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Fatins Essays Compilation

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hesitant at first but eventually he let her held his hand. She brought it to
touch her wings.

Madam Faridah Husna

The Angel Story

Alan rushed to his familys mini aviary in the middle of night when he
heard a sudden shrill noise the birds were making. He became alert as he saw
the previously locked aviary gate was wide opened indicating that there was
an intruder. Without any delay, he entered the aviary but halted abruptly
after a few steps once the sight in front of him caught him in pure shock. He
hardly believed his eyes as he was seeing a girl with a pair of wings!
What are you-I mean, who are you? And why are you here? Alan
barely collected bravery to speak although he stuttered a bit.
Im an angel, her melodious voice answered him. She continued, I
apologize for intruding your place. My wings are damaged therefore I need
somewhere to rest so that they can heal. Please, let me stay until my wings
have healed.
Alan still had not recovered from his shock so he only nodded his
head unconsciously before his vision went pitch black. He fainted right there.
He thought he was only dreaming till the next morning he woke up in
a comfortable warmth of a pair of wings covering his body. He shrieked in
surprise and hastily broke free from the girls embrace. She only chuckled at
his fearful expression.
Are those real wings? Alan pointed to her gigantic wings. The girl
nodded as response. She then crept closer and reached for his hand. He was

Wow. They are real, he said when he felt the soft feather in contact
with his skin. They were no different to the birds ones in the aviary except
they were much prettier. What an amazing creature, he thought while
looking up to her smiling face, and beautiful too. Seeing her gentle smile, he
pushed away his uncertainty from before. Why must I be scared of those kind
eyes that were overflowing with friendliness? She surely would not hurt me or
anybody. She is an angel after all.
I want you to see my mother. She is an ornithologist so I think she
can do something with your injured wings, he suggested. At the same time,
he was excited because his mother would be thrilled to see her. Seeing his
mother was a bird-lover, of course she would. Besides, he was thinking to
make her stay with them for the time being until she was fully healed.
Alright~ I would love to meet your mother! She responded with
great enthusiasm making Alan amused with her cute antics. They left the
aviary and entered his house by the back door. Luckily the back door was
quite wide that she could enter the house at ease. If not, it would be difficult
for her to enter with those enormous wings.
Mother! Alan called out for his mother. He told the girl to wait in
the living room and excused himself to search for his mother. He found his
mother in her room and told her that they had a special guest. Telling his
mother to see the said guest first, he went to the kitchen to prepare some
drinks. He bet his mother would not expect such guest to see her.
The moment he returned to the living room, the tray of drinks fell
from his hands. He saw the living room in a chaos state, curtains shredded
into pieces, cracked flat-screen television, turned over couch, coffee table
split into halves and his mothers lifeless body in her own pool of blood.

At last, I get my revenge, a voice behind him said. He turned around
to see who it was the one who caused the horrific murder of his mother. To
his surprise, it was his new friend, the angel. Her beautiful white wings were
stained in crimson red blood. The look in her eyes changed drastically. They
were not as friendly and kind as moments ago. Instead they looked ominous
and murderous that they almost looked evil.

I do not feel sorry for your mother. I am satisfied and thats it, she
muttered in a cold voice as she turned to the door and flew to who-knowswhere.
Alan thought he was seeing things but was that sympathy he saw in
her eyes when she said those words?

-The End-

Alan was utterly taken aback and confused with what he was
witnessing at the moment. He could not really comprehend that absurd
situation he faced. However, one thing he could be sure of was he was
horrified. He did not even dare to move a muscle.
You know, I do not wish to have these wings. To be honest, I hate
them! I have never once taste a peaceful life ever since I had them. People
only see me as an animal, a monster! They hunt me for having these cursed
wings. I live this hard life all by myself, her finger pointed to Alans mother
on the floor, and your mother is responsible for my suffering! She did not
just use me to make a hybrid of bird and human but she also abandoned me
to live alone! Can you imagine how terrible my life is with my body like this?
But then how ironic it is when the only thing that keep me alive till today is
my hatred towards that woman. I will not give away my life till she give away
hers. Now that I finally killed her, I do not mind leaving this cruel world in any
time, she was crying like a kid having a tantrum while spilling out her rage.
Controlling her breath, she clumsily wiped her tears. From Alans point of
view, he did not see a monster but a pure teenage girl who wished to have a
normal life like a normal human being.
Alan glanced to his mother near him then. Did mother actually do
such terrible thing to this poor girl? But mother was always a lovely person.
How could she do that? Alan could not imagine what would happen to him
next as he lost his only family, his mother. He felt hopeless and was in verge
of breaking down.


a large cage or area in which birds are kept

uncertain, doubtful
a person who studies birds
threatening, suggesting something bad is going to
vicious, intending or likely to murder
illogical, ridiculous
fusion, crossbreed
sudden explosion of anger especially by a child
spoke in a low and often angry voice

The raging elder raised his voice an octave higher making Zelo winced

Im Not the Weak Zelo Anymore

Five years ago
"Zelo!! Didn't I tell you not to get involved with those bullies ever
again?!! I've told you that so many times already but why are you being so
stubborn?! Are you deaf or what?!!"
Jepp's outburst boomed inside the house. The twenty years old man

involuntarily. Whod know how frightened he was inside?

Jepp tried to control himself. He looked at his 11 years old brother and
sighed. There he saw him shivering on his seat, already at the verge of crying.
In that instant, his heart softened and guilt washed over him. Stupid. I
shouldnt have scold him like that. Hes still a kid after all. He tightly closed his
eyes in regret.
H-hyung is so sorry. I didnt mean to scold you. Im very sorry. Those
bruises... do they hurt a lot?

was barely breathing because of his thinning patience as Zelo kept infuriating


him. He didn't even remember how many times already he had met that
same situation, with him pacing back and forth in front of the couch where
Zelo sat in silence.
"Look at all of the bruises you get! Thered be more if I didn't come in

Zelo called out for his brother while setting himself on the grassy
space beside the elder. The younger was all smiling and happy but all of it

He roughly pulled his little brother's shirt sleeve, revealing several

bleeding cuts and bruises. Zelo flinched a bit at his forceful touch. But he still
didn't dare to say a thing.
"Now I'm getting so sick of this! Hey Zelo!! Do you think of me as your
freaking bodyguard, superhero, guardian angel or what??! Well Im telling
you, I'm not!! When I tell you to avoid the bullies so just do as I say! What
makes you so hard to not do it??!

faded when he received no response from the latter. He sighed in worry,

knowing that this would happen.
Are you angry?
He asked cautiously and waited for Jepps answer. He flinched as he
realized that he was only getting another silence from him. The boy exhaled
heavily and scratched his nape when it was not even itchy. If Jepp refused to
answer him, then he knew that the elder must had been really furious!

Hyung, you dont have to be that mad. The fight earlier was not a big
deal. Besides, it was them who started the fight! And look, I didnt hurt at all.

now, didnt you? Then you should know that Im not the weak Zelo
The frustrated boy breathed heavily before he turned around, with

Zelo hastily held up his sleeves up to prove that he was unharmed

and perfectly fine but it turned out that he failed. His lips were
bleeding. Great. Well done, Zelo. He congratulated himself mentally. Using
his right sleeve, he wiped his ugly swollen lips, cursing Ray and his fellow
bullies while doing so.
Quietly, he took a quick peek at Jepps reaction but looked away in
less than a second, repenting for his foolish doing. He really hated it when his
brother got mad because he could be beyond scary if he did. If a glare could
kill then the poor boy would be a corpse since long ago. Well who wouldnt?
He was scary as hell!
Zelo bit his lips anxiously as he waited for the latter to say something
yet nothing was said. As time went by, his nervousness overwhelmed until it
became unbearable for him to hold any longer. Thats when he stood up and
threw a tantrum like a child who didnt get his favourite toy.
Why are you mad at me? I told you its not my fault! They started
the fight first! I was having my brunch in my class but then out of nowhere
they showed up and threw away my sandwich out of the window! Yet now
youre mad because we fought? This is unfair, hyung! Why dont you let me
fight them back?! Could you stop seeing me as a wimp?? You saw us just

his back facing his brother. Before Jepp could say anything, he cut him off
with his words.
Hyung, I dont need you to beat up those bullies for me anymore. I
can take care of myself and my problems on my own well enough. Do you still
remember that you had told me not to cry even when I get hurt? Till today I
still remember your words, hyung. And since Im much stronger now- his
sentence stopped halfway as he suddenly felt his heart shrunk in agony.
-you should stop saying youre sorry for not being there to protect
me, his heart was aching a lot as he said that.
Im begging you, please dont say that ever again because now Ive
changed into a great fighter just like you, hyung. Arent you proud of your
once weak little brother now as tough and strong like you? Before, he was the
one who got bullied but now he wont get bullied ever again, his trembling
hands curled into two firm fists before he turned to face Jepp.
So thats why Im telling you to stop it, hyung! Stop forbidding me
from fighting them back! Stop thinking me as a useless wimp!! And stop
saying sorry that you couldnt protect me as if youre still alive to do so!!!
His loud outrage broke the silence at the cemetery. Slowly tears
began to flood in the boys pair of eyes. At the same time, his knees suddenly

became wobbly causing him to drop on the grass. He realized that his breath

threatening to fall. However, he refused to let it happened. He bit his lips

became uneven due to the heavy feeling burdening his wretched heart. With

hard and clasped a hand over his eyes in order to suppress his grief. Lastly he

all his might he had he tried to hold back his tears.

hugged his knees and buried his head in them. He seemed vulnerable like a

Youre not there to protect me from those bullies anymore.

stray puppy in that state.

