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PPI Online Survey Questionnaire


What is your e-mail address?

2. What is your direct telephone number?

3. Country

-- Please Select --

4. What is the complete name of your Agency/Project/Company/Organization ?

5. Please identify the appropriate category of your Agency/Project/Company/Organization from the

drop-down menu below:

-- Please Select --

6. How would you classify your Agency/Project/Company/Organization 's main function (select only
-- Please Select --

7. Years with the Agency Project/Company/Organization

8. Department or unit in the Agency/Project/Company/Organization

9. Current Position

10. Years in post

11. How many times in a quarter do you visit the following procurement-related sites?
ADB Main Site

Asia Pacific Procurement Forum


The World Bank

UN Agencies

Bilaterals (GTZ, US AID, JICA, AusAid, etc.)

NGOs and Civil Societies

Private Procurement Associations


12. Other than the ones above, please recommend other related sites that you frequently visit

13. How long (in years) have you been doing the following procurement-related work?

Assessing procurement systems and evaluating performance

Developing procurement reform strategies

Strengthening procurement management

Improving procurement execution

Procurement performance monitoring and oversight

Building procurement capacity

Report on PPI Online Needs Survey Results Page 2


14. Do you have an on-going procurement reform initiative in your


Initiative 1 Initiative 2 Initiative 3


If yes, Project


Value (in US$)

Period (in


Please rank which of the following (1..least and 6 is highest rank) subject areas will you be most
interested to see in the PPI Site?

Assessing procurement systems and evaluating performance

Developing procurement reform strategies

Strengthening procurement management

Improving procurement execution

Procurement performance monitoring and oversight

Report on PPI Online Needs Survey Results Page 3

Building procurement capacity


16. What type of information would you like to see in the site (select only three)?

Technical reports on procurement reforms initiatives

Procurement laws and regulations

Case studies of on-going reform processes

"How to's" and other tools

Training events and conferences

Who is doing what where

Funding opportunities for procurement reforms

News from the Region

Profiles of procurement experts

Innovations, internet and e-procurement

References on procurement reforms

Fraud and due diligence

Procurement procedures and best practices


17. Which of the following do you consider essential in current procurement reform initiatives in your

Report on PPI Online Needs Survey Results Page 4

More partnership and coordination between country’s procurement agency and development

Common performance monitoring & oversight for both government and foreign-assisted

Targeted intervention for other stakeholders of procurement process (politicians, media, CSOs
and general public)

Updated benchmarking and assessment of country procurement system using common tools and
methodology widely accepted and used for other countries

18. Is your Agency/Project/Company/Organization planning new procurement reform initiatives in the

next two years? If so, what are the areas of focus? Is your Agency planning new procurement reform
initiatives in the next two years? If so, what are the areas of focus?

Assessing procurement systems and evaluating performance

Developing procurement reform strategies

Strengthening procurement management

Improving procurement execution

Procurement performance monitoring and oversight

Building procurement capacity



What type of assistance will you require for the reform initiative (Select three)?

Technical experts

Special studies (e.g., assessments, diagnosis, etc.)

Report on PPI Online Needs Survey Results Page 5

e-procurement site development

Tools and manual development

IT support (equipment and software)

In-country capacity building

External training and/or study tour

Internship and secondment

Participation in conferences

Institutional development


20. What are (or could be) the three most important areas of capacity building you would need to
improve your procurement reforms and procurement practices?

Assessing procurement systems and evaluating performance

Developing procurement reform strategies

Strengthening procurement management

Improving procurement execution

Procurement performance monitoring and oversight

Building procurement capacity (Training of Local Trainers)

Reduce procurement "failures"

Improve steering and control of procurement implementation

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Strengthen commitment, collaboration, coordination between and among DMC stakeholders

Procurement rules and regulation

Sustainable procurement

Develop procurement professionals

Improve work relations with ADB

Improve or contribute to building national capacity

Anti-corruption and governance

Management information systems

Procurement contracts (contracts management)

Others, please specify


Which exchange activities would you like to have in the site?


Broadcast (via YouTube)






Report on PPI Online Needs Survey Results Page 7

Downloadable documents

Survey and Polls

Open Forum



22. In which of the following are you willing and prepared to contribute your country’s procurement
information for the purpose of open exchange and sharing with other developing member countries
(DMCs) and PPI website members?

Online, real-time information on your Country Procurement System

Your country-specific procurement issues and challenges

Your country-specific procurement strategies and goals

23. IMPACTS (Country)

What are the three most important impacts of future procurement reform initiatives you would like to
see take place.

Reduce corruption

Institutional development

Increase accountability

Efficient project delivery

Wider participation

Improve steering and control

Develop human capacity

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Develop new profession

Improve work relations with ADB

Greater project ownership

More collaboration with other DMCs


24. IMPACTS (towards ADB/Foreign-Aided projects)?

What three most important impacts of future procurement reform initiatives would you like to see in
ADB and Foreign-aided projects?

Improved transparency

Efficient funds utilization

Reduced corruption

Increased harmonization

Better coordination & implementation

Increased use of country systems


As your Agency/Project/Company/Organization’s representative, how best can you contribute to the
procurement partnership?

Contributing articles

Sending your agency news

Providing photos

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Links and contact sharing

Participating in meetings and webinars

Membership in national steering committee

Membership in regional & subregional groups


26. Would you like to share with us your ideas on how to make the future PPI more meaningful to you
and your Agency ?

27. Please indicate in the space below all your other colleagues involved in public procurement (i.e.
name, agency/organization, position, email address) who may be interested in participating in the
Procurement Partnership Initiative website

Thank you for your time and cooperation.

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