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ELC1411 Out of Class Reading Requirement

Nursing and Social Sciences Discipline

Student Information Sheet

1. Reading Requirement
In order to complete ELC1411, students are required to read at least three journal articles
over the course of the semester.

Week Student Action

Journal Article 1: Students form group of 3 or 4 students.

3 Each student in a group chooses article from list provided by teacher.
Students inform teacher of group members and article choice.

5 In-class short presentation of article by students in their groups.

Enter Reading Record in learning journal.
4-6 Record audio summary of article.
Post audio summary on your eLearn learning journal.
Leave comment on at least three student audio summaries.

Journal Article 2: Student finds articles related to Assessment 1 writing topic.

7 Student inform teacher of article choice.
Teacher approves choice.

9 In-class short presentation of article by students in their groups.

Enter Reading Record in learning journal.
8-10 Record audio summary of article.
Post audio on your eLearn learning journal.
Leave comment on at least three student audio summaries.

Journal Article 3: Students in group choose Presentation topic.
Choose articles related to Presentation topic.
Students inform teacher of topic and article choice.
Teacher approves choice.

14 In-class Assessed Presentation by students in their groups.

Enter Reading Record in learning journal.
Write Reflections – Which articles did you most enjoy reading?
Which strategies did you find most useful?

2. iWork Reading Record

For each article that you read, you are required to make an entry in your learning journal of
one or more of the following:

o consider the article from a problem–solution perspective

o make a mind map of the article
o list vocabulary from the article
o make questions about the article

More information about reading skills and strategies can be found at .

You are also strongly recommended to set up a RefWorks account through the Pao Yue-
Kong library website. This will enable you to record the author details of each journal you
read efficiently.

3. iWork Audio Summary

For Journal Articles One and Two you are required to make an audio recording summarisng
the article. The length of the recording should be between 1-2 minutes. In the recording you
can summarise the main points of the article, your opinions about it, and any questions that
the article raises.

The recording should be posted on your learning journal in eLearn within the time specified
on page 1. You should then listen to and leave a comment on at least three audio
summaries from your classmates’. In your comment you should write about the quality of the
recording and how it could be improved. You can also answer any questions that your
classmate raises.

4. iWork Reflections

Towards the end of the course you should reflect on the articles that you and your
classmates have read during the semester. Which articles did you enjoy reading and which
did you not? Do you know why? Which strategies did you find more useful when reading?
Write your reflections in your eLearn learning journal.

5. In-class short presentations in Weeks 5 and 9

Each group will have 20 minutes to complete their presentation. This means around 5-7
minutes per student presentation. More details about presentations can be found in Unit 4 of
the course materials.

In your presentation you should start with a short introduction when you state your topic and
purpose. The main details of the article are covered in the body of the presentation, while in
the conclusion you can give your opinion about the article and ask your group questions
which follow from the article. The group can also ask the presenter questions. The notes that
you make in your Reading Record can help you prepare for your presentation. You could
also look at the article for a problem–solution perspective. What problem does the article
address, and what solutions are offered?

6. Articles for Week 4

The topic for the first reading is Eating Healthily. Form a group of 3 or 4 students. Each
student should choose one of the articles from the list below. All articles are available online
from the PolyU Library website. An article can be chosen once only.

Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter October 2005 Supplement, "Beef: Is it still what's for
dinner? ", vol. 23, no. pp. 1-4.

Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter 2007, "Is organic food really more nutritious? ",
vol. 25, no. 7, pp. 8.

Bell, AC & Swinburn, BA 2004, "What are the key food groups to target for preventing
obesity and improving nutrition in schools? ", European Journal of Clinical Nutrition ,
vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 258-263.

Orlet Fisher, J, Mitchell, DC, Birch, LI & Wright, HS 2002, "Parental influences on young
girls’ fruit and vegetable, micronutrient, and fat intakes. ", Journal of the
American Dietetic Association , vol. 102, no. 1, pp. 58-64.

Tyre, P, Abrahms, S & Lin, J 2002, "Fighting 'big fat'", Newsweek, vol. 140, no. 6, pp. 38.

7. Article for Week 9

The article for Week 9 should be related to the final draft of your Assessment 1 out of class
writing topic. The article should be submitted to the class teacher for approval in Week 7.
The article must be different to the ones that you were given by the teacher for the first draft
of the essay.

Make sure that you choose an article that you and your group mates find interesting.

8. In-class assessed group presentation in Week 14

Each group of 3-4 students should present their topic in around 15-20 minutes. The topic
should be related to your discipline and approved by your class teacher in Week 10. Articles
should be chosen as background reading for the presentation topic. You can find more
information about this assessment in the Information for Students’ handout.

9. Electronic Journals

A wide range of journals related to nursing and social sciences can be found at the Pao Yue-
kong Library. Most of them have online versions which you can use free of charge through
the library website. See

Remember that you only have around 5 minutes to tell your group about your article for the
short in-class presentations. Therefore, do not choose an article which is too long, or too
detailed for your group to understand.

10. Topic and Article Approval Form

The form below should be completed in Week 3, 7 and 10. Details of the article should be
completed in Harvard format. For Weeks 3 and 10, one form per group should be submitted.
For Week 9, each form should be submitted individually.

Class Teacher: Week 14

Presentation Topic:
Group members Articles
Teacher approval

Class Teacher: Week 9

Student Name:
Assignment 1 Topic:
Students in Group:
Teacher approval

Class Teacher: Week 5

Topic : Eating Healthily
Group members Articles
Teacher approval

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