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Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

In Sentence Correction portion of verbal ability you have to correct the error(s) in a given sentence. The
most common form of Sentence Correction is the underlined phrases type, which follows the basic
pattern mentioned before. Another type is where no question sentence is given, only the options, one of
which is the correct sentence. In the underlined phrases type of Sentence Correction question a part or
whole of a given sentence is underlined. It may or may not have an error in it. The error can be of any
typea grammatical error, a spelling related (Homonyms), incorrect syntax, an idiomatic error, a
punctuation error etc. You have to identify the error, if present, and choose one of the four options that
seems to be the most suitable correction. If there is no error, then choose the original sentence (which
will be among the options).

A. Mark the error in the sentence. Mark (1) if there is one error; (2) if there are two errors; (3) if there are
three errors; (4) if there are none.
a. When I met her in the specious living room, she was seeming sad but she kept me at an arms
b. The businessman travels in plane daily.
c. He turned a deaf ear for my advise.
d. Greed as well as the avarice hasten ones fall.
e. Everybody loves a winner.
B. Mark the error in the sentence. Mark (1) if there is one error; (2) if there are two errors; (3) if there are
three errors; (4) if there are none.

Are the superiors instructions verbal or written? If they are written, you have no cause to worry.
The drunkard indicated that he wants more liquor.
It was him, whom the company held responsible for the monetary loss.
Four dancer have been extolled and four criticized.
My son is speaking the truth and will always speak the truth.

C. In each of the following sentences, a part of the sentence or the entire sentence is
underlined. Four different ways of phrasing the underlined part are given. Choose the
best alternative from among the four.

He has a wonderful collection of paintings and which are the envy of many.
and which are the envy of many.
which are the envy of many.
which is the envy of many.
and which is the envy of many.


There is Dr. Kalam whom they assert is the most distinguished scientist in town.
whom they assert is the most distinguished scientist in town.
whom they asserted was the most distinguished scientist in town.
who they assert is the most distinguished.
whom they assert was the most distinguished scientist in town.

3. I cannot help to ask this question to you.

a. to ask this question to you.
b. to ask this question of you.
Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

c. asking this question to you.
d. asking you this question.

The Nile is the longest of all other rivers.

the longest of all other rivers.
the longest of all rivers.
one of the longest of all other rivers.
the longest of any other rivers.

5. The Indian cricket teams defeat in the Asia Cup Final was caused by nothing else than
a. The Indian cricket teams defeat in the in the Asia Cup Final was because of nothing else than
b. The Indian cricket teams defeat in the Asia Cup Final is because of but else than complacency
c. The Indian cricket teams defeat in the Asia Cup Final was caused by nothing but complacency.
d. The Indian cricket teams defeat in the Asia Cup Final was caused by else but only complacency.

As my niece describe about the beauty of the Himalayas, I listened spellbound.

As my niece described about the beauty of the Himalaya
As my niece described the beauty of Himalayas
As my niece described the beauty of the Himalayas
As my niece described about the beauty of Himalayas


While working in the field, a snake bit the farmer.

the farmer bit the snake.
the farmer was bitten by a snake.
the farmer was bitten by the snake.
the farmer was bit by a snake.


Since the tumour is malignant, there is little hope of recovery.

there is little hope of recovery.
there are no hope of recovery.
there is a little hope of recovery.
there are little hopes of recovery.


Of the two, pizza and burger, the last is his favourite.

the later is his favourite.
the last is his favorite.
the latter is his favourite.
latter is his favourite.


Each of the performances were great and the selection of the best one among the four was difficult.
were great and the selection of the best one among the four was difficult.
was great and the selection of the best one between the four was difficult.
were great and the selection of the best one between the four was difficult.
was great and the selection of the best one among the four was difficult.

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

4. Many MBA aspirants takes the CAT, but only few of us who works hard finally makes it to the top
a. Many MBA aspirants takes the CAT, but only few of us who works hard finally makes it to the top
b. Many MBA aspirants takes the CAT, but only few of them who works hard finally makes it to the
top institute.
c. Many MBA aspirants take the CAT, but only few of them who works hard finally make it to the top
d. Many MBA aspirants takes the CAT, but only few of them who work hard finally makes it to the
top institute.
5. Bollywood movies, which star Shah Rukh Khan, and directed by Karan Johar has better chances of
success at the box office.
a. Bollywood movies, which star Shah Rukh Khan, and directed by Karan Johar have better chances
of success at the box office.
b. Bollywood movies, starring Shah Rukh Khan, and directed by Karan Johar have better chances of
success at the box office.
c. Bollywood movies, which star Shah Rukh Khan, and directed by Karan Johar have better chance of
success at the box office.
d. Bollywood movies, that star Shah Rukh Khan, and directed by Karan Johar have a better chance of
success at the box office.

