Northern Democrat No 51 May 10

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The Northern no.


The newsletter for Liberal Democrats in the North of England
May 2010

New politics
in action
1st UK coalition for 65 years puts Lib Dems in government - now we must
demonstrate that partnership, co-operation and the new politics are good for Britain
After a difficult delivery,
the new politics Liberal
Democrats campaigned
for has been born

Britain’s last coalition government

ended in 1945. Since then, we have
had a succession of single party
governments that have alternated
Swales sails to
between Labour and Conservatives.
The Liberal Democrats have argued
that this old system of one-party rule is
victory in Redcar
bad for Britain. Most of us came into
politics to change the old system. We
have argued for partnership and co-
operation in government.
Though it is the old system that has
given us a Parliament with no majority for
any party, the outcome is that of the new
system we want to introduce: coalition
and co-operation should be the norm
under our reforms.
As Liberal Democrats we now have a
duty to our country and to our party to
make the coalition work.
But more than that, we need to make it
a success. A strong Lib Dem element
should make this a liberal reforming
It means a culture shock for our party
as we will need to defend our
governmental record. Out must go lLib Dem Ian Swales swept to victory in Redcar on 6th
oppositionism. In its place must be May, overturning a Labour majority of 12,000 in a seat
responsibility and a campaigning edge to which Labour previously treated as theirs by right. Full
the Lib Dems that puts positive story on page 3.
achievements at the core of our
message. Produced, printed and promoted by Jonathan Wallace, 7 Laburnum Grove, Sunniside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE16 5LY
Northern Democrat May 2010
Page 2 Contents/Thirsk and Malton election
Page 3 Gold Rush in Redcar as steel town goes Lib Dem. Chris Abbott
explains the background to the Lib Dem victory in the
constituency that saw a 21% swing from Labour to Lib Dems
Page 4 Lib Dem/Labour coalition “hostage to Labour’s old guard”. Jeff
Reid warns that Labour’s very unprogressive element would have
destroyed a Lib Dem/Labour coalition in a matter of weeks
Page 5 Lib Dem policies agreed by the new government:
A Fair Start for Children
Fairer Taxes and Economic Reform
Page 6 Lib Dem policies agreed by the new government:
Fair Politics
A Fair and Sustainable Future
Page 7 Lib Dem policies agreed by the new government:
Civil Liberties
Page 7 Members’ newsletter service
Page 8 Was a deal with Labour possible? Northern Democrat Editor
Jonathan Wallace explores the possibility and concludes a deal
with Labour was a non-starter
Thirsk and Malton election
Just when you thought it was safe to go back out. You’d put your feet up to
let them recover from the election. The polling day suit had gone off to the
dry cleaners. The Coalition agreement announces no general election for 5
years (hooray!) and then another election comes along.
Thirsk and Malton in North Yorkshire is a hangover from the general election
which simply didn’t take place in the constituency. The cause of this was the death
of the UKIP candidate after the close of nominations.
lHoward The election is now taking place in this seat which was anotionally Conservative in
Keal 2005. Howard Keal is Lib Dem candidate. If you can help, contact Di Keal on
01653 694546 or 07593682402 or Betty Denton on 01347 811162 or or
Mike Beckett on 01653 691402 or If you can’t come but can can-
vas by phone, contact Stephen Preston, letting us know your experience, on 01653 695788 or
Northern Democrat is published and promoted by Jonathan Wallace. The publication is independent, but
2 supportive, of the Liberal Democrats. For more information, email
Gold rush in Redcar as
steel town goes Lib Dem
By Cllr Chris Abbott
Redcar result
Gosh, I am exhausted! Had I not been so tired I
Ian Swales (Lib Dem
would perhaps not be so bothered about the ).. 18,955 - 45.1%
attempts by some sections of the local, regional Ve ra Ba ird (Lab).......... 13,741 - 32.7%
and even national media to brush off the Lib Steve Mastin (Con).....
. 5,790 - 13.8%
Dem’s spectacular victory in Redcar as a protest Martin Bulmer (U
KIP)... 1,875 - 4.5%
against the closure of Corus steelworks. Kevin Broughton (BNP
) 1,475 - 3.5%
This victory was achieved as a result of years of Hannah Walter (TUS
hard work by a dedicated and united campaign C). 127 - 0.3%
team that has been largely ignored by the local
media but not by the residents of Redcar constituency. The story of how we won Redcar
deserves to be written sometime and perhaps it will be but here is a brief summary.
Lib Dems in Redcar have been making progress in local government for more than twenty
years. In 2003 we began a four year stint as the largest group in a three party coalition, with the
Conservatives and East Cleveland Independents, taking the Council from a two-star rating to
