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ID : in-7-Integers [1]

Class 7
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Answer t he quest ions


In a competitive exam, there are 60 questions. Students can score 2 marks f or each correct
answer while 1 mark is deducted f or each incorrect answer. If Vinayak answered 40 questions
correctly, how many marks did he get?


An integer is divided by 4 and gives a remainder of 3. T he resulting quotient is divided by 6 and

gives a remainder of 3. T he resulting quotient of this is divided by 7 and gives a quotient of 1
and a remainder of 1. What is the number?


Find how many integers are there between:


-4 and 3


-5 and 3


-4 and 7


-4 and 7

(4) Which number in the f ollowing pairs is larger:



-7, 5


-29, 29


13, 4


14, -13

Kareem made f ollowing transactions on his credit card account :

Opening Balance : Rs. 4483
1) Debited Rs. 2596
2) Credited Rs. 1087
3) Credited Rs. 4547
4) Credited Rs. 579
5) Debited Rs. 2224
6) Debited Rs. 1280
7) Credited Rs. 2052
8) Credited Rs. 3231
If the starting balance on his credit card was Rs. 4483, what will be the f inal balance on his
credit card account ?

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ID : in-7-Integers [2]

Choose correct answer(s) f rom given choice

(6) T he absolute value of | a - 19 | if a is less than 19 is
a. -(a - 19)

b. 19

c. a

d. a - 19

(7) Simplif y
(-6324 / 68) + (-4608 / -64) + (-5076 / 54)


a. -119

b. -115

c. -110

d. -113

A railway company makes a prof it of Rs. 1474 on per ticket of business class while loses Rs.
154 on every ticket in economy class. If the company sold 3517 tickets of business class and
45313 tickets of economy class in the month of April, what would be the total prof it or loss
company will make in that month.

a. -1793144

b. -1794144

c. -6978202

d. 5184058

Fill in t he blanks
(9) Find the value of f ollowing :



6 10 ( -5 ) 1 17 =

( -5 ) 13 ( -8 ) 14 7 =

Every integer to the lef t of zero on the number line have


(11) Divide :


1872 by -52 =

1599 by 41 =

(12) Simplif y :


(5445 / -55) + (-4788 / -63) - (-5658 / 69) =

( -14 ) ( -1 ) 1 - (-1672 / -44) + (-1400 / 40) =

(13) Subtract :

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-16047 f rom 91916 =


-81054 f rom -12232 =


24125 f rom -40818 =


-61445 f rom 29610 =


-95555 f rom 71854 =


-22671 f rom -74867 =

(14) T he sum of two integers is -4763. If one of the integers is -3196, the other integer is

Check True/False
(15) T he absolute value of an integer is greater than the integer .
T rue

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ID : in-7-Integers [4]


Step 1
T he total number of questions in a competitive exam = 60,
Marks obtained f or each correct answer = 2 and
Marks deducted f or each incorrect answer = 1
Step 2
Since Vinayak answered 40 questions correctly,
T otal marks obtained by Vinayak f or correct answers = 2 40 =80
Step 3
Number of incorrect question answered by Vinayak = total number of questions in exam number of correct questions answered by Vinayak = 60 - 40 = 20
Step 4
Now total marks obtained by Vinayak in exam = total marks obtained by Vinayak f or correct
answers - total marks deducted f or incorrect answers
= 80 - 20
= 60
Step 5
T heref ore Vinayak obtained 60 marks.

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ID : in-7-Integers [5]


Step 1
If you look at the question caref ully, you will notice that an integer is divided by 4 and gives
a remainder of 3. T he resulting quotient is divided by 6 and gives a remainder of 3. T he
resulting quotient of this is divided by 7 and gives a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 1.
Step 2
Lets assume the number or dividend is x.
According to question, Divisor = 4
Remainder = 3
We know that dividend = divisor quotient + remainder
quotient =

dividend - remainder

x- 3

Step 3
Since the resulting quotient is divided by 6 and gives a remainder of 3 and hence the
resulting quotient is work as a dividend.
New quotient =

dividend - remainder

New quotient =

x- 3



x - 3 - 12



x - 15

Step 4
Since the resulting quotient is divided by 7 and gives a quotient of 1 and a remainder of 1
and hence the resulting quotient is work as a dividend.
dividend = divisor quotient + remainder

x - 15

=7 1+1


x - 15



x - 15


x - 15 = 8 24
x = 192 + 15
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ID : in-7-Integers [6]

x = 207
Step 5
T heref ore the number is 207 .