We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic; trekked in the hills, swimming in the river and rock climbed.
We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic; trekked in the hills, swimming in the river and rock climbed.
We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic; trekked in the hills, swimming in the river and climbing rocks.
We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic; trekking in the hills, swimming in the river and climbing rocks.
We enjoyed ourselves at the picnic; trekking in the hills, swam in the river and rock climbing.

When ministerial colleagues turn-up under-prepared for meetings, for one who scans details
keenly, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cannot mask his exasperation.
When ministerial colleagues turn-up under-prepared for meetings, for one who scans details
keenly, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh cannot mask his exasperation.
For one who scans details keenly, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh sometimes cannot mask his
exasperation when ministerial colleagues turn-up under-prepared for meetings.
When ministerial colleagues turn-up under-prepared for meetings, for one who scans details
keenly, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh sometimes cannot mask his exasperation.
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh sometimes cannot mask his exasperation, for one who scans
details keenly, when ministerial colleagues turn-up under-prepared for meetings.

D. Mark the sentence that is grammatically correct; ensure that the sentence is concise, too.
a. The weak equity market has come as a great opportunity to promoters to consolidate holding in
their companies.
b. The weak equity market came as a great opportunity to promoters to consolidate holdings in
their companies.
c. The weak equity market came as a great opportunity for promoters to consolidate holdings in
their companies.
d. The weak equity market came as a great opportunity to promoters for consolidate holdings in
their companies.

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

a. The Spanish separatist group ETA, as well as the Tamil separatist group LTTE, have been
labelled terrorist organization by the US.
b. The Spanish separatist group ETA, as well as the Tamil separatist group LTTE, has been
labelled terrorist organization by the US.
c. The Spanish separatist group ETA, as well as the Tamil separatist group LTTE, have been
labelled a terrorist organization by the US.
d. The Spanish separatist group ETA, as well as the Tamil separatist group LTTE, were labelled
terrorist organization by the US.


I know of no government that has adhered to their election promises faithfully.

I know of none of the government that has adhered to their election promises faithfully.
I know of no government that has adhered to its election promises faithfully.
I know of no government that have adhered to its election promises faithfully.

a. Life in UK is still easier for students from India because they seems to have the same systems
and procedures as in India.
b. Life in UK is still easier for students from India because UK seems to have the same systems
and procedures as in India.
c. Life in UK is still easier for students from India because the systems and procedures there are
similar to the ones in India.
d. Life in UK is still easier for students from India because they seem to have the same systems
and procedures as in India.
a. The sculptor has promised us that work on the mammoth statue will begin next month and would
be completed within eight months.
b. The sculptor has promised that work on the mammoth statue would begin next
month and would be completed within eight months.
c. The sculptor has promised that work on the mammoth statue will begin next
month and will be completed within eight months.
d.The sculptor has promised us that the work on the mammoth statue would begin
next month and would be completed within eight months.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPEED TEST - 01 . 10 QUESTIONS 10 MINUTES
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note : The underlined part in each of the sentence are given to choose which one of them might
contain the error. The first underlined part is (a), the second(b), the third (c) & so on.
1. Not everyone has the ability to dream & also to find a way to make them come true
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) no error

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

2. Of all the 108000 persons who write the CAT every year, only 30,000 wrote XAT as well, which is
quite a small number, when one considers the fact that the XAT is used for application to as many
institutes as the CAT is
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

3. In the forest of the Amazon, there are more than 300 tribal settlements. These tribes are beginning to
migrate from the forests to the nearby towns, that lie on the banks of the Amazon. They manage to find
labour intensive jobs there, by working for much less than the original inhabitants of the towns do
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) no error

4. Much too small, Rams head did not fit into his new helmet. This meant he would not be able to race.
Fortunately, he was able to borrow Ravis just minutes before the race.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

5. Whenever we go to a new city, we never go to the tourist information counter at the airport, because,
the information available with them is vary outdated. Instead we go straight to the office of the
ambassador of India, with who would have conversed when we planned the trip.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) no error

6. This is my sons graduation photograph. Alongside him stands Ravi, Payel & Krishna. They have been
his friends since kindergarten.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) no error

7. We cannot go for a haircut today because its Tuesday. However, if we wait for another day, we will
surely be able to get one.
(1) a
(2) b
(3) c
(4) d
8. None in Rams community has even half as much intellect as his family does.
(1) a

(2) b


(4) no error

9. Rumor has it, that this year, IIM Cal will set the CAT paper. If this is true all of us can expect a very
quantitative in general and an extremely tough quant section in particular.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) no error

