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June 24 2016


Top Three Tell Why They Should

Be SODELPA Party Leader

In the running for the SODELPA party leader, from left Anare Jale, Viliame Gavoka and Sitiveni Rabuka
The three front-runners in SODELPAs
leadership battle disclosed why they
should be party leader.
Former Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka,
MP Viliame Gavoka and former diplomat
Anare Jale responded to questions sent
by the Fiji Sun.
The other two candidates, Opposition
Whip Ratu Isoa Tikoca and MP Ro
Kiniviliame Kiliraki, were also to send
the same questions. But they had not
The new leader would be announced
during the partys annual general meeting
in Suva. The questions are:
-Do you believe you have what it takes
to become an effective party leader for

- What new things will you bring to the
party when you become party leader?
- Do you believe that SODELPA has a
realistic chance of winning the 2018
- How can SODELPA defeat the FijiFirst
party in the next election?
Anare Jale
SODELPA requires a leader who can
unite the party. I have unquestioning
loyalty to SODELPA having supported
the Party from its beginnings and I
am able to have discussions with all
members and communities that support
the Party.
I believe my values, experiences and

leadership style and traditional linkages

can bridge the divide within the party
and mobilise groundswell grassroots
support. I bring a fresh face to politics
and will also bring a suitably qualified
My track record is proven and
unshakeable as a leader of the Fiji public
service and a diplomat, I understand how
the machinery of government works, and
I believe my experience is needed at this
My honesty and clean record is
I am bold and courageous and have

Continued on Page 3



Fiji News

Top Three Tell Why They Should Be

SODELPA Party Leader

Continued From Page 1

demonstrated with my life, my belief in

the rule of law, democracy and human
Indeed SODELPA has a real and strong
chance of winning the 2018 elections.
In 2016, we only had six months and
won 13 seats in Parliament with all
the challenges faced. We will be better
prepared this time.
SODELPA needs to be united to win the
2018 general elections and to appeal to
both iTaukei and the wider community.
Many who voted for FijiFirst in the last
elections have become disillusioned and
we so we need to be able to offer a vision
for Fiji that is more than just goodies
that meet peoples day to day needs.
Sitiveni Rabuka
I believe I have something to contribute
to SODELPA and the nation. I also
believe the other aspirants to the post
of Party Leader of SODELPA also have
special characteristics and strengths that
can make them good Party Leaders, so it
is up to the Selection Panel to pick who
they feel will serve the party better than
the rest.
I do not have much else to offer except the
strengths I showed when I led the SVT
Party in Parliament as Prime Minister, a
heart for Fiji. I am packaging my vision
on this journey under the three Values:
Sincerity, Honesty and Compassion and
the slogan Do what is right with malice
towards none.
Yes, and that chance improves if
SODELPA can solicit the co-operation
of the other Parties not in Government.
FijiFirst amassed the formidable
number of 293,714 Votes in 2014 while
SODELPA could only manage 139,857
153,857 votes adrift!
The other parties and the two
independents polled 62,793. All the
non-governing political parties had the
support of 202,650 voters. That is still
91,063 short of FijiFirst.
There is a crop of new voters and also
the natural population attrition rate due
to deaths and migration, so the field
is open for a great contest in the next
General Elections, however FijiFirst is
the governing group and it is always
difficult to suddenly change the tide
of voters support in a single life of
Parliament in democracies.
Viliame Gavoka

I wonder if I can round off your questions

this way:
SODELPA is a liberal party and as
such has a liberal platform. Somehow
SODELPA has been characterised as
racist, and with that we are perceived
as extremists, but a liberal party has no
extremes and that characterisation is
most unfortunate.
Liberalism is a must in Fiji as we evolve
towards a truly multiracial society with
each one a citizen of equal worth.
The Party Leader has this huge challenge
of changing that perception going into
I believe that I am well suited to
articulate the vision of SODELPA and
characterise it as a truly liberal party.
It calls for communication skills within
parliament, amongst people (known
as retail politics), public forums, and
through the media whether its print,
television, radio or social media. I have
highly developed skills and experience
to communicate and connect.
Of particular concern are the youth ie
people under 40 who make up some 70
per cent of the population and how to get
to them. I have championed a number of
issues oriented towards the youth, the
most significant of which is free tuition
at universities and technical colleges.
I enjoy working with the youth and I
was particularly proud to have presented
their petition in Parliament whereby
they opposed changing the flag.
Government mistakenly believes the
flag change is good for the youth, but
to them its something they hold very
dearly, and dont wish to let go.
I am seen as the champion of the
ordinary workers (my father was a trade
unionist) having presented a petition
on the tourism service fee which could
greatly supplement the income of the
tourism workers; also, I did a petition
about the treatment of workers in one of
our top hotels.
I have argued for better conditions for
security officers and introduced a motion
for a comprehensive insurance coverage
for our troops on overseas assignment.
I get calls from all over Fiji to take up
issues in parliament and I relish the
challenge .I have presented petitions

about people needing land and which

have gone into committees for hearing.
I value traditions and culture and
believe they should be protected and
a liberal people must respect the value
of each community and what they hold
dear. The abolition of the GCC was very
tragic and a blatant act of extremism
which we strongly condemn.
I have spoken out against this in the
petition I presented in parliament and
debated with great passion and unison
by both SODELPA and NFP, while
Government chose to remain silent.
I am the Mata I Burebasaga, Mata I
Namosi, Mata I Saunaka, Mata I Vuda
and Mata I Yasawa for Nakuruvakarua,
positions I hold with a great sense of
Traditions include our spiritual beliefs
and it was a sad day for Fiji when
secularism replaced the Christian
principles on which our nation was
built. My ancestors were the ones sent
by the Na Ka Levu to go to Bau and
bring back the religion of Ratu Cakobau
when it was known that the Vunivalu
had converted to Christianity. This was
in 1848 and still celebrated to this day
in Nadroga/Navosa in my village, Sila.
For my people, the iTaukei their
economic empowerment has to take
place as Fiji cannot fully realise its full
economic potential if close to 60 per
cent of its population are not playing an
active role in the economy.
This year we project GDP to be at $9.5
billion, imagine when the iTaukei are
fully engaged.
We are the sleeping giant and we need
to rise up for the economy to grow to
unprecedented heights.
I have held senior positions in business
and sits in the Committee on Economic
Affairs of Parliament.
I will campaign on the slogan, A rising
tide lifts all boats.
Fiji is a truly wonderful country and
my joy in my country is reflected in
the values I hold dear. We can agree to
disagree, but it must be in a respectful
and caring manner.
I have travelled widely and consider
myself a global person, while firmly
rooted in all thats special about Fiji.

Fiji News

Chinese Police Consultants In Fiji To

Share Knowledge & Expertise

Two more Chinese police consultants

from the Peoples Republic of China are
in the country to share their knowledge
and expertise with their Fijian
First Class Superintendent Yin Lei and
First Class Superintendent Ji Yong met
the Commissioner of Police Brigaider
General Sitiveni Qiliho at the Fiji Police
Force headquarters.
The two senior officers are from the
Jiangsu Provincial Public Security
Department and both specialize in
operational command centre concepts
as well as traffic.
The attachment is again an outcome
of the co-operation agreement signed
between Fiji and the Peoples Republic
of China in 2011.
The two police consultants are the fourth
attachment of officers from the Ministry
of Public Security to be seconded
to the Fiji Police Force. In 2011 the
Government of the Peoples Republic
of China and the Government of Fiji

signed a Police Cooperation Agreement

which has to date seen the two Police
organisations exchange assistance in
many forms.
Brigadier General Qiliho in welcoming
the senior officers said the Fiji Police
Force will again be benefiting greatly
from the program.
Getting this opportunity to exchange
knowledge in your respective areas of
expertise is going to be great for my

China has and continues to be a great
friend to Fiji and the Fiji Police Force
continues to benefit in terms of our
officers getting this opportunity to
learn from you here and for some of
our officers who have been given the
chance to go to your country on similar
The two senior officers will be on
attachment for a period of six months.


Fiji News

Sola Gets Direct Ride To San


Along with passengers onboard the

Fiji Airways inaugural flight to San
Francisco last Thursday night, was
seven-year-old dog Sola and his owner
Subhas Chandra.
Upon landing in San Francisco, Mr
Chandras nephew, Ranjit Raju who also
travelled with them said that he had been
travelling from Fiji to San Francisco and
vice-versa since 1995.
For me personally it was an exciting
flight, I have lived in San Francisco
since 1995, so getting on a flight direct
to San Francisco was special to me, Mr
Raju said.
Mr Chandra said he was glad he got
on board the direct flight since Sola
travelled more comfortably unlike a
connecting flight.
It wasnt that expensive and the process
was straight forward, I wouldnt travel
without Sola and having a direct flight to
San Francisco saved Sola from facing any
trouble of any sort, Mr Chandra said.
We got champagne as soon as we got

settled on board and the journey was

good and an exciting one, Mr Raju said.
It used to take me 20 hours to get to
San Francisco before and now its only
11 hours.
Mr Raju said his trip to San Francisco
was easier for his future travels now that

he had a direct flight.

