BOHEMIAN Mystery 'Groves

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Miracle deliverance


Pat Holliday, Ph.D.
Meeting June 21, 2014 July 21, 2014: Bohemian Grove is a 2,700-acre campground located at 20601 Bohemian
Avenue, in Monte Rio, California, belonging to a private San Francisco-based men's art club known as the
Bohemian Club. Wikipedia

The Big Boys are getting ready to

THEOLOGY OF DEATH to bring you
into terror for they know that MASS
America has been at war since the
Sixties and millions have suffered at the
hands of the shadow government elitist.
Barack Obama and John McCain are
slated to attend the doings at Bohemian
Grove July 21, 2014. 1


- voice of the owl
bohemian grove
Walter Cronkite dies

Vanity Fair writer Alex Shoumatoff

got himself arrested for crashing
Bohemian Grove, a private men's club in
northern California for the upper echelon
of the rich and powerful. He was there to
spy on the three-week camp they hold
every July, where said rich and powerful
relax while living in tents in their private
woods. (Nixon was a member, but called it
"most faggy goddamn thing that you
would ever imagine.") The backstory on
the weird club, plus the reason for the
trespassing and arrest?

Former attendees include Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, who both went on to become
President, as well as regulars like Henry Kissinger, Alan Greenspan, David Rockefeller,
Colin Powell, as well as George W. Bush and his father.

The Washington Post

Jun 15, 2011 - Two future U.S. presidents, Ronald Reagan and Richard
Nixon, are pictured with Harvey Hancock (standing) and others at Bohemian
According to the above, posted 11 July, the session has been going on for some time and
will continue till the end of July; includes the Babylonian ceremony "the Cremation of Care"
where members dress in hoods and cloaks while performing a "mock" human sacrifice
(documented on film covertly by Texas radio host Alex Jones) It appears that both Obama, and
McCain are in California for the event. It should be noted that the Nixon, Reagan, and Arnold
Schwarzenegger campaigns were all blessed at the Grove.
As most know, this is an "exclusive gathering" of establishment figures. Letting off steam in
a grove filled with redwoods may be a needed recreation for the high-powered, but it would
appear that the overtones of the gatherings are less than savory. Do you think Barack would be
wise attend a woodland romp where folk allegedly dress up like Klan figures and conduct
simulated human sacrifices?" 2
If it is indeed a fact that both McCain AND Obama will attend the ceremonies at the
Grove... It would prove once again that the American Super Elite have co-opted both


New Age Commandment for the death squads. Georgia Guidestones says:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature - Means the
entire human race at its climax level for permanent balance with nature. 4
We are secretly being governed and ruled spiritually by an elitist army of deceived psychopaths
who believe that they are gods. Other words, these deadly, supercilious, evil elitists want to kill
5 billion people on the earth FOR THE
GOOD OF PLANET to create their New
GROVE consists of arrogant basks in sexual
orgies and satanic sacrifices worshiping their
strange god of death.

We must all remember that mans plunge

into evil has carried him far beyond even that
which Satan sanctions. However, neither is he
going to put a stop to one of his humans that
would carry his plan forward with the
creativity that he, Satan, lacks. Neither will he
make any effort to protect or salvage these
dark ones.
Remember, God placed Adam in the
Garden of Eden and gave him the control and
complete authority over the earth. He was
made king over Gods earthly creation but he
willingly gave Satan his inheritance by getting in agreement with him to obey evil and disobey
America has for over 200 years been blessed by God, but in just one generation; ours has
become one of the most blasphemous and immoral nations on earth.
There are people alive who have no souls. Thus we have men in high places that are
soulless and beyond the reach of normal reasoning process. The powers of The Force are not
playing games. They are snatching the souls before the people physically die, bind them and take
over their bodies. Im telling you, they are not human!
When you see these empty SHADOWRY PEOPLE world rulers, look into their eyes. You
will see lifeless dark endless wormholes without light. Their faces are molded like clay, similar
to a plastic tailor's dummy. Even their speech is emotionless, motorized. What is bringing life to
them? Could it be Ascended Masters also known as demonic fallen angels from hell? Even then

we are somewhat surprised at the audacity of Satans agents challenging us; Gods people are
directly at this stage.
These shadow people are way out there on a limb of
their own predictions and they are counting on you staying
under the mind control of the powers of the world. This is a
distortion within the original human being that is being
followed into manifestation of evil. The discussion is so
that you may perhaps grasp the degree of danger as Gods
people are facing but humanity as a whole, for few
understand, accept or even have an inkling of what they are
facing when it comes to the layers of evil planning as well
as the presence of those Soulless ones that cannot be
reached by God for there is no connection.

Last night, I saw the old man, 86 year old, Statesman,

Henry Kissinger on the news promoting his demonic lifes
dream of bringing in The New Vorld (World) Order. Getting close to the TV Screen to lay
my hands on his TV image to bind his demonic powers that he is releasing through the airways; I
got the biggest shock. Looking into his eyes, they were absolutely black, lifeless pools of a
walking dead man! He looked like a corpse; like a mannequin, preaching his devil driven
messages designed to capture and enslave the world for his god, Satan.
So, it was show biz as usual for the weak, so-called Conservatives at the annual CPAC
gathering. Like Nero playing his harp while Rome burned, The Conservative Republicans
continued to play the outlandish tune of politics as usual while America and the world is
crashing into an utter state of bewilderment and despair.
People in our country have lost their homes, retirement pensions, old people are trying to
find jobs that are no longer available because our elected officials voted to send our
manufacturing base to China so that its pampered CEOs could get cheap, enslaved labor while
the Democratic leadership grovels at the feet of union leaders whose people are jobless because
we cannot compete globally.
Friends, our entire manufacturing base is gone and we are now selling our ports and
infrastructures to foreigners while the Americas no longer can afford to buy the cheap, poisoned
trinkets and the polluted food send into our nation by people who hate us.
Then, our banks are given massive bailouts and the systems are still stuck in the mud of
Congressional confusion because the money was spent by the greedy CEOs buying failing
banks and gold. Our Automotive Companies have been nationalized after massive bailouts are
still in mayhem and are going to move to Brazil.


