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Chapter 17 The Special Senses

Lobes of Cerebrum




Gustatory & Tactile


Olfactory & Hearing





Gustation: Sense of Taste

o Tongue Taste
Sweet - Saliva
Salty - Saliva
Bitter - Saliva
Sour Circumvallate
o Papillae of Tongue
1. Filiform increase surface area; most abundant; NO taste
buds; used to detect temperature and texture

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

2. Fungiform taste buds on top; sweet, salty, sour
3. Circumvallate (9) large; bitter; taste buds underneath
4. Foliate involved in the sensations of taste and have taste
buds embedded in their surfaces; clustered into two groups
positioned on each side of the tongue

Olfaction: The Sense of Smell

o Smell 20,000x stronger than taste

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

Sense of Hearing
o Anatomy of Ear

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

Ceruminus gland produces cerumen, also known as ear wax.

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear chamber to the
Otitis Media - An infection from throat to ear.
Semicircular canals
Dynamic Equilibrium
Crista Ampularis
Static Equilibrium
Organ of Conti
o Organs are always found on the inner surface of the membranous
Crista Ampullaris
o Dynamic equilibrium your body sensing the fact that your body is in
o Endolymph in semicircular canal; moves, triggering crista ampullaris
o Mechanical energy electrical energy
Movement of cilia electrical energy
Cupula = gelatinous membrane

Macula same as crista ampullaris except the cupula is called the otolithic

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

o Otoliths present bob through membrane, hit the cilia and detect
gravitational pull
Organ of Corti same as the crista ampullaris except the gelatinous
membrane is called the tectorial membrane


Chapter 17 The Special Senses

o Anatomy of the eye

3 layers:
o Sclera Outer layer: made of dense connective tissue [very tough] aka
the white of eyes.

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

Canal of Schelmm
o Choroid - Middle layer: Melanocytes
Ciliary body smooth muscle
Iris smooth muscle
Consensual reflex stimulate one pupil and the other will be
stimulated as well
Suspensory ligaments
o Retina Inner layer: Neurons
Macula lutea
Fovea centralis
Rods black and white; side of eye (retina)
o Rhodopsin (usual purple) need light to be broken down into scotopsin
and retinine
o Scotopsin and retinine transferred into occipital lobe
Cones - color; back of eye (retina)
o Iodopsin broken down into 26 products
o Energy transferred to occipital lobe
Anterior Cavity: Cornea lens
o Anterior Chamber Cornea iris
o Posterior Chamber iris lens
o Aqueous humor fluid made daily in ciliary body
Gives pressure, has glucose (feeds cells)
Drains into Canal of Schlemm
Posterior Cavity: Lens retina
o Vitreous humor holds the retina in place and up against the choroid
o Occipital lobe translates sight and turns it right side up (lens views
things upside-down)
o Lens is made of collagen
Diseases of the eye:
o Myopia nearsightedness; born with eye too long
Concave lens needed to correct

Chapter 17 The Special Senses

Less bending and refraction of light
o Hypermetropia farsightedness; born with eye too short
Convex lens needed to correct
o Presbyopia elderly sight
Lens loses elasticity and can no longer accommodate
o Glaucoma buildup of aqueous humor made by an over production in
the ciliary body.
o Cataracts disease of the lens
o Astigmatism irregularity of the cornea
Cylindrical (tauric) lens needed to correct
o Vitamin A used to make retinine

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