Most Fijians in the United States live
in San Francisco, Sacramento, Stockton,
Modesto area; and it is easier for older
folks as Los Angeles airport can be
intimidating because its so big, Mr
Raju said.

Fiji will be pushing the visa waiver for

Fijian citizens seeking entry in European
Union member states.
Fijian Ambassador to Brussels Deo
Saran on Friday said while EU was yet
to set a definite time as to when they
would consider Fijis inclusion in visafree access, Fiji will continue pushing
the issue.
Mr Saran met with Fijian journalists at
the embassy in Brussels last Friday.
EU officials in Brussels had earlier
informed journalists that a review of
Fijis inclusion into the scheme was not
high on their agenda.
The officials had stated that the review

gets done every three years. The last one

was done in 2012 where the application
of Samoa, Tonga and Palau were
considered. The next review was to be
undertaken in 2015.
However, with the migration issue high
on their agenda, the review was not
Mr Saran said during the 2015 review of
the list of countries were not done; they
were hopeful that one would be done
either this year or the next.
However, indications are that it would
be a while before the review is under
taken and Fiji is included in the list.
The other issue that is throwing a spanner

in the works is the indication that France

may stop processing Schengen visa- the
visa required to travel to EU member
countries at their Suva embassy.
According to EU officials, France has
indicated that the application fee of
Euro 60 per visa that is charged every
time they process a visa in Suva is not
sufficient to cover their costs.
EU officials in Brussels have said that
they would continue to lobby with
France not to stop the processing of
Currently, Fiji allows visa free access
to all 28 EU member states including
France and Belgium.

It has been established that some local

kava suppliers are exporting Vanuatu
kava labeled as Fijian-Made Products.
This was revealed by the Standing
Committee chair on Natural Resources,
Joeli Cawaki, during a meeting on
the Kava Bill 2016 submissions in
Parliament on Wednesday.
He said the issue was raised when the
committee was conducting public
consultations on the Bill.
Mr Cawaki said local kava suppliers

had been importing kava from Vanuatu;

packaged them locally as Fijian-Made
Products before it was exported.
He said it was one of the issues that the
Bill wished to address, if it was passed.
Whatever yaqona that goes out of
Fiji should be Fiji kava because of the
quality and the standard; we dont want

to export sub-standard commodities,

Mr Cawaki said.
He said if the Bill was passed a council
would be established to review the
standard, packaging, and labeling.
They would also make sure that
whatever was exported from Fiji was
genuine Fijian kava.

Visa-Free Access On EU Backburner

Vanuatu Kava Exported On Fijian Label


Fiji News

Fiji Times Application For Stay


Fiji Sun lawyers Komal Singh (left) and Emmanuel Narayan of Patel Sharma Lawyers after the case
The Suva High Court in its decision
delivered granted the Fiji Times,
application for leave for Judicial Review
but refused Fiji Times application
for Stay of the decision made by
the acting Permanent Secretary for
Communications to award Fiji Sun as
the print media newspaper organisation
for the publication of Government
advertisements and Government notices
for 2016.
Emmanuel Narayan appeared for Fiji
Sun. Lawrence Fung appeared for the
applicant and Robyn Ann Mani and
Sophina Ali appeared for the respondent.
The Fiji Times had made an application
by way of Judicial Review seeking
orders for leave for Judicial Review
in respect of the decision to award the
advertising tender to Fiji Sun.
In terms of the Judicial Review
procedures, the Court granted leave
for Judicial Review but refused the
application which would have prevented
Government from advertising in the Fiji
The Judge, Justice Deepthi Amaratunga
in his 21 pages decision observed that
many of the matters and issues raised by
the Counsel for The Fiji Times, Fiji Sun
and the Attorney-Generals Chambers,
were matters which were properly for

determination at the substantive hearing

and not at the leave stage.
The Court further upheld the arguments
on behalf of the A-G s Chambers and Fiji
Sun that the Government Corporations
and Government Companies and other
entities that are under Government
control are not bound to advertise in the
interested party. If so there is clearly no
loss to the applicant from the decision
conveyed to them on December 24,
2015 from such entities.
It was argued that the discounted rate
was available for such entities and they
are free to select the print media they
The court further upheld that there is
no evidence of irreparable loss to the
applicant and the loss is the revenue
from Government advertising it received
previously. The historical values are not
an indication of the future and since

there are only two players in the market,

the loss to the Applicant cannot be
considered irreparable.
The Court further observed that the
Plaintiff has not submitted the statistics
of the revenue it received from the
Government corporations since the
decision on December 24, 2015.
Public Notices and the decision
was implemented for nearly three
months before this application. In
such a circumstances, the balance
of convenience lies in favour of the
There is no evidence of irreparable loss
to the Applicant that warrant stay of the
decision conveyed on December 24,
2015 by the Respondent.
The matter before the Court will take its
normal course in terms of the applicable

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Fiji News

Police Comb Natadola For Missing

Russian Couple

A Police team, made up of detectives

from Lautoka and Nadi combed farm
lands and Natadola Beach for a missing
Russian couple.
Yuri Shipulin and his wife, Natalia, left
their farm in the hills of Kachiquari,
which is off a feeder road on the way to
Nausori Highlands, in Nadi, sometime
after midday on Thursday. They have
Their vehicle, a grey metallic Toyota
Land Cruiser, bearing the registration
PILOT, was found abandoned with the
key still in the ignition.
It is believed Police found clothing
inside the vehicle belonging to Natalia
and which was said to be the one she
was wearing on Thursday.
The couple was spotted at Denarau
Island after leaving their farm.
Police are also looking at the likelihood
the couple could have boarded a yacht
or may even be in hiding somewhere.
Their business partner, Andrew
Luzanenko, who arrived in Fiji on
January 16 this year, had earlier said
he was still trying to figure out why the
couple had left without talking to him or
telling him where they were going.
He also said their business took a nose
dive after their farm was ravaged by
Cyclone Winston and the couple was
becoming increasingly worried over
The couple, from Ryazan City, Russia,
had been in the country for the past five
years, but according to Mr Luzanenko,
they had been running the farm for the
past two years.

A friend of the couple, posting under the

name Alla SeaStar, disputed reports that
they had been drinking and smoking
heavily before their disappearance.
She said in an online comment: First of
all, Natalia is not smoking at all and the
wording in the article already shows that
the article is misleading.
She may have had a drink once in a
very while and it has nothing to do with
boozing spree as the article says.
Yuris friends English and Russian
speaking community know him as
an open hearted man who loves Fiji
and had a lot of plans for farming and
photography business.
The article is very upsetting I even
cannot imagine what Natashas two

daughters would feel reading this article

about their beautiful mama.
And there are more inconsistencies in
this writing starting from the date of
arrival of Luzanenko, to the car keys
being in the ignition and more. Another
question to the writer, how could he
interview a person who supposedly
hardly speaks English.
A Swaran Ravindra posted: As your
neighbor I remember having a few
glasses of red wine with the couple, you
and Stevie, where we enjoyed socially.
I have never noticed any excessive
drinking habits demonstrated by the
This is very wrong. I hope they are safe
and get home soon.

The missing Russian couple... Yuri Shipulin and wife, Natalia. Their vehicle was
later found abandoned at Natadola Beach with the car keys still in the ignition.
INSET: The Russian couples vehicle covered in dust at the Nadi Police


Fiji News

From Malamala Nadi To The US


Ashrafeen Zysk with her brother Farman Ali in Nadi

A staff sergeant in the United States
Army has come a long way from a poor
beginning in Nadi.
Now a hardened soldier she has skills in
handling any heavy wheel vehicle in the
US Army and several deployments in
the Middle East.
Ashrafeen Nisha Zysk started out with
a very poor family in Malamala in
She went to Malamala Public School,
and later Swami Vivekananda College
for secondary school education.
I grew up in a very poor family.
My parents could hardly afford basic
necessities. My brother Farman Ali and
I who would go to the mountain valley
near our house and look for fruits and
root crops which we could sell by the
road for money, she said.
It was my faith in God that kept me
going, she said.
She also had a lot of faith in his elder
brother, Farman, who supported her
back then.
My brother Farman Ali made the world
of difference even though at the time
he was in high school. During this time
and even till this day I am my brothers
keeper, Ms Zysk says.
My heart breaks when I think of those
days, how we had to live and struggle
just to get by.
It was during Hurricane Oscar that my
parents lost everything we had left.
I was just a young child at the time,
but I remember living in just tents for
so many years because we had no home.

