substantially affected to its economic benefit by official action to be taken by an agency over which he or she has substantive authority A County official or employee will not, within six (6) months following the termination of his or het office or employment, obtain employment in which he or she will take direct advantage, unavailable to others, of matters with which he ot she was directly involved during his or her term o* employment. These matters include rules, other than rules of general application, which he or she actively helped to formulate, and applications, claims, or ‘contested cases in the consideration of which he or she was an active participant. 3. A County official or employee will not perform an official act directly or substantially affecting a business or other undertaking to its economic detriment when he or she has @ substantial interest in a competing firm or undertaking. Rules of Conduct A County official or employee shall not 1. Disclose or use confidential information acquired in the course of his or her official duties in ‘order to further substantiate his or her personal financial interests; 2. Accept a gift or gifts of substantial value or an economic benefit tantamount to a gift of| substantial value that total more than $50.00 in a year; or b. which would tend to improperly influence a reasonable person in his or her position to depart from the faithful and impartial discharge of his or her public duties; or ©. which he or she knows or which a reasonable person in his or her position should know under the circumstances is primarily for the purpose of rewarding him or her for official action he or she has taken: or 4d. which the activity brings discredit to the Coumy. It shall not be a breach of fiduciary duty and the public trust for a County offical or employee to use County facilities or equipment to communicate or correspond with the County official's oF psteormeraseloeogel044n pot XIX. WORKPLACE VI rape ‘employee's constituents, family members, or business associates, However, all County officials and employees will eomply with any Facilities & Information Technology Division policies pertaining to the use of telephones, radios, and intranet or internet usage in accordance with the provisions of the Administrative Policies and Procedures 340.1, 340.2 and 340.3 (reference E), LENCE PREVENTION A. Larimer County has zero tolerance for workplace violence. B. Weapons at Work: |. Many objects have the potential o be used as weapons. However, weapons for the purpose of this policy are defined as any object that has as its primary purpose the infliction of physical injury. Examples include any kind of firearm, knives, o clubs. Packet knives and other ‘knives that are routinely used in a particular work place for work activities are not weapons as ‘that term is sed in this policy. 2. Recognizing that disagreement as to whether an object is or is not a weapon may occur, any disagreement as to whether an object is or is not a weapon for purposes ofthis policy shall be resolved by the Human Resources Director or designee. Except as otherwise provided in this policy, employees are prohibited from bringing a weapon of any kind to any County workplace or on County property. County workplace shall be defined as any County owned property, any work site leased or rented by the County, County vehicle, or other location where an employee is conducting official business, This Policy only. applies to employees during active work hours and shall not apply to employee's private homes when working from home. 4, Employees may keep a legal weapon in their personal vehicle when the vehicle is parked on County property or driven on County property provided the employee keeps the weapon. securely locked within the vehicle at all times, 5. Employees wio told a valid permit fora concealed weapon may possess such weapon on County property. A permit does not authorize an employee to carry a concealed weapon into 8 public building at which; (i) security personnel and electronic weapons screening devices are permanently n place at each entrance tothe building; (i) security personnel electronically sereen each person who enters the building to determine whether the person is carrying a ‘weapon of any kind; and (it) security personnel require cach person who i carrying a weapon of any kind to leve the weapon in possession of security personnel while the person is in the building. A permit does not authorize an employee to use a weapon in a manner that would Violate any provision of State law. 6. Employees may bring weapons to work or onto County property provided the employee is required to take custody of such weapon in the performance of his/her official duties, 7. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Policy and policies or directions issued by the Chief Judge of the Eighth Judicial District pertaining to the control of weapons in those areas of the Justice Center in Fort Collins and the Loveland Police and Courts ‘building subject othe jurisdiction of the Chief Judge, the policies or direction issued by the Chief Judge shall prevail stmcaraineragerpeyeer" rm mat

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