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Assignment Cover Sheet

Course/Unit Information


Pearson BTEC Level 7 Extended Diploma in

Strategic Management & Leadership

Unit No.


Unit Name

Strategic Marketing Management

Unit code




Instructor Information

Surya Praveen


+971 552165511


Assignment Information
Full/ Part

Full Assignment

Date Assignment


Date Assignment


Turnitin Details

Class ID: 12426616 PWD: 0416

Student Information
(To be filled by the student prior submitting the assignment)
Date of Submission

Student Declaration

I, _________________ (Name) hereby confirm that this assignment is my

own work and not copied or plagiarized. It has not previously been
submitted as part of any assessment for this qualification. All the









assignment, have been referenced as per Harvard Referencing format.

I further confirm that I have read and understood the Westford School
of Management rules and regulations about plagiarism and copying
and agree to be bound by them.

Students Signature
Student Name

: _____________________
: _____________________
: _____________________

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Feedback

Name of the

Surya Praveen


Assessment Criteria (AC)

LO 1

1.1 - discuss the role of strategic marketing in an

Understand the
principles of strategic
1.2 - explain the processes involved in strategic marketing
marketing management
1.3 evaluate the links between strategic marketing and
corporate strategy
LO 2
Understand the tools
used to develop
a strategic marketing
LO 3

2.1 - assess the value of models used in strategic

marketing planning
2.2 - discuss the links between strategic positioning and
marketing tactics
2.3 - analyse the merits of relationship marketing in a
given strategic marketing strategy
3.1 - use appropriate marketing techniques to ascertain
growth opportunities in a market

Be able to use strategic


LO 4
Be able to respond to
changes in the

3.2 - plan how to use marketing strategy options in a

3.3 - create appropriate strategic marketing objectives for
a market
4.1 - report on the impact of changes in the external
environment on a marketing strategy


marketing environment

Over All Result/Grade

4.2 - conduct an internal analysis to identify current

strengths and weaknesses in a marketing strategy
4.3 - propose strategic marketing responses to key
emerging themes in a marketing strategy



Summative Feedback:
Overall Feedback on
current work with
emphasis on how the
student can further
improve in future.

General Guidelines
(Please read the instructions carefully)
1. Complete the title page with all necessary student details and ensure that the signature
of the student is marked in the declaration form.
2. All assignments must be submitted as an electronic document in MS Word to the
LMS (Use 12 Times New Roman script).
3. Assignment that is not submitted to the LMS by the prescribed deadline will be
accepted ONLY under the REDO and RESIT submission policy of Westford.
4. You will PASS the full assignment task only if you achieve AC Met in each of the
Assessment Criteria.
5. The results are declared only if the student has met the mandatory attendance
requirement of 75% and/or a minimum of 50% under extenuating circumstances
approved and ratified by the Academic Director. The student has to repeat the module
(with additional fees applicable) if the attendance is below 50%.
6. The assignment should not contain any contents including references cited from
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7. Students can refer Wikipedia as a source of information, but the references cited
in Wikipedia has to be mentioned.

8. Submit the assignment in a MS Word document with the file name being:
First Name Last Name_ abbreviation of the subject.
Example: John Smith_SMM.
Quick reference Checklist for the Faculty/Instructor to accept/reject the assignment
before evaluation:

Adherence to the deadline of submission date.

Original cover sheet and format retained.
Student information and signature intact.
Font style and size used as instructed.
Harvard Referencing System and Citations are strictly followed.

Task 1 (LO1: ACs 1.1, 1.2, 1.3), (LO2: ACs 2.1, 2.2, 2.3), (LO3: ACs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3) &
(LO4: ACs 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)
Assignment title

Developing and Managing a Strategic Marketing Plan

Scope (LOs and ACs) of this assignment:

Learning Outcome 1: Understand the principles of strategic marketing management
AC 1.1: Discuss the role of strategic marketing in an organization.
AC 1.2: Explain the processes involved in strategic marketing.
AC 1.3: Evaluate the links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy.
Learning Outcome 2: Understand the tools used to develop a strategic marketing strategy
AC 2.1: Assess the value of models used in strategic marketing planning.
AC 2.2: Discuss the links between strategic positioning and marketing
AC 2.3: Analyze the merits of relationship marketing in a given strategic marketing strategy.
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to use strategic marketing techniques
AC 3.1: Use appropriate marketing techniques to ascertain growth opportunities in a market

AC 3.2: Plan how to use marketing strategy options in a market

AC 3.3: Create appropriate strategic marketing objectives for a market.