My only wish would have been to

have the current Prime Minister (Voreqe
Bainimarama) be the PM at that time
when my siblings and I were growing
up, but everything happens for a reason.
If it were not for those tough times I
would not be the strong, intelligent,
independent woman I am today.
She moved to America in June of 2000
to pursue her dream.
After formal training in Fort Jackson,
South Carolina she quickly adapted to
the American lifestyle.
It was challenging but the environment
within the Army was great so you dont
feel anything, she said.
She said even though it took her a while
she has adapted to the fast pace in the
US life is very fast life, she said.
You dont get time to socialise with
family and friends.
Everyone is adapted to the fast life.
But the training paid off and the
camaraderie and self confidence instilled
in her during those hard times gave her
a sense of belonging in her adopted
I wanted to serve the country that gave
me the opportunity to make a difference
in my life, the opportunity to be able
to take care of my family and live my
version of the American dream.
Being in the military has tested me
in all areas of my mental and physical
fortitude, being able to break boundaries
within myself has been the most
rewarding gift ever given to me.

Physically fit and mentally tough is

what I am.
Its not easy being a soldier, it takes
discipline, dedication and sacrifice. You
have to stay strong; you have to have a
go get attitude and mentality.
Since then she has been deployed
twice in support of Operation Enduring
Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Of course there are challenges out there
but as an individual you simply have to
overcome those adversities. You have to
be resilient. You have to have the can do
Her family had different reactions of her
joining the army.
Everyone had their own opinions. My
mother and my brother supported me
all the way. They knew I could handle
anything to come my way, she said.
She is happily married to the love of
her life, Greg Zysk, also a soldier, a
Sergeant First Class in the United States
Army and with theIr son and daughter
reside in Newport, Virginia.
She said she comes to visit her family.
There are good vibes for Fiji as a
whole, she said.
She hopes to retire in the next 10 years,
return to Fiji and probably operate a
restaurant as she loves to cook, at the
same time living a peaceful life with her
She said there were two other male
Fijian soldiers not in her platoon but in
the same brigade.
Her message for women and girls
growing up in Fiji is dont ever let
anyone stop you from doing anything
you want, educate yourselves, believe in
yourself and respect yourself.
You must also have patience, because
good things happen to those who wait.
I also want to let the parents know that
please dont live through your children,
let them be what they want just guide
them, just show them purpose in life,
she said.
Her favourite food is fish which she
enjoys a lot either steamed, fried, boiled
or grilled. Her favourite drink is water
of course.
Ms Zysks favourite movie is Hyena
Road (military movie) and she watches
a lot of documentaries. Her hobbies
include cooking, sleeping, fishing,
gardening and playing poker.
Ms Zysk returns to work when she
returns to the US and will miss the slow
pace here in Fiji.



Fiji News


Ambassador Khan Thanks


The Permanent Representative of

Fiji to the United Nations Office at
Geneva (UNOG), Ambassador Nazhat
Shameem Khan, made an intervention
on the Report of the Special Rapporteur
on Education at the 32nd Session of the
Human Rights Council in Geneva this
Ambassador Khan said Fiji was pleased
to have invited the Special Rapporteur
on Education Kishore Singh, to visit
Fiji in December 2015, where he had
unrestricted access to all stakeholders in
Fiji in relation to his visit.
She said that the Special Rapporteurs
visit came at a time when the Fijian
Governments policy has been to
prioritise education, to make it free and
compulsory from primary to secondary
school, to ensure that an equal and
common citizenry is part of Fijis values
and ethos and is the foundation of our
education system, and to build roads,
and bridges to ensure a better access to
schools especially in the rural areas.
As the Special Rapporteur noted in his
report, Fiji has a Constitution which
guarantees a right of every person
to education and that the State has a
responsibility to progressively realise
that right.
Ambassador Khan told the Council
that Fiji accepts that incorporating that
vision, and Constitutional guarantees
into legislation and policy has taken
time and that some of that reform is still
work in progress.
She said that Fiji gives the highest
priority to the right to education, and that
the Special Rapporteurs constructive
recommendations for such legislative
and policy reforms are accepted and will
be adopted for future action.
The Special Rapporteur further noted
in his Report, that Fiji has undertaken
comprehensive reforms of its education
system. Ambassador Khan said
that such reform driven strategies
addressed a number of areas including
the implementation of the curriculum
framework to enhance spiritual,
intellectual, social and physical
development and strengthen instruction
in iTaukei and Hindi as well as English.
Other reforms included an improvement
in the numbers and quality of competent
and motivated teachers and reduction of
the pupil: teacher ratios, increased use
of standards improvement measurement
in schools and enhanced rural education

programme by establishing the

appropriate infrastructure.
Ambassador Khan said that Fijians are
working hard to change their divided and
ethnically driven past, by teaching their
children that they are equal in dignity
and in rights and that every person must
be judged on merit and performance.
The education reforms are intended to
achieve this national vision.
She added that Fiji is pleased that the
Special Rapporteur recognises this, and
also the hurdles towards achieving this
vision. She also highlighted that Fiji
accepts that much work is still required
on rural accessibility, the standard of
school resources in rural schools, and
the inclusion of children with disabilities
in all schools.
In relation to the latter, the Ambassador
advised the Human Rights Council that
ratification of the Convention on the
Rights of Persons with Disabilities is
currently before Parliament, together

with a Rights with Persons with

Disabilities Bill, both of which will
address the rights of children with
disabilities to education which is
inclusive and mainstream.
Ambassador Khan also advised the
Council of the appointment of the
Chairperson and members of the
Human Rights and Anti-Discrimination
Commission, its Director, and of
its commitment to development in
accordance with the Paris Principles.
These were developments subsequent
to the visit of the Special Rapporteur on
Education to Fiji, and are consistent with
the recommendations made by him in his
Report in relation to the Commission.
addition, Ambassador
stated that Fiji remains committed to
integrating human rights education
into the education curriculum of
every school and thanked the Special
Rapporteur for his constructive report
and recommendations.

Suva High Court judge says a man

had breached a trust when he raped his
cousin sister at her home in her own bed.
Justice Vinsent Perera said: To be raped
by a cousin brother at her own house
in her own bed after her 21st birthday
party is not something a human being
can easily live.
Justice Perera jailed him for eight years.
According to the victims impact
statement, the victim has suffered a

substantial emotional and psychological

impact, Justice Perera said.
The man had kissed her when she was
on her way to her bedroom from the
bathroom before he raped her. He was
invited to her birthday party and stayed
Justice Perera said there was a breach of
trust and you raped her while she was in
a vulnerable state where she was asleep
after celebrating her 21st birthday.

Eight Years Jail For Raping

Cousin Sister


Fiji News


Fiji Represented At Energy


A Fijian delegation attended the Pacific

Energy Conference held in Auckland,
New Zealand earlier this month.
A two-member delegation from Fiji,
comprising the Permanent Secretary for
Infrastructure and Transport, Paul Bayly
and Karunesh Rao of the Fiji Electricity
Authority participated at this regional
energy meet.
Mr Bayly said the conference provided
an opportunity for our country to
indicate its regional position and what it
was currently undertaking in the energy
Fiji presented on the current electricity
supply and demands scenario in Fiji and
this includes both electricity provided
via the national power grid and that
outside the grid or which is commonly
known as rural electrification, he said.
In the presentation, Mr Bayly said Fiji
also highlighted challenges and barriers
achieving its commitments and targets
for a 100 per cent renewable energy
electricity sector by 2030.
With the regions move towards the use
of renewable energy, Mr Bayly said
the conference was also briefed on the
available renewable energy potential
here which needs to be developed.
This includes hydro, solar, biofuels

and geothermal potential which is has

been investigated to an extent.
Energy efficiency and conservation
measures undertaken by Government
were also a pertinent point of discussion
at the conference.
The conference was also an opportune
time in attracting energy sector investors,
especially in the areas of power
generation to come and invest in Fiji.
The Pacific Energy Conference was

co-hosted by New Zealand and the

European Union with an effort to fasttrack sustainable energy development in
the Pacific region.
New Zealands Minister for Foreign
Affairs and Associate Minister for
Sports and Recreation, Murray McCully
and the European Commissioner
for International Co-operation and
Development, Neven Mimica were two
of the speakers at the conference.