10. The carnival started off, with the parade, which comprised of 25 men, 25 ladies, and all the cattle that
lived in the village. The event was very grand. Several persons from neighboring towns came to witness
the famed parade.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) no error

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPEED TEST- 02 10 QUESTIONS -10 MINUTES
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Note: The underlined parts in each of the sentence are given to choose which one of them might
contain the error. The first underlined part is (a), the second(b), the third (c) & so on.
1. Run by the no- nonsense Bramacharya Rudra Dev, a senior lyengar teacher, millions of Hindu pilgrims
visit the serene meditation center, in Haridwar. The highlights of the 10 day transcendental meditation
course are that it changes ones approach to problems & relieves one, of the strains of the world.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

2. Stylish features, power and a 80kmpl mileage, makes the Pulsar owner a celebrity in his own right. So
while others make celebrities sell their bikes, we sell our bikes and make celebrities
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) No error

3. Deep in the forest, lived Peter Pan & Tinkerbell. While Peterpan merely played the fool all day ,
Tinkerbell did the washing, cooked for Peter & occasionally even read him a story . This spoilt Peter &
made him take Tinkerbell for granted
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

4. While a Postwar dollar rally might cap the rupees rise, continuing current surpluses, unchanged
interest rates differentials, improving foreign fund flows, & a large war- chest of reserves will support a
stronger rupee
(1) a
(2) b
(3) c
(4) No error
5. The party spokesman remarks that the advertisements & the colorful life size cut out of Amma, in Poes
garden was released by the partymen to show their affection towards Amma. He added that her
contribution towards the development of the state, is an indication of her affection towards the people of
Tamil Nadu.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) No error

6.Conducted online in association with P & G, an FMCG company, Cross Tab (a social organization)
revealed in a survey that 31% of Indian couples is unhappy with their sex lives. The survey also revealed
that for most couples, sex was merely a stress releasing exercise.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) error in both paths

(4) No error

7. Mr. Advani is a trendsetter in more ways than one. He has been campaigning under a blazing sun all
summer, & never complained. This should set an example to youngsters in his party who do not show up
for campaign shows on account of petty reasons, such as the heat.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

8. The origin of diseases like AIDS, SARS, & pneumonia are relatively unknown. What is known is that
these diseases cannot be kept down for long. They recur every 10 years somewhere in the world. The
only way we can stop this recurrence is by identifying the origin & by killing the source

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

9.Thanks to the Parkinsons principle, each minister costs crores in terms of bureaucratic baggage of
secretaries & staff that he drags along with himself. The only remedy to this excess expenditure is to
identify redundant labour in government departments & relocate them to other departments where they
can be of more use.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

10. Beside the residence of the prime minister is his Office & his security guards quarters. Every guard, is
a professionally trained fighter. He is one who has undergone years of training on the use of weapons &
on the forms of self defense. The security guard of the Prime minister, is not allowed to leave the
premises an any account & is subjected to regular checks & searches by his superiors.
(1) a

(2) b

(3) c

(4) d

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPEED TEST- 03 10 QUESTIONS 10 MINUTES

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In each questions below, either part or all of the sentence is underlined. The sentence is followed by
four ways of writing the underlined part. If you think one of the answer choices is the best, select
that choice.
This section tests the ability to recognize correct and effective expression. Follow the requirements
of Standard Written English: grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the
answer which result in the clearest, most exact sentence, but does not change the meaning of the
original sentence.
1. The principal reason for our failure was quite apparent to those who we had brought into the venture.
(a) to those whom we had brought
(b) to the ones whom we had brought
(c) to them who we had brought
(d) to those who we had brought
2. Although he was the most friendly of all present and different from the others, he hadnt hardly any
friends except me.
(a) different than the others, he had hardly any friends except me
(b) different from the others, he had hardly any friends except me
(c) different than the others, he hadnt hardly any friends except 1
(d) different from the others, he hardly had any friends except 1
3. Our uncle let us know that he will be arriving next week in his last letter.
(a) That he was arriving next week in his last letter
(b) That he will arrive next week in his last letter
(c) in his last letter that he would be arriving next week.
(d) in his last letter that he was arriving next week