Learning Outcome 4: Be able to respond to changes in the marketing environment

AC 4.1: Report on the impact of changes in the external environment on a marketing strategy
AC 4.2: Conduct an internal analysis to identify current strengths and weaknesses in a marketing
AC 4.3 Propose strategic marketing responses to key emerging themes in a marketing strategy

Assignment Task :
Read the following Scenario, and prepare a report with the guidelines provided.
Scenario: Choose an organization (either the one you are working with or any other organization
of your choice) and assume that you are the marketing manager of the chosen organization. You
have been asked to write a report, to be presented to the board of directors, on how a strategic
marketing plan should be developed and managed in the organisation.

Note: Choose a specific product / service for your chosen organization. If your chosen organization
has (n) products or services, it is enough you prepare the report based on a specific product / service
among them of your choice.
The report should include the following:
1. Executive Summary
2. Introduction of the Chosen Organization
3. Discuss the role of strategic marketing, the marketing process involved and evaluates how
the marketing strategies can be linked to the corporate strategy of the chosen
organization. (AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3)
4. Assess the value of and discuss at least two models/techniques that contributes to
strategic marketing planning. The report should include at least one model among
(Porters Model, SWOT Analysis, PEST or STEEPLE) and at least one technique among
(BCG Matrix, Ansoff Matrix and Product Life Cycle Model). (AC 2.1)
5. Discuss the STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) options and explain how they
can be linked to the proposed marketing tactics. Discuss the link between marketing
tactics and strategic positioning. (AC 2.2)
6. For the proposed strategic marketing strategy, analyse the benefits of relationship
marketing. (AC 2.3)
7. Research and ascertain growth opportunities for the organization in a specific market. (AC
8. Plan how to use Marketing Strategy Options for the specific market chosen. (AC 3.2)
9. Create appropriate Strategic Marketing Objectives for the specific chosen market. (AC

10. Discuss on impact of changes in external environment and conduct an internal analysis
and analyze the respective impact on the marketing strategies identified earlier for the
specific chosen market. (AC 4.1, 4.2)
11. Identify key local, national and global emerging marketing themes and propose marketing
responses for these themes. (AC 4.3)
12. Conclusions and recommendations.
13. References (Adhering to Harvard Referencing Format)
The report shall not exceed 10,000 words and should include relevant examples and

Recommended guidelines for learners and assessors:

The report should address the essence of the ACs within the guidelines provided below:
For AC1.1, learners need to show that they understand the difference between strategic and
tactical marketing. They need to use established models and definitions to develop their
For AC1.2, learners will be expected to understand and explain the processes involved in
strategic marketing. This will involve looking at a range of processes and learners may wish
to draw on their own experiences in the workplace to amplify their points.
For AC1.3, learners are expected to understand that the process of strategic marketing does not
take place in a vacuum. They will need to show that they can evaluate the links between
strategic marketing and corporate strategy and provide examples of those links.
For AC2.1, learners need to research the models used in strategic planning. They will need to
make judgments and assess the value of the models for strategic marketing planning.
For AC2.2, learners need to understand that when strategic plans are put into operation, dayto-day tactical decisions have to be made. In their discussion, they need to provide examples of
how tactics are related to strategic positioning decisions.
For AC2.3, learners need to show that they understand the nature of relationship marketing.
They need to discuss the place of relationship marketing in a strategic marketing plan and then
analyse the merits of using this marketing technique.
For AC3.1, learners need to use a selected organization to research and ascertain growth
opportunities in a specific market. Evidence needs to be more than
anecdotal and include real-time data to support the research, for example statistical data, current
economic data, data from the organization and data on markets.
For AC3.2, learners need to show that they understand the importance of marketing strategy
options. They need to plan appropriate options and apply them to the organizational context
they are using.

For AC3.3, learners need to pull all the strands of their learning together successfully to create
appropriate strategic marketing objectives for their selected market. The objectives should
follow logically from the research undertaken on the organization and the selected market.
For AC4.1, learners need to research the current external environment. They need to report on
the extent to which identified changes will impact on the marketing strategy for their selected
For AC4.2, learners need to look closely at their selected organization. They need to conduct an
internal analysis to identify current strengths and weaknesses in their marketing strategy as
applied to their selected organization.
For AC4.3, learners need to identify key emerging themes affecting their selected organization.
These could be local, national or global. They will need to apply their understanding and
propose strategic marketing responses to these emerging themes.