Therefore, I train myself to be strong like you.

The boy spoke in a low voice but he knew that his brother was

Hyung, I used to hate your nagging so much but now-, he choked

at his own words that came out as a muffled voice.

listening. He believed his brother was there with him although he was
nowhere to be seen.

-I really wish to hear it again," his lips were about to bleed again as
he bit them a little too hard.

He just sat there, wordlessly stared at Jepps tombstone. The frail

I miss you, hyung.

look in his eyes visibly showed his endless longing for his beloved brother, his

Drip. Drip. Drip.

guardian angel.
The memories of them in the past rushed back in his head. How Jepp
had scolded him as soon as they got home after another big fight that Zelo
had caused yet again making the elder came to his rescue for the umpteenth
time. Hed nag the younger that he was not his guardian angel or such to save
him from the bullies every time. Despite all of the scolding and nagging, in the

There were red spots on the grassy ground. Zelo could care less
about his lips that were bleeding again. He only stared at the ceaselessly
dripping blood slowly forming a small pool of red liquid. He wouldnt let his
tears to fall the same manner as the blood. He already made his promise to
Jepp to not cry.

end he would carefully treat Zelo who had lots of cuts and bruises all over his
body. While doing so, hed apologize repeatedly for not be there earlier to

At that very moment, the poor boy could feel a warm hand softly
caressing his hair.

protect him. Thats his brother, Jepp who couldnt bear seeing his younger
brother got hurt even the slightest cut.
As Zelo recalled their bittersweet past, his heart felt heavier as time
passed by. The throbbing pain in his poor heart triggered the tears that were

Realization hit him really hard as he sensed it was a familiar hand

that he knew just too well. It belonged to his guardian angel, his beloved
Drip. Drip. Drip.

That single touch did it. A tear finally slipped down his cheek

There was a wide grin on his face as he continued his next words.

followed by another and next they endlessly fell. At last, the heartbroken boy
broke down.

But you cant do a thing about it because he is your one and only
brother you have no matter what, he gazed longingly at his beloved
brothers tombstone.

Crying his heart out in front of his brothers tombstone, he didnt

bother to lift up his head as he was afraid that if he did, his brother wouldnt

The gentle wind was brushing the boys figure, tousling his hair as if
it was Jepp who was ruffling his head. Zelo smiled at ease knowing it.

be there anymore standing beside him.

Just stay there, hyung. Please d-dont leave me just yet.
The younger desperately begged in his sobs. He really didnt want to
miss this moment where his deceased brother could actually touch him. He
too, wanted to grab the hand and hold onto it dearly but he was too afraid.

Believe me, hyung. Im no longer the weak Zelo. But somehow, I still
wish that you still take care of me from up there, he pursed his lips and
inhaled the air. He took the last glimpse of the cemetery and finally left the
Of course, Im your guardian angel after all.

He was so happy to meet his brother but was frustrated at the same time

-The End-

because he knew it wouldnt be long. Realizing the painful fact, his tears
couldnt stop falling from his eyes as if there was an ocean inside him. Like a
lost child, he couldn't help but to cry hopelessly.


The elders touch was very soothing and calming that Zelo stayed like
that for a quite long time till he finally stopped crying. Then the hand left his
head as if motioning him to lift up his head. And so he did. He even stood up
straight. He wiped off the remaining tears on his cheeks before he softly
Im sorry, hyung. This little brother of yours is such a nuisance!


a sudden expression of a strong feeling especially anger

Korean word for men to address older men that means
older brother
making somebody very angry
the back part of neck
a weak person who does not have courage or confidence
a place where dead people are buried, graveyard
weak, not healthy
great sadness
a person, thing or situation that annoys you or causes
you trouble

Magic Words: Im Sorry

That morning, Juuzou was alone in the house. He did nothing much
besides sprawling on the floor, wordlessly staring at the white ceiling above
him. He bobbed his head up and down onto the floor that it hit the hard
surface, causing a thumping noise. After a while, he stopped his silly doing as
he finally felt the pain.
Ow it hurts, he winced while rubbing his sore head. He propped himself
into a sitting position and glanced to the clock on the wall.
Its ten minutes past eleven.
Unintentionally, he raised his fingers and counted them. In about ten
hours more, his mum would return home from her workplace. During those
ten hours, whatd I do to while away my time?
He dropped his shoulders and puffed his fluffy cheeks. Thinking and
thinking about what to do... hmm eating..?
Yes!! Eating!! Id do that! I even hadnt had my breakfast yet!!
The boy stormed downstairs to the kitchen. But when he reached the
kitchen, he halted as he realized something. I cant cook! It was his mum who
had always prepares food for him but she didnt leave any food on the dining
table as usual. So, what should he eat then?

He tapped his chin while walking idly in the kitchen. Should I cook? Of
course not! He immediately shook his head at the thought. He might burn the
kitchen again! Then his mum would starve him for destroying her kitchen for
the second time!
In the end, the poor boy left the kitchen with his grumbling stomach and
headed to the living room. His giant teddy bear on the couch was pulled into
his embrace. He hugged it dearly although his short arms couldnt seem to
reach one another.
Unconsciously, his thoughts trailed to his mum.
I bet she mustve been so mad that she didnt even make me a
breakfast, he spoke rather gloomily.
Like hell she was not mad! The day before, that kid burnt the kitchen!
Well, not the whole kitchen but the stove. However, the stove alone had
caused quite a damage that his mum had to buy a new one.
He remembered how his mum had locked herself inside her room for
days after the incident. She was crying all day long. Aside from that, she also
refused to talk to anybody including her only child. I guess the damage I
caused upset her that much. I wouldnt enter the kitchen from the first place if
I know that shed be that unhappy.
Despite his countless misdemeanours all this while, he had never seen
his mum crying. That caused him, whod never thought of her feelings when
he broke her dear china, ruined her backyard garden, painted on the wall and

dirtied the living room, started to feel guilty. He sincerely regretted all of it as
he realized he was the one who made her cried.
It was because of this a little too mischievous and stubborn son of
hers, she cried.
He stood up weakly from the couch and went straight to the front door.
He brought along his teddy bear in his arms. It felt like it was his only friend
thatd comfort his troubled heart at the moment. They sat on the cold floor in
front of the entrance door.
As he recollected the amount of time till his mum to come back from her
work, he let out a sigh. He decided to just wait for her till she come back.
Mum, when will you be at home? I dont want to be alone here.
His voice came out as a soft whisper. Out of the blue, he had the urge to
cry. Right away he fought himself to not do so. He quickly denied the fact that
he actually wanted to cry really bad at that very moment despite him being a

He called out in glee while ascending the stairs before he went directly to
her mums bedroom.
Mum, I didnt have my fill yet. Im hungry! He was already in front of
her door. The door was slightly ajar so he slipped his way in.
He froze at his spot. There he saw his mum crying for the umpteenth
time. He could hear his heart being crushed in great pain. With slow steps, he
went closer to her who was sitting on her bed. She had her head buried in her
right palm. It pained him so much to see his beloved mum being that
Its my fault that she became like this.
Mum, Im sorry, he reached for her hand but he couldnt seem to feel a
thing. As if he was touching the wind. What's happening..? Confused, he
stretched out his fingers to her hand again. But they only passed through it.

.. I miss you already.

In the midst of waiting, he fell asleep in front of the entrance door before
he knew it.
After it felt like an eternity, he woke up to the sound of footsteps from
inside the house. He jolted up, aware that his mum had returned home. He
rushed into the house straight away.

