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Notes on Digital Media Talk

Given at 2010 PBS Annual Meeting - Digital Media Salon

Shane Guiter - Director of Development - KLRU-TV, Austin PBS

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Title of talk - contact info

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Two things represent the future of fundraising: Content & Context

PBS create great content ...

We need to put that Content in a Context that’s meaningful to our viewers

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Online giving is growing 30-40% per year

non-profit sector online revenue: 10%

PBS Membership grow same rate, but catching up - Less than 10%

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KLRU has put an emphasis on online fundraising

KLRU’s online revenue has grow from $118,000 to $700,000/yr since 2005

KLRU’s Membership raised 18% online in 2009

In 2009 - KLRU pledge drive revenue was 30% of total

I want to show you the key innovation that made 30% possible

and how it tells a bigger story about where we need to go

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In 2007 we raised 12% online during pledge drives

Our online fundraising during pledge was confusing...the experience lacked a focused context
Pledge is all about Content put into Context

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I was the target audience – I won’t call during pledge

Study - 67% of people like me surf and watch TV at the same time

We wanted to create a way of web giving that mirrored what the viewer was seeing on TV

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We partnered with a start-up called Kimbia – quick and easy donation forms

Contextual forms – one for each pledge show

Only the levels shown on TV

Tied them together with a drop down menu

Pick the show you’re watching and give

No more searching for catalogs of thank you gifts or messy searches

All forms have add gift level & a no thank you gift option

no gift form still brings in 12% Contextual forms the other 18%

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Google calendar that places the right graphic on the home page at the right time

Even easier to find and give when donor is enjoying our content

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Let’s look at a larger example of Content and Context from 2008

The Obama campaign didn’t invent anything new, but they understood power of

The campaign asked supporters what context was important to them

Supporters Shared their interests – the environment – the economy – healthcare - education
And the campaign provided content and asked for support of each group using that context

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Seen through the lens of PBS – it looks like this

A donor watches and supports us because of they love science and Nova

We need to know that – then ask for their support through the context of science and Nova

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Membership model based not based on specific content and specific context

It’s grouping all our contexts together and saying isn’t it nice that we do all this stuff.

It’s too broad and too general

Not saying love of the institution of PBS is not a context - but it’s only one of many

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The platforms and tools we are talking about today can help us understand our audience

By communicating with them we gather the data we need to create meaningful contexts

We can use the same tools to help our audience advocate and fundraise for us

Take a look at my online life as an example

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We are broadcasters but we need a new context - we need to become communicators

Content - Relationships - Brand Relevance - Advocacy - Increased Revenue

The Obama campaign taught us that the support is out there - they didn’t know it would work -
They were desperate!

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PBS can win in this world – we produce great content

We have a lot of contexts to offer – news – science – history – kids – music –the arts

Each person has multiple platforms and tools to enjoy and share content

Almost all of these people love PBS and want it to grow and thrive

Roper Poll - PBS is the 2nd best use of tax dollars behind national defense - ahead of public

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