Step 1
Number of integers between any two integers is equal to one less than the
dif f erence between the two integers.
Step 2
T hus, the total number of integers that are there between -4 and 3 = 3 - (-4) - 1


Step 1
Number of integers between any two integers is equal to one less than the
dif f erence between the two integers.
Step 2
T hus, the total number of integers that are there between -5 and 3 = 3 - (-5) - 1


Step 1
Number of integers between any two integers is equal to one less than the
dif f erence between the two integers.
Step 2
T hus, the total number of integers that are there between -4 and 7 = 7 - (-4) - 1
= 10

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ID : in-7-Integers [7]


Step 1
Number of integers between any two integers is equal to one less than the
dif f erence between the two integers.
Step 2
T hus, the total number of integers that are there between -4 and 7 = 7 - (-4) - 1
= 10



Step 1
T he value of more negative number is smaller as compared to a less negative
number or any positive number.
Step 2
T hus, we can say that the larger number in the pair -7, 5 is 5.


Step 1
T he value of more negative number is smaller as compared to a less negative
number or any positive number.
Step 2
T hus, we can say that the larger number in the pair -29, 29 is 29.


Step 1
Both numbers 13 and 4 are positive.
Step 2
T he positive number 13 is larger than the positive number 4.


Step 1
T he value of more negative number is smaller as compared to a less negative
number or any positive number.
Step 2
T hus, we can say that the larger number in the pair 14, -13 is 14.

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ID : in-7-Integers [8]


Rs. 9879
Step 1
If you look at the question caref ully, you will notice that the starting balance on Kareem's
credit card was Rs. 4483.
total number of Rs. credited by Kareem = 1087 + 4547 + 579 + 2052 + 3231 = Rs. 11496
total number of Rs. debited by Kareem = 2596 + 2224 + 1280 = Rs. 6100
Step 2
Now the f inal balance on his credit card = the starting balance on Kareem credit card - total
number of Rs. debited by Kareem + total number of Rs. credited by Kareem
= 4483 - 6100 + 11496
= Rs. 9879

(6) a. -(a - 19)

Step 1
Since the value of 'a' is less than 19, the value of a - 19 will be negative.
Step 2
T heref ore the absolute value of | a - 19 | is -(a - 19)

(7) b. -115
Step 1
We can divide two numbers by the f ollowing steps:
1. First of all we have to divide sign of the numbers. we use negative sign bef ore the
negative numbers and we can't use any sign bef ore the positive numbers.
We can divide sign as:
+ + = +
+ - = - - = +
2. Now we have to divide numbers.
f or example 4 2 = 2,
4 (-2) = (-2),
(-4) 2 = (-2),
(-4) (-2) = 2.
Step 2
Now (-6324 / 68) + (-4608 / -64) + (-5076 / 54) can be simplif ied as:
(-6324 / 68) + (-4608 / -64) + (-5076 / 54)
= (-93) + 72 + (-94)
= -115

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ID : in-7-Integers [9]


b. -1794144
Step 1
T he company sold 3517 tickets of business class. Since the prof it on per ticket of
business class is Rs. 1474.
T heref ore the prof it on 3517 tickets of business class = 3517 1474 = 5184058
Step 2
T he company sold 45313 tickets of economy class. Since the loss on per ticket of
economy class is Rs. 154.
T heref ore the loss on 45313 tickets of economy class = 45313 154 = 6978202
Step 3
T heref ore the total prof it or loss company will make in that month = 5184058 - 6978202 =
Rs. -1794144



Step 1
We can multiply two numbers by the f ollowing steps:
1. First of all we have to multiply sign of the numbers. we use negative sign
bef ore the negative numbers and we can't use any sign bef ore the positive
We can multiply sign as:
+- =- - =+
2. Now we have to multiply numbers.
f or example 3 2 = 6,
3 (-2) = (-6),
(-3) 2 = (-6),
(-3) (-2) = 6.
Step 2
T o solve 6 10 ( -5 ) 1 17, f irst of all we have to multiply f irst two numbers
af ter that we have to multiply result with the next number and so on as shown
6 10 ( -5 ) 1 17
= 60 ( -5 ) 1 17
= -300 1 17
= -300 17
= -5100
Step 3
T heref ore the value of 6 10 ( -5 ) 1 17 is -5100.

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ID : in-7-Integers [10]


Step 1
We can multiply two numbers by the f ollowing steps:
1. First of all we have to multiply sign of the numbers. we use negative sign
bef ore the negative numbers and we can't use any sign bef ore the positive
We can multiply sign as:
+- =- - =+
2. Now we have to multiply numbers.
f or example 3 2 = 6,
3 (-2) = (-6),
(-3) 2 = (-6),
(-3) (-2) = 6.
Step 2
T o solve ( -5 ) 13 ( -8 ) 14 7, f irst of all we have to multiply f irst two
numbers af ter that we have to multiply result with the next number and so on as
shown below:
( -5 ) 13 ( -8 ) 14 7
= -65 ( -8 ) 14 7
= 520 14 7
= 7280 7
= 50960
Step 3
T heref ore the value of ( -5 ) 13 ( -8 ) 14 7 is 50960.