Tears fell down his from his eyes when the reality cruelly struck him.
He couldnt touch his mum.
M-mum, can you hear me??
Panicking, he knelt in front of her, trying to gain her attention but to avail
because she was still crying as if she was alone in the room.


Mum..! he called for his mum repeatedly. He attempted to touch her

again yet still he couldnt feel anything except the thin air. The tears in his
eyes fell rapidly as he was beyond devastated seeing that she didnt take
heed of him at all. As if he was invisible.
Mum is this what I get for being a bad child..? His heart felt so hurt
that talking was the thing that he hardly do at that moment. Still, he heard
not a response from his mum.
Forgive me!! Please forgive me, mum..! I promise Ill be good! An-and Ill
listen to you well! But please dont ignore me like this! ... Mum!! He went

His tears relentlessly fell as he realized the sad fact that his
mum couldnt see, hear nor touch him.
I guess this is what I get for being a bad son to you, mum.
The poor boy reached for his mums wind-like feet again. He held close
them nevertheless and cried his already wrecked heart out.
Mum Forgive me.
Juuzou didnt realize the newspaper in his mums left hand. The highlight
was: "A Home Alone 10 Years Old Boy Burnt Himself".

frantic as he begged his mum in great desperation. The pain was too much for

-The End-

the little boy to take in. He was so desperate to have his mum replying his
He tried to hug her feet although his arms kept passing through them.


Mum, why cant you hear me..? Wh-why are you being like this..?


He choked in his tears. He hopelessly tightened his hug but it was still as
... Im right in front of you. But why cant you notice me...? Mum..! Dont
do this to me, please! Im begging you!! Ill be a good son! I promise!!
His body became worn out from all of the crying and pleading. In the end,
he sat there on the floor, frustratingly gazing his mum who was still crying.

take heed of

sitting or lying with your arms and legs spread out in an

untidy way
lazily, absentmindedly, casually
misbehaviours, wrongdoings
porcelain, tableware
behaving badly and embarrassing or annoying people,
a feeling of happiness, excitement
extremely shocked and upset
to pay attention to what he says
extremely worried or frightened
persistently, ceaselessly


Where Is Mummy?
Aomine held the doorknob to the room numbered 0102 with a heave
of deep breath. He prayed for tremendous strength for him to face his
beloved child, Sachi in the hospital room in front of him.
As soon as he entered the room, he saw Sachi smiled ever so brightly
and he was indeed extremely glad to see such smile from such sickly small
body. Seeing his daughter every day like that only killed himself little by little
inside. Yet again, as a father, he should be strong for his only child because
that poor child had nobody but him, only her father alone. If he werent
strong for her, then who would?
Kissing Sachi on her forehead, he held out the teddy bear he had
been holding ever since.
Waa~ thank you, daddy, pure happiness could be seen from her
adorable pair of eyes even though her voice sounded almost hushed because
of her sickness. The father smiled in content while lovingly ruffling her hair.
Daddy, where is mummy?
There went the question he expected to hear from the same mouth
every day.
Sorry, sweetheart. Mummy is working again today, he felt like
stabbing himself for lying again that day. However, he had no choice to do so.
I want to see mummy. I miss her, she showed him this adorable
pouty look that Aomine always loves. His wife would pinch Sachis cheeks if
she saw it. He caressed her cheeks in pure adoration, at the same time guiltridden but that little girl would never know that his heart was suffering so
much inside. Even looking at Sachis face at the moment was a torment to

him because she reminded him of his wife, Daichi who had died from a car
crash a week before.
They were on their way to a theme park because Sachi could never
stop whining about it until the couple promised to bring her there. Aomine
was busy with his career as a policeman but his wife was like their daughter,
kept bugging him to fulfil their daughters wish real soon. At last there were
they, on the road, heading to the theme park which Sachi always praising
All of sudden, a lorry made an impact with their car making the car
went off from the main road, crashing upon a huge bark of a tree. When
Aomine opened his eyes, he witnessed the horrific sight of his wifes death.
He felt like crying his heart out every here and then but then he saw his
daughter in the backseat, safe and sound. Unexpectedly, Sachi was safe
because the gigantic teddy bear that she was holding through the journey
absorbed the crash impact, leaving her harmless. As the little girl fluttered her
eyes open, Aomine quickly get her in his arms and left the car.
At the same time, help was coming. He ignored them while taking his
daughter a bit far from there.
Sachi, look over there! Isnt the rainbow beautiful?
He said that but actually he was trying his hardest to contain his tears
as he just lost his beloved wife, Daichi. But at that moment, he only wanted
their daughter not to look at the scene behind them because for such a little
child like her, losing a mother would be too much for her to handle.
Even after a week since the car crash, Sachi still had not known about
her mothers death. She never doubted anything when her father said that
her mother was so busy working.

The reason of the little girl being hospitalized was not entirely from
the car crash but her body was weak ever since she was a baby. Indeed the
car crash had affected her health even worse. Aomine was really afraid if
Sachi were to leave him next because then he would have nobody at all. He
prayed every day for that not to happen.
Sachi dear, lets go to the theme park. You really wanted to go there,
didnt you?
Can we? Yay~ lets go, daddy! I want to ride all the rides there!
He brought her to the theme park as he and his wife once promised.
Sachi could not walk by on her own feet so Aomine let her ride on his back all
the time. They played games and rode a few rides together but he kept in
mind that Sachis body was weak and vulnerable. He should get her back to
the hospital soon.
Daddy, can we go there? The trees are beautiful, Sachi pointed to a
park where the trees were colourful in neon lights thus an enchanting view at
night was in sight. Aomine thought that after a few minutes of walk there he
would bring Sachi back to the hospital right away. He piggybacked his
daughter and walked slowly under the beautiful trees. How he wished his
wife was with them enjoying the view together.
Daddy, I want to see mummy, he felt her arms circling around his
neck tightened.
You will, sweetie, he had to say it nevertheless.
Mummy is coming to get me, daddy. She wants to see me too,
Sachis voice was heard as a faint whisper. Aomine became alert to this. He
stopped in his track.

Daddy, I love you. And mummy says she loves you so much, she
said then.
Aomine tilted his head to face his daughter. He was surprised with a
kiss on his cheek. His daughters lips were ice cold.
Bye, daddy.
Right in front of his eyes, the father saw his daughter slowly closed
her eyes like when he tucked her in sleep. As if the time had frozen, his eyes
didnt leave her serene face while his heart crumpled agonizingly. Aomine
could no longer hear her soft breath then.
Aomine fell onto his knees with his daughter was still on his back. His
tears hit the ground like a waterfall. He cried like there was no tomorrow
because he just lost his loved one, yet again.

-The Endtremendous
tucked her in

very large or great

making something untidy, tousling
feeling guilty
complaining about something in an annoying way
fascinating, captivating, beautiful
carried somebody on your back
moved into a position with one end higher than the
other, leant
pulled the covers up around her in bed
calm, peaceful
painfully, heartbreakingly


What You Give You Get Back

In the quietness of night, Caroline sat alone in the swing in the
balcony of her bedroom. She swayed the swing back and forth very lightly
while humming her favourite childrens song, You Are My Sunshine to herself.
The wind was chilly that night but she did not mind at all because she was
waiting for someone.
Not sleepy yet?
A sweet voice hit her eardrum made her heart skipped a beat as she
recognized the owner a little too well. She turned to look at her left side and
there was her smiling dearest husband, Jason. Without knowing, Carolines
lips tugged upwards upon seeing him.
Jason made his way to her and planted a chaste kiss on Carolines
forehead before he settled down next to her. He then playfully kicked his legs
against the floor which caused the swing to sway. At the same time, he
casually draped his right arm around his beautiful wife.
Have you seen Jessica in her bedroom? Caroline inquired about
their 4-year-old daughter while raising her eyebrows. Hearing the question,
Jason grinned wholeheartedly.
Yes, I just have. She was sleeping so soundly, he paused for a
moment with a content sigh before carrying on, Time sure goes fast. Our
daughter has grown up so much. Prettily, on top of that.
Caroline could obviously feel genuine happiness oozing from her
husbands smile. She could never get tired of that angelic smile of his. To be
frank, that was one of the reasons she fell for that man. His smile was like

that of sunshine, showing and delivering warmth to whoever witnessed it.