four-star excellent. We felt we were doing well but clearly needed that extra something to make a
real breakthrough at both local and Parliamentary level.
That came the day when, out of the blue, Ian and Pat Swales walked into a monthly meeting of
Redcar Lib Dems. Ian was a founder member of the SDP but his high powered job at ICI Wilton
had prevented him from being active in the party for many years. Ian had recently taken early
retirement from ICI and wanted to become more active in the local community.
It was like we were waiting for him to turn up and very soon Ian was selected as our
Parliamentary Candidate for the 2005 General Election. He had energy and enthusiasm and he
reinvigorated those of
us who had got
bogged down in the
running of Redcar &
Cleveland Council. Ian
transformed our
organisation and we
became much more
focused on meeting
aims and targets.
At the 2005 General
Election we were a
much better organised
team than we had
previously been and
this resulted in us
overtaking the Tories
and moving into
lNick Clegg with Ian Swales during an election visit to Redcar. second place, albeit
Ian took Redcar on a swing of 21% - one of the highest swings 12,116 votes behind
of the general election. Labour.
Lib Dem/Labour coalition Redcar
“hostage to old guard” goldrush
A LEADING Liberal Democrat in (continued from p3)
Northumberland has welcomed At the 2007 Council
the creation of the Coalition Election we held all 13 of our
Government and warned that an seats in the Redcar
alternative Lib Dem/Labour Constituency part of Redcar
coalition would have been and Cleveland Council and
destroyed within weeks by received 35% of the vote, to
disgruntled, old guard Labour Labour’s 37% and the Tories
MPs. 13% in the same area.
Jeff Reid, Leader of Ian Swales plan was to
Northumberland County Council, work hard, initially with the
said, “Our country needs strong and lNorthumberland Couty
aim of reducing Labour’s
stable government. The economy is Leader Jeff Reid - Labour
old guard would have majority at the 2010 General
in a mess and the deficit has grown Election to make Redcar a
wrecked Lib Dem/Labour
alarmingly. coalition. marginal seat. We were
“The people spoke in the election and decided to give no party more than willing to look at
a majority to rule by themselves. The politicians had to take note what has worked in other
of when the people had said. areas and in particular we
listened closely to people like
“The creation of the Coalition, with an agreed programme that
Carl Minns and Dave
takes the best of the manifestos of both the Liberal Democrats
McCobb over in Hull.
and the Conservatives, means that the mess left by 13 years of
Labour government can start to be cleared up. Then in the autumn of
2008 a series of Council by-
“We have seen in Northumberland the sort of mess left by
elections in the constituency,
Labour. For two years now we have been putting
over an 18 month period, led
Northumberland’s house back in order. Labour have sat on the
to three spectacular wins in
sidelines playing petty politics in that time.
previously ultra-safe Labour
“That’s why I am convinced that a coalition between the Lib wards of Kirkleatham and
Dems and Labour was a non-starter. The number of MPs for Dormanstown, a near miss
each party would have meant such a coalition was on a knife (88 votes) by my lad, Steven
edge. Abbott, in South Bank, one
“It would have fallen prey to a hardcore of reactionary Labour of Labour’s safest wards and
MPs more interested in posturing and having a slanging match a huge victory in Lib Dem
than actually giving our country the strong and stable held Ormesby Ward.
government it needs. Ian Swales hard work
“We have seen in Northumberland that Labour preferred to inspired a huge army of
abdicate responsibility for clearing up their own mess rather than helpers and in spite of the
joining a partnership with other parties to sort out the problems local media reminding us that
on the Council. a 12,116 majority needed a
“It was clear that a large part of the Labour party felt the same 15% swing we actually
after the general election. Had a deal been put together between achieved a 21% swing, with
the Lib Dems and Labour, some Labour backbenchers would a majority of 5,214. This is
have attacked it right from the start. The old guard would have probably the largest swing to
destroyed it within weeks. the Lib Dems in the land this
“Now that the Labour party has opted for navel gazing and no time.
influence in opposition, the Coalition can get on with the job of Article first appeared in
reforming our economy and politics.”
Lib Dem policies agreed
by the new government
One of the most remarkable points about the creation of the Coalition Government has been
the extent to which Liberal Democrat policies have been agreed should be implemented.
Though we have not had everything our own way - on Trident and free schools for example -
building a coalition is about compromise and partnership. We have listed below the key Lib
Dem policies that will form part of the programme of the new government.

