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Parashah 34: B'midbar (In the Desert)

Parashah 34: B'midbar (In the desert); Numbers 1:1 through 4:20.
Haftarah (Writings and Prophets): Hosea 2:1-22.
B'rit Hadasha (New Testament): Luke 2:1-7; 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.

Summary & Overview

o Numbers 1:1 | The First Census of Israel
o Numbers 2:1 | The Order of Encampment and Marching
o Numbers 3:1 | The Sons of Aaron
o Numbers 3:5 | The Duties of the Levites
o Numbers 3:14 | A Census of the Levites
o Numbers 3:40 | The Redemption of the Firstborn
o Numbers 4:1 | The Kohathites

Last week we finished the Book of Leviticus where we looked at the

Judgements regarding the Covenant that resulted in blessings and curses,
based on whether you follow or break YHVHs Commandments. We are still in
the theme of our perusal to the Promised Land but this week covers a bit more
of the practical side of moving from the Mountain to the Kingdom.

The Wilderness Experience

This week we start the Book of Numbers or
Bmidbar, that means, in the Desert or
Wilderness. This was the first month, the
beginning of the second year after they left
Egypt. Israel faced their next obstacle they
had to overcome before entering the
Promised Land. The Desert is not
designed for your flesh, this experience is
the part of your walk with YHVH where
your flesh dies, and your spirit gets
elevated. People always ask the question; why do bad things happen to good
people? In the previous Torah Portion, we saw one of the reasons is that you
probably broke His Commandments through sin that allowed a curse to come
over your life. There is another reason why bad things can happen to you, and
that is because you are in the Wilderness, the place where your flesh is
challenged so that your character can be build up to look like Him.
Your previous destination was the Mountain where the Torah of YHVH was
received, His Word that is also known as water or rain (as seen from the root
word yarah). If you enter the Desert or Wilderness without the water of His
Word, then you will die spiritually. You need the Word of YHVH to sustain you
through this part of your walk to ensure you reach your destination, the
Promised Land.

No other way or shortcut leads to the Promised Land. This is where you will
build a personal relationship with Yshua, the One Who leads the Way to the
Father. If you decide to stay at the foot of the Mountain because you are afraid
of the Desert, then you will be tempted by what is at the foot of the Mountain,
the Golden Calf. You will worship something, either the Calf through false
worship or Yshua through His Word and Truth, this is the only way to actually
worship the Father.
This Wilderness-worship experience will quicken your spirit-man, and allow
you to practically express His Word through your life, that is pleasing to the
Father. His Truth will be established in your life as you follow the Torah /
Yshua. Without Yshua, you will get lost and die in the Wilderness, and if you
do not have the Torah, you will spiritually die. You cannot have a relationship
with Yshua outside of the Wilderness where you practically have to walk with
Him and follow Him because He is the only One who knows the way.
Desert or Wilderness is the word midbar that share
the same root as the word dabar that means
word and honey bee. What do the Wilderness,
honey bee and words have in common? Structure
and order. You see YHVHs order in His creation,
undefiled by man. You see the remarkable structure
within a bees nest where they build each
component with precision and accuracy. This same
structure is found in YHVHs Word, where it is created and constructed with
such precision and super intelligent design, so that those who engage in it, will
be changed and recreated from the inside out, and will reflect the same
structure and beauty in their lives.

Lift up the Heads

On the first day of Nissan, the day starting the New
Year, YHVH instructed Moses to count the tribes,
every male, twenty years of age and up. YHVH is
doing something new, and Israel is moving into a
new phase in their way to the Promised Land. The
phrase take the sum or count the number is the
phrase nasah rosh in Hebrew, that means; to lift
up their heads. To lift up the head has several meanings and we had
discussed this earlier when we studied the Book of Exodus.