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Fiji News


Tourism Industry Concerned About Fiji

Becoming An Expensive Destination

The Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association

has raised serious concerns about
rising perception that Fiji is becoming
an expensive destination and doesnt
provide value for money.
This has been based on the increasing
levels of taxation in Fiji and the impact
it is having on the industry.
The association has stressed that in order
to remain competitive, Government
needs to review all taxes applicable to
the tourism industry.
It said this should be with the view to
remove or reduce some taxes so the
growth in visitor arrivals can continue
for the economic benefit of the country.
This has been the basis of the
associations National Budget 2016/17
Submission and formed a part of the
Discussion Paper from the industry.
The association said the tourism industry
in Fiji is the economic driver of the
country and contributes 36 per cent of
GDP, employs 35 per cent in the formal
sector (direct and indirect).
As the leading earner of foreign
exchange, it earns more than the
accumulative total of the next seven
export industries combined.
However, it pointed that revenue based
taxes (VAT, Service Turnover Tax and
Environmental Levy) has increased by
61.3 per cent (from 15.5% to 25%).
In addition, excise and import taxes,
also increased whereby wine prices as a
product rose by 52.9 per cent an Johnny
Walker whiskey price increased by 77.6
per cent.
Departure taxes also noted a 1000 per
cent increase from $20 to $200.
Reason impact not felt
Whilst the 2016 first quarter results are
positive, the Association believes the
real impact of the increased taxes has
not been felt by our tourists due to two
main reasons.
The first being most of the operators
have absorbed the increase in taxes
(turn over based and excise and import
The second being the allowance by the
Government to prepay the 2016 travel
before December 31, 2015 on the old
tax regime of 20 per cent (VAT & STT),
for payment made before December
This statement is based on the
associations survey of its members in
December 2015 which indicated that 50
per cent of the 2016 forward bookings

prepaid were for travel in quarter one of

The Association is of the opinion the
real impact of the increased taxes will
be felt from quarter two onwards in
addition to the impact of TC Winston
and TC Zena, it said.
Our members report forward booking
pace is now down on last year and there
is real concern for the next low season.
The association said majority of their
industry partners overseas have echoed
the concern of Fiji becoming expensive
in comparison to our competitor
Of significance is the analysis
conducted by one of our wholesale
partners, House of Travel (HOOT) on
departure and hotel taxes to eight main
destinations for their customers. Fiji
was the most expensive, it said.
Cost base
In addition to the revenue based taxes,
the association said the cost base for the
industry has also increased.
Some examples it gave included building
materials, cost local produce (fruits and
vegetables) due to limited supply, and
operating costs going up as the industry
is forced to use imported items.
It said: The manpower costs are also
higher than the prescribed Government
minimum wages.
Our membership pays premium of at
least 55-60% on the Minimum Wage
order in accordance with the skillset
requirements of the industry to meet
visitor expectations.
Booking cancellations
The association revealed the recent
adverse weather conditions (TC
Winston, TC Zena & flooding) has
resulted and cancellations of bookings
into Fiji or forced potential tourists to
book competitor destinations.
It said the industry has had to mount
major marketing campaigns to attract
business back into Fiji. These include
reduced airfares, heavily discounted
room rates and/or increased value adds.
We are also aware that a substantial
number of February-April arrivals
would be made up of relief workers and
NGOs whose presence was deeply
appreciated but not tourists per se, it
The increased cost structure combined
with reduced turnover from discounts
has put added pressure on members
commercial viability.

Some members have had to take drastic

cost saving actions for survival including
making staff positions redundant or
offering staff reduced hours.
Extra value added service
The association the Activities and
Marine operators provide the extra
services that add value to the industry.
It said these operators already have
higher operational costs of running their
vessels with the added Marine qualified
staff, licensing, registration, insurance,
fuel and capital.
They face stiff competition with
international operators such as Carnival
Cruises and Royal Caribbean who now
offer over 40 cruises a year to Fiji and
dont have to add 25 per cent tax on top
of their already rock bottom fares, it
For example Carnival Cruises rate is
AU$83 per person per night compared
to Captain Cook Cruises rate of
AU$386per person/per night by.
In addition, marine operators already
pay a Marine Environmental fee.
Customer feedback
The association said their industry
partners also advise that their customer
feedback indicates the buying decision
also comes down to the cost of food and
accommodation costs are on par with
competitor destinations.
The tourists who have visited Fiji are
quite vocal on social media post their
stay in terms of the destination being
expensive. We provide extracts of these
later in the submission, it said.


Fiji News


Matthew Stoeckel Is New Tourism Fiji


Ministry of Tourism permanent secretary Shaheen Ali, new Tourism Fiji CEO Matthew Stoeckel, Minister for Tourism
Faiyaz Siddiq Koya, Tourism Fiji new chairman Andre Viljoen and Outgoing chairman Truman Bradley in Namaka
The role of Tourism Fiji chief executive having held senior positions in a number He said it was a little too early to talk
left vacant since 2014, following the of Australia tourism consultancy firms about his plans but he confirmed he
will do a big review of the current and
departure of Rick Hamilton, has now and destination marketing entities.
been filled by Matthew Stoeckel.
Mr Stoeckel is also no stranger to existing plans.
After Mr Hamiltons departure, there Fiji, having done consultancy with the As a CEO, it is a very straight forward
had been acting appointments, but Ministry of Tourism on the Fiji Tourism position to consider what is next and
what is the vision and leadership
this most recent announcement would Development Plan 2014-2020.
surely give tourism stakeholders a sense Mr Koya said: Matthew brings a lot of required for Fiji, he said.
of stability in one of the most important experience with him and he is quite aware He said he is looking forward to
of Fiji and his plans with Tourism Fiji etc. relocating here and getting to work with
entities in the country.
The announcement was made by Mr Stoeckel said having worked in Fiji the board, Ministry of Tourism and the
the Minister for Industry, Trade and before, he understands the industry here industry at large to drive the visitor
and the great product and experience it arrivals growth in Fiji.
Tourism, Faiyaz Siddiq Koya.
Mr Stoeckel is said to bring a wealth of offers as well as the opportunities and Mr Stoeckel will officially join the
Tourism Fiji team in the coming weeks.
experience to the long-anticipated role, the challenges it offers.

Cousin Pregnant After Rape

A man who carried out a premeditated

rape on his cousin which resulted in her
getting pregnant was jailed for 10 years
and 10 months by the High Court in
The 29-year-old was described by
Justice Aruna Aluthge as a person who
exploited the victims vulnerability and
trust placed on him.
Justice Aluthge said the accused tricked
her at night and used violence to instil
fear in her.

The incident took place between June 1

and June 30 in 2013, when the girl was
only 17 years old.
The accused went to the victims house and
tricked her into going to his house where
he told her that her mother was there.
Once outside, he tied her up, blocked
her mouth and raped her, leaving her
Later when she regained consciousness,
he told her to go back to sleep.
The matter came to light when her

mother found out she was four months

Justice Aluthge said the offence left her
with a scar and trauma for the rest of her
In mitigation Justice Aluthge said
the accused showed remorse and cooperated with the Police.
The accused was a first offender and
was the sole breadwinner in the family.
Justice Aluthge imposed a non-parole
period of eight years imprisonment.


Fiji News


They Are Not Forgotten With $1.6 million:

Rosy Akbar

Ministry for Women, Children and

Poverty Alleviation allocated $1.6
million for initiatives that will target the
disabled people and children.
Minister for Women, Children and
Poverty Alleviation Rosy Akbar was
thankful to the Government for taking
up this initiative.
With the allocated money, we are
expected to increase the number of
centres for disabled people around the
country as currently we have only one
centre based in Suva, she said.
This issue was raised as we have seen
people with disabilities are not just in
Suva but around the country as well.
We are looking to construct a centre for
them to make things easier for them and
I money allocated shall be enough for
our new centre in the western division,
Ms Akbar said.
She confirmed the centre shall start soon and
be completed before the next budget because

Minister for Women and Social Welfare Rosy Akbar

she was looking forward to constructing a Western Division, but our first priority
centre in the Northern Division as well.
goes to the Western Division centre,
We are looking to build a centre in the Ms Akbar said.

Be Positive: RFMF Commander

The Commander of the Republic of

Fiji Military Force (RFMF), Rear
Admiral Viliame Naupoto has told
members of the RFMF, to be positive
to fit into the new Fiji that Government
is building.
He said that as members of the RFMF
they should be mindful of what was
happening around them. He said this
at the welcome ceremony accorded to
him as RFMF Commander at the Queen
Elizabeths Barracks (QEB) at Nabua.
If youre hearing negative stories, dont
listen to them, he said.
He reminded them that the new Fiji they
were now living in was inclusive and no
one would be left behind.
The Commander posed two questions
he usually asked when appointed to a
new job:
Am I fit for the job?
And am I fitting into the job?
As for the Commanders post, he said it
was not his as it was for the RFMF, the
Government and for the people.
He thanked Prime Minister Voreqe
Bainimarama, who was also at the
welcome ceremony yesterday, for
the confidence he had that led to his
The Commander said he was fitting
into the job and that was why he was
accorded the welcome.

Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama (left), with Republic of Fiji Military

Forces (RFMF) Commander Rear Admiral Viliame Naupoto during the
welcoming ceremony
Personally, he said he did not like to be
accorded such a ceremony as his father,
before his death, told him that in any
iTaukei gathering, he should be sitting
just behind the tanoa.

However, at the welcome ceremony he

was sitting in front and also drank the
first bowl of grog served.
It is because Im fit for the job and am
fitting in for the job.