Putin to West: Stop turning world into 'global barracks,' dictating rules to others

The world is spinning toward WWWIII with our nation stirring wars by promoting the
extremists. Russias president has blamed the turmoil in Ukraine on the countrys newly-elected
leader Petro Poroshenko. Vladimir Putin also criticized the West for its intention to turn the
planet into a "global barracks."
Speaking in front of ambassadors on Tuesday, Putin expressed hope that Western partners
will stop imposing their principles on other countries.
"I hope pragmatism will still prevail. The West will get rid of ambitions, pursuits to establish
a world barracks to arrange all according to ranks, to impose uniform rules of behavior and
life of society, Putin said.
"I hope the West will start building relations based on equal rights, mutual respect and
mutual consideration of interests. 5

A Christian martyr is a person who is killed for following Christianity, through stoning,
crucifixion, burning at the stake or other forms of torture and capital punishment. Wikipedia
Time Magazine reported that Christians dying for their faith had almost doubled 2012 and
1. Reports of Christians dying for their faith almost doubled between 2012 and 2013, with
more Christians martyred in Syria last year than the worldwide total for 2012.

2. Open Doors, a non-denominational group that supports persecuted Christians, said

Wednesday that 2,123 Christians were killed because of their faith in 2013, up from
1,201 last year, and that 1,213 martyrs were recorded in Syria alone, Reuters reports.
3. The organization named North Korea as the most dangerous country for Christians for
the 12th year in a row, followed by Somalia, Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. The U.S.-based
group also said that radical Islamists were the main source of persecution in many of the
countries on the list, and that hostility towards Christians was increasing in Africa. 6
So who's responsible for all the trouble in Minya?
Over the past year, this relatively obscure
governorate in Upper Egypt, with a population of
a little more than four million, has produced some
of the country's most disturbing headlines.
Burned churches, mass death sentences, a looted
museumthese have all been prominent Minya
stories since June 30, 2013, when protests were
held across Egypt, eventually resulting in the
army forcibly removing President Mohammed
Morsi from office. In Minya, the worst incidents
happened in August, when local mobs attacked
government buildings, Coptic Christian churches,
and a museum, killing dozens, including a
number of police officers. The mobs were
responding to events in Cairo, where security
forces had violently dispersed two sit-ins held in
support of Morsi, who had been a longtime leader
of the Muslim Brotherhood.7
Jesus came and paid the price for restoration
of human beings souls as new creations and returning all their rights through His blood
sacrifice. Thats right, Jesus give His inheritance and power to usward who believe, Ephesians
chapter one. We have power when we stand in agreement with Jesus and His Word. Satan can
only take what human beings give to him. Sinful people give to him their control over their
territories while Gods people give him power through their acquisition. Satan knows this but at
the same time knows that you are ignorant of your redeemed position and the power of Jesus and
His Word. Unfortunately, much of the Church of Jesus Christ is asleep at the wheel and is dying
for a lack of knowledge.



JESUS, the most powerful Being in the
And I sought for a man among them
that should make up the hedge, and stand in
the gap before me for the land, that I should
not destroy it: but I found none. 31
Therefore have I poured out mine
indignation upon them; I have consumed
them with the fire of my wrath: their own
way have I recompensed upon their heads,
saith the Lord God, (Ezek. 22:30-31).
"The fire shall ever be burning upon
the altar; it shall never go out," (Lev. 6:13).
Beginning 14th July 2009 a three-week
encampment of some of the worlds most powerful men; more than 2,000 America's leaders,
politicians, financiers, are gathering at the worlds most exclusive men's club, the Bohemian
Club at Bohemian Grove, Sonoma County, California.

These rogues will scalawag call upon their god, Moloch to give them power to complete
their plans to enslave the people of America and the world into their NWO.
These idolatrous scalawags have not been elected to govern America; yet, they are called the
Shadow Government - THE PUPPET MASTERS - hidden policy makers- that control our
politicians, banks, businesses and resources. They boast that they choose who will be the U.S.
President and select the candidate who will. They sacrifice to their demon gods for the coming
years powers to rule the world and because the Church of Jesus is sound asleep; they are able to
criminally steal our country, faith, resources, jobs, retirements, homes, children to enslave

These elitist are spiritual motivated by the powers of darkness.