Caroline sighed as well and leant her head on Jasons right shoulder.
You know, Jessica misses her daddy.
Jason grabbed Carolines hand and intertwined their fingers. He really
enjoyed the warmth of her soft hand as he felt loved and secured. He too,
wanted his wife to feel the same way just like how he felt at the moment.
Well, this daddy misses his daughter too, his voice only came out as
a soft whisper. Suddenly he felt a tinge of pain in his heart. In that sudden he
was feeling blue. He shrugged the feeling off by saying, but its too bad. She
slept too early today. If not, the lucky little girl would have some time to
spend with her awesome daddy here. Isnt that right, sweetheart? Jason
looked down to his wife but he only saw her weeping quietly. Her cheeks
were stained with tears.
Jason, Im sorry. It was all my fault. I-, her sentence was cut halfway
as Jason pulled her into his arms, knowing so well what her wife was talking
Shh. Dont say another word about it, yet Jason could not promise
that he would be as composed for another minute. The dark past of her
beloved wife came lingering in his head without him realizing.
Two years before, Caroline heard a rumour of her husband, Jason
having an affair with his secretary at his workplace. Caroline who was
appalled upon hearing it acted irrationally and was losing it. She was
completely out of her mind when she went knocking vigorously at the
secretarys house one day. Things turned to be really wrong when the
secretary lost her footing on the stairs during the quarrel and had her last
breath right away. Caroline was taken aback at the fact that she just killed
somebody. And then everything just went worse in her head as she saw that

in the secretarys house there were a husband and two kids. Why in the world
was she accusing a married woman having an affair with her husband? Also,
she did not even ask Jason regarding the rumour. She really regretted her
doing then.
If only I trust you that time, you would still be here and watch our
little girl grow up. But it was too late because you have left us, Caroline
clutched at Jasons white shirt.
Yes. Jason who was holding Caroline at the moment was not real. He
was already long gone. Not long after the incident when the secretary died,
her husband sought for revenge. Jason was killed in a hit-and-run accident
two years ago. And Caroline was left alone growing their daughter, Jessica
without her daddy.

I didnt.
So it was not just her imagination that night. Caroline just missed her
husband so much that he kept appearing in her mind recently. But that night,
he came to his family for real to see his wife and daughter. Carolines eyes
brimmed with tears as she realized that Jason must be missing them so much.
Youre lucky, sweetie. Your daddy just sang a lullaby for you and you
heard it, Caroline said whilst giving her pretty daughter a smile and stroked
her hair tenderly.
If only she did not act mindlessly two years aback, her poor daughter
she had with Jason would get to sleep with her daddys melodious lullaby
every night. However, she went overboard in her doing then. Her own
experience really had proved that what you give, you get back.

Im not leaving you two. Just like this, I will continue to take care of
both of you. Please know that I love you no matter what. Do you hear me? I
just love both of you so much.
At last, tears streamed down Jasons face. He could not deny the fact
that he desperately wanted to return to his family but he was hopeless. He
was not able to do anything to change the reality.
I love you too, Jason. I always have, Caroline said in between of her
sobs. She too was not able to do anything for her husband because she was
just hopeless. In the end, she just cried her heart out in the chilly night till
Jasons imaginary figure left her.
The next morning, Jessica asked her mummy during breakfast.
Mummy, did you come to my bedroom last night? I think I heard
someone singing You Are My Sunshine in my sleep, Jessicas adorable brown
orbs stared straight into Carolines dark brown ones.

-The Endhumming

singing with your lips closed

without sexual feelings, pure
put something loosely on something
smiled broadly
sincere, real
flowing out slowly, radiating
became very closely connected, interlace
a small amount of feeling
in control of your feelings, relaxed, calm
very shocked
held something tightly
having no hope, unable to do something
eyes, spheres, rounds, circles


Letting You Go
Dear Kei,
How have you been? Not quite good, huh? Anyway I still wish for
your greatest health very soon. If youre wondering, Im good or at least I
think so. But no worries, Ill be fine in no time.
Let me just be straight to the point, the reason Im writing this letter
to you is to tee you that Im letting you go. I finally decide to do this after it
seems like Im hurting you too much already. I know youre suffering. Ever
since I hold onto you, I know you are. But the selfishness within me holds me
back to not see it. I admit Im horrible for letting this selfishness keeping me
blind. Forgive me, brother, for ignoring your pain.
For this whole 3 months, weve been waiting for you, Kei. The waiting
is utterly torturing us. The fact that youre right there on the bed before our
eyes yet we couldnt seem to reach you is paining us each day that passes.
Youre there but youre distancing yourself from your family, friends,
everyone and even me, your brother that you depends on so much. That
makes me question myself, How could you do this to us? Dont you think
about our feelings? Why dont you come back? Sometimes, those mean
words slip out from my mouth causing things to end up badly. Our father has
to hold me back from climbing your bed and waking you up too vigorously
out of my piled up frustration. Forgive me, my brother, I go overboard during
those time. I may have hurt you then.
Every day I sit beside you, holding your steel cold hands and pray to
see you to talk to me again like we used to. You know, I miss those times the
most. However, all I see is you lying immobile and all I hear is your faint
breath followed by the beeping noise from the machine beside your bed.
When will I get to talk to you again? To share stories, play video games, have

our pointless quarrels, laugh at each others lame jokes and stuff? I cant
imagine if we will actually stop doing those things ever. All of sudden I
become religious as I plead and make promises with God not to take you
away from us since the doctor announced that youre in critical condition. I
know Im desperate to the extent that I dont mind if you cant leave that bed
as long as youre still breathing. And it seems like He hears my plea because
there you are, still breathing and thats all. Forgive me, for being a selfish
At first, I think seeing you like that will put me at ease at the very
least. But it turns out that it is not. The truth is, the silent torment has been
killing me since then. How can it not be? There on the bed is you who are in a
comatose state thus you cant open your eyes to see your dearest ones, raise
your arms to give them warm hugs and say words of comfort to their crying
faces. I know you want to do those things really bad but you just cant move a
limb. Who knows what youre seeing in the other side. Do you have
somebody there? Arent you lonely? Do you miss us? Kei, it hurts me to
imagine that youre not able to tell us what is in your mind be it worries or
anything. Forgive me, my brother, I cant even do a thing to help you other
than waiting for you to finally open your eyes. Im sorry, I just cant.
You know brother, once again today the doctor tells us that youre in
a critical state and there is very little chance of living. Hearing that, our
parents seem to be dealing with it rather calmly. They take in the reality
surprisingly well. So what now, am I alone in this?
I dont even know why I am very quiet when Im looking at your face
right now. Your face is so pale, Kei. As if youre losing yourself after suffering
too much. Hey Kei, by any chance, youre holding in the suffering for my
sake, arent you? Youre not leaving because you dont want me to be sad of
losing you, am I right? Stupid brother. Now what does your doing makes
me? Yes, I know that Im such a terrible brother for letting you putting up

with the torment you have tolerated till today. Im extremely sorry for being
this selfish and cruel for holding onto you when youre hurt deeply inside.
Please forgive me, for neglecting your feelings, Kei.
Kei, my brother, in this past 3 dreadful months of not being able to
reach you, I realize that Im not strong without you. Yet again, I should be as
strong as you when you fight your pain to stay with me. Im sorry for all the
pain youve been through since then. Please, forgive me. It is just that the fact
that youre going to leave me is too harsh for me to take in. But now I think I
have to face the reality no matter how cruel it is. Letting you go is indeed
hard. In fact, Im not ready for this at all but I dont want you to bear any pain
any longer. So, free yourself from your pain, brother. You have been suffering
too much. Dont worry about me. I have told you that Ill be fine in no time,
havent I? Kei my brother, believe me when I say this, youre the best brother
ever that I could ask for. Ill pray to God to remain us as brothers in our next
life too. But for now, farewell.