Fiji News


Faiyaz Koya Happy With Extra


Minister for Local Government Parveen Kumar and Minister for Industry, Trade and Tourism Faiyaz Koya following the
2016-2017 National Budget at Parliament House
The Minister for Industry, Trade and Fiji Hotel and Tourism Association Dixon in new emerging markets like China.
Tourism Faiyaz Koya has welcomed Seeto has welcomed the increase in the Theres still a lot of potential in our
the allocations made to his ministry in marketing grant given to Tourism Fiji.
existing markets and our emerging
the 2016-2017 Budget announced in What makes the world go around is markets, he said.
money and the more funds that we have to Weve got to work much more as
His ministry was allocated a total market Fiji means that we can create more an industry with all the stakeholders
budget of $77 million, of which $37.5m awareness about Fiji, Mr Seeto said.
especially to support Fiji Airways with
is for operating expenditure, $38.2m The main thing is to use that money, their new routes such as San Francisco
for capital expenditure and $1.2mn for bluntly speaking, to put Fiji on the travel and Singapore as they are in a much
supermarket shelf.
value added tax (VAT).
better position to deliver service to Fiji
Wonderful; I think the allocations We need to go out and pump Fiji as a as a destination.
given to my ministry is very good in destination and you need money to do Meanwhile, Ministry of Industry, Trade
terms of tourism, weve received some that.
and Tourism was allocated $58.9m in
Mr Seeto said there was great potential the previous Budget.
extra money, he said.
For us in the tourism sector, were
doing a whole lot of work to it.
Mr Koya said there was a whole lot of
hard work for this year for his ministry.
Minister for Finance Aiyaz SayedKhaiyum, while delivering the 20162017 Budget address, outlined tourism The Ministry of Finance will now be Unit involved with the forecasting of the
was the biggest sector of the economy.
called the Ministry of Economy.
GDP and balance of payment.
Our reputation as a tourism destination This has been done in order to better As the name suggests, the ministry
has not suffered due to Cyclone reflect the role of the Ministry and also helps put the economy on a path to
Winston, he said.
reflect the change of the mindset of the sustainable long-term development by
Mr Sayed-Khaiyum also announced an role the ministry plays.
ensuring that the national economy
increase in the grant given to Tourism The role of the Ministry of Economy is is well-managed and meets its
Fiji from $32m to $36m.
to manage the finances of Government macroeconomic targets.
This additional budgetary allocation and ensure that public funds are used as The ministry has been allocated $94.4
will greatly assist Tourism Fiji to work its elected leaders intend.
million in the 2016-2017 Budget
with all its partners to secure and But the role goes beyond just dealing with compared to $82.3 million for the 2015improve our market position, he said.
finances. There is a Strategic Planning 2016 Budget.

Finance Ministry Renamed To

Ministry Of Economy


World News


A Father-To-Be Was Fatally Shot Trying To

Stop His Neighbors Deadly Domestic Dispute

Ricardo Vaca had just gotten married a

few weeks before. The 20-year-old and
his new bride were expecting a baby.
Now, Vacas family is devastated after
he was fatally shot Saturday night while
trying to break up an argument between
a husband and wife. The wife involved
in the dispute was also shot and killed
by her husband, authorities said.
Placido Moreno-Torres and his wife,
Amparo, were outside their Lehigh Acres,
Fla., home about 9 p.m., according to the
Lee County Sheriffs Office. Witnesses
told authorities they heard the argument
and said Vaca did, too.
In his concern he went to the Morenos
driveway to intercede and mediate
between Placido and Amparo, the
sheriffs office said in a statement. His
neighborly act appears to be his only
involvement in the matter.
Thats when Moreno-Torres shot and

killed his wife and Vaca, according to

the sheriffs office.
Moreno-Torres ran away; his wife and
neighbor died at the scene from their
wounds, authorities said.
On Fathers Day, Moreno-Torres, 47,

was arrested on two homicide charges

and one felony charge of aggravated
assault with a deadly weapon.
He is being held in the Lee County Jail,
and his next court appearance is July 18.
Relatives, speaking to the News-Press,
described Vaca as a great son who just
got married May 29.
He was the greatest person and my
dearest cousin, Nestor Martinez Vaca
told the newspaper.
The cousin also told the newspaper that
Vaca and his wife were expecting a baby
girl. A Facebook page that appears to
belong to Vaca shows a sonogram photo
uploaded just days before his death.
They were happily married and he
was an amazing person, always happy
and trying to make people smile, funny,
a good student and an amazing son,
Martinez Vaca told the News-Press.
We as a family are devastated.

Health Professional Assaulted Daughter

A desire to find love drove a health
sector professional to indecently assault
his daughter.
He knew that was wrong and is
apologetic for the hurt he'd caused.
In the district court, he has pleaded
guilty and is now serving a 7 -month
home detention sentence.
The man, who name is suppressed, was
not present in Wellington for a Health
Practitioners Disciplinary Tribunal, but
instead communicated over the telephone.
The court imposed heavy suppression
orders to protect the victim's identity, so
the man's exact occupation and where
he lives cannot be reported.
But it can be revealed the man admitted
doing an indecent act against his
daughter, who was aged under 12 at the
time of the offending earlier this decade.
The man offended against her over a
two to three-week period by indecently
touching her.
At the tribunal, the man was asked
why he did that, when he has no other
criminal convictions and no record of
ill-discipline at work.
"I don't like talking about it because
it's possible for somebody to take it
out of context and say I have not taken
responsibility of that I blame somebody
else and that's not the truth," he said.
"I was in a marriage that I was committed
to but I was empty and I got nothing

from it and I gave myself to everybody

else around me and I had no hope for
the future and I couldn't see a way out
and I'd given up on a lot of things and
being happy and feeling loved was one
of them."
When the man touched his daughter, he
felt love.
"It literally an accident but it gave me
something I didn't think I was going to
feel again," he said.
It might have started accidentally but
the man then continued touching his
daughter. It became sexual and the
man knew it would get worse unless he
stopped himself, so he did and pulled
back from going into his daughter's
bedroom to hug her.
"I shocked myself. I was absolutely
horrified and that's what stopped me
from offending again."
In his own mind, he minimised what
happened, telling himself his daughter
was asleep and he hadn't harmed her.
But last year she confronted him and
asked him to tell the truth.
He now has no contact with his daughter
or other children, who he hadn't offended
against, but said he supported them
"I have been a fantastic father to my
children, except for those three weeks of
my life."
The man admits a disciplinary charge

of being convicted of an imprisonable

offence that adversely reflects on his
ability to practice.
prosecutor Jo Hughson said the man
should be suspended for at least a year,
have conditions placed on a return to
health work and have to pay some costs.
The man apologised for what he'd done
and said he would accept whatever
punishment was ordered.
He was keen to return to his health work
in the future, but hadn't thought that was
a possibility. Instead, he was training as a
truck driver and was confident of getting
a job when his home detention finished.
He was now cash-strapped, living off
$150 a week.
Ms Hughson told the tribunal the man's
practising certificate had expired and he
wasn't working in his professional field,
having completed his last shift in January.
The man was a competent health worker,
the tribunal heard, and he spoke of his
love for his job and caring for patients.
The tribunal ordered the man's deregistration and censured him, but
chairman Ken Johnston said "members
of the tribunal can envisage a situation
where (he) may successfully reapply for
registration in the future".
The man also has to pay 10 per cent of the
tribunal's and the conduct committee's


World News


PM Trudeau Stops In For Surprise

Mcdonald's Lunch
'I like he went for just a casual McDonald's, you know, he was kind of like one of us'

Who knew the day shift at McDonald's

could be so exciting?
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau made a
pit stop for lunch Saturday at the Whitby
Mall McDonald's, about 45 minutes east
of downtown Toronto.
The unannounced visit caught a lot
of McDonald's staff off-guard, like
16-year-old student Dominic Morales,
who was on his break when the prime
minister dropped in.
"I heard like a lot of screaming coming
from our co-workers," Morales said, soon
realizing who had walked in. "[I was] like
'Was he here for an event or whatever?'
And then it just turns out he was just
ordering food, like a normal person."
"I don't really delve into a lot of what the
prime minister does. I think he'd go to a
higher class place I like he went for
just a casual McDonald's, you know, he
was kind of like one of us."
Morales shot a video of his co-workers
soon after the prime minister left, giddy
with excitement about their brush with
the politician.
In the video, the colleague who served
Trudeau starts listing off some of his
order a cheeseburger happy meal, a
Big Mac meal, a quarter pounder with
cheese meal, a McChicken before
admitting she didn't even recognize him
at first.
"Melissa was like, 'Hey. Can you help
on till?' I was like, 'Yeah sure.' The guy
comes up and he takes off his glasses
and he's like, 'Hi.' And I was like, 'Oh
my god. That's the Prime Minister,'" she
said in the video.
Trudeau was in the area for an event on
the Rouge River, where he spent part of

the morning canoeing.

'I guess he just was hungry'
Fidel Gomes, the restaurant's general
manager, said he didn't know the prime
minister would be coming in, but he
wishes he had.
Gomes was in store at the time and got
to have a quick word with the prime
minister before he took off "He said,
'See you later, Fidel.'"
Before Saturday's visit, he said his
biggest guest was the McDonald's
president. Regardless of the surprise,
Gomes said serving the prime minister

was an honour.
Morales said everything about the
encounter was low-key, though Trudeau
did come in with some security.
"It was the most casual thing I've seen,"
he said. "Most of the people in the back
didn't know that they were making his
food so they just treated him as any
normal person would."
He has told some of his friends, but
many of them said they didn't believe
him. Morales said the whole thing does
sound pretty far-fetched.
"I guess he just was hungry."

