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I3il-fl CHAI{DIGARH: The tlrree-mem-
ber comrnitteeconstitutedbY

=f*'ra,rsrr$f f-a):S.q.d.effrq the PaniabUniversity Syndicate
tqer- ro *. .rrc.qn qfiq +}c el otdvroo{drid rvill submit its report on the
DAV Collegecourserecogni-
t-ser eTrqdi qd qwq ffi*fldq
41fdnlqfd*-c d d-e*i riFnrEf&e {d gi'dqh@r6tE tion caseat a specialSyndicate
meetingon Wednesday.
qr oH eT{qfr a-+qc.S.{.6. 41crqdr A three-membercommittee
t, "r{ qrqdlvm+N headed by senator and
*fu* qorqrqrmra rgarid Tfr, eTfd qerq qril G t I efuT+Rq.r&sii*t SyndicatememberAshokGoyal
q€ I {q qiFdt qcd *q *. zsBT'il61
liitrqii41.ffifr +1sq qpqffiq I El wasconstitutedrecentlybolook
fr.q.i tsFrci"frqrfrot si stt r{ gqRt+-qrt I into the matter. DAV College.
fsfiqiqR-qi +t+it*qrcq <1r Sector 10,allegedlycontinued
q*. 4H, firs+l qrqdr r< el qt the Bachelor of Phvsical

Tsi qi,Ts*iisFrqifr.1ifrne enun frq.6ffimlrq Educationcourseeventhough

the National Council for
qt qrfi qr {r essl siq } leq 'rd
fs$*z d-d-sq erifr 'tqd 61 3rqqiTl
q fi-{s-ffiq q;i-S6Iq-6qfrqrrrqtg
;rSfttfrnrdft TeachersEducation (NtlTE)
had refusedrecognitionto the
qsirrE, re qd (fi(): qtnq Moreover, the college had
{sq d.*. qarq .*t {q{s fir{ fire Mqffirq+q,ffi srssfr-d also given degrees,issuedby
Ynfudt | o-t8 i sTrfi qiq {ft 6{ d qd sfrsnidc rd t ctci r stqqI PU in March, to students.In
t r w otC q{ zooei srd-q i gls dtrdaqtqgnt*add-fi its Sl'ndicateand Senatemeet-
*ttnqr r rssqoi. &.l5 qamgmqfr m xnun q0 ings,PU had decidedthat the
gw *lil t rqii fi er{qR*.ffi 41t1t ttft rfi.t i vrEtfl-+ coursecould not be run with-
rG scrgfi fsqt$ 1q-5vrr*rt arv out NCTE approval.
ftQrJi co leorm t fu 5d g;evfr i
qEdd frkq{ ft c{ srfrq i {F s-{sr $-dqfd*. etn.S.ffi i fr.1 h Sowces in the university said
BftafqqFil*erfinsffi*sH former Vice-ChancellorProf
Rqre{,qqf*.{ t q&5'ifi'qr{FI EI I K.N. Pathak'srole was under
qrqarrfr fud qE sfrrq.i-Ei q'rd-q the scanneras the coursehad
ytiw +1qx fso m qti {s'.rrxr mt uqenftrcirtwfiffif,rv+vrr beenstarted during his tenure.
q.nor{sr t rqrd-ei $ oi-E +1q"rq : ia,{rgrf,cfrcTdmts The future of 23 BPEd stu-
ersg-€q.dqft ql+1vffi Eqrqn, dentsis hangingin the balance.
fi qug +1lgr qrr*rfr rcir €f'tr Sourcessaid it rvas up to the
M qrfr fii t INrFfrtq fu{Fr q-5fr*,qa dtrq EFiW?t{ €F[, NCTE to decidetheir fate.
dS, gii * ergw *-M i lil qiq si Fmcffi q{f{sn t*q qrqrntt.R
University sourcessaid the
committeehad issueda notice
t, strq'sq qlri 6i fuffqiqrfr 6ti + te{mfr*. qqqhrdq.fu{Frd to the college,which had tried
tds e{ns*tq fqqFrdt s}fi cnr,lqt t t m,sryfr,€fq'qrqr rgrtrgrfr * to justify itself. However, RTI
qrd-qjdqi i dq ftr q{qvtrg+tqfu fl-rr qctt erqrdqqdsrfrft1frfuf<q activist R.K. Singla, who
*t.n fes o{ isnnii rfr q{r q-€ qT qr EF t f*. A me1lrq{ 6rrt*.'Fn unearthed the case, had
demandeda policeinquiry.
ci'r 61 ?fir gqh sflq t d.q, i fq{t $qdfr
qis t+.qi+ rs 4H q'1qlqdr q( fr
3-dft, tsF;qisfiq-t{.ri 13ppffi emr@Rrfirqii:Sdcrd
6i-E B1fttt dl erttmqr* 'nltfr frRqa i o-a f+ erqs{* qnsSt *r.n
t i6 v{n€siq f+w * g;o 3rftr6rfrdi 6E q frmranc €r$qrqr{sS {d
c{ erq6q1 srt-dr{d v*-fi t r rs qi $dFr(siFr*.rfr6 qr*l fttrat ct t
fri dri qd frRz 61 iid*. d d ere qrrAd.f .id., wrustq
qt t-sertt'n r
crqd{{ BI-ii
rir,.q.slIr qrec qr tirqan, u=ii
clqfafrfud lsi lMfi t+.ranl
4T T6qH, 5q qt qrqd ri qqq 3]T-tTfi ved S.w.q *11 qR d
qert, r.q-€fq qrr Eqh
1+fic Rriidr B-dTn
q{ a*. c--driq1*t erqfr fcfuqiB-+ ft*tqcrta-omiwfiaRq ryovft
fird t, +t *frcrrqc-frt r€ * r16drtq fq-6tiTi6rt rgrit sfi
ft m.ru41fq-dn ii ot=ilfi qtaq
Tcf€lfd*.r qn fi'+r€vrrqqr +qR
6L q$ un Efr si i-rn e-cisdt rs fo'qrqqmrar err*atq*e$fqqFil
i q6q66ir1rqqafr *1 Rtfiifr;rr ftra dqrqfrr
t rfr .q.i' Efla-oru
t rgsfiqed,fr6{tgcrrd€rqi €ritq
1'lreTimes of India