-The Endtorturing
slip out
go overboard

making somebody in great pain, punishing

to accidentally say something
strongly, forcefully
to be too extreme about something
not moving
not easily believed, weak argument, etc.
an important and emotional request, prayer
torture, stress, suffering
light in colour
was able to deal with something or somebody without
being given no attention
very bad or unpleasant
stay or continue in the same condition


My Dear Cat
6 years have passed by yet I still have the memories of this one
special kitten crystal clear in my head. Whenever my eyes spotted dark
brown furred kittens, I could feel my heart twisted in agony because they
reminded me of a cute kitten that I regrettably didnt have the chance to give
it a name because it left me only when I started to grow fond of it. Before I
had the chance to call it by its name, that one special kitten left me to meet
Him, The Creator.
One Friday noon, I just got back from school when I first met the
kitten. As soon as I noticed it, I went straight to it instead of going inside my
house straight away. I squealed while holding it up closely to my face. Kyaa!
Look at this adorable kitty! I tossed my baggage onto the ground as my heed
was only at the newly-found pet. Then I was told by my father that he found it
astray near our house. Because he himself was a cat-lover as well as I am, he
brought it home to provide it with food, shelter and of course, love too. From
that day onwards, we had our new family member in the house.
As I spent my time with our cats, I played with the said kitten the
most. Actually I was really worried of it because it was too skinny and
me, it looked as it was sick. That was why I tried my best to take care of it but
to no avail because nothing really changed. Even its meows sounded very frail
and weak. On top of that, it was still a kitten of two months age. Its body was
still very tiny, defenceless and vulnerable that it made my heart crumpled
when the images of the kitten was alone and hungry without its mother,
meowing nonstop in the quiet neighbourhood before my father brought it in.
From what I saw, it wasnt only hungry for milk. I believed it was also hungry
for love, care and kindness too. I only watched from a distance when I saw
how the other cats treated the poor kitten. All they did was growling

distastefully when it came near to them and it scrambled away in fear. I could
see it kept trying to be close to them but the other cats either screeched in
offence or just directly sprang upon the poor kitten. What bothered the most
was, it would feel unwanted. I would never want that to happen.
That day I have to go back to school. It was about a week since the
nameless kitten resided in our house. I was preparing my school stuff and
was getting ready in my baju batik after I finished packing up, I brought my
luggage outside to be put into our car. Once I stepped outside, I saw my poor
kitten was shrieking loudly under the moving wheel of our car.
I screamed my heart out in shock. My brother who was driving the car
was completely unaware of its presence under the wheel, hurried out from
the car to look at what had happened. I could feel my chest tightened as I saw
it crawled with its two tiny front legs I let out a gasp audibly when I realized
that its other pair of legs couldnt move at all. Clasping my mouth, I just stood
there breathless with my eyes suddenly brimming with tears. Oh God, I
couldnt believe what my eyes was seeing. That poor kitty was suffering so
much pain as all the way from its abdomen to the tail was flattened and its
back legs were painfully dragged on the cement floor when it moved. Seeing
its condition at the moment, although my heart was too scared to believe it
but I knew the fact too well that the kitten wouldnt make it. There was
nothing could be done.
My father came to the scene with my little brother and sisters. They
were also stunned to see what had happened. I couldnt stand to see what
would happen next so I dashed inside and went to my room. And I cried so
hard. From my room, I could still hear the poor kittens painful meows that
gradually becoming faint. My head couldnt forget the image of it crawling in
so much pain that I couldnt even imagine while dragging its wobbly legs.
Tears just continuously flowed down my face, feeling sorry for what my dear
kitten had suffered.

I stood near the window of my room. The sudden quietness got me
wide eyed. As I tried to take a glimpse of the porch from the window, I could
see that the kitten lied on the cold cement floor, not moving at all. My father
and brother just looked at me with a remorseful expression. There I went
again, crying for my dear poor kitten.
Till now I still remember this special kitten. I wanted to pet it so much
but The Creator wanted to have it as His companion instead. Reminiscing this
kitten always got me feeling blue because I regret that I couldnt see it grew,
make it felt like home and most of all, I didnt have the chance to call it by its
name. Dear God, please tell my Jinggo that I miss him a lot.

-The End-

crystal clear
grow fond
no avail

completely clear and bright

become to like a person or thing, or like to do something
made a loud noise because of enjoyment
not having a home
without success
unprotected, helpless
making low noise in the throat to show anger or to give
moved to somewhere quickly
jumped quickly or suddenly
making short loud noise in a high voice
not knowing about something, uninformed
can be heard
became flat, compressed
bit by bit, slowly
moving from side to side in an unsteady way, unstable
a very quick view of somebody or something
with sadness because you have done something wrong


So Our New House is?


could hardly believe my eyes when I saw our new house or

should I say mansion! That house was huge! I was the only child my parents
had so I thought it was a bit too much to live there with just the three of us.
Putting that aside, we did not come from a well-off family either therefore I
wondered how did my parents afford that house anyway? Sure it did look old,
however its size could fit about twenty people so I doubted that my parents
lifesaving was enough to be invested for that house. I knew it would cost at
least a kings ransom.
I unlocked the front door with the key my mum had given me the
other day before I left our old house. I came alone that day because my
parents still had some business to manage.
A loud creaking noise produced when I pushed the door open stung
my ears. How old was that building anyway? I looked around the first floor at
first. The furniture was layered by dust but I really liked how the furniture
looked antique and somehow seemed costly too.
Ascending the stairs, creaking sound followed my steps. As I reached
upstairs, I stood in a long hallway with five doors to bedrooms. Standing there
reminded me of this horror movie where the main character saw a headless
being with a bloody axe running from the other end of the hallway, wanting
his head.
I was startled when my smartphone in my pocket received a message.
Releasing a relieved sigh, I fished it out to read the message. Were on our
way there now but well be late. Make sure to have dinner then. And you
have all the keys to that house, right? So, explore! Have fun, son, it read. My

lips tugged to a side, forming a slanted smile as I suddenly feeling thrilled with
the idea my dad suggested. I threw the bunch of keys in the air and caught it
mid-air, getting excited to start with the first room exploring.

Hmm, fancy, I exited the fourth room as my eyes directed to the

fifth room, the last one. I searched for its key among the bunch in my hand.
Huh? I dont have it?
I remembered mum gave me all of the keys to me so why the one for
that room was not there?
Hmm. I would ask mum about it later.
I bent over to the keyhole, trying to peep in. its keyhole was the size if
my kinky finger thus I got quite a sight of inside of the room. Everything was
white! The wall, the floor, the bed, the closet, the curtain and even the rose
on the side table beside the bed was white too in its white slim vase.
What is with this room? I stood straight, frowning to myself. Why
everything was white in colour? All of sudden, I felt uneasy and somehow the
hair on my neck raised to its end.
Ugh, creepy.
I left the room right away, ignoring the sudden spine-chilling
atmosphere and stormed downstairs. I was all worn out from the long
journey and the house exploring so I decided to rest till my parents arrived. I
managed to clean up a bit in the living room so I could sleep comfortably.
My wristwatch glowed 3.27 a.m. when I woke u. it looked like my
parents had not arrived yet. With my dopey eyes, I staggered my way to the
toilet near the kitchen. Unfortunately, the water didnt run. I scratched my

head in puzzlement because I recalled that it worked just fine when I used it a
few hours before.
I made my way to the toilet upstairs instead. Thank goodness it didnt
have any problem and I was able to finish my business in peace. As I closed
the toilet door, suddenly my ears caught a thud noise from the other end of
the hallway.
Huh? What was that?
Did someone break into the house? I picked a rod I saw in the toilet
as to be cautious. I believed the noise came from the fifth bedroom. I
attempted to twist the doorknob, it was still locked. Was it a cat the noise I
heard earlier?
I bent over to take a look inside of the room.
Huh, thats weird, my eyebrows creased downwards, confused
because all I saw from the keyhole was red. Where were the white bed, white
closet, white curtain and all the other white things I saw earlier that day? I
saw none of them but crimson red of nothingness. It was as if someone put a
red board to cover the keyhole. I pushed and shook the door to shake off the
red whatever-it-was but it didnt budge when I peeped again. I shook the
door harder yet the board stayed there, still completely covering the keyhole.

One of the room upstairs once had a married couple staying in there.
But one day, the husband found out that his wife was having an affair behind
him. And guess what happened to the wife?
I dont know I said with my mouth full of food.
He killed her. But he eloped leaving his dead wife just like that, my
mum grinned from ear to ear as she was always a fan of thriller.
So I guess that the wife didnt rest in peace, making this house
haunted then? I said spontaneously.
Well, I do hear a rumour saying that people used to see a lady ghost
here. She was all white, they said. If its true that she is real, I would really
love to see her one day, usually I would be giving mum a weird look for her
horror craze but right there I started to feel eerily uncomfortable. And I didnt
even know why.
And oh, people did say that she was very white from head to toes,
but it was a different story with her eyes, mum continued while her head
angled to a side like she was remembering something.
They were red.

What in the world is that? I kept looking at it, trying to figure out
what it was. Heaving a long sigh, I gave up then. I was still sleepy anyway so I
decided to continue sleeping downstairs.
The next day, my parents finally arrived and we had our breakfast
together in the living room. Then mum told me this interesting story that she
heard from the previous tenant of that house.