Woe unto America! Many of our nation's highest leaders worship Satan,
and are willing servants of EVIL. They are controlled by Satan, the god of
this world (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Satan controls these men through the
occult (i.e., "hidden" organizations). Jesus said "in secret have I done

nothing" (John 18:20), because He had nothing to hide. Why the secrecy
from our nation's top leaders?
Skull and Bones is of the Devil. Freemasonry is of the Devil. Nearly
2,000 carefully selected government officials, corporate tycoons and other
luminariesmen with power to shape the futureassemble privately every
July in a redwood forest about 65 miles north of San Francisco. The meeting
includes a somber ritual that features the Druidic burning of an effigy on the
alter, chants from a robed chorus, and wild drinking and promiscuity.
Richard Nixon once famously described the gathering as the most faggy
G_ddamned thing you could ever imagine.
The bizarre Pagan ritual of the Bohemian Grovethe Cremation of
Care ceremonyis practiced by its members (all men), including both
Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, Alan Greenspan, Richard M.
Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Walter Cronkite, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger to
name but a few. The meeting is held every July. It is purported that Obama
and McCain visited Bohemian Grove in July of 2008. WORLD LEADERS AND
Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove (Full Length 2:02 hour documentary, 2000)
Order Of Death (43 minute sequel to Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove, 2005)

Summer Solstice
Mind over matter: Instructors give a demonstration of
AcroYoga at the twelfth Solstice in Times Square event

LONDON (AP) -- Selfstyled Druids, new-agers and

thousands of revelers have
watched the sun rise above the
Stonehenge to mark the
summer solstice - the longest
day of the year in the northern
English Heritage, which
manages the monument, says
some 36,000 sun-watchers
gathered on the Salisbury Plain

London on Saturday. Police say the event was peaceful with only 25 arrests, mainly for drug


Couples kissed, dancers

circled with hoops and revelers
took part in a mass yoga
practice as part of the free-form
celebrations. 9
Thousands salute the sun in
Times Square as yoga fans
gather to welcome summer
solstice in New York



The summer
solstice occurs
when the tilt of a planet's semiaxis, in either the northern or the
southern hemisphere, is most
inclined toward the star (sun)
maximum axial
tilt toward
the sun is 23 26'. This happens
twice each year, at which times
the sun reaches its highest
position in the sky as seen from
the north or the south pole.

The summer solstice occurs

during a hemisphere's summer.
This is northern solstice in
the northern
hemisphere and
the southern solstice in the southern. Depending on the shift of the calendar, the summer solstice
occurs sometime between June 20 and June 22 in the northern hemisphere [2] [3] and between
December 20 and December 23 each year in the southern hemisphere.[4]

When on a geographic pole, the sun reaches its greatest height, the moment of solstice; it
can be noon only along that longitude which at that moment lies in the direction of the sun from
the pole. For other longitudes, it is not noon. Noon has either passed or has yet to come. Hence
the notion of a solstice day is useful. The term is colloquially used like midsummer to refer to the
day on which solstice occurs. The summer solstice day has the longest period of daylight
except in the polar regions, where daylight is continuous, from a few days to six months around
the summer solstice.



Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied among cultures, but most recognize the
event in some way with holidays, festivals, and rituals around that time with themes of religion
or fertility.[5]
Starting July 14, these perverse, ungodly scoundrels will be involved in 14 days festivities of
carousing and demonic decadence. Revelry filled with drunken wickedness, debaucheries, and
sordid explicit sexual orgies, repugnant blatantly witchcraft rites and shameless practices; during
which they will perform an annual ceremony called the "Cremation of Care".
In this ceremony they actually conjure up a human sacrifice (some believe it is an alive
human) to desecrate the human body to the ancient demonic entity Moloch as represented by a
40ft stone idol. Part of the ritual involves an actual corpse. They will worship Moloch an idol,
shown in the Bible demanding the sacrifice of children. The Bohemians culture of death reigns
over America through the sacrifice of babies and killing our young people in unprovoked wars.

As we have repeatedly stated, the Satanist believes that numbers contain inherent power.
Thus, they literally order their lives by occult numerology -- such numerology also is a key
component in astrology, another system of divining that Satanists observe very closely. The
occult calendar is divided into four (4) segments of 13 weeks each. The number, "13" is
considered divine by the occultist for a couple of reasons:10
The Bible assigns '13' the meaning of "rebellion against constituted authority", plus the
depravity that caused Satan to rebel against God.
The occultist assigns '6' to represent the number of man, and the number '7' to represent the
number of divine perfection. Thus, as a person climbs that "Jacob's Ladder" toward self-

perfection in the realm of the occult, the number '13' represents the state of divine perfection,
Illumination (6+7 = 13).
Thus, the occult calendar is
comprised of four periods of 13
weeks each.

To demonstrate their occult,

Illuminist ties, Communists have
always celebrated "May Day". If you
have not been taught how the
Illuminati created Communism, and
for which purpose, you need to hear
Determines the Flow of History".
Summer Solstice -- 13 weeks
-- When the sun reaches its
northernmost point in its journey
across the sky
a. June 21 - 22 -- Summer Solstice
b. June 21 - Litha is one of the Illuminati's Human Sacrifice Nights
c. July 4, America's Independence Day, is 13 days after Day of Litha and 66 days from April
d. July 19 -- 13 days before Lughnasa
e. July 31 - August 1 -- Lughnasa, Great Sabbat Festival. August -- One of the Illuminati's
Human Sacrifice Nights

Deuteronomy 13:13, Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have
withdrawn the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not
known. [Children of Belial] B-liyaal, from b-liy, not, and yaaal, profit;-Septuagint, Andres
paranomoi, lawless men; -persons good for nothing to themselves or others, and capable of nothing but
mischief. 11
In (Deut.15:9), and in (Nah. 1:11), the word "Belial" is rendered in our translation by the adjectives
"immoral, depraved. The word means "decadent, debauched, worthlessness." 12

In verse 13 of our text we see

men, "The children of Belial" also
referred to as the sons of worthless
men, wicked men, ungodly men;
men who have gone out from among
us and have drawn others to follow
them into their diabolical sins of
folly and deceit. The name Belial
also refers to Satan in another text.
And what concord (or
agreement) what Christ with Belial
or what part hath he that believeth
with an infidel, (II Cor. 6:15)?
There is a wide contrast
between the two names mentioned
in this verse.
Christ stands for all that is
without sin; holy, pure and good.
Satan stands for all that is
evil, wicked, impure and he,
himself, is the paradigm of


The sons of Belial are humans

who have a special leadership
quality. They are chosen vessels of
Satan who are used to gather the
people leading them away God.
Their spell casting powers work

because the Church is asleep and are not resisting by prayer.

