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Human Development agency Alumni & PIBG SMK. HAMZAH 1, MACHANG, KELANTAN. MALAYSIA.

!!…Please enlarge and display at your hall

Ghannt Chart MUST memorize ALUMNI & PIBG "NULLI SECUNDUS" Update : 17 feb.1973M/13 Muharram 1393H - 2009M
(Forecast) YEAR ( 1 DECADE = 100 YEARS )
The Universe Story until the day-after from the words ( Kalimah ) "BISMILLAHIRRAHMANIRRAHIM" Duration 0 - 23 -13 - 23H 23 - 1300 1300 - 1400 1400-1500 1600 - 1700 1700 -1800 1800 - 1900 1900 - 2000 200 -2100
NO. ( The Destiny recorded at KITAB AL-LAUHUL MAHFUZ ) FROM TO 0 - 569 569 - 632M 632 - 1869 1869 - 1969 1969-2069 2069 - 2169 2169 -2269 2269 - 2369 2369 - 2469 2469 - 2569

B 1 Very 1st creation "Light (NUR) MUHAMMAD PBUH" God's lover been created. 0 140k yrs

I 2 All Creatures was made from Nur God's lover. 140k yrs 140k yrs CRUTIAL Gain knowledge thru
MOMENT reading Kitabs
Bani Hasyim every purchase
S 3 313 RASOOL all over the world ( started by ADAM a.s ) - Initialy World Enviorment. 0 23H/632 BC
. will go to charity
World Calendar
M 4 124 Thousand Prophets - around the globe ending with Prophets MUHAMMAD PBUH 0 632 BC

I 5 Prophets MUHAMMAD PBUH - The Last RASOOL - According to Hijariah 569 632

L 6 In the era 12 Imam of Bani-Hasyim ( Hadis ) - " MALAY KING EXIST IN THE WORLD" 632 bc PRESENT
.Ahlul-Bayt Rasulullah saw were gathered
L 7 Bani-Hasyim's sperms spread around the world, ending at South East Asia ( PKLGK ) 632 bc PRESENT
Which is your
?..groups guys
A 8 Turn up the 73 groups of Islam ( MQTK purposely to Ahlulbayt lovers ) 661 bc PRESENT !yehaaaa
H 9 Collaps of Baitulmaqdis to Kafir ( Jews territory was build ) 1969 PRESENT
The Imam been endorsed infront of Kaabah
I 10 Appearance of Imam MAHADI a.s- B.Maqdis taken back/Islam unite 1969 2032
Oath (Bai'ah) 313 Nulli Secundus at Mecca"
R 11 Dajjal (Anti-Christ) turn-up in Jerusalem Land, Palestine. 1969 2032
Son of Maryam kills Dajjal by using Moses's sticks
R 12 Son of Maryam down to earth and Islam to all by the sword of Al Masih 2020 2060

A 13 Imam Mahadi, Asha Bulkahfi, Son of Maryam a.s & 70,000 pilgrims to MECCA (PDRM)
2000 2032

H 14 Imam Mahadi died, The World control by Son of Maryam for 40 years. 2032 2060 FUNERAL OF IMAM MAHADI A.S HELD IN PALESTINE

M 15 Born the last human called Hanad and the rest automatically abortion. 2060 Onwards Son of Maryam a.s funeral at Madinah

A 16 Allah Scriptures went missing except in the heart of Mukminin. 2080 2090
Read AlQuran is our
N 17 Kaabah lifted / go missing from earth & all the Saints dead by cool air. 2090 2100 responsible
Membaca alQuran
Tanggunjawab kita
I 18 Sunrise from West ( Door for profene were CLOSED )- Only Hell members inhabit the world. 2100 2200 *MQTK*

R 19 Turn up Dabbattul-Arbi ( Talking animal ) - Al-Quran/Bible, Toraah & Gospel 2200 2300

R 20 1st blowing from angel ISRAFIL a.s trumphets. 2300 2300

A 21 Destroy all the Universe except the TEN items ( pls refer to Kitabs ) 2300 2300
Sperms rainning for 40 days
H 22 2nd blowing from the angel ISRAFIL a.s ( The Judgement Day ) 27400 27400

I 23 Mahsyar's Trial ( Mizan / Siratulmustaqim bridge ) - pay-back time 27400 Infinity !!..Heaven's members divided to 7 lines = Rasool, Prophets,Saints, Syahid, Hafiz, Habib, Angels - With-out trial

The Universe Ending

M 24 To HEAVEN or Hell
** Taken from INJIL, Toorah dan Gospel and Al Azhar Translations, authored by Prof Dr HAMKA and 22 kitabs muktabar(must). Prepared by : YM. Wan Mohamd Syamsuddin bin Ramli (Chief of Human Development agency PIBG-2009)
BANI HASYIM notices : To all religions in the World MUST aware of God representatives at any century. Those who are not realized of The Saint ( God's lover) attendance and who are not even looking for Saint-ABDAL, QUTUB, AUTAD
as mentioned in the Hadis, and have no effort to the ways of findings, SO, just be get ready to face Sword of The Last Imam on earth ,namely IMAM MAHADI A.S and Son of Maryam Or waiting for dying without say: Syahadah - SU'UL

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