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Chris -Good Morning! It’s 11’o’clock and thank-you for joining us. I’m Chris

Sarah -…and I’m Sarah Lindinger. Here is an update of yesterday’s news for all of those
who were unable to tune in.

Chris -To start out today, we have an update on a grave story we brought you earlier.
Three days ago there was a shooting at Columbine High School in Columbine,
Colorado at 12:19 p.m. Central Time. Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan
Klebold, embarked on a shooting rampage, killing 12 students and a teacher, as
well as wounding 24 others, before committing suicide at or around 1:08 p.m.
According to our sources, this was the third deadliest school killing in United
States history, after the 1927 Bath School disaster, and the 1966 University of
Texas massacre. We will bring you up-to-date coverage of this story as we find
out more.

Sarah -On a less solemn note, workers bid farewell to Kays. The Littlewoods Shop
Direct employed nearly 6,000 people in Faithful City, but just a handful were left
to lock up the St. John’s factory on Bransford Road yesterday. As the workers left
the factory site for the final time, there was more than one tearful eye. Andy
Simcock, of Littlewoods Shop Direct, said that most of his family worked there
and he even met his wife, who was also worked there. However this family
connection doesn’t end there. Mr. Simcock’s aunt Janet Simcock also dedicated
43 years to the catalogue firm. The production manager of the shop, who
requested to stay anonymous, said that for many people, even though they knew it
was coming, the end was quite a shock. Everyone who worked there will always
cherish the memories and they will always stay in touch. We, here at the station,
would also like to express our thanks for the many years of service the firm has
given us and we wish the workers the best and hope that they find another suitable
place of employment.

Chris -In other news O.J. Simpson spent yesterday in court. Yesterday was the last day
of the criminal trial of Simpson for the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and
Ronald Goldman. One spokesperson said that the trial in his opinion was a “great
trash novel come to life,” and no one can deny the pull the murders and
yesterday’s trail had on the American public. If the early reports of the murder of
the wife of the ex-football-star-turned-sports-announcer hadn’t caught people’s
attention, Simpson’s surreal Bronco ride on the day of his arrest certainly did—
ninety-five million television viewers witnessed the slow police chase live. The
133 days of televised courtroom testimony turned countless viewers into Simpson
trial junkies.

Sarah -[Laughs stiffly] Well I can tell you I most definitely was one of them.
Chris -To add a little humor to the subject, when foreign leader Boris Yeltsin stepped off
his plane to meet President Clinton, the first question he asked was, “Do you think
O.J. did it?” At 10 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, Judge Ito’s clerk read the jury’s
verdict. This was also televised. The clerk read a verdict of “Not Guilty,” and
91% of all persons viewing television were glued to the unfolding scene in the
Los Angeles courtroom.

Sarah -Well maybe O.J. Simpson won’t appear in so much news anymore now that the
trial is now over.

Chris -Hopefully. Well, Sarah, how’s Sports looking today?

Sarah -Well, once again Michael Jordan proved he was all the way back by the winning a
record eighth scoring championship, one more than Wilt Chamberlain, and
leading the Bulls to their fourth NBA Championship. He joined Willis Reed as
only the second man to win “Most Valuable Player” awards for the regular season.
Jordan started all 100 games for the Bulls and he also started all 18 playoff
contests. Though he drove to the hoop a bit less than earlier in his career and
lacked a bit of his previous explosiveness and reckless abandon, Jordan was a far
more effective and controlled jump shooter and 3-point scoring threat. Besides
his league-leading 30.4 points per game, Jordan averaged 6.6 rebounds, 4.3
assists, and 2.20 steals in. Just last week when the Bulls played Orlando Magic,
Jordan played just 22 minutes but edged out Shaquille O’Neal for MVP honors by
scoring 20 points on 8-for-11 shooting and 6 rebounds.

Sarah -In other sports, yesterday new head coach George Seifert, led the San Francisco
49ers to their second straight Super Bowl Title against the Denver Broncos 55-10
at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans. Joe Montana threw a record
breaking 5 touchdown passes, taking home MVP honors and his 4th Super Bowl
victory and ring. So……Mariah…how’s the weather looking for golf tomorrow?

Mariah-Alright folks, this afternoon there is a 75% chance of rain, so pull out those
umbrellas. Hurricane Andrew caused damages costing up to 25 billion dollars
worth. Andrew resulted in…….

Britni -Pardon this interruption, but just a little while ago, a Ryder truck, which
contained what is guessed to be 5,000 pounds of fertilizer and nitro-methane
mixture packed into the back, detonated in front of the north side of the nine-story
Alfred P. Murrah Federal building. The blast destroyed a third of the building and
created a very large crater on NW 5th Street next to the building. It also destroyed
or damaged many of the surrounding buildings. There is an estimated 150 people
dead and at least another 500 people injured. Little is known about this bombing
so far. I’m Britni Featherston for RFBL Channel 15 News and we will keep you
updated throughout the rest of the day with the latest information. Now back to
you Mariah.
Mariah-As I was saying, Hurricane Andrew resulted in 15 deaths and up to one-quarter
million people left temporarily homeless. Satellite pictures and upper-air data
indicate that Andrew was formed from a tropical wave that crossed the west coast
of Africa to the tropical North Atlantic Ocean. The wave was found sufficiently
well organized classifying the intensity. [Use the “Weather Forecast” and
explain the weather in detail] Now back to you Chris!!

Chris -Thanks Mariah!! Today I am going to interview Jefferson County Colorado

District Attorney Lisa Thomas.

*** “Q:” is Chris and “A:” is Lisa***

Q: Does anyone know what was the suspected killers’ motivation?

A: No. However there are some theories that I am not at liberty to discuss until we
have more proof to go by.

Q: Ok….how are the injured doing? Are they doing all right?

A: The 24 others that were wounded are doing fine and some are even out of the
hospital. Some can’t really remember though all of what happened. Others can
remember and are being watched closely for any attempts at suicide to get away
from the reality of the situation. A couple of the students found out in the hospital
who had been killed and were completely devastated over the news. However,
most of them are expected to gain a full recovery both physically and mentally as
much as possible.

Q: How many total were killed in the shooting? We have an estimate but….

A: There were 15 people total that are dead. The two perpetrators, Harris and
Klebold, a teacher, and 12 students made up this 15. No names are being given
out at this time.

Q: Well thank you for joining us Mrs. Thomas.

A: [Say in a monotonous; solemn tone] Thank-you.

Chris -Now Mariah I hear you have something to tell us.

Mariah-I sure do! The Crandle family we told you about a week ago, received several
donations from local charities. The Crandle family were out of town when there
house became consumed with flames and everything they owned was torched.
One donation that the Crandles received was $5,000 dollars from FEMA. The
family was able to buy new clothes for the whole family and buy a temporary
home. They are doing very well. They will be able to stay in that home until they
get their old home rebuilt. I will keep you updated on the Crandles as I get
information. You can bring your own donations to any local bank. Thank-you!!

Chris -Well that about all the time we have….I’m Chris Radford…..

Sarah -….I’m Sarah Lindinger

Mariah-….and I’m Mariah Baugh.

Chris -Thanks for tuning in to RFBL Channel 15 News at 11 a.m. We’ll see you again at
9’o’clock. Bye!!!

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