I know thy works, and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's seat is: and thou holdest
fast my name, and hast not denied my faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was my faithful
martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth, (Rev. 2:13).
[12] If thou shalt hear say in one of thy cities, which the LORD thy God hath given thee to dwell
there, saying, [13] Certain men, the children of Belial, are gone out from among you, and have withdrawn
the inhabitants of their city, saying, Let us go and serve other gods, which ye have not known; (Deut.
Think of the Satan worshippers today.

Missing from their

festivities this year will
be the voice of stone
idol, Moloch, owl god;
Walter Cronkite, who
in the past mysteriously
portrayed the piece of
stone talking from the
shadows of the grove
forest, died.

Leviticus 26:29-31
And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your
daughters shall ye eat. 30 And I will destroy your high places,
and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the
carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you.

David Kramer writes,

Never being one to
buy into that nonsense
about speaking ill of
the dead, I wish to
bring to your attention
the following statement
accepting the 1999
Award at the ceremony
at the United Nations:

It seems too many of

us that if we are to
avoid the eventual
31 And I will make your cities waste, and bring your
sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of
your sweet odours.
strengthen the United
Nations as a first step
toward a world government [emphasis mine] patterned after our own government with a
legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the
peace. To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That
would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. But the
American colonies did it once and brought forth one of the most nearly perfect unions the world
has ever seen. Now you know why Walter Cronkite was called the most trusted man in

Americahe was trusted by the Establishment that control America to promote their One
World Government Fascist agenda. 15
But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your
god, which ye made to yourselves. 27 Therefore will I cause you to go into captivity beyond
Damascus, saith the Lord, whose name is The God of hosts, (Amos 5:26-27).

Then God turned, and gave them up to

worship the host of heaven; as it is written in
the book of the prophets, O ye house of Israel,
have ye offered to me slain beasts and sacrifices
by the space of forty years in the wilderness,
(Acts 7:42)?
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and
the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye
made to worship them: and I will carry you
away beyond Babylon, (Acts 7:43).

Notice God watched them go into idolatry

worship. He lifted His conviction from their
souls. He sent them into captivity. Friends,
God is watching this blinded despotic cabal
too. Fear not, just pray and watch what will

The membership list of the Bohemian Grove has included every Republican U.S. president since
1923 (as well as some Democrats), many cabinet officials, directors and CEO's of large
corporations including major financial institutions and even some Christian Church leaders.
Major military contractors, oil companies, banks (including the thieves at the Federal Reserve),
utilities (including nuclear power) and national media (broadcast and print) have high-ranking
officials as club members or guests.
This annual event has in the past attracted both George Bush Sir and his son George Bush.
Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, Jimmie Carter and many US Presidents, Senators and
Congressman, Presidential candidates such as John McCain and Obama. Infiltrated by an
undercover news team in 2000, the licentious behavior of the participants is defined in the Bible
as "spiritual wickedness in high places". These scurrilous national leaders are releasing their
death culture over our country through their pagan sacrifices to Moloch, the Owl God of child
sacrifices of the Old Testament.

See the video link below: On July 15, 2000, Austin, Texas-based filmmaker Alex Jones and
his cameraman, Mike Hanson, infiltrated the Grove. With a hidden camera, Jones and Hanson
were able to film the Cremation of Care demonic ceremony. The footage was the centerpiece
of Jones' documentary Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove. Jones claimed that the Cremation
of Care was an "ancient Canaanite, Luciferian, Babylon mystery religion ceremony," and that the
owl statue was Moloch. The Grove and Jones' investigation were covered by Jon Ronson in
Channel 4's four-part documentary, Secret Rulers of the World. Ronson documented his view of
the ritual in his book, Them: Adventures with Extremists, 16
See if you find this too incredible to believe check out the websites below. Be warned, of
graphic and offensive content.
"Now the works of the flesh are
manifest, which are these; Adultery,
lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft,
hatred, variance, emulations, wrath,
strife, seditions, heresies..." (Gal. 5:1920).