To Contribute: This is the first place where YHVH numbered His people, He
commanded this at the time of the construction of the Tabernacle. This gives
another meaning to lifting up the heads, and has to do with your contributions.
Exo 30:11-14 Then YHVH spoke to Moses, saying: 12 When you take
the census of the children of Israel for their number, then every man shall
give a ransom for himself to YHVH, when you number them, that there
may be no plague among them when you number them. 13 This is what
everyone among those who are numbered shall give: half a shekel
according to the shekel of the sanctuary (a shekel is twenty gerahs). The
half-shekel shall be an offering to YHVH.14 Everyone included among
those who are numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall give an
offering to YHVH.
What is interesting here is that the heads are not counted, but the
contributions are counted that would be used for constructing the Tabernacle.
The contributions were in the form of half a Shekel and were for the redemption
of the soul of the person and that there will be no plague among them who
brought it.
Q - Why half a shekel?
When you give half a shekel, contributing from your side, then YHVH will meet
you half way and provide the other half so that you can become one or echad
with Him as you contribute in the Kingdom.
To Accept: is as if YHVH is having a personal one-
on-one with each man, to look them in the eye before
they are numbered. It is as if He wants to see what is
in every mans heart before He accepts him, to get
that personal commitment from each person before
they are counted worthy.
To Elevate: To lift up the head also reveals that
YHVH lift things up before they are useful, for
example, He elevated His people from slavery by
giving them His Commandments so that he can use them. It is similar to
receiving a training manual that you have to study to be equipped for the task
To Appoint: To lift up the heads also means to appoint or to anoint that
show that You can only be counted or used by Him if he equips you through His
Word and His Spirit.

Counting by each Tribe

The numbering of each tribe is repeated in this
Portion, repeating every detail over and over
again for each Tribe. Whenever you see
something repeated in Scripture, you know
there is something spiritual significant within
that passage or chapter, and our task is to
uncover the hidden wisdom. There is a
difference between numbering a group or mob
and numbering the people in a structured way.

YHVH asked Moses to number the people under the banner of each Tribe,
setting them up in a structured array, as you do in the military so that they will
be disciplined and structured groups, under the command of their appointed
leaders or commanders. These leaders are listed in verses 5 to 15 who will
command each of these divisions of Israel. The reason for numbering the
people in this way confirms its military application.
The Lord of Hosts: This relates to one of the
Names of YHVH; YHVH Tsavaot. Tsava is
the singular of tsavaot and means hosts,
army, company, assemble, warfare, soldiers,
servants, to serve, battle. This gives us a new
understanding of what an Assembly or
church should be about this Name of YHVH;
we are His soldiers, and He is our
Commander. We are to be servants that
serve Him and soldiers who fight for Him, who rage war against the enemy.
There are more meanings associated with counting people and are found in
other places in Scripture. If we link all these thoughts together, we will uncover
even more revelation on this topic. The first place YHVH counted His people is
found in Exo 30 about the construction of the Tabernacle. This was for people
to understand the importance of their part and contribution in keeping the
Presence of YHVH within their midst. It is like setting up the Headquarters first
and in this Torah Portion, setting up the Military to go out into the Wilderness
and fight against YHVHs enemies.
Then there is another place in Scripture, in the Berit Chadashah (NT), where
YHVH numbered His people, and that is in Revelation chapter 7 with the sealing
and numbering of the 144,000, 12,000 from each tribe. This way of numbering
is similar to what we find in this Torah Portion and reveals to us that it has to do
with the military application as well, setting up His Army for battle during the last
days, in the Tribulation. We will look a deeper into this later on in this study.

Transferring of Curses and Blessings

YHVH gave the command to number the people in the context of a Military
setup, which enabled them to do battle with the enemy. The purpose of setting
up these soldiers is to lead them through the Wilderness to obtain the blessings
and ultimately, the Promised Land, at the end of their journey. This implies that
we have to do battle to receive the blessings promised to us in the Word.
Q - Why do we need to battle and fight for the things that are promised to us by
The reason we have to fight to receive our blessings, is because these
blessings already existed from the time of YHVHs Creation, in the Garden of
Eden, but fell into the enemys hands. The first battle was lost when Adam
forfeited the Garden, by giving in to the tactics of the enemy. Adam and Eve
had to leave this place of blessing and promise and live in a fallen and
defeated state outside the garden with their generations to come. Humanity
lost the blessings and Land of Promise to the enemy because of sin.