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

4. Whoever objects to me going to the meeting ought to state his position clearly.
(a) Whomever objects to me
(b) Whomever objects to my
(c) Whoever objects to my
(d) Whoever has an objection to me
5. There is only five minutes left for us players to recover the initiative we lost because of the delay in
the play.
(a) There are only five minutes left for us players.
(b) There is only five minutes left for we players.
(c) There are only five minutes left for us players.
(d) There is only five minutes left for all of us players.
6. It was us who had left the meeting before he arrived.
(a) we who had left the meeting before he arrived
(b) we who had `went to the meeting before he arrived
(c) us who had left the meeting before he had arrived
7. He is the sort of the person whom I feel would be capable of making these kinds of statements.
(a) sort of a person whom I feel would be capable of making these kinds of
(b) sort of person who I feel would be capable of making these kinds of
(c) sort of person whom I feel would be capable of making this kinds of
(d) sort of person whom I feel would be capable of making these kinds of
8. Beside me, there were many persons who were altogether aggravated by his manners.
(a) Beside me, there were many persons who were all together aggravated
(b) Besides me, there were many persons who were all together aggravated
(c) Besides me, there were many persons who were all together irritated
(d) Beside me, there were many persons who were all together irritated
9. The shopowner, who was a kind man, spoke to the boy and he was very rude.
(a) was a kind man and he spoke to the boy and he
(b) spoke to the boy kindly and the boy
(c) , a kind man, spoke to the boy who
(d.) who was a kind man spoke to the boy and he
10. Because all of us cooperated together, we divided up the work on the report which has been assigned
(a) together, we divided the work on the report which has been assigned
(b) , we divided the work on the report which had been assigned
(c) , we divided the work on the assigned report
(d) we divided up the work on the assigned report

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPEED TEST 04 10 QUESTIONS 10 MINUTES
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------In each questions below, either part or all of the sentence is underlined. The sentence is followed by
four ways of writing the underlined part. If you think one of the answer choices is the best, select
that choice.
This section tests the ability to recognize correct and effective expression. Follow the requirements
of Standard Written English: grammar, choice of words, and sentence construction. Choose the
answer which result in the clearest, most exact sentence, but does not change the meaning of the
original sentence.
1. The MP rose up to say that, in his opinion, he thought the bill should be referred back to committee.
(a) rose up to say that he thought the bill should be referred back.
(b) rose up to say that he thought the bill should be referred.
(c) rose up to say that, in his opinion, the bill should be referred.
(d) rose to say that he thought the bill should be referred back.
2. If he was to decide to go to college, I, for one, would recommend that he plan to go to IIT, Chennai.
(a) If he were to decide to go to college,
(b) Had he decided to go to college,
(c) In the event that he decides to go to college
(d) Supposing he was to decide to go to college
3. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present to the birthday party.
(a) With exception of you and I, everyone brought
(b) Except for you and I, everyone had brought
(3) Except for you and me, everyone brought
(d) Except for you and me, everyone had brought
4. When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, you find a striking contrast between the
philosophy of the Cavalier poets such as Suckling and the attitude of the Metaphysical poets such as
(a)When you reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, one finds
(b) When one reads the poetry of the seventeenth century, he finds
(c) If one reads the poetry of the 17th century, you finds
(d) As you read the poetry of the 17th century, one finds
5. I dont know as I concur with your decision to try and run for the public office.
(a) That I concur in your decision to try to
(b) as concur in your decision to try and
(c) That I concur with your decision to try to
(d) as I concur with your decision to try to

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)

Sentence Error Correction Exercise/01

6. Ramu, the president of the union and who is also a member of the community group, will be in charge
of all the negotiations.
(a) Since he is a member of the community group
(b) a member of the community group
(c) also being a member of the community group
(d) , in addition, who is a member of the community group
7. The coach told the student, to hold the club lightly, keeping his eye on the ball and drawing the club
back quickly, but too much force should not be used on the downward stroke.
(a) to hold the club lightly, keep his eye on the ball, and drawing the club back quickly, and too force
should not be used
(b) to hold the club lightly, keep his eye on the ball, draw the club back quickly, and not to use too force
(c) to hold the club lightly, keep his eye on the ball, and drawing the club back quickly, and too much
force should not be used
(d) he should hold the club lightly, keeping his eye on the ball, drawing the club back quickly, and not
using too much force.
8. The horse, ridden by the experienced jockey with the broken leg, had to be killed
(a) horse ridden by the experienced jockey with the broken leg, had
(b) horse, with the broken leg, ridden by the experienced, jockey had
(c) horse, with the broken leg, ridden by the experienced jockey had
(d) horse, with the broken leg, ridden by the experienced, jockey, had
9. The reason that the number of the accidents this year is greater than that of last year is because Indians
are uninterested in safety techniques.
(a) is greater than last year because
(b) is greater than last year is that
(c) is greater than that of year is that
(d) is greater than the number of accidents last year is because
10. I was asked not only to contribute to the cause by giving money, but also by participating in its
(a) Not only was I asked to contribute to the cause by giving money, but also by participating
(b) Not only was I asked to contribute to the cause by giving money, but also to participate
(c) I was asked not only to contribute to the cause by giving money, but also to participate
(d) I was asked not only by giving money to contribute to the cause, but also to participate

Questions edited by: Abhranil Das. (; PH: 9832376051)


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