Let your closet seasons be, if possible,

regular, frequent, and undisturbed. Effectual
prayer availeth much.
The Sons of Belial


In the English language, the same transliterated Greek

word PHARMAKEIA is also shown in the Bible as SORCERY
or SORCERIES. Here's an example:

"...for thy merchants were the great men of

the earth; for by thy sorceries were all nations deceived," (Rev. 18: 23).
So, what does this Greek word PHARMAKEIA have for a definition? According to Biblical
Greek Lexicons, it means:

administering of drugs;


In the Perseus Greek-English
Lexicon, there are many
variants of PHARMAKEIA
listed. Here are a couple of
examples: pharmakeia, the
use of drugs, potions, spells,
pharmaka, suffer from the
effect of drugs.17
There shall not be found
among you any one that
maketh his son or his
daughter to pass through the
fire, or that useth divination,
or an observer of times, or an
enchanter, or a witch. 11 Or
a charmer, or a consulter
with familiar spirits, or a
wizard, or a necromancer. 12
For all that do these things
are an abomination unto the Lord: and because of these abominations the Lord thy God doth
drive them out from before thee, (Deut. 18:10-12).
The next time you get a "flu shot" or a purported "immunization" shot, think about it... you
just might be allowing yourself to be subjected to SORCERY and WITCHCRAFT. Now, that's
not what the media has taught us for the past 60 years, but Plato even understood the need for the
rulers to deceive the people in order for the business of PHARMA to thrive.18
WIZARDS ("black magic", "demonology"), Witchcraft Spell Casting sorcery ~Spelled
Pronunciation [sawr-suh-ree] Show IPA noun, plural -ceries.
Wizard is another name for a Magician (fantasy).

Witch and wizard's use magic spells, magic potions, magic charms and magic power
which probably work by the victim's belief.

The art, practices, or spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers
through the aid of evil spirits; black magic; witchery.
Sorcery is the art of grabbing some power from the Orb, shaping it into a spell, and
throwing it at whatever you wish to alter.

For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; (hello Obama) and shall deceive
many. 6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these
things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation shall rise against nation, and

kingdom against kingdom: and there

shall be famines, and pestilences, and
earthquakes, in divers places. 8 All these
are the beginning of sorrows, (Matt
And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
and his name that sat on him was Death,
and Hell followed with him. And power
was given unto them over the fourth part
of the earth, to kill with sword, and with
hunger, and with death, and with the
beasts of the earth, (Rev 6:8).
Flu Pandemic Hype: Another Pretext for
World Government

In November 2005, Bush announced

a set of domestic measures to fight the
possible pandemic which included an
envelope of US$1.4 billion to go
shopping for Tamiflu. This was a gift,
not only for Roche and Gilead, but also
for people like US Secretary of Defense
Donald Rumsfeld, board member and
former chairman of Gilead. He currently
owns somewhere between US$5 million
and $25 million of Gilead equity, making
him possibly the largest shareholder. Other people who stand to gain from this policy are Gilead
board members George Schultz, former US Secretary of State and Bush campaign advisor,
Etienne Davignon, Vice-Chairman of Suez-Tractebel and Honorary Chairman of Bilderberg, and
John W Madigan who among other things is on the Defense Business Board, a corporate
advisory council to the US Department of Defense.19



By examining what became known as the US swine flu outbreak, we bring to light the
actions of one particularly powerful, yet little known section of the US medical research
community - the Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS), a department within the US Centers for
Disease Control. The interestingly named Epidemic Intelligence Service was formed in July
1951 by Alexander Langmuir, an associate professor at Johns Hopkins University School of
Hygiene and Public Health. Langmuir had persuaded US health officials and Congress to grant
the CDC special contingency powers to deal with future potential public health emergencies. The
Epidemic Intelligence Service was granted significant spending powers and unlimited access

across the medical institutions to give advanced warning of any perceived health threat, however
remote. Such was the autonomy enjoyed by the EIS that one of Britains senior epidemiologists,
Dr Gordon Stewart, described them as the medical CIA. [1] 20
The considerable budget allocated
to the EIS helped fund the positioning of
agents into local health departments and
corporations throughout the United
States and even abroad. Acting as the
eyes and ears of the Centers for Disease
Control, the mission of these agents was
primarily to act as guardians of
Americas health and report on even the
most insignificant outbreaks of illness.
Such was the mandate of the EIS that
from the outset, finding new diseases
and tracking new viruses and bacteria
became fundamental to its worth and
In January 1976, five soldiers
succumbed to a particular strain of flu.
The EIS was the first to sound the alarm.
Bohemian Club
They named the emerging outbreak
swine flu, based on the prevailing
Occult and licentious practices
speculation that pigs had served as the
reservoir for the supposed virus. There
was no evidence to support the assumption, but pigs got the blame. As Professor Hiram Caton
states in his deconstruction of the epidemic, which readers are strongly recommended to study:
The CDCs vigilance systems were triggered. The new virus was thought to represent a
major mutational shift in human influenza viruses. There was no immunity to it in the general
population. Could it cause a national pandemic? [2]
Such were the frightening predictions put out by the EIS concerning the destructive
potential of the new disease, that President Ford and Congress panicked, allocating $135m for a
readily available swine flu vaccine a sum of money which would spread itself liberally down
through the epidemic research chain. The program stalled when insurers discovered that the
vaccine itself produced devastating side-effects, ranging from severe fevers and malaise to
paralysis and death.[3]


