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Read the text and answer the questions given.

All of us are concerned with the environment we live in. The recent haze caused by forest
fires and land clearing in Indonesia affected our health and our work. Our country's economy was
also affected. The number of tourists to our island declined during this period; for who would want
to take the risk of endangering their health?
The release of carbon dioxide and other toxic chemicals into the air by any one country
harms the earth we live on. Such gases are blamed for damaging the ozone layer in the
atmosphere and creating global warming - a term used to describe the increased temperature of
the earth. Global warming occurs when certain greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide form a
blanket in the atmosphere and trap the Earth's heat.
It is predicted that global warming would cause a rise in sea levels. The change in climate
would have considerable effect on human civilization. Land could be completely submerged by
rising oceans, deserts could spread, malaria could be carried to Europe and Africa could suffer
even more from severe drought.
World leaders meet regularly to discuss this issue and are working hard to save the Earth.
Many agree that they must attempt to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases in their countries
by some 15% by the year 2010. It is envisaged that greenhouse gas emissions would have to be
reduced to 0% if the current level of gases in the atmosphere is to remain stable by the year 2100.
Climate changes caused by global warming would have potential ill-effects. Food and water
supply could be affected. Health hazards like heat-related illnesses, cholera, dengue fever and biotoxin poisoning could become more prevalent.
It is therefore important that we try to do what we can to save our Earth. Creating less
waste by reusing containers and recycling papers; using water and electricity carefully and walking
instead of taking the car, are little contributions that we can make to reduce the emission of
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. That would help to ensure that we and the generations
that come after us would have a beautiful and clean place to live.
1. What caused the haze in Indonesia?
2. How was our economy affected by the haze?
3. What causes global warming?
4. How does it occur?
5. Name the two effects of global warming.
6. What is 'this issue' mentioned in paragraph 4 of the passage?
7. What must be done to ensure that the level of gases stabilizes at the present level by
8. What could be affected by climate changes?
9. What can we do to save our Earth?
10. Which word is used in the last paragraph to mean the same as 'release'?

Read the text and answer the questions given.
The Lost City at Sun City in South Africa is a very interesting place to visit. Legend has it
that centuries ago, an African tribe from the northern part of the country brought with them their rich
heritage and settled in an ancient volcanic crater which they called the Valley of the Sun. The
people were great architects and had a genuine love of nature. They created a magnificent city of
unique architectural design. Unfortunately, an earthquake struck and turned the city into ruins. The
inhabitants were forced to flee from their homes. Today, the city has been restored to its former
splendour and named 'The Lost City'.
The focal point of the city is the Palace, a hotel which overlooks 25 hectares of jungle and
the water adventure park. Behind the Palace is a golf course which stretches across the ochre
bushveld. Here golfers may get to see live crocodiles enjoying their haven under the sun at the
13th hole. The water adventure park boasts of a Lazy River Ride for the young and old who want
to take it easy. The wave-pool creates perfect surfing waves which roll to a white sand beach lined
with palm trees.
This is the place that everyone loves. Not for the faint-hearted is the Temple of Courage
with its fantastic water chutes, challenging the visitors to plunge nearly 100 m of rock surface at
speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour.
Animal and nature lovers would not miss going into the game parks of South Africa. There
are 17 parks of which the most popular is the Kruger National Park. However, just a stone's throw
from Sun City, in the same volcanic crater, is the Pilanesberg National Park. It spreads over 60,000
hectares of bush-land and supports an interesting wildlife population. Visitors either ride on horses
or take a safari jeep to explore the park. Guides are provided to assist them. The visitors would be
able to see the animals at close range. According to the guides, a successful safari drive is one
where the Big Five are sighted - the lion, leopard, rhinoceros, buffalo and elephant.
1. In which country is 'The Lost City' located?
2. What made the Africans leave their homes in the volcanic crater?
3. In which part of the golf course do crocodiles live?
4. Which attraction in the adventure park would be most popular with the elderly?
5. Why is the Temple of Courage not suitable for the faint-hearted?
6. How big is the Pilanesberg National Park?
7. How do visitors get to see the animals at close range?
8. When is a safari drive considered unsuccessful?
9. What are the Big Five? Name them.
10. Which phrase in the passage tells us that there are many kinds of animals in the game park?


It was caused by forest fires and land clearing.

Fewer tourists came to Singapore.
The release of carbon dioxide and other toxic chemicals into the air causes global warming.
It occurs when greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide form a blanket in the atmosphere and trap
the sun's heat.
5. They are a rise in sea levels and a change in climate.
6. It refers to the danger of global warming.
7. Greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced to 0%.
8. Our food and water supply could be affected
9. We can do so by creating less waste and using water and electricity carefully.
10.The word is 'emission'.

1. It is in South Africa.
2. An earthquake made them leave their homes.
3. They live in the 13th hole of the course.
4. The 'Lazy River Ride' would be most popular.
5. It is exciting and nerve-racking.
6. It has an area of 60,000 hectares.
7. They do so either on horseback or from the safari jeep.
8. It is unsuccessful if any of the Big Five animals is not seen.
9. They are the five kinds of animals - lion, leopard, rhinoceros, buffalo and the elephant.
10. The phrase is "an interesting wildlife population".

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