meetto discuss
TIMESNEWSNETWORK RTI activist, made a compliant

ffi's q|rd d dMr q{ ofqrg

against the college and Panjab Uni-
Chandigarh: Panjab University versity to various ministers and
has called another meeting of syn- vice-president of India, who is also
dicate on May 19 especially to dis-

the chancellor of PU, atong with var-
cuss the findings of high-powered ious other officials, the university
committee formed to probe release called the meeting to discuss it.
of BPEd degreesto students of DAV The RTI activist had said,
College-l0,as the course was dere- "When the course run by the col-
cognised by the National Council lege was derecognisedby the NCTE,

of Teacher Education (NCTE). This how did the university issue de-
will be the syndicate's secondspe- grees to students."
cial meeting in the month to dis- This year,23 students of the col-
cuss the issue. lege were awarded degree of BPEd
Earlier, an urgent meeting over course, which was derecogaised by
s,rrqrqrdtdrf{) - - ---- - - - -t---- - - -- t- the matter was held on May Z, dur- NCTE, New Delhi, on the ground
ing which the three-member high- that the institute did not have teach-
Ufu r qqi(qsrErc
qi grlqT{ dgfr ornd i rnqct
,cu, powered committee was constitut-
ed under the chairpersonship of
ers qualified as per NCTE norms
to teach students.
d di ftfi +d+. t €nr{ K dHb'qrcAffi Ashok Goyal, a senate member, to A syndicate member said though
Eh-leiwl,Ti-qd(-to 6- EIFTIqg ------...-: Iook into the issue and identify laps- the main agenda of the meeting
es on the part of officials con- would be allotting of BPEd degrees,
*19 f*qn qt qqt drfrrgq6 . *1qrfr+1eirq6*NqnRre cerned. various other table agenda were
+qqdiqrm+dntffi+ .rsa gq* *,rd-ei Vs It was only after RK Singla, an also expectedto be introduced.
+ Ff,m flW q.€ *'*taitr srlr i{rrtl q.nifud cf(
ii fusdr idqr qqrnt i€fr;e ek*-€q{*flr tsc$-&{lc
*1sls<r6q6dg{ffis+d-*. qltesfiFq*H+lqqdrrq
g 6qF<dq+'.i-a'rFdd*.{i w { fr, dfu-{ Fqh srq $
qr *qer fuqrrrqrqr efug€r 4qss qN + Erii +l Frod
ir llt f, ilTrll.iil
*,ffilEiRrc-dd s{Tfrft+J FfriRqffidscrn-6tM
Sq{tr t { Gr. gil *T qcqr t fr
06 i, -16, g$tttp,19T$ 2o1o
frdfh-cwfifr3* eilqn *.rd-q t ffiq q{ *. g;e
qi dfuif + fudrq.6rW s.r erftffirfidr +1Fdr+rdt ffi IF qEt5Furfr*',r
S-sorqrirr qsfi q *-rtrq*- erfugwd eif{s0qief{qrr ?+)
E lffiqfrM
fudrq.di mltqiifr,frfr, fi{+ qq q6 srd *FM d srrEfr F
gs*ffidq{$sTtsdd,fr Fsm Rrflqilgnruvn t rfr
n+ff dqcs 61 ffi qrAiil +1'ri*r '. **rr6t ffisi{fqter-toqt
q rtrcr qqffi qrqdl
EEitdmfrqsetisffqi ti*

enfrqErTrtq1ffi ql d tt
I w qrr0 t qffd €tt-+R
q'1ltfrJ 61otft, fcrq*, fdq
11} fdffic 6t frEq Wri 'ri tt

fr.frgsr{ffirm,til F
q.iT qt cri fr nmf q {d
Sqqfr q{h
qrd+,d fffr+r

qrqr wr tt zooo*. gcsrft
T&it it fr s€ +1d 61tg.ql
qqcsFnltzltlrnnot cITf,I Td gmft w cmi ol
TfiriFqhfivqqfitsfiee] qqrqf{qr qt rar tt
ffi+,zq,r Errq'*c*,iltqrqlt{rqrftilii haecqi.ft
t* tr fiqfr+z*t rs fq*q q{ qrsm*enqer<rdi
+dn I ffi qiffrq-rocrfitt€set{Afrsiqsr
Emsh q:ai ytq 6ld.d elr<crqrttrqtrd*qmrqi
M 6rielb qRs gr irwr ct{sdd *eiqrnaafuqr
furtr$ffrot*q.nqfrst trqrslt{stqqirq<ffi
fs{.ftF6}Cfttffiqfd ti d qar qqr ffifs*-ed
*frqfitusI.{S*{Ht +drt EsftiE* eilqnc{
!s fqilc ftrie qryin or ffi*kMEntsr€ dqr
oilfuqf6qr*{c{frfri 6t v+-fitr

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