Shocking footage has emerged of a

boss in China smacking his employees
in front of the whole company for not
working hard enough.
The boss of Shanxi Changzhi Zhangze
Agricultural and Commercial Bank can
be seen hitting eight employees four
times each across the buttocks as their
colleagues watch on, reports Huanqiu,
affiliated with the People's Daily Online.
At one point, a woman can be seen almost
falling over in pain as the boss whacks her.
In the footage, eight of the employees
can be seen on the stage while their
colleagues are sat on tables in what
appears to be a banquet hall.
The man speaks with them on stage
before he begins the attack with what
appears to be a giant stick.
People in the audience are silent while
the employees on the stage can be heard
making noises as if in pain.

According to Chinese media, the

employees were being beaten for not
working hard enough.
The boss hits the group on the stage four
times before the video comes to an end.
This isn't the first case of management
in China forcing their employees to do
embarrassing things after supposed poor
performance at work.
In October 2015, employees were forced
to crawl on their hands and knees around
a lake after missing their sales targets.
Representatives of the staff involved told
Chinese media at the time that the task
was a punishment set by their company.
Employees were told to finish a lap
around Ruyi Lake, a 23-acre lagoon in
the city's central business district, by
According to eyewitnesses, nearly
everyone's shirts and trousers were torn
during the humiliating punishment.

Employees Beaten For Not

Working Hard Enough



World News

Man Sexually Assaulted During Spa

Massage Then Blackmailed, Police Say

The owner and employee of a Winnipeg

beauty spa face extortion charges after
a man says he was sexually assaulted,
videotaped and threatened with the
Police believe there are other victims
as well and are urging them to come
Simple Mehta, the owner of Simi Magic
Spa on St. Anne's Road, is charged with
extortion, procuring and conspiracy to
commit an indictable offence.
The employee, Pam Sandu, 22, is
charged with extortion, voyeurism,
sexual assault and conspiracy to commit
an indictable offence.
Police say a 29-year-old man, who was
in a business relationship with 39-yearold Mehta, went to the spa on a business
matter and was offered a massage by an
employee while he waited for Mehta.
Once he had prepared himself for the
massage, the man was sexually assaulted
and discovered he was being videotaped
with a cellphone, police said.
"At this point the victim was extorted out
of a sum of money with the threat that
the video recording would be released,"
police said.
The man handed over "thousands" of
dollars before going to police to report
the incident, police spokesperson Const.

Rob Carver said at a news conference.

Asked if the assault was actually a
sexual favour the man had agreed to,
Carver said it doesn't appear he was
under the impression "he was getting
anything other than a regular massage."
Carver also said police believe the man
is likely not alone in being blackmailed
in that way.
"It is our understanding that there's
certainly a potential there are other
victims, and if anyone feels they have
any connection, we'd like them to come
forward for sure," he said.
Asked if the police believe the incident
was a "systemic" issue at Simi Magic
Spa, Carver said "we believe that's the
potential here, yes."

"We had received information that had

put this business on our radar, but we
hadn't been able to move forward prior
to this," he said.
That "information" isn't restricted to
sexual assault, he added, saying police
are looking into the possibility "that
other criminal activity may have been
occurring at the business."
Mehta and Sandhu remain in police
custody and more information on further
charges could be released on Tuesday,
police said.
The investigation continues, and anyone
with information is asked to call police
at 204-986-3464 or Crime Stoppers at
204-786-TIPS (8477).

Canada To Begin Collecting Exit Passport Data

Minister of Public Safety Ralph Goodale
has announced that Canada will begin
collecting passport data from people
leaving the country.
Its nothing more or less than what
you find on page two of your passport,
Goodale told reporters on Wednesday.
And that is the full name, the nationality,
the issuing authority and the gender of
the traveller.
The same information is already
collected when people enter Canada.
Collecting such data upon departure
will put the country in line with allies
like the U.S. and the U.K.
Having this data will allow us to
better respond to amber alerts, for
example, on missing children, Goodale
said. It will help us deal with human
trafficking, it will help us deal better
with illegal travel by terrorist fighters,
it will help (Minister of Immigration)
John McCallum deal with immigration

proceedings and visa applications, and

it will help us ensure the integrity of
Canadian social programs.
When leaving Canada by land, American
border officials will collect the data and
send it back to Canadian officials. When
leaving the country by air, airlines will
simply provide passenger manifests to
the Canada Border Services Agency. All
information will be retained for 15 years.
While the plan will enhance international
security, it will also serve to keep tabs
on snowbirds wintering in the U.S. to
determine their legal residence, monitor
the residency of people attempting to
dodge taxes, and stop people from illegally
collecting millions of dollars in government
employment benefits while out of the
country. The Canada Revenue Agency
and Employment and Social Development
Canada expect to save between $194
million and $319 million over five years
once system is fully in place.

Paul Frazer, president of PD Frazer

Associates -- a government relations
and business strategy consultancy firm
-- believes that the new system is long
I think that for Canada in particular,
if its going to be responsible for its
borders it needs to know whos
coming and going, the one-time
Canadian ambassador told Power Play
from Washington D.C. The going is
as important as the coming these days
given the reality of the world.
Goodale reassured Canadians concerned
about their privacy.
We will have written arrangements
with the United States about what
they may do and may not do with the
information, he said. If we find that
American officials are not complying
with the privacy arrangements that we
have put in place, then we can terminate
the arrangement.


World News


RBC And Shoppers Drug Mart Latest To

Break Up Credit Card Marriage

In the sometimes tumultuous world

of co-branded loyalty cards, another
partnership has gone sour. In this latest
case, Canada's largest drugstore chain
and biggest bank are parting ways.
Royal Bank and Shoppers Drug Mart are
ending both their co-branded debit card
and Shoppers Optimum MasterCard.
The cards allow Shoppers customers
to earn extra Optimum points they can
then exchange for free in-store products.
Neither card is available any longer.
Their combined 200,000 existing
customers will be switched over to other
RBC banking products by the fall.
Both Shoppers and RBC say the breakup
is mutual. Shoppers Drug Mart chalks it
up to "business reasons."
Co-branded cards 'very much like
In Canada, we're obsessed with credit
cards that earn us rewards with every
purchase. To satiate our hunger, retailers
and banks are rushing to hook up and
offer freebies in exchange for our
"Everybody wants to rack up as many
points and as many free blenders and
trips as they possibly can," says Queen's
University marketing professor Kenneth
But the co-branded partnership doesn't
always pan out, leaving customers
who were reaping rewards to suddenly
grapple with the change.
"They're very much like marriages,"
says Simon Fraser University marketing
professor Lindsay Meredith. "Very
often, one person seems to think they're
getting less out of it than the other and
that contributes to these kind of shakeups."
In the U.S., Costco recently switched
credit card providers. Starting this week,
American Express rewards card will no

longer work at the popular bulk store,

which is now working with Citi Visa.
Canadian Costco stores ended their
relationship with American Express in
2014, and then teamed up with Capital
One to offer a co-branded MasterCard
that includes cash-back rewards.
Bank of Montreal offers a co-branded
BMO-Sobeys Air Miles MasterCard.
But in 2014, the bank quietly ended its
BMO Sobeys debit card.
Probably the biggest Canadian cobranding shake-up occurred in 2013.
That's when Aimia, which operates the
Aeroplan program, chose TD as the
primary issuer of Aeroplan Visa credit
cards. Previously, it was tied only to
After two months of negotiations,TD
took on new Aeroplan Visa card
customers and acquired half of the CIBC
customers who didn't have a broader
relationship with the bank.
TD promised a "seamless" transition for
CIBC cardholders, but many complained
that it was anything but smooth.
"Sold like railgrade cattle by .@cibc
and .@Aeroplan. Lost cards in the mail,
lousy website, missing statements,"
one customer tweeted shortly after the
official switch in 2014.
"Transition from CIBC Visa to TD visa
is disgusting. I'd rather keep my money
in the couch," complained another.
What broke up Shoppers and RBC?
Wong speculates the RBC-Shoppers
marriage was doomed in 2013, when
Loblaw grocery giant announced it was
buying the drug store chain for $12.4
"I think that it was inevitable once
[RBC's] contract expired," says
Wong, pointing out that Loblaw offers
President's Choice Financial banking
services in partnership with CIBC.