A Fair Start for Children

• Introduce a Pupil Premium to give all children a fair start.

Fairer taxes and Economic Reform

• A substantial increase in the personal allowance from April 2011 with a longer term policy
objective of further increasing the personal allowance to £10,000, making further real terms
steps each year towards this objective.
• Reform of the banking system, ensuring a flow of lending to businesses and a Banking Levy.
An independent commission on separating retail and investment banking.
• Capital Gains Tax reform

Lib Dem policies agreed by the new government
Fair Politics
• Fixed-term parliaments and a
referendum on electoral reform for the
House of Commons.
• A power of recall, allowing voters to
force a by-election where an MP was
found to have engaged in serious
• A wholly or mainly elected House of
Lords on the basis of proportional
• Giving Parliament control of its own agenda so that all bills are properly debated.
• Enacting the Calman Commission proposals and a referendum on further Welsh devolution.
• A statutory register of lobbyists.
• A limit on political donations and reform of party funding in order to remove big money from
• Radical devolution of power and greater financial autonomy to local government and
community groups.
A fair and sustainable future
• Establish a smart electricity grid and the
roll-out of smart meters.
• Establish feed-in tariff systems in
• A huge increase in energy from waste
through anaerobic digestion.
• The creation of a green investment bank.
• The provision of home energy
improvement paid for by the savings
from lower energy bills.
• Retention of energy performance
certificates when HIPs are scrapped.
• Measures to encourage marine energy.
• The establishment of an emissions performance standard that will prevent coal-fired power
stations being built unless they are equipped with sufficient CCS to meet the emissions
performance standard.
• Establish a high-speed rail network.
• Cancel the third runway at Heathrow and refuse additional runways at Gatwick and Stansted.
• Replace the Air Passenger Duty with a ‘per plane’ duty.
• The provision of a floor price for carbon, as well as efforts to persuade the EU to move towards
full auctioning of ETS permits.
• Make the import or possession of illegal timber a criminal offence.
• Promote green spaces and wildlife corridors in order to halt the loss of habitats and restore
• Reduce central government carbon emissions by 10 per cent within 12 months.
6 • Increase the target for energy from renewable sources.
Lib Dem policies agreed by the new government
• Restoration of the earnings link for the basic state pension from April 2011 with a “triple
guarantee” that pensions are raised by the higher of earnings, prices or 2.5%.
• Phase out the default retirement age and end the rules requiring compulsory annuitisation at
• Implement the Parliamentary and Health Ombudsman’s recommendation to make fair and
transparent payments to Equitable Life policyholders.

Civil Liberties
• Scrap the ID card scheme, the National Identity register, the next generation of biometric
passports and the ContactPoint Database.
• Outlaw the finger-printing of children at school without parental permission.
• Extend the scope of the Freedom of Information Act to provide greater transparency.
• Adopt the Scottish approach to stopping retention of innocent people’s DNA on the DNA
• Defend trial by jury.
• Restore rights to non-
violent protest.
• A review of libel laws to
protect freedom of
• Safeguards against the
misuse of anti-
terrorism legislation.
• Further regulation of
• Ending of storage of internet and email records without good reason.
• A new mechanism to prevent the proliferation of unnecessary new criminal offences.
• End the detention of children for immigration purposes.