A revealing paper on the

true history of swine flu was
written back in 1976 by vaccine
historian Eleanor McBean, who
There was not a certified
case of swine flu in the world
when they [EIS] planned it in
1976, but the multi-million
dollar swine flu vaccine
campaign was foisted on the
people anyway. [4]
Swine flu was to reveal
itself eventually as a wholly
earned the pharmaceutical and
related industries millions of
dollars. McBeans in-depth report on the political machinery behind swine flu contains an
uncomfortable number of similarities to other pharma-political strategies already examined. The
following paragraphs are excerpted from her paper:
At the present time of writing, October 1976, a group of medical opportunists have taken
upon themselves the dictatorial authority to declare the threat of a sweeping epidemic of swine
flu which they said was similar to, or related to, the 1918 epidemic of Spanish influenza which
wiped out 20,000,000 people worldwide.
This declaration was supposed to scare all the people into their vaccination centers to be shot
full of experimental vaccine poisons, while they, the promoters, raked in the profits.
The arrangement was that $135,000,000 of the peoples money was for vaccine doses for all
the 215 million people in this country, at 50 cents a shot.
So many people were killed and paralyzed by the vaccine that the campaign had to be stopped.
The swine flu vaccine campaign was such an obvious fraud, with no epidemic - not even one
authentic case of swine flu anywhere in the world - it makes us wonder about the sanity of the
Many people who saw through the fraud from the start tried to get warnings in the papers, on
TV, and through other channels of communication, but the media turned a deaf ear. [5]
Summarizing the situation:

An epidemic was declared, for which there was

no proof.
The flow of disinformation was brought to the
public almost exclusively through the national
media outlets which had magnified the situation to
monstrous proportions.
A vaccine was swiftly proffered for the
organizations who, with their close ties to the
mainstream press, were the instigators of the
fearsome headlines.

Certain men
[Children of Belial]
Lawless Men

Minority voices, calling attention to the

extreme fraud associated with the campaign,
supplied the mainstream media with all the
necessary information to expose the scam.

The minority voices were completely ignored.

Does this ring any bells? Of course, swine flu has now effectively been planted into the world
public psyche as a proven and terribly infectious disease. Swine flu is still a great earner today for
various corporations.

The first time I ever heard about Avian Flu, President George Bush mentioned it. Now, it is
become a well know word because millions of lives are at stake with threatened pandemics
worldwide. Interesting when you discover that the people who have financial interest in vaccines
from Roche, which sells Tamiflu, include former President George Bush, and President
Barack Obama, do I smell something stinky here?21
As a Senator, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said in an interview that Michael O. Leavitt, the
secretary of health and human services, told senators in a closed-door briefing last week that the
administration would soon place an order to raise the governments Tamiflu stockpile to 81
million courses up from 12 million to 13 million courses expected by the end of 2006. Obama
has long been urging the government to buy more Tamiflu.
During the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Summit in Montebello, Canada in 2005, the
three amigos (Bush, Harper and Calderon) released North American Plan for Avian and Pandemic
Influenza, described as a collaborative North American approach that recognizes that controlling the
spread of avian influenza or a novel strain of human influenza, with minimal economic disruption, is in
the best interest of all three countries. 22
Baxter To Develop Swine Flu Vaccine Despite Bird Flu Scandal

A U.S. based pharmaceutical company that just weeks ago was involved in a scandal involving
vaccines tainted with deadly avian flu virus has been chosen to head up efforts to produce a vaccine for
the Mexican swine flu that has seemingly migrated into the U.S. and Europe. 23

are expected to rise on
Monday morning, after Roche
and GlaxoSmithKline said
they may need to supply
millions of vaccine doses to
help protect against the swine
flu that has killed up to 81
people in Mexico. 24

Vaccines from Roche,

which sells Tamiflu, and
GSK, maker of Relenza, have
been shown to work against
viral samples of the new
disease. The drugs were also
used to help protect against
outbreaks of bird flu in Asia,
providing windfall profits for
the companies. 25
I experienced in the rest of the world at the hands of modern doctors was the prescribing of
artificially manufactured potions and drugs, clearly defined as Pharmaceuticals, which are
poisons and fulfill the true definition of Witchcraft and Sorcery.26
It's been proven, both in ancient manuscripts and by modern herbologists, that the plants of the earth
and the earth itself have all the necessary elements needed for our bodies to combat influenza and even
the plagues of the past. The black plague, yellow fever, dengue fever, and so many others are/were a
result of living conditions or human interruption of the natural ecology of the earth. Why have the
majority of the world's past plagues started in cities? The humanity living in cities is living in unnatural
conditions and their bodies will react to that condition quickly by deteriorating from the inside out. 27
Israel was appointed as an executioner of all idolaters and in the New Testament we are not to have
fellowship with reprobates or idolaters. Idolatry was a capital crime in Israel. They were ordered to stone
the idolatrous person that all Israel would fear the Lord, verses 6-11.
Lastly, idolatry and witchcraft are mentioned in three passages for our admonition: (Isa. 15:23, 2
Chron. 33:6 and Gal. 5:20), Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife,
seditions, heresies, Another translation says idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, anger,

quarrels, dissensions, and factions.