YHVH made a promise to Eve that from her will come the One that will crush
this enemy and retrieve all that was lost, back from the hand of this enemy. It
was as if an exchange of gifts took place after the battle, Satan, a cursed
fallen Angel, exchanged his curses for the blessings and ownership of
what once belonged to man.
The purpose of the Torah is to equip us and enable us to
retrieve back these lost Blessings. YHVH made promises
in His Word that He will help us to overcome and take back
that which we lost with the aid of His Word and His Spirit.
Deut 30:3-5 That then YHVH your Elohim will turn your captivity, and
have compassion upon you, and will return and gather you from all the
nations, whither YHVH your Elohim has scattered you. 4 If any of you be
driven out unto the outmost parts of heaven, from there will YHVH your
Elohim gather you, and from thence will He fetch you: 5 And YHVH your
Elohim will bring you into the Land which your fathers possessed, and
you shall possess it, and He will do you good, and multiply you above
your fathers.
The enemy caused us to be scattered, enslaved by his followers, held captive
under his authority and the flesh. We see all the curses we studied last week
that came upon Israel; all these curses need to be returned to the rightful
owner, namely Satan. The only power Satan has over us is the lie, the original
tactic he used to steal away our inheritance. YHVH is raising up an army with
the swords of Truth in their hands and in their mouths by which they will defeat
and conquer the enemy in their lives with the Truth, under the command of
Yshua the Messiah.
Q How do we know that Satan took ownership of the earth and all that is in it?
Satan tempted Yshua after He spent forty days in the Wilderness, and offered
Yshua all the Kingdoms of the earth if He would bow down and worship him.
Satan would not have made that statement is he was not the legal owner, and
Yshua did not accuse him of lying either. This proofs that Satan attained
ownership of YHVHs Creation and took away its control from Adam when man
sinned. YHVH is the owner and gave Adam authority to subdue it. [Gen 1:28]
Subdue is the word kavash sbk that means, to bring under bondage or
submission, to force and to keep under, to tread under feet. This is what is
currently happening with YHVHs Creation, including man, Satan is subduing.
us and YHVHs Creation under his feet or authority. This is what we need to do
with the enemy, trample him under our feet, taking the authority and blessings
back from him.
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman,
And between your seed and her Seed; He shall crush your head,
and you shall bruise His heel.
Psa 91:13 You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra, The young lion
and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
We see the same concept in Psa 91 where the Serpent will be trampled
underfoot, and in Gen 3 it explains the consequences of the foot trampling on
the head; the crushing and destruction of the authority that was over YHVH

Mal 4:3 You shall trample the wicked, For they shall be ashes under the
soles of your feet On the day that I do this, Says YHVH Tsavaot
(Commander of the Armies).
Luke 10:19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents
and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by
any means hurt you.
We are YHVHs Army and His hands and feet, and the primary purpose of the
feet is to trample the enemy, taking back the blessings and give back the curses
we received from Satan. This is the same concept we discussed in last weeks
Torah Portion when we looked at the Precepts, the standards that must be
raised up against the enemy.
Q - Why do we need to struggle to attain the promises of YHVH in my life? Why
do I not get these promises automatically?
Personal Application: A lot of Believers struggle with this reality and can crack
the foundation of their faith if they go through struggles and not see YHVHs
promises and blessings realising in their lives. The problem is, people think that
faith is a magic concept that will release the blessings if you know about them.
This is called passive faith, just knowing the truth but not acting on it. They do
not understand that they are part of an army that must not accept the curses
and defeat in their lives, by seeking the truth and raise it up by applying it in
their lives, not allowing the enemys lies within their camps. Without the truth
(Torah), you will not defeat the enemy in the Wilderness.