When the Shoppers-Loblaw merger was

announced, some Shoppers customers
feared that the Optimum program
would be affected. But both businesses
maintained the rewards program would
keep its independence.
Wong believes Shoppers will unveil a
new type of Optimum rewards credit
card that may still remain independent
but be managed centrally by its new
owner. "It would be a Shoppers credit
card with all its back-office support
combined with President's Choice
Financial services. That would be the
logical model to me," he says.
Merry Walmart-MasterCard marriage
Of course, not all credit card marriages
fall apart: many do flourish. "These
alliances can bring great rewards," says
They can also aid a retailer in a financial
dispute. Walmart has a tight relationship
with MasterCard, offering a rewards
credit card with Walmart Canada Bank.
Meredith says that strong partnership
enabled the retail giant to drop Visa
last week, after a dispute over merchant
transaction fees.
"Don't think for a second that Walmart
would have kissed off Visa if it didn't
have a bit of a safety net going for itself."
The next time you sign up for a rewards
credit card, don't forget that sometimes
alliances shift. You may gleefully amass
travel or other bonus points at the outset,
but in the future your card may be
declined or suddenly become associated
with another bank.
However, our relationship with rewards
cards is so strong, a few bad business
break-ups are unlike to cause shoppers
to protest too loudly. We're too busy
looking for our next opportunity to pile
up points.

Father Put Baby In Fridge After Finding Her In Hot Car

A north-Texas father who left his child
in a hot car panicked and put her in a
fridge in an effort to revive her.
Michael Theford left the six-monthold girl strapped in the family mini-van
following a school run.
Thedford said when he went outside
and found the baby not moving, he
immediately took her indoors and put her
in the refrigerator, with the door open.
He then called his wife and emergency

services, and attempted CPR.

Fabiola Contreras, a neighbour, said Thedford
and the child's mother were in tears.
"Forgetting a child? His child? It's hard to
believe because how can you forget a child
in your own car? It's your child," she said.
"It's really hot especially if you're in a
car, it's way hotter."
Contreras said she watched from her
porch as paramedics and Collin County
sheriff's deputies arrived.

"They were asking the mother a few

questions and she looked like she was
crying. She was devastated. So was he, he
would hug her and cry as well," she said.
Captain Jim Moody of the Collin County
Sheriff's Department said deputies were
called about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday to the
family home in Melissa, about 65km north
of Dallas. They arrived to find the child
removed from the car but unresponsive.
Thedford has been charged with manslaughter.




Cherry Juice Can Help Reduce High


Drinking cherry juice can significantly

reduce high blood pressure, particularly
in males with early hypertension, to a
level comparable to that achieved by
New research has found that high blood
pressure if left untreated, increases risk
of heart attack, heart failure, kidney
disease, stroke or dementia.
The findings showed that men who
drank tart Montmorency cherry juice
- a variety of sour cherry - saw a peak
reduction in their blood pressure of
seven millimetre of mercury (mmHg)
in the three hours after consuming the
"This reduction is comparable to the
level achieved by anti-hypertensive

drugs," the researchers said.

When phenolic acids, protocatechuic
and vanillic - compounds present within
the cherry concentrate - reached their
peak levels in the plasma, systolic blood
pressure showed greatest improvement.
"The magnitude of the blood pressure
lowering effects we observed was
comparable to those achieved by a
single anti-hypertensive drug and
highlights the potential importance that
Montmorency cherries could have in
the effective management of high blood
pressure," said lead author Karen Keane,
lecturer at Northumbria University in
Raised blood pressure is the leading
cause of deaths from heart diseases,

yet relatively small reductions in blood

pressure can have a large impact on
mortality rates, Keane added.
The team worked with fifteen participants
who were displaying early hypertension
with blood pressure readings of at least
130/90 mm Hg, meaning they were at
higher risk of experiencing heart related
They were given either 60 ml of a
Montmorency cherry concentrate or
the same amount of a commercially
available fruit-flavoured cordial.
Blood pressure and blood samples
were taken before the cherry
concentrate was consumed and blood
pressure was measured on an hourly
basis thereafter.

Diet To Keep You Cool And Glowing

During Summer

Intake of enough water, seasonal fruits

and fluids is the best, cheapest and
easiest way to keep glowing skin and
gorgeous looking hair during summer.
But, there are a host of other remedies
as well to keep you cool - in looks and
in spirits!
Drinking enough water is very
important for the skin and hair. In fact,
the major constituent of blood is water.
It is the fluidity of blood that helps in
transporting nutrients, oxygen and even
wastes in the body.
Hair is actually fed by the nutrients
in the blood stream and the proper
circulation of blood to the skin surface
is important for skin health. Water
stimulates the circulation of blood. It
not only oxygenates the skin, but keeps
it hydrated and also regulates the skin's
natural balance.
Summer is the time for cool drinks, not
only to replenish fluids, but also to keep
the body cool. This is also another way
of meeting the body's fluid requirement.
Nimbu paani, the traditional fresh lime
and water, is an ideal drink during the
summer. You can add one teaspoon
honey and a pinch of salt.
But if you suffer from any specific
diseases like diabetes, you should take
the advice of your doctor regarding the
use of additives like salt, sugar or honey
to cold drinks and fruit juices. Avoid
aerated drinks. Drink fresh fruit juices

Fruit juices should be freshly extracted

and diluted with water. Herbal drinks,
containing extracts of rose and khus can
also be taken during summers, as these
are natural coolants and have been used
since the ancient times.
Also, add a little lemon juice to herbal
drinks. Instead of a hot cup of tea,
drink iced tea without milk, adding one
teaspoon of honey, a little lemon juice
and ice. Jal Jeera, taken with ice, is also
a suitable summer drink.
Another great combination is lemon and
mint. Crush mint leaves and allow it to
stand in boiled hot water for an hour.
When the water cools, add lemon juice
and ice to make a refreshing drink. You
may add a dash of honey and a pinch of
salt and pepper.
For an added lick, rock salt or chaat
masala can be added, instead of salt
and pepper. Mint is very cooling and
aids digestion. Watermelon is also a real
thirst-quencher during summers. Extract
the juice, add one or two small chunks
of watermelon, lemon juice and crushed
ice. One teaspoon rose water can be
added for flavour.
As for solids, avoid heavy, spicy and
fried food. Include clear soups, lassi,
yogurt, fresh fruits, salads and sprouts in
your daily diet. Fresh fruits and salads
also contribute to the body's requirement
of water.
In fact, nature itself provides us with the
fruits that are suitable for every season.

Melons, water melons, cucumber and are

ideal for summers. They contain more
water and help in replenishing the water
which the body loses through sweat.
Instead of having rich desserts, take
yogurt with honey or fresh fruits. These
are delicious alternatives to your sweet
tooth. During summer, you can end your
meal with lassi. This is not only cooling,
but helps in digestion as well.
The human constitution is such that 70
per cent of our body is made up of water.
The loss of water occurs daily and must
also be replenished accordingly. We do
this mainly by drinking water. This is
more so during summer, when the loss
of fluids is greater.
That's why we feel thirsty and take in
more water and other fluids during
summers. In the normal course, we
should drink about 6-8 glasses of water
daily. This would meet the body's water
requirement and also keep the system
flushed of toxins and wastes. Of course,
the quantity of water intake increases
during summer, to make-up the loss of
fluids through perspiration.
As far as the appearance is concerned,
this is bound to reflect on the skin and
body. The skin will look clearer and
fresher, while such foods can help to
lose excess weight and also maintain a
slim figure. Most important of all it will
make your feel better. Beauty is not just
a matter of how you look, but also how
you feel.




hatever is occurring in your life at

this time is clearly intense and emotionladen. You may feel as though your very
life depends upon making your point
of view heard and acknowledged. It is
important to play your personal political
cards carefully. Dont take the initiative
until after Mars goes direct (June 30).


our ruling planet is Venus, goddess of

love and the arts. "She" moves into a
new sector now through July 10. Your
attention will be drawn to parties in
neighboring areas and with those of your
usual environment. Those with siblings
may enjoy improved relationship
through this period. Youll be inclined
to add luxury items to your vehicle, or
maybe even purchase a new one.


You and a partner, whether business

or marital, may be having challenges
in communicating. There is something
confusing the works. One of you may
not be clear about the issues or you each
have different goals. Maybe you are not
even talking about the same thing.


Venus enters your sign this week and

will be traveling "with you" through
July 10th. Her presence gives you an
air of poise and beauty, and people will
simply like how you look. Often when
Venus is prominent we become more
interested in art forms. She has the
power to turn introverts into extroverts
for the short period of her journey. We
have a greater need and desire to be with

others, or they with us.


All forward motion is put temporarily

on hold. You must slow down to manage
health issues, whether that of yourself or
your partner. Be patient. The structure
needed to accommodate your original plan
is not in place anyway. Time is required
while you or someone you care about heals.


You may be feeling confused by your

partner(s) or contractors. This interferes
with your ability to make decisions about
your home base and next direction. Ask
questions of this person to help you
access clarity. If the answers are vague
or even more confusing, that means
something is not right.


