Whirlwinds Pre Order Announcement

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Whirlwinds Announcement

Preorder Announcement and Update.

May 18, 2010

The Team Colors Collective is pleased to announce that our first book—Uses of a
Whirlwind—is now available for Preorder!

Published by noted radical publisher AK Press and edited by the Team Colors
Collective, Uses of a Whirlwind: Movement, Movements, and Contemporary Radical
Currents in the United States explores current community organizing and struggle in the
U.S. by bringing a diverse set of voices in encounter with one another. Uses of a
Whirlwind will be released in June 2010.

You can visit the collection’s website at www.whirlwinds.info to view advance praise for
Uses of a Whirlwind, detailed chapter summaries, and the full text of Team Colors’
introduction to the book.

Pick Up Your Copy:

• Preorder from AK Press - 25% off the cover price and only $14.95!
• Preorder the book from Amazon.com

Of Friends and Whirlwinds Tour:

Team Colors will be holding book events, many including contributors and friends, in
various cities across the U.S. in Summer 2010:
• June 22-26th – US Social Forum in Detroit, MI
• Monday, June 28th, 2010 – Boxcar Books in Bloomington, IN.
• Wednesday, June 30th – Location TBA in Chicago, IL
• Friday, July 2nd – Location TBA in Madison, WI
• Saturday, July 3rd – Location TBA in Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Pacific Northwest, San Francisco Bay Area, Northeast, and Mid-Atlantic Region events
are being planned for July & August 2010.

Contact the collective at info@whirlwinds.info if you are interested in bringing us to your


How You Can Help:

• Circulate this announcement to friends, family, and colleagues.
• Carry Uses of a Whirlwind on your shelves and tables (see below for details).
• Interview the collective and the collection’s contributors for your magazine, zine,
blog, or radio show.
• Distribute our amazing Posters and Postcards designed by Justseeds.
• Contact your local radical bookstore, infoshop, and bookseller and ask them to
carry Uses of a Whirlwind; click for a copy of the One-Sheet.
• Include Uses of a Whirlwind in your college course or study group; contact AK
Press Wholesale for bulk copies.
• Donate to Team Colors to assist us in promoting the collection and ensuring that
Uses of a Whirlwind reaches the audience it deserves.
• Keep in touch by signing up on our low-traffic email list, or join us on Facebook
and Myspace.

Get in touch to participate: info@whirlwinds.info

For Stores, Distribution & Bulk Copies:

• Available for bookshops, infoshops, and tabling projects through AK Press
Wholesale (42% discount with credit account, 45% discount with prepay); contact
orders@akpress.org to place an order.
• Available to the trade via Consortium Book Sales & Distribution/Perseus, as well
as from Baker & Taylor, Ingram, and most other wholesalers. In Canada, the
books are available through PGC (Publishers Group Canada).
• Here is a copy of the Uses of a Whirlwind One-Sheet for ordering the title.

Team Colors Pocket-Book:

The Team Colors Collective has recently released a companion volume to Uses of a
Whirlwind titled Wind(s) from Below: Radical Community Organizing to Make a
Revolution Possible. This pocket-book will be available from AK Distribution and
Microcosm Publishing in June 2010; click for more information.


About the Book

Uses of a Whirlwind:
Movement, Movements, and Contemporary Radical Currents in the United States.
Edited by the Team Colors Collective, Published by AK Press
June 2010 | $19.95 | £16 | ISBN: 978-1-84935-016-7

In the midst of a moment defined by international crises, community devastation,

increasing injustice, and ruptures in the fabric of everyday life, winds of resistance
continue to emerge and to circulate.

Uses of a Whirlwind is more than just a snapshot of current activity, organizing, ideas,
and questions circulating among today’s radicals. It’s an opportunity for organizers,
theorists, strategists, and movement elders to share and connect, to speak honestly of the
challenges before us, to articulate new demands and possibilities in the ongoing war
against state and capital.

Team Colors Collective invites voices from today’s myriad currents, and in so doing
generates common understandings of radical community organizing, movement building,
and the impetus and inspiration toward making a revolution possible. The essays
collected here come from very different places—farms, forests, bookstores, streets and
street corners, homes, corporate chains. Their authors organize in very different ways—
art and media, mapping and research, theory and discussion, popular education, and road
blockades. Yet they are all moved by the same desire: to create new worlds and new
ways of being, and demanding nothing less. We are in the middle of a whirlwind of
struggle and opportunities for fundamental change abound; it’s just a question of how we
use them.

The volume will be released June 2010 to coincide with the US Social Forum in Detroit.

Contributors include Malav Kanuga | Bluestockings Books & Activism Center, Direct
Action to Stop the War, Roadblock Earth First!, Starbucks Workers Union – IWW,
Marina Karides | United States Social Forum, Student / Farmworker Alliance, City Life/
Vida Urbana | Picture the Homeless | Take Back the Land | United Workers, Harmony
Goldberg | Domestic Workers United & Right to the City Alliance, Basav Sen, John
Peck| Family Farm Defenders, Brian Tokar, Benjamin Shepard, Julie Perini, Dorothy
Kidd, Daniel Tucker | AREA Chicago, Maribel Casas-Cortes & Sebastian Cobarrubias,
Brian Marks, Michael Hardt & El Kilomobo Intergalactico, George Caffentzis, Silvia
Federici, Peter Linebaugh, & Chris Carlsson.
Interviews with Robin D.G. Kelley, Ashanti Omowali Alston, & Grace Lee Boggs.
Artwork: Kristine Virsis | Justseeds Artists Cooperative.
Foreword: Journal of Aesthetics & Protest Press.
Preface: Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz & Andrej Grubacic.

info@whirlwinds.info, www.whirlwinds.info

About the Collective

Team Colors Collective (Conor Cash, Craig Hughes, Stevie Peace, Kevin Van Meter, and
friends) is a collective engaged in militant research to provide strategic analysis for the
intervention into everyday life. Our purpose is to explore questions of everyday
resistance, mutual aid, the imposition of work, social reproduction, class composition,
community participation, movement building, and the commons by creating engaging
workshops and producing provocative written documents and articles. Currently, Team
Colors operates in the United States with members based in the Mid-Atlantic Region,
Midwest, Northwest, and Southwest. Our approach has developed out of our involvement
in community organizing projects, community dialogs, and resistance activities for more
than a decade.
teamcolors@warmachines.info, www.warmachines.info


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