Numbering of the 144,000

The Wilderness represent another time period,
and that is the time before entering the Kingdom of
YHVH, better known as the Tribulation. The
Tribulation represents the time of battles between
those with the Blessings (enemy) and those with
the Curses (YHVHs people), to take back what the
enemy has stolen, in exchange for the curses that caused death and
Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One
hundred and forty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of
Israel were sealed:
Each of the twelve Tribes was sealed on their foreheads, twelve-thousand of
each tribe. Some believe that these are the only ones that will be saved during
the time of the Tribulation and out of seven billion people, is not a lot.
Q What do these 144,000 represent and what is it linked to?
We can only use Scripture to interpret Scripture, and if we relate this to the
Torah Portion, it undoubtedly refers to the Army of YHVH, with the numbering of
the people in Rev 7, similar to what we see in the Book of Numbers. This has to
do with the setting up of YHVHs Army, for the time of the Tribulation, before
entering the Promised Land. The 144,000 probably relates to the leaders that
will be across the whole earth, just like Moses led the people out of Egypt in the
Exodus, so will these Leaders lead the people out of Babylon, called the
Greater Exodus.

The context of Rev 7 is about the scene where the multitude of people is
standing before the Throne of YHVH.
Rev 7:1,9-10, 14-15 After these things I saw four angels standing at the
four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the
wind should not blow on the earth, on the sea, or on any tree. 9 After
these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could
number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the
throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm
branches in their hands, 10 and crying out with a loud voice, saying,
Salvation belongs to our Elohim who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!
14 So he said to me, These are the ones who come out of the great
tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of
the Lamb. 15 Therefore they are before the throne of YHVH, and serve
Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will
dwell among them.
These are the ones that came out of the Great Tribulation, who were saved as a
result of the Great Tribulation. This event is recorded with the numbering of the
144,000 and is right after the Sixth Seal of Rev 6, and the Seventh Seal of
chapter 7, initiating the Seven Trumpets Judgements. We read in Matt 24 that
the sign of the Son of Man only appears after the Tribulation, causing confusion
for being mentioned between the Sixth and Seventh Seals.
Matt 24:29-31 Immediately after the Tribulation of those days the sun
will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall
from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the
sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the
earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels
with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect
from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
Q Why did YHVH place this detail about an event after the Great Tribulation
right in the middle of the Seal and Trumpet Judgements?
There are key phrases that connect Rev 7 to Matt 24 and these are the Four
Corners and Four Winds, that relates to the gathered or saved" people, (Rev
7) and the Four Winds, from where the people are going to be gathered from
(Matt 24). These gathered ones are the great multitude that was before the
Throne of YHVH in Rev 7.
Messiah will come and gather His people and carry them over the Threshold
of the Kedron Valley, just as a Groom carries His Bride over the threshold into
the House He prepared for Her. This event is known as the Rapture.
The Sealing or numbering of the 144,000 is recorded between the Sixth and
Seventh Seals and Trumpet Judgments and takes place before the end of the
Tribulation where the people are gathered or Raptured, as mentioned in Mat
24. This means that the sealing of the 144,000 happens in the Tribulation while
the gathering of the people happens after the Tribulation, but are recorded in
the same chapter in Rev 7. What is going on?

The Saints standing before the Throne happen after the
Tribulation, after the Seventh, Seal, after the Seventh
Trumpet, after the Seventh Bowl. The sealing of the

Appearing of
Stand before
Seal 144,000


the Throne

144,000 is part of the setting up of the Army of YHVH that

4 Corners

4 Winds,

will be established before the Trumpet Judgements. They


need to be sealed and ready to help the people to come


into the Kingdom as the Judgements unfold right to the


end of the Tribulation.

What is interesting is that the gathering of the saints is
referred to in Rev 7:1, with the mentioning the 4 winds and
4 corners of the Earth. Then they have mentioned again in
verses 9 through 17. In between, we find the sealing and
counting of the 144,000 in verses 2 through 4. The sealing
of the 144,000 is in the middle of the event where the Saints
are gathered and standing before the Throne of YHVH, just
Rev 7 Rev 7, Matt 24
like Chapter 7 events is in between the Seal and Trumpet
When we fit these two events on the Menorah Pattern, then things start to make
sense. The central branch of each three-branch Menorah pattern represents
the centre of most important part of each of the two events that are the Sealing
of the 144,000 and the Saints standing before the Throne. The timing of the
sealing of the 144,000 takes place in between the Seal and Trumpet
Judgements so that the Saints can be gathered to stand before the Throne at
the end of the Tribulation when Yshua appears. If it were not for the sealing of
the 144,000 leaders, then the Saints would not have come through the
Tribulation and be standing before YHVHs throne in white robes and palm

