X-Bar R Chart

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Construction of X-bar and R Chart

Aim: To construct control charts X-bar and R for the given production process.
Determine the standard deviation of the process and calculate the process capability.
Comment on the process centering and the ability of the process to produce a part with the
specification xx x.xx mm (100.02 mm).
Instruments: An item produced around 500 numbers, Vernier Caliper, Random number
Theory: Refer the note on Average and Range chart.
xi = Average of subgroup i
x = Average of subgroup averages

Ri = Range of subgroup i

R = Average range
N = Number of subgroup
UCL= Upper control limit
CL = Central Line
LCL = Lower control limit

= Standard deviation of process

A2, D4, D3, d2 are constant obtained from quality control table




UCLx = x + A2 R
CLx = x
LCLx = x A2 R



Identify a sequence of random number. Random numbers show the sampling points. A
random number shows the production sequence number. Production sequence number of
the items is known and it is punched on the product. Total production quantity of the item
is 500 units.

Take a sample (subgroup) of size 4. The first item of the sample is

corresponding to a random number and then take next three consecutive items to form a
sample. Take measurement of the quality characteristics of the sampled item. The number
of samples taken is equal to the number of random numbers (The random numbers are
distributed between 0 and 500) in the selected sequence of random number. Tabulate the
measurement. Calculate the various parameters for constructing the control chart.
Observation Table

Sample No.

Random No.


Average - X ,
of 1, 2, 3 & 4

Range - R

Preparation of trial control chart:
Use first 25 subgroups for construction of trial control chart. In a graph sheet mark the
central line and upper and lower control lines for R chart. Plot the R values of 25
subgroups. If points are outside the control limits, remove the corresponding subgroups
and add as many more subgroups as removed to get 25 subgroups. Recalculate the central
line and upper and lower control lines for R chart. Plot the R values and check for points

out of control limit. Repeat the analysis until all points are within the control limit. Use
the updated subgroups used for the R chart to estimate the central line and upper and
lower control lines of x-bar chart. Plot the x-bar points and check for points outside the
control limit. If points are outside, update the subgroups and recompute the control limits
for R and x-bar charts. Once charts without points outside are obtained, these charts can
be used for continued use.
Chart for continued use
Plot the remaining points on the established control charts (prepared in the previous
stage) and check the process is in control or not during the sampling time.
Process Capability
The established control charts provide information about the performance or capability of
the process. The range in which the process can produce the product can be estimated
using the standard deviation of the process. This quantification is the process capability
which depicts the variation about a given process aim.
Process capability = 6

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