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Manifesting Mies:

A Progression Towards Nothingness

To capture nothing one must experience something.
A visitor center that emulates moves and glorifies material usage
within Ludwig Mies van der Rohes career while resting within
contemporary architecture begins the journey to the Farnsworth
House. A person always approaches the Visitor Center at an angle.
The Visitor Center is rotated forty five degrees so that the north
faade faces the north east and is placed on a 2 foot by two foot nine
inches grid. This allows for the project to be clearly seen from the
road. Rotating the plan in such a way begins to direct people
towards the site of the Farnsworth house and allows for engaging
with the landscape. Sun pathing across the Visitor Center from east
to west is captured on the southeast and southwest facades
providing deep shadows within spaces and contrasting shadow lines
on material surfaces. The project interior is situated under one
continuous plane while the floor plan steps down one foot as a
person crosses from public to private spaces and indicates a change
in elevation along the site.

Expressing entry sequence and a blending of exterior and interior

through extended horizontallity of planes.

Public sequencing of space through displacement of walls and heiarchy of

interior partions dictated by structure and material.

Floor Plan

Transverse Section N-S


Private circulation and framed exteriors utilizing material palettes

and wall organization.

Circulation to Farnsworth/Circulation from Farnsworth

Embracing horizontality to blend with nature and to deliniate Farnsworth House.

Gallery manipulating partitions and glorifing materials for

circulation and definitions of space.

Site plan
Utilizing the naturally occurring form of the river, a
path is mirrored that leads from the Visitor Center to
the Farnsworth House. Along this path is a pavilion
derived from the structural organization of the
Visitor Center, the two foot nine inches grid, and
material palette of Mies. Two roof planes are
separated by two feet and shift apart from each
other both pulling people into the space.

The project is embodied by the Visitor Center being a

whole, the pavilion embracing the primative hut and the
Farnsworth House embodying nothingness.The land
between the the path and the river is repurposed as
wetlands. Bringing in local wetland trees and plant life to
promote naturally occuring vegitation and the mitigation
of flood levels on the site while creating a habitat that
enhances the already occuring wildlife on the site.

Pavilion Floor Plan


Exterior gathering pavilion embracing nature through rough materials

and framing of different landscapes and ecosystms.

Site Plan

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