The Changing Lists of Tribes

When we look at the numbering or sealing of the
144,000 within each Tribe, we see differences
between the Tribes at the Beginning, listed in Gen
29, and at the End, recorded in Rev 7. Then we
find differences between both these lists and the
list of names found in Numbers 1, in this Torah
Q What is the significance of these three lists
and what can we learn from their differences?
We will study the differences between these three lists and through this find out
what happened to Armies (Tribes) during the time called the Wilderness,
between Genesis and Revelation. These changes will reveal hidden wisdom
that will apply to us because we are living at a time, travelling through the last
part of this Wilderness.
Gen 29 lists the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel), and each one of them became a
leader of each one of the twelve Tribes. The Book of Numbers counted the
people within each Tribe about the twelve Armies that are to do battle before
entering the Promised land.

The list in Rev 7 represents those who are set up to fight during the time of
Tribulation and represent the Tribes who remained or are left over right before
they entered the Kingdom.
The difference between Gen 29 list and Num 1 list shows that Levi was
removed, meaning that Levi looks after the spiritual side of the troops while the
other Tribes are fighting. We also see that Joseph split into two Tribes, Ephraim
and Manasseh as a result of the birthright blessing released over Josephs two
sons, moving the double portion from Joseph to Ephriam.
Returning of the Birthright / Inheritance: Comparing Numbers 1 with Rev 7,
we see the disappearance of Dan and Ephriam. Manasseh replaced Dan, and
we will look at what this means in the next section. Ephriam was replaced by
Joseph, meaning that the birthright returned to Joseph. Remember Joseph is a
picture of Yshua, and this reveals to us that the Birthright will be returned to
Yshua after His Second Coming. Yshua, the Second Adam, will take back the
Inheritance from Satan, the Inheritance or authority over His Creation, which
the first Adam lost.
Sign of the End: Levi made his appearance again indicating the re-
establishment of the Priesthood in the End-times with the rebuilding of the
Temple and starting of sacrifices, signalling the start of the Great Tribulation.
We currently see the setting up of the Levitical Priesthood in our day meaning
the time is near.

The Lost Tribe of Dan in the Wilderness

The fact that Dan did not make a list is an indication that Dan and
his descendants were lost into the nations, never to return. This was
because of the battle that took place in the Wilderness during the
time, in between Numbers and Revelation, which they lost.
We also see Manasseh (another half of Joseph) taking the place of
Dan as one of the Twelve Tribes as found in Revelation 7. Does this represent
the grafting in process where Ephraim is grafted into Joseph and Dan is
grafted into Manasseh through the Work of the Messiah, through these battles
of truth (kavash subdue) that took place in the Wilderness as explained by
Paul in Rom 11?
Q What happened to Dan and what can we learn from this?
We learn from Gen 49:16 that Dan shall judge his people and will be a serpent
by the road or way, that will bite the horses heels so that his rider will fall
Dan has the symbol of a serpent because he was one of the first tribes to
introduce Idolatry into Israel and some believe that is why this Tribe no longer
Jud 18:30-31 And the people of Dan set up the carved image for
themselves, and Jonathan the son of Gershom, son of Moses, and his sons
were priests to the tribe of the Danites until the day of the captivity of the
land. So they set up Micah's carved image that he made, as long as the
house of Elohim was at Shiloh.