Developing and Managing a Strategic Marketing Plan

Executive Summary
This report analyzes the meaning, role and approaches of strategic marketing management, linking it to
corporate strategy and global business environment. It also puts some light on the processes involved in
strategic marketing and evaluates how marketing strategies can be used to achieve strategic goals of an
organization. It shows the difference between strategic and tactical marketing. It also describes the
established models and definitions to understand the principles of strategic marketing. It also discusses
the links between marketing tactics and strategic positioning of a product or services. It proposes
strategic marketing strategies for the organization and analyses the benefits of relationship marketing. It
explores the growth opportunities and threats for the chosen organisation i.e. Huawei, in a specific
market i.e. Mobile handset and telecommunications. It creates a plan for Huawei to use its marketing
strategy options in Mobile handset and telecommunications market. It discusses the impact of change in
external environment and conduct an internal analysis to analyze the impact of marketing strategies on
the organization. It also analyzes the extent to which the identified changes will impact the marketing
strategy of Huawei. It identifies the key local, national and global marketing themes and also proposes
responses for these themes. It creates an overall strategic marketing plan for Huawei so that it can
penetrate more into mobile telecommunications market and become the one of the top mobile handset
sellers in UAE as well as in the world. Huawei is worlds largest telecom equipment maker and Chinas
largest telephone-network equipment maker. As of now, Huawei is World's 3rd Largest Mobile
Phone Vendor and this report analyzes its marketing strategies to become largest mobile phone vendor in
the world.
The principles of strategic marketing management
Marketing traditionally has been defined as informing people about the benefits of a product or service
and then persuading them to pay for it. However, over the years, the process of marketing has become
extensive with increased emphasis on developing relations with clients, building a strong brand image,
and customer orientation. Strategic marketing is used by organizations to create a plan for identifying,
approaching and satisfying customers and its needs in order to increase companys performance,
profitability and productivity. The principles of Strategic marketing deals with the 'big picture'
marketing planning. It analyses how a company can best satisfy its customers and make a profit at it.

Strategic marketing planning is directed from the top of the company and is extremely important in any
for-profit organization. Several key principles govern strategic marketing. Organization generally create
well written strategic marketing plans which directs what types of marketing tools and tactics it will use
to in a given future timeframe and how these plans will be executed. By streamlining the processes by
which a company will engage its customers and use various tools and methods of marketing and sales,
an organization can grow rapidly and increase its market dominance. Strategic marketing also helps an
organization in being more creative, innovative and increase its penetration in the market. However the
fundamental goal of strategic marketing is to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive
advantage in the market. Marketing in general is more related to functional strategies of the
organization. But Strategic marketing management takes into account both, the business strategy as well
as the functional strategy of the organization. Strategic marketing is the way the company effectively
stands out from its competitors by capitalizing on its current and potential strengths to provide
consistently better value than its competitors. In principle it means a lot more than getting creative with
marketing mix.

The role of strategic marketing in an organization.

Marketing strategy aims to promote your company and all the services your company offers to your
customers, brings customers to your company and makes your company stand out amongst various
competitors in the market. A strong marketing strategy brings abundant amount of customers and

revenue consistently. Marketing planning involves two types of planning namely, strategic marketing
planning and tactical marketing planning. Strategic marketing plan is created first during creation of a
marketing plan. It majorly deals with path of your business development in relation to your competitors
and the product image essential to advance your market position. After this comes tactical marketing
planning which consists of the actual actions that need to be taken to create an impact in minds of
customer, improve your competitive market position and convey the offerings of your brand. Tactical
marketing planning details the activities for creating a brand image using price to establish you as high
end or affordable. Strategic marketing goal consists of selling the product in such a way so that you can
achieve a business goal which may include increasing sales, revenue, market share, segmenting the
market, creating a new brand or position. Now tactical marketing planning will create plans to
implements above strategies by increasing advertisements, identifying the increase of sales of in a
particular segment of customer like children, women, men, senior citizens, etc. , increase in sponsoring
events like sports, business conventions, festivals, etc. Tactical marketing planning supports strategic
marketing planning by implementing it. Tactical planning involves creation of detailed profile of
customers by learning their age, gender, marital status, geographic location, parental status, educational
background and other information about their current customers as well as potential customers that you
want to attract. Knowing your target customers well helps you to choose the correct marketing channels
like media, advertisements, SMS, SEO, promotions to reach out to your customers. It is very critical to
create an effective tactic for implementation of strategic plans. It involves selection of correct
advertising media, public relations, distribution channels, cause and sports marketing. It our marketing
strategy to increase revenue is to position and price your product as upscale, and then if you sell your
product in discounted sales then your tactic may not be very effective. If your strategies are to target
single women then advertising on matrimonial sites, sponsoring ladies marathons and beauty pageant
contents would be preferable effective tactics. Armed with a thorough understanding of the companys
capabilities and aspirations, the customer market and the competitive landscape, the Goal of Strategic
marketing is to maximize a companys positive differentiation over competitors in the eyes of its target
market. It is concerned with defining what the business needs to become to consistently beat the
competitors by consistently delivering greater value to its customers. Strategic marketing plays a major
role in forming the base of a companys competitive advantage and deciding how is it going to compete
in market in order to stay ahead of its competitors. Strategic marketing also decides which markets the
company is going to target and where these markets will be. It will also decide when and how the
company will enter each market. As Huawei is striving hard to penetrate more and increase their market
share in the mobile phones market, they are turning to their marketing team to create a strategic
marketing plan to accelerate and guide their path. This Strategic Marketing plan is expected to provide a
competitive advantage in shaping not only the brand and corporate positioning but also in driving
corporate strategy and setting the agenda for innovation and growth. Strategic marketing plan describes
the market tactics that may affect the functioning of Huawei in the extremely competitive market of
mobile phones. It will help Huawei employees to focus on the market and products and feel more
responsible to execute the marketing philosophy throughout. It will also help gather and analyze the
information required to examine current market situation, identify new trends in mobile phone market
and assess impact of these trends. It will also play a key role in strategic decision making. The trend is
pushing towards the strategic marketing and its planning responsibility further down the organisation,
which is increasing the clout in the organizations strategic planning process.
The processes involved in strategic marketing