-The Endwell-off

rich, wealthy
expensive, pricey
scary, spooky, eerie
confusion, bewilderment
occupant, resident
escaped, abandoned, fled


..Lianas Essays


Everybody wants to be loved. Everything in this world of course
wants to be loved. As for people, if they love someone they would never
care about other people say and they will accept their beloved person in
any condition. Yet whenever the question about love pop out, people
cannot tell what love really is. But for sure, love can give a huge affection
to people who are in love.
When you love someone, you are willingly to sacrifice just for that
person. You will never care if you have to trouble yourself, you will do it
just to make the person you love happy. For instance, the parents will
sacrifice everything they have such as energy, time, money, and wishes
just for their children sake. It is because they want the best for their
children. Then, a son as well will sacrifice his job just to be near to his
parents. He wants to stay by their side and take care of them in their old
time. This is mean by true love.
Next, when you love someone, you will put all of your trust and
faith to that person. You do not care what other people say about the one
you love, but you continuously believe that person. Do you know Albert
Einstein? For your information, Albert Einsteins school teacher said that
he would never be succeed because he was a slow learner. But, her
mother believe her son someday he could achieve the success. She took
Albert out from the school and taught him at home. Can you imagine
what would happen to Albert Einstein if his mother listen to people and
did not put her faith in her son?
Other affection of love to people is love can make you loyal to
your lover. You will never let anyone bad-mouthed about him or her since
that person in extremely important to you. What will you do if someone
says something bad about your family? How do you feel if someone hurts

your beloved ones? Of course you will lost your head because you do not
want the people you love being hurt. It makes you hurt too. That will
prove that you really love your family, your friends, and your special ones
as well.
Apart from that, love will make you feel positive and happy.
Based on Lao Tzu quote, being loved deeply by someone give you
strength, while deeply loving someone gives you courage. It says when
you love someone, your daily life is mostly beautiful and great. If you
meet your love, you can sleep on bed of roses. You take your beloved
presence as your motivator to move on in your life. Otherwise if your
beloved person is far away from your side, you will feel as your day is all
rainy and stormy. You need his or her presence because absence will
make your heart grow fonder. That is what will happen when you fall in
In addition, love will make you a good and loving person. For
instance, if you have precious love in your heart, you will easily impress
and love the things around you, such as a cat. When you love a cat, you
know that you love the nature as well. Because of the love that you have,
you will take care of the things around you. As for example, you will not
pollute the river. And the love that you have will more obvious if you feel
sorry to the people who are in trouble and this make you want to help
them. That is how powerful love is.
Last but not least, love will makes you love the peace and hate
the disaster. Imagine, what will happen to our country if people do not
have any pieces of love in their heart? It must be a great disaster ever
since the people do not have any guilt to kill the others. When you have a
fight with your friend, you will be a cold water and apologise because you
do not want the fight to be longer and of course, you love your friend!

The same goes to the other people that you love. You will put their
happiness instead of your own feeling.
Love is funny. It is because love can change people and makes the
people in trouble. But overall love is totally important in our life because
love will light up your heart and your day. You can give your love to
everyone, not just to your special one because certain people will forget
their family just because they love their sweetheart. Do not take love to
do something that yourself know it is not right. And also, love the people
who are deserved to be loved. Smile and spread your love all over the
world so that you can make your day happily and meaningful.


My Skinny Brother
I have an annoying big brother. He always makes me feel like
killing people every day because of his annoying behaviour. His skinny
body always worries me because I am afraid he will fly away when the
wind is quite strong. Well, he is my only big brother and if I lose him just
because of the wind, there is no available replacement for him.
Now, I am going to introduce that clown to all of you. His name is
Loqman Helmi, he was born at 27th November 1995 and now he is 20! He
is old enough but he does not have any grandchild yet. I have 3 sibling,
including me and he is our big-but-skinny brother. He is just like a
skeleton zombie to me even though he eats a sack of rice per day. He is
also tall like a giraffe and his face is like a fish. Yet, people says his face is
like an Arabian man but of course, I will strongly deny the fact because his
face is more like Punjabi man instead of Arabian.
My skeleton brother is now studying at Multimedia College
(MMC) at Kuching. Talking about education, he was very good in his UPSR
that he got straight As, then he continued his study at MRSM, Kuching.
He was very lazy and played all the time with least study back then.
Because of his excellent attitude, he cannot study at that school any
longer. He went to SM Vokasional, Betong and enrolled in a Programming
Course. Well, his life is with the computer after all and he is also good in
English. I do not ever recall his SPM result but it was much better than his
PMR. Lucky.
Next, he loves to eat and sleep. But he loves video games the
most! He has his own PSP, PS3, laptop and computer. Believe me when I
say he just need his food just for a day but he still can be alive only with
his video games three days straight! That is why my moms new hobby is
scolding that zombie every day and night. Plus, he also likes Japanese

stuff like me. When we were children, he was a very coward boy who
always asked me to accompany him to the toilet at night. I always hit him
but he fight me back as I was getting annoyed of his cowardice.
Otherwise, I just hate to wake up my dad to open the door lock when I
felt wanting to pee at midnight all by myself. I am so proud of that but
now, I am very afraid of hearing ghost names but my brother wants to
see the ghost every day!
Although he is a crazy brother, but he is always taking care of me
and my little brother. He helps my parents at our restaurant every day
and limits his social with the girls. He will tell me whenever his friends are
about to go to our home in order to keep my aurat. I do not know his
other kindness so that I do not know what I am going to write down in
this essay.
From our childhood until now, we are always fighting like cat and
dog, kicking each other but soon we will be fine because the blood is
thicker than water. Even I say that my brother is like so-whatever but he
is still my brother and my only big brother. It maybe seems that I do not
care his existence but actually I love him. I noticed the proof when he is
going back to his college, I know that I am going to miss him.


My Horror Story
I was all alone in my house that night. My mom and my dad went
to the hospital to visit my sick grandfather. I could not come along as I got
a cold since yesterday as I felt like flying on the air whenever I walked on
the floor. Suddenly, I felt want to pee so I need to go to the toilet. So I
opened the room door and wow! It was pitch black. My parents sure
forgot to switch on the light. It was so dark that made me terrified.
I tried to go downstairs with a torch light in my hand, looking for
the switch. PRANGG!! Suddenly there was a noisy sound from the
kitchen. What on earth was that?! Mom, dad, please come back quickly!
On that time, a question that never popped out in my mind kept
repeating in my head again and again! Why the toilet must be next to the
kitchen?! I thought I had to be a house builder so that I could change the
toilet and put it next to my room!
I felt I could not hold it any longer. By hook or by crook, I had to
the toilet through the cursed kitchen. Where was that switch again?! I
tried to looking for it and finally I found it. TIK! TIK! Mom, dad, have you
pay the bills already? What I had that time was just a torch light and my
shivering legs. I did not want that thing to notice me so I had to pipe
down myself and turned off the torch light. I walked slowly towards the
kitchen and suddenly there was a hairy and fatty creature went through
between my legs. I sank onto the floor and started to cry. I shivered
hardly thinking about how would my life ends and I accidentally peed in
my pants. The mysterious creature was now on my lap.
Wait, what? Meow? With my shaking hand, I took the torch light
and turned it on. My goodness. It was Bana, my fluffy cat! She seemed so
mad because she did not get her dinner yet. But she should not have to

scare me to death like that. Plus, I really did peed in front of this fat cat.
What a shame. I stood up and went directly to the toilet. I had to clean
myself and that lucky kitchen floor. Geez. Bana would not have her dinner
as the punishment.


Mafuyu, a pretty and kind hearted girl accidentally met a guy
named Makoto at one of the campus at Tokyo. At first they were just a
close friend but in their heart they had a romantic feeling toward each
other. Mafuyu is a shy person but Makoto is a happy-go-lucky one. They
were loving each other and finally they were married 3 years after they
graduated from the campus.
Mafuyu was also a clumsy woman. If she fell, Makoto would look
after her injuries. When Mafuyu dirtied their new carpet with curry, her
beloved husband would help her to clean the carpet. When Mafuyu asked
him to go to the beach even though Makoto said there would be raining
afterwards, Makoto was still granting his wifes wishes. Although they had
to run in a heavy rain and both of them were very wet, Makoto would
quickly dry his cute wife instead of himself first. He also did not get mad,
he did not feel that way even just for a bit! He was very patient for
Mafuyus behaviour because he loved his wife so much. So did Mafuyu.
One day, Mafuyu felt weird than the other days. She did not want
to eat her favourite handmade sandwich by her handsome husband.
Makoto quickly took Mafuyu to the hospital as he really worried about his
wifes health. Mafuyu did a medical check-up and surprisingly, Mafuyu
was pregnant! Makoto was on the cloud nine and smiled widely all the
Since his woman was pregnant, Makoto doubled his responsibility
and prevented Mafuyu from doing any have task. Until their first child
bornt, a cute baby girl. They raised their beloved daughter named Mizuki
with tons of love. Their family was completed with the present of the
little girl.