Step 1
Following pitcure shows number line which has negative, zero(0), and positive numbers.

Step 2
On number line, numbers increases f rom lef t to right. T heref ore numbers to the lef t of 0,
should have values which are smaller than 0
Step 3
We know that numbers which are smaller than 0, are negative numbers. T heref ore, every
integer to the lef t of 0 on the number line will have negative value.
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ID : in-7-Integers [11]

(11) A)

Step 1
Division of a positive number by a negative number results in a negative number.
For example 4/(-2) = -2
Division of a negative number by a positive number results in a negative number.
For example -4/2 = -2
Division of a negative number by a negative number results in a positive number.
For example (-4)/(-2) = 2
Step 2
T heref ore if we divide 1872 by -52, result will be negative

= -36



Step 1
Division of a positive number by a negative number results in a negative number.
For example 4/(-2) = -2
Division of a negative number by a positive number results in a negative number.
For example -4/2 = -2
Division of a negative number by a negative number results in a positive number.
For example (-4)/(-2) = 2
Step 2
T heref ore if we divide 1599 by 41, result will be positive

= 39


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ID : in-7-Integers [12]

(12) A)

Step 1
We can multiply/divide two numbers by the f ollowing steps:
1. First of all we have to multiply/divide sign of the numbers. we use negative
sign bef ore the negative numbers and we can't use any sign bef ore the positive
We can multiply sign as:
+- =- - =+
We can divide sign as:
+ + = +
+ - = - - = +
2.Now we have to multiply/divide numbers.
f or example 3 2 = 6,
3 (-2) = (-6),
(-3) 2 = (-6),
(-3) (-2) = 6.
and 4 2 = 2,
4 (-2) = (-2),
(-4) 2 = (-2),
(-4) (-2) = 2.
Step 2
Now (5445 / -55) + (-4788 / -63) - (-5658 / 69) can be simplif ied as:
(5445 / -55) + (-4788 / -63) - (-5658 / 69)
= (-99) + 76 - (-82)
= 59

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ID : in-7-Integers [13]


Step 1
We can multiply/divide two numbers by the f ollowing steps:
1. First of all we have to multiply/divide sign of the numbers. we use negative
sign bef ore the negative numbers and we can't use any sign bef ore the positive
We can multiply sign as:
+- =- - =+
We can divide sign as:
+ + = +
+ - = - - = +
2.Now we have to multiply/divide numbers.
f or example 3 2 = 6,
3 (-2) = (-6),
(-3) 2 = (-6),
(-3) (-2) = 6.
and 4 2 = 2,
4 (-2) = (-2),
(-4) 2 = (-2),
(-4) (-2) = 2.
Step 2
Now ( -14 ) ( -1 ) 1 - (-1672 / -44) + (-1400 / 40) can be simplif ied as:
( -14 ) ( -1 ) 1 - (-1672 / -44) + (-1400 / 40)
= 14 - 38 + (-35)
= -59

(13) A)

Subtracting -16047 f rom 91916 = 91916 - (-16047) = 91916 + 16047 = 107963


Subtracting -81054 f rom -12232 = -12232 - (-81054) = -12232 + 81054 = 68822


Subtracting 24125 f rom -40818 = -40818 - 24125 = -64943

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Subtracting -61445 f rom 29610 = 29610 - (-61445) = 29610 + 61445 = 91055


Subtracting -95555 f rom 71854 = 71854 - (-95555) = 71854 + 95555 = 167409


Subtracting -22671 f rom -74867 = -74867 - (-22671) = -74867 + 22671 = 52196


Step 1
T he sum of two integers is -4763
One of the integer is -3196
Step 2
T he other integer,
= T he sum of two integers - One of the integer
= (-4763) - (-3196)
= -4763 + 3196
= -1567

(15) False
Step 1
Absolute Value is the value of the number without regards to its' sign. T he value is always a
positive number.
For positive numbers, absolute value is same as number. e.g. |5| = 5.
For negative numbers, absolute value is reverse of the number. e.g. |-5| = 5.
Step 2
We can see that absolute value of a number if either equal to the number (f or positive
numbers), or it is larger than the number (f or negative numbers).
Hence the given statement "T he absolute value of an integer is greater than the
integer" is f alse.

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