Marketing Strategy is a complete process involving a series of processes. The five steps involved in
strategic marketing are: creating a mission statement and a linked vision of the marketing team; situation
analysis; setting goals and short term objectives of marketing; developing a marketing strategy; and
planning for evaluation. In Huawei, marketing team studies the current and future market trends to keep
the company aware of its competitors and customers providing advisory services including initiating,
planning, executing, monitoring, controlling and closing of complex marketing projects with broad
scope, impact and long term implementation time frames. They also collect, analyze and shares market
information for strategic decision making and develops effective strategies for solving various business
problems. They identify, utilize and manage various latest research tools and maintain strong
relationship with various research firms.

The first step in creation of marketing strategy is identifying a mission and a linked vision of the
marketing team. When we are creating a strategic marketing plan for an organization, it is most
important to keep the vision and mission at the top of your mind. The mission statement of the
company is going to direct the processes followed in creation of strategic marketing plan. This statement
highlights the unique benefits of that you pursue to provide to customers through our products and
services. This plan describes the current market situation and long term prediction about evolution of the
market with tactics to deal with situations in market such as low cost raw materials for new entrants in
the market. The company should thoroughly survey the industry situation, define specific objective and
develop, implement a plan to guarantee that they can provide services to the customers for the products

they need with high efficiency and satisfaction so that company can dominate the market and become
leaders in their market.
It is also very important to conduct a situational analysis in the SWOT analysis of a company to identify
its potential strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. It allows the marketing team to formulate a
strategy by analyzing the accessible resources and utilizing to its maximum power. Strengths and
weaknesses help in identifying the internal environment while the opportunities and threats help in
identifying the external environment of the company. Quick adaptability to new technology is identified
as one of the key strengths of Huawei while weak communication and marketing strategies is a
weakness. Opportunities include advent of newer innovative technologies with advent of smart phones
in the market and the threats are the increasing number of mobile phone manufacturers in the mobile
telecommunication world.
The next step is creation and establishment of clearly defined, assessable and achievable marketing
objectives. These objectives should be quantifiable and measured to be attained in a fixed interval of
time. It is recommended to establish short term achievable goals by dividing and forwarding towards the
long term vision of the company. This is followed by marketing strategy development of the
organization. The focus should be on correct marketing mix of price, promotions, features, and
distribution to targeted customers. The marketing strategy should be creative and innovative keeping
adequate margins for unforeseen circumstances and anticipating unexpected market situations.
The last step in the strategic marketing process is its evaluation regarding entrance into market, when
and where to market the product and how and by whom these strategies will be monitored and assessed
during various stages and at regular intervals of time.
The links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy
A companys corporate strategy includes overall scope and direction of company describing where it
wants to go and how it will reach there. It is basically created to add value to the company and tactics
employed by the company to achieve its strategic business goals. This strategy can prove to be a useful
element for analyzing critical elements of the job of top managers. Corporate strategy is concerned with
deployment of available resources in most efficient manner to achieve future objective and
establishment of a working environment in the company. (Fraser, 2016). It is generally related to long
term business goals and organizational direction evaluated from an overall perspective.
Marketing strategy is primarily related to formulation of marketing goals of an organization into a