If you're still doubting reality: The November 1989 edition of SPY magazine
featured photos of Bohemian Grove men dancing around dressed up as
women. The article included artist renditions of the Moloch idol and
discussed how they bus in male prostitutes and how AIDS is a big problem. In
July of 2004, a New York Post article reported how a top gay-porn star, Chad
Savage, serviced the moguls at the Bohemian Grove. Bigwigs who have
attended the two-week retreat include George H.W. Bush, Dick Cheney,
Alan Greenspan, Walter Cronkite, Newt Gingrich, Alexander Haig, Jack
Kemp, Henry Kissinger, Colin Powell, John Major, William F. Buckley, Justin
Dart, William Randolph Hearst, Jr., Caspar Weinberger, Charles Percy,
George Schultz, Edward Teller, and former C.I.A. director William Casey.
The Canaanite deity, Moloch, was worshipped in Greece, Babylon and later
in Europe. It is normally symbolized by a bull or an owl, or some type of
horned beast, and children are sacrificed to it. It is the precursor of all
modern death cults. What purpose does this all serve, having world leaders
congregate and engage in an ancient Canaanite ritual of mock child
sacrifice? It is a way of binding them together.
Nowhere is the origin of the cult more in evidence than in former German
chancellor Helmut Schmidt's own autobiography, MEN IN POWERS: A
POLITICAL RETROSPECTIVE. He talks about how they have their own
German groves, where they do Druidic rituals, but his favorite place to do
the rituals is at Bohemian Grove. This is a book you can get at the library,
written by Schmidt. He talks about the Trilateral Commission, the Council
On Foreign Relations (CFR), the Bilderberg Group and world government. He
says that much of the decisions are made at the Bohemian Grove. 28
The CEO of IBM, Thomas J. Watson, was a member of Bohemian Grove, a
position that was shared by his good friend, the fascist totalitarian leader of
the Nazi regime, namely Adolf Hitler. IBM Germany (known in those days as
Dehomag) was totally and utterly immersed in the Nazi war rollout. Nearly
every Nazi concentration camp operated a Hollerith department known as
the Hollerith Abteilung. The five-digit Hollerith number and customized
punch card system devised by IBM was software programming in its earliest
forms. These Hollerith machines computerized the civil and slave labour
resources allowing for a streamlining of the process. These IBM leased
Hollerith machines matched worker skills and locations with labour needs
during the building of the Nazi war machine. The prisoner was worked until
he was exhausted and then exterminated by gas or bullet. Fast forward to

today. IBM Credit Corp. is funding

the Verichip, Applied Digital Solutions.





In this ceremony, a giant 40-foot OWL is worshipped, and a mock human

being is sacrificed in effigy. The occult has always been synonymous with
idolatry and Satanism. David Rockefeller is also a member of this Satanic
group. Arnold Schwarzenegger has also attended its meetings. Bohemian
Grove is believed to be an offshoot of the Nazi based Skull and
Bones (officially known as The Order Of Death). Please watch Illuminazi
911 (video 1 Hour, 22 Minutes). Also, please watch Martial Law 911: Rise
of the Police State (video 2 Hours, 35 Minutes). The last part of this video
exposes the Nazi roots of the Bush family.29
I have long time holden my peace; I have been still, and refrained myself: now will I cry
like a travailing woman; I will destroy and devour at once. .They shall be turned back, they shall
be greatly ashamed,. that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye are our
gods, (Isa. 42:14 and 17). 30

At the end of the world,

standing before the Judgment
Seat of Jesus, they will be
amazed at the true spiritual
importance of their god. Their
hope and pride will crash to
the ground when they see him;
Judgment. He said, Isaiah
14:14-18, I will ascend above
the heights of the clouds; I
will be like the most High.
Instead, he stands, Isaiah
14:19 [Like an abominable
branch] "Like the tree
abominated." That is, as an
object of abomination and
detestation; such as the tree is
on which a malefactor has
been hanged. Isaiah 14:20
[Because thou hast destroyed
thy land and slain thy people:

the seed of evil-doers shall never be renowned.] Isa 14:16-17, They (his followers) that see thee
shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to
tremble, that did shake kingdoms; 17 That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the
cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners?
These New Age Babylonians can hardly
believe that the great one, Satan that they served
diligently with their money, talents, body, soul
and spirit; according to his pathetic prominence,
standing in the Presence of Jesus; especially in
contrasting him to the Divine glory of Jesus that
he could have been so successful in his works of
In amazement, they will say, that made the
earth to tremble that did shake kingdoms; 17
That made the world as a wilderness, and
destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the
house of his prisoners?
Great mighty angels of God will take their shoulders and push them to their knees. I
command you to Bow before the God of the universe!
Bowing, confessing the name of Jesus will be too late for them. At this point, they will
recognize that it wasnt Satans power at all. It was theirs. They simply gave it to him!
The Illuminati conspiracy reveals that in the coming New Age, a Babylonian worship of
Lucifer. This is the power behind the Soulless ones and their sorceries is rule over a very dark
world with their god Lucifer.
"Let not one of them escape," (I Kin. 18:40), Like Elijah, Gods people have power too!
When the prophet Elijah had received the answer to his prayer, and the fire from heaven had
consumed the sacrifice in the presence of all the people, he called upon the assembled Israelites
to take the priests of Baal, and sternly cried, "Let not one of them escape." He took them all
down to the brook Kishon, and slew them there. So must it be with our sins--they are all doomed,
not one must be preserved.
Our darling sin must die. Spare it not for its much crying. Strike, though it is as dear as an
Isaac. Strike, for God struck at sin when it was laid upon His own Son. With stern unflinching
purpose must you condemn to death that sin which was once the idol of your heart?
Do you ask how you are to accomplish this? Jesus will be your power. You have grace to
overcome sin given you in the covenant of grace; you have strength to win the victory in the
crusade against inward lusts, because Christ Jesus has promised to be with you even unto the
end. If you would triumph over darkness, set yourself in the presence of the Sun of

Righteousness. There is no place so well adapted for the discovery of sin, and recovery from its
power and guilt, as the immediate presence of God. Job never knew how to get rid of sin half as
well as he did when his eye of faith rested upon God, and then he abhorred himself, and repented
in dust and ashes. The fine gold of the Christian is oft becoming dim. We need the sacred fire to
consume the dross. Let us fly to our God, He is a consuming fire; He will not consume our spirit,
but our sins. Let the goodness of God excite us to a sacred jealousy, and to a holy revenge
against those iniquities which are hateful in His sight. Go forth to battle with Amalek in His
strength, and utterly destroy the accursed crew: let not one of them escapes. 31
Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the
prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: 3
Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh,
fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath,
even as others, (Eph. 2:2-3).

