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Which of the following is the lowest level of best evidence for evidence-based practice?
A. Clinical experiences
B. Opinions of experts
C. Client values and preferences
D. Trial and error


A quantitative research approach is most appropriate for which study?

A. A study measuring the effects of sleep deprivation on wound healing
B. A study examining the bereavement process in spouses of clients with terminal cancer
C. A study exploring factors influencing weight control behavior
D. A study examining a clients feelings before and after a bone marrow aspiration

A qualitative research approach is most appropriate for which study?

A. A study measuring nutrition and weight loss or gain in clients with cancer
B. A study examining oxygen levels after endotracheal suctioning
C. A study examining client reactions to stress after open heart surgery
D. A study measuring differences in blood pressure before, during, and after a procedure


A key function of a studys methodology is to

A. Determine the hypotheses that will be tested in the study.
B. Exercise control over contaminating factors in the study environment.
C. Identify grants and other funding sources for conducting the study.
D. Protect the rights of the studys participants.


In the PICO format for phrasing research questions and identifying key terms for a literature search, what does the P stand for?
A. Patterns
B. Population
C. Probability
D. Purpose


Which of the following is a nursing responsibility when reading published nursing research?
A. Assume that the research was properly conducted since it has been published.
B. Evaluate whether the findings are applicable to the nurses specific clients.
C. Implement the research findings if at least two studies have shown the same results.
D. Request the raw data from the researchers so that the nurse can analyze the statistics again.


A research critique can best be defined as a/an

A. Appraisal of a studys strengths and weaknesses.
B. Conclusion about the utilization potential of a studys findings.
C. Criticism of a studys flaws.
D. Summary of a studys key points.

8. An 85-year-old client in a nursing home tells a nurse, Because the doctor was so insistent, I signed the papers for that research study. Also, I was afraid he would
not continue taking care of me. Which client right is being violated?
1. Right not to be harmed2. Right to full disclosure3. Right to privacy and confidentiality 4. Right to self-determination
Place each of the following steps of evidence-based practice change in their usual sequence.
1. _____ Locate the best evidence.2. _____ Ask the clinical question.3. _____ Assess the need for change.4. _____ Integrate the change with client preferences. 5.
_____ Analyze the evidence.6. _____ Implement and evaluate the change.
A nurse proposes that the hospital apply the findings from a re- cent research study that shows that clients appreciate classical orchestra music and playing it
frequently lowers clients blood pressure. Which aspect of research suggests that it may not be appropriate to implement this as evidence-based practice?
All research is flawed.
The research would not have taken into consideration the cost of acquiring and playing the music in a hospital.
One study would not be sufficient to show that all clients would find orchestral music pleasing.
Research cannot demonstrate clients appreciation of music
since research is only appropriate for physiological problems.

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