structured, well-defined and broad plan after thorough research of the targeted market and customer
base. This strategy is based on correct mix of products and services so as to increase sales and revenue
of the organization. Ideally marketing strategy should align to corporate strategy and values of the
organization. It is more focused on development of the brand image and name so as to position the
company at right place in the market by adequate and effective promotion of its products and services
through tactics like advertisements and promotions. The primary focuses of corporate strategy are
financial and operational aspects of the organization that can increase revenue and improve profits as
well. Corporate strategy impacts overall structure of the organization including decision making
processes, merger and acquisitions, business expansions, introduction of new products and services in
the market.
Marketing and corporate strategy are essentially entangled to each in formulation of the overall strategy
of the organization which impacts every process, decision, activity and profits. Hence, effective actions
should be taken and adequate techniques should be employed to evaluate and implement marketing
strategy of the organization.
The tools used to develop a strategic marketing strategy
Strategic marketing strategy is a critical long term plan carefully prepared by the organization to analyze
various environmental elements affecting it so as to set out a methodology to take maximum advantage
of its strengths and opportunities and to deal with its weaknesses and threats. In order to prepare this
plan, thorough study has to be performed to understand the needs and expectations of customers,
competitors present in the market, position of the company in market. Various models and tools have
been used by Huawei to examine and create a strategic marketing strategy which can also be used as an
effective methodology to ensure that marketing plans is efficiently put into practice. These tools and
models are described as below.
A. Porters Five Forces: Porters five forces analysis tool outlines a way to analyze the kind of
competitive forces present in the market which helps to develop a marketing strategy to create a
course of action for increasing profitability and market share of an organization. It draws upon
industrial organization economics to derive five forces that determine the competitive intensity and
therefore attractiveness of the industry. It is quite useful to analyze the current market situation and
to identify the future course of action for an organization. It comprises of 5 major forces:

(Comindwork Weekly, 2016)

1. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers are one of the most critical players of strategy as they
can dominate through raw material supplies, component supplies, labor resource supplies and
service supplies. They can be a source of power if there are a few substitutes as well in the
market. Strategic marketing management plan must consider power of suppliers as a crucial
input to creation of marketing strategy. A change in behavior of suppliers can have a big impact
on the strategy like the number of suppliers and size of resource that they provide.
2. Bargaining power of buyers (customers): The number of buyers and capacity of buyers plays a
key role in marketing strategy. It will also impact the volume of transactions, price sensitivity
and probability of substitutes which can cause a shift in customers to competitors.
3. Intensity of competitive rivalry: Mobile phones market is already a saturated market with so
many players entering into the market. On the top of that there is stiff competition from various
companies on the features that they offer in mobile phones which further intensifies the
competition and proves to be a major factor in strategic marketing management.
4. Threat of Substitution: There are so many options available in the mobile phones market.
Customers can anytime replace your brand with a new one if they find your product or services
unsatisfactory. Strategic marketing management has to consider the presales as well post sales
customer satisfaction in order to achieve the trust of customers and be a brand of customer
choice over longer period of time.

5. Threat of New Entry: The entrant of new competitor will weaken the situation of Huawei as
already there are so many mobile phone companies the market.

SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is most widely used tool in Huawei for creation of strategic
marketing plan. SWOT is one of the useful tools that can help planning in Huawei. It is used to
identify analyze the internal and external environment and also the potential of the company. A
brainstorming session is conducted by the marketing team to gather maximum information on a
product and service and prioritize this information and decide tactic or strategy for each.

(Marc Guberti , 2014)

SWOT helps in identifying the brand position of product or service offered uniqueness of
distribution channels, distinguishable features, scope for online media as a marketing tool, demand
prediction, competition, customer preference etc. It also helps in formulating digital and internet
marketing strategies in the organization for marketing existing services and new products and

Conducting a SWOT also helps in identifying the economic conditions of the market like technology
enhancements and customer requirement and satisfaction which is crucial factor for the organization.
It also helps in identifying and utilization of social events like Christmas, New Years to develop
marketing strategies and customize it as per customer.

3. Coyne, K.P. and Sujit Balakrishnan (1996),Bringing discipline to strategy, The McKinsey
Quarterly, No.4.
4. Porter, M.E. (January 2008) The Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy, Harvard
Business Review.
5. Moore, M.; Farris, P. (2004). "Order of Market Entry.". The Profit Impact of Marketing Strategy
Project: Retrospect and Prospects: 81
6. Goi. "A Review of Marketing Mix: 4P's or More".
7. Aaker, David Strategic Market Management 2008. ISBN 978-0-470-05623-3

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