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SAE-104 2008 PAPER Ill Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 150 Note: The candidate has to answer 15 questions @ 5 questions from each section. Each question carries 10 marks. SECTION I 1. (a) Explain various approaches to measure national income. OR (>) Explain the problems in measuring national income. 2. (a) Explain the important objectives of the 10°" Five Year Plan. OR (b) Explain the role of private sector after economie reforms. 3. (a) Explain the methods of measuring poverty in India. oR (b) Explain the methods of measuring unemployment in India. 4. (a) Explain the objectives of monetary policy. OR (b) Explain the impact of economic reforms in the Banking sector, 5. (a) Explain the pattern of revenue collection after economic reforms in India. OR (b) Explain the principles of public expenditure, SAE-104 1 P.T.O. (a) (b) 7. (a) (b) 8 (a) (b) 9. (a) (b) 10. (a) () SAE-104 SECTION 11 Why are Land Reforms implemented ? What are the main laws pertaining to Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh ? oR Explain the scope of Land Reforms in Andhra Pradesh and assess success in computerisation of Land Records. How is Andhra Pradesh economy popularly classified ? What are the relative shares of the three regions in the GSDP of Andhra Pradesh in the recent years ? OR What is Green Revolution ? What is its impact on the agricultural economy of Andhra Pradesh ? Examine the structure of occupations pursued by Andhra Pradesh people and the proportion of SC-ST population in the total population of Andhra Pradesh. OR Write notes on : (i) Measures taken by the Andhra Pradesh government to empower women, (ii) Infant Mortality and Death rates in Andhra Pradesh in the recent decade. What are the direct and indirect taxes levied by the government of Andhra Pradesh ? OR Write notes on : (Debt composition of Andhra Pradesh government (Gi) Tax revenue and other resource inflows into Andhra Pradesh government from the Central government Explain the pattern: of resource mobilisation for the public sector in the 5-Year Plans of Andhra Pradesh in the recent decade. oR What are the total outlays of Andhra Pradesh’s X and XI 5-Year Plans ? What proportion of the outlay is allocated to agriculture including irrigation ? 11. (a) (b) 12. (a) (b) 18. (a) () 14. (a) (b) 15. (a) ) SAE-104 SECTION I Examine the growth and structure of industries in Andhra Pradesh, oR Explain the significance of SSI in the development of Andhra Pradesh and mention the incentives extended by the government to this sector. Briefly explain the need for administering agricultural commodity prices and mention the administering machinery. OR Explain the basic features of Targeted Public Distribution System (TPDS) and its performance in the state. Examine the causes for regional disparities in Andhra Pradesh and measures initiated by the government to reduce the same. oR Explain the causes for backwardness of certain regions and suggest measures for development. Examine the role of SHGs in Andhra Pradesh in meeting the credit requirements of rural people. OR Examine the importance and development of transport and communication in the state of Andhra Pradesh. State the importance of service sector in the development of Andhra Pradesh. oR Write short notes on : (i) Kisan Credit Card Scheme (i) Providing Urban Facilities in Rural Areas (PURA) 3 P.T.O. sSriisen : (Beats wsoarsss) 02859 15 (Show SErowsio (was 2535 Serio Hod 5 (BAe awd. [58 SHS 10 Srdyev. 1 (2) 2 (0) @) 3. (d) (@) 4 © (2) 5. (od) (®) SAE-104 artis I enboircrairdy Seasirds edairod ad Sgser robo’. és arboircrosedy Soshos® ah Sdmgo Dads 7 TAOS 105 Hoss ors Sows oMgow Erosod. 3s QS Sodztere wbodso pySer Fors HS Bowed. 25S Shos? BSOsrd SOU SGsoo 2S ? 3s 2rdS SHos* MHSigrrd, SOS Sse Dans ? (Sdg Dgrd OErgo Od 7 és argosoh Soop 29S Sos, 500 (berddn Ds ? wQS Somjtmo vdosso waras Borers? Srdo® [srovod 3s WwSg hyo Srjwrow |wrosod. 6. (0) () @) (@) g @) 10. (2) @® \E-104 aritso S Sos ook doth vies TH ? wojs SAIS’ x Sospsmow Sowogods Saw Seren DD 7 be wos BAIS ArsorySao SOG Yb ? gr apatrsy SPaero Sospgadstac? SHS Iuokrdy Serspsv. so BSH Qs Soho aortmor J dSiwrr Shsoqs 7 adSd HosSySiwod* wos [SSE ory ecroios® sarc owe SY aréren 2 DSorP saryow ? és SOS DSSo0 VOB ODS ? vos BST Sgbros OS Sgssp od (SerdabD 7 oS BBE ao Sho Ioyerd) SOWorddw, Sogo wry arerd® Ringe Serer, who wire I HIS saryov ? Bs Sse» roto : @ G08 BAF ago HQsdsH FSGS Sogo. Gi) adSO SwrQOS® wos BAF S Aidwro Horie Kbero Tey. wos (SE airdy DORs) Sek SOY Sky TD ? és Ese roms : @) sols SBF ea krtry Gi) Sood sols BST orgPrgasS Smo yrtiarging oer ado Ado SODo%. adSD Sv QS vos GAT Weosg Sot Sodsy jorOsr Io 8800 BOL IMbd0cr». 3s w0,8. 108 118 SobhS eros B8gk Srgo BMadvor Dos ? AS FHSo Sdiw D DG Sehr oxwO$ Dgooss Serongraryso ? 5 P.T.O. 12, 13. 14, 15. SAE-104, g @ (2) @ (2) @) © ® (2) @ arto TIT Bo[S [SAF Sod Soko Ioyeokw Hoot 489 SORDoHSw, bo wold SAF CHS )ASoth OS, SIS SOpswo qrsgsio DSoociiv HOaty Ss Fords Beso DOS Marywow HF,Adv. SySF04 So Fo (administering) wSSTO2 Hdowe wdd 8,925 Tals oholerorio 00D Horr DSdoxsv. ao os Agros er Sod gS (TPDS) [SS vowos Wook» TBposoe wd SB dSoodsw. Bol BAF Sot obs aerghow sero Mdaw» rodas Sgergoro SHoMss Beso BHF oes) SSgom SOROS». boa Sd, Growe Sisad socbens sere 24009 a8 wOS)98 Bdgos> arDoxyan. [Pde B60 S88 wdirow SjOs* wos SAF SoSD SHG © FSH SOROHSw. bar Bos BSE mrppdnsoc Sore Hck sargsag Pdvegso HOw ©H4)9I SORWOSAy. Sols SSE inky Iswdud* Lardortin awk, Sorsgsso Bensydo. bo ofp SSB woken : fi) 825 6a sG So (Kisan Credit Card Scheme) Gi) [hoe (Howod® SKS SSogoH ww (PURA) 6 10,200

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