For the next three weeks your activities

are on display. Others are noticing your
performance, so make it great. You
may be standing in the limelight. Your
leadership gifts come to the foreground
at this time. Matters of love and romance
likely will become more important.
Your ruling planet, Mars, is retrograding
in your first house through the end of
June. Your feelings are intense and
you have anger that is hard to resolve.
Dont turn it against yourself during
this period. This is an internal struggle
between one value and another. It is
not cause for self-destruction. Make an
effort to contain it with a lighter attitude
Relationships to partner, whether


business or personal, and family

are strained at present. If you feel
discomfort, look for the assumption
or the illusion that is cracking. It is
painful. The relationship will ultimately
be improved by the honesty or the
alternative, broken. Either way, you will
be in better condition long term.
Beware of the tendency to obsess and
worry over matters that may never
happen. You are tempted to see the
world through a dark lens this week and
you may think that is the true version.
It's more likely that the pessimistic view
is extreme. If you spend much energy
here, you may be plagued by ill health.
The more you attempt to hurry, the more
rocks in your path. You might just as
well take your time and allow things
to develop as they will. Rushing along
will not get you there any faster. Anger
may be present and likely is worthy,
only it just causes you more stress and
may even interfere with the process of
You must work hard to manage your
communications at this time. Your
situation may require you to use
an unaccustomed vehicle, such as
writing, to make yourself understood.
It is necessary that you be as efficient
as possible and cannot scatter your
thoughts or your words. Some
important bits of information could be
hard to find.

Eat Fruits, Veggies To Lower Breast

Cancer Risk

Women who consume a higher quantity

of apples, bananas as well as green
vegetables during their teenage years
can significantly reduce their risk of
developing breast cancer in adulthood,
suggests a new study.
Fruits and vegetables are important
sources of fibre, vitamins, and other
biologically active substances that can
favourably affect the pathogenesis of
breast cancer through several biological
The findings, published in the journal
BMJ, showed that high fruit consumption

during adolescence was associated with

a roughly 25 percent lower risk of breast
cancer diagnosed in middle age.
Also, greater consumption of apple,
banana and grapes during adolescence,
as well as oranges and kale during early
adulthood was significantly associated
with a reduced breast cancer risk.
These foods "have well known
beneficial effects on health, and efforts
should continue to increase intake of
both fruit and vegetables at all ages,"
said Maryam Farvid, scientist at
Harvard University.

However, there was no link between

intake of fruit juice in either adolescence
or early adulthood and risk of the breast
The team followed 90,000 nurses
for over 20 years who reported their
diet in early adulthood, of whom half
also recalled their usual diet during
The analyses included consideration
of tumour hormone receptor and
menopausal status at diagnosis and the
relation of specific fruits and vegetables
to risk.



What Is Salman's Biggest Fear?

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan says
he fears losing the stardom that he has
achieved in his over 25 years' career.
But what pacifies him is the thought that
life is more than being a screen hero.
To a question by IANS on whether
he fears losing his stardom, Salman
said during a select media interaction:
"Everyone is scared of losing stardom. I
would be lying if I say no. It's not just the
stardom... It's that love, it's that respect.
"Suddenly, it all gets over... That is one
quality you are working so hard for and
suddenly something happens and you
are not the liked person any more... That
bothers everyone."
However, Salman feels a person should
be strong enough to face it.
"You need to be that man who could take
that (fading stardom). I have seen my
father (writer Salim Khan) go through
it... He has gone through it twice in his
life. I myself have gone through that.
"(But) I think life is more just than being
a hero and star in movies. I think it's a
lot more than that."
Salman, who has been on a career high
post films like "Dabangg" and "Bajrangi
Bhaijan", realises that now is the time
when he has to work harder.
"One has to work hard at this point of
time only because all our seniors left
at this time only. By this age, almost
everyone left (the industry). I saw a

close-up of mine in one film, and I was

like, 'What is this? When I am only not
liking it how others are going to like
That's when he started training towards
his fit self.
"We have to put ourselves through
pain and torture so that somebody

appreciates it," added the actor, who

sports a chiselled physique for the
role of a wrestler in his next movie
An Eid release, 'Sultan', hitting the
screens on July 8, is directed by Ali
Abbas Zafar and also features Anushka

excited as this is the first time viewers

will get to watch me in a whole new
avatar, that of a fierce, young leader. The
dialogues promise to be a literary treat
for the audience." The film, produced

by Swantantra Vijay Singh and Vyas

Verma, also features Sanjay Suri, Suha
Guzen, Eijaz Khan, Narendra Jha and
Hiten Tejwani. 'Shorgul', produced by
24 FPS Productions, releases on June 24.

Jimmy Sheirgill And Ashutosh Rana Team

Up For 'Shorgul' After 13 Years

In 2003, when Jimmy Sheirgill and

Ashutosh Rana shared screen space
together in 'Haasil', the young Punjabi
actor played an unsung hero while the
latter was his arch nemesis. Now, after
13 years, the duo will be seen together in
the upcoming drama, 'Shorgul', in which
both play seasoned politicos. The two
actors studied real-life politicians and
tried many get-ups before deciding the
look for their respective characters.
"Ashutosh is my favourite politician
on screen but unfortunately, we don't
have many scenes together in this film,"
says Jimmy, adding, "However, I'm




Sweet-And-Sour Chicken Balls

1 package boneless skinless chicken
1 diced small green pepper
1 can pineapple chunks
1 diced small red pepper
1 can tomato paste
Cube chicken and parboil until cooked
Drain water from pan, retaining chicken.
To chicken add pineapple, tomato paste
and peppers.
Simmer for 20 minutes and serve over
Substitution: Try canned stewed
tomatoes in place of the tomato paste for
a sauce with more body.

Lamb And Broccoli

1 cups water
2 tsp cornstarch / cornflour
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp sesame oil
tsp salt
1 tbsp dark soy sauce
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp Chinese cooking wine (Shaoxing
wine) or dry sherry
tsp Chinese five spice powder
tsp tsp black pepper
Stir Fry
4 - 5 cups broccoli florets
2 tbsp oil, separated
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp fresh ginger, grated
12 oz lamb cut in strips
Place the water and cornstarch / cornflour
into a jar. Shake to combine. Then add
the remaining Sauce ingredients into the
jar and shake.
Slice the lamb into " / 0.5cm thick
slices. Place the lamb and 2 tbsp of the
Sauce into a bowl and set aside.
Steam or boil the broccoli.
Heat 1 tbsp of oil in a wok (or heavy
based fry pan) over high heat until
Add the lamb and sear quickly until
browned. Then remove from the pan
and set aside.
Heat the remaining 1 tbsp of oil into
the wok, then add the ginger and garlic.
Cook for 20 to 30 seconds until the
garlic and ginger is fragrant. Add the

broccoli and stir quickly.

Shake the jar then pour it all into the
wok. Stir fry for 30 seconds or so - the
sauce should be bubbling away and
beginning to thicken. Then toss the lamb

back in and stir fry for another 1 minute

until the sauce thickens and coats the
broccoli and lamb.
Remove from heat and serve
immediately with rice.




TS Times Sports

Fans Give Thumbs Up To Ron Macleans

Rebound At Hockey Night In Canada

Hockey fans on Twitter gave a big, Don

Cherry-style thumbs up to news that
Ron MacLean has won back his old job
as host of Hockey Night in Canada.
YESSSS!!!!, tweeted Toronto web
developer Daniel Pereira after Star
sports columnist Dave Feschuk broke
the news that, in a comeback worthy
of the Cleveland Cavaliers, MacLean
will replace George Stroumboulopoulos
next season in the highest profile spot in
Canadian sports broadcasting.
We love Ron MacLean, Pereira
tweeted. It isnt #HockeyNightInCanada
without Ron & Grapes!
Amen! And hockey is being restored
to its rightful line, agreed mediator
Suzanne Petryshyn.
Toronto radio host John Moore wasnt
so happy, tweeting: Strombo out at
Hockey Night In Canada. That totally

That return to the HNIC spot could
leave MacLean, 56, a published hockey
author, as a lord of all hockey media if
he also retains his spot as sidekick to
Cherry on Coachs Corner and as host of
Rogers Sunday night show, Hometown
Stroumboulopoulos, 43, might go.
He could not be reached for comment.
George Stroumboulopoulos, right,
is pictured with Ron MacLean as
Rogers TV unveil their team for the
station's NHL coverage in Toronto on
March 10, 2014. Broadcaster George
Stroumboulopoulos will host the NHL
Awards on June 24 at the Encore at Wynn
Chris Young In an email, MacLean told
Feschuk that he couldnt comment on

the upcoming season until his superiors

finalize their 2016-17 plans.
MacLean held the HNIC host job from
1986 to 2014, and sometimes clashed
with league commissioner Gary Bettman
in interviews about labour troubles.
Stroumboulopoulos was hired in 2014
in an effort to attract younger viewers,
who presumably would connect with his
independent attitude, skinny suits and VJ
past, shortly after Rogers acquired NHL
broadcasting rights for $5.2-billion.
MacLean didnt snap at the broadcaster
when he was exiled to Hometown
Hockey, which was broadcast weekly
from different small towns.
Feshchuk notes that it didnt help
the ratings that the Toronto Maple
Leafs have finished 27th and 30th in
the 30-team league in their past two


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