Many years later, Makoto went to Vietnam because there was a

serious agitation at that place. He had to leave his beloved wife and
beautiful daughter that was 6 back then. Even Mafuyu did not want to,
she must let her husband go for his work since Makoto served as a
soldier. Makoto promised that he would come back safely after his work
was done.
Years by years, Mafuyu kept waiting for her husband in front of
their house. Their daughter had grown up and become a pretty girl, just
like Mafuyu when she was a teenager. Mafuyu has faith in her only
beloved husband that he would come back safely as he promised many
years ago. She believed that her husband was still alive so she kept
waiting for him. As the days passed, Mafuyu was getting old and Mizuki
was married with her lover but still, that lonely old wife still sat on her
rocky chair waited for her Makoto as the seasons change every year. She
knew that Makoto has gone actually but because of her love and faith
toward him, she believed that Makoto was still alived and waited like
always until her last breath.

_The End_


Mellisas Night Angel

Mellisa, a four years old girl lived with her father in a village. He
used to play alone since she was a quiet one. Her mother passed away
after delivered her to the world. His father, Jeff love and miss his wife so
much that he kept all of her photos and stuffs in the boxes and put it
safely in the store. Because of his action, Mellisa had never see her
mothers looks like as she really wanted to see her beloved mother.
One night, Mellisa was awake from her sweet dream because of
the noisy knocks at the window. It was a slow knocks but definitely made
that girl shivered so she hid quietly in her blanket.
Mellisa.. Mellisa..
It was a small voice called for her name out there. Mellisa looked at the
window and saw a beautiful woman with a pair of white wings at her
back, most likely an angel image in her storybooks. Mellisa was too
surprised and excited that she quickly opened the window.
Are you an angel, missy? asked Mellisa innocently to the
Yes, dear. I come here to see you. May I come in? Its cold
Oh! Yes, of course you can!
The beautiful angel entered Mellisas room through the window
while Mellisas tiny hands pulled her hand as she too excited to meet the
angel. Her long black curly hair was so pretty. Just like Mellisas.
Um, angel. What should I call you? And what are you doing
here? Mellisa asked when the angel sat beside her on her bed.

Call me Karen. Ive told you earlier, I came here to see you dear,
the angel smiled heavenly.
Keren told her that she had always watching her all the time from
the sky. She wanted to meet Mellisa so badly but she could not. Since
Mellisa was still a little girl, she just nodded her head and believed what
that beautiful angel said to her.
Mellisa, the next four days is your fifth birthday, right? asked
Karen afterwards.
Yup. Will you celebrate it together with us? With me and my
dad? when Karen heard Mellisas request, she just smiled before slowly
nodded her head. Mellisa chuckled happily because on that night, she
was able to meet a true angel and will celebrate her birthday together.
They had a chit chat and Karen answered all of Mellisas angel topic
questions until the little girl fell asleep on her lap. Somehow, Karen felt
relieved that Mellisa did not afraid of her.
After that night, the angel visited Mellisa continuously for the
nest three days. Mellisa aslo shutted her mouth and never tell anyone
including her father about her night angel. Her lonely and quiet night
change since the angel came. Now she had her companion to hear her
story and to watch the night starry sky through the window. They sang
together and Mellisa even able to fly in the air when Karen nestled her in
her embrace and flew using her large white feather wing. Until the fourth
night finally came..
Mellisa.. Karen whispered slowly.
Yes, angel?
Tomorrow is your special day. Happy birthday dear, even it is too
early for me to say it, the angel hugged Mellisa and kissed her forehead.

Yeah, angel. Too early.. Mellisa replied with a tiny voice. Karen
then took a look at her face.

believe the fact he said. Well, Mellisa was still five years old. But that is
not it..

Are you sleepy, Mellisa? she asked afterwards in order to hide

her feelings. Mellisa just nodded weakly. The angel laughed and sang a
song with her melodious voice, tried to make Mellisa sleep like she always
did before she left that cute girl slept alone on her bed. Before she took
her leave, once again Karen kissed her forehead and cheek with her
bursted tears, for the last time, without Mellisa Knew it.

I knew it dad.. I knew shes my mom.. I can feel it.. Mellisa

smiled happily and silently cried in her father embrace. Somehow, she
understood that next time she could not meet and hug her angel mommy
Mom.. Your visit is the best gift I ever had. Thank you mom..

Im sorry Mellisa, but I cant.. Karen whispered with her fallen

On the next day, Mellisa celebrated her fifth birthday together
with her father, but without her angel. She waited for Karen to come but
she did not show up. Mellisa was disappointed.
Mel, come here for a sec.. Jeff suddenly called for her.
Yes, dad.. What is it?
You are now five but you never see how your mom looks like is.
Im sorry that I kept all of her photos and stuffs and hid them somewhere.
I miss her so much and I feel a great pain at my chest whenever Im
thinking of her.. It hurts.. Jeff put Mellisas hand on his chest and tried
his best to hold the tears from falling.
Anyway, I think its about time for you to meet you mom, he
continued his words while opened a big brown box on the table. It was a
photo of a gorgeous young lady. Mellisa knew well those pretty curly
black hair when she looked at the photo.
Her name Caroline. But I used to call her Karen.. Shes lovely,
dont she? Jeff answered when Mellisa asked for her mothers name.
Mellisa smiled and hugged Jeff tightly as she did not want Jeff to see her
face. Jeff thought that Mellisa was shocked and still did not want to

_The End_


Thinking of You
I am standing quietly in front of the tomb stone. The kitten
besides me keeps meowing. The wind gently blowing to my face, trying to
comfort me but my tears keep flowing down. I am crying without making
any sound. The last memory with her keep playing on my mind like a
video player. I will always remember them as long as I am living in this
beautiful world.
On that day, I waited for her at the park. She was too late! I had
been waited for 15 minutes! Rin, she got a nerve by letting me waiting so
long. As my temperature raised, I heard footsteps behind me.
Yui! Rin called my name. I turned my back, facing her with my
death glare. But she just smiled while holding a cute brown kitten in her
Look! This poor kitten is cute, dont you think? I saw it in the
bushes, it seemed not belongs to anyone, so I picked it up! Neko, say hi to
Yui! she said wile waved that kittens hand to me.
Neko? She already gave that kitten a name. Funny. I shook my
head and chuckled. Why should I get mad on her? She is my precious best
friend after all. I pat Nekos tiny head. Its fur is so soft and warm. Rin said
she wanted to keep the kitten from now on. I saw her joyful face.
Hmm.. Maybe we should change our plan for today.
Huh? But we are going to try that new ice cream at Lotte Caf,
dont we? her face seemed confuse.
Since you want to keep this kitten, so we have to buy its
necessities, right?

Oh! Yeah youre right! Rins eyes sparkled excitedly. She quickly
nodded her head and smiled happily. She clasped my arm and we went to
a pet shop together. She was ecstatic that she laughed freely. I was happy
to see her pretty smile.
Everything happened in a blink of eyes. I just stood on my feet
and stared at that big fire that burned our hostel at that midnight. The
firefighters were busy trying to put out those big flames. Then I realised
something. Where was Rin? Why did not she stood beside me? She must
be here right now!
Rin! Rin!! I shouted her name. The tears kept falling down my
cheeks. Suddenly, someone hugged me. Mom! She cried and hugged me
tightly. I heard she whispered, thanked to God because I was saved. Then,
I saw Rins parents stood behind my mom. I could sense despair through
their eyes.
Yui, have you seen Rin? She is safe, dont she?? Rins mother
asked me with her non-stop bursting tears. I am sorry aunty but I dont
know either, now it was my turn to hug my mom. On my mind, I only
thought about her safety. I did not want to lose my beloved best friend. I
still needed her by my side.
Is Matsuoka family is here? We have found your daughter,
Matsuoka Rin! After heard that announcement, I immediately ran to my
homeroom teacher, Miss Shiori with two firefighters and a doctor. At last,
I was able to meet Rin! But when I saw her, I was shivered at my knee. My
tears fell even more. No, this could not be true. This half burnt body was
not belong to her! But still, I could not deny this was my beloved friend,
Matsuoka Rin. I could not bear it any longer.