Revealing of Messiahs First Coming as Saviour: The symbol of the serpent
in the Wilderness is a symbol that represents the coming Messiah, and
everyone who looked upon this serpent was healed and saved. We see the
significance of Dan (the Serpent), representing the Messiahs First Coming as
Healer and Saviour in the Wilderness.
Revealing of Messiahs Second Coming as Judge: There is another aspect
of Dan that prophetically point to Messiah, but relates to His Second Coming.
Dan will be in captivity at the time of Shiloh, that means place of rest or time
of rest, the time prior to the End, Dan is hidden and will be revealed prior to the
time of rest or Millennial Sabbath and in the same way we see Messiah hidden
and will only be revealed as Judge (Dan), prior to this time entering His Rest.
Just like in the Book of Ester where the name of YHVH is nowhere to be found,
so is the name of Dan nowhere to be found but still hidden at the end, but will
be revealed through Messiah. Dan means Judge, and we will look at the Book
of Judges, the time between the rule of Joshua (Yshua the Saviour) and the
rule of King David (Yshua as King).

The time of the Judges reveals more about why the Messiah will be a Judge
before He will rule as King and that is because of the Wilderness. This time is
similar to the time of the Judges where man rebelled against YHVH. This time
in the Wilderness, or time of the Judges, prophetically
points to the timeframe between Yshuas First and
Second Comings, and is the time we find ourselves in.
We can learn so much from the Book of Judges
(Danites), how we need to live as Believers, especially as
the End is drawing closer. Through this, we see ourselves
represented by the hidden Tribe of Dan, who regularly
fall into idolatry and rebellion against YHVH. When this
happens, He sends judges to help us and govern us
until His Second Coming. After that He will take the
authority of the Great Judge, Who will judge us and the
During our Wilderness experience, we follow the same Cycle of Sin that Israel
went through; you fall into sin, the sin enslaves you through receiving bad
consequences. You then cry out to YHVH, and He raises up people that will
help you to overcome that sin (believing a lie), serving YHVH again. The Cycle
continuously repeats through your life and is because of the Wilderness we find
ourselves in and the absence of our King, Yshua the Messiah.
Jdg 21:25 In those days there was no King in Israel. Every man did the
right in his own eyes.

We find ourselves in a time absent of His Government
System that is based on His Torah, we all live
scattered throughout the world, and each one of us is
trying to do what is right in your own eyes. Each one
of us follows our own convictions and perception of
the Truth, and that is why this time in the Wilderness
is so messy. On the one hand, you find Believers that
do not want to follow a leader or a Denomination
because of confusion and deception, and on the other
end of the scale, you find people who blindly follow individuals and
organisations that restrict the Truth. All these Believers are represented by the
Tribe of Dan, hidden and leaderless, some doing idolatry, all going through
Cycles of Sin.
Dan also represents the judges during this time, the leaders, individuals,
denominations and organisations. The absence of Dan in Rev 7 reveals to us
as the Wilderness experience comes to an end, all the judges, leaders
denominations and institutions will be replaced by the King, Yshua the
Messiah. We will no longer be confused by these Danites (leaders), but each
one of us will be divided in, even grafted into one of the Twelve Tribes listed
in Rev 7 as we enter into the New Jerusalem through one of these Twelve
Rev 21:10-12 And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high
mountain and showed me the Great City, the Holy Jerusalem, descending
out of heaven from Elohim,11 having the glory of Elohim. Her
light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as
crystal. 12 Also, she had a great and high wall with twelve gates, and
twelve angels at the gates, and names written on them, which are the
names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel:

What have we learned?

The Wilderness is not a place for the flesh but for your spirit to grow.
The Wilderness relates to YHVHs Word that brings order to your life.
The Wilderness represents the place in between the two Comings of
Yshua, the place of preparation and battle for our blessings.
Numbering represents the setting up of YHVHs Army before entering the
We go through development stages starting as the Bride, entering into
Covenant with Him, then transform to the Priesthood, keeping His House
in order. Then we become Soldiers in His Army, raising the standard of
the Truth against the Enemy to get back our Inheritance he stole.
An exchange takes place between the enemy and us, retrieving our
blessings while returning the curses that belong to him.
The Wilderness represents the Great Tribulation as well, the time we will
go through under the Great Judge, just like crossing the Jordan
(judgement) before entering the Promised Land.
We are represented by the hidden Tribe of Dan. We are judged or
governed through the Wilderness in a time of confusion, and everybody
does what is right in their own eyes because there is no King in Israel.


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