Members’ newsletters - a full service

Members’ newsletters - they often get pushed to the bottom of the list of things to be done and often
don’t get produced at all. But they are an important way of keeping your local
members on board and encouraging them to get involved.
A full newsletter service for local parties is now available:
l It will be based on an A3 template containing coverage of the Liberal
Democrats nationally.
l There will be space available for local stories provided by you.
l We typeset, print and mail out the newsletter to addresses you provide.
l The cost of the basic service is £20 plus 60p per mailing address.
l View some of my recent newsletters at:
For more information call Jonathan Wallace on 07860 730270 or email
Was a deal with Labour possible?
by Jonathan Wallace, Editor of Northern Democrat
Politics is about the art of the possible. Was a Lib Dem/Labour
coalition a possibility following the election on 6th May? Very
unlikely, is my conclusion. And even if it were possible, there are
significant parts of the Labour Party who would have sought to
destroy a coalition in weeks.
Let’s look at the mathematics of it. Labour’s 258 seats and the Lib
Dems’ 57 would have created a coalition of 315 seats, 11 short of what
is needed for a majority.
However, at the fringes of the overall total, the Speaker can be
excluded, as can the 5 Sinn Fein MPs who don’t take up their seats in
the UK Parliament. That means a finishing post of 323 seats. That still lThe removal of Gordon Brown
leaves a Lib Dem/Labour coalition 8 seats short. At this point the minor would not have been enough to
parties come into play. create a Lib Dem/Labour
The SDLP is the sister party of Labour in Northern Ireland and coalition. Large parts of the
normally takes the Labour whip. The Alliance Party of Northern Ireland Labour party wanted to
is the sister party of the Lib Dems. They won their first ever seat in a abandon government for the
spectacular gain from the DUP’s leader Peter Robinson. The Alliance opposition.
has a peer (Lord Alderdice) who takes the Lib Dem whip in the Lords. It could be assumed that in the
Commons, their new MP will also take the Lib Dem whip. That brings the total MPs on the government
benches to 319. Close but not close enough.
The arrival of the Green Party in Parliament with their one MP in Brighton could bring the total to 320.
There is also an independent MP in Northern Ireland who generally speaking is inclined towards Labour.
Total now reaches 321, two short.
There are 6 SNP MPs and 3 for Palid Cymru. In effect, they would hold the balance. Prior to the election,
they had stated clearly that the cost of their support were they to hold the balance of power was more cash
for Scotland and Wales. At a time of cutbacks across the whole of the UK, how would protecting the budgets
of Scotland and Wales, paid for by even bigger cuts in England, have played with the English public?
Nevertheless, with some will and compromise, a Lib Dem/Labour coalition, supported by the minor
parties, could have been possible.
This of course, overlooks one major problem: the coalition that is the Labour party. It is likely that there
were some in the top ranks of the Labour party who wanted a deal with the Liberal Democrats. Some, such
as Peter Mandelson, were likely to have been in favour of such a deal. But the internal Labour coalition
contains a whole army of people who do not believe in co-operation and partnership and who are certainly
not liberal.
The old, authoritarian “socialist” diehard brigade, many of whom originate from Labour strongholds such
as the North East and who see pluralism and co-operation as insurrection and insubordination in an
otherwise one-party Labour state, were clearly kicking off about the prospect of forming a coalition with the
Lib Dems.
These people are not progressive. In many ways they are quite reactionary. And it was clear they were
desperate to go into opposition. They want to posture from the wilderness, their hands free of the dirt of
cleaning up the mess their own party left behind.
The political reforms Lib Dems want to introduce have no appreciable level of support from amongst the
Labour old guard. Yet a Lib Dem/Labour coalition would have been dependent on them for a majority in the
Commons. And the old guard would not have missed the opportunity to bring down the coalition by attacking
the most important political reforms to which they are highly opposed.
In other words, whilst there was a willingness from some within Labour to put together a coalition, the
reality was that Labour could not deliver a coalition because they could not deliver support from within their
own party. There is a significant element in Labour who prefer Conservative government than co-operation
with the Lib Dems.
Labour are not the progressive party they claim to be. Too many of them want the comfort of opposition.
Just as the Lib Dems are relinquishing the oppositionist role, Labour are heading for the wilderness to adopt
8 that very role. They are welcome to it.

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