Yui! my mom staggered when I was suddenly collapsed on the
ground. I saw a beautiful night sky, before it became dark as I could not
say anything.

Rin nodded her head afterwards. I wiped her tears with my

fingers. She tried her best to smile. Rin, you are strong. You definitely can
do it!

One month has passed. Like usual, I went to Rins house after the
school ended. I knocked the door before entered Rins room. One of the
place where Rin and I used to play together.

One day, I was having a walk with Rin. She seemed happy. I was
truly glad because I could see that face smiled again. I pushed her
wheelchair while Neko was on her lap. I talked this and that while she just
heard my childish behaviour. We went to such places like Lotte Caf, an
Aquaria and the garden, watching those beautiful cherry blossom.

Rin, I am coming! Here, I brought your favourite strawberry

cake! no response from Rin. After I put the cake on a small plate, I came
to Rin and sat beside her bed. At this time, Rin was completely changed.
The cheerful and hyperactive Rin was gone. No more smile and laugh
from her. Her head was bold and half of her body was burnt. Rin could
not walk anymore. All I can see through her face was sadness and despair.
Her eyes was not sparkling anymore.
I took Neko and brought it near to Rin. Hello, Rin! Hello?
Helloooo?? I waved Nekos hand, tried to make a joke as I was about to
cry. Rin looked at Neko and me. Then, she cried so badly.
Yui I cannot play with you and Neko anymore. Now I am
worthless. Why dont you go away? Dont waste your time here! Go!!
when I heard that, my tears burst out. I hugged her, both of us cried
Look, Rin. Dont you remember? We are best friend and we will
always be together whenever and whatever will happen! I would not
leave you. Never. If you are enduring pain, I will endure the same. Now,
smile. Dont show me your gloomy face, okay? I tried to break the ice. I
must support Rin and made her happy.

Suddenly, Neko was meowing loudly, looked at me and tried to

get my attention. At the same time, my heart beated quickly. I looked
onto Rins face. Her face was very pale! I put my hand on her forehead.
God! Rin was having a fever! Rin, why you did not tell me about your
fever?? I had to take her to the hospital right away!
After half hour later, Rins parents arrived at the hospital. I told
them about them about Rin and put myself at guilt. I supposed not to
have a walk with her. If I did not, this would not be happened. In front of
them, I was crying and apologizing. This was all my fault!
You are not at fault, Yui. You are trying your best to make her
happy and we know that. Thank you very much, Rins mother suddenly
hugged me. She was also crying. Then, a nurse came to us and told that
we could enter Rins ward individually. Rins parents let me met her
daughter first. I was very happy for the opportunity. I quickly entered
Rins ward.
Rin.. I am sorry, the first thing I told her. She just gave me her
sweet smile. I am the one who should say that. I am tired of burdening
you. Sorry, Yui.. the tears flew down to her cheeks. I sat beside her bed
and talked to her, tried to comfort her. After 10 minutes, I was about to
leave. Her parents were still waiting outside.

Rin, I will visit you again tomorrow, every day, when she heard
that, she smiled gladly to me.
I prepared tuna sandwich for Rin. It was already 3 days Rin spent
her days at the hospital. Suddenly, my phone was ringing. I quickly
answer the call. It was Rins mother.
Yui, come here quickly! Rin! She is..
PRANGG!! The plate I held broke on the floor. I felt empty. This
could not be happened! I collected my strength and want to the hospital
by my bicycle. Rin! How could you did this to me! As I was riding my
bicycle, my tears flowing like it would never stop.
I pushed the ward door. My movement automatically freezed
where I stood. My voice was not heard anymore. Slowly, I came near to
Rin and hugged her cold body. I cried and shouted for her name. Rin did
not answer. Why Rin? Why you did not wait for me? I poured my heart
out on Rins chest. Now, Rin was gone. Forever.
Suddenly, I wake up from my last memories with Rin when I
heard Neko is meowing. I think Neko also feels the sadness. I am staring
at Rins grave. A week has passed since Rin was gone. Rin, Neko and I miss
you. I always hoping for a miracle but it definitely cannot be happen. I
wipe my tears, even though Rin was gone, she is always in my heart. I
would never forget her. I am turning back and walking away. Even how
many times I cry and hope, she will never be back. And I know that.

_The End_



Describe what happens at the end of the story

Explain why you like or dislike the ending

Based on the novel The Curse by Lee Su Ann, the main character,
Azreen went through a lot at the end of the story.
At the end of the story, Azreen visited her parents, Madhuris
ands the Old Ladys graves. Her father, Encik Saleh, before his death he
admitted that he killed Madhuri. Azreen was shocked to hear that but it
got worse when she know that Madhuri was not her biological sister. On
top of that, she lost her counsellor and confidante, the Old Lady. Her
house was put on fire and she met her death right away. Azreen left
flowers on each grave before she left the place. She finally left England as
an orphan but she was a happier person indeed as all the mysteries were
prevailed at last.
To be honest, I dislike the ending. To me, the ending is boring
because nothing exciting happened. It would be better if Julian Ng
proposed Azreen. Then they had kids and lived happily in England. Or
maybe after Azreen lft the island, Azreen had a make-over. Like an ugly
duckling that turns into a beautiful swan, she changed into a gorgeous
woman. Only then Mohd Asraf had his yes on her but at that moment
Azreen had already married to Julian Ng. besides, I think that the villagers
especially Puan Normala who shunned the Old Lady when she was still
alive should be punished. I wish the end of the novel would have some
natural disaster to happen in the village. It makes me dissatisfied that
nothing happened to the mean villagers after what they had done to the
Old Lady.

As a conclusion, Azreen did face many hardships at the end of the

story. However, I think it would be better if Azreen had more happy
events in her life after she left the island.

Which character do you sympathise with?

Based on the novel The Curse by Lee Su Ann, the character that
sympathise with is the Old Lady. I choose her for many reasons.
One of the reasons is she endures her husbands verbal and
physical abuse for such a long time. She takes all the pain by herself with
nobody to defend her from her abusive husband. She ends her suffering
at last as she kills him as self-defence.
Unfortunately, as a result of her self-defence act, the villagers
shun her unconditionally. They do not know the real story that she is
abused by her husband yet they do not really care to know it
nevertheless. They jump into conclusion that she is a despicable witch.
The Old Lady then is left isolated in the village so she decides to live in the
forest all by herself.
I also sympathise her for the reason that she still does not get the
proper and nice treatment from the villagers till her last breath. The only
one who is nice to her is Azreen alone. She should have her name clean
before she died but the villagers refuse her till the end. The Old Lady does
not deserve to be treated like that at all.
To conclude, I sympathise with the Old Lady because she has
been through a lot. However, she faces these difficulties with patience
and positive mind. If I were one of the character in the novel, I would
cherish and take care of her no matter what people think of her.


What you learnt from family relationships

Based on the novel The Curse by Lee Su Ann, I have learnt a lot
about family relationships. The complexity of the relationships between
the characters in context of family in the novel surely has shown me the
importance of appreciating our family.
The relationship between the main character, Azreen and her
father, Encik Saleh deteriorated. Azreen could barely talk to him as he
would only give her could responses. It was because Encik Saleh was still
feeling bitter of the fact that Azreen was the reason his wife was
paralyzed. Azreen received harsh and unjust treatment for crimes she did
not commit. Encik Saleh should not have treat her that way because
Azreen was his daughter after all.
Moreover, I also have learnt the moral of respecting our spouse.
This is shown from the relationship between the Old Lady and her
husband. Although the Old Ladys husband was an abusive person, she
had never told anyone about it because it would only make the villagers
think badly of her husband. She tolerated the physical and verbal abuse
she received from him for such a long time without defying him. Even
after he was dead, the Old Lady never told the truth to the villagers as she
still had respect towards him as her spouse.
Other than that, the relationship between Azreen and her sister,
Madhuri has taught me that family bond is strong and inseparable despite
that some might not admit it. Azreens relationship with Madhuri was
amicable in their younger days as they played together all the time.
However, when they got older, Azreens feelings changed when people
kept comparing her to Madhuri. Since then Azreen harboured a lot of
secret resentments, anger and jealousy within her. Even so, when she
heard about Madhuris death, she persevered to find out the cause of her

death until the truth eventually came to the surface. Azreen even visited
her sisters grave before she left Malaysia for England.
In short, I have learnt so much about family relationships from
the novel. Regardless of different kinds of family relationships, the point
is we must love and care for them as in our lives, they are the closest to
us and know us the best.

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