Dear Father, according to Ezekiel

22:21, therefore, because of the
because of the false worship practiced;
because of the false prophets tolerated;
because of the unholy and profane
priesthood; because of the oppressive
princes; because of the unfaithful and
deceiving prophets; because of the
oppressions being released; and because
of the total corruption of manners in all
ranks, places, offices, etc.
Father God will pour out His
indignation upon them; He will consume them with the fire of His wrath. Considering the above,
has there not been sufficient reason why He will abandon such a people, and pour out His wrath
upon them such a destructive storm of calamities.
Give us a new awakening and hunger for souls in our nation Father. Bring the Spirit of
repentance in Your wings and commitment in the hearts of the people, in Jesus name.
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek
my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their
sin, and will heal their land, (II Chron. 7:14).
Pray every day that the works darkness being released from the devils from the Bohemian
Grove will be bound, opposed by heaven and deactivated.

Pray secrecy to be uncovered.

Pray the church will respond and awaken to the call of God to stand in the gap to war against
the powers of Satan and his agents at the Bohemian Club.
Pray against the spiritual blindness and repentance and a spiritual awakening of our nation.
Pray against the spirit of War over our Nation.
Pray for our young people in the war fields of the world.
Pray against the mass killing of babies.
Pray against Obamas Administration of socialistically taking over the Health Care of the
Nation and denying medical care for our older citizens and veterans.
Pray against socialism in
our Nation.
Pray for the lives of the
American and peoples of the
world to protect against
taking the deadly flu shots!
Pray for God to judge the
wicked, soulless men and
women of Satan who want to
kill 5 billion people in the
world for the betterment of
the planet. They hate what
they are calling Useless
Eaters and believe they
empty souls are the only
people of value on the planet
to have rights to live.
Have you nothing to pray
for? Let us suggest the
Church, the ministry, your
own soul, your children, your
relations, your neighbors, your country, and the cause of God and truth throughout the world. Let
us examine ourselves on this important matter. Do YOU engage with being luke-warm in private
devotion? Is the fire of devotion burning dimly in our hearts? Do the chariot wheels drag
heavily? If so, let us be alarmed at this sign of decay. Let us go with weeping, and ask for the
Spirit of grace and of supplications. Let us set apart special seasons for extraordinary prayer, for
if this fire should be smothered beneath the ashes of a worldly conformity, it will dim the fire on
the family altar, and lessen our influence both in the Church and in the world. pat holliday kindle: Books

This applies to the altar of the heart. This is a golden altar indeed. God loves to see the
hearts of His people glowing towards Himself. Let us give to God our hearts, all blazing with
love, and seek His grace, that the fire may never be quenched; for it will not burn if the Lord
does not keep it burning. Many foes will attempt to extinguish it; but if the unseen hand behind
the wall pours thereon the sacred oil, it will blaze higher and higher. Let us use texts of Scripture
as fuel for our heart's fire, they are live coals; let us attend sermons, but above all, let us be much
alone with Jesus.
May God have mercy on our nation and bless you for your prayers.
We are admonished not to have fellowship with those who practice the above as recorded in
the first paragraph, (II Cor. 6:15).
If you choose to carefully look, youll see that there is truly the Walking Dead among us.
Print this off, take it to your Pastor, prayer leader, and pray. (A few Pastors will not
receive this) Send to your E Mail list. Keep it moving they are getting ready now.

Newsletters by Pastor Pat Holliday

All Newsletters are in PDF format

(You must have a PDF program to read these files)
Right click and chose save as to save to your hard
New Religious Order Prophet-01-22-2014
The Anti-Christ-World-Government-01-17-14
The Sleeping Giant and the False Prophet-01-08-14
Raising of the Anti-Christ-01-08-14
Prince Charles Anti-Christ and the Sleeping Giant-01-08-14
Demonic Heredity Strongman Deception of the Elect-05-1510

Pat Holliday Articles

Paul Pilgrim says, Pat has spent several decades in selfless effort to help people
not only in the USA but other nations too.
She has spent her life helping people to find Jesus Christ as Savior, Lord, and
Please help Pat today, in any way you can.
Pat's websites:
Pat's Facebook page
Miracle Internet Church
Pat Holliday school of deliverance - audio archives


All in PDF format

06-30-2014 Pope Francis Entertains Christian Clowns.
06-22-2014 Bohemian Mystery Groves.

09-09-2013 Speaking ill against Dignitaries Romans 13


12-27-2012 2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR IN JESUS.

01-17-2011 Blotting Out the Name of Jesus
01-31-10 Name Of Jesus
6 Georgia Guidestones, Pat Holliday

Peter Hessler, for National Geographic PUBLISHED MAY 2, 2014



(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright 1996, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft,
Inc. All rights reserved.)


(from Barnes' Notes, Electronic Database Copyright 1997, 2003, 2005, 2006 by Biblesoft, Inc. All rights

Walter CronkiteThe Most Dishonest Man in America Posted by David Kramer on July 18, 2009 05:22 AM

See the testimony of wickedness revealed in Wikipedia at
The Truth behind Witchcraft & Sorcery
PRINCE OF DEATH Swine Flu Background by Steven Ransom
21 April 27, 2009
Charles Spurgeon

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